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Showing 22001–22100 of 23982 results

  • Holy Habits : A Womans Guide To Intentional Living


    In this book, you’ll examine the character of God to understand how to live each day intentionally and see your life the same way God does. Includes a ten week Bible study for busy women.


    On the morning of her thirtieth birthday, Mimi Wilson woke up wondering where the years had gone. Time was passing more quickly than she’d imagined-but what had she accomplished? She lived a good, busy life. Yet even her active spiritual life seemed void of lasting meaning. The future hung directionless before her.

    The resulting unique, life-changing search for purpose and direction led Mimi to discover that an intimate understanding of God laid the foundation for the changes she desired. Uncover this story in the pages of Holy Habits as Mimi and her friend, Shelly Cook Volkhardt reveal how their examination of the names of God enabled them to begin living intentionally. Encounter God for yourself as they guide you to meet Him face-to-face and give you ways to make His characteristics a part of your daily patterns. Let Mimi and Shelly’s personal experience and in-depth study lead you to an intimate, lasting relationship with God which will give you a life full of purpose and direction.

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  • Longing For Community


    Understanding the strength and unity of the ummah- the worldwide Muslim community-and its role in an individual’s identity is essential in comprehending the struggles that Muslims undergo as they turn to faith in Jesus Christ. It has been a place of security, acceptance, protection, and identity; turning away from it entails great sacrifice. Where, then, will Muslims who choose to follow Jesus find their longing for community fulfilled: ummah, church, or somewhere in between?

    Longing for Community compiles the research and reflection of twenty missiologists, sociologists, anthropologists, and linguists-among them Muslims who have become believers in Jesus Christ- presented at the second Coming to Faith Consultation in February 2010. The contributors explore the multiple levels and hybrid nature of social identity, pointing to the need to free our discussions from single- dimensional scales, which are far from adequate to describe the complex nature of conversion and lived-out faith. Beyond the issue of identity, the contributors offer important lessons from mission history, explore liturgy as an appropriate vehicle for teaching, discuss appropriate means of communication, and point to both the need and contextually appropriate possibilities of greater involvement of women in training and ministry.

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  • Jesus The Miracle Worker


    Was Jesus the Miracle Worker that generations have believed him to be? Or was he merely a master psychologist, a purveyor of paranormal therapy? And what should we make of his stilling the storm or feeding the five thousand? In this comprehensive textbook study, Graham Twelftree evaluates Jesus’ own understanding of the miracles he performed, the historical reliability of the stories, and the way the modern mind views Christ’s miracles. Fascinating!

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  • Galatians


    Paul’s letter to the Galatian churches is among the most riveting, personal, and rich of the apostle’s writings. It arose in the midst of a crisis situation in which Paul is battling with “Judaizers” over the loyalty and doctrine of the Gentile Galatians. Ann Jervis provides delightful insights into the nuances of this battle. She shows important Paul’s gospel is to him both by detailing the many ways he asserts its truthfulness and by pointing out his adamant opposition to the gospel of his adversaries.

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  • Introduction To The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls (Revised)


    The classic introduction to the 20th century’s most important archaeological discovery—thoroughly revised! A leader in Dead Sea Scrolls studies for decades, Vermes chronicles the past and present research; sheds light on the Qumran community; offers you a bird’s-eye view of the documents; and explains their meaning for biblical studies.

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  • Jeremiah 30-52 And Lamentations


    This second volume in this two-part commentary on Jeremiah provides a powerful interpretation of the prophet’s message that a nation refusing to repent and obey God risks judgement.

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  • Jeremiah 1-29


    This first volume in this two-part commentary on Jeremiah provides a powerful interpretation of the prophet’s message that a nation refusing to repent and obey God risks judgement.

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  • Peter : Learning To Be More Like Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


    Simon Peter was a follower like us-he wanted to be like Jesus, but he struggled wtih doubts, and at times he failed. At other times he was used powerfully by God. These studies on his life challenge and motivate us to continue to grow in Christlikeness. This LifeGuide Bible Study in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section in each study. 12 studies for individuals or groups.

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  • Greco Roman World Of The New Testament Era


    Jeffers opens the narrative of Scripture and tours everyday Greco-Roman life. Advancing understanding of the New Testament and early Christianity, he treats class and status, family and community, work and leisure, religion and organization, city and country, law and government, death and taxes, and epochal events of Roman history. Includes photos and illustrations.

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  • Christian Disciplines : 12 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guid


    Depth, strength, wisdom and maturity – we all long to be people with such qualities. We want to strengthen our character and deepen our relationship with Christ. But spiritual depth requires spiritual discipline. This Bible study guide is designed to help us learn how God wants us to live. This revised guide features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a new “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Parables : The Greatest Stories Ever Told (Student/Study Guide)


    Everyone loves a good story. But the parables of Jesus are a special kind of story. They sneak up on us, catching us off guard. The familiar suddenly takes an unexpected twist, and we find our secret thoughts exposed in the healing light of Jesus. In this guide John White, author of the bestselling book The Fight, helps us explore twelve of the greatest stories ever told.

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  • Philippians : Jesus Our Joy (Student/Study Guide)


    It is easy to be happy when things go well. But what would it be like to have a sense of joy that continues even in times of trouble? Such was the deep joy that the apostle Paul experienced-even in prison. His contentment was neither dependent on circumstances nor changed by difficulty. In his brief letter to the Philippians, Paul teaches us how to live joyfully in every situation.

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  • Mark : Follow Me (Student/Study Guide)


    In the book of Mark we meet Jesus, the man who is King. He shatters our expectations. He comes to serve and not to be served. He eats with sinners rather than royalty. And His crown is made of thorns. This is the one who calls us to follow Him. This is a revised LifeGuide Bible Study with new questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, expanded leader’s notes, and a “Now or Later” section with each study

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  • Quiet Time Companion (Revised)


    Turn your daily quiet time into life-changing encounters with God’s Word—in only 20 minutes a day! You’ll gain a fresh perspective and deeper understanding with a 2-year overview of the Bible and in-depth studies based on character, topical lifestyle, and Bible themes. The book is conveniently divided into eight 13-week seasons for group use.

