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Showing 21101–21200 of 24019 results

  • Woman Of God


    How can we become women of God? These studies from Old and New Testament passages show us how to develop the traits of a godly woman: how to be strong, trustworthy, wise, resourceful, forgiving, beautiful, content, confident–and how to claim God’s grace when we fall short. This study guide in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a “Now or Later” section in each study. 10 studies for individuals or groups.

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  • Caso De La Fe – (Spanish)


    In The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his tenacious investigative skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief – the eight “heart” barriers to faith. The Case for Faith is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with formidable intellectual barriers standing squarely in their path. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in discussing Christianity with even their most skeptical friends. In The Case for Faith, Lee Strobel probes the most thorny of questions, what he calls “The Big Eight”, including: If there is a loving God, why does this world groan under so much suffering and evil? If God really created the universe, why does science compel so many to conclude that evolution account for life? If God is the ultimate overseer of the church, why has it been rife with hypocrisy and brutality through the ages? If God truly cares about the people he created, how could he consign so many of them to an eternity of torture in hell just because they didn’t believe the right things about him? As a seasoned journalist with Yale Law background, Strobel methodically tracks sown his leads and asks the gritty, gut-wrenching questions you would want to ask questions that can make or break the Christian faith. He refuses to patronize or offer cliched, glib answers. Instead, he pieces together heard facts trough interviews with nine of the country’s top scholars and experts. The result? Solid, persuasive, engrossing, and smart answers to your deepest questions. The Case for Faith will set you on the path to belief, renewed, restored – or discovered for the very first time.

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  • Orientacion Basica Para Recien – (Spanish)


    This revised and updated edition of “Orientation for New Believers” is a very useful tool for pastors, leaders, and anyone else helping newborn Christians, as well as for those who used the previous edition. In its nine chapters, the reader will find reviewing exercises and others to consolidate specific terms and concepts. Even though this work can be read by the new Christian, it is much more effective when used as a study manual for the first week’s preparation of new members. The central focus of the book is the newborn, but every Christian can benefit by reading it- even if you are an active member in your church.

    This manual will help you review key concepts of basic Biblical principles, and expand your knowledge of Christian-living. All this … and much more can be achieved through this practical and concise manual, yet vast in spiritual resources.

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  • Pocket Dictionary For The Study Of New Testament Greek


    If you are beginning your study of New Testament Greek or Greek exegesis, this book is for you!

    From ablative to zeugma, it defines the tangled terms that infest Greek textbooks, grammars and lexicons.

    Here is the book to deliver you from late-night ponderings of the predicate and frantic fumings over the fricative. It is the indispensable lexicon to that third language that is neither Greek nor recognizable English: the technical vocabulary of grammarians, lexicographers, linguists and Greek instructors. What’s more, this pocket dictionary gives you the inside edge on the terminology of exegesis, textual criticism and biblical criticism.

    Careful definitions, helpful examples and copious cross-references make this economically priced, brief dictionary easy to use. And its convenient size will make it a constant companion in your study of the Greek New Testament.

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  • Ruach Project


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232616ISBN10: 193123261XE. Forrest HeinBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Show Me


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232562ISBN10: 1931232563Don ClowersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Youth Leaving The Church


    Why have so many youth become disenchanted with the Christian Church? This book discusses possible reasons why youth leave the church and suggest ways to reverse these trends.

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  • Angel In Your Future


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232333ISBN10: 1931232334Robert WoodBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Feeling Fooled : How To Stop Letting Your Negative Emotions Wreck Your Life


    Read of Solveig. Share in this Norwegian immigrant’s true adventures and lifetime story. See how special an everyday common person’s life can be when dedicated early and diligently to Jesus. With God, ordinary and painful days can be filled with extraordinary blessings and miracles. Placing full trust in her Lord, miraculous healings, visions, and angelic interventions interrupt and impact her life. Petitioning God, going through opened doors, and trusting completely in Him are rewarded. Solveig’s life gives evidence of God’s awareness of and faithfulness to all of His children. Written as a legacy to her grandchildren, Solveig recounts a confused and disappointing childhood; the traumatic Nazi Occupation of Norway; meeting and marrying Arne; immigrating to America; and seasons of family growth, trials, lack, and loss. The evidence of God’s faithfulness to Solveig encourages others to choose and remain determined to follow God’s paths for their lives.

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  • Noah And Alcohol


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232197ISBN10: 1931232199Cornelius OgundeleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Chasing Of The Wind


    What Have You Been Chasing All Your Life? Like many for us, Danny DiAngelo grew up in church. He said he was saved, he even led others to Christ. But, inside his soul, DiAngelo was lost. He played the part of a Christian, at least in public, but he was chasing after everything but the knowledge of God. A popular musician, DiAngelo spent more than fifteen years preaching and performing with respected, well-known Christian ministries. But, his search for significance was all for naught, because he didn’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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  • Word Among Us


    An essential handbook for preachers and a lively, informed devotional companion for those who prepare for worship by reading the Scriptures, this commentary on the Principal Service readings for Year A offers: Variations in interpretation Background history Links between passages Theological significance Language sources Illustrative quotes

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  • Far From Home


    Home. It’s where we all want to be. It’s where we find familiar faces and welcoming arms, unconditional love and a safe place to share our hearts. Yet those who look toward a heavenly habitat live their whole lives in a foreign place “far from home.”

    Join FFH – Jeromy, Jennifer, Brian, and Michael – as they share stories from the road. Stories of faith challenged, of fears overcome, of hearts touched and souls won. Stories of the people they’ve met and the lessons they’ve learned as they tour America fulfilling their mission to reach as many people for Jesus Christ as they can, as quickly as they can. As you glimpse into the hearts and lives of these dedicated individuals, you will find new purpose and direction for your own life, and you’ll find yourself a little closer to home.

