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Showing 2101–2200 of 23982 results

  • Loving Your Husband Well


    Imagine if, at the end of the year, despite your busy schedules and all the demands on your time and attention, you and your husband were more in sync, more connected, and more in love than ever before. Sounds amazing, right?

    That kind of marriage is what is waiting for you as you read through the 52 weekly devotions in Loving Your Husband Well. Each entry includes a specific theme, related Scripture, a powerful devotion, a prayer, thoughts for further reflection, and practical ideas, all designed to help you love, cherish, and serve the man who shares life’s journey with you.

    Perfect when read alongside your husband’s Loving Your Wife Well, this devotional will still transform your relationship even if you work through it on your own.

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  • Honor Bound


    It may seem odd to seek peace by moving to a war-torn African country, but for medical missionary Dr. Cynthia Myers, it provided a way to escape a shallow life of unearned wealth, a philandering fiance, and a father now square in the public eye as vice president of the United States. At least here she knows her work and life have meaning. But all that is thrown into chaos when she fails to save the life of a local warlord’s mortally wounded son.

    As part of the Army Special Forces “A-Team” on a mission to capture and subdue the warlord, Captain Rick Norton is compelled to use deadly force to save Cynthia’s life. Enraged at the violence she witnessed and riddled with guilt that men died because of her, Cynthia tries to hold on to her anger–but an unwanted attraction is taking hold.

    With two members of his team badly injured and rebels in hot pursuit, Rick will have to draw upon all his strength and cunning to get her out alive . . . because he’s beginning to think they just might overcome their differences and be able to make a life together.

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  • Christians Secret Of A Happy Life


    Is your life all you want it to be? Or do you find yourself wishing for more? More peace. More presence. More happiness.

    Hannah Whitall Smith–believer, rebel, and realist–faced life as she found it, and she found it good. Despite the trials of life, she took God’s promises literally, tested them, and found them true. She stepped out of conjecture into certainty, and the shadows of life disappeared in the light of God’s power and peace.

    You, too, can have that kind of confidence–confidence that leads to true happiness no matter what is going on around you.

    In this classic book with more than 10 million copies sold, Smith reveals the secret to replacing unhappiness and uncertainty with serenity and confidence in every day of your life.

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  • Elusive Grace : Loving Your Enemies While Striving For God’s Justice


    The United States is suffering through a season of social and political division unseen since the Civil War. Unrest over long-standing social (especially racial) injustices are confronting new, antidemocratic perspectives and practices. So much is at stake. Will this country fulfill or abandon its historic commitment to equality and civil liberties? Can a nation so divided come together again?

    These questions cut to the core of the beliefs articulated by Christian communities. How can we as people of faith reconcile the call to participate in God’s ongoing struggle for justice while not losing our souls to hatred? How can we love our enemies in this time? Scott Black Johnston believes that there is a way to pursue this difficult work and that people of faith can light the way. He encourages us to recommit to our highest principles–our virtues–and to turn hearts poisoned by cynicism into instruments of love.

    From his pulpit in midtown Manhattan, just one block from Trump Tower, Johnston has a unique perspective on the ideological discord tearing at the nation’s fabric. From there, he raises a moral voice that beckons us to become better neighbors, better citizens, better human beings. He calls for the church to model robust advocacy for justice, without denying the full humanity of those on the other side of the argument.

    This provocative book brings the wisdom of Scripture into conversation with such diverse minds as Emily Dickinson, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ayn Rand, and Mister Rogers. Johnston’s prose is by turns erudite and poignant, yet always insightful. He offers not just words of hope but a prescribed course of action for individuals and communities alike, as we look to mend our souls and restore our civic life.

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  • Then They Came For Mine


    Black Americans’ resilience during centuries of racially-motivated violence is beyond remarkable. But continuing to endure this harm allows for generations of trauma to fester and grow. Healing has to be the priority going forward.

    For decades, Tracey Michae’l Lewis-Giggetts clung to her upbringing in the church, believing that racial reconciliation would come through faith and discipline, being respectable, and doing what’s right. But when her cousin became the victim of a white supremacist’s hateful rampage, her body and soul said, “no more.”

    The trauma of America’s racial history, wreaking havoc on not only Black and Brown folk but white people too, in its own way, will not be alleviated without the will to face it head-on. We must name the dehumanization that plagues us, practice truth-telling and self-care, and make space for our vulnerability–to do the hard work of healing ourselves and our communities.

    This book is written with that healing in mind. It unpacks how American systems and institutions enable the kind of violence we’ve seen connected to white supremacy and nationalism. It examines the way media has created a desensitization to violence against Black bodies. It outlines what it looks like for a person who claims to follow Jesus to be anti-racist. But more than anything, it offers a blueprint for healing and reconciliation that includes the necessity of white people untangling from an ancestral mandate of colonization and false notions of supremacy, and Black and Brown people reckoning with the impact of trauma and feeling free to grieve in whatever way grief shows up.

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  • Nelsons Preachers Sourcebook Apologetics Edition


    Plan a full year of sermons with Nelson’s Preacher’s Sourcebook.

    Inspiration doesn’t always have to come from the mountain top. God can just as easily use a resource like Nelson’s Preacher’s Sourcebook to give you fresh and new ideas for your sermons, small group meetings, and seasonal gatherings. With suggestions for creative outlines, scripture text, preaching techniques and historical notes, use this sourcebook as a jumping off point when talking to God about the message He wants you to deliver.

    This Apologetics Edition of Nelson’s Preacher’s Sourcebook has an emphasis on evangelism and includes a sermon series focusing on apologetics.

    Features include:

    *Sermons, creative outlines, illustrations, and quotes for every Sunday of the year
    *Special articles focusing on evangelism
    *Worship helps, including hymns, prayers, and Scripture text
    *Inspirational thoughts and preaching techniques
    *Sermons of special occasions and holidays
    *Sermons and register pages for weddings and funerals

    With Nelson’s Preacher’s Sourcebook, you’ll have engaging content for every Sunday of the year that your congregation will not just listen to, but truly hear.

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  • Renewal Worship : A Theology Of Pentecostal Doxology


    At its best, all Christian worship is led by the Holy Spirit. But is there a distinctive theology of Pentecostal worship?

    The Pentecostal church or the renewal movement is among the fastest-growing parts of the body of Christ around the world, which makes understanding its theology and practice critical for the future of the church.

    In this volume in IVP Academic’s Dynamics of Christian Worship (DCW) series, theologian Steven Felix-Jager offers a theology of renewal worship, including its biblical foundations, how its global nature is expressed in particular localities, and how charismatic worship distinctively shapes the community of faith. With his guidance, the whole church might understand better what it means to pray, Come, Holy Spirit!

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  • Pentecostal Orthodoxy : Toward An Ecumenism Of The Spirit


    “Can anything orthodox come from Pentecostalism?”

    This recasting of Nathaniel’s familiar question from the Gospel is a fair summary of many modern Christians’ assessment of the Pentecostal tradition. Yet in recent years, a growing number of Pentecostals have been turning afresh to the ancient, creedal Christian faith.

    Bishop Emilio Alvarez has himself been at the forefront of this movement. In Pentecostal Orthodoxy he introduces the phenomenon, and extends the project of paleo-orthodox ressourcement (associated with scholars such as Thomas Oden and Robert Webber) to include orthodox expressions within Pentecostalism, particularly his own Afro-Latino Pentecostal movement. This book is a manifesto of sorts, promising not only to open up the possibility of a genuinely orthodox Pentecostalism, but to reframe modern ecumenical dialogue as well.

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  • Making Room In Advent


    Preparation for the Christmas season can often feel busy and frantic, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

    What if we stopped and listened to the movement and unfolding of God’s plan around us? Making Room in Advent is an invitation away from the chaos and into the space where God is at work.

    The unfolding of God’s plan often happens in unlikely spaces, both in Scripture and in our own lives. Join Bette Dickinson as she moves through the story of Jesus’ birth and the stories of the many people that were part of the journey. Each page is filled with an original painting that will fill you with hope and wonder during the Advent season. The twenty-five devotionals offer spiritual practices, breath prayers, and reflection questions that allow you to truly make room for God’s work in your life, your community, and the world.

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  • Liturgical Mission : The Work Of The People For The Life Of The World


    Modern missional movements have often viewed the historic Christian traditions with suspicion.

    The old traditions may be beautiful, the thinking goes, but they’re too insular, focused primarily on worship and on the interior life of the church, and not looking outward to evangelism and good works.

    In Liturgical Mission, Winfield Bevins argues that the church’s liturgy and sacramental life are in fact deeply missional. He explores the historic practices of the Christian church, demonstrating how they offer a holistic framework for everyday Christian discipleship and mission in the twenty-first century. The result is a book that not only invites all Christians back to the historic liturgy of the church, but also invites those already in liturgical churches to rediscover the missional life that has too often remained latent in their own traditions.

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  • Art Of Advent


    Join Jane Williams on a reflective journey from Advent to Epiphany, and discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world’s greatest paintings.

    Illustrated in full color with nearly forty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, this beautiful devotional will lead you into a deeply prayerful response to all that these paintings convey to a discerning eye during Christmas time and beyond.

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  • Zero Hour America


    America has lost its way. And America will fall–unless.

    Revolution? Oligarchy? Or homecoming? Americans are approaching a zero hour for the republic and its distinctive view of ordered freedom. America is caught between two revolutions and alternately suppresses and squanders freedom with a prodigal carelessness, with little understanding of the responsibilities that freedom requires.

    Os Guinness warns that if America abandons its distinctive ideals and ideas, we will have carved into the chronicles of history yet another example of the failure of a free society. Like other crucial times in world history, the present crisis is a civilizational moment and also a pivot point that could lead to national renewal. Outlining seven key foundation stones of freedom, Guinness lays out a pathway for defining and ordering freedom, righting national wrongs, and passing freedom’s baton from generation to generation.

    Human freedom is precious and rare, and citizens who prize it must do what it takes to renew and sustain societies that are free for all of their members. America’s window of opportunity is brief, and the alternative to renewal is bleak. The present moment must not be missed.

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  • Arise And Climb The Mountain



    Arise, and Climb the Mountain is an opportunity to join Sharon on her inspirational faith journey of discovering renewed hope and purpose. With the beautiful Adirondacks as a backdrop, Sharon recounts God’s love and faithfulness on her trek through life’s mountainous terrain. Be encouraged and equipped to conquer your own mountains with powerful biblical truths and the Holy Spirit as your guide.

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  • Expecting Emmanuel : Eight Women Who Prepared The Way – An Advent Devotiona


    Journey through Advent and Christmas with the women of Jesus’ family line.

    Christmas is about so much more than twinkle lights, sugar cookies, and perfect family photos. It’s about the world-changing, transforming, and sometimes messy reality of “God with us.” As we dive deep into the biblical accounts of Jesus’ female ancestors and reflect on God’s presence in their complicated lives, we can begin to release our expectations of a “perfect Christmas” and instead seek the experience of a holy season.
    Through invitational spiritual practices and reflections, this daily devotional centers the stories of five women in Jesus’ genealogy–Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary–plus three additional female figures connected to Jesus’ early life in the days leading up to Epiphany. You will also find resources for exploring the lives of these women in worship, small group, and retreat settings. This Advent and Christmas season, step into the true power of the Incarnation as we journey together to the manger and encounter the omnipotent God who has come to us in the vulnerable Christ-child.