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  • Spiritual Warfare : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Detecting The Deceiver – 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
    2. Facing Temptation – Matthew 4:1-11
    3. The Serpent’s Strategy – Genesis 3:1-6
    4. The Armor Of God – Ephesians 6:10-20
    5. The War Within – James 4:1-10
    6. Defeating The Destroyer – Mark 5:1-20
    7. Overcoming Our Accuser – Revelation 12:7-12
    8. Surviving Satan’s Attacks – Job 1–2
    9. Standing Firm – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

    Additional Info
    What is spiritual warfare? What does it look life? How does it affect us? The Bible has much to say about the battles we face. These studies will deepen our understanding of our supernatural struggle and direct us to sources of power and hope. This LifeGuide Bible Study in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Golden Glory : The New Wave Of Signs And Wonders


    God is sending down the miraculous today like never before. In this new book by Ruth Heflin, read about today’s new signs and wonders, now seen throughout the world. Move into greater levels of faith and experience the miraculous for yourself!

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  • Matthew 1 KJV Preacher Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781574070019ISBN10: 1574070010Binding: KivarPublished: November 1999Preachers Outline And Sermon BiblePublisher: Leadership Ministries Worldwide Print On Demand Product

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  • Rapture And The Second Coming Of Christ


    As humanity steps into a new millennium, thoughts turn easily to questions of what the Bible has to say about our future. Will the Lord return soon? When will the rapture take place? Will the church endure the tribulation? Will the Antichrist rule the world?

    For years, believers have relied on Finis Dake to provide simple explanations of sound doctrine-especially in matters of Bible prophecy. Those who hunger for such truth will find solid meat in the pages of The Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ.

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  • Journeying Through Lent With Mark


    In this devotional, meditations for each day between Ash Wednesday and Easter focus on passages from the Gospel of Mark. Reflection questions and a prayer with each reading encourage readers to consider the passage’s meaning for their lives. A study guide is included for six weeks of small-group discussion.

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  • Religion Of The Earliest Churches


    Picking up where he left off in The Historical Jesus: A Comprehensive Guide, Theissen discusses religion as “a cultural sign language that promises a gain in life by corresponding to an ultimate reality”; and presents Christianity as a religion with elements of myth, ritual, ethics, and an emergent symbolic system.

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  • Paul : The Man And The Myth


    We are left to reconstruct a portrait of Paul with only scraps of what was once a large and imposing canvas-a small collection of letters and a historical narrative written a generation after his death. This reconstruction focuses on important parts of the image that usually fall in the shadows, parts dealing with Paul’s sexual asceticism, his preoccupation with holiness-holy Spirit, holy community, and holy ethos-the evolution of his theology, and his emergence as a legendary figure. Although I have tried to follow the strict rules of historical investigation, of necessity much guesswork is involved in any exploration of Paul’s life. All of these efforts are attempts to deal with the gaps in the text, understood in the broadest sense to include not just Paul’s written words but also the culture, social world, and political realities surrounding them.

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  • Portraits Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


    Take a close look at the Savior’s life using an inductive, learning-by-doing approach to studying the Gospel texts! Engaging “What do you think” questions, photographs, and maps will guide your journey as you uncover the literary patterns, theological issues, and interpretive quandaries that still prompt lively debate among New Testament scholars.

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  • Jesus Justice And The Reign Of God


    By building on his view of Jesus first developed in Parables as Subversive Speech, William Herzog argues that Jesus is intensely interested in the social, political, and economic well-being of humanity.

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  • Barthian Revolt In Modern Theology


    In this well-researched history of the rise, development, and near-demise of Karl Barth’s theology, Gary Dorrien carefully analyzes the making of the Barthian revolution and the reasons behind its simultaneously dominating and marginal character. Dorrien discusses Barth’s relationship to his predecessors and his contemporaries, as well as to modern theologians. He argues that Barth’s approach to theology was deeply indebted to his liberal past and was not essentially a form of “neoorthodox” positivism.

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  • James : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of James (Student


    By faith we are reborn Into the family of God. Absolutely, agrees James. But God wants more than justified infants; He wants mature daughters and sons. Faith is foundational, but it must be genuine, proven faith, evident to the world. James’s exhortation is a challenge to Christians of every age to keep growing up.

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  • Romans : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Romans (Stude



    Paul unfolds God’s way to righteousness-how we can be reconciled to God and transformed into the people He means us to be. Sin, salvation, grace, death, and resurrection-no other biblical book illumines so many classic, life-changing truths.

    Christians have a lifelong goal: To become like Christ. This involves change, and change isn’t always easy. But the more you know of God’s purposes for you, the more you can experience His joy and participate in His plan.

    THE LIFECHANGE SERIES of Bible studies on books of the Bible can help you grow in Christ likeness, through a life-changing encounter with God’s Word. You’ll benefit in these important ways:

    – You’ll gain a firm understanding of the book–Its historical context, purpose, structure, and meaning;
    – You’ll apply its powerful, relevant wisdom to needs and issues you are currently working through; and
    – You’ll acquire personal study skills and a thirst to return to the book on your own–so you can keep going deeper into its life-transforming truths.

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  • Philippians : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word (Student/Study Guide)


    Although in prison for proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul writes a joyful letter of encouragement and challenge to his “partners in the gospel,” the Christians at Philippi. Paul aims to inspire his readers to persevere in the work of Christ, and he tells them how to find peace and contentment in a perilous world.

    We, too, can discover the secret of Paul’s joy and experience his triumphant confidence in Christ.

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  • Isaiah : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Isaiah (Stude



    His name meant “the Lord is salvation”-and this was his message for over 40 years. Through him the Lord pronounced judgment on the proud who sought to save themselves. But through him God also comforted the humble with glimpses of a Prince of Peace and a Suffering Servant … a desert blossoming… the prisoners set free … the hungry fed … and the homeless sheltered.

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  • Wisdom Of The Cloister


    This collection of 365 daily readings captures the full scope of this varied and fascinating Christian tradition. Contributors include Thomas Merton, Bede Griffiths, Kathleen Norris, and many others.

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  • Exodus : Journey Toward God


    Consult the compass for the journey of your life. Life as a Christian is a journey — a journey toward God. But how do you set your compass? How do you make sure that God is guiding your steps and that you are not being blown willy-nilly by life’s shifting winds of circumstance? Turn to the book of Exodus and discover guidance and joy for your pilgrimage. You will grow to know God in a deeper, more personal way. You will learn to trust him more than ever before. You will discover who your fellow travelers are. And you will learn how to chart your course by the compass of God’s will as you take the trip of your life.

