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Showing 101–200 of 23572 results

  • Early Church Timeline


    Enjoy seeing 200+ years of early church history at a glance in this illustrated foldout timeline! Covers over 100 key events and people you need to know with summaries and visuals!

    From the end of the apostles to the 4th century rule of Emperor Constantine, see the growth of the church and the incredible spread of Christianity at a glance!

    Early Christian history is packed with names, events, and complicated politics, but what if you could get a solid overview using fascinating facts and compelling characters? This Early Church Timeline is the practical tool you (and those you lead) can use to answer questions and get historical context to any New Testament Bible study. Did you know…?

    *The first church building was constructed in Syria around AD 232.

    *Christians used the fish as a symbol as early as the 2nd century.

    *An aspiring philosopher named Justin was one of the first Christian apologists.

    *A prison diary from a noblewoman and martyr named Perpetua became an inspiration to other Christians facing persecution.

    *A North African theologian named Tertullian was the first to use the word “Trinity” to describe God.

    Explore Early Church History Chronologically!

    Early church history is rich with stories of conflict, martyrdom, politics, redemption, and triumph. You have history books, atlases, and encyclopedias, but you don’t have a lot of time! Where do you even start? Imagine being able to get a solid grasp on the top 50 events of the early church as you watch the expansion of Christianity, surviving even the ascension and persecution of the Roman empire… all in one solid, expert-researched timeline.

    Enjoy exploring concise summaries of the first-century Christian Church in this illustrated timeline pamphlet. Discover the fascinating stories of bishops, martyrs, and theologians who gave shape to church doctrine and provided inspiration for Christians facing oppression for aligning their lives not to the pagan gods of their neighbors, but to Jesus Christ alone.
    Through clear explanations, delve into the historical context, key figures, and pivotal events that laid the groundwork for Christianity as we know it today. Perfect for both newcomers and longtime believers, our pamphlet provides an inspiring and accessible overview of this crucial period in religious history, inviting readers to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the roots of their faith.

    Key Features of the Early Church Timeline: Spread of Chris

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  • Crown Conspiracy


    She’s a master at spotting a forgery . . . and knowing how to create one. But can she solve a decades-old mystery?

    The media spotlight is the last thing art thief and forger Sophie Williams needs. But when one of three long-missing royal portraits turns up in Germany at her best friend’s art gallery, the spotlight is exactly what she gets. Since the tragic deaths of Princess Johanna of Neuhansberg and her two children forty years ago, the whereabouts of these portraits have been unknown . . . and the timing of their reappearance–just days before a new prince’s coronation–reignites questions surrounding the infamous accident.

    Then Sophie’s best friend vanishes, and a rumor about hidden treasure connected to the paintings surfaces, seemingly confirmed by a cryptic message on the back of the first canvas. Convinced that finding the other two portraits will lead to her friend, Sophie begins a twisty investigation that pits her against other ruthless treasure hunters, a handsome investigator who seems to dog her trail at every turn, and a mysterious group that offers help, wearing an emblem identical to one on the painting.

    From Germany’s grand castles and soaring cathedrals through the Alps to the canals of Venice, Sophie must choose her allies carefully if she hopes to find the portraits, rescue her best friend–and perhaps save a throne–before time runs out.

    *A clean, contemporary adventure with a dash of romance
    *A thrilling cold case mystery
    *Includes discussion questions for book groups

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  • Crown Conspiracy


    She’s a master at spotting a forgery . . . and knowing how to create one. But can she solve a decades-old mystery?

    The media spotlight is the last thing art thief and forger Sophie Williams needs. But when one of three long-missing royal portraits turns up in Germany at her best friend’s art gallery, the spotlight is exactly what she gets. Since the tragic deaths of Princess Johanna of Neuhansberg and her two children forty years ago, the whereabouts of these portraits have been unknown . . . and the timing of their reappearance–just days before a new prince’s coronation–reignites questions surrounding the infamous accident.

    Then Sophie’s best friend vanishes, and a rumor about hidden treasure connected to the paintings surfaces, seemingly confirmed by a cryptic message on the back of the first canvas. Convinced that finding the other two portraits will lead to her friend, Sophie begins a twisty investigation that pits her against other ruthless treasure hunters, a handsome investigator who seems to dog her trail at every turn, and a mysterious group that offers help, wearing an emblem identical to one on the painting.

    From Germany’s grand castles and soaring cathedrals through the Alps to the canals of Venice, Sophie must choose her allies carefully if she hopes to find the portraits, rescue her best friend–and perhaps save a throne–before time runs out.

    *A clean, contemporary adventure with a dash of romance
    *A thrilling cold case mystery
    *Includes discussion questions for book groups

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  • Living With Purpose In A Polarizing World


    Western culture is increasingly polarized, and Christians often feel they are “under siege” by the dominant secular culture. Compounding the problem is that Christians cannot agree among themselves how to respond to a culture that is increasingly “post-Christian.” The authors have observed five basic responses by Christians to this feeling of “exile” (1) assimilation and acceptance of the new cultural norms, (2) withdrawal from cultural engagement, (3) anger directed toward society (and toward other Christians who don’t see the issues as they do), (4) fear, or (5) seeking power to “take back the culture.”

    Scripture calls us to a different way, speaking into the world with a new voice. Micah calls us to “seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly” with God, Jeremiah calls us to “seek the good of the city,” and Jesus calls us to be salt and light while knowing that in this world we “will have trouble.” In short, we are to engage the culture we live in as disciples of Jesus. But how practically is that done?

    In this book, the authors look carefully at the lives of twelve biblical characters who also lived in “challenging times” for guidance in navigating our post-Christian world. Rejecting assimilation, withdrawal, anger, fear, and power-seeking, we are challenged today with the ancient words of Mordecai to Esther: “Who knows whether for just a time as this you have come to this position in your life?”

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  • Happiness : Uncovering The Secret To Everlasting Joy


    Do you ever wonder whether God even cares if we’re happy?

    This world can be so hard, and we aren’t promised an easy road. But that’s not the whole story. The Bible is filled with verses that prove that ours is a God who not only loves celebrations but also desperately wants his children to experience happiness. Why else would he go to the lengths he did to ensure our eternal happiness in his presence? We know that we will experience unimaginable joy and happiness in heaven, but that doesn’t mean we can’t also experience joy and happiness here on earth.

    In Happiness, noted theologian Randy Alcorn (bestselling author of Heaven) dispels centuries of misconceptions about happiness, including downright harmful ideas like the prosperity gospel, and provides indisputable proof that God not only wants us to be happy, he commands it. Randy covers questions like:

    *How can I cultivate happiness in my life?
    *What’s the difference between joy and happiness?
    *Can good things become idols that steal our happiness?
    *Is seeking happiness selfish?
    *How can I achieve happiness through gratitude?
    *What does it look like to receive God’s grace?

    The most definitive study on the subject of happiness to date, this book is a paradigm-shifting wake-up call for the church and Christians everywhere.

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  • How To Stay Married


    One gorgeous autumn day, Harrison discovers that his wife–the sweet, funny, loving mother of their three daughters, a woman “who’s spent just about every Sunday of her life in a church”–is having an affair with a family friend. This revelation propels the hysterical, heartbreaking events in How to Stay Married, casting our narrator onto “the factory floor of hell,” where his wife was now in love with a man who “wears cargo shorts, on purpose.” What will he do? Kick her out? Set fire to all her panties in the yard? Beat this man to death with a gardening implement? Ask God for help in winning her back?

    Armed only with a sense of humor and a hunger for the truth, Harrison embarks on a hellish journey into his past, seeking answers to the riddles of faith and forgiveness. Through an absurd series of escalating confessions and betrayals, Harrison reckons with his failure to love his wife in the ways she needed most, resolves to fight for his family, and in a climax almost too ridiculous to be believed, finally learns that love is no joke.

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  • Walking The Theological Life


    Theologian Tim Gaines invites you into the adventures of theology, not as a disconnected discipline, but as an invitation to respond to God from the deepest parts of ourselves. More than an intellectual pursuit, Gaines explores the lives of key biblical characters to help us grow in our understanding of how to do theology virtuously.

    Explore how to do theology virtuously through the lives of biblical characters.

    For many who are not initiated into the discipline, theology can feel either overwhelming or just plain boring, especially when theological discourse is disconnected from the lives we live. But for centuries, theology wasn’t a disconnected discipline-but an invitation to respond to God from the deepest parts of who we are.

    Theologian Tim Gaines invites readers into the adventure of theology, breathing life into the study of God. More than an intellectual pursuit, Walking the Theological Life explores the lives of key biblical characters pursuing their own theological paths, helping us learn and grow in our own understanding of how to do theology in a virtuous fashion. Enter into the stories of biblical characters and discover the joy of the theological journey.

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  • Worth Seeing : Viewing Others Through God’s Eyes


    While most of society views high-risk youth with fear or disregard, Amy Williams has come to see them through God’s eyes-as having tremendous value and potential. With stories and practical tips from three decades of ministry, Amy challenges perceptions and increases compassion for these youth who are often pushed to the margins of society.

    “We are in the business of seeing others, seeing them the way God sees them, and letting them know they have value.”

    Amy L. Williams has spent three decades doing ministry with youth in gangs and prisons. While most of society sees high-risk youth through lenses of fear or disregard, she has come to see them through God’s eyes as having tremendous value and potential. Worth Seeing provides an up-close look at her work-successes, losses, lessons, and embarrassing mistakes. Through personal narrative, Amy reveals the lives of youth who are often pushed to the margins of society. Her storytelling both challenges perceptions and increases compassion and understanding, not just with youth, but all people. Practical tips equip you to take action to see others the way God sees them

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  • Untangling Critical Race Theory


    What is critical race theory, and how should Christians engage it? Ed Uszynski is a white conservative Christian who has navigated critical race theory in the university world. In this guide, he carefully explores CRT’s roots and tenets, revealing how some portrayals misrepresent CRT and providing responsible answers to legitimate concerns.

    What is critical race theory?