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  • Flame Of God


    Are you frustrated by your lack of power to live an authentic Christian life? Do you want more boldness to share the Good News of Christ? Do you desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be manifested in your life?

    American missionary Daniel Del Vecchio moved in miracles, healings, and deliverance while ministering in Cuba, Mexico, and Spain. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, he reached out to backpacking youth traveling through Torremolinos in the 1970s and 80s, spearheading an international Christian community and Evangelical churches in Spain. These communities opened drug rehabilitation centers and cared for the poor and marginalized and those suffering from trauma and abuse. Light always overcomes the darkness!

    The joy of the Lord is contagious! We aren’t all called to be pioneering missionaries, but we all have a part to play in God’s strategy to reach our neighbors and the nations!

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  • Stories Of My Life


    The beloved author of Bridge to Terabithia and other classics of children’s literature reveals the fascinating personal stories that have shaped her creative life.

    For nearly fifty years, Katherine Paterson’s stories have captured readers young and old. From Bridge to Terabithia’s Leslie Burke to the unforgettable Gilly Hopkins to countless others, her characters are woven into the memories of several generations. Paterson’s writing has always explored the rich emotional landscape of childhood, for she has never forgotten how she felt as a child herself.

    The writer she became grew from her own fascinating life, told here in a collection of stories that reach from earlier generations of her family to the present day. Born in China to Presbyterian missionary parents from the American South, her young adulthood led her to Japan and then back to the East Coast, where she began to raise her family and put stories on paper. Each of these experiences influenced the books that were to come. Through Paterson’s memories, we learn the origins of her characters and storylines and share in her unexpected literary acclaim. We see the intimate moments of family, creativity, and faith that come together for a life well lived.

    With snapshots from her family albums and introductory remarks from fellow writers Kate DiCamillo and Nancy Price Graff, this is more than a behind-the-scenes look at favorite children’s books. It’s the story of a life infused with humor, joy, and gratitude; inspiring new stories embraced by readers everywhere.

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  • Connections Worship Companion Year A Volume 1


    This volume of the Connections Worship Companion series offers complete liturgies–from the call to worship to the closing charge, with prayers and litanies for every need in between–for all worshiping occasions between Advent and Pentecost of Year A, . Part of the Connections commentary series, these worship resources help congregations illuminate the connections between Scripture and liturgical rhythms. A “Making Connections” essay precedes each liturgical season’s resources, providing context for worship within the themes and purpose of the season.

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  • Truth Changes Everything


    America has passed a tipping point. A majority of Americans now say that truth is up to the individual and that ultimate truth cannot be known. Learning to “speak our own truths” was supposed to lead to dignity and harmony. Instead, our society struggles with unprecedented levels of social conflict, purposelessness, and loss of identity. And still, the “Truth versus truths” tension continues to grow.

    Is all hope lost? In this inspiring book, Dr. Jeff Myers tells the fascinating stories of Jesus-followers who lived for Truth and transformed their world in times of crisis. These inspiring figures led the way in human dignity, science, art, medicine, education, politics, justice, and even the idea of meaningful work.

    No matter what is going on around us, the truth is worth fighting for. If you long for a positive, restorative role in our own chaotic era, it’s time to discover how truth changes everything.

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  • Pastor As Theological Steward


    Among the many competing tasks of pastoral ministry is the primary responsibility of being a faithful steward of the gospel. As the uniting center of all other pastoral responsibilities, fulfilling this theological stewardship is challenging. The Pastor as Theological Steward is designed to help pastors as they embrace and practice this stewardship in their ministries.

    With a keen grasp of practical theology, the contributors to this resource highlight the many ways of expressing this stewardship in ministry. Included are chapters on Scripture, church history, creeds, sacraments, and prayer. Written by a cadre of scholars and pastors, who are also experts in their chosen topics, this book is an essential addition to every pastor’s library.

    The Pastor as Theological Steward contributors include: T. Scott Daniels, Dean Flemming, Stephen G. Green, Timothy M. Green, Steven Hoskins, Deirdre Brower-Latz, Diane Leclerc, Jesse C. Middendorf, Mark R. Quanstrom, Jeren Rowell, C. Jeanne Serrao, Sam Vassel.

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  • To The Church In Rome


    “This letter is truly the most important piece in the New Testament. It is purest Gospel… it seems that St. Paul, in writing this letter, wanted to compose a summary of the whole of Christian and evangelical teaching which would also be an introduction to the whole Old Testament.” ~ Martin Luther

    Romans is more than a collection of proof texts for Reformed theology. It is an exposition of God’s plan to take back the world.

    In this new commentary, Douglas Wilson tackles Paul’s meaty letter passage by passage, explaining Paul’s central message of the Gospel: Jesus’s death and resurrection have transformed the world. God has brought an end to the old covenant and ushered in a new covenant, joining Jews and Gentiles in one new people. And if Jesus is Lord, then Caesar is not, and thus the Gospel requires faithful Christians to defy tyrants when they usurp Jesus’s place.

    If Romans hasn’t seemed so before, then certainly by the end of this commentary it will appear to you as it did to Protestant theologian Frederic Godet-as “the cathedral of Christian faith.”

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  • Christian Poetry In America Since 1940


    Showcasing thirty-five American poets born in or after 1940, this anthology confirms that one of the most vibrant developments in contemporary verse has been a renewed engagement with the Christian faith. Across a full spectrum of Christian belief, including the struggle to believe at all, these poets bring the power of their art to bear on serious questions: how to understand the goodness of God in a fallen and tragic world, how to reconcile universal truths with the particularities of human experience, how to render familiar events of salvation history in new language that generates its own epiphanies. As Christian engagement assumes a multiplicity of modes and voices, so does contemporary poetry in America. This volume, then, selective yet representative, features the work of early-, mid-, and late-career poets, formalists, free-verse poets, and experimenters in prosody. This anthology bears witness to the poetic mind as it seeks that which is above.

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  • Just Mission : Laying Down Power And Embracing Mutuality


    Why do American Christians travel overseas to reach people in distant lands, but neglect ministering to people who immigrate from those lands to their home communities?

    Why does Western missions funding depend on narratives that marginalize indigenous leadership?

    Why are diaspora Christians from the Global South not seen as legitimate missionaries to the West?

    Western mission often still centers the senders, without as much understanding of the experiences of the receivers. Mekdes Haddis, an Ethiopian now living in the United States, provides a postcolonial critique of Western mission, upending the white savior complex and arguing for a more globally just approach. A Just Mission examines evangelical mission from the perspective of the receiver, highlighting areas of weakness and naming injustices.

    Unveiling the negative impact of Western mission on the global church, Haddis addresses how white supremacy infiltrates and subverts mission organizations’ good intentions, disrupting grassroots missions and local leadership development. Weaving together theology and Scripture with stories from people of color and diaspora groups, A Just Mission offers hope that the mission and message of Jesus can indeed become good news for all.

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  • Hold That Thought


    You’re not good enough.

    You need to try harder.

    Everything’s fine!

    These are the sorts of voices that we all have in our heads, and they often push us to act in ways that are both unhelpful and unsustainable. How do we quiet these narratives? More importantly, amid the chatter, how do we hear the voice of God?

    Gem Fadling helps us identify the competing voices and shows how they hinder our personal transformation. Drawing on years of spiritual direction and leadership at Unhurried Living, she shares her wisdom of how we make sense of inner voices and settle down enough to find our true voice.

    Using the discussion guide in the back of the book, groups can discuss the competing voices that they experience within their own souls and learn to notice, discern, and respond to the movement of God in their lives. When we find our true voice, we can let go of the striving and people-pleasing and rest in the presence of God and his plan for our lives.

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  • Loving Your Wife Well


    Imagine if, at the end of the year, despite your busy schedules and all the demands on your time and attention, you and your wife were more in sync, more connected, and more in love than ever before. Sounds amazing, right?

    That kind of marriage is what is waiting for you as you read through the 52 weekly devotions in Loving Your Wife Well. Each entry includes a specific theme, related Scripture, a powerful devotion, a prayer, thoughts for further reflection, and practical ideas, all designed to help you love, cherish, and serve the woman who shares life’s journey with you.

    Perfect when read alongside your wife’s Loving Your Husband Well, this devotional will still transform your relationship even if you work through it on your own.

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  • Winning At Home


    Combining the expertise of credentialed counselors, coaches, and pastors, Winning at Home offers clarity in the midst of chaos on hard-hitting topics like mental health, technology, sexuality, and identity, for parents who are trying to raise children from a faith-based perspective.

    Winning at Home tackles the tough topics that are rarely addressed from the church pulpit. Understanding that parents need tools to help them navigate the pressures of raising children in the twenty-first century, this book will look at parenting children with mental health concerns, sexual identity issues, and substance abuse issues, as well as discussing how to handle technology well. In addition to tackling difficult topics, this book also encourages parents to set boundaries and launch children into adulthood well. It is designed as a manual that lets parents flip straight to the section that addresses a current need, making it a valuable resource for those who want to raise children who will honor God in the midst of challenging situations and a toxic culture.

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  • Healing The System


    As a healthcare provider, do you feel frustrated and fatigued with an impersonal, administrative-heavy system where you don’t feel your opinion matters? Do you feel powerless to effect change? You’re not alone! Provider burnout is rampant due to bureaucratic overload, long work hours, and the lack of community, respect, and autonomy at work. But these issues can be addressed without significant expense or a major system overhaul. Dr. John McB. Hodgson’s approach to healthcare change re-empowers healthcare providers to do what they love to do-care for patients, solve problems, and influence the delivery system.

    In Healing the System, Dr. Hodgson draws on his experience as a seasoned cardiologist to suggest easy-to-implement changes that healthcare providers and administrators can make to combat the increasingly dysfunctional environment typical of current practice. These simple changes can bring a sense of fulfillment, joy, and satisfaction back to the practice of medicine, and the entire system will be energized. Hodgson’s solutions include:

    *getting back to missional purpose, rather than focusing solely on the numbers;
    *empowering teams and community;
    *encouraging equity in the place where providers practice;
    *involving providers in administrative functions and decision making; and
    *honoring one another, no matter the position or the department.

    The message in this book encourages physicians and other healthcare delivery professionals to create an environment and culture in which everyone can thrive.

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  • Up From The Ashes


    Dinah Hodgson looks like she has it all-perfect husband, three great kids, ??fulfilling volunteer work. But behind the American-dream persona, Dinah carries dark secrets in her subconscious, ready to spill out.

    How is your here-and-now? Are you struggling with issues that are overwhelming, with no end in sight? Are you, like Dinah, pressing on, fully cognizant that even the most “perfect” life doesn’t always feel so perfect?

