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Showing 21201–21300 of 23982 results

  • 10 Commandments : They Still Work


    The secular pundits and pollsters, along with some from the religious community, are trying to convince America that the Ten Commandments were designed for an ancient world. They say these laws are no longer relevant, that the advanced thinking of the modern world can do better. So the Ten Commandments are being removed from public places, and are no longer taught to our children in public schools. Dr. Martin Case believes that, contrary to popular belief, the Ten Commandments were not given only for the ancient world, but for the world today. The truth about the Ten Commandments is that they are a gift from a loving God. Dr. Case shows God’s original purpose and intent of His laws, and how they can be applied to our culture today. We do not need new laws; we need to rediscover and obey the original ten laws God gave us centuries ago. Why? Because they still work!

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  • Ink And Spirit


    SKU (ISBN): 9781853113635ISBN10: 1853113638Ronald Blythe | Penelope Lively | Richard MarshBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2001Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich Print On Demand Product

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  • Slave Of Christ


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface

    1. Introduction
    2. Slavery In The Roman Empire In The First Century A.D.
    3. The New Testament Attitude Towards Physical Slavery
    4. Slavery And Freedom
    5. Slavery And Lordship
    6. Slavery And Ownership
    7. Slavery And Privilege
    8. Slave Of Christ Its Significance In The New Testament
    9. Slave Of Christ Four New Testament Examples

    1. The Use Of Doulos In The Septuagint
    2. New Testament Terms Denoting Slavery
    3. The Translation Of Doulos In English Versions Of The New Testament
    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Subjects
    Index Of Principal Greek And Latin Terms And Phrases
    Index Of Biblical References
    Index Of Other Ancient Authors And Writings

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    The New Testament finds many ways to depict Christians’ relationships to their Lord. They are his disciples, sons, daughters, and friends. But it is perhaps too little recognized that they are also his slaves. This study sets out to uncover what it means to be a slave of Christ. Murray Harris begins by assessing the nature of actual slavery in the Greco-Roman world and the New Testament’s attitude towards it. Drawing insights from this, he goes on to unfold the metaphor of slavery to Christ. Among the topics discussed are slavery and spiritual freedom, lordship, ownership, and privilege. Slave of Christ is a model of good biblical theology, providing insights both for further study of the Bible and for practical application. It will be appreciated in both church and academy.

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  • Jesus And The Logic Of History


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface
    1. Jesus And The Practice Of History
    2. Christ In History
    Excursus: Jesus As ‘Christ’ In The Testimonium Flavianum
    3. Jesus In Proclamation And Tradition
    Excursus: Summary Of Information About Jesus In The Letters Of Paul
    4. Jesus In Historical Context
    Excursus: The Quest For The Historical Pontius Pilate
    5. Jesus In The Gospels
    Excursus: Overview Of Jesus’ Ministry
    6. Jesus And The Spread Of Early Christianity
    Excursus: The Resurrection Of Jesus From The Dead
    7. From Jesus To Gospel Text
    8. Jesus’ Death: A Defiance Of Biography
    9. Conclusion
    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Bible References

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    At the heart of the Christian faith stands a man, Jesus of Nazaereth. Few people seriously question whether he existed in history. But many, influenced by the more sceptical scholars, doubt that the Christ of orthodox christianity is the same as the Jesus of history. In this important book, historian Paul Barnett lays the doubts to rest. He uncovers the methodological weakness present in some forms of critical scholarship, demonstrating a failure to account for important early evidence about Jesus. Once the evidence is properly marshalled, a picture of Jesus emerges that fits well with orthodox belief in him.

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  • Race Set Before Us


    In this explanation of the biblical theology of perserverance and assurance, Thomas Schreiner and Ardel Caneday weigh and consider all of the relevant New Testament texts. Applying sound principles of biblical interpretation and conversing with recent evangelical thought, they give us a foundational study with profound spiritual implications for Christian living and pastoral ministry.

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  • Creative Life : A Workbook For Unearthing The Christian Imagination (Workbook)


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Have you ever said, “I’m not talented at anything”? Alice Bass says that you are! Because you’re made in the image of the creator God, you’re made to enjoy The Creative Life. Learn to nurture your Christian imagination with this 8-week study designed to help put aside inhibitions and experience more of Christ’s inspiration. Includes journaling suggestions and biblically based activities for individuals and groups.

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  • Fruto Del Espiritu – (Spanish)


    Would you like true fulfillment in your life? Health in your relationships? Victory over anxiety and conflict? You can have them if you let God’s Spirit grow his fruit in your heart. In this book, Tom Trask and Wayde Goodall take you for a close look at love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and the rest of the fruit of the spirit. Here is a passionate and illuminating look at what happens to your thoughts, emotions, and actions when you live each day in intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Drawing from the storehouse of God’s Word, Trask and Goodall sow seeds of insight into your heart that both convict and encourage. They show how you can cooperate with God’s work in your life. And they offer true-life examples of how you, too, can change when you let the Holy Spirit reproduce the character of Jesus within you. Your witness for Christ is as good as the fruit your relationship with him produces. The Fruit of the Spirit points you toward a lifestyle that makes the Gospel you proclaim attractive to others because they can see its results.

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  • Peace


    First appearing during the peace-loving 1970s, this book now receives a welcome reintroduction as part of Chalice Press’s Understanding Biblical Themes series. Brueggemann, professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, looks at the protean concept of “shalom” and its relation to concerns today for peace and justice. The task is daunting, but Brueggemann tackles it with his characteristic penchant for conceptual clarity. He outlines a broad biblical vision for shalom (“one community embracing all creation… including all those resources and factors which make communal harmony joyous and effective”) and identifies some of its comprising factors (freedom, unity, order, justice, etc.). The second half of the book begins to work out what it means for the church and its people to be a community of shalom. One of the best sections is the new introduction, which is Brueggemann’s own insightful critique of the book (and the era in which it was written). Brueggemann seems just as at home with the New Testament as the Old, and like many seminary educators, his style slides between the pedagogical and the sermonic. Once in a while there’s a clunky cluster of theological terms, but just as often a memorable and poetic turn of phrase. This is another fine example of what Brueggemann does best: squeezing the Bible to produce hard-working theology for the church.

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  • Mathematics In A Postmodern Age A Print On Demand Title


    The discipline of mathematics has not been spared the sweeping critique of postmodernism. Is mathematical theory true for all time, or are mathematical constructs in fact fallible? This fascinating book examines the tensions that have arisen between modern and postmodern views of mathematics, explores alternative theories of mathematical truth, explains why the issues are important, and shows how a Christian perspective makes a difference.

