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Showing 22301–22400 of 23550 results

  • Portable Mother : Advice Encouragement And Friendly Reminders From Mom


    This is the perfect memory book of childhood, containing the collected wisdom of generations of moms. Written by a young mother who found herself repeating the words and ideas she first heard from her own mother, it is illustrated with 26 humorous cartoons.

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  • Beyond Liberalism And Fundamentalism


    SKU (ISBN): 9781563381768ISBN10: 1563381761Nancey MurphyBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 1996Rockwell LecturePublisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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  • Hebrews And James


    Hebrews and James contain useful advice for Christians struggling to live a life of faith. In this book, Frances Taylor Gench guides readers through these two relevant – and inspirational – epistles. For believers who have grown weary or disillusioned with their Christian commitment, the letter to the Hebrews offers much practical assistance. In this day of dwindling church attendance and clergy burnout, a new reading of Hebrews offers an encouraging and renewed understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ. The letter of James deals primarily with the social and practical aspects of Christianity, reminding the reader that Christian faith touches every aspect of life. One of the most useful books in the New Testament, its concerns are grounded in day-to-day questions: How do we live? How should we live? and What are the implications of Christian faith for our lives? This epistle will challenge and encourage modern readers in search of a life of integrity.

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  • Shepherd Trilogy : A Shepherd Looks At The 23rd Psalm A Shepherd Looks At T


    Trilogy Includes:
    A Shepherd Looks At The 23rd Psalm
    A Shepherd Looks At The Good Shepherd
    A Shepherd Looks At The Lamb Of God

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    The late W. Phillip Keller was born in East Africa and always loved the out-of-doors. He was trained in agronomy and subsequently spent many years on ranches in British Columbia. He lived among and observed sheep and their relationship to the shepherd. Out of this rich, practical experience, came the best-selling book from which this book was excerpted.

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  • Where The Red Fern Grows


    illy, Old Dan and Little Ann — a Boy and His Two Dogs…

    A loving threesome, they ranged the dark hills and river bottoms of Cherokee country. Old Dan had the brawn, Little Ann had the brains — and Billy had the will to train them to be the finest hunting team in the valley. Glory and victory were coming to them, but sadness waited too. And close by was the strange and wonderful power that’s only found…

    An exciting tale of love and adventure you’ll never forget.

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  • Conocimiento Del Dios Santo – (Spanish)


    In this classic testimonial the author presents God’s attributes with words that touch our hearts. This masterpiece helps readers strengthen and deepen their spiritual lives.

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  • Spellbinders Gift


    In his long and successful career as an agent to many of the most famous and dynamic motivational speakers in the world, Bart Manning had no peer. But when a series of misfortunes silenced the voices of his star clients, he happily retired. He’d had his last innings, and with his lovely wife, Mary, was enjoying his newfound freedom.

    So why, one morning, did he find himself headed back to the little office that he had never given up? He didn’t know. But as he sat at his dusty desk, he decided to go back into business. If God had sent him there, Bart told himself, he would wait for His plan to unfold.

    Then, at a crowded convention, he found his answer, in the person of a handsome young man named Patrick Donne, whose deep, commanding voice spoke words of profound wisdom that electrified the audience. With the thrill of discovery, Bart recognized Donne’s short speech as the best inspirational talk he had ever heard. Bart was soon caught up in the extraordinary realm that was Patrick’s ordinary world, where even tragedy and sorrow became transforming experiences and remarkable things happened. . . .

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  • Fundamentals Of Preaching (Reprinted)


    Completely rewritten! “Absolutely superb, it is comprehensive, balanced, and substantive and will be helpful both to neophytes and veterans who wish to increase their effectiveness,”—Theology Today. Covers visualizing the listener, brainstorming, keeping the catnapper awake, and lots more.

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  • Spirituality Of Mark


    Mitzi Minor offers a reading of the Second Gospel that emphasizes the book’s instruction for a life of faith. Mark, according to Minor, provides extensive guidance to Christians on how to live authentically – even radically – in Christ. Its messages of profound faith and boundless love are timeless. The only comprehensive examination of Markan spirituality currently available, this book is of immense value to those preaching and teaching the Gospel of Mark, as well as to all who seek to expand their life in faith.

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  • Presidents Lady : A Novel About Rachel And Andrew Jackson


    Two hundred years ago, Tennessee was the Wild West and the law was frequently determined by intimidation. Set against such a background, the story of Rachel and Andrew Jackson is one of the greatest love stories in American history.

    In 1784, seventeen-year-old Rachel Donelson fell in love with war hero Capt. Lewis Robards. Their marriage was brief, stormy, and bitter. Because there was no such thing as divorce on the Kentucky-Tennessee frontier, Rachel appeared doomed to live the rest of her days without love or husband. Then, in her mother’s house she warmed to respect and admiration of a tall, gangling, fiery boarder —- Andrew Jackson.

    Rachel and Andrew were soon deeply in love and after a difficult courtship, haunted by Captain Robards, they married under the laws of the Spanish, who governed New Orleans and Natchez. They eventually settled in Nashville, Tennessee.

    Jackson became a hero of the War of 1812 and was later elected to the U.S. presidency, but he could never conquer the unending attacks on his beloved wife. Although his political enemies used Rachel’s troubled background as a campaign issue, they could not destroy her love for Andrew nor his for her.

    Irving Stone brings to life a tender and poignant love story centered on one of the most controversial and amazing dramas that ever engulfed an American woman.

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  • Moral Vision Of The New Testament


    A leading expert in New Testament ethics discovers in the biblical witness a unified ethical vision — centered in the themes of community, cross and new creation — that has profound relevance in today’s world. Richard Hays shows how the New Testament provides moral guidance on the most troubling ethical issues of our time, including violence, divorce, homosexuality and abortion.

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  • Gods Paintbrush Teachers Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Multicultural, Nondenominational, Nonsectarian
    Includes steps for exploring the book’s theological foundations with students from kindergarten through Grade 4 and above. Lesson plans, classroom activities, and more.

    Contributors: Renee Frank Holtz, Elizabeth McMahon Jeep, Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Rabbi Jeffrey L. Schein, Alice Weinstein.
    About God’s Paintbrush
    Through fantasy, involvement and the imagination, God’s Paintbrush invites children of all faiths and backgrounds to encounter God openly through moments in their own lives-and helps the adults who love them to be a part of that interactive encounter. This book provides a gift of images that nurture and encourage children in making meaning of their world.