    In Up from the Ashes, Dinah recounts her journey of reclaiming her destiny as God brings her through restoration. Surprisingly, He leads her to reexamine her tumultuous childhood. Delving into her story, Dinah describes not only how she received healing from her dysfunctional background and recovered her destiny, but provides valuable insights into how others can be healed and reclaim their stolen destinies too. Using Scripture, Dinah offers key principles to uncover and dismantle spiritual and emotional captivity so individuals can experience the life Christ secured for them.

    God can do the unimaginable in your life if you’re willing to let Him. If you allow Christ to redeem the territories of your heart, you too can be led up from the ashes into a life of abundant blessing. Let this insightful book be a roadmap for your journey.

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  • Amish Matchmaker


    While most women her age are searching for husbands, Astrid Kauffman has chosen a different path–writing romance novels and donating her profits to her beloved Amish community. But when Astrid struggles with writer’s block, she agrees to play matchmaker for Imogene Yoder, a widowed mother of rambunctious twin boys. Perhaps the diversion–and the entree it gives Astrid to the stories among the Widows’ Club–will spark her creativity . . .

    Fortunately, Astrid has just the match for Imogene: a widower she believes is the finest, most handsome man in town. In fact, Astrid realizes he’s perfect . . . for herself! Soon, the plot thickens as Imogene questions what kind of marriage she really wants, and Astrid wonders what kind of matchmaker falls for someone else’s match. But by letting faith guide the way, all involved may discover true love has written a far better next chapter than any of them expected . . .

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  • Pursuit Of Porsha


    Porsha Williams, entrepreneur and one of today’s most recognizable media personalities, opens up about family, faith, fame, and becoming an agent for change.

    Porsha Williams is a remarkable voice in the television and podcast communities. In The Pursuit of Porsha, she takes readers on a deeply personal journey as she searches for happiness and self-acceptance, giving fans a first-hand look into the defining moments of her life that have not been captured on-screen or in the press.

    Charged with candor, vulnerability, and the sharp wit Porsha is known and loved for, The Pursuit of Porsha brings readers back to the beginning and along her path of self-reflection and discovery. She details her upbringing as the granddaughter of civil rights activist Hosea Williams and her painful recollections of childhood bullying and gives readers a look at her search for love and her journey into the spotlight. Porsha shares every moment that has tried – and restored – her faith, over and over again.

    Through it all, Porsha proves that she is more than a soundbite, headline, or rumor. She is an empowering role model to black women and an icon for women everywhere. In The Pursuit of Porsha, readers will see Porsha as they have never seen her before.

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  • Your New Playlist


    When Jon Acuff’s book Soundtracks, came out, one reaction surprised him. Parents across the country all said the same thing: “Do you have a version for teenagers? If I knew how to change my mindset when I was that age, my entire life would have been different.” Why did they say that? Because truth grows like compound interest. Saving money when you’re young has a bigger impact than it does when you save in your 40s. A single new soundtrack–Acuff’s phrase for a repetitive thought–believed when you’re 14 or 18 can change your whole life in the same way. In response, Acuff tagged his two daughters to help him create an honest, actionable guide to mindset for teenagers.

    Your thoughts can work for you or against you, but the good news is you get a choice. The even better news is when you’re young, your entire world is made of new. You’re a movie that’s barely started, a notebook with blank pages to fill, a song that hasn’t hit the chorus. You have your whole life ahead of you. When you learn to create new thoughts, those thoughts lead to actions, and those actions lead to new results. Are you ready to tap into the superpower of mindset? Just hit play.

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  • Dawn: : A Proton’s Tale Of All That Came To Be


    This is an adventure that began almost fourteen billion years ago, one that so often threatened to fail. It’s truly a miracle I’m still here. Despite everything, I wouldn’t have wanted to miss one second of it. And the best is yet to come.

    With the help of an extraordinary narrator, you’re invited to discover the wonder and drama of the history of the cosmos. In this story we follow the journey of one proton who comes into existence at the beginning of creation and makes it all the way through history to today. By becoming a part of atoms and molecules that turn up at some of the universe’s most important moments, our friend Proton witnesses emerging galaxies, the origin of life, its evolution into a wild diversity of life forms, the first human beings, the birth and life of Jesus, the beginnings of the Christian church, all the way up to the present day. Through it all, the mysterious, seemingly unbelievable plans of the Creator continue to unfold. . . .

    Combining its authors’ mind-bending scientific knowledge, storytelling skills, and insights from theology, Dawn provides a fresh look at the fundamentals of cosmology, evolutionary biology, and the good news of God in one overarching adventure–in the form of a gripping story. Readers who love both science and Scripture will discover an engaging, thought-provoking tale that reminds us we each have a big place in God’s plan of creation–even if we’re very, very small.

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity invite us to see the harmony between the sciences and biblical faith on issues including cosmology, biology, paleontology, evolution, human origins, the environment, and more.

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  • Reading The Bible Around The World


    It’s an exciting time to be reading the Bible. As we increasingly encounter readers with perspectives, experiences, and cultures different from our own, we can incorporate new ideas and approaches to interpreting Scripture. When diverse interpretations from various social locations are gathered together, we gain new vistas and a fuller image of the text.

    In Reading the Bible Around the World, a crosscultural team of scholars describes and workshops global readings in biblical interpretation, focusing on passages in both the Old and New Testaments. By presenting a range of readings from different regions and people groups, with particular attention to marginalized groups, the authors demonstrate the importance of contextually sensitive approaches. They help us build up key values for reading Scripture in the twenty-first century: self-awareness, other-awareness, and true dialogue.

    Who we are shapes how we read. Guided by these expert teachers, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the influence of their own social location and how to keep growing in biblical wisdom by reading alongside the global Christian community.

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  • To Win A Prince


    As a fashion aficionado and best friend of the queen of the African island country Oloro Ile, Iris Blakely dreams of using her talent to start a business to help citizens in impoverished areas. But when she discovers that Ekon Diallo will be her business consultant, the battle between her desires and reality begins.

    Ekon Diallo has lost everything: his princely title, his material possessions, his friends, and the respect of his countrymen. To pay for his actions against Oloro Ile, he’s forced to assist the charismatic Iris Blakely–but he can’t allow his heart to distract him from regaining his status.

    As Iris strives to get her business off the ground while keeping her heart intact, will her dreams of happily ever after survive the challenges she faces?

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  • Worthy Of Legend


    After a summer of successful pirate-treasure hunting, Lady Emily Scofield and her friends must hide the unprecedented discoveries they’ve made, thanks to the betrayal of her own family. Horrified by her brother, who stops at nothing to prove himself to their greedy father, Emily is forced to take a stand against her family–even when it means being cut off entirely.

    Bram Sinclair, Earl of Telford, is fascinated with tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table–an interest he’s kept mostly hidden for the last decade. But when a diary is unearthed on the islands that could lead to a secret artifact, Bram is the only one able to piece the legends together.

    As Bram and Emily seek out the whereabouts of the hidden artifact, they must dodge her family and a team of archeologists. In a race against time, it is up to them to decide what makes a hero worthy of legend. Is it fighting valiantly to claim the treasure . . . or sacrificing everything in the name of selfless love?

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  • To Love And Be Loved


    From a trusted advisor and devoted friend of Mother Teresa comes an extraordinary firsthand account of the miraculous woman behind the saint.

    Mother Teresa was one of the most admired women of the 20th century, and her memory continues to inspire charitable work around the world. She believed the greatest need of a human being is to love and be loved. In 1948, she founded the Missionaries of Charity to work directly with the very poorest of Calcutta. From the efforts of one woman entering the slums of Entally, the Missionaries of Charity grew into an organization operating soup kitchens, health clinics, hospices, and shelters in 139 countries, at no cost to any government or to those served. In 2016, she became Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

    Author Jim Towey had been a high-flying Congressional staffer and lawyer in the 1980s until a brief meeting with Mother Teresa illuminated the emptiness of his life. He began volunteering at one of her soup kitchens and using his legal skills and political connections to help the Missionaries of Charity. When Mother Teresa suggested he take shifts at her AIDS hospice, Towey realized he was all in. Soon, he gave up his job and possessions and became a full-time volunteer for Mother Teresa. He traveled with her frequently, arranged her meetings with politicians, and handled many of her legal affairs.

    To Love and Be Loved is a firsthand account of Mother Teresa’s last years, and the first book ever to detail her dealings with worldly matters. We see her gracefully navigate the opportunities and challenges of leadership, the perils of celebrity, and the humiliations and triumphs of aging. We also catch her indulging in chocolate ice cream, making jokes about mini-skirts, and telling the President of the United States he’s wrong. Above all, we see her extraordinary devotion to God and to the very poorest of His children. Mother Teresa taught Towey to be more prayerful, less selfish, more humble, less worldly, more in love with God, and less in love with himself. Her lessons are here for all to share.

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  • Forgiven And Set Free (Revised)


    No matter what influences a woman to end a pregnancy, the physical, psychological, and spiritual side effects are real and not always anticipated. Feelings of guilt, shame, and grief become a heavy burden, and many women feel that they will never be free, that no one understands, that God will never forgive them. But there is hope.

    Linda Cochrane has been there. With an understanding spirit and a gentle hand, she guides hurting women to bring their emotional scars “out of the dark past and into his holy light” where true and lasting healing can take place. Cochrane delves into the Scriptures to offer help with issues such as relief, denial, anger, forgiveness, depression, letting go, and acceptance.

    For every woman yearning for the peace of God’s forgiveness, this study can be the first step to healing and wholeness.

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  • Old Testament Law For The Life Of The Church


    From the early days of the church to the present, the Old Testament Law has been a subject of much confusion, debate, and outright theological division. And with good reason: the way Christians understand the Law has massive implications for their individual lives and for the life of the church. To sort through the numerous interpretations and approaches to this thorny issue, we need to start with a solid knowledge of the Law itself.

    Richard Averbeck provides a comprehensive, accessible discussion of how the Law fits into the arc of the Bible and its relevance to the church today. Beginning with the way God intended the Law to work in its original historical and cultural context, he then explores the New Testament perspective on the Law. Averbeck identifies three biblical theological theses: the Law is good, the Law is weak, and the Law is a unified whole. Rejecting common partitions between categories of law, he makes the case that the whole Law applies to the Christian. Our task is to discern how it applies in the light of Christ.

    The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church invites readers to consider how all of Scripture is illuminating and useful for God’s people. The church, as the new temple, has much to learn from the Law and about what it means for our doctrine and practice.

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  • Dangerous Beauty : A Novel


    Liliana Vela hates the term victim. She’s not a victim, she’s a fighter. Stubborn and strong with a quiet elegance, she’s determined to take back her life after escaping the clutches of human traffickers in her poor Mexican village. But she can’t stay safely over the border in America–unless the man who aided in her rescue is serious about his unconventional proposal to marry her.

    Meric Toledan was just stopping at a service station for a bottle of water. Assessing the situation, he steps in to rescue Liliana from traffickers. If he can keep his secrets at bay, his wealth and position afford him many resources to help her. But the mysterious buyer who funded her capture will not sit idly by while his prize is stolen from him.