    It may be one of the most widely referenced issues of the day, but it’s also one of the least understood. In its translation from the academic world to the general public, critical race theory has inaccurately become a catch-all term for anything related to race. But what does it actually mean, and how should Christians engage it?

    Ed Uszynski is uniquely positioned to address the dynamics of critical race theory. He earned his PhD in American culture studies in the university world and navigated the realities of Marxist critical theory and critical race theory-while still a white male conservative Christian ministering in traditional contexts. In this enlightening guidebook, he unpacks what critical race theory really is and how Christians can make sense of it. Uszynski carefully explores CRT’s roots and tenets, revealing what it aims to do and also how some portrayals of CRT misrepresent its purposes. With responsible answers to legitimate concerns, Uszynski goes beyond the surface to provide a reliable path of just discernment and cultural engagement.

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  • Disarming Leviathan : Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor


    Ministering to Christian Nationalists

    Pastor Caleb Campbell has watched as Christian nationalism has taken over large swaths of the United States. And he’s suffered the relational fallout of standing against it, both in his community and his church. While it’s possible to be both a Christian and hold Christian nationalist ideas, Christian nationalism itself is an un-Christian worldview, rooted in ideas about power, race, and property that are irreconcilable with Christian faith. Campbell has come to see himself as a missionary to Christian nationalists, reaching out to them with the love and freedom of Jesus Christ.

    In Disarming Leviathan, Campbell equips Christians to minister to their Christian nationalist neighbors. He introduces the basics of Christian nationalism and explores the reasons so many people are attracted to it. He also addresses a variety of American Christian nationalist talking points and offers questions and responses that humbly subvert these claims and cultivate deeper, heart-level conversations.

    Christian nationalism is an established feature of the American landscape. Disarming Leviathan can help prepare us to confront it with compassion and hospitality, and with the truth of the good news of Jesus.

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  • Riches Of Your Grace


    Too often, God feels aloof and our prayers feel trivial. But as Julie Lane-Gay discovered, the Book of Common Prayer is designed to root us in the riches of God’s grace. Sharing the treasures she has found, Lane-Gay shows what it means to allow the prayer book to shape an ordinary Christian life, anchoring us in Christ.

    An Invitation into God’s Grace

    As we race to work in the morning, have coffee with a friend, or fall into bed exhausted, we want to feel God’s presence, to sink into his grace. Yet too often he feels aloof, absent. Our prayers feel trivial. But as Julie Lane-Gay discovered, the Book of Common Prayer is designed for just this purpose: to root Christians in the riches of God’s grace.

    Lane-Gay has written this book to share the treasures she has found in the Book of Common Prayer. It’s not a history of the prayer book nor a guide (though it will certainly help readers get their bearings). Instead, using stories from her own life, Lane-Gay shows what it means to live in the prayer book: to allow its prayers and patterns to shape an ordinary Christian life. Discover how the Book of Common Prayer can anchor us-our prayers, our daily lives, our hearts-in Christ.

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  • Ownership : The Evangelical Legacy Of Slavery In Edwards, Wesley, And White


    Setting Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, and George Whitfield into their own contexts, Sean McGever tells the true story of these men’s deeply compromised relationship to slavery. More than just a history, this book is an invitation to examine our own legacies and to take ownership of our heritage and our own part in the story.

    Men of their time?

    Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, and George Whitefield were the three most prominent early evangelicals-and all three were deeply compromised on the issue of slavery. Edwards and Whitefield both kept slaves themselves, and Wesley failed to speak out against slavery until near the end of his life.

    In Ownership, Sean McGever tells the true story of these men’s relationships to slavery: a story that has too often been passed over or buried in scholarly literature. Laying out the dominant attitudes among Christians toward slavery at the time, McGever sets these “men of their times” in their own context, inviting us to learn how these shapers of American evangelicalism contributed to the tragic history of racism in America. He also explores how Christians finally began to recognize that slavery, which they’d excused for most of Christian history, is actually wrong. It’s a story that white evangelicals must wrestle with today.

    Ownership is more than a book of history. It’s an invitation to examine our own legacies and to understand-and take ownership of-both our heritage and our own part in the story.

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  • Basta De Excusas Estudio Bibli – (Spanish)


    El estudio biblico Basta de excusas incluye contenido impreso para ocho sesiones, estudio personal entre sesiones de grupo, pasajes biblicos aplicables, Como usar este estudio, consejos para dirigir un grupo y una guia para grupos de discipulado. Ademas, cada libro contiene codigos exclusivos que le permiten acceder a videos de enseanza gratuitos para cada sesion.

    A veces las circunstancias de la vida dificultan que los hombres respondan correctamente a Su llamado. Pero Tony Evans insta a los hombres a dejar de ver sus circunstancias como excusas y en su lugar verlas como desafios y oportunidades para el exito.
    Al explorar ejemplos de hombres de Dios a lo largo de la Biblia, este estudio le desafiara a dejar sus excusas, dejar la tibieza y luchar por ser un hombre de caracter y compromiso. A pesar de los tropiezos, los fracasos y las presiones, aun puede encontrar proposito, significado y direccion en la vida y convertirse en el hombre que Dios le ha llamado a ser.

    – Ocho sesiones en grupos pequeos
    – Acceso a videos con el autor Tony Evans incluido con la compra del libro
    – Oportunidades de estudio personal para un crecimiento espiritual continuo

    No More Excuses Bible Study Book with Video Access includes printed content for eight sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” tips for leading a group, and a guide for D-Groups. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access free teaching videos for each session.

    Sometimes circumstances in life make it difficult for men to be all God wants them to be. But Tony Evans urges men to stop looking at their circumstances as excuses and instead to see them as challenges and opportunities for success.

    Exploring examples of men of God throughout the Bible, this study will challenge you to lay down your excuses, stop compromising, and fight to be a man of character and commitment. Despite your setbacks, failures, and pressures, you can still find purpose, meaning, and direction in life and become the man God has called you to be.

    – Eight small group sessions
    – Access to videos featuring author Tony Evans included with purchase of Book
    – Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth

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  • Way Of Belonging


    What if belonging isn’t something to attain, but someone to become? Sarah E. Westfall takes our longing to belong as an invitation to embrace and extend God’s love. Teaching a posture of welcome in the way of the Father, she guides us toward a deep connection where our humanity draws us closer to people and envelops us in the heart of God.

    You are welcome.

    No one is a stranger to loneliness. Despite how social we are via text, chat, and notifications, we are far from being truly connected. We all want someone else to really see us and choose us for who we are. We want a place to finally fit in. But what if finding the right people or the right place is not the answer?

    From her community-building background, Sarah E. Westfall takes our longing to belong as an invitation to embrace and extend the deep love of God. After years contemplating how she fit in and trying to earn acceptance, she realized “belonging is not something to attain, but someone to become.” Through narrative, research, Scripture, and spiritual practice, she teaches how belonging is a way of being-a posture of welcome in the spirit of the Father who extends his arms to those returning and those who don’t yet know they’ve resisted his love.

    Whether you understand the perspective of the outsider in need of acceptance well or you’re eager to include, the barriers to belonging can come down as Sarah gently guides us toward deep connection-a connection where our humanity draws us closer to people and envelops us in the heart of God. Embark with Sarah on this challenge that will awaken your empathy and affirm you with the truth of these words: “You are welcome.”

    Includes a two-session group guide.

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  • Adoptees Journey : From Loss And Trauma To Healing And Empowerment


    Adoption is often framed by happy narratives, but many adoptees struggle with unaddressed trauma. Narrating his own and other adoptees’ complex stories, counselor Cameron Lee Small unpacks the history of adoption and the church’s influence, helping adoptees regain their agency and identity on a journey of integration and healing.

    Every adoption is rooted in loss.

    Adoption is often framed by happy narratives, but the reality is that many adoptees struggle with unaddressed trauma and issues of identity and belonging. Adoptees often spend the majority of their youth without the language to explore the grief related to adoption or the permission to legitimize their conflicting emotions.

    Adoptee and counselor Cameron Lee Small names the realities of the adoptee’s journey, narrating his own and other adoptees’ stories in all their complexity. He unpacks the history of how adoption has worked and names how the church influenced adoption practices with unintended negative impacts on adoptees’ faith. Small’s own tumultuous search for and reunion with his mother in Korea inspired him to help other adoptees navigate what it means to carry multiple stories. His adoptee-centered advocacy helps adoptees regain their agency and identity on a journey of integration and healing, with meaningful relationships in all their family systems.

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  • Integration Journey : A Student’s Guide To Faith, Culture, And Psychology


    There are numerous models, theories, and resources on integrating psychology and the Christian faith. But practicing integration in the real world is something else entirely. To move from theory to practice, we need learning informed by experiences, reflection on those experiences, and feedback from others. This integration process is a lifelong journey.

    William B. Whitney and Carissa Dwiwardani offer a fresh approach to integration as embodied, lived, and practical. These two seasoned teachers guide students through the process of theological reflection on psychology as part of their spiritual formation and vocation, requiring each person to incorporate their own stories, culture, and experiences. True integration, the authors contend, should work for justice in our churches, communities, and wider society, with particular attention to the marginalized and oppressed.

    Using guided exercises and prompts for reflection and discussion, The Integration Journey invites students to make their own contributions to constructing a culturally informed, organic model of integration that works for them. The goal of integrative reflection is ultimately to be shaped so that we can better love God and others and work toward God’s kingdom here on earth.

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  • Worship In An Age Of Anxiety


    The history of the theology of worship is riddled with examples of clergy and worship leaders who have sought to manipulate their parishioners’ anxiety in order to spur repentance and turn people toward God. Even if such ends may be desirable-at what cost?

    In Worship in an Age of Anxiety, Jordan challenges this utilitarian approach, offering a critical assessment of contemporary as well as historical evangelical figures such as D. L. Moody and Billy Graham who have deployed anxiety as a tool for conversion.

    Proposing a completely different model, Jordan takes up various elements of worship, including:

    *the sacraments

    In doing so, he develops a practical theology of worship that also turns people toward God but within a healing framework.