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  • Reading The Bible In Faith A Print On Demand Title


    Reading the Bible in Faith gathers the deepest reflections of leading pastor-theologians dealing with the heart of Holy Scripture – the restoration of the proper relationship between God and his people. Speaking ecumenically, pastor to pastor, the contributors to this very special book provide sound encouragement, rooted in both the Bible and experience, to other church leaders who are also called to stand as the theologians of their local congregations. Seeing the present “crisis of the church” more truly as a crisis of faith that compels too many pastors to major in the minors, this volume confidently reaffirms the Christian gospel as the trustworthy and dynamic basis for the church’s mission and ministry. Short, insightful writings by respected leaders of local congregations urge church renewal through scripturally grounded preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and church administration.

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  • Pharisees Scribes And Sadducees In Palestinian Society


    Widely praised in its original edition and now part of the Biblical Resource Series, this volume offers a superb discussion of the role of the Pharisees, scribes, and Sadducees in Palestinian Jewish society. Applying a sociological approach to the biblical and literary sources, Anthony Saldarini accurately portrays these three most prominent groups of educated leaders in Jewish society and describes their relationship to other Jewish social movements from 200 B.C.E. to 100 C.E. Featuring a new foreword by James C. VanderKam, Pharisees, Scribes, and Sadducees in Palestinian Society will remain a standard point of reference for the continuing study of Judaism and Christian backgrounds.

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  • Basics For Believers (Reprinted)


    Expositions from Philippians consider Paul’s instruction on consistent integrity and the cross as the center of life.

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  • Stones For Bread


    With a proactive and engaging style, Daniel Frankforter explores the consequences of the tendency by many Protestant congregations to adopt new, ” contemporary” styles of worship. With membership and attendance declining, many churches are revamping their worship services to attract or keep participants, but too often the adaptation becomes nothing more than a Spirit-less reflection of popular culture. Stones for Bread presents some of the different programs for “marketing” worship, clarifies the implications for the integrity of a church’s mission and spiritual life, and proposes some alternative means for rejuvenating worship.

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  • Be A Sarah Travel Mug


    Be A Sarah Travel Mug. Mug Is Plastic Outside; Stainless Steel Inside And Holds About 16 Ounces. Includes Matching Plastic Screw-On Lid With Sliding Mechanism To Cover Or Uncover Drink Opening. To Care For Mug, Hand Wash Only And Do Not Heat In Microwave.

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  • Poky Little Puppy


    One of the original 12 Little Golden Books, The Poky Little Puppy has sold nearly 15 million copies since 1942, making it one of the most popular children’s books of all time. Now this curious little puppy is ready to win the hearts and minds of a new generation of kids.

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  • Restoring The Christian Soul (Reprinted)


    15 Chapters

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    In this award-winning book, Leanne Payne reveals how to overcome the three great barriers that keep us from becoming whole persons: inability to receive God’s forgiveness, inability to forgive others, and inability to accept ourselves.

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  • Who Killed Homer


    For over two millennia, familiarity with the literature, art, philosophy, and values of the classical world has been synonymous with education itself. But today classical education is rapidly disappearing from American high school and university curricula, and as a result we are in danger of becoming illiterate about the ideas that created Western civilization.

    In Who Killed Homer? acclaimed classicists Victor Davis Hanson and John Heath explain what has been sacrificed, who did it and why. Hanson and Heath argue that if we lose our knowledge of the Greeks, then we lose our understanding of who we are. With straightforward advice and informative readings of the great Greek texts, the authors show how we might still save classics and the Greeks for future generations. Who Killed Homer? is must reading for anyone who agrees that knowledge of classics acquaints us with the beauty and perils of our own culture.

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  • George MacDonald : An Anthology 365 Readings


    George MacDonald (1824-1905) was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Briefly a clergyman, then a professor of English literature at Bedford and King’s College in London, he was a popular lecturer and published poetry, stories, novels, and fairy tales. In this collection selected by C. S. Lewis, we are offered 365 selections from MacDonald’s inspiring and useful writings.

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  • Highlighted In Yellow


    A life well-lived comes from listening to the advice of others. But with so

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  • Beyond Colonial Anglicanism


    Provocative writings by a cadre of international authors examine the nature and shape of the Communion today; the colonial legacy, economic tensions and international debt; sexuality and justice; the ecological crisis, violence and healing in South Africa; persecution and religious fundamentalism; and more.

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  • 1 Bible Only


    1. The Background And Origin Of The Version Debate
    2. The Old Testament Text And The Version Debate
    3. The New Testament Text And The Version Debate
    4. The Preservation Of Scripture And The Version Debate
    5. Translation Theory And Twentieth-Century Versions

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    Manufactured On Demand Title

    Is there only one inspired Bible? The debate over the veracity of modern translations of the Bible continues to create confusion in the minds of believers who know that Scripture lies at the heart of the Christian faith. Yet many don’t understand why some believers insist that the King James Version is the only accurate translation of the Bible. “King James Only” proponents claim it is the only choice for those who want the “inspired” Scripture as their guide for faith and practice.

    Pastors and church members alike need solid, sensitive answers to the ongoing questions they confront in ministry regarding the KJV. This honest examination of the “King James Only” position offers a balancred and scholarly presentation of the issues based on biblical and historical evidence. The authors, each associated with Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota, address the issues of origin, textual variant, and fallibility by drawing on the best current scholarship.

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  • Church (Revised)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780804205184ISBN10: 0804205183John LeithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2001Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • New Worship : Straight Talk On Music And The Church (Expanded)


    Guidance for pastors and worship leaders balances worship styles around the purpose of praise, fellowship, and evangelism.

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  • Shadows Of Things To Come


    A fascinating look at Christ’s relationship with His disciples and the activities of the early church so that we can better understand the present and predict the future.

    “One of the greatest sources of prophetic vision is found by better understanding our past,” says Rick Joyner. “I studied Christ’s interaction with the apostles as well as the life of the early church to be obedient to a heavenly vision in which I was told that I would not be able to accurately foresee the future until I understood the past.” In this important book Joyner looks at the life and ministry of the apostles and of later generations so that Christians today can close the openings the enemy has used to gain entry and do his deadly work. He examines the successes and failures of Christians of the past so we can better understand how to be God’s servants today.

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  • From Eve To Esther


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687096220ISBN10: 0687096227Nell MohneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2001Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Ancient Israels Faith And History


    Relying on archeological artifacts and anthropological study, George Mendenhall re-tells the story of Israel’s history and faith. While careful not to move beyond the evidence, Mendenhall also provides an account of the theological dimensions of Israel’s history.