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  • My Own Monster


    We all want to have good friends–and to be a good friend. Now, in the teen years, more than ever, you need girls and guys you can trust. You need friends who will stand by your side, no matter what–when you face peer pressure, family problems, a broken heart, or even questions about God. Whether you wish you had more friends or want to know how to be a better friend to the ones you’ve got, this 31-day devotional will give you fun, real-life advice about how to deal with relationship struggles and make your friendships count. You’ll find stories about teens you can identify with, suggestions for activities, ideas to think about, room to journal your thoughts and hopes, and Scriptures to encourage you in your relationship with the best Friend you’ll ever have!

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  • Truth Or Consequences


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    “Postmodernism.” The word crept into our vocabulary as the 20th-century intellectual movement gained momentum. In this eagerly anticipated in-depth analysis, Erickson examines the roots of postmodernism; provides both positive and negative evaluations; and examines the thought of its leading exponents. A discerning must-read for all who are concerned with commending Christian truth to today’s culture.

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  • Encountering Religious Pluralism


    There’s nothing new about religious diversity. What has changed is the way we think about world religions. Netland examines the emerging pluralistic worldview now challenging traditional Christian faith and missions. His incisive analysis of the nature of religious truth gives you criteria for evaluating rival claims—and provides a framework for an evangelical theology of religions.

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  • Satan And The Problem Of Evil


    Where does evil come from?
    If there is a sovereign creator God, as Christian faith holds, is this God ultimately responsible for evil?
    Does God’s sovereignty mean that God causes each instance of sin and suffering?
    How do Satan, his demons and hell fit into God’s providential oversight of all creation and history?
    How does God interact with human intention and action?
    If people act freely, does God know in particular every human decision before the choice is made?

    In this important book Gregory A. Boyd mounts a thorough response to these ages-old questions, which remain both crucial and contentious, both practical and complex.

    In this work Boyd defends his scripturally grounded trinitarian warfare theodicy (presented in God at War) with rigorous philosophical reflection and insights from human experience and scientific discovery. Critiquing the classical Calvinist solution to the problem of evil, he advocates an alternative understanding of the sovereignty of the trinitarian God and of the reality of Satan that sheds light on our fallen human condition.

    While all may not agree with Boyd’s conclusions, Satan & the Problem of Evil promises to advance the church’s discussion of these critical issues.

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  • Biografias De Grandes Cristian – (Spanish)


    They need to do some thing that will challenge their courage. They had to win a battle that will mine the trenght of the most intelligent. But they accept the challenge… Vida Publishers, present the edition of Biographies of Great Christians in a brief way, simplify biographies of some of the most distinguish character in church, from the past and present. Many wonder to whom they can attribute the great success of servant of God like Luther, Bunyan, Wesley, Whitefiled, Finney, Carey, Judson, and many others. Certainly no to their talent nor to their strength of will. The true mystery of their greatness of the christian are, and is, the prayer. For those that walk with God in prayer, like they did, there are no mystery on this. And to many, the life of these men’s has a lot to talk about, their biography inspire us and show that they victory of the Christian depend on the prayer.

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  • Gifted By Otherness


    Gay and lesbian Christians are in the awkward position of trying to explain themselves to two mutually hostile audiences. On the one side, the gay-lesbian community is often deeply suspicious of anyone connected with Christianity. On the other side sits the church, which often wishes that gays and lesbians would go away, or at least disappear into the woodwork quietly. But the gay and lesbian community has a unique vocation in today’s church, one of challenging the church to be inclusive of all God’s children–the central message of the Gospel. Based on retreats they have presented to churches and seminaries, authors L. William Countryman and M.R. Ritley explore what it means to affirm, not merely accept, being gay or lesbian, as well as Christian. This pro-active and self-affirming book provides new hope for the lesbigay community, their families and their communities, confidently appropriating and re-telling the biblical story of this unique and gifted minority’s spiritual journey.

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  • Pocket Guide To Inner Peace


    The rapid pace of life has most of us hungering for a deeper sense of peace. In this upbeat guide, Gary Egeberg combines healthy spirituality with practical suggestions for strengthening inner peace. Common obstacles such as fear, stress, anger, conflict, self-criticism, and the struggle to give and receive forgiveness are explored. Egeberg demonstrates that by activating a variety of peace tools – prayer, meditation, affirmations, rituals, journaling, and others – we discover simple and effective ways to reestablish and safeguard our own serenity.

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  • Fighting For Your African American Marriage


    SKU (ISBN): 9780787955519ISBN10: 0787955515Keith Whitfield | Scott Stanley | Howard MarkmanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: Jossey-Bass, Inc./Wiley Print On Demand Product

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  • Avoiding Mr Wrong


    You know the man. He’s the one who looks good at a glance — but not so good once you get to know him. What kind of women fall for him, and why? What are the chances he will change? And what if you’ve already married him?More than just a checklist of men to steer clear of, Avoiding Mr. Wrong is a powerful tool to help women learn more about themselves and the Mr. Wrongs to whom they often feel drawn. Those men include: The Control Freak, The Mama’s Boy, The Cowardly Lion, The Ungodly Man, and Mr. Wonderful.Complete with a diagnostic quiz and quick reference lists, Avoiding Mr. Wrong is ideal for women whose hopes have been dashed again and again by a seemingly promising relationship. The book helps them to see more clearly, think more rationally, and act more wisely in the pursuit of Mr. Right.

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  • Humility : The Journey Toward Holiness (Reprinted)


    12 Chapters

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    The Journey Toward Holiness

    When Jesus “made himself nothing…taking the nature of a servant,” He modeled for all believers true humility. Andrew Murray calls this “our true nobility” and “the distinguishing feature of discipleship.” With insightful, penetrating clarity, Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ to be filled with His grace.