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  • 5 Cries Of Grief


    On August 12, 1986 twenty five year old David Strommen was struck and killed by a bolt of lightning. The tradedy sent his parent reeling with grief. Out of that grief came a journey toward healing; a journey that is chronicled in this extraordinry book. The Strommens encountered five cries of grief: The cry of pain from the awareness of their devastating loss; the cry of longing, from missing their son; the cry for supportive love, from the extreme sense of vulnerability they experienced; the cry for understanding, as they tried to attribute meaning to a meaningless loss; and the cry for significance, as they strove to see some good result from this tragedy. As they wrote accounts of their journey, they recognized that the grief of a father may differ significantly from that of a mother. Their stories, voiced in alternating chapters launch a journey that can provide strength, insight, and renewal for all who experience the heartbreak of a loved one’s death.

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  • People Of The Book A Print On Demand Title


    This astute and challenging work by David Lyle Jeffrey seeks to characterize illustratively the historic commitment of Christianity to the literacy and literature of Western culture.

    Against postmodernist tendencies to divide the historical commitment to meaning in Western art and literature as a regressive “logocentrism,” Jeffrey argues that the biblical tradition – the cultural and literary identity forged among Western Christians by virtue of being a “People of the Book” – has in fact given rise to Western literacy. Jeffrey here offers a fresh and generous look at the Christian “grand narrative” as it is reflected in Western literature, making apt use of the visual arts by incorporating a series of twenty-eight black-and-white illustrations that serves to enrich and fortify the story it tells.

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  • Foundation Of Contemporary Interpretation


    Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation seeks to identify and clarify the basic problems of interpretation that affect our reading of the Bible today. This unique volume provides a comprehensive and systematic coverage of the field of general hermeneutics. Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation examines the impact of specific academic disciplines on the interpretation of the Bible. Previously published as separate volumes, its various sections explore the interface between hermeneutics and literary criticism, linguistics, history, science, and theology. Included in Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation, each with its own separate table of contents, are: -Has the Church Misread the Bible? — Moises Silva -Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation — Tremper Longman III -God, Language, and Scripture — Moises Silva -The Art of Biblical History — V. Philips Long -Science and Hermeneutics — Vern S. Poythress -The Study of Theology — Richard A. Muller. These six sections cover the interface between hermeneutics and the major disciplines.

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  • Never Again Good Bye (Reprinted)


    16 Chapters

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    Second Chances

    How could he keep what he thought he could never lose? How could she claim what was no longer hers?

    Normally, Wes Grayson would have been attracted to the striking woman with the camera. But this woman has clearly been stalking Amy, his adoptive daughter and the center of his life. And a threat to Amy is a threat to Wes.

    Laney Fields has no intention of threatening anyone-just a longing to see the child she’d brought into the world six years ago and then been forced to release for adoption.

    But when she learns that Amy’s adoptive mother has died, Laney becomes determined to play a part in her daughter’s life.

    Between a man and woman torn by past losses, present fears, and the paradox of their growing fascination for each other, stands one small child. She could be the object of distrust that will drive them apart or the agent of faith in God that can bring them together.

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  • Holy Spirit My Senior Partner


    1. Communion With The Holy Spirit-Why?
    2. Who Is The Holy Spirit? Spirit
    4. Unbelievers And The Holy Spirit
    5. Believers And The Holy Spirit
    3. Names And Symbols Of The Holy
    6. The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
    7. Receiving The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
    8. Discerning Evil Spirits In A Person
    9. Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
    10. The Gifts Of Revelation
    11. The Vocal Gifts
    12. The Gifts Of Power
    175 Pages

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    Every morning when I awake I greet the Holy Spirit and invite Him to go with me through the day and take the lead in all my afairs, and He does. I say. “Good morning, Holy Spirit. Let’s work together today and I will be Your vessel. Every evening before retiring I say again, “It’s been a wonderful day working with You, Holy Spirit.”

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  • Right From Wrong


    336 pages in 18 chapters

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    According to Josh McDowell, our children are being raised in a society that has largely rejected the concepts of truth and morality. In Right From Wrong, McDowell offers hope and provides families and the church with a sound, thorough, biblical and workable method to clearly understand and defend the truth.

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  • Calendar


    )”Stookey’s command of the literature on sacred time and the history of the liturgical year is impressive, but his ultimate concern is clearly the praying, worshiping community gathered for proclamation and sacraments. Preachers, in particular, will find much useful material,”—Princeton Seminary Bulletin.

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  • Partners In Prayer


    Foreword By Max Lucado.
    1. Unleashing The Potential Of Prayer.
    2. Getting To Know Your Father
    3. Developing Practical Prayer Skiffs
    4. Avoiding Personal Prayer Killers
    5. Expanding Your Prayer Focus
    6. Protecting And Partnering With Your Pastors
    7. Praying Your Church To Its Potential
    8. Organizing A Prayer Partner Team:
    Afterword: Anticipating Revival

    Special Section: Releasing God’s Power Through Fasting By Bill Bright

    Appendices: How To Start A Prayer Partner Ministry In Your Home Church
    A: Planning Your Prayer Partner Retreat
    B: Preparing Prayer Partner Breakfasts
    C: Creating Prayer Partner Guides And Letters

    About The Author P. 179

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    “John, I believe God has called me–a layrnan–to disciple, encourage, and pray for pastors. And the reason I came here today is so that I could pray for you.”

    With those words, respected leader, speaker, and author John Maxwell saw his agenda replaced by God’s agenda. The stranger who felt God’s calling to pray for this pastor fulfilled a need in Maxwell that he didn’t even know he had–and fourteen years later, the results are evident at the 3,500 member Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, California.

    Partners in Prayer, the first book in the John Maxwell Church Resources series, shows church leaders and lay people how to unleash the potential of prayer on behalf of themselves, one another, and the church. If your church–or private devotional life–is starving in the area of prayer and you want to tap into the power and protection prayer provides, Maxwell gives practical insight into

    –the fundamentals of prayer
    –improving personal prayer life
    –praying for others, including church leaders
    –building a prayer partners ministry in the local church
    –encouraging prayer revival nationwide
    * Are you missing out on God’s gift and blessing of prayer? Is there someone you know who would benefit from your committed prayers on their behalf. Despite God’s promise of the power of prayer to change our world, many of us never experience it. John Maxwell shows you how to strengthen your prayer life and reap the benefits awaiting those who become Partners in Prayer.