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  • Excellent Protestant Congregations


    1. Lutheran Ministries Of Southwest Oklahoma
    2. Seekers Church
    3. Mountain Top Community Church
    4. All Saints Episcopal Church
    5. Riverside Baptist Church
    6. First United Methodist Church
    7. Chinese Christian Union Church
    8. Full Gospel Church Of God In Christ
    9. Warehouse 242

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    Though it is popular for individuals to seek a variety of spiritual practices and approaches, the local congregation still remains the place where most Christians turn for religious education, nurture, ritual, and a sense of community. With the influx of new faces in the pews, many congregations are struggling to respond to their spiritual needs. In Excellent Protestant Congregations, respected religion journalist Paul Wilkes profiles nine dynamic, geographically and denominationally diverse congregations that have the ability to create a vibrant community of workshop. Wilkes draws out the “points of excellence” that lie beneath each congregation’s success and vitality. From hosting luncheons after funerals to organizing powerful life-changing retreats, from developing a capital campaign to getting volunteers to cheerfully do work for the church, Excellent Protestant Congregations provides real-world insights that are both inspiring and applicable in a local congregation. The geographic listing of over 300 excellent Protestant congregations and an index guiding readers to specific topics, such as stewardship, bereavement, and how to reach Gen Xers, make Excellent Protestant Congregations an invaluable resource for church life.

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  • Beyond Retribution : A New Testament Vision For Justice Crime And Punishmen


    Recently a growing number of Christians have actively promoted the concept of “restorative justice” and attempted to develop programs for dealing with crime based on restorative principles. But is this approach truly consistent with the teaching of Scripture? To date, very little has been done to test this claim. Beyond Retribution fills a gap by plumbing the New Testament on the topics of crime, justice, and punishment.

    Christopher Marshall first explores the problems involved in applying ethical teachings from the New Testament to mainstream society. He then surveys the extent to which the New Testament addresses criminal justice issues, looking in particular at the concept of the justice of God in the teachings of Paul and Jesus. He also examines the topic of punishment, reviewing the debate in social thinking over the ethics and purpose of punishment_including capital punishment_and he advocates a new concept of “restorative punishment.” The result of this engaging work is a biblically based challenge to imitate the way of Christ in dealing with both victims and offenders.

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  • Using Illustrations To Preach With Power


    Paul’s vivid metaphor of the “armor of God” still speaks to us today. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “dream” transformed an entire nation. Using illustrations in your sermon furthers your congregation’s understanding. Arguing that lively illustrations are vital to effective preaching, Chapell shows you how to choose, shape, and incorporate them into your sermons.

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  • Uncovering Your Churchs Hidden Spirit


    Parishioners today look to their congregations to feed their spiritual hunger. But many members and clergy are not sure how the words “congregation” and “spirituality” fit together. Author Celia Hahn interviewed 30 lay people and clergy from five Episcopal congregations to discover their stories of congregational spirituality and to help them identify the congregation’s gifts for spiritual development. Hahn becomes a spiritual companion and resource for the searching congregation, guiding the church as it begins to discover its gifts. How is God at work in our congregation? How do members empowered by the transforming Spirit minister in their workplaces, neighborhoods, and families? How do members move into a deeper relationship with one another and with God? Foreword by Tilden Edwards, executive director of the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Direction.

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  • Genetic Turning Points A Print On Demand Title


    360 Pages

    Additional Info
    Human genetic intervention could be considered a microcosm of the larger field of bioethics. According to James Peterson, “it raises almost all the basic issues addressed in a standard bioethics course, from informed consent to the goals of medicine.” Peterson argues that it is imperative to view human genetic intervention from an ethical framework, particularly as the technology in that intervention advances at an exponential rate.

    Peterson’s goal in Genetic Turning Points was to tie together some of the various questions related to human genetic intervention (better known, perhaps, as genetic manipulation or genetic engineering). He begins with a look at medical technology and moves on to major issues including genetic research, genetic testing, genetic drugs, and genetic surgery (physical manipulation of human genes in the body). The issues are raised in a progressive approach. Genetic research is the foundation for genetic testing and genetic drugs, thus issues related to genetic research are looked at first, and then issues related to genetic testing and drugs. Since genetic surgery techniques are still being perfected, and are not as available as the other technologies, Peterson looks at this vital issue last.

    Christians, according to LeRoy Waters, have tended to view human genetics from one of two positions (not usually both): cosmic theology and casuistic analysis. Cosmic theology simply means looking at the grand scheme of God’s plan for humanity; casuistic analysis is that which addresses the questions of practice. Peterson hopes to bring the two positions together in a cogent and effective manner. He feels that one’s understanding of God’s plan for humanity (our purpose) shapes the concrete decisions of life (the practice). Ideally, Christians should be aware of both how purpose shapes practice and how practice questions purpose. Thus, Peterson sees the medical and ethical issues as eminently practical, but defined and shaped by one’s metaphysical beliefs.

    Genetic Turning Points is laid out in a progressive manner, but topics can stand on their own. Chapters are generally short and the indexes and cross-references allow one to find a particular topic quickly and easily. Since there are fifteen chapters, the book easily lends itself to undergraduate or postgraduate study (one chapter a week), but is not solely for students. It is also for professionals (doctors, clergy, etc.) and for educated lay people. Its information is timely and it

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  • Regnum Caelorum A Print On Demand Title (Reprinted)


    Regnum Caelorum is a groundbreaking book that explores the largely overlooked connection in early Christian thought between understandings of the millennium and beliefs about the intermediate state of the soul after death. Charles Hill traces Christian views of the soul’s fate in Jewish texts, the New Testament, and early Christian writersthrough the mid-third century A.D. His findings lead to a provocative new assessment of the development of Christian eschatology that corrects many misconceptions of earlier scholarly research. This second edition updates and substantially expands Hill’s highly respected work originally published be Oxford.

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  • Its News To Me Messages Of Hope For Those Who Havent Heard Cycle A


    All too often, many people find traditional worship dull and the sermons they hear impractical for living in today’s world. Yet Linda McCoy is convinced that the message of God’s unconditional love is the most vital word for life anyone can receive — especially those who have never heard or truly experienced it. Her inspiring sermons share that message of hope with modern Americans by bridging the gap between the sacred and the secular. As the fruit of her non-traditional ministry directed toward those who have never been part of a church or who have been “turned off” or “disenfranchised” by the established church, McCoy’s short, to-the-point messages effectively and relevantly communicate the good news to anyone who is searching for an experience of the Divine. Readers of these sermons will be connected to a deep sense of purpose and enriched by God’s amazing love and grace.

    Sermon titles include:
    * Prepare For Arrival — Matthew 3:1-12
    * The Power Of A Dream — Matthew 2:13-23
    * Positive Identification — John 1:29-42
    * Building Bridges — Matthew 5:21-37
    * It’s A Mystery — Matthew 17:1-9

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  • Becoming Parents : How To Strengthen Your Marriage As Your Family Grows


    Moving into parenthood is typically a time of great joy and excitement, but it also brings fatigue, stress, and conflict. From the authors of the best-selling Fighting for Your Marriage and A Lasting Promise, this unique and innovative guide offers indispensable advice on how to protect and preserve your marriage and take care of yourselves as you become parents. Based on scientific research and containing real-life examples, Becoming Parents challenges you to seize this opportunity to really thrive in your relationship and in parenting together as a team.