    While worship alone cannot heal anxiety, it can be a time and place where, rather than being manipulated, anxiety can be acknowledged, accepted, and offered to God.

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  • Prayers For The Pilgrimage


    Prayers for every aspect of life

    During the pandemic, priest and theologian David Taylor began writing collects (an ancient form of short prayer) as a daily spiritual exercise. It was a way for him to offer back to God his own fears and anxieties. As time went on, he began to receive requests for written prayers from friends and even strangers for a wide variety of circumstances and needs. His collection of prayers grew until it numbered in the hundreds.

    Prayers for the Pilgrimage is a compilation of Taylor’s prayers, arranged by topic and accompanied by a series of paintings by his wife, Phaedra. Here are prayers for morning and evening, work and play, public life and private life, doubt and faith-from Advent to Lent, from birth to death.

    The Christian faith invites us to pray all of our lives back to God, lest we begin to believe that there is any part of our lives that God doesn’t see or isn’t interested in seeing. Prayers for the Pilgrimage gives us not only specific prayers but also a model for understanding our whole lives as prayer.

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  • 5 Love Languages Updated Plus Bonus Content (Revised)


    Over 20 million copies sold!

    A perennial New York Times bestseller for over a decade!

    Falling in love is easy. Staying in love-that’s the challenge. How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life?

    In the #1 New York Times international bestseller The 5 Love Languages(R), you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner-starting today.

    The 5 Love Languages(R) is as practical as it is insightful. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships today, this new edition reveals intrinsic truths and applies relevant, actionable wisdom in ways that work.

    Includes the Love Language assessment so you can discover your love language and that of your loved one.

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  • Engage Your Destiny


    From Ben Peterson, the combat veteran and founder of the non-profit Engage Your Destiny comes a bold debut forged from Peterson’s own story of spiritual resilience and hard-earned wisdom. Engage Your Destiny invites readers to walk with God and uncover practical action steps to fulfill their own God-given purpose.

    Daring and vulnerable, Engage Your Destiny connects to the unseen aches and desires of the human heart to overcome our struggles and live out our dreams. Peterson fearlessly shares his own stories of pain, trauma, abuse, and addiction with readers. His honest insight and powerful stories display how God can break through to even the most unlikely corners of a person’s life. Since his own recovery from a personal low point in his life, Peterson’s life’s passion has been to testify to what is possible when you walk closely with God.

    Engage Your Destiny dives deep into hard topics, showing readers how God continuously shows up in even the most difficult of circumstances when people allow Him to lead their lives. From mundane everyday tasks to life’s mountain highs and valley lows, each chapter takes readers moment-by-moment through a story of God showing up in impossible ways. Interspersed within are tangible action steps, helping readers to reflect on these stories thoughtfully and infuse practical applications into their personal journeys.

    Peterson outlines effective ways to:

    *Confront adversity with courage
    *Identify the brokenness in your heart
    *Find healing in a way that is both fun and inspirational
    *Walk closely with God towards fulfilling your dreams
    *Fully engage your God-given destiny

    Engage Your Destiny powerfully illustrates that no matter what you’re going through, God’s destiny for your life is within reach, and you have the ability to embrace it.

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  • Speaking In Tongues Companion Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Tongues?

    What actually happens when a person first surrenders his or her life to God? What role does the Holy Spirit play? And what scriptures really help explain the extraordinary experience of being born again and being baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues?

    Many people are confused about tongues, so Rick Renner – who was once confused about this subject himself – takes you into the Scriptures to see what the Bible says about:

    Speaking in tongues. The purpose of tongues.Are tongues really for every believer?The value of speaking in tongues.And so much more.

    If you do not speak in tongues – or if you do speak in tongues – the lessons in this study will be an eye-opener and a game-changer in your life!

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  • Intervention Prayers : Powerful Prayers To Rescue And Restore Your Family



    When those you love are on the wrong path, you may feel hopeless and defeated. Whether they struggle with addictions and destructive lifestyles or they’re blinded by deception, you need to know how to connect God’s power to their situation and stand in faith for their deliverance.

    In Intervention Prayers, Michelle Steele, pastor, author, and host of Faith Builders television program, unpacks detailed biblical strategies to execute in prayer for your loved ones’ freedom and restoration. Redeemed from a life of drugs and crime, Michelle knows firsthand the bondage of the enemy and the supernatural tools needed to set someone free. Michelle shares proven principles to work with the Holy Spirit, including how to:

    *Partner with God’s intervention plan
    *Understand the foundation and focus of your prayers
    *Receive power and strength through praise
    *Maintain faith until you see the answer

    Regardless of what you see playing out in the lives of your loved ones–even if reports tell you things are getting worse–you can stay strong in faith. Purpose to pray and bring God’s help on the scene for those you love!

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  • Deep Reading : Practices To Subvert The Vices Of Our Distracted, Hostile, A


    This book helps readers develop practices that will result in deep, formative, and faithful reading so they can contribute to the flourishing of their communities and cultivate their own spiritual and intellectual depth.

    The authors present reading as a remedy for three prevalent cultural vices–distraction, hostility, and consumerism–that impact the possibility of formative reading. Informed by James K. A. Smith’s work on “the spiritual power of habit,” Deep Reading provides resources for engaging in formative and culturally subversive reading practices that teach readers how to resist vices, love virtue, and desire the good.

    Rather than emphasizing the spiritual benefits of reading specific texts such as Dante’s Divine Comedy or Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the authors focus on the practice of reading itself. They examine practices many teachers, students, and avid readers employ–such as reading lists, reading logs, and discussion–and demonstrate how such practices can be more effectively and intentionally harnessed to result in deep reading. The practices apply to any work that is meant to be read deeply.

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  • Spiral Bound Journaling Bible Five Volume Set


    A Spiral-Bound Bible Set, Crafted for Comfortable Study and Note Taking

    The ESV Spiral-Bound Journaling Bible, Five-Volume Set was created from the ground up to facilitate in-depth note taking. Divided into 5 individual volumes – Pentateuch; Historical Books; Poetry; Prophets; and New Testament – this set features the complete ESV Bible text in an inviting, easy-to-read layout with generous space for notes. The spiral-bound format lays flat for comfortable reading and writing. Designed to encourage deeper interaction with Scripture, this journaling edition is ideal for recording prayers and reflections.

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  • Never Ending : 52 Devotions About God’s Faithfulness In The Past, Present,


    God’s faithfulness never ends! God was faithful to Adam and Eve when He promised someone would come to save His people, He was faithful to the early church when they were persecuted, and He has been faithful ever since. In this 52-week devotional, general editor, Adam Cox defines God’s faithfulness as being always good, never changing, and trustworthy in every situation.

    With more than twenty different kids and family leaders from churches across the country, this multi-contributor devotional includes stories of God’s faithfulness from Scripture, stories of His faithfulness from the writers’ childhood, prayer prompts, and reflection questions each week. Kids will learn that the same God who was faithful to the characters they know from the Bible is the God who is faithful to them today.

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  • Beginners Bible Craft And Activity Book


    Unleash your creativity and make your favorite Bible stories come to life! Featuring 30 fun and engaging activities, including crafts and recipes, with easy-to-follow instructions, The Beginner’s Bible Craft and Activity Book turns any time into playtime. Kids will love transforming everyday objects into artful masterpieces, and each craft is inspired by a beloved Bible story right from The Beginner’s Bible!

    The Beginner’s Bible is a perennial favorite with young children and their parents, impacting 28 million families for over 30 years. Now kids ages 4-8 can interact with their favorite Bible stories and characters like never before!

    The Beginner’s Bible Craft and Activity Book:

    *Features 30 fun and unique activities, including crafts and recipes

    *Takes inspiration from favorite Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments

    *Includes beautiful and unique crafts made from common household items, with easy-to-follow instructions and a shopping guide

    *Is the perfect quiet time activity for kids 4-8 to do at home, during Sunday school, or wherever inspiration strikes

    *Features vibrant, three-dimensional art and full-color photos

    *Is part of The Beginner’s Bible(R) brand, the bestselling Bible storybook brand of our time, impacting 28 million families for over 30 years

    Review The Beginner’s Bible’s complete library for dozens of titles available for kids of all ages and reading levels.

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  • Experiencing The Heart Of Jesus Revised And Updated


    Encounter a Deeper Experience of the Person and Character of Jesus–All Year Long

    Although Jesus is familiar, and we know details of his life, could we consider him a companion or dear friend? Do his mannerisms and habits rub off on us because we spend so much time with him? Experiencing the Heart of Jesus for 52 Weeks is about walking with Jesus so closely that we become like him, that we imitate him.

    Based on Experiencing the Heart of Jesus and Experiencing the Words of Jesus, two bestselling books by Max Lucado, this unique Bible study helps you build a bond and a deep relationship with our Savior. You will step into Jesus’s presence over the course of a year and experience the grace, forgiveness, power, love, and prayer of Jesus.

    This study includes:

    *Explorations of 11 characteristics of Jesus.
    *Prayers and memory verses to help you draw closer to Jesus throughout the week.
    *”The Heart of the Matter” sections that provide the key takeaways of each unit.
    *Questions for personal or group study.
    *”The Heart of Jesus” sections intended to lead to deeper reflection.

    This 52-week study on the person of Jesus will help you experience him in fresh and deeper ways, drawing you into the company of your Lord. This study encourages you to interact with God. All you need to do is call on him, spend time with him. And you will be changed into the image of Christ.

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  • Bible Promises For Women


    Bible Promises for Women provides the comfort and encouragement of selected Scriptures in a quick-reference format so that readers can immediately discover what God offers and desires for their lives. Organized in themes such as acceptance, blessings, courage, confidence, fear, grace, hope, joy, and love, this simple-to-use book is an excellent daily companion for women who want to continually abide in the truth of God’s Word.?

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  • Come And See


    A devotional for cowboys and country folk who want to go deeper into the truth of God’s Word.