    Melissa Koslin throws you right into the middle of the action in this high-stakes thriller that poses the question: What is the price of freedom?

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  • Return Of The Gods


    The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America.

    The mystery involves the gods. Who are they? What are they? And is it possible that these beings, whose origins are from ancient times, are the unseen catalysts of modern culture?

    Is it possible that these gods lie behind the most pivotal events, forces, and movements taking place in our nation and around the world at this very moment? Are the gods at this very moment transforming our culture, our children, our lives, and America itself?

    Could this mystery have even determined the exact days on which Supreme Court decisions had to be handed down?

    What is the Dark Trinity? Is it possible that what we in the modern world take as nothing more than ancient mythology could actually possess a reality beyond our fathoming?

    Who is the Possessor? The Enchanter? The Destroyer? And the Sorceress? Could a sign that has appeared all over America and the world be linked to the gods of Mesopotamia? And if so, what does it actually mean?

    Could the gods have returned to New York City and an ancient mythology played out on the streets in real time? Is it possible that the gods lie behind everything from what appears on our computer monitors, our televisions and movie screens; to the lessons given in our classrooms; to the breakdown of the family; to wokism; to the occult; to our addictions; to the Supreme Court; to cancel culture; to children?s cartoons; to every force and factor that has transformed the parameters of gender; to that which appears in our stores, on our T-shirts, and on our coffee mugs—to that which is, at this very moment, transforming America and much of the world? Is it possible that behind all these things are ancient mysteries that go back to the Middle East and ancient Mesopotamia? This and so much more, most of which we can?t even reveal in this description, will be uncovered.

    Is it possible that the gods are even affecting your life right now? How can you recognize it? And what can you do about it?

    The Return of the Gods is not only one of the most explosive books you?ll ever read but also one of the most profound. It will reveal the most stunning secrets and truths behind what is happening before your eyes in America and the nations. You will see things, even in your world, in

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  • Loving People Who Are Hard To Love Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In this companion study guide, learn to intentionally love the people in life that are more difficult to love with #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.

    We’re never going to be able to prevent people from saying or doing things that hurt our feelings. We will always have opportunities to get offended. But if we do things God’s way, we can choose to save ourselves a lot of misery and hardship. This doesn’t mean we allow people to abuse us. No, there is a time for confronting people and dealing with situations. However, the Bible commands us to love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us, even when it feels impossible.

    In this companion study guide to Loving People Who Are Hard to Love, Joyce Meyer teaches us that everything the Lord asks us to do in the Bible is ultimately for our good. In fact, when we choose to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us, we are actually helping ourselves more than anyone else. Because whatever the Lord commands us to do, He is going to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it-and that includes loving and being good to difficult people! God’s love flowing through us is strong enough to melt even the hardest hearts, so use kindness as a weapon to overcome the meanness in people.

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  • Loving People Who Are Hard To Love


    How do you love the people in your life who are hard to love?

    We’re never going to be able to prevent people from saying or doing things that hurt our feelings. We will always have opportunities to get offended. But if we do things God’s way, we can choose to save ourselves a lot of misery and hardship. This doesn’t mean we allow people to abuse us. No, there is a time for confronting people and dealing with situations. However, the Bible commands us to love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us, even when it feels impossible.

    Everything the Lord asks us to do in the Bible is ultimately for our good. In fact, when we choose to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us, we are actually helping ourselves more than anyone else. Because whatever the Lord commands us to do, He is going to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it–and that includes loving and being good to difficult people! God’s love flowing through us is strong enough to melt even the hardest hearts, so use kindness as a weapon to overcome the meanness in people.

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  • War Peace And Violence


    In a world of war, terrorism, and other geopolitical threats to global stability, how should committed Christians honor Jesus Christ and his Word? How should Christians think and act when it comes to church-state relations, the preservation of order, the practice of just peacemaking, and the use of coercive force?

    In this volume in IVP Academic’s Spectrum series, four contributors–experts in Christian ethics, political philosophy, and international affairs–offer the best of current Christian thinking on issues of war and peace. They present four distinct views:

    *Eric Patterson, just war view
    *Myles Werntz, nonviolence view
    *A. J. Nolte, Christian realist view
    *Meic Pearse, church historical view

    Each contributor makes a case for his own view and responds to the others, highlighting complexities and real-world implications of the various perspectives. Edited and with an introduction and conclusion by the philosopher Paul Copan, this book provides a helpful orientation to the key positions today.

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  • Clutter Fix : The No-Fail, Stress-Free Guide To Organizing Your Home


    If you struggle with a disorganized, cluttered home, you are not alone. Fifty-four percent of women are overwhelmed with clutter and have been reported to feel embarrassed, chaotic, and even depressed by it. Home decorator Shannon Acheson is here to help. She has written the only book you’ll ever need to get every single space in your home sorted and organized for good–in a way that makes sense for you and your family’s unique, God-given personalities.

    Shannon will help you discover your “Clutter Personality” and your “Organizing Personality” and then use these to create the space that best serves the rhythms and routines of you and your family. You’ll deal with sentimental items and the guilt you often feel when parting with hand-me-downs and heirlooms as you follow step-by-step instructions, checklists, cheat sheets, charts, and fun coloring sheets.

    Clutter isn’t just about the stuff. It’s about how you feel in your home–and in your mind. In this book, you will gain the confidence and skill to clear the clutter and maintain the peaceful dwelling you’ve been hoping for.

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  • Heaven Rules : Take Courage. Take Comfort. Our God Is In Control.


    Two words are sometimes all it takes to upset and overwhelm us.

    Treatment options, work layoffs, election season, pandemic spikes, family trouble, car repairs. They take up so little room, just two little words, and yet they can fill the whole day, the whole house, our whole lives with anxiety and fear.

    Heaven Rules is the two-word answer for every two-word worry. The promise we need for every wave of trouble, every assault on our peace of mind. Heaven’s rule is God’s rule: His rule over nations and nature. His rule over renegade viruses, cancer, and concerns about your marriage, your kids, your job, and everything else. The Bible says God is personally, purposefully involved in all that’s taking place here on earth. He’s reigning over each tear and scar and crisis and conflict. Heaven is ruling, always ruling. That doesn’t mean we won’t experience distress, but it does mean we can find a refuge by looking upward and letting His peace rule in our hearts.

    Using the timeless book and example of Daniel as a guide, author Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reveals how seeing our lives and world through the lens of Heaven’s rule can shield us from panic and give us renewed hope and perspective.

    Job worries. Deadline pressures. Deep regrets. Culture wars. There will always be alarms screeching. But two simple words can quiet them, calm our fears, comfort our hearts, and give us courage to press on: Heaven Rules!

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  • Triumph Of Beauty


    This last year exposed the anger and fear of the world. It also exposed the trajectory of humankind away from God, against his Church, and into increasing darkness–with the darkest hours still ahead. But the Lord has an unexpected answer for the rise of ugliness and violence.

    Here International House of Prayer leader David Sliker gives believers hope for the times to come. God’s merciful answer to the world’s rage is a beautiful, unified Church, one that counters anger with kindness and mercy, loves its enemies, and overcomes bitterness and offense. David also shows how we can lay hold of the Lord’s beauty via revelation and transformation. When we do, we will love like he loves. We will endure without despair. We will display his works. We will boldly, tenderly, and lovingly stand for his truth. And we will rise up as his Bride, whose beauty eclipses the darkness.

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  • Orchard


    For generations, Ellie Hostetler’s family has tended their Lancaster County orchard, a tradition her twin brother, Evan, will someday continue. Yet when Evan’s draft number is called up in the lottery for the Vietnam War, the family is shocked to learn he has not sought conscientious objector status, despite their Old Order Amish belief in nonresistance. The faraway war that has caused so much turmoil and grief among their Englisher neighbors threatens to touch much too close to home.

    As Evan departs for boot camp, Ellie finds herself confiding her disappointment in Sol Bontrager, the brother of her best friend and cousin to her new beau, Menno. In contrast to Evan, Sol is a conscientious objector, and despite Ellie’s attraction to Menno, she finds herself drawn to Sol’s steady presence as they work together in the orchard. Suddenly, it feels as if everything in Ellie’s world is shifting, and the plans she has held so dear seem increasingly uncertain. Can she and her family find the courage to face a future unlike any they could have imagined?

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  • No Reason To Hide Workbook (Workbook)


    Keep Swimming Against the Tide of a Sinking Culture

    In No Reason to Hide, bestselling author Erwin W. Lutzer examines the culture-wide spiritual freefall that has left Christ-followers misplaced and targeted. Now with this companion workbook, he leads you deeper into the chaotic tides of today, preparing you with biblical responses for the harmful effects of an aggressively secular society.

    Take a closer look at the battleground issues Christians face and prepare to compassionately minister to those who believe differently. As you journey through this study, you will be:

    *empowered to withstand the cultural tsunami and remain faithful to God, no matter the cost

    *alerted to the trends that undermine Christian convictions and values, and prepared to effectively proclaim the truth

    *reminded that God is present with us in every challenge, helping us to not only survive but thrive in a hostile world

    In a culture where we as Christians can no longer afford to remain silent, the No Reason to Hide Workbook will encourage and equip you as you take a bold stand for faith in today’s wayward world.

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  • Fighting Your Battles Workbook (Workbook)


    Your Victory Starts with the Battle

    Dive deeper into Jonathan Evans’s Fighting Your Battles DVD series with this helpful companion workbook. As you engage with well-known battles from the Bible, you’ll gain a soul-deep understanding of what it means to remain spiritually triumphant no matter what hardships you face.

    This Scripture-focused six-week journey will help you surrender your struggles, desires, and fears to God and lead you to approach challenges in reliance on His power rather than your own sufficiency. As you read, you will:
    *discover biblical encouragement, hope, and wisdom for everyday living
    *rejoice in the incredible ways God continually works to give you what’s best
    *celebrate the praiseworthy examples of spiritual strength demonstrated in the

    Being on God’s side means you’re always on the winning team! The Fighting Your Battles Workbook will help you grow in your daily approach to faith as you find victory in every circumstance.

    Also Available:
    Fighting Your Battles
    Fighting Your Battles DVD

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  • Fighting Your Battles (DVD)


    Every Christian’s Guide to Victory over Life’s Challenges

    What does it mean to fight God’s way? In this six-week Bible study, author and speaker Jonathan Evans will help you identify what it looks like to let God lead you through life’s hardships, remain assured in your beliefs, and persevere toward the purpose to which He has called you.

    As you learn from Jonathan’s messages, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how your trials and troubles have developed your faith. Meanwhile, you’ll build new spiritual habits that will prepare you to approach life’s peaks and valleys with a heart of hope, endurance, and confidence in God’s goodness.

    Depend on God. All your battles belong to Him. As you journey through this series, you’ll witness how essential this incredible truth is to your daily life. These encouraging, Bible-centered sessions will leave you equipped to stand faithful and empowered in Christ through every circumstance.