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  • Chain Reaction : A Call To Compassionate Revolution


    Darrell Scott launches a crusade for changing the world based on the ideals of his daughter Rachel, whose martyrdom at Columbine High School is chronicled in the bestselling book Rachel’s Tears.

    Rachel Scott and her killer Eric Harris both talked about starting a “chain reaction.” Eric used violence to kill and destroy at Columbine High School. But Rachel chose another path. In a personal creed she wrote one month before her death in the Columbine tragedy, she explained her conviction that if one person goes out of his or her way to show compassion, it will start a world-changing chain reaction of kindness.

    For Rachel, this was a solemn calling. And now her father, Darrell Scott, is carrying on her crusade by challenging people of all ages to commit themselves to creating a revolution of compassion that can make a real difference in our troubled world. Chain Reaction spells out this challenge in compelling detail, providing moving examples of practical compassion and giving illustrations from Rachel’s life and journals.

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  • Gods Timing For Your Life (Reprinted)


    Bestselling author Dutch Sheets will inspire and encourage readers with this clear, revelatory study of God’s appointed times and seasons. Going beyond the basic definitions of kairos and chronos, Sheets brings fresh insight to the subject, examining Scripture to show how kairos (strategic) times and chronos (general) times are not two separate and unrelated seasons in our lives but, rather, are often simply different phases of the same process. He discusses how God brought about His divine shift in the lives of men and women throughout the Bible and the many ways in which God used these seasons of change to deepen His people’s understanding of Him.

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  • If Experience Is Such A Good Teacher Why Do I Keep Repeating The Course (Student


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687092697ISBN10: 0687092698J. Ellsworth KalasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2001Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Blueprints For Worship


    165 Pages

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    This book is intended to provide practical assistance for pastors, musicians, and others who plan and lead worship in local congregations. Based upon the 1989 United Methodist Hymnal, the 1992 United Methodist Book of Worship, and the 1992 Revised Common Lectionary, this book will enable you to create, design, build, and lead effective worship experiences in your local congregation. Through a worksheet format that culls information and references from the sources mentioned above, you’ll be able to more effectively integrate preaching, music, movement, and environment.

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  • GodViews : The Convictions That Drive Us And Divide Us


    GodViews is a provocative and insightful look at the divisions within the church. The author is a notable conservative Presbyterian whose thinking and writing style has many fans on the liberal end as well. Here, Jack Haberer discusses five different concerns of Christians: preservation of truth, promotion of intimacy with God, unity in the church, caring for victims, and welcoming the marginalized.

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  • When The Saints Go Marching Out


    This book challenges churches to see all their members as potential missionaries, and so to return full circle to the New Testament church model of ministry. Beals founds his practical advice about how to go about this in Trinitarian theology. Section One describes congregation-based mission; Section Two explains how to mobilize resources for mission creatively. Section Three suggests ways to train and care for volunteers, and Section Four discusses expanding mission once outreach has been established.

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  • Pilgrimage Of A Presbyterian


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664501518ISBN10: 0664501516John Leith | Editor: Charles RaynalBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2001Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Weight Of Glory


    Selected from sermons delivered by C. S. Lewis during World War II, these nine addresses show the beloved author and theologian bringing hope and courage in a time of great doubt. “The Weight of Glory,” considered by many to be Lewis’s finest sermon of all, is an incomparable explication of virtue, goodness, desire, and glory. Also included are “Transposition,” “On Forgiveness,” “Why I Am Not a Pacifist,” and “Learning in War-Time,” in which Lewis presents his compassionate vision of Christianity in language that is both lucid and compelling.

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  • Abolition Of Man


    In this graceful work, C. S. Lewis reflects on society and nature and the challenges of how best to educate our children. He eloquently argues that we need as a society to underpin reading and writing with lessons on morality and in the process both educate and re-educate ourselves. In the words of Walter Hooper, “If someone were to come to me and say that, with the exception of the Bible, everyone on earth was going to be required to read one and the same book, and then ask what it should be, I would with no hesitation say The Abolition of Man. It is the most perfectly reasoned defense of Natural Law (Morality) I have ever seen, or believe to exist. If any book is able to save us from future excesses of folly and evil, it is this book.” This beautiful paperback edition is sure to attract new readers to this classic book.

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  • Rumble In The Jungle


    Join this rhyming safari and meet everyone from the elphing elephant to the gangly giraffe, and maybe even the terrible tiger!

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  • Meeting God : 12 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    When you meet God, you will be changed. Meet him now as J. I. Packer, author of the bestselling Christian classic, Knowing God, leads you through twelve key passages from the Old and New Testaments. These inductive Bible studies will engage your heart and mind. And enlarge your vision of the God you worship and serve. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Meeting God features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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  • How To Write A Story 4-6 (Revised)


    How to Write a Story makes it easy to develop confident, competent storywriters. There are lessons and reproducibles to help students learn the parts of a story, reproducible planning forms, and guidelines for writing in six different genres.

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  • PrayerWalk : Becoming A Woman Of Prayer Strength And Discipline


    Challenge your body. Feed your spirit. Change the world.
    Ask any Christian woman about her most recent New Year’s resolutions, and you’ll likely find that “exercise regularly” and “pray more” were at the top of her list. We all long to look and feel our best, to live actively and healthfully. More than that, we desire to connect intimately with our God. Yet physical health and spiritual growth often take a backseat to the urgent demands of grocery shopping and bill paying, time with family and friends, and long hours at the office.

    It’s Time to Exercise Your Prayer Life.
    Three years ago, author Janet Holm McHenry suffered from depression, weight gain, and exhaustion. Then she began a prayerwalk routine that not only transformed her life but also profoundly impacted the lives of those around her.

    Learn how you, too, can set out on a journey to increased energy, better health, and greater joy-and experience a rich, full prayer ministry that will have a lasting impact on your loved ones and community-in PrayerWalk.

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  • Low Cost Bible


    A complete Good News Bible with an attractive cover, easy to read Scripture text and reader’s aids and supplements.

    Distinctive Features of this Edition of the Good News Bible

    Easy-to-read Bible text
    Highly-trusted version of the Bible in everyday language translated from the original languages by members of the American Bible Society’s Translation Team.

    Book introductions and outlines
    A “quick look” for each book of the Bible

    Maps and word list
    Handy reference maps and alphabetized listing of people, places, objects, events, and more!

    Chronology of the Bible
    Timetable of events beginning with the creation up to the first century A.D.

    What’s in the Bible
    A brief summary of every book in the Bible and a handy chart that provides an overview of all the books that make up the Bible.

    How to read the Bible
    Simple suggestions on how to read the Bible devotionally and keep notes.

    Reading for special days
    A guide to passages for reading on special days-Christmas, Easter- even your own birthday!

    Famous passages of the Bible
    A guide to locating famous Bible stories.

    Finding help in the Bible
    A guide to Bible passages that can help when you may be facing a difficult problem or special challenge.