    Author Kevin Weatherby is the founder of Save the Cowboy, a non-profit, faith-based working ranch dedicated to teaching authentic, everyday Christianity through the legacy, artistry, and traditions of the working ranch cowboy. In this devotional, he walks readers through the gospels, translating the truth into common language for cowboys to understand and reckon with. His straightforward style and honest approach will resonate with ranchers and country folk seeking to relate to God better, dig deeper into His truth, and walk with Christ day in and day out.

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  • Conquerors Not Captives


    *Discover good news for the Christian life
    *Understand how Christ has defeated sin’s power
    *Identify the “wretch” in Romans 7

    Is the Christian battle against sin a long defeat?

    In Conquerors, Not Captives, Joseph R. Dodson and Mattie Mae Motl challenge the popular view that Romans 7:14-25 describes the typical Christian battle against sin. The “wretched man” of Romans 7 seems unable to do what God’s law demands and, for many Christians, his inner conflict and turmoil seem all too relatable. But are we impotent before sin and powerless to do good? When we reexamine Romans 7 in light of Paul’s writings elsewhere and his interpreters throughout church history, we encounter better news.

    Conquerors, Not Captives is an accessible and thoughtful study that rebukes our gloomy expectations and invites us to take seriously the Bible’s assurances that the Holy Spirit frees us from sin’s power.

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  • Gods Words For You Coloring Book


    Life is full of demands. Appointments, deadlines, obligations, and constant digital chatter occupy every moment and build a mountain of unhealthy stress and tension. Coloring is an effective stress reducer, but true rest and peace are found in God.

    God’s Words for You is full of inspiring Scriptures and illustrations. Spend time reflecting on the truth of God’s Word and be filled with his joy and peace. Express your creativity freely as you fill the intricate images with the beauty of color.

    Take a break from your busy schedule and the stress that accompanies it. The worries of life can wait.

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  • My First Hands On Bible


    My First Hands-On Bible is the preschooler version of the popular Hands-On Bible, which has sold over a half million copies. Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations; My First Hands-On Bible uses the same experience-based learning to communicate God’s Word in an active, understandable way. My First Hands-On Bible is a fun and simple yet meaningful way to engage preschool, pre-K, and K children (ages 3-6) with the Bible while helping them build a solid faith foundation. Each lesson focuses on a specific Bible point through a variety of activities in order to reinforce and help young children remember the stories and lessons. Using common household items, you can help your children have a “hands-on” learning experience while engaging them in 85 key stories from the Bible. My First Hands-On Bible doesn’t just retell the Bible stories; it also includes actual Scripture from the easy-to-understand and easy-to-read Holy Bible, New Living Translation. In addition to the stories and activities, there are fun illustrations, prayers, and a special Jesus Connection feature.

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  • Total Money Makeover Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    Do you want to build a budget that actually works for you? Are you ready to transform your relationship with money? This New York Times bestseller has already helped millions of people just like you learn how to develop everyday money-saving habits with the help of America’s favorite personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey.

    By now, you’ve already heard all of the nutty get-rich-quick schemes and the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of quirky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. If you’re tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, Dave is here to provide practical, long-term help. The Total Money Makeover is the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely changing your finances. And, best of all, these principles are based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. This is the financial reset you’ve been looking for.

    The Total Money Makeover will give you the tools and the encouragement you need to:

    *Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt–from your cars to your home and everything in between using the debt snowball method

    *Break bad habits and make lasting changes when it comes to your relationship with money

    *Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths

    *Set aside enough money to pay for unexpected expenses and emergencies

    *Save enough money for your retirement

    *Live like no one else, so later you can LIVE (and GIVE) like no one else!

    This new edition of The Total Money Makeover includes new content that will help you tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and so much more.

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  • Ultimate Guide To Heaven And Hell


    What happens after we die? The Ultimate Guide to Heaven and Hell is a summary guide to the afterlife that seeks to provide answers based on biblical teaching. Throughout, readers will encounter questions like: What is heaven, and how can I be sure I will get there? Is it different from the new heavens and the new earth? Will my body be there, or just my spirit/soul? What is hell, and how can I be sure to avoid it?


    *Is it Just Hype? How Can I Know?
    *Geography of Heaven and Earth
    *Heaven the Celestial Fire
    *Heaven: Avoiding the Fire
    *Is Heaven Our Home?
    *The New Creation
    *The Necessity and Power of Jesus’s Resurrection
    *How Can I Know Jesus Was Raised?
    *What Is a Person?
    *Intermediate State: Old Testament Evidence
    *Intermediate State: New Testament Evidence
    *What Do We Know about Hades?
    *Did Christ Descend to Hades?
    *Gehenna, the Lake of Fire, Tartarus, and the Abyss
    *Death and Dying

    Human mortality can be quite paralyzing to some people, but the truth remains-our individual, bodily lives will one day come to an end. What happens after? The Bible has much to say in response to that question, and ultimately provides hope on this topic as we look to Jesus, the one who has conquered death.

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  • 12 Daring Women Of The Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Gui


    In this twelve-session video Bible study, some of today’s best-loved Christian authors and speakers look at the spiritual lessons learned from twelve daring women in the Bible and what they mean for you today.

    As you look at each of these women’s lives, you will discover how to:

    *Apply biblical lessons to your own modern-day struggles.
    *Live through your failures as well as your successes.
    *Draw near to God in a world filled with trials.
    *Find lasting contentment in every situation.
    *Overcome rejection and insecurity . . . and much more.

    You’ll study the lives of . . .

    1. Shulamite Woman: We Had God at Hello (Lisa Harper)
    2. Deborah: Fight Like a Girl (Bianca Juarez Olthoff)
    3. Proverbs 31 Woman: How Not to Do It All (Karen Ehman)
    4. Ruth: Staying Focused in a World of Distractions (Chrystal Evans Hurst)
    5. Puah and Shiphrah: How to Fight Your Fears (Margaret Feinberg)
    6. Esther: Letting God Be in Control (Courtney Joseph)
    7. Priscilla: Living a Life of Blessed Ordinary (Karen Ehman)
    8. Mary and Martha: Finding Life in Death (Bianca Juarez Olthoff)
    9. Bent Woman: We’ve Got God’s Complete Attention (Lisa Harper)
    10. Woman with the Issue of Blood: When Persistence Pays Off (Chrystal Evans Hurst)
    11. Elizabeth: How to Win the Waiting Game (Margaret Feinberg)
    12. Anna: How to Live a Life Devoted to God (Courtney Joseph Fallick)

    This study guide includes:

    *Individual access to twelve streaming video sessions
    *Background information on each woman
    *Video notes and a comprehensive structure for small group discussion time
    *Personal study and reflection materials for in-between sessions
    *Group leader helps

    Previously published as Twelve More Women of the Bible.

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  • Nuevo Testamento Facil De Apre – (Spanish)


    Mucha gente quiere crecer en su fe, pero no sabe por donde empezar. Estudiar la Biblia puede ser abrumador, y los recursos diseados para ayudarnos pueden ser demasiado complicados, lo que hace que muchos duden en siquiera empezar. Con un enfoque simple y agil, el autor y maestro biblico Zach Windahl te explica en 60 dias cada uno de los libros del Nuevo Testamento, en un formato facil de seguir. A traves de un desglose diario de contenido para leer, una descripcion general del texto, puntos reflexivos de enseanza y preguntas de aplicacion personal para ayudar a asimilar el contenido, lograras:

    *ver la historia completa de toda la Biblia
    *aumentar tu conocimiento del Nuevo Testamento
    *interactuar con las Escrituras con confianza
    *cultivar una relacion mas profunda con Dios

    No solo obtendras una mejor comprension del Padre, de su Palabra y de su corazon, sino tambien descubriras un mejor sentido del significado y el proposito para tu vida.

    Too many people want to grow in their faith but don’t know where to start. Studying the Bible can be overwhelming, and even the resources designed to help can be too complicated, leaving many hesitant to even start. Offering a simple, streamlined approach, author and Bible teacher Zach Windahl takes you through each book of the New Testament in 60 days in an easy-to-follow framework. Through a daily breakdown of content to read, an overview of the text, thoughtful teaching points, and personal application questions to help the content sink in, you will:

    *See the big picture story of the entire Bible
    *Increase your knowledge of the New Testament
    *Engage with Scripture confidently
    *Cultivate a deeper relationship with God

    Not only will you come away with a better understanding of the Father, his Word, and his heart, but you will also discover a better sense of meaning and purpose for your life.

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  • Just Once : A Love Story


    The #1 New York Times bestselling author “known for her deeply heartfelt novels” (Woman’s World) writes a sweeping and unforgettable World War II love story about a young woman torn between two brothers.

    In 1941, beautiful Irvel Ellis is too focused on her secret to take much notice in the war raging overseas. She’s dating Sam but in love with his brother, Hank, and Irvel has no idea how to break the news when the unthinkable happens–Pearl Harbor is attacked. With their lives turned upside down overnight, Sam is drafted, and Hank wants to enlist. But Sam insists Hank stay home, where he and Irvel take up the battle on the home front.

    While Sam fights in Europe, an undeniable chemistry builds between Irvel and Hank but neither would dare cross that line. Then a telegram comes, and the news is devastating. Hank enlists the next day and has just two weeks until he ships out. Will either brother make it home alive? Or will Irvel lose everything?

    And can love find a way, even from the ashes of the greatest heartbreak?

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  • Ahoti : A Story Of Tamar – A Novel


    A masterful retelling of Tamar’s story of redemption, faith, healing, and justice

    Ravaged by one brother, silenced and betrayed by another, and abandoned by her father, Tamar–once beloved daughter of the king of Israel, and healer of the court–suddenly finds herself in exile, fleeing for her life. But the story continues where the scriptures end: a dangerous journey and tenacious pursuit of her true identity and calling brings her full circle, to her rightful place in the kingdom.

    Connoisseurs of Biblical fiction will love Ahoti.

    *Ahoti brings to life the Old Testament story of the biblical princess Tamar, the daughter of David, King of Israel.