    Also Available
    Fighting Your Battles
    Fighting Your Battles Workbook

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  • Fighting Your Battles


    Today’s Struggles Build Tomorrow’s Strength

    In life’s difficult moments, we each must resist the temptation to surrender to the challenges before us. We find refuge when we remember that the God we serve fights our battles alongside us–and when we feel we can’t carry on, we can take heart knowing that it’s through times of turmoil that God is equipping us to grow and draw closer to Him.
    In Fighting Your Battles, author, speaker, and former NFL fullback Jonathan Evans will show how you can face every hardship with strength and hope, confident that God never lets your experiences go to waste. You’ll understand what it means to:

    *see the “giants” you are facing from God’s point of view
    *relinquish self-reliance and depend completely on God
    *progress toward the purpose you were created to fulfill

    This is the book you want in your hand when you’re in situations you can’t manage alone, asking questions you could never answer on your own. Fighting Your Battles will give you biblical encouragement, support, and perspective, empowering you to follow God into victory.

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  • Gods Creation : Help Tell The Story


    In the tradition of Press Here, God’s Creation: Help Tell the Story is an exciting new way for children to experience God’s creation of the world as they interact with the words, follow along with easy-to-understand directions, and watch the story of God’s creation unfold.

    This interactive picture book not only engages and keeps kids’ attention, but also helps them internalize and commit the story to memory. Bold, conceptual art by Hong Kong artist Joanne Liu leaves room for little ones’ imaginations to expand the story and begin to understand the greatness of God and his creation.

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  • No Reason To Hide


    Will You Be Complicit, Complacent, or Courageous?

    In a culture with an ever-narrowing definition of tolerance, Christians can no longer stay silent about the divide between the Bible’s truth and the world’s lies. From bestselling author Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, No Reason to Hide examines the toxic roots behind the alarming symptoms of a nation in spiritual freefall–and why your faith must empower you to engage rather than hide.

    As you read, you’ll be equipped to defend your biblical beliefs with confidence and compassion. You’ll also identify how you can respond to the battleground issues of today, including:

    *identity-driven social justice ideologies that seek to divide rather than unite
    *cultural attacks on the definitions of sex and gender that turn language into a war
    *progressive pushes within the church that ultimately desecrate the Bible’s teachings

    A call for believers to standing firm in today’s oppressive world, No Reason to Hide is a rallying reminder that will ready Christians everywhere to have the courage to proclaim Scripture’s truth to a culture in desperate need of what only God can offer.

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  • Master What Matters


    How Can You Win at Life?

    What does a winning life look like? And how can you get there?

    They key is focusing on what matter most.

    The choices you make every day based on your values are what define you. And define your life. Make the right ones, and you are a winner. And here’s the good news: they’re not rocket science. Anyone can make them. Internationally bestselling author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell shares twelve everyday choices that you can make today and every day. They will help you master what matters so that you can have a better life.

    About Maxwell Moments

    Maxwell Moments is an innovative new line of derivative books unlike any other Maxwell books in the marketplace. They will look and feel fresh, appealing to a younger and more innovative audience while delivering the time-tested Maxwell message of hope, personal growth, leadership development, and success.

    Titles in the Maxwell Moments series will be single-concept books in a creative format, chock full of wisdom, insight, and inspiration. Each will contain the essence of one of John’s messages, divided into short chapters to be savored in small bites, read in a single sitting, given as gifts, and used as mentoring tools.

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  • Art Of Christmas


    A star, a stable, angels, shepherds, kings and, at the heart of it all, a mother and her baby. . .

    Jane Williams’ meditations on the birth of Jesus take you deep into the story of the original Christmas, as depicted in some of the world’s greatest paintings.

    These profoundly perceptive reflections on the different ways in which artists have imagined the nativity will deepen and refresh your appreciation of the real meaning of Christmas, and the message of love, joy, and peace that it speaks to all the world.

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  • Jesus Revealed : The I Am Statements In The Gospel Of John


    Discover Jesus’ character through the “I Am” statements in Jesus Revealed by pastor and author Matt Rawle.

    The Gospel of John is deeply symbolic, and the “I am” statements of Jesus characterize the rich imagery we find in it. In Jesus Revealed: The I Am Statements in the Gospel of John, Matt Rawle brings out the meaning of each of these symbolic statements of Jesus in his creative, engaging style. For each statement, Rawle shows us its meaning within the Gospel of John, its resonance within the whole biblical narrative, and what it calls us to do today as disciples of Jesus.

    Chapter topics include:
    1. I am the bread of life (John 6:48)
    2. I am the light of the world (John 8:12)
    3. I am the good shepherd (John 10:11)
    4. I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25)
    5. I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)
    6. I am the true vine (John 15:1)

    Components for the six-week study include a book, comprehensive Leader Guide, DVD/Video sessions featuring Matt Rawle.

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  • Losing Her Finding Me


    Michelle Rohlf’s unwanted estrangement from her daughter Naomi strips her of everything . . . her grandchildren, her peace of mind, and most of all, herself. In spite of her broken heart and spirit, she embarks on a journey of healing and forgiveness, discovering the impact her own upbringing had on her attachment to her daughter. But just as Michelle learns that her life isn’t over because her daughter walked away, Naomi shows up again, without apology or explanation. Much to Michelle’s dismay, this reappearance challenges her newfound peace and ongoing recovery from codependency.

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  • Bible In 52 Weeks For Families


    A journey through the Bible to nurture your family’s faith

    This book features a yearlong reading plan designed to guide your family through the entire Bible–a few verses at a time. With weekly commentaries, discussion questions, and activities, it will spark exciting conversations and inspire every family member to apply God’s teachings to their own life.

    *All you need is a Bible–Every week’s entry includes six daily readings from your Bible (with a day to catch up), a brief lesson on the theme for the week, a few questions to talk through, and a fun activity for the whole family to try.

    *Touch on every chapter–Explore every verse of the Bible over the course of a year with a simple schedule that only requires about 15 minutes of reading each day and one study session each week.

    *Made for families–Lessons are appropriate for all ages, so even young children can join in on the conversation.

    Connect with His Word and spend quality time together with this Bible study guide for families.

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  • Authentically Uniquely You


    Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher, Joyce Meyer.

    God has given you gifts so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you’re like a lot of people, you may not have recognized your talents yet. Start asking God to show you something special about the way He’s made you.

    To some people, He’s given a very tender, compassionate heart, and some He has wired to lead others effectively. Others, He has given a gift of being able to communicate clearly, to teach, to make scientific discoveries, or to write beautiful music. Only you can discover all the dynamic gifts He’s placed in you.

    Become Authentically, Uniquely You because God is never going to help you be anyone but yourself. He loves you just as you are. Let God use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you from the inside out to do something powerful beyond your wildest dreams.

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  • Psalms For Black Lives


    In the summer of 2020, while composing a series of devotionals on the Psalms for their church, the Double Love Experience, authors Gabby Cudjoe-Wilkes and Andrew Wilkes recognized that these ancient words spoke truth and inspiration not only to their immediate community, but also to the growing number of people doing the holy, demanding work of pursuing justice, undoing structural racism, and building a society that truly values Black lives.

    The Psalms speak power today as they always have. They have spoken across generations. They have bridged cultural divides and social contexts with their emotional rawness, urge towards justice, and blunt candor about the coarse edges of walking with God. Psalms for Black Lives includes thirty devotions, each containing a psalm, a reflection, and an invitation for the reader to develop a justice imagination through further engagement with the text. Psalms for Black Lives also includes daily discussion questions to support small-group study and a guide for congregational and community groups who want to embody the words of the Psalms together.

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  • Foundation Study Bible Large Print Comfort Print


    The NKJV Foundation Study Bible is the perfect foundation for Bible study and the Christian life. Build your life on it! Now in easy-to-read large print.Available for the first time in large Comfort Print, the beloved Foundation Study Bible is now more readable and helpful than ever! A rich resource for everyone longing to understand more of God’s Word, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced disciple, The Foundation Study Bible includes extensive study helps: verse-by-verse study and theological notes, full-color maps, a concordance, and cross-references. Featuring an easy-to-use layout that is concise and trustworthy, with straightforward and broad study notes that help you study God’s truth, the NKJV Foundation Study Bible is a great choice for any Bible student or church leader.Intended for both beginning and experienced students of Scripture who want a Bible that contains the key features of a study Bible in a convenient and portable size, even in large print, the NKJV Foundation Study Bible is a solid foundation to build one’s faith upon.Features include:Book introductions give brief background information for more contextConcise study notes provide helpful comments on passages of ScriptureOver 300 theological notes and index draw attention to important doctrinal themesEnd-of-page cross-references direct attention to other passages for further study of words and concepts in ScriptureConcordance provides an alphabetical listing of important passages by key wordsExtensive study aids: book introductions, cross-references, Harmony of the Gospels, Prophecies of the Messiah Fulfilled, The Miracles of Jesus, and Prayers of the BibleFull-color Bible mapsWords of Christ in redClear and readable Comfort Print

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  • Grace And Truth Study Bible Large Print 1995 Text Comfort Print


    Accessible Insights for Faithful LivingDr. R. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and one of the foremost voices for evangelicals worldwide, heads up the editorial team for the NASB Grace and Truth Study Bible. This group of scholars and pastors is committed to delivering a trustworthy and approachable guide to Scripture to Bible readers. The warmhearted and faithful notes will provide first-time Bible readers reliable guidance while simultaneously nourishing veteran students of the Word with fresh insights. Unwavering in its commitment to evangelical steadfastness, this study Bible paints a stunning canvas of the goodness of God’s redemptive plan revealed in the gospel of Jesus.Universally recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations, the beloved New American Standard Bible, 1995 Text, is now easier to read with Zondervan’s exclusive NASB Comfort Print typeface. Available in a variety of sophisticated designs, the NASB Grace and Truth Study Bible gives you the translation celebrated for faithfulness to the original biblical languages in a portable, easy-to-read format.Features: The full text of the New American Standard Bible, 1995 TextProject leadership by general editor Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryInsightful and practical bottom-of-the-page study notes Center-column cross reference system for deeper studyNASB concordanceWords of Jesus in redTwo-color page design16 pages of full-color mapsTwo satin ribbon markersSmyth-sewn durable leathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NASB Comfort Print typeface10-point print size for the biblical text and 8.5-point print size for the study notes

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  • Dynamite Prayer : A 28 Day Experiment


    Break through the walls of your prayer life and discover miraculous new possibilities.

    Dynamite Prayer is a daily prayer guide that will show you how to begin a practice of “breakthrough prayer,” a way of praying where we ask God to open new doors and reveal new possibilities, fueled by the Spirit’s power. This 28-day adventure will take you from feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and uninspired to curious and expectant as you surrender your own preferences and ideas and courageously follow the miracles God brings into your life.