    What the Bible says about God’s forgiveness
    A guide to passages in the Bible that speak of God’s great love for you.

    Read through the Bible in a year
    Easy-to-follow daily Bible reading plan.

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  • Learning To Live The Love We Promise


    Master wordsmith Lewis Smedes helps readers look at relationships and how they work. He answers such questions as: What do committed relationships do for us? To whom should we commit our time and devotion? Which, if any, relationships should last forever and how can we make them last?

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  • Who Me : Are You Weak Small And Foolish Enough To Really Be Used By God


    Have you ever wondered how God could possibly use someone like you? If so, then you are EXACTLY the person He is looking for. It’s time to set aside all excuses and weaknesses to embrace God’s strength. You will soon discover that a willing heart opens the door through which God will do great things. When you let Him use your weaknesses, you will be amazed at what God can do in and through you.

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  • Revelation Glory


    God wants to sovereignly impart His wisdom and understanding to each of His children. Prepare to receive the instantaneous and miraculous understanding of the Lord and His purpose through the Holy Spirit. In this hour, we need to press in to the heart of God more than ever before. Find out how to walk in vital revelation knowledge in this most recent book by Ruth Ward Heflin.

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  • Placed In His Glory


    This book will prepare the reader for the coming “explosion” of the Holy Spirit, who will manifest as never before the glory of God in and through the Church. Dr. Pickett will show that streams of truth have enmanated from the throne of God all through the history of the Church. Unfortunately the great truths of justification by faith, sanctification, eternal security and the like have been dammed up and distorted by denominations. The glory of God is His manifest presence–first revealed in the tabernacles of Moses and David and Solomon’s temple. In these last days the church–both corporately and individually–is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The manifest presence of God is revealed in us when we die to ourselves and allow His life to fill our temple.

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  • Mark : Believers Church Bible Commentary


    20 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Mark’s Gospel Speaks plainly, yet sometimes in riddles, of God as revealed in Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Son of God. Mark presents God’s reign, its present hiddenness and future glory, and its surprising way of coming. Mark tells of discipleship, its costs, rewards, failures, and renewel. Mark is also about Jesus and his followers crossing barriers to pass Gods grace on to those formerly excluded. Mark’s resurrection message is open-ended. Readers supply their own ending, not just in words, but by following the resurrected Lord.

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  • Powers Weakness And The Tabernacling Of God


    As we embark on a new millenium, uncharted challenges await the church. This volume by one of today’s most valued voices on modern church life offers a wealth of insight into the role of local churches in the twenty-first century. Rooted in solid biblical research and extensive experience, Marva Dawn’s newest book will help churches and their leaders avoid falling into the temptations of contemporary secular culture, including the popular “success” models of church management. Dawn offers ground-breaking scholarship – from the first significant critique of Walter Wink’s work on “the powers” to a relevant new translation of 2 Corinthians 12:9 – and challenges readers to rethink the goals and mission of the congregation, to develop practices that follow God’s “hidden” way of weakness, and to expand their sense of what it means to be a faithful church. Complete with discussion questions, this book provides the trustworthy theological and biblical foundations necessary for building strong churches – and keeping them strong – in today’s world.

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  • Liturgical Works


    Among the manuscripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls are numerousfragments of liturgical texts: daily and festival prayers, songs and praises, and other fascinating documents. This inaugural volume in the Eerdmans Commentaries on the Dead Sea Scrolls series explores these important ancient texts, throwing new light on the ritual life of Jews at the turn of the common era. Beginning with a general introduction to the Qumran library and Jewish liturgical traditions, James Davila situates the liturgical texts found at Qumran in their historical context in translation of these Hewbrew texts and provides detailed line-by-line explanations of each document. Throughout his book Davila shows how the Qumran liturgical texts draw on and develop traditions from the Hebrew Bible, and he explores their significance as background to Jewish liturgy, Jewish mysticism, and Christian origins. This volume and the complete commentary project will become the standard reference work on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

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  • Art Of Teaching The Bible


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664501488ISBN10: 0664501486Christine BlairBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2001Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Great Angel


    In this groundbreaking book, Barker claims that pre-Christian Judaism was not monotheistic and that the roots of Christian Trinitarian theology lie in a pre-Christian Palestinian belief about angels derived from the ancient religion of Israel. Barker’s beliefs are based on canonical and deutero-canonical works and literature from Qumran and rabbinic sources.

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  • Creation According To The Scriptures


    Subtitled A Presuppositional Defense of Literal Six-Day Creation, this symposium by thirteen authors is a direct frontal assault on all latitudinarian and otherwise waffling views of Biblical Creation. It expldes the “Framework Hypothesis,” so dear to the hearts of many respectability-hungry Calvinists, and it throws down the gauntlet to all who believe they can maintain a consistent view of Biblical infallibility while abandoning literal, six-day creation. It is a must reading for all who are observing closely the gradual defection of many allegedly conservative churches and denominations, or who simply want a greater grasp of an orthodox, God-honoring view of the Bible.

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  • Season To Heal


    This is a book for women who struggle to come to grips with the lingering emotional pain of an abortion. It assures readers that their pain is a valid, natural response to abortion, that they can find relief from it, and that healing is a realistic hope.
    Publisher Marketing: This is a book for women who struggle to come to grips with the lingering emotional pain of an abortion. It assures readers that their pain is a valid, natural response to abortion, that they can find relief from it, and that healing is a realistic hope.

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  • Fatherless In Galilee


    Fatherless in Galilee explores the stories of Jesus, who, lacking a father, called upon God to act in this paternal role. Andries van Aarde offers an explanation of the historical figure of Jesus who destroyed conventional patriarchal values by caring for fatherless children within the Palestinian society of his time. Aarde’s compelling portrait adds an entirely new dimension of historical Jesus scholarship by convincingly demonstrating that Jesus’ own experience of marginalization provided the foundation for his compassionate ministry to society’s outcasts.

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  • 5 Festal Garments


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface
    1. The Song Of Songs: Garment Of Love
    2. Ruth: Garment Of Kindness
    3. Lamentations: Garment Of Suffering
    4. Ecclesiastes: Garment Of Vexation
    5. Esther: Garment Of Deliverance
    Index Of Modern Authors
    Index Of Scripture References
    Index Of Ancient Sources

    Additional Info
    These five Old Testament books, traditionally known simply as “the Scrolls,” are among the most neglected parts of the Christian Bible. In Judaism, the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther were eventually adopted as lectionary readings for five of the major festivals. In Christian tradition, however, no consensus has emerged about their proper use. Each book presents particular difficulties with regard to how it relates to the rest of Scripture and how it should be understood as the Word of God for us today.