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  • Driven By Hope


    In this book, James Dittes invites men to embrace and celebrate their spiritual – and decidedly masculine – way in the world.

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  • Book Of Common Worship


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664243326ISBN10: 0664243320Binding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1996Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Fire Of Delayed Answers


    This book helps clarify why the answers to our prayers may be delayed and gives practical advice for walking in faith and hope until God’s release comes. If we are to mature into greater dimensions of kingdom fruitfulness, then we must commit ourselves to understanding how God uses delay to refine His chosen ones.

    Intensely passionate and practical, this book is written from the crucible of the author’s own personal crisis of delayed answers. This is not a book of platitudes but of powerful insights that have come through the fire. May your heart be enlarged and your faith expanded as you consider the great blessings extended to those who wait in God alone.

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  • New Altar Guild Book


    Offers a lively blend of liturgical history, sacramental theology, and practical hints to help parish altar guilds carry out their ministry.

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  • Letters To Children


    During his life, C.S. Lewis, author of the bestselling Narnia books, received hundreds of letters from young fans. Here are his responses to many of those letters, in which he shares his feelings about writing, school, Narnia, and animals. Lewis writes to the children with understanding and respect, proving why he remains one of the best-loved children’s authors of all time.

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  • Handbook For Counseling Youth


    50 Chapters

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    A Comprehensive, Up-to-Date Resource for the 50 Major Issues Facing Today’s Youth

    In the work of a lifetime, Josh McDowell and his collaborator Bob Hostetler have developed this easy-to-use handbook to help parents, teachers, pastors and youth workers guide today’s young people through the minefields on the path to adulthood. Drawn from over 6,000 pages of research, this book will equip you to help youth cope with the major issues they face, from simple challenges of growing up to the major traumas of extreme crisis.

    The book is designed for easy use. Each issue is organized to lead you through the helping process in five easy steps for effective analysis and results:

    1. identify the problem, 2. discover its causes, 3. determine its effects, 4. view it from a biblical perspective, and 5. prescribe the right response.

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  • Introduction To The Talmud And Midrash


    Strack’s classic introduction to Rabbinic literature has now been fully revised and updated by Gunter Stemberger, an established expert on Rabbinic history and literature. This work, the only comprehensive one-volume introduction to the subject, will be invaluable as textbook and reference guide for students and scholars of Jewish history and literature alike. H L Strack (1848-1922) was Profesor of Old Testament at the University of Berlin. He founded the Institutum Judaicum in Berlin. Every canonical text is represented, includes indices and appendices.

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  • Essential CS Lewis



    535 Pages/9 Parts

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    The most representative and complete anthology of one of this century’s most renowned theologians, novelists, and literary critics

    In this wide-ranging and authoritative collection of C. S. Lewis’s writings, Lyle W. Dorsett brings together the many and varied facets of the beloved author’s corpus. Selecting works of fiction, science fiction, autobiography, theology, poetry, and literary criticism, as well as Lewis’s letters to adults and children, Dorsett shows the erudite author at his most innovative, challenging, witty, and sympathetic.

    Among the pieces included are Lewis’s famous sermons, selections from The Screwtape Letters and Letters to Children, and the complete texts of three of Lewis’s books: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the first of The Chronicles of Narnia; Perelandra, the critically acclaimed second installment of Lewis’s
    Space Trilogy; and The Abolition of Man, Lewis’s brief treatise on philosophy and education.

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  • Ezekiel


    The book of Ezekiel was written during a tumultuous time in Israel’s history. It begins with Ezekiel’s warning of Jerusalem’s fall and his at the time unbelievable prediction of the destruction of the temple. Ezekiel also covers the period up through the Babylonian exile. Although much in the book of Ezekiel focuses on the consequences of Israel’s rebellion against God that led to the destruction of Jerusalem, even more deals with the hope of Israel’s rebirth with divine assistance. In this book, Old Testament scholar Ronald Clements explains the world and worldview of Ezekiel. What emerges is a vision of hope and rebirth for all who seek God’s love and guidance.

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  • Creative Bible Lessons In Romans


    Think of it as a lean, mean Bible doctrine course–without the lecture. But with lots of options, videos, music, and drama. And small group work. And reproducible, interactive worksheets with eye-catching designs and soul-searching content. (Like, what else do you expect from St. Paul when he sits down to write the meatiest book of doctrine in the Bible?) in the 12 clear, complete sessions of Creative Bible Lessons in Romans. Author Chap Clark guides kids (and you) through the Big Ideas in this first-century letter to Christians trying their darndest to live godly lives in an ungodly culture. (Sound familiar?) From the not-so-savory picture the apostle paints of humankind in the opening chapters. . .through his celebration of grace and acceptance in midbook. . .to his tightly reasoned argument that love should fuel a Christian’s decisions and relationships–here are topics made to order for teenagers living at the turn of the 21st century. Teach your way through Romans with these read-to-go sessions. Or scavenge whatever you want of the creative scripts, handouts, and other options to customize lessons of your own. Any way you use it, Creative Bible Lessons in Romans is your no-doze ticket to solid Bible doctrine.

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  • Numbers : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    Numbers recounts the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness until the people of Israel reached the promised land. Many of these stories (e.g., the murmuring of Aaron and Miriam, the manna from heaven, Moses’ striking of the rock to obtain water, and Balaam’s ass) are rich material for preaching and teaching.

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  • Through The Eyes Of Women


    This insightful sourcebook covers a range of pastoral care topics including the role of women in pastoral theology and pastoral care, care of African American women and women entering ministry, as well as issues from a range of women’s experiences such as anger, aggression, loss of mothers, eating disorders, hysterectomy, mastectomy, rape, and older women’s issues. Transformative essays on women’s spiritual care, community, self-sacrifice, and self-denial conclude this collaborative work.