    Each day contains:

    *A brief meditation on a verse from Scripture that will help you see how the Spirit’s dynamic power has been at work throughout history and in your life today

    *Reflection questions for the day

    *A short breakthrough prayer for the day

    *A prayer word or phrase to help you make breakthrough prayer part of each moment

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  • Songs Of Suffering


    Joni Eareckson Tada Offers 25 Hymns for Worship for Difficult Times

    As an author, speaker, and advocate for people with disabilities, Joni Eareckson Tada has inspired people around the world with her story of faith in the midst of suffering. In this beautiful collection of hymns and devotions she acts as a “song leader,” guiding readers through their own painful seasons with heartfelt praises to God.

    Songs of Suffering includes 25 hymns with accompanying devotions and photography designed to spark hope in hardship. Opening with a special message from hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty, this book is a source of comfort for anyone who needs biblical encouragement, prompting readers to seek refuge in the Lord and rejoice in his goodness.

    *A Beautifully Designed Book from Joni Eareckson Tada: Includes 25 hymns with sheet music, devotionals, and photography

    *An Uplifting Call to Worship: Emphasizes the Bible’s command to sing and leads readers in hope-filled praise

    *Comfort for the Hurting: Makes a thoughtful gift for friends or family dealing with pain, illness, or loss

    *Opens with a Message from Keith and Kristyn Getty: Read their reflections on worship and Joni Eareckson Tada’s inspiring ministry

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  • Raising Resilient Kids


    Children need to believe their future is bright. The more disappointments they don’t recover well from, the less likely they are to dream. When they do not process challenging experiences well it can lead to defeat, rather than encourage them to grow and mature. Far too many children don’t grasp their strengths and, as a result do not believe they can overcome negative encounters. Apathy sets in. Discouragement persists. Arguments rage. Mental health suffers. Children need to be resilient and when they develop this ability and make wise choices it becomes part of their character. Furthermore, they need parents who help them to learn from negative experiences and who allow them a certain measure of struggle. In Raising Resilient Kids moms and dads will learn the power and purpose of resilience and how to parent so as to make it more likely their children will utilize this character quality.

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  • God Of The Way


    In this long-awaited follow-up to New York Times bestseller The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi, discover the stories of key men and women from the Bible who changed the world and whose stories continue to offer life, hope, and direction for today.

    The God of the Way is a grand story of scriptural faith and the people who changed the world forever. Merging the ancient with the modern, bestselling author Kathie Lee Gifford partners once again with Rabbi Jason Sobel, creating a book and video curriculum, with four unique sections (The God of the How and When, The God of His Word, The God Who Sees, and The God of the Other Side) and chapters that introduce several key men and women from the Bible such as Abraham and Sarah, Joshua, Moses, Hagar, David, Mary Magdalene, Peter, and more. The God of the Way contains:

    *The incredible story of how God made a way for His children

    *An in-depth look at key Biblical figures who tell the story of God’s plan and provision for mankind

    *Historical and cultural insights that will open your eyes to the Bible as never before

    Journey into God’s Word, from the creation of the world through the desert and empty places, the Hebrew nation, and meet Jesus, the disciples, and His followers.

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  • 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Workbook 25th Anniversary Edition: Follow (Wor


    Leadership has become increasingly complex in recent years. The times are difficult, and it can be challenging to get people to work together. Businesses, government, families, communities, and teams are all crying out for good leaders to help them. This is where the principles outlined in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership can help.

    Based on the revised and updated 25th anniversary edition of the bestselling book, this workbook uses case studies, self-evaluation, and group discussion questions to help you boost your leadership skills. Included are stories and observations from the worlds of business, politics, sports, the military, and non-profits. Each law is like a tool, ready to be picked up and used to help you achieve your dreams and add value to other people.

    Discover how these valuable principles can change your life-follow them and learn to lead-not just for yourself, but for the people who follow you.

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  • Cost Of Control


    We all wish we had more control. When our relationships are strained, when our bodies refuse to cooperate, when the future is uncertain, control promises security and peace. If only I were in charge, we dream. And this illusion seems more attainable than ever. Technology, science, medicine, and the internet all promise us ever-increasing mastery over our world.

    The problem is, control is a “devil’s deal.” The more we seek it, the more it betrays us. In place of predictability, it gives us anxiety. In place of certainty, it creates more complexity. And in place of unity, it divides. It’s not just that we cannot control things; it’s that we break them even more when we try.

    Thankfully the answer to our craving is not simply to “let go and let God.” When our kids aren’t listening, when our loved ones are self-destructing, or when our health is declining, we don’t have to scramble after control, nor do we have to throw up our hands. Instead, God has given us a better tool.

    In this culturally insightful and eye-opening book, Sharon Hodde Miller helps us discover the real power God has given us in Christ, to exercise influence over ourselves and our lives.

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  • Experiencing God Bible


    The CSB Experiencing God Bible invites you to know and experience God personally. In this revised and updated edition, based on the best-selling Experiencing God book and Bible study, you will be encouraged to focus on the major purpose of Bible reading–listening to God speak. Experiencing God features and study helps placed throughout the Bible provide an immersive reading experience that will guide and challenge you to respond to the invitations God offers to know him, his purposes, and his ways.

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  • Jesus Revealed Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Discover Jesus’ character through the “I Am” statements in Jesus Revealed by pastor and author Matt Rawle.

    The Gospel of John is deeply symbolic, and the “I am” statements of Jesus characterize the rich imagery we find in it. In Jesus Revealed: The I Am Statements in the Gospel of John, Matt Rawle brings out the meaning of each of these symbolic statements of Jesus in his creative, engaging style. For each statement, Rawle shows us its meaning within the Gospel of John, its resonance within the whole biblical narrative, and what it calls us to do today as disciples of Jesus.

    Chapter topics include:
    1. I am the bread of life (John 6:48)
    2. I am the light of the world (John 8:12)
    3. I am the good shepherd (John 10:11)
    4. I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25)
    5. I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)
    6. I am the true vine (John 15:1)

    Components for the six-week study include a book, comprehensive Leader Guide, DVD/Video sessions featuring Matt Rawle.

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  • Curious Faith : The Questions God Asks, We Ask, And We Wish Someone Would A


    God created us to be curious. We innately wonder about the world, one another, ourselves, and our Creator. But fear of the unknown, cultural taboos, technology, or even church leaders can smother our curiosity.

    Popular writer Lore Ferguson Wilbert has belonged to Christian communities that discouraged curiosity. The point of the Christian life was to have the right answers, and asking questions reflected a wavering faith. But Wilbert came to discover that the Bible is a permission slip to anyone who wants to ask questions.

    Reflecting her own theological trajectory toward a more contemplative, expansive faith, Wilbert invites readers to foster curiosity as a spiritual habit. This book explores questions God asks us, questions we ask God, and questions we ask each other. Christianity is not about knowing good answers, says Wilbert, but about asking good questions–ones that foster deeper intimacy with God and others.

    A Curious Faith invites readers to go beyond pat answers and embrace curiosity, rather than certainty, as a hallmark of authentic faith. Foreword by Seth Haines.

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  • Silencing White Noise


    Racism is omnipresent in American life, both public and private. We are immersed in what prominent Black church leader Willie Dwayne Francois III calls white noise–the racist speech, ideas, and policies that lull us into inaction on racial justice. White noise masks racial realities and prevents constructive responses to microaggressions, structural inequality, and overt interpersonal racism.

    In this book, Francois calls people of all races to take up practices that overcome silence and inaction on race and that advance racial repair. Drawing from his antiracism curriculum, the Public Love Organizing and Training (PLOT) Project, Francois encourages us to move from a “colorblind” stance and mythic innocence to one that takes an honest account of our national history and acknowledges our complicity in racism as a prelude to antiracist interventions.

    Weaving together personal narrative, theology, and history, this book invites us to engage 6 “rhythms of reparative intercession.” These are six practices of antiracism that aim to repair harm by speaking up and “acting up” on behalf of others. Silencing White Noise offers concrete ways to help people wrest free from the dangers of racism and to develop lifelong Christian antiracist practices.

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  • Now I Am Known


    At age ten, Peter Mutabazi ran away from home in rural Uganda to escape his abusive father. For five years Peter survived on the streets of Kampala, a city of 1.5 million, until one man saw potential in him. This one person not only supported Peter through school but altered Peter’s outlook on life in every possible way. Since then, Peter has served as a relief coordinator during the Rwandan genocide, worked for the International Committee of Red Cross during the Sudan conflict, emigrated to the United States, fostered countless children, and become a single foster and adoptive parent. He speaks seven languages and has traveled to more than 100 countries as an international advocate for vulnerable children.

    Now I Am Known is Peter’s inspiring true story. In it he reveals the transformational power of taking risks, learning to forgive, overcoming self-doubt, breaking negative patterns, and believing in a better future. He becomes a friend in this must-read, encouraging you to propel forward into a purpose-driven life marked by hope and meaning.

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  • Blood Brothers : The Dramatic Story Of A Palestinian Christian Working For


    As a child, Elias Chacour lived in a small Palestinian village in Galilee. When tens of thousands of Palestinians were killed and nearly one million forced into refugee camps in 1948, Elias began a long struggle with how to respond. In Blood Brothers, he blends his riveting life story with historical research to reveal a little-known side of the Arab-Israeli conflict, exploring whether bitter enemies can ever be reconciled. This book offers hope and insight to help each of us learn to live at peace in a world of tension and terror.

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  • Soul Care To Save Your Life


    In our image-conscious culture, life can become a never-ending performance. The perfection we feel pressured to project to those in our social sphere comes at the expense of our emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. In the end, we are left exhausted and unfulfilled. How do we flip the script and feed ourselves rather than simply adding to our feeds?

    In Soul Care to Save Your Life, author, speaker, and recovering performer Manda Carpenter offers an invitation to shift your focus from performing to purposeful living from the inside out. In this book she guides you on a three-part journey to:

    – identify the habits that are holding you back
    – take ownership of your path to growth
    – embrace practices of soul care for your well-being

    It’s time to drop the faade of the picture-perfect life and instead get radically honest in order to heal and embrace the confidence that comes from knowing and loving your whole self, no filter needed.

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  • Saving Your Church From Itself


    As a coach and mentor to hundreds of pastors, Chris Sonksen has had a front-row seat to the unfortunate outcomes when a team member begins to drift from the vision of the church and the leader they serve. But the good news is, these situations never come out of left field. There are always warning signs that, if heeded, allow church leaders to rise to the challenge of keeping their team healthy, unified, and moving forward together.

    In this powerfully practical book, Sonksen unpacks six subtle behaviors that undermine team unity and lead to problems that can derail your ministry and even split your church, including:

    – pride
    – artificial harmony
    – isolation
    – a critical spirit
    – divisiveness
    – disrespect

    Beyond merely identifying the problems, this book offers you a blueprint for what to do when you see or feel evidence of these behaviors creeping into team dynamics.

    Alignment of vision and purpose doesn’t happen by accident, and it isn’t maintained without careful attention and proactive strategies. But with Chris Sonksen’s help, you can save your church from itself.