    In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Barry Webb offers a Christian interpretation of these problematic writings. He allows each book to set its own agenda, and then examines each in relation to the wider Old Testament and to the New Testament gospel with its basic structure of promise and fulfillment. In this way, Webb presents fresh and illuminating perspectives on these five “festal garments” of love, kindness, suffering, vexation and deliverance.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Christ Our Righteousness


    Series Preface

    1. The Conversion Of Paul As The Justification Of The Ungodly
    2. The Righteousness Of God: The Message Of Romans
    3. Beyond Romans: Justification By Faith In The Letters Of Paul
    4. The Righteousness Of God And The Law Of God
    5. The Justification Of The Ungodly And The Obedience Of Faith
    6. The Justification Of Ungodly Israel And The Nations
    7. Justification In Paul, The New Testament Witness And Beyond

    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Subjects
    Index Of Bible References
    Index Of Ancient Writings

    Additional Info
    New Studies in Biblical Theology. Paul’s theology of justification. In this new study, Mark Seifrid offers a comprehensive analysis of Paul’s understanding of justification, in the light of important themes including the righteousness of God, the Old Testament Law, Faith, and the destiny of Israel. A detailed examination of justification in the letter to the Romans is followed by the survey of the entire Pauline corpus.

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  • Teologia Practica Pastoral – (Spanish)


    Would you like to know how to prepare your vision and present it to writing to the church? How to give specific job functions to each of your collaborators? How many types of leaders there are? How to write thankful notes to thankful offerings? Which are the critical phases in the pastoral ministry? What place the pastor’s wife occupies? How many different ecclesiastic governments exist? How to celebrate different ceremonies, from funerals to dedicating babies? These and other topics are discussed in this practical guide for pastors.

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  • Beyond The Ordinary A Print On Demand Title


    Over the past few decades mainline Protestant congregations have not easily embraced the notion of spirituality. As much as any aspect of church life, spirituality has been misunderstood, misused, and resisted by both clergy and laity. Yet times are changing. Today many people feel a deep spiritual hunger and are out looking for fulfillment in a wide variety of settings. In this new context, mainline congregations need to awaken to the presence of the Spirit in their midst and equip leaders to nurture both the personal and corporate spirituality of their congregations.

    Beyond the Ordinary is explicitly written to help church leaders who have had no formal training in spiritual formation. Drawing from years of experience teaching Christian spirituality, Ben Campbell Johnson and Andrew Dreitcer explore the spiritual dimensions of leadership, looking in depth at the meaning of spirituality as it relates to the tasks of ministry. This friendly, inspiring book will enable readers to erase the negative stereotypes of spirituality and develop vital models and practices for the church today.

    The book introduces a faithful understanding and practice of the spiritual life to those who have not yet dipped into the well that is Christian spirituality. For those who have already tasted this water and still thirst, it offers a way to dip even more deeply. Chapters discuss the issues surrounding a meaningful spirituality for our changing times, the importance of holding prayer and mission in tension, and the crucial role of Scripture in the formation of our lives. The authors also underscore the importance of vision, myth, and discernment in the spiritual life of the church. And they discuss the power of spiritual practices like discernment and visioning for enhancing the spirituality of congregations and for helping them become agents of social transformation.

    Intended for personal and group use by pastors, elders, other church leaders, and those preparing for service in the church, the book includes suggestions for reflection and discussion as well as journaling exercises that encourage learning and growth.

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  • Roman Catholics And Evangelicals (Reprinted)


    1. Revelation
    2. God
    3. Human Beings
    4. Christ
    5. Salvation
    6. The Church
    7. Ethics
    8. Last Things
    9. Apocrypha
    10. Scripture
    11. Infallibility
    12. Justification
    13. Sacramentalism
    14. Ecciesiology
    15. Mariology
    16. Purgatory
    17. Social Action
    18. Educational Goals
    19. Spiritual Heritage
    20. Evangelism

    544 Pages

    Additional Info
    Protestants and Roman Catholics find they are not as separated thelogically as they may have thought in this comparative study of beliefs.

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  • Listening Ministry : Rethinking Pastoral Leadership


    Listening Ministry is a timely and practical work that invites church leaders (professional and non-professional) to look at leadership in the church in a completely different way. It is also a valuable scholarly work that calls forth new learning through the reflection questions provided at the end of each chapter. The book helps readers rethink the dynamics of ministry from the perspective of listening, focusing on both its individual and communal dimensions. Hedahl’s work presents a unique blend of theological reflection on listening, new and tested research on listening as it relates to church leadership, and suggested forms of listening as education and skills assessment in a continual effort to locate and understand listening as the heart of effective and faithful ministry.

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  • So Whats The Difference (Reprinted)


    Completely revised and updated for the postmodern age, So What’s the Difference? gives you easy-to-understand, nonjudgmental answers to the question, “How does orthodox biblical Christianity differ from other faiths?” Here Fritz Ridenour explains the basic tenets of Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, New Age, Mormonism, and other religions and belief systems of the world.You will also learn why relative thinking–the idea that there is no objective, absolute truth–has become the predominant mindset in our culture, and how you can respond.This bestselling guide will help you recognize the real differences between the Christian faith and other viewpoints and make it easier for you to explain and share your faith with others.

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  • Pastoral Leadership : A Handbook Of Resources For Effective Congregational


    This comprehensive problem-solving reference for pastors provides theological foundations and experience-tested techniques for effective clergy leadership.

    Robert D. Dale offers insight into the dynamics of clergy management by placing leadership into a congregational context and stressing servanthood as the primary biblical leadership image. Following a discussion of the three critical dimensions of organizational effectiveness, Dale explores and critiques the four basic leadership styles: catalyst, commander, encourager, and hermit. Out of this background exploration, Dale discloses decision-making guidelines that have proved effective in helping clergy: resolve conflicts; lead churches through change; define the congregation’s dream; budget resources effectively; manage meetings; build teams; and, motivate oneself and others.

    Pastoral Leadership concludes with a unique look at the effects of clergy leadership on the pastor as a person, offering valuable insight into clergy spirituality, burnout, family demands, and career development. Notes, a bibliography, and review questions accompany each chapter.

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  • Abundance (Student/Study Guide)


    20/30: Bible Study for Young Adults targets adult learners in their 20’s and 30’s. Each volume in the series challenges you to examine a powerful biblical image that defines and shapes your life.

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  • Seizing The Moments (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687015528ISBN10: 0687015529James MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2001Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Living The Presence Of The Spirit


    This popular theology on the Holy Spirit is at once profound and remarkably accessible. Jack Haberer tracks the doctrine of the Spirit through the Bible, contemporary experiences, and church life and examines the way it applies to social issues in the world today. Haberer’s clear presentation brings stories from the Bible to life and makes this book a standout among those on the Spirit and spirituality.

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  • Whosoever Church


    Interviews with 20 black scholars and religious leaders who speak out (from various theological perspectives) against institutional prejudice toward lesbian / gay people. The interviews are conducted in a conversational format in language that will be accessible and interesting to lay readers.