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  • 2 Corinthians : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of 2 (Stu


    1. Overview (1:1-11)
    2. Paul’s Change Of Plans (1:12-2:13)
    3. “Who Is Equal To Such A Task?” (2:14-3:6)
    4. The Glory Of The New Covenant (3:7-4:6)
    5. Priceless Treasure In Cracked Pots (4:7-5:10)
    6. The Ministry Of Reconciliation (5:11-6:2)
    7. A Pastor’s Plea To His Troubled Flock (6:3-7:4)
    8. Effects Of Spiritual Discipline (7:5-16)
    9. The Collection For The Saints At Jerusalem (8:1-9:15)
    10. Paul Defends His Apostolic Ministry (10:1-18)
    11. Paul Chastises His Opponents (11:1-21)
    12. Boasting In Weakness (11:21-12:13)
    13. Final Appeal, Admonitions, And Farewell (12:14-13:14)

    Additional Info
    The church in Corinth was divided. Some followed the gospel and others believed the teachings of false apostles. Paul wrote a second letter to the Corinthians to defend the gospel of Christ by forcefully reminding his readers that what he taught was God’s truth. In doing this, Paul provides an example to Christians today who must defend their own leadership in times of trouble.

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  • Acts : A Life Changing Encounter With Gods Word From The Book Of Acts (Student/S


    From tiny beginnings among Jesus’ disciples, the Church exploded into a worldwide force in just a few years. How? Jesus left His followers with a mission, and the Spirit of God moved mightily through them to fulfill it. Luke’s account of how the gospel was carried
    from Jerusalem to Rome-despite every conceivable obstacle-challenges us to know and live out our mission in the world.

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  • Hat


    Hedgie the hedgehog discovers the wisdom of the adage, “Don’t go poking your nose where it doesn’t belong” only after curiosity gets this prickly fellow in a pickle. When Lisa’s red and white woolen stocking blows off the clothesline, Hedgie finds it and sticks his nose inside, only to discover his prickles prevent him from pulling out of it. Soon all the farm animals are coming around to chuckle at silly Hedgie’s stocking hat. But in the end, nimble-witted Hedgie gets the last laugh.

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  • Your Church Sign


    Signs have been almost as much a part of the modern church as the front doors. For that matter, they’ve been the entry into church life for countless people who have responded to their brief but cogent message. Your church sign has more potential than you may imagine — if you’re smart in using it. Your Church Sign offers you sound pointers on signage. You’ll find tips on impactful sign placement, captions, themes, and how to write effective messages. And you’ll get more than one thousand ready-made, eye-catching sayings. Some are humorous, some are encouraging, some are wise, some are convicting. All are designed to turn scant seconds of drive-by time into active spiritual awareness. Arranged by theme, Your Church Sign offers captions on: -Marriage and the Family – Prayer – Going to Church – Seasonal Themes – Christian Living – God in Charge – Evangelism – The Bible – Speech . . . and more. Turn to this practical, easy-to-use book for fast ideas and proven advice for helping your church sign make a difference in people’s lives.

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  • Consequences : Morality Ethics And The Future


    Christian faith plainly does not guarentee moral behavior, nor do morality and ethics require Christian faith. How can Christians think responsibly about ethical matters, and in what way can they make moral claims in a largely non-Christian society?

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  • Humming Till The Music Returns Cycle B


    One day God will stand again as solo conductor on the podium of the universe, and lead in the crashing finale of the symphony of Life. But until then, we who are left in this world with the buzzing and blaring of many competing and changing “top 40” hits need to keep humming the tune that Jesus taught. (from the Introduction)

    The scripture lessons for these seasons combine themes of waiting in expectation and displaying the effects of eternity within the context of time. Though the dulling ache of sin and corruption pushes the song of creation out of tune, Jesus intervenes with a melody of grace, and the church keeps the music alive in witness and testimony while longing for the chorus of eternity to shout hallelujah once again. Wayne Brouwer’s messages ring loud and true in the ears of those who hear these sermons.

    Sermon titles include:
    I Can’t Wait — 1 Corinthians 1:3-9
    Tilting The Balance Of Power — Romans 16:25-27
    Anti-Venom Serum — Galatians 4:4-7
    Finding the Right Superlatives — Ephesians 1:3-14
    Beyond Personal Preferences — 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
    … and more!

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  • Wearing The Wind Cycle B


    Stephen Crotts tells us that “nothing is spared the Spirit’s influence. He shapes our friendships, our marriages, our love for our enemies, our heritage, sexual passion, wisdom, even our femininity and self-esteem.” One of the nation’s most eloquent preachers pulls contemporary wisdom from these ancient texts with sermons such as “How To Affair-Proof Your Marriage,” “How To Treat Your Enemies,” and “Godly Sexual Passion For An X-Rated World.” Preachers will find much food for thought in these ten sermons based on Cycle B Old Testament texts.

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  • From This Day Foward Cycle B


    God is into relationships, and he restores them by grace and love. Paul Kummer picks up the covenant/marriage/renewal themes in these scriptural texts and creatively develops them into inspiring messages of love and hope.

    Sermon titles include:
    Forsaking All Others — Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
    A New Name — Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
    Our Jealous Husband – Exodus 20:1-17
    Something Old, Something New — Jeremiah 31:31-34
    Shameless Passion — Isaiah 50:4-9a
    … and more!

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  • Defining Moments Cycle B


    The Old Testament readings in the lectionary are often neglected during the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons in favor of the more direct and easier-to-preach New Testament passages. William Self brings his creative imagination to these scriptural passages and gives them new life for the preacher.

    The sermons of this veteran preacher are written with the pew in mind. They are for people who hurt, for people who wait, for people who face defining moments, and for churches that struggle to proclaim the Gospel. Amply illustrated from life and literature, these sermons can be read for inspiration by lay persons and clergy alike.

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  • Tabloid Bible


    A fictional newspaper, The Tabloid Bible records major biblical events from Genesis to Revalation in this fresh and funny take on biblical literacy. Humorist Nick Page, who happens to take the Bible seriously, captures perfectly the deadpan style of popular, sensational tabloids found in supermarket checkout lane everywhere.

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  • Liberating Eschatology : Essays In Honor Of Letty M Russell


    This volume addresses a theme long essential to feminist and liberationist theololgy: In what can we hope, and what role should hope play in our actions and our loves? An interdisciplinary approach, it provides a much-needed constructive set of proposals and fills a crucial gap in theological resources

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  • Complete Literary Guide To The Bible


    This collection of essays has various authors, both biblical and literary scholars, addressing either a general topic dealing with the Bible as literature or a specific book or genre of the Bible.