    Often called the best work on humility ever written, this edition has been edited for today’s reader.

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  • Young Lions : Chrisitian Rites Of Passage For African American Young Men


    This resource introduces and supports a mentoring program that offers African American young men, Positive peer group involvement, Hands-on skill development, Knowledge of the African American culture, Relationship with Christian African American men as role models. This resource provides the tools and encouragement needed to help leaders of African American young men experience the joy of supporting and challenging youth to grow as Christ’s disciples. Includes practical tips for getting started, a comprehensive leadership recruitment and training plan, complete meeting outlines and directions, reproducible pages for participants, and an interaction oriented mentor guide.

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  • Balance


    20/30 Bible Study for Young Adults targets adult learners in their 20’s and 30’s. Each volume in the series challenges you to examine a powerful biblical image that defines and shapes your life. The 20/30 volumes honor your experience and encourage you to look at your own questions, goals, and beliefs as you study the Scriptures that expand on the biblical images. You juggle multiple demands-school work, family, friends, church, day-to-day “stuff” like paying bills and dealing with junk mail-but do these activities each receive the proper priority at the proper time? Balance: Living With Life’s Demands will help you sort through various claims on your life and put your priorities into a healthy and manageablle perspective.

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  • Fire And Wind


    A collection of essays and sermons by prominent Presbyterian theologians and leaders on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and its application for the faithful today. This is a companion piece to Confessing the Faith Today (both are collections of presentations made at convocations on important topics).

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  • Philippians And Galatians (Student/Study Guide)


    The letters to the Philippian and Galatian congregations illustrate well the passion and intensity of Paul’s writing. Together these letters provide a compelling portrait of a complex original thinker who probably was the most significant missionary of his day, a theologian and social critic of rare power and insight whose legacy continues today to spark heated debate. Yet if we can catch even a little of Paul’s vision, we are likely to be transformed. We may find ourselves called, like Paul himself, to a fresh vision of what God is doing in the world and to participation in the crucified body of Christ.

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  • Hope For The World


    Hope for the world represents a new resolve and commitment to the global context for the ministry of the church. Missions, evangelism, and the theological education too often seem ill prepared to face the hopelessness commonly shared by both the northern and southern hemispheres. The older patterns of ministry, still unwittingly triumphalistic, cannot cope with the deeply rooted spiritual crisis that is manifested economically, plitically and militarily in the globalization of wealth.

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  • Theology Of The New Testament


    A comprehensive profiling of the theology contained in the New Testament. Major treatments of Paul, Jesus, the Synoptics, John, the Pauline tradition, and the General Letters are included.

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  • Peace : Overcoming Anxiety And Conflict (Student/Study Guide)


    How can you experience the “peace which transcends all understanding”? How can you guard your heart and mind from the stress of everyday life? This Fruit of the Spirit Bible study explores God’s prescription for peace. It helps you discover how you can cope with anxiety, how you can feel safe in God’s care, and how you can live at peace with others.

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  • Creative Bible Lessons In Galatians And Philippians


    Grace, growth, freedom, and faith are the themes of these 12 dynamic lessons based on the letters from Paul to the Christians in Galatia and Philippi. As the next volume in the popular Creative Bible Lessons series, Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians & Philippians comes power-packed with the teachings of Paul. Six lessons from each book will guide you and your students through many of the Gospel’s central truths, including:

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  • Drama Skits And Sketches 3


    More great ideas for youth group activities

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  • Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks 4


    All-new dynamic illustrations will help the messages of youth talks hit their mark

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  • Kindness : Reaching Out To Others (Student/Study Guide)


    The story of the Good Samaritan is reenacted every day. Whether it’s a family on the side of the road with car trouble, a homeless person sleeping over an outdoor heating vent, or a panhandler asking for spare change, we either pass by or reach out in kindness. This Fruit of the Spirit Bible study will inspire kindness toward others by revealing God’s kindness to you.

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  • Pascals Wager


    Confirmed atheist Jill McGavock faces the mental deterioration of her brilliant mother. In a quest to cope with this devastating situation, Jill seeks out philosophy professor Sam Hunt. Savvy Sam challenges Jill to make “Pascal’s wager”_to “bet” that God exists by acting as if he does. The results not only change Jill’s mind but transform her life in ways she never could have imagined. An exciting, faith-building thriller!

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  • Effective Mens Ministry


    Collective wisdom and experience in how to begin and continue effective ministry with men

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  • Matters Of Life And Death


    Plenty of books explore the emotions of coping with grief and a loved one’s death. But as psychologist Carol Wogrin has observed, there is little advice for those at a loss for words witnessing the process of dying. Matters of Life and Death discusses the importance of communicating with the terminally ill both through talking and nonverbal expression and offers suggestions for what to say to offer comfort, both emotional and physical.

    Brimming with constructive advice for opening up, Matters of Life and Death helps allay the fears that often silence friends and relatives in the face of death. Helping readers manage their fears-the fear of saying the wrong thing, of upsetting others, of facing overwhelming feelings-this book is a beautiful prescription for conveying a heartfelt message when it matters the most.

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  • Joy : How To Rejoice In Any Situation (Student/Study Guide)


    Joy is found in the strangest places: in hospital rooms where patients are weak from surgery; around a dinner table when a husband announces he has been laid off; in a household where every waking moment is filled with laundry, cleaning, shopping, and cooking. Situations like these are hardly “fun,” but they can be surprising occasions of joy. This Fruit of the Spirit Bible study helps you discover how to rejoice in any situation.