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  • Peaches And Cream Hard Candy Roll 9 Count


    Delicious, peach-flavored hard candy made with real cream. This pack contains 9 rolls, each individual roll can fit in your pocket, so it’s perfect for snacking on-the-go. Made for sharing, these hard candy rolls offer a sweet treat in any setting.

    Allergy Information:
    Contains Milk & Soy

    10 pieces of candy per roll.

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  • What Does The Bible Say About


    The ultimate A to Z guide to contemporary topics one would not expect to find in the Bible!

    * Contains articles on almost 500 topics that touch on modern life, identifying Bible verses or passages that have relevant messages for people today
    * Catches the reader’s attention with words and phrases, such as “ecology” or “the bottom line,” that are more associated with modern life than a 2,000-year-old book
    * Shows how the teachings of the Bible relate to these contemporary terms from “areobics” to “the workplace”
    * Entertaining as well as informative: a one-of-a-kind illustrated reference work that all Bible students–whether lay persons or clergy–will enjoy and appreciate

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  • Last Guardian : Called By God Targeted By Darkness Destined To Lead


    A mysterious ancient artifact leads to a chilling encounter with evil and a jarring journey to another world for Cornell student T.G. Shass. Upon his return, T.G. discovers Earth’s not the same, and his girlfriend’s missing. Searching for Jenni, he returns to that macabre realm. Will he fulfill his mission and defeat the dark forces?

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  • Fireside Stories On Faith Family And Friendship


    Timeless tales of inspiration, drawn from author Mary Hollingsworth’s personal experiences, as well as the writings of other Christian authors — both classic and contemporary — and from the lives of everyday, ordinary Christians. These real-life accounts of faith, hope, and love will inspire and challenge readers long after the firelight fades.

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  • Prepare For War


    In this spiritual warfare manual, Dr. Brown writes from seven years experience helping deliver many, many people out of hard-core Satanism. In this sequel to Dr. Brown’s best-selling book, He Came To Set The Captives Free, you will learn to: Stand victoriously against Satan, deal with the dangerous New Age teachings, Recognize and deal with Satanic ritualistic abuse of children, minister in the area of deliverance and handle the rarely discussed problems people face after deliverance.

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  • Gods Word : Power To Shape Our Lives (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Longing For Christ – John 1:1-5, 14-18
    2. Food For Life – Isaiah 55
    3. Applying The Word – Matthew 13:1-23
    4. Gathering Around The Word – Acts 2:42-47
    5. Knowing The Mind Of Christ – 1 Corinthians 2:6-16
    6. Guided By The Word – Psalm 119:97-108
    7. Strengthened By The Word – Joshua 1:1-9
    8. Passing The Word On – Deuteronomy 6:1-9
    9. Reflecting The Word – 2 Corinthians 3

    Additional Info
    You love God’s Word. You want Scripture to inform you daily life and seep deep into your soul. Yet too often Bible study becomes a mere fact-finding exercise or a dull, spiritless routine.

    How can Bible reading shape you and transform you?

    How can you meet God face to face while pondering his message in the Old and New Testaments?

    Cindy Bunch has written this practical study guide to help you experience the variety of ways that Scripture can meet your desire for spiritual connection and growth. Utilizing the revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, God’s Word features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection. A helpful “Now or Later” section at the end of each study offers you suggestions for further study, prayer or application. Notes for group leaders are also included.

    Here is help for loving God’s Word–and living it.

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  • 4 Views Of Youth Ministry And The Church


    This book delineates four distinct philosophical/ecclesiological views of how youth ministry relates to the church at large. The dialogical and sometimes feisty format gives readers a taste of what’s profound and what’s flawed in these four typologies: inclusive (Malan Nel), preparatory (Wes Black), missional (Chap Clark), and strategic (Mark Senter). Each view has theological assumptions and pragmatic implications regarding the church’s mission to youth which are examined in Youth Specialties’ unique style that marries solid academic research with tone and design that is as compelling to in-the-field, practicing youth workers as undergraduate and graduate students. In short, here’s a meaty theological dish for the malnourished academic literature in the discipline of youth ministry

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  • Miracles


    “The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares the way for this, or results from this.” This is the key statement of Miracles, in which C.S. Lewis shows that a Christian must not only accept but rejoice in miracles as a testimony of the unique personal involvement of God in His creation. Using his characteristic lucidity and wit to develop his argument, Lewis challenges the rationalists, agnostics, and deists on their own grounds and makes out an impressive case for the irrationality of their assumptions.

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  • Christian Beliefs : 12 Studies For Indiviuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    Christian beliefs are vital to Christian living. They are the foundation of your relationship to God – and even with others. So… what do Christians believe? In this study guide, Stephen Eyre introduces one by one twelve key tenets of the Christian faith. Here is what you need to know (and tell others) about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, human nature, sin, salvation, holiness, the church, mission, revelation, and last things. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, “Christian Beliefs” features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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  • Jerusalem Vigil : A Novel Of The Struggle For Jerusalem


    During the days following Israel’s birth on May 14, 1948, Jewish forces desperately fight to defend Jerusalem’s Jewish quarter from Arab attack. Archaeologist and Haganah commander Moshe Sachar can think only about his pregnant wife and the battle—until an old rabbi leads him on an amazing underground journey, revealing ancient treasures from Solomon’s temple.

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  • New River Gospel


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232029ISBN10: 1931232024James TaylorBinding: PerfectPublished: February 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Trustworthiness Of God


    While few Christian thinkers would question the trustworthiness of God, this topic is key for understanding the divine nature and God’s revelation to the world. The Trustworthiness of God offers a comprehensive look at the theme of God’s faithfulness, exploring the relationship between the doctrines of God and of Scripture from every possible perspective.

    Written by a team of international scholars, the book begins by surveying what key biblical texts say about God’s faithfulness. Other chapters look to Jesus as a model of God’s trustworthiness, examine Paul’s writing on the subject, consider the thoughts of the church fathers, and place all of this evidence within the framework of systematic theology. Broad in scope and irenic in design, The Trustworthiness of God will benefit teachers, students, and
    general readers alike.

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  • Fragmentation Of The Church And Its Unity In Peacemaking A Print On Demand


    241 Pages

    Additional Info
    The gospel places peacemaking at the center of the identity of the Christian church. Over the centuries, however, churches have divided over the specific place of this peacemaking imperative in their lives and teachings. This volume offers deep, ecumenical discussion of the relationship of the church to its peacemaking mission from the standpoints of history and the contemporary context. Contributors representing ten major faith traditions address this crucial topic from the perspective of their own churches and explore pathways that could lead to the reconciliation of existing differences.

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  • 2 Corinthians : Finding Strength In Weakness (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you despise your weaknesses? Do you hate hardships? Do you beg God to remove obstacles from your life? The apostle Paul delighted in his weaknesses, welcomed hardship as a friend and thanked God for obstacles that offered opportunities to experience God’s power. Was he crazy? In this study guide Paul Stevens shows you how this foundational Christian disciple and church leader will turn your thinking upside down! In everything Paul teaches you to rely, as he did, on God’s great promise: “My grace is sufficient for you.” (Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, 2 Corinthians features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.)