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  • Curious George Goes Camping


    George and the man with the yellow hat are going camping! George tries to be helpful, but after he upsets a neighboring camper, he is chased into the woods and gets lost. Before long, an encounter with a cute forest creature throws George into a chain of outrageous events that allows him to find a way to be helpful after all.

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  • Saving Jesus From Those Who Are Right


    In what she describes as “my most important work,” Carter Heyward here rethinks the figure and import of Jesus for church, clergy, and the academy. Rather than focus on the endlessly variable pictures of Jesus in contemporary biblical scholarship, and in radical opposition to the Jesus of the “Christian Right,” Heyward presents “Jesus as our brother, infused with a sacred power and passion for embodying right relation, and ourselves with him in this commitment.”

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  • Principles Of Christian Faith


    1. The Principles
    2. The Life And Teachings Of Christ
    3. Pray Er
    4. Faith
    5. The Acts Of The Apostles

    269 Pages

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    This study book is designed to lay solid, scriptural foundations for the Spirit-filled believer. Organized and indexed by topics, it is formatted in such a way that material on any given subject may be easily located. An excellent foundational course for new believers. Every pastor will want to have this volume for his library.

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  • Eye Of The Needle


    Much of the teaching which our Lord Jesus Christ gave when He was on Earth was clothed in parables. To the Scribes and Pharisees, this brought constant confusion, but to Jesus’s disciples it was a vehicle through which the Holy Spirit could reveal the deep truths and principles of the Kingdom. God is still speaking to His people in parables. The realm of prophetic parables is a vehicle which God is restoring to His Church in this last hour for the purpose of revealing present truth. With these thoughts in mind, the author has undertaken to put into print some of the prophetic parables God has given over the past years to various congregations and conference.

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  • Possessing Your Prophetic Promise


    As a church, we have experienced the miraculous provision of God, but we have not yet come into the fullness of our spiritual inheritance. It is time for God’s people to stop wandering in the wilderness and possess what is rightfully ours-the Promised Land.

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  • Seeking Heart


    The name Fenelon has stood for spiritual depth and insight for 300 years. Seeking Christians throughout the years have turned again and again to his writings for guidance and help in their quest for a deeper walk with Christ.

    Here are his works and letters for those who have a seeking heart.

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  • Going To Church In The First Century


    SKU (ISBN): 9780940232372ISBN10: 0940232375Robert BanksBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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  • Final Steps In Christian Maturity


    The King of France ordered Jeanne Guyon to appear before Archbishop Bossuet for interrogation. This would be a fateful event for her, for the results of that interrogation would decided whether or not she would be imprisoned.

    Jeanne Guyon made the decision to present to Bossuet a clear statement – and defense – of her teachings. The result was a massive three-volume work entitled Justifications.

    This work was later printed in French, probably appearing in only one printing. Justifications has never appeared in English, and has been virtually forgotten. Final Steps In Christian Maturity is a careful selection of some of the very best material found in that original three-volume work.

    Here, then, is some of the finest literature ever penned on the deeper Christian life.

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  • Spiritual Torrents


    120 Pages/17 Chapters

    Additional Info

    This book is a spiritual autobiography in which Jeanne Guyon likens her life to a torrent making its way out of the high mountains down into the canyons and chasms of life, passing through many experiences until finally coming to the spiritual experience of death. From there the torrent experiences resurrection and a life lived in concert with the will of God while still going through many stages of refinement. At last the torrent finds its way into the vast, unlimited sea. Even here the torrent does not totally come to be one with the vast ocean until it has once more passed through final dealings by the Lord.

    The reader will find this book to be the saga of one believer’s journey with Christ. It does not serve as a pattern for any other life, but simply allows the reader to see how Guyon viewed the Lord’s work in her life. Nevertheless, this is one of the greatest books ever written on the subject of the cross as it works in the life of the believer.

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  • Climb The Highest Mountain


    SKU (ISBN): 9780940232112ISBN10: 0940232111Gene EdwardsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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  • Spiritual Guide


    There have been more copies of this book burned than perhaps any other single Christian book ever published.

    So powerful was its influence on Europe that within 6 years of its release this book had been translated into every language in Western Europe. In Naples, Italy it was said that 20,000 Christians gathered in small groups to practice inward prayer.

    Michael Molinos came closer to reforming the Catholic church than any other single man in history, yet he ended up sealed in a dungeon, his book condemned. A man so controversial that even until today the Vatican will not release the transcript of his (secret) trial. Now, for the first time ever, this book appears in modern English. The first English language release in over a hundred years.

    Included in the book is the first biography of Michael Nolinos to appear in English in over 100 years.

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  • Union With God


    SKU (ISBN): 9780940232051ISBN10: 0940232057Jeanne GuyonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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  • Revolution : Story Of The Early Church The First Seventeen Years 30-47 A D


    SKU (ISBN): 9780940232020ISBN10: 0940232022Gene EdwardsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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  • Experiencing The Depths Of Jesus Christ (Reprinted)


    1. From The Shallows To The Depths
    2. Launching Out
    3. The Depths–Even For The Unlearned
    4. The Second Of Dryness
    6. Abandonment
    7. Abandonment And Suffering
    8. Abandonment And Revelation
    9. Abandonment And A Holy Life
    10. Living Indoors
    11. Toward The Center
    12. Continual Prayer
    13. Abundance
    14. Silence
    15. A New Look At Confession Of Sin
    16. The Scripture
    17. Prayer Requests?
    18. Distractions
    19. Temptation
    20. Consumed
    21. Silence-In The Depths
    22. The Constant State
    23. To Christian Workers
    24. The Ultimate Christian Attainment
    25. From Prison

    160 Pages

    Additional Info

    One of the most influential spiritual books ever penned, even secular historians acknowledge the great impact Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ has had in Christian history. Madame Guyon is generally credited, even by her enemies, as being one of best-known women in church history. Will Durant, in his 11-volume Story of Civilization, recounts the impact of Jeanne Guyon’s life and writings on French history.

    At one time this book was publicly burned in France, and yet it has also been received by seeking Christians as one of the most helpful and powerful Christian books ever written. Penned by one of Christianity’s most famous saints, Jeanne Guyon, it has played a major part in the lives of more famous Christians than perhaps any other Christian book. Here is the very first edition written in modern English.

    Watchman Nee saw that this book was translated into Chinese, and made available to every new convert of The Little Flock. Fenelon, Count Zinzendorf, John Wesley, the early Quakers, Jessie Penn-Lewis and Hudson Taylor all highly recommended it to the believers of their day.