    *The familiar Bible story ends with Tamar living “desolate” (2 Samuel 13:20), but master storytellers Miriam Feinberg Vamosh and Eva Marie Everson take readers beyond this sorrowful ending to a horizon of hope, thanks to their brilliant adaptation of an ancient anonymous manuscript, purportedly written by Gad the Seer (1 Chronicles 29:29), which was discovered in India in the early 18th century. Beyond the biblical text, this manuscript provides a surprising conclusion, which has powerful modern-day significance.

    *Rich with cultural, biblical, and historic detail, and spiritually compelling, Ahoti will inspire readers to overcome humiliation, pain, betrayal, and bitterness, to embrace a life of purpose.

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  • Empowered To Repair


    Political and cultural wars are tearing communities apart. Issues such as immigration, racism, and guns are driving wedges between people and hampering Christians’ impact in the world.

    In Empowered to Repair, Brenda Salter McNeil looks to the biblical story of Nehemiah for answers. There, she finds an action-based model for repairing and rebuilding our communities and transforming broken systems.

    McNeil goes beyond theories, offering practical tools Christians need for organizing, empowering, and activating people to join in God’s work of equality, reparations, and justice. She provides strategies to drive systemic changes that go beyond superficial diversity and teaches the skills needed to engage in this important work long-term, such as organizing people, leveraging resources, and avoiding burnout through rest, prayer, and self-care.

    Learning from Nehemiah, readers will be emboldened to go out and help build congregations, organizations, and communities where all people can flourish and reach their full, God-given potential.

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  • Spiral Bound Journaling Bible New Testament


    A Spiral-Bound New Testament, Crafted for Comfortable Study and Note Taking

    The ESV Spiral-Bound Journaling New Testament was created from the ground up to facilitate in-depth note taking. It features an inviting, easy-to-read layout with generous space for notes. The spiral-bound format lays flat for comfortable reading and writing. Designed to encourage deeper interaction with Scripture, this journaling edition is ideal for recording prayers and reflections.

    *Perfect for Journaling: Includes the complete New Testament with ample space for notes
    *Convenient Layout: Pages lay flat to make reading and writing more comfortable
    *A Great Gift for Students

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  • Elisabeth Elliot Classics Collection


    Wife of martyred missionary Jim Elliot, Elisabeth Elliot spent her life serving others, sharing the gospel, and encouraging believers in their walk with God through thought-provoking and inspiring books. Her personal story has been a testament to God’s faithfulness and love, and her insight into Scripture on a variety of topics has been strengthening the family of God for generations.

    Now you can own five of Elliot’s best-loved books in a handsome collection at an affordable price. The Elisabeth Elliot Classics Collection includes the following titles:

    – A Path through Suffering
    – On Asking God Why
    – Secure in the Everlasting Arms
    – These Strange Ashes
    – The Path of Loneliness

    With this collection, you’ll enjoy many hours of Elliot’s calm, compassionate, and steady influence in your Christian walk. They’re books you’ll want to turn to again and again in the days, months, and years to come.

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  • More Than A Sermon


    Preach with compassion and conviction

    In More than a Sermon, Douglas D. Webster highlights the prophetic and pastoral challenge of preaching today. The task is both harder and easier than we imagine, as we are called to proclaim the biblical text in a way that convicts a hostile world while encouraging our congregations to rest in Christ’s love. We need preaching that both swings the hammer that breaks hard hearts yet does not break the bruised reeds in our care.

    Offering practical insights and examples, Webster explores what it means to preach the gospel in different seasons such as:

    *Advent and Lent
    *Memorial services and weddings
    *Times of crisis or social impact

    More than a Sermon is a valuable resource for both new pastors and veteran preachers who want to proclaim the whole counsel of God with power and wisdom.

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  • Wanda E Brunstetters Amish Friends Outdoor Cookbook


    Amish Friends Share Their Love for Nature and Cooking Outdoors

    Do you love nature and time spent in the backyard playing or relaxing around a campfire? When you also want to eat while outside, you don’t need to make do with just a hot dog on a stick. Your Amish friends are here to share their tips for cooking outdoors while still at home or away at a campsite.

    Brand new, from New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction, Wanda E. Brunstetter, is a must-have cookbook for nature lovers and adventurous cooks. Amish cooks have shared over 250 recipes divided into sections by method: stick, pie iron, foil packet, cast iron, grill. Also included is advice for building a fire, packing a cooler, maintaining cast-iron tools, and much more. Encased in a lay-flat binding and presented in full color, home cooks of all ages will be delighted to add this cookbook to their collections.

    There is something very special about making memories around a fire with family and friends, and now you can add good, comforting food to your time of fellowship.

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  • Devotions And Prayers For Managing Anxiety And Depression For Teen Girls


    Overwhelmed by anxiety and depression? . . .

    It’s difficult to manage life’s burdensome feelings and frustrations.

    When you don’t know where in the world to turn, God’s Word can help.
    These180 devotions and prayers are a welcome start–by offering much-needed assurance, comfort, encouragement, understanding, love, support, and more truth-filled tools to help you manage and overcome your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

    In the pages of Devotions and Prayers for Managing Anxiety and Depression, you’ll encounter just what your anxious soul needs. Every wisdom-filled devotion offers biblical encouragement and support for life’s difficult days.

    With each turn of the page, you’ll discover the truth and tools you need to better manage your feelings of anxiety and depression. . .and will come to trust you’re never alone and always loved.

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  • Devotions And Prayers For Managing Anxiety And Depression For Teen Boy


    Overwhelmed by anxiety and depression? . . .

    It’s difficult to manage life’s overwhelming feelings and frustrations.

    When you don’t know where in the world to turn, God’s Word can help.

    These180 devotions and prayers are a welcome start–by offering much-needed assurance, comfort, encouragement, understanding, love, support, and more truth-filled tools to help you manage and overcome your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

    In the pages of Devotions and Prayers for Managing Anxiety and Depression, you’ll encounter just what your anxious soul needs. Every wisdom-filled devotion offers biblical encouragement and support for life’s difficult days.

    With each turn of the page, you’ll discover the truth and tools you need to better manage your feelings of anxiety and depression. . .and will come to trust you’re never alone and always loved.

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  • Daily Devotions To Conquer Anxiety And Depression


    Where should you turn when you’re struggling with anxiety and depression? . . .

    To God and His Word!

    Each of the meditations and prayer starters in this reassuring daily devotional will remind you that you’re never alone in your struggles.
    With each turn of the page, you’ll encounter a memorable scripture, a truth-filled reading, and a prayer that promise to encourage, inspire, and strengthen your faith.

    As you read every heartfelt word, trust in and lean on the one who “is with you in this” (1 Chronicles 28:20). . .the one who’s with you in all things.

    With the heavenly Creator by your side, you’ll be well on your way to conquering your anxiety and depression.

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  • Progressives Bible : How Scriptural Interpretation Built A More Just Americ


    While conservative groups have often appealed to the Bible to support their positions, so too have many progressive voices rooted in the Bible, seeing their struggles in its narratives and characters, and drawing on its verses to prove the truth of their arguments. Abolitionism countered pro-slavery arguments with copious biblical material. Women’s rights advocates strongly disagreed with one another about whether the Bible was good news for their cause, but some argued that it was. Temperance, a broadly inclusive reform movement in the nineteenth century, employed arguments that reflected a critical, non-literalist stance to the text. Civil rights speakers identified with biblical figures and struggles, infusing their rhetoric with familiar verses. The Progressives’ Bible foregrounds women, especially women of color, like Maria Stewart, Septima Clark, and Fannie Lou Hamer, while also considering the works of crucial figures like Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, Jr. A final chapter describes contemporary social justice movements that draw strength from biblical and religious traditions, from Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant perspectives.

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  • Unforgiven


    Ex-con Seth Zimmerman has spent the last three years making amends by helping the vulnerable in his former Amish community. Lately, this mission includes calling on Tabitha Yoder, whose divorce from her abusive husband has isolated her from the community. Even though she never comes out of her house to talk to him, Seth knows she watches him from the window while he chops wood, clears her driveway, and drops off food.

    An uneasy friendship is just starting to take hold between them when small gifts begin to appear at Tabitha’s home–gifts that can only be from her ex-husband. Seth might be Tabitha’s only hope at maintaining her hard-won freedom from the man whose violent outbursts had almost cost her life. But coming to her rescue might mean he ends up behind bars once again.

    Get swept up in this emotional story of two outcasts who may be each other’s only hope for happiness and redemption from New York Times bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray.

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  • Unforgiven


    Ex-con Seth Zimmerman has spent the last three years making amends by helping the vulnerable in his former Amish community. Lately, this mission includes calling on Tabitha Yoder, whose divorce from her abusive husband has isolated her from the community. Even though she never comes out of her house to talk to him, Seth knows she watches him from the window while he chops wood, clears her driveway, and drops off food.

    An uneasy friendship is just starting to take hold between them when small gifts begin to appear at Tabitha’s home–gifts that can only be from her ex-husband. Seth might be Tabitha’s only hope at maintaining her hard-won freedom from the man whose violent outbursts had almost cost her life. But coming to her rescue might mean he ends up behind bars once again.

    Get swept up in this emotional story of two outcasts who may be each other’s only hope for happiness and redemption from New York Times bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray.

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  • Nigeria Jones : A Novel


    Coretta Scott King Author Award Winner!

    Warrior Princess. That’s what Nigeria Jones’s father calls her. He has raised her as part of the Movement, a Black separatist group based in Philadelphia. Nigeria is homeschooled and vegan and participates in traditional rituals to connect her and other kids from the group to their ancestors. But when her mother–the perfect matriarch of their Movement–disappears, Nigeria’s world is upended. She finds herself taking care of her baby brother and stepping into a role she doesn’t want.

    Nigeria’s mother had secrets. She wished for a different life for her children, which includes sending her daughter to a private Quaker school outside of their strict group. Despite her father’s disapproval, Nigeria attends the school with her cousin, Kamau, and Sage, who used to be a friend. -There, she begins to flourish and expand her universe.

    As Nigeria searches for her mother, she starts to uncover a shocking truth. One that will lead her to question everything she thought she knew about her life and her family.