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  • 1 Corinthians : The Challenges Of Life Together (Student/Study Guide)


    Life among Christians can be great. But it can also be exasperating! The joys of fellowship in Christ too often give way to division and debate. You may find yourself drawn into arguments over such things as the correct form of worship or the proper role of charismatic gifts. Perhaps you wonder, Why don’t we get along together as we should? Or How can we recapture the unity of the early church? Surprisingly, the first Christian believers didn’t always live in harmony either! As Paul Stevens and Dan Williams lead you through this study of 1 Corinthians, you will see that the issues facing the Corinthian church are little different from the ones your church struggles with year after year. Here in 1 Corinthians is a portrait of Christian community not as it was meant to be, but as it often really is. But here too is practical advice for overcoming the challenges of life together.

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  • David : Developing A Heart For God (Student/Study Guide)


    Who are your role models? In this study guide, Jack Kuhatscheck introduces you to David the servant and the leader, the sinner and the redeemed, the man and the instrument of God’s creative purposes. As you explore David’s tumultous story, you too will discover what it means to have a passionate heart for God. (Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, David features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.)

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  • Proverbs : Learning To Live Wisely (Student/Study Guide)


    The book of Proverbs is the Bible’s how-to manual. The proverbs teach us how to be successful and prosperous in our work, our dealings with family and friends, and our relationship with God. The direction and guidance they give us is practical, concrete, reasonable and fruitful. By reading Proverbs we discover the vital importance of learning to live wisely. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Proverbs features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session. 10 studies, for individuals or groups.

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  • Shape Of Practical Theology


    Pastors, your belief system affects more than your congregational statement of faith—it shapes every aspect of your day-to-day ministry. In this lively, groundbreaking text, Professor Anderson uses case studies to inspire church leaders to integrate faith and practice, empowering their ministry through exploration of the shape, praxis, and pastoral aspects of practical theology.

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  • New Dictionary Of Biblical Theology


    Make this landmark resource the cornerstone of your biblical reference library! Comprehensive and accessible, this A-to-Z encyclopedia offers 215 entries from top evangelical scholars that explore key issues such as “atonement,” “creation,” and “redemption.” In-depth articles examine the theology underpinning each Bible book, the unity and diversity of Scripture, and more. Includes bibliographies and cross-references.

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  • Donde Esta Dios Cuando Sucede – (Spanish)


    Suffering: its stubborn inevitability prompts our deepest doubts about life_-as well as a profound search for meaning. Why do we suffer? Why must we lose the ones we love? Why must each of us face sickness and death? If God exists, where is God when these things happen? International evangelist Luis Palau has seen desperate suffering in the lives of millions of people all over the world and has experienced it in his own life, especially with the early death of his father and with his wife’s painful fight against breast cancer. In this book Palau helps those in pain come to grips with the crushing adversities of life by pointing them to the limitless resources found in God. Helpful to readers already committed in their faith, this book is an empathetic exploration of divine action in the midst of terrible pain.

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  • Heaven Is Not My Home


    In Heaven Is Not My Home, author and scholar Paul Marshall asserts that God is not seeking to destroy the earth, but to restore it to its original splendor. In this thought-provoking book, he shows us how the redemption of all things should shape the way we look at every aspect of our lives.

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  • Strategies For Brief Pastoral Counseling


    In this extraordinarily helpful resource, eleven leaders in pastoral counseling offer a convincing rationale for and careful and smart instruction in brief pastoral counseling. Based on research, case studies, and the latest thinking they lay out: the dynamics of the pastor-parishoner relationship, including the need for collaborative, hospitable, future-oriented, and wholistic counseling specific strategies, including brief counseling’s solution-focused method, its relation to spiritual direction, its focus on people’s strengths, and time limits the major literature in the field of pastoral counseling in the past fifty years, offering ways in which it can speak more directly to the concerns of parish pastors as they offer counsel to those they serve

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  • Grief Observed


    Written by C. S. Lewis with love and humility, this brief but poignant volume was first published in 1961 and courageously encounters the anger and heart-break that followed the death of his wife, an American-born poet, Joy Davidman. Handwritten entries from notebooks that Lewis found in his home capture the doubt and anguish that we all face in times of great loss. He questions his beliefs in this graceful and poignant affirmation of faith in the face of senseless loss.

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  • Free Will Baptist In History


    SKU (ISBN): 9780892659562ISBN10: 0892659564William DavidsonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: February 2001Publisher: Randall House Print On Demand Product

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  • Building The Christian Academy A Print On Demand Title


    For centuries the Christian academic tradition played a major role in both Western intellectual history and the history of the church. In this volume Arthur Holmes explores the tradition of learning, focusing on seven formative episodes in history that can have a contribution to make to the building and maintenance of a strong Christian academy today.

    For each historical period considered, Holmes probes the particular problems educators faced and discusses the major concerns that guided educational practice. By examining the thought of Plato, Origen, Abelard, Aquinas, Erasmus, Francis Bacon, John Henry Newman, and others, Holmes identifies four recurring emphases at the heart of the Christian academy: the care of the soul, the unity of truth, contemplative learning, and the usefulness of liberal arts as preparation for service to both church and society. This insightful work makes a convincing case for reclaiming the theological foundations of learning for our day.

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  • Act Of God Active God


    This book raises in a straighforward fashion the faith-related questions that victims/survivors of natural disasters have as a result of their experiences. Is the disaster an “act of God”? Did God cause the disaster? If God is all powerful, why did God allow it to hapen? Dr. Gary Harbaught provides insights and understandings to help persons of faith to struggle with that seeming contradiction. Instead of seeing disasters as “acts of God”, he shows that when disasters occur, God in fact is active: active in and through our questions, confusion, and doubts; active in and through our responses and actions; active in and through the community; and active in and through people of faith.

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  • Praying The Movies


    This book is a collection of 31 devotionals — one a day for a month — that seek to connect movies with the spiritual life of moviegoers. Each devotional contains passages from Scripture, an introduction to a scene from a popular film, a description of that scene, a meditation on the themes in the scene and Scripture, questions to encourage further reflection on the part of the reader, a suggestion for a hymn, and a brief prayer. This book can be used by an individual or in group study.

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  • Games Grandmas Play


    Joan Jacobs is a wise and experienced grandma. She wants grandmothers everywhere to love what they do and to grow in faith. She brings her theological training, life experience, good humor, and imagination together in an inspiring reflection on one of life’s greatest opportunities–being a grandma. Jacobs explores the grandmother/grandchild relationship, showing grandmothers how to offer practical guidance and spiritual wisdom in a way that encourages the development of their grandchildren.

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