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  • God Of Israel And Christian Theology


    With acknowledgement that Christian theology contributed to the persecution and genocide of Jews comes a delemma: how to excise the cancer withour killing the patient? Kendall Soulen shows how important Christian assertions-the uniqueness of Jesus, the Christian covenant, the finality of salvation in Chirst-have been formulated in destructive, supersessionist ways not only in the classical period (Justin Martyr, Irenaeus) and early moderniity (Kant and Schleiermacher) but even comtemporary theology (Barth and Rahner). Along with this first full-scale critque of Christian supersessionism, Soulen’s own constructive proposal regrasps the narrative unity of Christian identity and the canon through an original and important insight into the divine-human covenant, the election of Israel, and the meaning of history.

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  • Cross And The Resurrection (Student/Study Guide)


    NavPress Print On Demand Title

    As Christians, we’re followers of Jesus Christ. But how much do we really know about our leader? The LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST series recounts the life of Christ, who He is, what He taught, things He did. It pulls together accounts from all four Gospels, in chronological order, of His life and ministry on earth. If you want to know Christ more fully, this series will give you a unique look at some of the most important teachings and events in the life of Christ. As you examine the life of Jesus, you’ll be challenged and encouraged to follow Him more closely.

    THE FINAL HOUR HAD COME. InThe Cross and the Resurrection you will witness the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. Observe Jesus, unyielding in His pursuit of God’s will, in agony as He considers the death He must face. But you’ll also see the glorious resurrection of Jesus and experience His commissioning of His followers to take His gospel to the ends of the earth.

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  • Led By Love


    Extensive resources for worship offer calls to confession, assurances of forgiveness, offertory invitations, offertory prayers, and more.

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  • Signs And Shadows Reading John 5-12


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800629366ISBN10: 0800629361Francis MoloneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1996Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Mark


    Mark, though often eclipsed by the other synoptic gospels, is considered by many scholars to be the earliest written gospel and thus closest to the historical Jesus. In his book, Douglas Hare examines Mark for modern Christians in search of the Jesus as portrayed in these earliest known writings. What emerges is a Jesus whose moral and religious teachings are of secondary importance to that of his life, death, and resurrection. Jesus as depicted in Mark serves as the window through which we may see God. God’s love for humankind, Hare contends, is made visible through Mark’s Jesus.

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  • Pledge


    29 Chapters

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    For the sake of peace in the family, Jo-Beth kept her feelings to herself. But she and Wes were pledged to each other, and nothing could change that. Not even war.

    With the death of her father, Jo-Beth, her brother, and their mother, Johanna, move in with relatives in town. There, Johanna makes a living sewing her exquisite quilts-and Jo-Beth discovers a special friend. Kind, thoughtful, and deep, Wesley Rutherford draws Jo-Beth like a magnet … and their attachment to one another becomes strong. Strong enough to endure separation while Wes studies in Philadelphia. Strong enough to make their future together seem certain … until the Civil War forces a decision that places Wes at odds with friends and family.

    Can their love survive a war that will rend a nation in two? Like the pieces of silk, velvet, and ribbon in one of her mother’s quilts, the patchwork events of Jo-Beth’s life will be knit together by God into a pattern of their own-one of sorrow, joy, and grace….

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  • Popular Survey Of The Old Testament (Reprinted)


    39 Chapters

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    Well illustrated with photos, charts, and maps, and written in an easy, informal style, this survey will be enjoyed by all Christians who want to enrich their understanding of Old Testament people and events. Along with the cultural and historical background of each Old Testament book, the themes of the various groups of Old Testament books are discussed.

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  • Journeying Into God


    Meet seven ancient pilgrims who followed Christ into the wilderness—of land and heart. Translating the writings of early monks such as Antony, Abba Pambo, and Syncletica of Palestine, Vivian supplies helpful historical and theological background to guide you through the strange and distant world of the desert ascetic.

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  • My Life As A Toasted Time Traveler


    1. Just For Starters
    2. The Plot Sickens
    3. Guest Appearances
    4. Pick A Wally, Any Wally
    5. Decisions, Decisions
    6. Grand Central
    7. All Dressed Up And Everywhere To Go
    8. A Not-So-Bright Future
    9. The Final Chew Down
    10. Wrapping Up
    101 Pages

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    What could be more hilarious than one Wally McDoogle?
    How about two?
    Or six?
    Or a dozen!?

    Wally travels back from the future to warn himself of an upcoming accident. But it takes more than one visit to get the message across. Before he knows it, there are more Wallys running around than even Wally can handle.

    Catastrophes reach an all-time high as Wally tries to outthink God and rewrite history.

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  • Hispanic Latino Theology


    U.S. Hispanic/Latino voices have emerged in the last ten years to become one of the most creative theological movements in the Americas. Fully ecumenical and oganized in systematic, collaborative framework, this major volume features Hispanic theology’s sources (the Bible, church history, cultural memory, literature, oral tradition, penecostalism), loci (urban barrios, Puerto Rico, exile, liberation, social sciences, Latina feminists), and vigorous expressions (mujerista theology, popular religion and theopoetics).

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  • Deliver Us From Evil


    Comprehend and confront the devastation of societal evil. From a slave woman in 19th-century America to a female patient of Freud, Poling explores the history of resistance to racial and gender oppression. Identifying Jesus as a model for the marginalized, he calls for prophetic acts of solidarity toward healing and justice.

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  • History Literature And Society In The Book Of Acts


    These essays use an interdisciplinary approach for recent Book of Acts scholarship. Insights from the social sciences, narratological studies, Greek and Roman rhetoric and history, and classics, set Acts in its original historical, literary and social context. These methods of interpretation have only recently been applied to Acts in a systematic way. This is a valuable overview of some of the chief preoccupations of current biblical studies from leading scholars in Old and New Testament studies and the history of antiquity.

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  • Little Maid Of Maryland


    Set in Maryland during 1774, the time of the Colonies’ resistance to taxation.

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  • Laymans Guide To The Apostles Creed


    Next to Scripture, the statement of faith most often used to communicate the essence of Christianity is the Apostles’ Creed. Paper.

    88 pages.

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  • Seeker And Servant


    This collection of original essays expands on visionary Robert K. Greenleaf’s servant-leadership theme. It offers thought-provoking ideas on how religious institutions and individuals can serve in a more caring way by applying the ideas and ideals of Greenleaf’s servant-leadership vision.

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  • 7 Deadly Lawsuits


    During the last two decades, American law has undergone some startling developments that will affect all church leaders and religious organizations, regardless of denomination. Reacting to events allegedly occurring in the church counseling office or board room, the American public is suing its religious leaders and organizations at an unprecedented rate.