    From award-winning author Ibi Zoboi comes a powerful story about discovering who you are in the world–and fighting for that person–by having the courage to be your own revolution.

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  • How To Build A Thriving Marriage As You Care For Children With Disabilities


    Building a vibrant and joyful marriage is always a challenge. When you add the stresses inherent in parenting children with disabilities, it becomes both more difficult and more critical.

    Once on the brink of divorce, Kristin and Todd Evans uncovered the unique set of skills critical for growing a fulfilling relationship amid the extraordinary challenges of caring for their two children with special needs. Now they are sharing their hard-won discoveries and inspiring marriage story with you. Weaving together insights from Scripture, research, and clinical and personal experience, Kristin and Todd offer you the practical relationship tools you need to save, strengthen, and enjoy your marriage. They help you:

    – identify your unique needs
    – assess your strengths and weaknesses
    – set your priorities
    – develop healthy stress management skills
    – deepen your communication and connection
    – tackle problems as a team
    – find ways to rest and recharge
    – nurture sexual intimacy
    – build a strong support network
    – and so much more

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  • Road Before Us


    How far would you go to fix the mistakes you’ve made and regain the trust you lost? For Jade Jessup, the answer is 2,448 miles. Once one of Chicago’s significant financial advisors, Jade lost her credibility when her fiance (and coworker) stole millions of dollars from their clients in a Ponzi scheme. Now she’s agreed to help one of them–an aging 1960s Hollywood starlet named Berenice “Benny” Alderidge–seek financial restoration.

    Jade sets off along Route 66 with Benny and her handsome adult foster son, Bridger, who is filming a documentary retracing the 1956 trip that started the love story between Benny and her recently deceased husband, Paul. Listening to Benny recount her story draws Jade into memories of her own darker association with Route 66, when she was kidnapped as a child by a man the media labeled a monster–but she remembers only as daddy.

    Together, all three of these pilgrims will learn about family, forgiveness, and what it means to live free of the past. But not before Jade faces a second staggering betrayal that changes everything.

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  • Checking The Boxes Only You Can Check


    Most of us don’t realize how much we’re uniquely designed by God to change the world. It starts with building a list of action steps to change your world in critical ways.

    In Checking the Boxes Only You can Check, Jay Payleitner outlines forty different objectives we can strive for to make the world a better place. These objectives aren’t so lofty that someone can’t reach them, but they will be challenging. These objectives will help create lasting unity, compassion, efficiency, positivity, and thoughtfulness in a needy world.

    Will you be able to check the box of going above and beyond in your life or the lives of others? Can you give others or yourself a second chance in the age of cancel culture? With all the superstars and rock stars in the home and workplace, can you admit that you have limits or show humility? Can you proclaim Scripture and your faith in the face of scorn and ridicule? These are some of the questions you may ask yourself as you engage with this book.

    Reading this book will take you on a journey to better steward your life and be a better caretaker of the earth and humanity. Are you ready to take on the challenge and complete your checklist?

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  • Beauty From Ashes (Revised)


    Introducing the updated Beauty from Ashes by Donna Sparks, a captivating and inspiring memoir that takes readers on a transformative journey.

    In this revised edition, we are thrilled to present gripping new chapters that further delves into the author’s life, revealing additional layers of healing, redemption, and victory. Donna Sparks fearlessly opens up about her past, which was once plagued by shattered relationships and self-destructive tendencies. However, amidst the ruins, she discovers a glimmer of hope as the Lord extends His hand, tenderly lifting her from the ashes and into His loving embrace.

    With transparency and vulnerability, Donna recounts how her life underwent a remarkable transformation, leading to a profound and powerful relationship with God. But the story doesn’t end there. This revised edition includes captivating new chapters that explore the author’s continued growth and journey with the Lord.

    As Donna Sparks shares how her faith has strengthened, readers are invited to witness the unfolding of her spiritual transformation. Through her heartfelt words, she presents God’s unwavering capacity to restore even the most broken souls, showing that He turns our ashes into something truly beautiful.

    Furthermore, Beauty from Ashes emphasizes a fundamental truth – that God’s desire is to use those who struggle, empowering them to become vessels worthy of His divine purpose. By sharing her testimony and offering uplifting encouragement, Donna Sparks dismantles any excuses readers may have for doubting their own worth or the power of the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.

    Prepare to be moved, inspired, and challenged as you journey with Donna Sparks through the pages of Beauty from Ashes. Discover the profound truth that no matter what your past holds or the apprehensions you may carry, the Holy Spirit stands ready to empower and use you in ways you never deemed possible.

    We are also delighted to announce that the foreword for this edition is written by Joanna Weaver. Joanna is the best-selling author of “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.” Her words of praise and endorsement add an additional layer of credibility to this empowering testimony.

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  • Hope And The Sea


    Discover the soothing power of the sea in this stirring story of loneliness, friendship, and the power of an open heart.

    As Hope huddles on the shore, feeling big feelings of sadness, Sea approaches. First a gentle wave, then a misty spray, followed by the toss of a seashell, and a race along the shoreline. With each overture from Sea, Hope’s heart opens just a bit more, until finally a burst of laughter escapes and her loneliness recedes along with the waves. With its gentle and poetic language, this uplifting story looks at the importance of friendship and encourages children to open their hearts to the world around them.

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  • Drama Of Scripture Third Edition


    The story of the Bible and its account of God’s action in the world give meaning to our lives and provide us with the foundation for our actions.

    The Drama of Scripture is an introduction to the basic story line and theology of the Bible. In considering the biblical story, the authors emphasize the unity of the whole, viewing the Bible as a drama in six acts–creation, sin, Israel, Christ, church, and new creation. Two overarching themes tie the biblical story together–covenant in the Old Testament and kingdom in the New Testament. Throughout, the authors suggest, God is revealed through the story and calls us to participate in his drama.

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  • How To Build A Thriving Marriage As You Care For Children With Disabilities


    Building a vibrant and joyful marriage is always a challenge. When you add the stresses inherent in parenting children with disabilities, it becomes both more difficult and more critical.

    Once on the brink of divorce, Kristin and Todd Evans uncovered the unique set of skills critical for growing a fulfilling relationship amid the extraordinary challenges of caring for their two children with special needs. Now they are sharing their hard-won discoveries and inspiring marriage story with you. Weaving together insights from Scripture, research, and clinical and personal experience, Kristin and Todd offer you the practical relationship tools you need to save, strengthen, and enjoy your marriage. They help you:

    – identify your unique needs
    – assess your strengths and weaknesses
    – set your priorities
    – develop healthy stress management skills
    – deepen your communication and connection
    – tackle problems as a team
    – find ways to rest and recharge
    – nurture sexual intimacy
    – build a strong support network
    – and so much more

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  • Spiral Bound Journaling Bible Poetry


    Old Testament Scriptures, Spiral-Bound for Comfortable Study and Note Taking

    The ESV Spiral-Bound Journaling Bible, Poetry was created from the ground up to facilitate in-depth note taking. It includes the 5 Poetical Books of the Old Testament-Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon-in an inviting, easy-to-read layout with generous space for notes. The spiral-bound format lays flat for comfortable reading and writing. Designed to encourage deeper interaction with Scripture, this journaling edition is ideal for recording prayers and reflections.

    *Perfect for Journaling: Includes the 5 Poetical Books of the Old Testament with ample space for notes

    *Convenient Layout: Pages lay flat to make reading and writing more comfortable

    *A Great Gift for Students

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  • Discovering Daniel : Finding Our Hope In God’s Prophetic Plan Amid Global C


    Our Lives and the Future Are in His Hands

    While the world appears to be in dire straits, the book of Daniel paints a vivid picture of the many ways God guides our lives and world events, providing us with great reason to hope.

    Using the same deep but easy-to-understand style found in his standout seller Revealing Revelation, bestselling author Amir Tsarfati reveals how Daniel’s prophecies–and his unwavering faith amid a contentious culture–provide vital insights for living out these last days with hope and wisdom. As you explore the deep connection between Daniel and Revelation, you will learn how:

    *2,500 years of future history unfolded exactly the way God said it would, demonstrating how all things are in His hands

    *prophetic mysteries in Daniel reveal crucial insights into the signs, timeline, and events of the last days

    *God’s ability to use Daniel’s faith in powerful ways shows how He can work through us too

    Discovering Daniel reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.

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  • Swimming Against The Current


    America’s most sought-after voice in the fight to save female sports shares her unbelievable story and inspires readers to embrace common sense and truth in discussions about women’s rights.

    Riley Gaines has been called many things: Collegiate athlete. All-American. Champion. But in 2022, everything changed. The narrative shifted. Now, critics smeared her as: Transphobic. Narrow-minded. Evil.

    What changed? Riley gave the truth a voice. She stood up, spoke out, and dared to ask questions — not just for herself, but for all female athletes who refuse to accept an ideology where “inclusivity” for trans-identifying male athletes now means treating women unfairly.

    Riley Gaines is changing minds in the process, and this highly anticipated, fearless, pro-woman book takes on controversial but critical questions we must confront about women (and sports) in America. Can’t we embrace policies that give everyone the chance to compete but still protect women and ensure they have a fair shot at success?

    In this book, Riley scrutinizes the perspectives of athletes on the opposing side of this debate, deconstructing their arguments with science, facts, and logic. She also asks what has happened to free speech and dissent in this country, where it now seems nearly impossible to have a well-reasoned debate. And in telling her story, Riley reveals what’s at stake if the truth-seekers remain silent about the injustices women face from radical agendas.

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  • When Isaac Hears The Rain


    Celebrate the unexpected joy of a rainy day with this quietly exuberant book about a young boy who delights in the rejuvenating power of rain.

    When the rain starts to fall, others may dash, yelp, and dodge, as their smiles turn into frowns. But not Isaac. Isaac embraces the rain with curiosity and wonder, grateful for its renewing power and grounded in the world around him. Written with equal parts heart and whimsy, and with a nod to Ezra Jack Keats’ The Snowy Day, this environmentally conscious narrative makes a fantastic read-aloud for readers, young and old.