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  • By Way Of The Moonlight


    For as long as she can remember, Allie Massey, a gifted physical therapist, has dreamed of making her grandparents’ ten-acre estate in the middle of the city into a trauma recovery center using equine therapy, a dream her grandmother, Nana Dale, embraced wholeheartedly with her financial support. But when her grandmother’s will is read, the money left to Allie and her family is barely enough to cover the cost of hiring a lawyer, and worse yet, the property has been sold to a contractor.

    With just three weeks until the house and barn will be imploded, a backhoe unearths one of Dale Butler’s best-kept secrets and perhaps a clue to keep Allie’s dream alive. As Allie cleans out her grandmother’s home and searches for the missing chest, convinced there is money somewhere, she uncovers bits and pieces of her grandmother’s past with her champion filly, Essie, a young man named Tommy, and one fateful night in 1943 during the Battle of the Atlantic.

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  • Now I Am Known


    At age ten, Peter Mutabazi ran away from home in rural Uganda to escape his abusive father. For five years Peter survived on the streets of Kampala, a city of 1.5 million, until one man saw potential in him. This one person not only supported Peter through school but altered Peter’s outlook on life in every possible way. Since then, Peter has served as a relief coordinator during the Rwandan genocide, worked for the International Committee of Red Cross during the Sudan conflict, emigrated to the United States, fostered countless children, and become a single foster and adoptive parent. He speaks seven languages and has traveled to more than 100 countries as an international advocate for vulnerable children.

    Now I Am Known is Peter’s inspiring true story. In it he reveals the transformational power of taking risks, learning to forgive, overcoming self-doubt, breaking negative patterns, and believing in a better future. He becomes a friend in this must-read, encouraging you to propel forward into a purpose-driven life marked by hope and meaning.

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  • Everyday Connections Year A


    This volume provides a full fifty-two weeks of devotional material based on the Revised Common Lectionary for Year C. Drawing from the insightful Bible commentaries in the Connections series, each week of offerings also includes scriptural and literary readings, lectio divina, spiritual practices, questions for journaling, and a prayer. This resource has been crafted with mainline, lectionary preachers and lay leaders in mind, both to supplement their planning for the week and to feed their souls in the midst of the work of ministry. Individuals and small groups will find their faith deepened through regular contemplation and devotional insight.

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  • Very Thankful Prayer Seek And Find


    This sweet fall-themed seek-and-find activity book helps your preschooler grow in gratitude as they search, match, learn, and give thanks.

    This interactive edition of A Very Thankful Prayer includes:

    *heartfelt rhyming text about all the blessings of the fall season

    *whimsical illustrations, updated to have just the right level of complexity for the youngest searchers

    *a key of hidden objects on each page that includes the name of each item

    *a bonus key on the back cover with even more items to find throughout the book

    Children ages 3 to 5 will build early learning skills as they:

    *develop observation and concentration skills
    *learn letter recognition and connect letters with their sounds
    *identify simple sight words and match words to pictures
    *find bright pumpkins, colorful leaves, cozy hats, adorable animals, and much more
    *build confidence in their own value and skills

    This refreshed favorite makes a great gift for many occasions for you and your children or grandchildren to enjoy throughout the fall season. Help your toddlers and preschoolers develop pre-reading skills while your family gives thanks for all that the season has to offer–from watching the autumn leaves fall and picking pumpkins from the patch to sharing a Thanksgiving meal with loved ones and learning how to give and receive.

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  • 1 And 2 Thessalonians


    The Thessalonian correspondence represents the earliest writing in the New Testament, according to many scholars. It speaks to a group of Christians struggling with thorny questions, such as: How should we live in the shadow of the coming parousia? What are our obligations to one another as followers of Jesus? How do we learn to trust the truth of the gospel? For Paul, this earliest correspondence was a test of his apostolic authority and also a means to express his genuine warmth and affection for the Christian community at Thessalonica. In spite of their relative brevity, the letters to the Thessalonians wrestle with ideas and obligations that remain relevant today.

    The volumes in the Belief series offer a fresh and invigorating approach to all the books of the Bible. Building on a wide range of sources from biblical studies and the Christian tradition, renowned scholars focus less on traditional historical and literary angles in favor of a theologically focused commentary that considers the contemporary relevance of the text. Why then and why now are overarching questions asked throughout the volumes in the series.

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  • Learning Our Names


    What’s your name?

    Asian Americans know the pain of being called names that deny our humanity. We may toggle back and forth between different names as a survival strategy. But it’s a challenge to discern what names reflect our true identities as Asian Americans and as Christians. In an era when Asians face ongoing discrimination and marginalization, it can be hard to live into God’s calling for our lives.

    Asian American Christians need to hear and own our diverse stories beyond the cultural expectations of the model minority or perpetual foreigner. A team from East Asian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian backgrounds explores what it means to learn our names and be seen by God. They encourage us to know our history, telling diverse stories of the Asian diaspora in America who have been shaped and misshaped by migration, culture, and faith. As we live in the multiple tensions of being Asian American Christians, we can discover who we are and what God may have in store for us and our communities.

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  • Foretaste Of The Future


    For many Christians, the book of Revelation inspires confusion and fear.

    It’s seen as a coded screenplay for the end times, or it’s just too strange to understand. The problem, Dean Flemming contends, is that when we read Revelation as focused on the future, we miss what it says about what God is doing in the world now.

    Revelation is one of the richest texts in Scripture for understanding both God’s mission to make everything new and how the church is caught up in that mission. In Foretaste of the Future, Flemming mines this largely untapped resource by introducing a missional reading of Revelation. Drawing from a variety of cultural perspectives, Flemming explores Revelation’s original context, key themes, and transformational message that rings out for each new generation.

    By reading Revelation in light of God’s mission, we gain a renewed vision of God’s great purpose to redeem and restore all creation through the work of the slain Lamb. We also see how God’s people are called to help offer a foretaste of salvation and healing now, along with insight on how to contextualize this mission in particular settings. A missional reading not only invites us to imagine the future; it teaches us to let the future cast its light into the present to guide our way.

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  • Gospel Of Peace In A Violent World


    Blessed are the peacemakers.

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of peace: peace between God and humanity, peace among humans. And yet it can be difficult to see that peace in our broken, violent world.

    In this volume, Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves have gathered contributions from theologians, pastors, and practitioners on the importance and implementation of Christian nonviolence in today’s world. The vision they cast not only responds to the realities of war and conflict but also offers a broader, deeper understanding of peace that addresses topics such as race, gender, disability, immigration, the environment, food scarcity, and more–a holistic shalom that is evidence of God’s presence.

    May it be so.

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  • Power Of Gods Names Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    The Power of God’s Names Bible Study Book with Video Access includes small group experiences for six sessions, individual study and learning activities five days a week, Scriptures that reveal the meanings of God’s names, and video viewer guides. Also, each Book contains a unique code that enables you to access free session videos.

    To fully grasp the significance and power of knowing God’s names, you first need to understand the context of names within biblical cultures. In Old Testament times a name was more than simply nomenclature. It was, rather, a replica and revelation of the individual or thing itself.

    This study examines 11 names of God. The words translated as name show up over one thousand times in Scripture and routinely carry with them power, responsibility, purpose, and authority. A name not only expresses the essence and significance of what is being named but also-when duly authorized-accesses the capacity intrinsic within it. Because of God’s depth of character, He has a variety of names to reflect His different capacities of relating to humanity. For example, God is called Elohim when referenced as the all-powerful Creator. When you need provision, get to know the name Jehovah Jireh, which means God, the Provider. God has a name for any and every situation you can find yourself in. Get to know the names of God because it is in knowing His character and His capacity that you will rest and discover both peace and power in His covenant care.

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  • Dare To Follow


    Let Jesus Lead You on the Ultimate Adventure

    Following God isn’t just a one-time decision–it’s a daily journey! Dare to Be authors Charlotte Gambill and Natalie Grant have written this 100-day devotional guide to help you turn your focus from today’s distractions and onto the One who says, “Follow me.”
    Find soul-deep encouragement as you identify the specific, personal ways God is calling you to draw closer to Him. Dare to Follow will lead you to uncover…

    *what strongholds remain in your heart that need to be handed over to God
    *how the spiritual fruits produced by your life reflect your walk with Christ
    *what influences you need to “unfollow” so you can better follow Jesus
    *how you can remain obedient to God even on the days you don’t hear His voice
    *how and where will you lead the people who follow you

    Your future may be unknown, but your direction is certain! With room to journal and reflect, Dare to Follow will inspire you to joyfully walk in the footsteps of Jesus, allowing Him to lead you in every area of your life.

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  • Next Worship Bible Study


    Our destiny, Scripture reveals, is worshiping together as the multiethnic, multilingual, multinational family of God. Our worship here on earth should reflect, point to, and prepare for that ultimate experience.

    In these five studies, Sandra Maria Van Opstal dives into biblical perspectives on worship that shaped her groundbreaking book The Next Worship. Focusing on key passages throughout the New Testament, she invites readers to consider how worship relates to diversity, reconciliation, hospitality, unity, and more.

    As companions to the IVP Signature Collection, IVP Signature Bible Studies help individuals and groups explore and apply biblical truths found in classic books. Each session features quotations from The Next Worship matched with Scripture passages, reflection questions, and application ideas that will equip readers to connect the text to their own lives. A leader’s guide is also included.

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  • 1 Minute Prayers For Women With Cancer


    More than a survivor, thriver Niki Hardy offers this book of bite-sized devotions, Scripture verses, and prayers to help women cope with the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty that comes with cancer.

    Niki Hardy had already lost her mom and sister to cancer when she received her own diagnosis of rectal cancer. She decided early on that she wasn’t going to put life on hold simply because the dreaded C-word had become part of her personal lexicon, and she doesn’t want you to miss out on anything God has for you, either.

    With wisdom, insight, empathy, and yes, a little humor, Niki helps you transform fear into faith and navigate the ups and downs of your cancer journey. You can experience God’s peace and provision during this challenging time.

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  • Covenant Story : Trusting The Love Of A Faithful God


    Whether you’ve spent your life in church or are a curious observer of the Christian faith, you can’t help but wonder. Is God good, and can I trust him? Can I trust the Bible? How am I supposed to read this ancient book of confusing stories? Does the God of the Bible actually make a difference in my here-and-now life?

    The Bible tells a story-and it may be one you haven’t considered. It is the story of God and humans in an unexpected relationship of faithfulness and love. It’s about people who fail and about the God who pursues them with his unrelenting covenant love. And it concludes with a miracle plot twist so astonishing, it changes everything.

    Written with beautiful prose, The Covenant Story is a breathtaking picture of the covenant relationship we all can share with the faithful God who loves us, who never ceases to be for us, and who has promised to never abandon us. This is The Covenant Story-and it is the story we are invited to enter.

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  • Ferozmente Amada – (Spanish)


    Es hora de cambiar la forma en que piensas que Dios piensa acerca de ti. Cuando Dios piensa en ti, no esta buscando una razon para descalificarte, repudiarte o juzgarte. El no esta esperando que fracases. !Nunca! El es quien nos redime cuando fallamos, el que nos califica y adopta. Somos nosotros los que nos fijamos en nuestros fracasos, no nuestro Padre.