    7 Deadly Lawsuits is about preventing lawsuits against clergy, religious professionals, churches, and religious organizations. The book, however, is not about “how to fight back.” Thomas Taylor leaves this to the lawyers, once the alleged damage is done. Instead, this book is about how clergy, religious professionals, and religious organizations can be educated about the kinds of lawsuits that are typically levied against them. Taylor then shows how to avoid such costly legal involvement. The final chapter discusses “responding to lawsuits.”

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  • As We Gather To Pray


    SKU (ISBN): 9780898692228ISBN10: 0898692229Editor: Marilyn Haskel | Editor: Clayton MorrisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1996Publisher: Church Publishing Inc. Print On Demand Product

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  • Sitting Bull : Dakota Boy


    Sitting Bull was admired by friends and enemies alike for his courage, strength, intelligence, and humanity. A great Sioux chief, he fought to preserve his people’s homeland and way of life from the encroachment of the white man.

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  • Alabadle : Hispanic Christian Worship


    By looking at the wide variety of Hispanic Christian worship that exists within the Hispanic community, Alabadle! highlights the cultural, generational, and denominational elements that comprise the spectrum of Hispanic worship.

    Justo L. Gonzalez and seven other contributors provide an insightful look into the variety of worship styles that exist among numerous church traditions including Assemblies of God, United Methodist, Catholic, American Baptist, Presbyterian, and Disciples of Christ. And yet, in the midst of this variety, is a common thread of excitement – about worship and about the gospel!

    Anyone interested in exploring worship, music, and liturgy styles from a particular Hispanic perspective will find Alabadle! a valuable learning tool.

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  • Old Scofield Study Bible Large Print Edition


    Dr. C. I. Scofield’s classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible’s usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preacher and people with vision difficulties.

    Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.

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  • Tying Rocks To Clouds


    Based on the author’s spiritual search for the fundamental meaning of life, a collection of interviews with twenty religious leaders includes the guidance of Robert Schuller, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Ram Dass, and Jack Kornfield.

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  • What If : 450 Thought Provoking Questions To Get Teenagers Talking Laughing


    How will your kids answer these provocative questions? What if. . .you could talk to you family about anything? . . .you could have one superhuman power? . . .you could grade your teacher? . . .You found out your best friend had AIDS? . . .you could exchange bodies with anyone? . . .you could ask God three questions? Their answer will spark lively discussion, debate, and real thinking. You can use the 450 stimulating questions you’ll find in What If. . .? to break the ice, get a discussion rolling, build community, get kids to wrestle with spiritual issues, or just have fun. The follow-up questions–What could you do? What would you do? What should you do?–provide an added twist to the process. And the convenient size makes it easy to stick in your pocket or the glove compartment of your car. You’ll find What If. . .? an indispensable part of your youth ministry.

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  • Help Im A Sunday School Teacher


    1. Fifty Ways To Make Sunday School Come Alive
    2. Extra Credit
    3. Resources
    138 Pages

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    Yes, Help Is On The Way! – in this fun, funny, yet extremely practical volume. Flannelgraph-tested Sunday school veteran Ray Johnson offers empathy and understanding as he serves up 50 creative thoughts, tips and ideas you can use to make your Sunday school come alive.

    As an added bonus, Ray has included resources that you can use to improve your effectiveness, including a “Pick Your Topics” survey, a learning styles inventory, an active learning planning sheet, and much more.

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  • Sense Of The Divine


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829811001ISBN10: 0829811001James GustafsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1996Publisher: Pilgrim Press/ United Church Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Counseling Adolescent Girls


    Detailed sociological, psychological, and spiritual data about the conflicts and heartaches common among today’s teenagers, including depression, eating disorders, premarital sex, and date rape, with sound advice on how concerned caregivers should respond. Especially helpful to parents, youth leaders, and pastors.

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  • Cross Cultural Counseling


    Both informative and reflective, Gary Simpson’s book traces the genesis of critical social theory in Germany’s Frankfurt School of Social Research. But he also explains the reconception of critical theory in the work of Jurgen Haberma, especially in ideas about interpretation, praxis, communicative action, and civil society. Finally, Simpson shows how Christian theology and Christian congregations can employ critical theory to retrieve their prophetic vocation in the life of our society.

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  • Scripture And Discernment


    This work is a revision and expansion of Luke Timothy Johnson’s earlier work, Decision Making in the Early Church: A Biblical Model. Here he expands his earlier thoughts on the biblical text and decision making in the church. Often, churches simply attempt to turn to the Scripture for support of their decisions. Johnson argues, however, that there are so many complex issues that are not directly addressed in the Scriptures that a closer look at how decisions were made in the early church is needed for a complete picture of the decision making process. Looking, then, at the early events of Acts, Johnson shows how discernment is critical to correctly interpret Scripture for church decisions. Luke Timothy Johnson is Robert W. Woodruff Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.

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  • Christian Confessions : A Historical Introduction


    Explains the distinctives of each major strand in Christianity—Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical—on questions of authority, God and Christ, human nature and salvation, church and ministry, the sacraments, and more.

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  • Music Of The Great Composers


    Patrick Kavanaugh shows that great music was written to be enjoyed, not merely admired. In Music of the Great Composers, he displays his gift for making the classics easy to understand and a delight to listen to. This practical book lets you select a listening program that’s based on your needs and interests. Choose from a variety of approaches to pick the one that fits you best. From chorales to concertos to solo repertoire, Music of the Great Composers lets you customize your listening to broaden your understanding and love of music. You’ll find: – Guidance for building a personal listening library – Fascinating insights into instruments, history, composers, compositions, musical terms–even simple music theory for the layperson – A lively guide to hundreds of masterworks–for hours of reading and listening enjoyment. Kavanaugh removes the intimidations from “highbrow” music, taking it out of its ivory tower so everyone can enjoy it. Written in a refreshing, popular style, Music of the Great Composers will bring an exciting new depth to your enjoyment of the classics.

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  • Old Scofield Study Bible Large Print Edition


    Dr. C. I. Scofield’s classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible’s usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preacher and people with vision difficulties.

    Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.

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  • Compact Guide To World Religions (Reprinted)


    World Religions Overview
    Judaism And The Jewish People
    New Age Movement
    Is Jesus The Only Way To God?
    How Can We Know The Bible Is The Word Of God?