    ?Author Julie Thompson wrote this sweet celebration of Black Boy Joy as an ode to her two sons. And the lyrical text will encourage readers everywhere to cherish those unexpected moments of joy that provide a welcome respite from the challenges of life.

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  • Short Guide To Spiritual Formation


    In a society always seeking the new and novel, Christians can become more grounded and mature through a retrieval of our common tradition. Alex Sosler sets forth the “transcendentals” of truth, goodness, and beauty–along with community–to help readers follow the way of Jesus.

    Weaving together church history, theology, and devotional practice, Sosler offers a holistic introduction to spiritual formation, encompassing biblical truth, the pursuit of the good life, the contemplation of God, and communal belonging. Each section includes a biblical and historical precedent for the tradition and highlights an exemplar from church history: Augustine on truth, Dorothy Day on goodness, Teresa of Avila on beauty, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on church commitment and community.

    This accessible book provides avenues for a broader and deeper spirituality that can shape the complexity of our souls. It is ideal for undergraduate students and as a formation primer for church adult education classes, classical schools, and homeschooling communities.

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  • Leaning On Air


    They last spoke as teens . . .

    But on a country road twelve years later, a surprise encounter reunites ornithologist Celia Burke with veterinary surgeon Burnaby Hayes, and they plunge into the most unusual romance of her life.

    After a decade of marriage, Celia and Burnaby have found a unique and beautiful rhythm. Then tragedy strikes while Celia hunts for the nest of a research hawk near the Snake River. Reeling with grief, she’s certain Burnaby won’t understand her anguish or forgive the choice that initiated it.

    She flees to kindness at a remote farm in Washington’s Palouse region, where a wild prairie and an alluring neighbor convince her to begin anew. But when unexplained accidents, cryptic sketches, and a mute little boy make her doubt her decision, only a red-tailed hawk and the endangered lives of those she loves can compel her to examine her past–and reconsider her future.

    A soaring tale of wonder, loss, redemption, and restoration from Cheryl Grey Bostrom, the award-winning author of Sugar Birds.

    *A beautifully crafted story set in the Pacific Northwest that brings the setting to life.
    *A compelling contemporary novel about love and loss.
    *Explores the challenges of a marriage when one partner is on the autism spectrum.
    *Includes discussion questions for book clubs

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  • Sigueme – (Spanish)


    En Sigueme, el pastor y autor Carlos Erazo nos explica como nos hemos convertido en una generacion enredada en las redes sociales y las influencias ideologicas que ahi se encuentran.

    Las redes sociales y el tiempo en el que vivimos nos influyen mas de lo que pensamos. Por eso hoy en dia somos la generacion mas adicta, deprimida, distraida y con los niveles mas altos de ansiedad de la historia.

    Este libro te ensea a sortear las dificultades de hoy en dia, como:

    *La adiccion a las redes sociales
    *El consumo desenfrenado de pornografia
    *La escalada de problemas de salud mental como la ansiedad y la depresion
    *La obsesion por uno mismo y la caida en picado de la autoestima

    Partiendo de las Escrituras para analizar las creencias e ideologias mas populares de la actualidad, Erazo explica lo que significa ser verdaderos seguidores de Jesus en nuestro tiempo y como poner en practica el estilo de vida diferente que El ensea nos lleva hacia una vida libre y abundante. Todo comienza con una invitacion sencilla: Sigueme.

    Follow Me

    In Follow Me, pastor and author Carlos Erazo explains how we have become a generation “entangled” in social networks and the ideological influences found there.

    Social media and the time in which we live influence us more than we think. That is why today we are the most addicted generation, depressed, distracted and with the highest levels of anxiety in history.

    This book teaches you how to deal with today’s difficulties, such as:

    *Addiction to social media
    *Rampant consumption of pornography
    *Escalating mental health problems such as anxiety and depression
    *Self-obsession and plummeting self-esteem

    Drawing from Scripture to analyze today’s most popular beliefs and ideologies, Erazo explains what it means to be true followers of Jesus in our time and how putting into practice the different lifestyle He teaches leads to a free and abundant life. It all begins with a simple invitation: “Follow me”.

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  • Love Overboard : A Novel


    A snort-laughing, cruise ship romance takes readers into topsy-turvy waters

    When a group of four quirky friends retire on a neverending round of cruises, their attire consists of more than floral shirts and gaudy skirts. Armed with walkie-talkies and battle plans, these relationship experts–who’ve dubbed themselves the “Shippers”–target hostess Lacey Anderson and director Jonathan King in their romantic schemes. But the young couple refuses to cooperate. They’ve been on the “love boat” together before, and it went down in flames.

    Boss matchmaker Emily Windsor has orchestrated multiple romantic successes, and these two upstarts certainly won’t get the best of her. The chemistry between Lacey and Jonathan is obvious, but the couple rebuffs every outlandish plot and “coincidental” meeting, forcing the matchmakers to chart a new course to true love–all while inadvertently thwarting drug smugglers threatening to ruin their floating home on the ocean.

    This laugh-out-loud rom-com features loveable characters, over-the-top situations reminiscent of 1950s sitcoms, and a dash of mystery. The toe-curling romance will push the reader overboard and all in with Shannon Dunlap’s new series.

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  • Discovering Daniel Workbook (Workbook)


    A Deeper Dive into Daniel

    In Daniel, we see God’s faithfulness to His own on brilliant display, as well as His incredible and perfect plans for the future. This workbook companion to Discovering Daniel offers a wealth of additional content to further enrich your study of Daniel, highlighting its strong ties to the book of Revelation and helping you abide in God’s sovereignty and love.
    In this illuminating resource, you will find:

    *guidance on how to best interpret and understand the book of Daniel in connection with other the prophetic parts of Scripture, especially Revelation

    *insights that lead to a fuller understanding of God’s purposes and plans for both today and the future

    *wisdom, from Daniel’s bold example, for engaging today’s contentious cultural climate with unwavering faith

    In a culture fraught with fear and discord, Bible prophecy helps soothe our anxious hearts while deepening our trust in God’s providence and care. The Discovering Daniel Workbook will help you apply the remarkable insights of Daniel to your daily life, emboldening you to live with hope and confidence.

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  • Warden And The Wolf King


    PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLER – Our intrepid heroes are caught in the middle of an epic showdown between good and evil in the fourth and final novel in the beloved Wingfeather Saga, with more than one million copies sold!

    NOW AN ANIMATED SERIES – Based on Andrew Peterson’s epic fantasy novels–starring Jody Benson, Henry Ian Cusick, and Kevin McNally. Executive Producer J. Chris Wall with Shining Isle Productions, and distributed by Angel Studios.

    All winter long, people in the Green Hollows have prepared for a final battle with Gnag the Nameless and the Fangs of Dang. Janner, Kalmar, and Leeli are ready and willing to fight alongside the Hollowsfolk. But when the Fangs make the first move and invade Ban Rona, the children are separated.

    Janner is alone and lost in the hills; Leeli is fighting the Fangs from the rooftops of the city; and Kalmar, who carries a terrible secret, is on a course for the Deeps of Throg. Monsters and Fangs and villains lie between the children and their only hope of victory in the epic conclusion of The Wingfeather Saga.

    Full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage, The Warden and the Wolf King is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers’ groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning. Extra features include new interior illustrations from Joe Sutphin, funny footnotes, a map of the fantastical world, inventive appendices, and fanciful line art in the tradition of the original Frank L. Baum Wizard of Oz storybooks.

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  • Monster In The Hollows


    PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLER – Things are about to go from bad to wolf in the howlingly entertaining third book of the beloved Wingfeather Saga, with more than one million copies sold!

    NOW AN ANIMATED SERIES – Based on Andrew Peterson’s epic fantasy novels–starring Jody Benson, Henry Ian Cusick, and Kevin McNally. Executive Producer J. Chris Wall with Shining Isle Productions, and distributed by Angel Studios.

    Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby, the Lost Jewels of Anniera, are hiding from Gnag the Nameless in the Green Hollows, one of the few places in the land of Aerwiar not overrun by the Fangs of Dang. But there’s a big problem. Janner’s little brother–heir to the throne of Anniera–has grown a tail. And gray fur. Not to mention two pointed ears and long, dangerous fangs. To the suspicious folk of the Green Hollows, he looks like a monster.
    But Janner knows better. His brother isn’t as scary as he looks. He’s perfectly harmless. Isn’t he?

    Full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage, The Monster in the Hollows is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers’ groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning. Extra features include new interior illustrations from Joe Sutphin, funny footnotes, a map of the fantastical world, inventive appendices, and fanciful line art in the tradition of the original Frank L. Baum Wizard of Oz storybooks.

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  • Brown Faces White Spaces


    The New York Times bestselling author of Be the Bridge calls people of faith to confront the historical inequities that still exist in so many American institutions–from our legal system and media to our schools and churches–and offers a path toward a future that better serves everyone.

    Latasha Morrison, acclaimed racial justice advocate and author of the Christian Book Award(R) winner Be the Bridge, invites us to wrestle honestly with the disparities that negatively impact Brown and Black people. Weaving historical events with contemporary realities to reveal the generational effects of racism and inequality throughout American culture, Morrison illuminates a path toward lasting change, highlighting how each individual–and the church collectively–can play a role in building a future where all can thrive.

    Drawing on rich sociological insights as well as experiences of family, friends, and her own life, Morrison documents what it takes to become a voice of liberation in all aspects of our daily lives, including:

    *The economy: Whether you’re a Fortune 500 executive, a manager of a moderate-size division, a small business owner, or a barista at a coffee shop, it’s up to you to create an equitable workplace or storefront.

    *Property ownership: Maybe you’re not a lender or a legislator. But you can dedicate your most precious resource–your time–to bringing about justice.

    *Entertainment: Support artists of color in music, literature, art, and film who are sharing amazing, complex, and intensely human stories.

    *The church: Let’s talk about racism and how Jesus came to liberate us from it. Let’s also talk about how to apply that Gospel to create a more equitable church and world.