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  • Gentleness : The Strength Of Being Tender (Student/Study Guide)


    Gentle people are often viewed as weak. They would rather persuade than force. They are self-giving rather than self-assertive. They prefer a kind word rather than a cutting remark. Yet these gentle qualities reveal a quiet power. A strong person may not be gentle, but a gentle person must be strong. This Fruit of the Spirit Bible study helps you discover the strength of being tender.

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  • Message Of Ezekiel


    Christopher J.H. Wright masterfully opens our eyes to see and understand the message of Ezkiel. Ezekiel’s vision of the glory of God – its departure and return – is first set within Israel’s history and then in the culmination of God’s promises in Christ. Embedded in the pattern of the strange, the bizarre and the wonderful is a word that still speaks to God’s people today.

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  • Symphonic Theology : The Validity Of Multiple Perspectives In Theology


    128 pages

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    The truth of God is rich and multifaceted. Though a coherent body of revelation, the Bible comes to us through a variety of inspired authors, metaphors, and themes highlighting the many facets of God’s truth. Likewise, our theological formulations capture manifold emphases – distinct “perspectives” on the whole – which collectively enable us to gain a fuller understanding of the truth. Polythress explains, “We use what we have gained from one perspective to reinforce, correct, or improve what we understood through another. I call this procedure ‘symphonic theology’ because it is analogous to a blending to express the variation of a symphonic theme.” Special features include: Accents distinct but harmonious perspectives in the Word and theology; Applies the best insights of linguistics to theological thought; and includes a test case involving the question of miracles.

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  • When Your Parent Dies


    Anticipated or sudden, the death of a parent is a life-changing loss for surviving children and family members. When Your Parent Dies is a brief, focused, and compassionate book that guides adults through the first days and weeks of bereavement. Drawing on his own grief experience, author Ron Klug shows how the resources of faith, family, and community can help a grieving person move forward in life to find hope and healing.

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  • When Your Child Loses A Loved One


    Death is hard enough for adults to accept. For children, the experience of loss can be overwhelming. In this concise, practical guide, grief counselor Huntley offers principles for helping children of all ages understand death, work through predictable “tasks of grieving,” and take steps toward healing and acceptance.

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  • When Your Child Dies


    The death of a child is the worst loss parents can experience. In When Your Child Dies, author and grief counselor Theresa Huntley offers grieving parents honest, practical guidance. Her insights into the grief process, the tasks of mourning, and the ways people grieve will help parents come to understand, accept, and live with their loss.

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  • Psalms Part 2 And Lamentations


    Psalms, Part 2, and Lamentations is Volume XV of The Forms of the Old Testament Literature, a series that aims to present a form- critical analysis of every book and each unit in the Hebrew Bible. Fundamentally exegetical, the FOTL volumes examine the structure, genre, setting, and intention of the biblical literature in question. They also study the history behind the form-critical discussion of the material, attempt to bring consistency to the terminology for the genres and formulas of the biblical literature, and expose the exegetical procedures so as to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of the Old Testament texts.

    This volume completes Erhard Gerstenberger’s widely praised discussion of the psalms literature begun in Volume XIV, and includes as well an admirable study of the book of Lamentations. Gerstenberger interprets the different kinds of songs and prayers that comprise the book of Psalms in light of their socio-historical settings and provides a concise formal and structural analysis of each biblical text based on an illuminating comparison with other ancient Near Eastern prayers and hymns. Seeing the biblical writings in relation to the social, cultic, religious, and theological conceptions of Israel’s neighoring peoples allows contemporary readers to better grasp the purpose and spiritual meaning of the psalms and Lamentations to the Jewish community that composed them.

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  • Historical Jesus Question


    A natural sequel to The Historical Jesus Quest, The Historical Jesus Question offers commentary on the work and significance of the classic writers presented in the earlier volume–Spinoza, Strauss, Schweitzer, Troeltsch, Bultmann, Kasemann–and some additional comment on the work of Pannenberg. Not merely a summary discussion of these important writers, this book goes beyond to follow the implications for theology of the ongoing challenge history presents to biblical authority.

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  • Paul In The Roman World


    Talk about practical theology! First Corinthians is a foremost model for how Christians should relate to the cultural, ethical, and theological issues of their time and place. Grant recovers the principles Paul lived by, showing how Christianity can be adapted to altogether new situations.

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  • Anti Judaism And The Fourth Gospel


    The problem of anti-Judaism in the Fourth Gospel is a complex matter that has historical, sociological, and theological dimensions. It involves the study of the original texts, their reception and effects throughout history as well as their ethical and theological implications in the perspective of Christian-Jewish dialogue. This selection of essays from the 2000 Leuven Conference presents the views of Johannine scholars from around the world on this important topic. Contributors include C. Kingsley Barrett, James H. Charlesworth, Raymond F. Collins, R. Alan Culpepper, Martinus C. de Boer, Henk Jan de Jonge, James D.G. Dunn, Jan Lambrecht, Judith M. Lieu, Stephen Motyer, Adele Reinhartz, and Peter J. Tomson.

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  • Love : Building Healthy Relationships (Student/Study Guide)


    How can you build healthy, vital relationships with God, your families, and your friends? How can you satisfy your deep need to give and receive love? This Fruit of the Spirit Bible study explores the – most excellent way – into the hearts of those you care about. You’ll discover how to develop a love that affirms, a love that forgives – a love that lasts.

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  • Self Control : Mastering Our Passions (Student/Study Guide)


    Our passions exert a powerful influence over us. The Tempter entices us to use these good gifts in ways that God never intended. Yet the more we do so, the more they tighten their grip, making us slaves to their every whim.