    Additional Info
    A generation ago almost everyone a Christian encountered went to church-or at least knew he or she should. Today, with the world at America’s doorstep, evangelical Christians more than ever need to understand their neighbors and their changing beliefs. The Compact Guide to World Religions is a complete, easy-to-use handbook of the origins, basic beliefs, and evangelistic challenges and opportunities of the world’s major religions in clear, easy-to-use chapters and charts.

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  • Future Of Theology A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    Perhaps no other theologian of the second half of this century has shaped theology so profoundly as has Jurgen Moltmann. He appeared on the world theological scene with his Theology of Hope (1964) and took most of its capitals by storm. His subsequent works have kept him at the forefront of the modern theological enterprise, and the power of his vision and the originality of his method have inspired a host of new theologians. In terms of fecundity, Moltmann’s opus remains unmatched among his generation of theologians. More than 130 dissertations written so far on his thought – most of them in the past decade – testify eloquently to its continued attractiveness.

    In honor of Moltmann’s 70th birthday, twenty-six of the world’s leading theologians – his friends, colleagues, interlocutors, and former students – have contributed to this volume on the future of theology. Moltmann himself has always sought to be both contemporary and future-oriented: his theology can be viewed as an exercise not only from the perspective of God’s future but also toward a new human future. Thus, a book on the future of theology takes up an aspect of “his” theme and “his” concern.

    Yet this volume also makes a significant contribution to theology in its own right, seeking as it does to address the present crisis of theology. As Miroslav Volf writes in his introduction, “On the threshold of the third millennium, the presumed queen of sciences has grown old and feeble, unable to see that what she thinks is her throne is just an ordinary chair, uncertain about what her territories are, and confused about how to rule in the realms she thinks are hers, seeking advice from a quarrelsome chorus of counselors each of whom thinks himself the king, and ending up with a divided, even schizophrenic, mind.”

    The essays in this volume attempt to revitalize theology as it confronts a difficult future. Despite the formidable obstacles that threaten the very survival of theology in the next century – religious and cultural plurality; the marginalization of theology in public discourse; increasing abstraction in the practice of theology; pressing issues of gender, race, poverty, and ecology; the seemingly archaic voice of theology in post- Christian societies – the contributors to this volume all believe in the future of theology as a vibrant discipline.

    The Future of Theology is organized in three parts. “Challenges” deal

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  • Church Between Gospel And Culture A Print On Demand Title


    This excellent collections of essays, written by a diverse group of Christian leaders working on the frontier of mission within the present North American context, lays the groundwork for the newly emerging missionary encounter fo teh gospel with North American culture.
    Demonstrating that the missionary identity of the church is to be found at the intersection fo culture-gospel-church, these essays outlive the missionary agenda now before the church as it confronts North American assumptions, perspectives, preferences, and practices.

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  • No Other Gods A Print On Demand Title


    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

    In today’s pluralistic culture, Christianity is no longer the dominant belief system. Interest in religion is on the increase again after having declined in the seventies, but this does not mean that people are returning to the same positions they once held. Eastern religions, especially, have attracted wide interest.

    This significant work by Hendrik Vroom presses the theological an dialogical dimensions of religious pluralism. Vroom here makes a broad study of the views of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, especially their views on truth, and explores their mutual relationships. In the process, he seeks to answer a crucial question for our time: For what reasons would a person who has read extensively on Buddhist, Hindu, or Islamic thought continue to be a Christian?

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  • Evangelical Theology Of Preaching


    From the Publisher:” Explore the biblical and theological bases for preaching. For courses in homiletics and for studious pastors.

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  • Stewards Of Life


    Sondra Wheeler has written an extordinary introducation to bioethics. She defines with clarity the central bioethical principles of autonomy, non maleficence, beneficence and justie, while at the same time maintaining intergrity with the christian story. The book includes difficult clinical cases, drawn from real life, which give it depth; it portrays bioethical problems in technicolor. This book is recommended for pastors, hosptials and chaplains.

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  • Jesus Prescription For A Healthy Life


    Leonard Sweet, with his profound insight and humor examines how Jesus laughed, hung out with friends, played with children, walked, enjoyed the good times at social gatherings, and poked fun at pious pretensions. By examining the life of Jesus, this prescription for health and well-being details the ways and habits through which Jesus lived a disciplined life and healthy existence during his ministry among us.

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  • Worship Come To Its Senses


    What makes Christian worship both true and relevant to ever-changing human circumstances? How can our gathering about the Scriptures, the Table of the Lord, and the waters of baptism shape and express authentic Christian faith in the world of everyday life? In this book, Don Saliers finds a fresh way of answering these questions by exploring four “senses” of God: awe, delight, truth, and hope. Why are wonderment, surprise, truthfulness, and expectancy so often missing or diminished in Christian liturgy today, whether Protestant or Roman Catholic, “high church” or “low church”, “traditional” or “contemporary”? These are essential qualities of both worship and life. Saliers contends that we are still restless for communion with God, and suggests how these essentials may be rediscovered by every worshiping congregation. At stake are the means of grace received from Christ, attested to in the Scriptures and shown in every faithful worshiping assembly.

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  • Colossians Ephesians 1-2 Timothy And Titus


    New in the Westminster Bible Companion! Aimed at a more introductory level than either “The Old Testament Library” or “Interpretation,” this volume explains the Epistles in which early Christians tried to apply Pauline thinking to their own situations.

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  • Spiritual Lives Of The Great Composers


    20 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Handel, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Dvorak, Stravinsky, Messiaen … Men of genius as different as their music-but all inspired by deep spiritual convictions.

    Patrick Kavanaugh uncovers the spirituality of twenty of music’s time less giants, revealing legacies of the soul as diverse as the masterpieces they created. Warmly written, beautifully illustrated, and complete with listening recommendations for each composer, Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers is fascinating look at the inner flame that lit the works of these masters.

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  • Old Scofield Study Bible Large Print Edition


    Dr. C. I. Scofield’s classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible’s usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preacher and people with vision difficulties.

    Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.

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  • Old Scofield Study Bible Large Print Edition


    Dr. C. I. Scofield’s classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible’s usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preacher and people with vision difficulties.

    Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.