    This book will introduce you to a whole new – and deeper – relationship to Jesus Christ.

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  • Hope Against Hope


    Two leading New Testament scholars explore the Christian vision of the future from the perspective of life today.
    The start of the twenty-first century evokes fresh concern for what the future holds. Will it bring an end to suffering and evil? Can we look for a new heaven and earth? Will judgment be cosmic or personal? HOPE AGAINST HOPE revisits these and other questions central to Christian eschatology and provides a fresh yet responsible look at the church’s vision of the future. Integrating images from the Bible and Christian tradition with analysis of contemporary Western culture, Richard Bauckham and Trevor Hart reinterpret the meaning of such eschatological themes as the antichrist, the last judgment, and the kingdom of God in terms that will benefit students and general readers alike.

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  • Ancient Future Faith (Reprinted)


    In a world marked by relativism, individualism, pluralism, and the transition from a modern to a postmodern worldview, evangelical Christians must find ways to re-present the historic faith.

    In his provocative new work, Ancient-Future Faith, Robert E. Webber contends that present-day evangelicalism is a product of modernity. Allegiance to modernity, he argues, must be relinquished to free evangelicals to become more consistently historic. Empowerment to function in our changing culture will be found by adapting the classical tradition to our postmodern time. Webber demonstrates the implications in the key areas of church, worship, spirituality, evangelism, nurture, and mission.

    Webber writes, The fundamental concern of Ancient-Future Faith is to find points of contact between classical Christianity and postmodern thought. Classical Christianity was shaped in a pagan and relativistic society much like our own. Classical Christianity was not an accomodation to paganism but an alternative practice of life. Christians in a postmodern world will succeed, not by watering down the faith, but by being a counter cultural community that invites people to be shaped by the story of Israel and Jesus.

    A substantial appendix explores the development of authority in the early church, an important issue for evangelicals in a society that shares many features with the Roman world of early Christians. Students, professors, pastors, and laypeople concerned with the church’s effective response to a postmodern world will benefit from this paradigmatic volume. Informative tables and extensive bibliographies enhance the book’s educational value.

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  • Ashes To Ascension Cycle B


    These sermons lift up the themes of suffering, reconciliation, and the unmerited goodness of God extended to all through Jesus Christ. Stroman never loses sight of the kerygma in his tightly packed messages. He addresses a world where hatred and violence prevail with the message of divine love, which has enriched souls and kindled faith throughout the centuries.

    Titles include:
    Beginning The Journey To Calvary — 2 Corinthians 5:20b
    Once And For All — 1 Peter 3:18a
    Promises — Promises — Romans 4:21
    The Right Person For The Job — Hebrews 5:5-10
    Life – And Then Some — 1 John 5:9-13
    … and more!

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  • Heart Ablaze : Igniting A Passion For God


    1. Unforgettable Evening
    2. Purpose Of Salvation
    3. Getting Egypt Out
    4. Glory Of The Lord
    5. Pass To The Mountain
    6. Manageable Deity
    7. Intentions Or Desires?
    8. Counterculture Or Subculture?
    9. Saving Grace
    10. Difficult Days

    Additional Info
    Jesus has never accepted lukewarmness. Rather, He calls for passion! But where de we get the fire to heat up our relationship with him? He never requires anything He doesn’t equip us to do. If youhave felt that a passionate relationship with Him is unattainable, this book will show you otherwise.

    World-renowned author and Bible teacher John Bevere challenges you to exchange a mediocre rerlationship with God for a vibrant, fiery one. A Heart Ablaze offers riveting insights woven with masterful teaching to help you ignite and maintain a passion for God. Read it and allow the Holy Spirit to transform you as the fire of God’s holiness touches the very depths of your soul.

    No matter where you are in your walk with God, if taken to heart the words of this book will transform your life. A must read for those who desire a stronger relationship with God.

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  • Partners In Ministry


    Could you use a partner in your ministry? Utilize the laity! Writing from the standpoint that ministry is the fundamental vocation of all Christians, the authors provide practical guidance on how the work of clergy and laity complements and strengthens each other; understanding of the functions of each; and direction on building ministry teams.

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  • John : NRSV


    Solid, balanced, and clear, the Abingdon New Testament Commentaries offer the finest in basic biblical exegesis by respected theologians. In the newest addition to this outstanding series, D. Moody Smith takes a fresh look at John, guiding you to a better understanding of the fourth Gospel’s unique statement of faith, practice, and doctrine. Smith’s engaging commentary will appeal to general readers, as well as pastors and scholars.

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  • Next Voice You Hear


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664500405ISBN10: 0664500404David SteeleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • What Unites Presbyterians


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664500078ISBN10: 0664500072Clifton Kirkpatrick | William HopperBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Adoptees Come Of Age


    Drawn from the compelling stories of people who have been adopted, this book provides an intelligent and accessible description of the distinct and spiritual challenges faced by adoptees and their families.

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  • Market Economy And Christian Ethics


    In this book Peter Sedgwick explores the relation of a theology of justice to that of human identity in the context of the market economy. He focuses on three main themes: how the market economy shapes personal identity, through consumption and the experience of paid employment in relation to the work ethic; the impact of the global economy on local cultures; and the effects of technology and global competition on poverty. Sedgwick recommends that the churches remain part of the debate in reforming and humanising the market economy.

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  • 1 John : Love Each Other


    When God pours out his love, our parched lives are revived and our thirsty souls satisfied. What is the secret of receiving more of God’s love and of giving it freely to others? The book of I John calls us back to the basics of loving God and one another. Do you long to experience God’s mercy and goodness in deeper ways and extend them to others? Would you like his love to fill you up to the point where it overflows naturally into the lives of others? This study of I John will help you and your small group experience the refreshing rain of God’s love in ways you have always wanted. New Community Series — a high-impact tool for experiencing the transforming power of God’s Word. This cutting-edge series lets you explore life-changing topics from a biblical perspective in community with others in your small group. Challenging questions encourage you to reflect on Scripture and its impact on your life, both as an individual and as part of a community of Christ followers.

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  • Glory : Experiencing The Atmosphere Of Heaven


    A must for those desiring to enter new dimensions of praise and worship and for those who want to know the glory realm. This bestseller has crossed every denominational barrier and has launched revival the world over.