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  • Revision Revised : A Refutation Of Westcott And Horts False Greek Text And


    In the way Dean Burgon repudiates the Engllsh Revised Version of 1881 and defends the Authorized King James Bible, this book will also form a strong basis for defending the King James Bible against the modern versions such as the NASV, NIV, RSV, NRSV, NEB, TEV, CEV, and the others.

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  • Genesis : The Story We Havent Heard


    In this book, Borgman reminds us that God seeks real relationship and friendship with self-interested humanity. Such a relationship often involves change for both parties-indeed, this is one of the key points of this book.

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  • Clouds And Glory


    Clouds and Glory is one of a three-volume collection of prayers, scripture readings, and blessings based on the Common Worship Lectionary, used in many parts of the Anglican Communion. Written in the Celtic style for which the author is known, and linked to the Sunday readings for Year A, these prayers and intercessions may be used by congregations for the Prayers of the People, as well as by those who seek to supplement their own daily devotions.

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  • Journeying Through Lent With Matthew


    In this devotional, meditations for each day between Ash Wednesday and Easter focus on passages from the Gospel of Matthew. Using this book as a guide, readers will work their way through the entire Gospel, probing its meaning. Reflection questions and a prayer with each reading encourage readers to consider the passage’s signifigance for their lives.

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  • 1-2 Chronicles : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


    The great Christian scholar St. Jerome said that in First and Second Chronicles we find “the meaning of the whole of sacred history.” Yet these two Old Testament books are not popular and are seldom studied or preached upon in Christian churches. Steven Tuell shows how the books of Chronicles present the revelation of God’s plan and purposes through the story of Israel, emphasizing the important place that King David and his line play within that story. Using up-to-date scholarship, Tuell focuses on the theological message of these books-that the purpose of life is to seek God in the words of Scripture and in the worship of the temple: that those who seek and find God’s will and purpose for their lives, and live accordingly, experience blessing; and that God’s presence and activity are found in the events of ordinary life.

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  • Women In Scripture


    A groundbreaking survey that takes the study of biblical women to a new level! Exploring the lives of all women—named and unnamed—in the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and the apocryphal/deuterocanonical books, respected scholars offer 800 articles on prophets and prostitutes, deacons and dancers, widows and wet nurses, rulers and slaves. A must-have reference!

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  • Christian Faith : A Brief Introduction


    In Christian Faith, Peter Hodgson rethinks central Christian themes in relation to three urgent issues: the struggle for justice: cultural and religious pluralism; and ecological and cosmological awareness. He assumes the necessity of revisioning Christian faith in the face of ever-changing circumstances, invites readers to participate in theological revisioning, and encourages and helps them by including practical exercises and a glossary of theological terms.

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  • Old Testament Theology 2


    This republication of a classic work contains a new introduction by Walter Brueggemann that places Gerhard von Rad’s work within the context of German theology, Old Testament theology, and the history of interpretation of the Old Testament. In Old Testament Theology, von Rad applies the most advanced results of form criticism to develop a new understanding of the Bible. His original approach is now available once again in English.

    The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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  • Old Testament Theology 1


    The reissue of Gerhard von Rad’s Old Testament Theology is a most welcome event, as welcome as it is important to us. It is clear that von Rad (1901-1971), long-time professor in the University of Heidelberg, is the defining and preeminent interpreter of the Christian Old Testament in the twentieth century, and that this two-volume work is the most definitive publication in his long, prolific scholarly career. Von Rad’s work occupies such a dominant place in twentieth-century theological exposition that it is possibile and useful to trace theological interpretation in the twentieth century in terms of periods “pre-von Rad, von Rad, and post-von Rad.” While that sequence has already become “history” for us at the outset of the twenty-first century, it is clear that the turn von Rad has wrought in expository method and horizon continues to inform our work in decisive ways and will continue to do so for years to come.

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  • Triumphant Return : The Coming Kingdom Of God


    Triumphant Return examines the battle being waged against the doctrine of the Second Coming. This book also explores the beliefs of the early Church regarding the Millennium and the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Twenty-six remarkable prophecies point to Christ’s soon return. It explains how the early Church universally taught the pre-millennial Second Advent and demonstrates the fundamental importance to the Church today that the Second Coming is not “the end” – it’s the beginning of Christ’s eternal kingdom!

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  • Gods Prescription For Health And Healing


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232456ISBN10: 1931232458Don ClowersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Secrets Of A Faith Well Lived


    As you admire from afar the Christian leaders of our time, do you ever wonder what it would be like to live their lives, to think their thoughts, to believe their faith? This fascinating book by Christopher Coppernoll brings their opened hearts to the printed page. Through the closeup lens of personal interviews with best-selling authors Max Lucado, Frank Peretti, Sheila Walsh, Scotty Smith, Tony Campolo, Patsy Clairmont, and more, you will glimpse the intimate secrets of faith that have shpaed these influential men and women. In the pages of this book, you are invited to share in candid conversations with modern-day disciples and learn firsthand about their struggles, their families, their mission, their dreams, and their hearts.

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  • In The Presence Of Grief


    Illuminating the impact of loss and grief on our psychological and emotional lives, this book provides vital guidance to ease painful transitions and facilitate healing. The author emphasizes that dealing with the death of a loved one involves more than picking up the pieces and moving on: rather, healing is an ongoing journey on which grief is a constant companion. For those in a supportive role, the focus is on helping the bereaved to navigate the grieving process and, ultimately, to reclaim joy as well as sadness as an integral part of life. Filled with personal narratives and examples, the book demonstrates effective ways to help survivors cope with commonly experienced issues, problems, and concerns.

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  • Discovering Hope : Building Vitality In Rural Congregations


    God’s Spirit is breathing new vitality into rural congregations! Hear what 26 effective rural congregations have to say about God’s activity in and through them. In these stories, you can explore the best practices for vital ministry and identify action steps for your own setting.