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  • Old Scofield Study Bible Large Print Edition


    Dr. C. I. Scofield’s classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible’s usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preacher and people with vision difficulties.

    Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.

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  • Old Scofield Study Bible Large Print Edition


    Dr. C. I. Scofield’s classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible’s usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preacher and people with vision difficulties.

    Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.

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  • Exegetical Fallacies (Reprinted)


    Updated explanations of the “sins” of interpretation teach sound grammatical, lexical, cultural, theological, and historical Bible study practices.

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  • Secret Strength : For Those Who Search


    Do you want to know a secret?

    What’s so secret about God? Nothing. And yet everything.

    Scripture tells us, “the secret things belong to the Lord our God.” God has secrets. Some to keep, and some to tell. And who doesn’t want to know a secret?

    Most of us are filled with an incurable urge to discover secrets, to walk the higher and hidden roads. And it is our God, our wonderfully mysterious God, who has placed that yearning within us. He is the treasure we seek…the precious gem to be mined.

    So take the time to spend these one hundred concise, life-changing appointments with him. And discover incredible handholds of refreshment, courage, and endurance you can cling to in Secret Strength.

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  • Conquering An Enemy Called Average


    Best-selling author John Mason again launches an all-out attack on mediocrity with this sequel to his phenomenally popular book An Enemy Called Average. Divided into 52 “nuggets” of truth, Conquering An Enemy Called Average is a source of godly wisdom, scriptural motivation and practical principles. The words of this book will break down the barriers to excellence in your life and release you to be all that God created you to be.

    Think about it:
    *imitation is limitation
    *procrastination is the fertilizer that makes difficulties grow
    *living a double life will get you nowhere twice as fast
    *if you chase two rabbits, both will escape
    *adversity has advantages
    *know your limits, then ignore them
    *the only place to start is where you are
    *there is no future in the past
    *do what people say cannot be done

    Give CONQUERING AN ENEMY CALLED AVERAGE one year, just one nugget a week, and your life will never the same

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  • Biblical Ethics And Homosexuality


    Advisory: Some of the views put forth in this book challenge the traditionally accepted teachings on the issue of homosexuality and the Christian faith. This book offers a challenge To the church to give heed to the multiplicity of voices that are engaged in biblically responsible and constructive debates about the volatile issues regarding sexual behavior.

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  • Music As Medicine


    Deforia Lane shares the healing power of music. Once a budding opera singer, Lane has dedicated her talent to treating hospital patients with music therapy. The results are astonishing. In the presence of Deforia’s musical gifts, seriously ill people find new joy and hope. Lane is the first music therapist to receive a grant to study music’s therapeutic effects on cancer patients. Thousands of patients have been inspired by her, and her success has spurred hospitals across the nation to launch music therapy programs. “Music and healing are often matters of the human spirit,” says Deforia. “because of the nature of my job, I have witnessed more than a few miracles, miracles worth telling and retelling.” Music as Medicine is a window into Deforia Lane’s world of miracles, where the melody of one person’s life has brought healing and strength to many.

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  • Doctrinas Biblicas – (Spanish)


    What is false and what is true today? Based on 16 fundamental truths of the Bible, this study offers you an opportunity for growth and stability in the faith. It will help you discern who is for Christ and who is not by the message they bring.

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  • Strong Willed Child Or Dreamer



    239 Pages/17 Chapters

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    Your child may be a dreamer if…
    *He forgets to follow instructions, no matter how clear and simple you make them.
    *She craves praise and positive attention, yet refuses to conform to what’s expected.
    *He complains often about feeling misunderstood, picked on, or persecuted.
    *She tells more than her share of fibs, lies, or tall tales.

    If these statements describe your child, you know the frustration of turning to parenting experts for advice only to find that with your child, the systems don’t work, the rules don’t stick, and the strong boundary setting seems to make the situation worse. What’s even more frustrations is seeing that these methods do work-with strong-willed children.

    According to child and family counselors, Ron L. Braund and Dana Scott Spears, the problem may be that you don’t have a strong-willed child. Your child’s behavior may actually indicate that he or she is a creative-sensitive child, a dreamer: principle-oriented rather than rule-oriented, highly creative, sensitive to the point of taking offense where none is intended, and frustrated at a world that fails to live up to the ideal.

    In this book, the authors explain the differences between the dreamer and the strong-willed child. They also provide advice on parenting your dreamer child from infancy through adolescence, plus a special chapter on the dreamer child with attention deficit disorder.

    Whether you are the teacher, coach, clergy, or parent of a dreamer, this book will help you understand how these enigmatic children view the world and teach you how to give them what they need to thrive.

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  • Sin The Savior And Salvation


    23 Chapters
    318 Pages

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    With scholarship that is thorough yet accessible and a tone that is convincing but noncombative, Dr. Lightner explores the current confusion over issues such as: the vanishing concept of personal sin in our secularized society, the influence of New Age ideas on the deity of Jesus Christ, and the controversy over “Lordship salvation” among evangelicals.

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  • New Complete Server


    This classic guide helps servers to perform with confidence and reverence, allowing the liturgy to unfold in a smooth and prayerful manner. A glossary of words and objects accompanies illustrations of vessels, linens, altar preparation, vestments, posture symbols, and examples of processions. Also contains easy-to-draw symbols that servers can use to make a diagram of their sanctuary’s layout for study and practice.

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  • Dead Sea Scrolls Translated Second Edition (Reprinted)


    One of the world’s foremost experts on the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Qumran community that produced them provides an authoritative new English translation of the two hundred longest and most important nonbiblical Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran, along with an introduction to the history of the discovery and publication of each manuscript and the background necessary for placing each manuscript in its actual historical context.

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  • God Creation And Comtemporary Physics


    Worthing critiques the traditional arguments for God’s existence made by physicists, then evaluates creatio ex nihilo in terms of the big bang theory; providence in terms of entropy, field theory, and Bell’s theorem; and assorted scenarios for the close of creation.

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  • Lord Teach Us (Student/Study Guide)


    The Lord’s Prayer – the prayer taught by Jesus himself that unites Christians throughout the world – is dissected phrase by phrase in this very readable book by two eminent theologians. From “Our Father” to “Amen,” Willimon and Hauerwas apply this ancient prayer to the whole of the Christian experience so that we come to see our life in Christian community as reflection of these very words.