    Lo que David escribio en el Salmo 139: 17-18 (NTV) sigue siendo cierto hoy: “Que preciosos son tus pensamientos acerca de mi,] oh Dios. !No se pueden enumerar! Ni siquiera puedo contarlos; !suman mas que los granos de la arena! Y cuando despierto, !todavia estas conmigo!” No hay un momento, ya sea que estes despierto o dormido, en el que Dios no tenga pensamientos salvajes de amor feroz hacia ti. Todo cambia cuando sabes esto y es importante que nunca mas lo dudes.

    Eres ferozmente amada, bien pensada y profundamente querida.

    En este devocional de 90 dias, la autora de exitos de ventas del New York Times, Lisa Bevere, quiere cambiar tu perspectiva del concepto de ser alguien a quien simplemente se tolera, a alguien a quien se ama ferozmente. Cada dia explora otra faceta de nuestra identidad, verdad y la conexion intima de Dios con sus hijos.

    It’s time to change the way you think God thinks about you. When God thinks about you, He isn’t looking for a reason to disqualify, disown, or judge you. He’s not watching for you to fail. Never! He is our qualifying, adopting, and redeeming failsafe. We are the ones who fixate on our failures, not our Father.

    What David wrote in Psalm 139 is still true today: “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” (17-18 NLT). There is not a moment whether you are awake or asleep that God is not thinking wild thoughts of fierce love towards you. Everything changes when you know this and it’s important for you to never doubt it again.

    You are fiercely loved, well thought of, and deeply wanted.

    In this 90-day devotional, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere wants to shift your perspective from the concept of being someone who is merely tolerated to someone who is fiercely loved. Each day explores another facet of our identity, truth, and God’s intimate connection with His children.

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  • God Who Stays


    Have you ever felt adrift and alone after losing a job, a dream, a loved one, or your sense of purpose in life? In The God Who Stays, Matthew West uses stories and Scripture to encourage you that wherever you are and whatever you’re going through, God is right by your side–and nothing can separate you from His love and grace.

    Through the dramatic events of 2020 and the ensuing uncertainty and anxiety ever since, people’s lives and illusions of security have been turned upside down. Whenever our plans, hopes, and dreams are put on hold–or worse, lost forever–we feel discouraged, lost, and isolated, and desperately praying, “God, where are You?”

    Matthew West’s newest book, The God Who Stays, is an engaging and thoughtful exploration, balanced with his trademark wit and humor, that helps us reconnect to the biblical truth of Immanuel–“God with us”–a personal Savior who never leaves our side and who always answers when we cry out for help.

    The God Who Stays contains:

    *An exploration of the character of the God who faithfully travels with us through every season of our life

    *Encouragement in a time of isolation and anxiety that many have been experiencing

    *Personal stories, experiences, and discoveries from Matthew’s own faith journey

    In his most personal book yet, join Matthew on a spiritual journey of rediscovery and revival inspired by the words of his hit song “The God Who Stays.” Renew your faith and find rest and healing through biblical truth.

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  • Grace And Truth Study Bible Large Print 1995 Text Comfort Print


    Accessible Insights for Faithful LivingDr. R. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and one of the foremost voices for evangelicals worldwide, heads up the editorial team for the NASB Grace and Truth Study Bible. This group of scholars and pastors is committed to delivering a trustworthy and approachable guide to Scripture to Bible readers. The warmhearted and faithful notes will provide first-time Bible readers reliable guidance while simultaneously nourishing veteran students of the Word with fresh insights. Unwavering in its commitment to evangelical steadfastness, this study Bible paints a stunning canvas of the goodness of God’s redemptive plan revealed in the gospel of Jesus.Universally recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations, the beloved New American Standard Bible, 1995 Text, is now easier to read with Zondervan’s exclusive NASB Comfort Print typeface. Available in a variety of sophisticated designs, the NASB Grace and Truth Study Bible gives you the translation celebrated for faithfulness to the original biblical languages in a portable, easy-to-read format.Features: The full text of the New American Standard Bible, 1995 TextProject leadership by general editor Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryInsightful and practical bottom-of-the-page study notes Center-column cross reference system for deeper studyNASB concordanceWords of Jesus in redTwo-color page design16 pages of full-color mapsTwo satin ribbon markersSmyth-sewn durable European bonded leather cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NASB Comfort Print typeface10-point print size for the biblical text and 8.5-point print size for the study notes

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  • Lead Like A Monk


    Celebrated author and Benedictine monk Anselm Grun shares years of experience and scholarship of Benedictine life, and teaches readers how the precepts from the Rule of Saint Benedict show us how to become better leaders, and how to support those in leadership. In his wise and illuminating way, Father Grun explores the very practical aspects of leadership–qualities of a leader, the handling of material possessions, self-care, relationships with others, and goals in leadership.

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  • Wrestling With Job


    The unique richness of the book of Job cannot be simply explained–it must be experienced. While Job presents challenges for scholars, ministry leaders, and laypeople, it also contains powerful lessons on faith and perseverance in the face of suffering that we all need to hear.

    In Wrestling with Job, Bill Kynes, a lifelong pastor, and his son Will Kynes, a Job scholar, guide readers on a journey through this complex text. Each chapter combines exposition, spiritual application, and a deeper look at some of the thornier aspects of the text. Complete with reflection questions for groups or individuals, this book equips anyone wondering how the lessons of Job apply to their own lives to consider how they too might practice defiant faith.

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  • Hospitable Leader : Create Environments Where People And Dreams Flourish


    Everyone is a leader somewhere. Whether a parent, pastor, coach, or CEO, anyone can learn to lead hospitably.

    Hospitable leadership is a big idea. An urgently needed idea. In a world that far too often feels inhospitable, people are longing for leaders who create a climate that brings diverse people together to achieve desired and meaningful results. That’s what hospitable leaders do. Hospitable leaders create environments of welcome where moral leadership can more effectively influence an ever-expanding group of people to accomplish worthy goals together.

    Terry Smith has lived this paradigm-shifting message and has grown an incredibly diverse congregation with a robust leadership culture in the New York City metropolitan area.

    In The Hospitable Leader, he shares how to warm people’s hearts so they are more receptive to your leadership efforts. The many keys you will discover include how to:

    * Employ the metamorphic possibility of welcoming strangers to your circle of influence
    * Communicate transformative truths with grace
    * Make your dreams come true by helping others realize their own

    Practicing leadership with a hospitality mindset is the right way–the moral way–to lead people. But when understood properly, hospitable leadership has a radical edge.

    And it brings revolutionary results.

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  • Grace Can Lead Us Home


    On any given night, more than half a million Americans and Canadians find themselves sleeping on the streets, in shelters, cars, and other places not meant for human habitation. Yet as this crisis continues to grow, it remains one of the least talked about–especially in churches. Even where compassion and empathy exist, the complexities around homelessness can make us feel stuck, overwhelmed, or numb to the existence of unhoused people in our cities and neighborhoods.?

    Reporting back from his work in homeless services, minister and advocate Kevin Nye introduces readers to the Christ he’s met in tents, shelters, and drop-in centers. He demystifies homelessness by journeying into complex issues like affordable housing, mental illness, addiction, and more, while reimagining our theological approach to these matters and educating us on how they intersect with homelessness.

    This thorough and intimate book shows us that from the margins, Jesus has something to teach us all about grace–something that could change the landscape of homelessness entirely if we’re ready to hear it.

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  • Learning To Be Me Without You


    Learning to Be Me Without You is a love story about a diagnosis, one last adventure, a crisis of faith, and a transformed life. With stunning authenticity, Paula Freeman chronicles her journey into widowhood, the club no one wants to join. Yet in the journey, she discovers how God recovers life from loss.

    When doctors confirm that Paula’s husband of forty years has an uncurable lung disease, fear and grief overwhelm her, and she begins to journal. This memoir is a vulnerable and sometimes humorous account-in real time-of a terminal illness, a cross-country move, her husband’s untimely death, and an unscripted road to healing during a set-apart season by the sea. It’s a story of God’s faithfulness in the crucible of grief and what can happen when we say yes to his invitation to Follow me . . . I want to recover your life.

    This book offers gentle guidance and insight toward personal growth through grief and can also be used as a support group, widows’ ministry, or church group resource.

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  • Silencing White Noise


    Racism is omnipresent in American life, both public and private. We are immersed in what prominent Black church leader Willie Dwayne Francois III calls white noise–the racist speech, ideas, and policies that lull us into inaction on racial justice. White noise masks racial realities and prevents constructive responses to microaggressions, structural inequality, and overt interpersonal racism.

    In this book, Francois calls people of all races to take up practices that overcome silence and inaction on race and that advance racial repair. Drawing from his antiracism curriculum, the Public Love Organizing and Training (PLOT) Project, Francois encourages us to move from a “colorblind” stance and mythic innocence to one that takes an honest account of our national history and acknowledges our complicity in racism as a prelude to antiracist interventions.

    Weaving together personal narrative, theology, and history, this book invites us to engage 6 “rhythms of reparative intercession.” These are six practices of antiracism that aim to repair harm by speaking up and “acting up” on behalf of others. Silencing White Noise offers concrete ways to help people wrest free from the dangers of racism and to develop lifelong Christian antiracist practices.

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  • Necessary Christianity : What Jesus Shows We Must Be And Do


    We live in a world of options, where we might do this or that if we feel like it. But for followers of Jesus, certain things are not optional, but necessary.

    Bishop Claude Alexander unpacks the Gospels’ statements of what Jesus said he must do. He must be about his Father’s business. He must go through Samaria. He must go to Jerusalem.

    Life in God is less about what you could do, and more about what you must do. Contrary to the life of the optional, accidental, and haphazard, the believer is called to live with a sense of divine necessity. No maybes about it.

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  • Florence Legacy : A Novel


    In this novel filled with friendship, grief, and travel gone awry, three friends take their dream trip to Florence, Italy in memory of a beloved woman who has passed away.

    As the last will of a close friend is read, three women discover that they have inherited a legacy from her: the funds to take a dream trip to Florence, Italy, in her memory. With plenty of hilarious travel mishaps along the way, this book is a story of deep friendship, of making room in our lives to celebrate and remember, of grief, of the realization that friendship keeps the memory alive, and the sweet discovery of unexpected romance.

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  • Carved In Ebony Young Readers Edition


    Rewritten especially for the young reader, Carved in Ebony by Jasmine Holmes inspires with insights from the lives of Elizabeth Freeman, Nannie Helen Burroughs, Amanda Berry Smith, Mamie Till, and others. She shares the significant role that Black women have played in the formation of our faith–and are playing in our formation as modern-day women of faith.

    As these historical figures take the stage with Holmes, you will be inspired by what the stories of these women can teach us about education, birth, privilege, and so much more. Carved in Ebony will take you past the predominately white, male contributions that seemingly dominate history books to discover how Black women have been some of the main figures in defining the landscape of American history and faith.

    Come along on Jasmine’s journey and be encouraged by the powerful and persuasive Black women of our past so that you can help inspire a better, more inclusive future.

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