    Use Discovering Hope: Building Vitality in Rural Congregations on your own, in a group, or at learning events involving many congregations. For a “virtual visit” of the three congregations highlighted in chapter 1, see the companion video, Stories of Hope in Rural Congregations .

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  • Christians In Society


    Disagreement on ethical issues overlays a lack of consensus today on even deeper issues of method and authority in ethics. Yet a major ecumenical resource and model for Christian social ethics lies in Martin Luther’s use of Scripture as ethical source and norm.
    Lazareth rescues Luther’s christocentric reading of Scripture and his ethics from largely quietistic interpretations current through the Nazi period and sets his sights on how Luther’s principles of biblical interpretation fueled his understanding of the church’s life and mission. From this base Lazareth reinterprets the much-contested “two kingdoms” teaching, the twofold rule of God in creation and redemption, the function of law and justification, and sanctification in individuals and society.
    Lazareth’s informative historical theology also challenges contemporary Christians to affirm common biblical ground for theological ethics and to facilitate more public social witness.

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  • Imaginative World Of The Reformation


    More than a change in political, religious, and social structures, the early Reformation signaled a profound shift in the perception of reality. Matheson’s lucid study draws on sermons, pamphlets, letters, paintings, and woodcuts to reveal the spiritual vitality of the era and the revolutionary power that transformed ordinary people’s lives.

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  • Mark : Images Of An Apostolic Interpreter


    What do we know about the author of the Second Gospel? Using a variety of critical lenses—historical, literary, and theological—Black examines the images of Mark that emerge from the New Testament and the early church fathers. His comprehensive investigation culminates in a fresh appraisal of the enigmatic evangelist.

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  • This Grief Is Mine


    SKU (ISBN): 9780788016752ISBN10: 078801675XNorma AthertonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2001Publisher: CSS Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Swan House : A Novel (Reprinted)


    30 Chapters

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    A powerful novel of love, compassion and self-discovery.

    Mary Swan Middleton has always taken for granted the advantages of her family’s wealth. But a tragedy that touches all of Atlanta sends her reeling in grief.

    When the family maid challenges her to reach out to the less fortunate as a way to ease her own pain, Mary Swan meets Carl-and everything changes. For although Carl is her opposite in nearly every way, he has something her privileged life could not give her. And when she seeks his help to uncover a mystery, she learns far more than she ever could have imagined.

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  • Tale Of Three Kings


    Those facing the pain and brokenness that result from unfair treatment by other believers will be encouraged by this powerful story of David, Saul, and Absalom.

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  • Gospel Instrumental


    SKU (UPC): 614187000625Artist: VariousMedia: CDReleased: July 2001New Day Christian Distributors Songs

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  • Grace To Abstain


    If the ache to be loved makes you hurt … If the lonely nights make you cry… If you struggle to remain pure… …you are not alone. Being a single person can hurt. Today, more than ever, it can make you feel ostracized, even abandoned. And for Christian singles, the struggle can be overwhelming. D’Bora Schrett understands. In The Grace To Abstain, author D’Bora Schrett puts an end to your quiet desperation to be loved, freeing you from feelings of guilt, shame and loneliness. Using the Bible as her guide, D’Bora shares from her heart how you can surrender your passions to God, and let Him transform your spirit while you wait on Him to bring you a life partner. Unlike other books for Christian singles, D’Bora faces the real issues of sex and intimacy, helping you deal with things that most often go unsaid within the confines of the Church.

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  • Prayers From The Pit


    Resource 1. The Ten Prayers Of Jesus

    Chapter 1. Prayers From The Pit: Discovering The Importance Of The Prayers Of Jesus
    Chapter 2. An Inward Prayer Of Complaint: I Am Despondent (Matthew 26)
    Chapter 3. An Inward Prayer Of Complaint: I Am Deserted (Mark 15)
    Chapter 4. An Inward Prayer Of Complaint: I Am Deprived (John 19)
    Chapter 5. An Upward Prayer Of Confidence: You Still Rule (Matthew 11)
    Chapter 6. An Upward Prayer Of Confidence: You Still Listen (John 11)
    Chapter 7. An Upward Prayer Of Confidence: You Still Reveal (John 12, 17)
    Chapter 8. An Upward Prayer Of Confidence: You Still Matter (Matthew 26)
    Chapter 9. An Upward Prayer Of Confidence: You Still Hold (Luke 23)
    Chapter 10. An Upward Prayer Of Confidence: You Still Stop (John 19:30)
    Chapter 11. An Outward Prayer Of Compassion: Mind Their Mission (John 17)
    Chapter 12. An Outward Prayer Of Compassion: Concentrate Their Community (John 17)
    Chapter 13. An Outward Prayer Of Compassion: Forgive Their Faults (Luke 23)

    Resource 2. 40 Days Following The Prayer Steps Of Jesus

    Resource 3. Bible Class And Small Group Guides

    Additional Info
    Pain. We all suffer from it in various degrees and forms at one time or another in our lives. Sometimes it threatens to overwhelm and consume us, and then we wonder what we should do. How will we ever find our way out of the pit into which we have fallen?

    But the real question is, how did Jesus handle the pain he encountered in his life, especially on the cross? The answer is simple – Jesus prayed. And we can too.

    Whether you find yourself in a pit of pain or on a peak of joy, study the ten prayers of Jesus. Find comfort, strength, and guidance for the road ahead as you learn how to pray inward prayers of complaint, upward prayers of confidence, and outward prayers of compassion. Develop a closer relationship with the Father as you spend forty days following the prayer steps of the Son.