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  • Homosexuality And Christianity Community


    Advisory: Some of the views put forth in this book challenge the traditionally accepted teachings on the issue of homosexuality and the Christian faith. The faculty of the Princeton Theological Seminary address such vital issues as ordaining homosexuals, blessing homosexual unions, using gender-specific language for God in the liturgy, defining the church’s role in a pluralistic society, and more.

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  • Promising Again


    The authors contend that one of the best preventatives to divorce and separation is recommitment at vital junctures in a couple’s life together: job change, death of a parent, severe illness, a child leaving home, infidelity, and so on.

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  • Old Scofield Study Bible Large Print Edition


    Dr. C. I. Scofield’s classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible’s usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preacher and people with vision difficulties.

    Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.

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  • Would You Rather


    … and get your students talking with these provocative questions. Would You Rather … ? gives you 465 stimulating either – or questions that will get your students talking, laughing, debating, and thinking. Questions like Would You Rather…

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  • Sowing The Gospel


    This is a scholarly look at the literary currents of Mark’s historical setting. It is intended as literary history, which attempts to make more sense of Mark as a whole than than other approaches have been able to do. By examining the literary conventions of Mark’s day, the Mary Ann Tolbert hopes to make the message of Mark more clear. Tolbert is the George H. Atkinson Professor of Biblical Studies at Pacific School of Religion in Berkely, California.

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  • Preaching The Miracles Series 2 Cycle B


    While this book offers information for the sermon writer, the design of its contents provides more than the ho-hum. It avoids presenting a ready-made cloak of words for a morning sermon. Instead it invites preachers and their audiences to explore the gap between the “back then” and the “now.” It not only helps answer questions, it generates them — a crucial element in understanding the miracles of Jesus.

    Five sections are devoted to each of the nine miracles in Cycle B (all from Mark):
    Text — For easy access the entire lectionary text is provided, preventing the need to flip back and forth to the Bible.
    What’s Happening? — This gives a synopsis of points of action within each miracle story. By reviewing the story action, readers define its movement, the conflict and the change or resolution.
    Connecting Points – Conversations — This section offers the central material of each chapter. Here Brauninger engages the preacher in an imaginary exchange before the text is given its usual preparatory attention. A visit with main characters and an occasional bystander nudges readers toward stepping into their sandals. This section invites the preacher and listening audience. This section invites the preacher and the listening audience to ask questions relevant for them, thus expanding their questioning, and therefore their understanding.
    Words — Here significant words are examined. While this work is not intended as a scholarly study, it assists in placing things in proper context.
    Gospel Parallels — This section highlights similarities and differences among parallel stories and other gospels.

    There is also a helpful bibliography included.

    This new series from Brauninger promises to be a favorite among preachers. Through it audiences will become aware of how God speaks to them through miracle stories and will enable them to hear their inner voice and more clearly understand it themselves.

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  • In The Upper Room


    Requiring no memorization, this drama can be performed by any size congregation. Most of the reading is done out of sight while the 15 participants portray what the narrators are reading.

    The primary narrator is a Greek woman named Sophia who is drawn to the Christian church and community in Ephesus. She is preparing to become baptized in the church which the Apostle Paul had started approximately 50 years earlier. Her instructors in the faith are none other than the Gospel writers Mark and John, who share in the narration of this drama.

    Highlights include a footwashing and communal meal. Following the Communion by the disciples, the bread and chalice are shared with the congregation.

    This is a very useful resource for pastors or worship and music committees looking for something a little out of the ordinary for the Lenten season. Little rehearsal is needed.

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  • Church For The Unchurched


    6 Chapters

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    A rebirth of the apostolic way.

    This work shows that there is an apostolic way for a congregation to live out the gospel. This book calls for revolution–the revolution that must take place if the churches in America are to thrive and to fulfill the Great Commission. Church for the Unchurched is about the “abolition” of the laity.

    God’s dream for his church from the earliest time has been that we practice the priesthood of all believers, that we be a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:6). In its first 300 years of history, the church had no clergy. Rather, it was made up of believers who understood they were to be apostles, sent on mission by the living Christ. With the phenomenal growth of that early church, both numerically and in influence, two classes of Christians emerged, leaders and spectators. The spectators were supposed to learn sound doctrine, to pray, sing, listen to sermons, and pay the bills. But when the question is asked, as it often is, “Why doesn’t the church do something about…,” “the church” is synonymous with “the clergy.”

    This book studies a number of apostolic congregations from various traditions and assorted geographical locations that are successfully reaching the unchurched. It is full of recipes that any serious congregation could copy and use. Reading this book could result in a Copernican revolution in the church-the empowerment of the laity.

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  • Old Testament Theology 2


    In this work, a part of the Old Testament Library series, Horst Preuss provides a comprehensive analysis of the theology of the Old Testament. He focuses on a detailed assessment of Israel’s responses to God’s acts of election and covenant with them as a people.

    The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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  • Assignment 3 : Trials And Triumphs


    Gives You The Facts You Need To Make Important Decisions. These 31 remarkable Wisdom Keys will help unlock the next season of your life Assignment. Includes…

    18 Facts You Should Consider In Evaluating Your Relationships
    17 Keys To Building Your Personal Wisdom Library
    7 Keys In Making Every Moment Count

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  • Sheltering The Jews


    From the riveting testimonies and files housed at Yad Vashem, Holocaust historian Mordecai Paldiel presents dozens of stories of the circumstances and odds facing Jews inside Nazi-dominated Europe and those who would help them. Highlighting the aid and assistance of non-Jews, Paldiel demonstrates that the awesome efficiency of the Nazi death machine did not rule out heroism by ordinary people, in spite of risks. Stories and photos focused on conditions of sheltering, movement of people across borders, passing as a gentile, rescues of children, and dangers of detection epitomize the radical altruism, courage, and ingenuity that helped some Jews to survive the darkest moment in history.

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  • Prepare The Way Of The Lord


    Those looking for a resource that will deepen and enrich their spiritual life during the Advent/Christmas season will find that resource here. These reflections will strengthen the reader’s mental preparation and will serve as a starling point for prayer and meditation.

    Pastors will be helped with themes and illustrations for Advent/Christmas preaching
    Teachers will use this material in their classes to help renew the right spirit of Christmas among their students
    Those who are seeking a deeper spiritual life will be uplifted and inspired by these daily meditations

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