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  • Videos That Teach


    With Videos That Teach you can use clips from 75 of the best recent movies on video — already collected and organized by topic and Bible reference, complete with start and stop times — to illustrate your lessons and launch provocative discussions among your students. Discussions that get kids talking about themselves and life, about God and the Bible. Browse the book to find the movie clip you like, or use one of the Quick Clip Locators (by topic of Bible reference) to quickly find the perfect reinforcement for your lesson. Or build an entire lesson from a clip–with each clip are summaries of the movie and the clip, start and stop times, Bible references, and discussion starting questions. And given the breadth of movies in Videos That Teach you’re almost guaranteed to find what you want for a topic to teach of a discussion to lead — Forrest Gump, The Spitfire Grill, Michael, City Slickers, Romeo and Juliet (1996), Grand Canyon, Mrs. Doubtfire, Naked Fun, Fried Green Tomatoes, Mr. Holland’s Opus. And lots more. Whether you’re a youth worker, Bible study or small-group leader, or Sunday school teacher, with Videos That Teach you’ll get your students thinking biblically instead of merely absorbing passively.

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  • Stories For A Teens Heart


    Nourish the souls of your young people with this collection of 110 bite-sized stories! Humorous, poignant, and uplifting, these quotes, anecdotes, and encouraging tales from best-selling Christian authors speak straight to the issues kids face. A great gift for on-the-go teens that reassures them they aren’t alone as they walk the road to adulthood.

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  • Be Born In Us Today


    Because they are the most familiar of all Bible stories, the accounts of Jesus’ birth are perhaos the least understood. Christmas traditions have overlaid them with layers of sentimentality, and we no longer hear their dramatic, disturbing content. With clarity and vividness, John Davies explores these stories afresh, finding in them stirring challenges to our lives today. For all who long to cut through the relentless commercialism of the season and rediscover the wonder of the Word made flesh, Be Born in Us TOday will prove inspiring and unforgettable.

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  • Reclaiming Our Roots 2


    This second volume carries readers on a whirlwind journey from the eve of Reformation to developments of Christianty in the twentieth century. As in the first volume, Mark Ellingsen gives special attention to the history of Christianity in the southern hemisphere, the church among minority cultures in North America, and the role of women in church history

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  • Word Of Honor


    What will it cost to keep a promise? Of the four people at the Newpointe post office when the bomb went off, three were killed instantly. The fourth, a five-year-old boy, lies comatose in the hospital and might not survive. Who would do such a thing? The answer comes in the form of a gunman crashing through the door of the hotel room where Jill Clark is staying. With a rifle barrel pointed at her temple, the young attorney suddenly finds herself the hostage of a desperate man whose actions hardly fit his claim that he’s innocent of the bombing. Only later, when the suspect is behind cars, does Jill wonder whether he’s as guilty as he appears. Prompted by a terrifying attempt on her life, Jill and old flame Dan Nichols dig deeper into the case. But standing in their way lies an obstacle Jill hasn’t counted on: the power of a covenant. It could change her life. Or, with the clock ticking, it could seal her death. Word of Honor it book three in the Newpointe 911 series by award-winning novelist Terri Blackstock. Newpointe 911 offers taut, superbly crafted novels of fear, faith, and close-knit, small town relationships, seasoned with romance and tempered by insights into the nature of relationships, redemption, and the human heart. Look for best-selling books one and two, Private Justice and Shadow of Doubt, and the upcoming Trial by Fire at your favorite Christian bookstore.

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  • Ronald Reagan : Young Politician


    Ronald Reagan was America’s 40th president, but even before he ran for officein his native California, he was known to millions as a movie star. Color andb&w illustrations throughout.

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  • Just James : The Brother Of Jesus In History And Tradition


    )”Discusses not only the New Testament evidence about Jesus’ brother, but also a number of later church traditions. A good piece of scholarship, which is essential for anyone who has a serious interest in the best known of Jesus’ natural brothers,”—Expository Times.

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  • For The Familys Sake


    Turn your house into a home! Using Christ as her foundation, Macaulay presents a solid blueprint for building a haven of peace and security. Discover how the tools of love, tradition, and common sense can help you create a nurturing environment where every family member can thrive and survive the challenges of modern living.

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  • For Heavens Sake


    Multicultural, Nondenominational, Nonsectarian
    Endorsed by Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Religious Leaders

    What is heaven? Where do we find it?
    People said “for heaven’s sake” to Isaiah a lot. Everyone talked about heaven. “Thank heavens.” “Heaven forbid.” But no one would say what heaven was or where to find it.
    After his grandfather died Isaiah was told that Grandpa had gone to heaven. Isaiah wondered exactly where and what heaven was. He became determined to find out, and sought answers from many different people.
    In this charming story, award-winning author Sandy Eisenberg Sasso teaches that heaven is often found in the places where you least expect it.

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  • Intimacy With Christ


    Within the pages of this book you will find spiritual insight and Christian counseling from church history’s best-known woman. These letters contain her advice as shared with common people, famous people and clergy who sought her guidance.

    You will receive from her, help in such areas as discouragement, failure, self-conciousness, poor self-esteem, emotional ups and downs, sorrow, embarrassment, and persecution.

    She will counsel you concerning decision making, your search for God’s will in your life, and following Him and uncertainties.

    You will come away from this book with more understanding of accepting others, even your opposites and responding to Christians who are at odds with you. You will gain a new perspective on peoples’ faults, as well as the church’s short-comings.

    Guyon lights up the precious and powerful value of Christian fellowship. She offers advice and encouragement for Christian workers. Guyon will meet you where you are in your walk with Christ.

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  • Torch Of The Testimony


    The 2,000 year history of those Christians – and churches – that have stood outside the Protestant-Catholic tradition. This book was originally published in India in 1964 and is little known in the western world. Beginning in the first century John Kennedy traces the history of Christian groups who remained outside formalized religion down through the ages. A stirring, passionate and sometimes heart-rending story of suffering to the centrality of Christ within the Body of Christ.

    John W. Kennedy is from Great Britian, but has lived in India since 1952 ministering among indigenous and apostolic Christian groups.

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  • Gods Call


    Nothing in this world can hold you back from experiencing the fullness of the marvelous life that God has for you. Charles Finney’s powerful and thought-provoking messages reveal how you can…receive complete forgiveness of sin, break the chains of worldly addictions, rest confidently and securely in the Lord, drink from the foundation of God’s blessings, be totally free of sin and its bondage, discover the worth of your soul, and witness to others sucessfully.