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  • Lets Talk Marriage


    In a time when one out of every two marriages fails, sound, experience-based advice for marital success is needed more than ever. This book is an exceptional premarital guide for couples preparing for marriages that will last a lifetime. Writing in a friendly, conversational style, F. Dean Lueking extends a steadying hand of guidance, offering affirmation where a couple is already confident and practical help in getting at touchier issues not as easily addressed. In the course of the book Lueking talks about the crucial role of communication in healthy, enduring marriages, explores the physical side of married life, and gives helpful insights into the benefits of grounding a marriage in shared spiritual values. Filled with questions and comments for readers to ponder, this book will be a valuable aid to engaged couples and those who counsel them.

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  • Who Is Jesus


    Jesus’ life and legacy provocatively told
    In Who Is Jesus? Keck clarifies the difference between the way Jesus is presented in the Gospels and the way critical historians portray him. He then explores, from four perspectives, Jesus’ contemporary moral and theological pertinence. Keck looks initially at Jesus as a first-century Jew, then considers how Jesus’ mission was energized by his grasp of the kingdom of God. He goes on to probe the meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus in light of the biblical understanding of God’s holiness, a theme largely neglected today. Keck concludes his discussion by looking at Jesus’ role in the moral life of the Christian community.

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  • New Testament : A New Translation And Redaction


    SKU (ISBN): 9780788016783ISBN10: 0788016784Norman BeckBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2001Publisher: CSS Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • How To Pray For Lost Loved Ones (Reprinted)


    Bestselling author Dutch Sheets takes a fresh look at a very specific kind of prayer that concerns nearly every Christian. How to pray for the salvation of our friends and families. Sheets begins by examining several strategic biblical principles for effectively interceding for the unsaved. He also looks at the various schemes used by Satan to prevent our loved ones from recognizing the truth of the Word of God. He shows how the enemy’s schemes can be defeated and how we, as believers, can open windows of opportunity for the lost to be able to truly hear and receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

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  • Jewish Mysticism : An Introduction


    Jewish Mysticism: An Introduction fills a long standing gap in the available literature. Readers will find this accessible introduction reliably informed and authoritative. Avoiding the pitfalls common to other popular works in this fascinating field, it provides a through a grounding in the subject and offers helpful pointers for further study.

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  • Little Engine That Could


    The story of a train filled with toys and gifts for little boys and girls that breaks down before reaching the children. After asking several passing trains for help over the hill, a little blue train agrees to help the stranded toys. Even though she is small, the blue train tries her best to bring the toys to the children on the other side of the hill.

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  • Celtic Psaltery


    David Adam’s wonderful compilation celebrates the enduring Celtic themes of Creation, Protection, Glory, Guidance and Praising God, through songs and poems that have enriched his private devotions and public ministry.

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  • Women Who Achieved For God (Student/Study Guide)


    These studies give insight into the lives of women of faith whose willingness to act upon God’s leading made them achievers for him. Some of them are little-known women, such as Dorcas and Phoebe. Some, such as Deborah and Esther, are well-known role models. Follow the example of these great women of history, and learn to be a person who achieves for God today!

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  • 101 Answers To The Most Asked Questions About The End Times


    For many believers, the subject of the End Times stirs confusion, apprehension, and dread. No longer! This user-friendly manual answers 101 of the most frequently asked questions about everything from the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, the Antichrist, and Tribulation to the Second Coming and the Millennium. Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock offers a biblically authoritative resource for understanding God’s plan and a reason for peace instead of anxiety about each believer’s role in it.

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  • Spiritual Directors


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808866ISBN10: 0835808866Kay GrayBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Spiritual Growth Through Team Experience


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808859ISBN10: 0835808858Joanne BultemeierBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Group Reunion


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808842ISBN10: 083580884XStephen BryantBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Coming Down From The Mountain


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808828ISBN10: 0835808823Lawrence MartinBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • What Is Emmaus


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808811ISBN10: 0835808815Stephen BryantBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Exito En Los Anos Dorados – (Spanish)


    No one has expose an exiting proposal like Jose Silva does in this book. This book is full of stimulus for all those that read it willl have a wide vision of their fellow man. Success in the Goden Age is a refreshing oasis in the middle of a road that some call it as decending. We recommend you to read this book in order to learn and value those that are less yonger, although they have more experience.

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  • Complete Guide To Accelerating Sales Force Performance


    Every firm’s sales force combines the distinctive personalities of its members with the complex issues of size, pay structure, incentives, performance evaluation, and effective uses of new technology. And while underrepresented in most marketing texts, the success of the sales force is a major component in the overall success of most companies. The Complete Guide to Accelerating Sales Force Performance develops an effective, innovative framework for evaluating and improving the performance of any sales force. This book identifies and describes the key factors for creating a fast-track, go-to-market strategy. It’s loaded with proven ideas for improving such “success drivers” as: culture * sales force structure * hiring * sales manager selection * training * compensation * technology * sales territory design * goal setting * performance management. Packed with valuable insights and real-life examples, this guide is an excellent source of practical ideas for sales and marketing managers in all industries.

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  • Last Letters Of Thomas More A Print On Demand Title


    Written from the Tower of London, these letters of Thomas More still speak powerfully today.

    In the spring of 1534, Thomas More was taken to the Tower of London, and after fourteen months in prison, the brilliant author of UTOPIA, friend of Erasmus and the humanities, and former Lord Chancellor of England was beheaded on Tower Hill. Yet More wrote some of his best works as a prisoner, including a set of historically and religiously important letters.

    The Last Letters of Thomas More is a superb new edition of More’s prison correspondence, introduced and fully annotated for contemporary readers by Alvaro de Silva. Based on the critical edition of More’s correspondence, this volume begins with letters penned by More to Cromwell and Henry VIII in February 1534 and ends with More’s last words to his daughter, Margaret Roper, on the eve of his execution. More writes on a host of topics–prayer and penance, the right use of riches and power, the joys of heaven, psychological depression and suicidal temptations, the moral compromises of those who imprisoned him, and much more.

    Valuable to a range of readers, this volume records the clarity of More’s conscience and his readiness to die for the integrity of his religious faith. It also throws light on the literary works that More wrote during the same period and on the religious and political conditions of Tudor England. Gripping reading awaits those who delve into these pages.

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  • Sources And Contexts Of The Book Of Concord


    Relive the doctrinal controversies generated by Luther and the Reformers in this series of newly translated documents from the likes of Agricola and Eck, as well as rejoinders by Luther, Chemnitz, and Melanchthon. Includes articles and confessions that summarized points of agreement and disagreement.

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  • Reading Biblical Narratives


    The Power of Stories
    The Story Researchers and the Reader’s Responsibility
    Biblical Stories and Biblical Criticism
    Openings and Endings
    Plot, Structure, and Their Function
    Characterization by Minimal Means
    Whom to Believe?
    The Biblical Stories and “Time’s Art”
    The Place, the Story, and the History
    Intrinsic and Acquired Significance
    Afterword: The Story in Its Significance

    188 Pages

    Additional Info
    The Power of Stories
    The Story Researchers and the Reader’s Responsibility
    Biblical Stories and Biblical Criticism
    Openings and Endings
    Plot, Structure, and Their Function
    Characterization by Minimal Means
    Whom to Believe?
    The Biblical Stories and “Time’s Art”
    The Place, the Story, and the History
    Intrinsic and Acquired Significance
    Afterword: The Story in Its Significance

    188 Pages

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  • Blood Of Christ (Reprinted)


    20 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Now together in one volume, The Power of the Blood of Jesus and The Blood of the Cross take believers step-by-step through Scripture to understand why the blood of Christ has unparalleled power and learn what promises were made to believers when that blood was shed. Written in Murray’s classic devotional style, The Blood of Christ examines both Old and New Testaments to help Christians grasp the truth of redemption-at the time of salvation and on through life as a follower of Christ.

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  • Slaves Women And Homosexuals


    320 Paqes

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    This book successfully walks the reader through the hermeneutical maze that accompanies the treatment of each of these areas. The goal is not only to discuss how these groups are to be seen in light of Scripture but to make a case for a specific hermeneutical approach to reading these texts. This book takes a markedly new direction toward establishing common ground, potentially breaking down certain walls of hostility within the evangelical community.

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  • 1-2 Thessalonians : How Can I Be Sure (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you wonder whether you will be with Jesus after you die? When you are suffering, do you wonder if God has forgotten you? Would you like to be sure that your life is pleasing to the Lord? At times we all feel anxious and insecure about life – and about our faith. The Thessalonians were asking these questions, and Paul wrote 1 & 2 Thessalonians to help them find assurance. They can help you be certain as well. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study. 10 studies for individuals or groups.

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  • Letters Across The Divide (Reprinted)


    In this stirring book, two friends–a black minister and a white businessman–discuss candidly the hang-ups, stereotypes, and sins that inhibit interracial friendships. Some people may think that racism is no longer a problem in our society, but David Anderson and Brent Zuercher make an effective case for just the opposite: both black and white people still harbor wrong assumptions and resentments toward each other.

    Believing that the church is called to a deeply felt reconciliation between the races, Anderson and Zuercher strive to understand each other. They hash out their differences, giving voice to feelings most of us have had but would never express out loud. The result is a book that provokes thought, arouses emotion, and ultimately spurs actions, stressing that the most effective way of dealing with the many facets of racial reconciliation is through real and connected friendships.

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  • Beginning Well : Christian Conversion And Authentic Transformation


    How can Christians grow to maturity unless their conversion experience takes them past sin’s consequences to true spiritual transformation? The key, says Gordon Smith, is Beginning Well. His challenging and provocative survey of Scripture, spiritual autobiographies, and a range of conversion theologies (Protestant, Catholic, Reformed, Wesleyan) takes you beyond “minimalist” views to one that recognizes seven elements necessary for authentic transformation. A must-read for pastors, evangelists, and spiritual directors.

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  • Listening To God


    People today are less interested in thinking about God while being much more interested in knowing God, observes spiritual director and author John Ackerman, who served as a parish pastor for four decades. In this insightful book, Ackerman outlines ways congregations can promote members’ spiritual growth toward a greater intimacy with God. This book is about the whole system-individuals and small groups, lay leaders and clergy, worship and education-everything we do in a congregation to form us more fully into the body of Christ and to become aware of Christ in us. Ackerman offers two basic, four-step models and several additional tools that can be used to create a more encompassing process. And it all begins with learning to listen as a community, and to notice what God is doing in our life together. Foreword by Alice Mann, author of Can Our Church Live? and The In-Between Church.

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  • Paul Quest : The Renewed Search For The Jew Of Tarsus


    In this paper edition of The Paul Ben Witherington examines the various profiles of the historical Paul that have been newly discovered or refurbished. One of the great gains of this quest has been a reencounter with Paul the Jew. The flood of new insight into Judaism of the first century has illuminated features of Paul that were previously obscured. In this timely work, a reacquaintance with the classical Roman world has filled in even more details of Paul’s life and work.

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  • Craddock Stories


    “Those who have heard Craddock preach know that the stories he weaves are a “secret weapon” of his preaching. Now Mike Graves and Richard Ward have complied Craddock Stories, a collection of more than 200 stories that Craddock tells, based on his own life and ministry. Even those who don’t follow Craddock’s preaching model will thoroughly enjoy the winsome and insightful stories in this collection.”

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