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  • Answer


    In a world full of puzzling problems, it’s nice to find a source of practical solutions. From God’s own Word, R. A. Torrey delves into the specifics of what Christianity is all about and offers biblically sound responses to probing questions, such as: Can I be forgiven of every sin? How much power does Satan really have? Is there a chance to be saved after death? How can I be victorious over the Devil? and much more.

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  • Natural And Divine Law


    Though the concept of natural law took center stage during the Middle Ages, the theological aspects of this august intellectual tradition have been largely forgotten by the modern church. In this book ethicist Jean Porter shows the continuing significance of the natural law tradition for Christian ethics. Based on a careful analysis of natural law as it emerged in the medieval period, Porter’s work explores several important scholastic theologians and canonists whose writings are not only worthy of study in their own right but also make important contributions to moral reflection today.

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  • Retrieving The Tradition And Renewing Evangelicalism


    A learned and uniquely constructive book that gently urges “suspicious” Christians to reclaim the patristic roots of their faith. This is the first book of its kind meant to help Protestant Christians recognize the early church fathers as an essential part of their faith. Writing primarily to the evangelical, independent, and free church communities, who remain largely suspicious of church history and the relationship between Scripture and tradition, D. H. Williams clearly explains why every branch of today’s church owes its heritage to the doctrinal foundation laid by postapostolic Christianity. Based on solid historical scholarship, this volume shows that embracing the “catholic” roots of the faith will not lead to the loss of Protestant distinctiveness but is essential for preserving the Christian vision in our rapidly changing world.

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  • Recovery Of The Mission


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802843494ISBN10: 0802843492Vinoth RamachandraBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1999Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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  • Fact Value And God


    This book explores the fact-value connection in the larger context of metaphysical and theological views and the pervasive linkage between religious and moral beliefs.

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  • Modern Preacher And The Ancient Text


    How to choose and isolate a coherent section of Scripture, outline the main points, decide on a universal principle, choose alternate ways to preach the material (e.g., didactive, narrative, or textual), and deliver it in a creative, imaginative fashion.

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  • Paul And The Corinthians


    The volumes in “The Life and Letters of Paul” series are especially appropriate for those who want an in-depth study of the Pauline epistles.

    Paul and the Corinthians explores the sometimes tumultuous relationship between Paul and the Christians in Corinth who were struggling to make sense of their faith in a diverse and secular culture. Wingard relates his firsthand knowledge of the setting of Corinth and applies Paul’s wisdom to some of the most pressing issues faced by the church today: The Church and the Bible, Making Moral Decisions, Christian Unity, Women and Men in Church and Society, The Resurrection, Christian Giving, and Reconciliation in a Broken World. Each of the seven sessions is self-contained and includes questions for reflection.

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  • 1-2 Samuel


    The power of story as God’s word to the community of faith is never more clear than in the books of Samuel and in this interpretation by Eugene Peterson. All the emotion, drama, complexity of character, and mystery of good stories are to be found in these two biblical books.

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  • Churchgoing And Christian Ethics


    Robin Gill argues that moral communities should take center stage in ethics. This book examines recent evidence about church communities in relation to faith, moral order and love, and shows that churchgoers are distinctive in their attitudes, beliefs and behavior. Some attitudes change over time, and there are several moral disagreements among different groups of churchgoers. Moreover, their values and behavior are shared by many nonchurchgoers also. The distinctiveness of church communities in the modern world is thus real but relative, and is crucial for the task of Christian ethics.

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  • Meaning Of It All In Every Speech


    In this text the author studies our use of the terms it and it all, to show how ordinary language sees the human condition. The answer turns out to be a form of radical religious humanism.’

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  • Edge Of Eternity


    Best-selling author Randy Alcorn’s gripping, action-packed, and intensely spiritual thriller, Edge Of Eternity, is now available in abridged form on audio cassette.

    A disillusioned business executive whose life has hit a dead end, Nick Seagrave has lost loved ones to tragedy and his family to neglect. Now, at a point of great crisis, he unbelievably and inexplicably finds himself transported to what appears to be another world. Suddenly he’s confronted with profoundly clear views of his own past and personality. And, he’s enabled to see, hear, taste, and smell the realities of both heaven and hell – realities that force him to face dangers and trials far greater than any he’s known before.

    Pitted against flying beasts, a monstrous web that threatens to hold him captive, an evil, brooding intelligence, and undeniable evidence of a spiritual world, Nick must finally consider the God he claims not to believe in. Walking between two worlds, Nick Seagrave prepares to make decisions that will change his life forever as he stands on the Edge Of Eternity.

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  • Colors Of The Spirit


    Seldom does a teacher come along with the ability to take the exuberance of spiritual joy and put it on a page in lessons of graceful simplicity and life-giving power. But in Colors of the Spirit, readers are introduced to just such a teacher in Dorothy Ederer. Here she shares her own prescription for a fulfilling life, and illustrates it with the stories of those who have enriched her own journey. You will see in these stories people who looked inside themselves and discovered the potential God gave them to touch others. These individuals were the colors that brightened Dorothy’s world, a world which was sometimes darkened by the hopelessness she encountered in her work as a counselor and teacher. Yet she found that just as white light is filtered through raindrops to create a rainbow, so too is God’s light filtered through all of creation and manifested in each being in a unique way. In Colors of the Spirit, Ederer goes through each color of the rainbow to share the special meanings they have for her, and how the qualities they represent can bring us peace and joy in our own lives.

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  • Wild Truth Journal Pictures Of God


    We can’t “see” our invisible God. Fortunately, Scripture uses lots of metaphors, providing us “pictures” of his nature. By picturing God as an artist, baby, lion, dad, and more, your junior highers will discover God’s character traits, what he does, and how it changes their own thoughts and behavior. Features 50 journaling devotions.

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  • Watch Of The Lord


    1. The Birth Of The Watch
    2. The Watch In Scripture
    3. The Watch Of The Lord
    4. The Wall Of Prayer
    5. Corporate Prayer And Intercession
    6. The Bride In The Watch
    7. The Bride In Combat Boots
    8. Prophetic Watchmen
    9. The Watch And Israel
    10. Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept
    11. The Individual Watch
    12. God Plus One Is A Majority
    13. It’s Almost Midnight
    14. A Blessing For The Watch

    209 Pages

    Additional Info
    If you long for revival in the church or seek personal renewal, God will meet you on your knees. The Holy Spirit of God invites you to enter a place of breathtaking holiness and awesome glory by experiencing the “Watch of the Lord.” There you’ll discover your place as God’s watchman for the End-Time church of Jesus Christ and be filled with His miraculous power in your daily life.

    Experiencing a manifestation of God’s glory comes as a result of sustained, committed and regular corporate prayer. As you read, you’ll learn how the Watch of the Lord can:
    * release in you a hunger for corporate revival.
    * pave the way for greater fruitfulness in evangelism in you life.
    * restore purity to the church.
    * push back the forces of evil in these wicked times.
    * respond biblically to a nation that is in peril.

    The Chavdas began holding prayer watches in 1995. Since then they have seen over 500 churches hold prayer watches every Friday evening, coming together for eight hours of concentrated praise, worship and intercession as the worldwide Bride of Christ.

    Whether you intend to start your own prayer watch, or learn how to become a watchman on the wall alone, you will come away with practical, Scripture-based tools that will help you to experience more of God daily–and more of His glory and power in your life!

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  • Traces Of Glory


    The first in a 3 volume collection of prayers based on the new Common Worship Lectionary used in many parts of the Anglican Communion, and very similar to lectionaries used in the United States. Written in Celtic style and linked to the Sunday readings–may be used by congregations for the Prayers of the People, as well as individual devotions.

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  • Turn Your Radio On


    Turn Your Radio On tells the fascinating stories behind gospel music’s most unforgettable songs, including “Amazing Grace,” “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” “He Touched Me,” “I’ll Fly Away,” “Were You There?” and many more. These are the songs that have shaped our faith and brought us joy. You’ll find out: What famous song traces back to a sailor’s desperate prayer, What Bill Gaither tune was recorded by Elvis Presley in 1969 — and won a Grammy, What song was born during a carriage ride through Washington, D.C., at the onset of the Civil War. Turn Your Radio On is an inspiring journey through the songs that are part of the roots of our faith today.

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  • Martin Luther Volume 3


    The third volume of Brecht’s magnificent biorgraphy describes the final fourteen years of Luther’s life, beginning with the accession of Elector John Frederick in 1532. A work of immense and engaging scholarship, gracefully translated by the late James Schaaf, this volume offers comprehensive and original interpretations of Luther’s private life, his congregation and the church in Saxony, his professorial lectures and theological controversies, Bible translation, Luther and the Council of Trent, and his later writings about the Jews and Turks.

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  • Concord Reference Bible


    This Bible offers a wealth of reference material–a glossary, concordance, dictionary of names and phrases, fifteen color maps, and gazetteer. Bold-figure cross-references link passages of the text without cluttering the page. The words of Christ are printed in red.

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  • Christheart : A Way Of Knowing Jesus


    Awakening: The Boy Jesus In The Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
    Setting Out: Jesus’ Baptism (Matthew 3:13-17;Mark1:2-11; Luke 3:21-22)
    The Temptation: Setting Priorities (Matthew 4:1-11;Luke 4:1-13)
    Beginning The Adventure: Jesus’ Mission Statement (Matthew 4:18-22;Mark
    1:16-20;Luke 4:14-30;5:1-11; John 1:35-42)
    Invitation: Jesus’ Plea To All Humankind (Matthew 11:28-30)

    A First Glimpse Of Glory: The Wedding At Cana (John 2:1-12)
    Being Family/Being Oneself: Jesus’ Definition Of The Family (Mark
    Who Am I To You?: Jesus’ Question To His Inner Circle (Matthew
    One Last Chance: The Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:20-30)

    Confrontation With Grace: The Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-20)
    First Things First: Jesus And Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)
    Doing The Right Thing: Healing The Man With The Shriveled Hand (Mark 3:1-6)
    Forgiving Sins: The Woman Caught In Adultery (John 8:1-11)
    Facing Persistence: The Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)
    Lifting People Up: Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)

    Multiplying Loaves And Fishes: Feeding The Hungry (John 6:1-15)
    Order Out Of Chaos: Healing The Demon-Possessed Man (Mark 5:1-20)
    The Wrath Of God: Cleansing The Temple (John 2: 12-25)
    Unwrapping Souls: Raising Lazarus (John 11:1-44)

    Friends Helping Friends: Healing Thee Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)
    The Hem Of His Garment: Healing A Suffering Woman (Mark 5:21-43)
    Reversing Roles: Washing Feet (John 13:1-17)
    The Child’s Way: The Only Way (Mark 10:13-16;Matthew 18:1-6;19:13-15;Luke
    The Power Of One Thing: Mary And Martha (Luke 10:38-41)

    Honoring Doubt: Appearing To The Disciples (John 20:19-29)
    Second Chances: Reinstating Peter (John 21:1-19)
    Waling On Water: Calming Seas And Hearts (Matthew 14:22-33;Mark 6:45-61)
    Do You Want To Get Well?: Healing Thee Man At Bethesda’s Pool (John 5:1-15)

    Seeing The Light: Healing Blindness (John 9:1-41)
    Receiving Love: Jesus’ Feet Anointed By Mary (Luke 7:36-50)
    Surrender: Jesus In Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46)
    Love’s Way: The Cross Event (Matthew 26:47-75;27:27-55;John 19:17-27)

    Drawing Near: Jesus’ Appearance To Mary (John 20:10-18)
    Making All Things New: Jesus On The Emmaus Road (Matthew 28:19-20;Luke

    Additional Info
    ChristHeart is a book of meditations based on thirty-four (34) events or teachings from the life of Jesus Christ. The reader is invited to enter more fully into the life of the human Jesus and to identify with the feelings and thoughts of Christ as he carried out his earthly ministry.

    Designed to facilitate contemplative prayer, the author encourages readers to imagine the responses of Jesus as he dealt with conflict, entered into friendship with the disciples and others, and healed people and taught them about a vital, personal, love relationship with God. The reader can enter into the experiences of Jesus by reading a selected scripture from the Gospels and one of the meditations, and then picturing the scene and identifying with the feelings and thoughts of Jesus in that scene.

    At the end of each meditation is a question to encourage reflection and a deepening of one’s own understanding of how the life of Christ intersects with and transforms the reader’s life.

    Miley has written seven mediations for each of the thirty-five (35) Gospel stories

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  • Dome Of Many Colors


    While many books on religious pluralism focus on the plurality of religious presences in North America, this volume employs the term religious pluralism to include the plurality of perspectives present within religious traditions as well. It thus understands the term both in an internal and external sense. In addition, it extends the discussion of religious pluralism beyond North America to other theaters of the world, to Asia and Latin America.

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