    Challenging yet hopeful, featuring Latasha Morrison’s rich storytelling as well as questions for personal reflection and group discussion, Brown Faces, White Spaces shows the steps we can all take to create a better tomorrow.

    Includes questions for personal reflection and group discussion.

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  • Thompson Chain Reference Bible


    An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson(R) Chain-Reference(R) Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The ESV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Features:Complete text of the English Standard Version (ESV)Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 referencesAlphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical studyAn extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study toolsFresh, two-color page design66 book introductions16-page full-color map section with map indexLine-matched text for enhanced readabilityWords of Jesus in redPresentation page for gift-givingGilded page edgesTwo double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wideLeathersoft cover lies flat when openReadable Lexicon typeface9.5-point type size

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  • Thompson Chain Reference Bible


    An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson(R) Chain-Reference(R) Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The ESV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Features:Complete text of the English Standard Version (ESV)Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 referencesAlphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical studyAn extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study toolsFresh, two-color page design66 book introductions16-page full-color map section with map indexLine-matched text for enhanced readabilityWords of Jesus in redTwo double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wideReadable Lexicon typeface9.5-point type size

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  • Thompson Chain Reference Bible Large Print


    An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson(R) Chain-Reference(R) Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The ESV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Large Print also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Features:Complete text of the English Standard Version (ESV)Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 referencesAlphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical studyAn extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study toolsFresh, two-color page design66 book introductions16-page full-color map section with map indexLine-matched text for enhanced readabilityWords of Jesus in redPresentation page for gift-givingGilded page edgesTwo double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wideLeathersoft cover lies flat when openReadable Lexicon typeface10.5-point type size

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  • Expectation Gap : The Tiny, Vast Space Between Our Beliefs And Experience O


    Learn how to quiet your inner critic, confront chronic anxiety, and relax into God’s perfect presence.

    Do you truly experience the promises Jesus gave to those who follow him–the benefits of peace, freedom, and love? The fact is that many of us struggle with a gap between what we believe about God and how we encounter him in our everyday lives. We don’t want our faith to be merely conceptual–we want to experience it viscerally–and yet we often come up against one or more of these major gaps:

    *I believe God loves me, but I don’t feel it.
    *I believe God is with me, but I don’t see him.
    *I thought I’d be further along in my spiritual progress by now.

    In The Expectation Gap, Steve Cuss–pastor and founder of the leadership organization Capable Life–offers tangible tools for engaging with God in a deeper, more soul-satisfying way. You’ll unveil harmful expectations and patterns that keep you spiritually stuck so that you can replace them with habits and practices that will lead to a more vibrant faith life.

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  • God Story


    What is my purpose? Where is my place? What is the point?

    Within a culture of confusion, we need something to anchor ourselves in – or rather, someone. The God Story invites you to find yourself and your purpose within God’s overarching and awe-inspiring plans for humanity.

    Faithfully unfolding the narrative of Scripture in a chronological yet poetic way, The God Story welcomes you to immerse yourself in the sacred themes of scripture – from work and rest, to sexuality and justice – whilst reinforcing the truth we can build our lives on: that God is love.

    Exploring three common threads that permeate the pages of the Bible – the presence paradigm, the family paradigm, and the Kingdom paradigm – The God Story pulls us into a deeper knowledge of God, encouraging prayer, reflection and worship.

    It is time to be enchanted afresh by the story of Scripture and in doing so to find personal fulfilment, transformation, and the inspiration to make a difference in today’s world.

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  • Diva Principle : Divine Inspiration For Victorious Attitude (Revised)


    Deep inside the heart of every woman is a diva just waiting to be released. It lies underneath all of the other things she has supposedly “learned” about herself–truth, fiction, deception, or just the superimposed bad feelings of others who’ve tried to smother the diva within.

    Although the word diva now evokes the image of a vain or undisciplined person, author Michelle McKinney Hammond takes diva back to its original meaning. It comes from the word prima donna or “first lady” and was used to describe the principal female singer in an opera or concert organization, who was the best of the best.

    The DIVA Principle: Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude shines a spotlight on fourteen women of the Bible who displayed diva-tude, including Deborah from the book of Judges, the Queen of Sheba, Wisdom, Ruth, Jacob’s wives Rachel and Leah, Esther, Rahab, and more. In the process, Michelle encourages women to embrace their God-given qualities and assets with the understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

    With solid, practical advice, Michelle suggests ways for women to get their head, heart, life, and act together so that they will emerge happy and victorious as divas in the best sense of the word.

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  • Squawk : Trouble At The Kindness Zoo


    One act of kindness can be contagious! As a thunderstorm descends on Kindness Zoo, the animals help each other become less afraid of the noises of the night. With delightfully fun illustrations, adorable animal friends, and a subject that kids will relate to, SQUAWK is a wonderful reminder that responding with kindness can have a ripple effect on everyone around you. Kids will discover that love drives out fear – and can quickly lead to joy!

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  • Drama Of Scripture Third Edition


    The story of the Bible and its account of God’s action in the world give meaning to our lives and provide us with the foundation for our actions.

    In this bestselling textbook, Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen survey the grand narrative of the Bible, demonstrating how the biblical story forms the foundation of a Christian worldview. In considering the biblical story, the authors emphasize the unity of the whole, viewing the Bible as a drama in six acts: creation, sin, Israel, Christ, church, and new creation. Two overarching themes–covenant in the Old Testament and kingdom in the New Testament–tie the biblical story together. Throughout, the authors suggest, God is revealed through the story and calls us to participate in his drama.

    The third edition has been updated and revised throughout. Additional resources for students and professors are available through Textbook eSources.

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  • Keep The Faith


    Will you finish the race strong? Dr. David Jeremiah offers biblically based keys to keeping your faith steadfast when life hits you hard. Regardless of the circumstances, God will hold you up to help you face whatever comes your way.

    Every day, everyone in the world faces challenging moments and circumstances. Perhaps in your marriage. Your career. Your health. Your personal integrity. When times get tough, people often ask, “Why is this happening to me?” If you’re feeling vulnerable during a difficult time in your life, it is important to embrace your faith and the everlasting love of God. Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Keeping the faith, even for someone like Paul, meant not giving in to the world’s relentless influence. That’s what you must do as well.In Keep the Faith: How to Stand Strong in a World Turned Upside Down, New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah:

    *provides you with a practical guide to leaning on the strength of your faith, even in the toughest of times.

    *focuses on four common daily battles that can chip away at your confidence in God: fear, discouragement, worry, and doubt.

    *explores four blessings that are sure to bolster your faith when inevitable challenges come: grace, perseverance, responsibility, and fortitude.

    The uplifting messages of encouragement and strength in Keep the Faith are curated from Dr. Jeremiah’s books Slaying the Giants in Your Life, Captured by Grace, Everything You Need, Searching for Heaven on Earth, and A Bend in the Road.

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  • Life After Doom


    A deeply insightful exploration of how to live with wisdom, resilience and love in our turbulent times

    For the last quarter-century, author and activist Brian D. McLaren has been writing at the intersection of religious faith and contemporary culture. In Life After Doom, he engages with the catastrophic failure of both our religious and political leaders to address the dominant realities of our time: ecological overshoot, economic injustice, and the increasing likelihood of civilizational collapse. McLaren defines doom as the “un-peaceful, uneasy, unwanted feeling” that “we humans have made a mess of our civilization and our planet, and not enough of us seem to care enough to change deeply enough or quickly enough to save ourselves.”

    Blending insights from philosophers, poets, scientists, and theologians, Life After Doom explores the complexity of hope, the necessity of grief, and the need for new ways of thinking, becoming, and belonging in turbulent times. If you want to help yourself, your family, and the communities to which you belong to find courage and resilience for the deeply challenging times that are upon us — this is the book you need right now.

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  • Hebrews


    How can the Letter to the Hebrews help Christians grow in their faith?

    The Letter to the Hebrews tells us that God is trustworthy–that we can trust in Jesus’s defeat of death to lead us to eternal life. Complicating this crucial message, the letter’s enigmatic origins, dense intertextuality, and complex theological import can present challenges to believers wrestling with the text today.

    Amy Peeler opens up Hebrews for Christians seeking to understand God in this learned and pastoral volume of Commentaries for Christian Formation. Her fresh translation and detailed commentary offer insights into Christology, the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, and the letter’s canonical resonances. She pays special attention to how the text approaches redemption, providing consolation for the anxious and correction for the presumptuous.

    Peeler explains the letter’s original context while remaining focused on its relevance to Christian communities today. Pastors and lay readers alike will learn how Hebrews helps them know, trust, and love God more deeply.

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  • Raising Prophetic Kids


    Usher Your Children into Their Highest Calling

    Has your daughter come to you about a dream she’s had or a feeling of a future happening? Does your son see angels or blurt out messages that could only come from God?

    Having raised four spiritually gifted sons activated into prophetic ministry, prophetic mentor and teacher Debra Giles helps you identify and develop your children’s unique spiritual giftings. Packed with biblically based teaching, prophetic activations, practical exercises, and real-world tools, this hands-on guide empowers you to confidently:

    * recognize attributes and signs of prophetic gifting
    * discern your children’s unique purpose and destiny
    * guide them as they learn to operate in their gifts
    * cultivate a spiritually fertile home environment
    * prepare them for personal ministry and to release God’s truth
    * step back when their gifts have matured

    God is calling forth a new generation of Samuels and Deborahs–here’s everything you need to train them in the way they should go.

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  • Love On A Whim


    Brynn Haywood’s impulsive marriage to a man she’d known less than 24 hours leaves her with deep regret. She flees to Cape Cod, finding refuge with her loyal friend, Dawn Dixon. As Brynn grapples with her emotions, Dawn acts swiftly, eager to help secure a lawyer for her through her mother Marnie’s good friend, Lincoln Hayes. However, Lincoln’s preoccupation with his daughter’s lavish wedding brings unexpected challenges.

    The arrival of Lincoln’s estranged son, Bear Hayes, stirs the waters further. Alarmed by his father’s extravagant generosity toward the Dixon family, Bear ignites friction between Marnie and Lincoln. As the wedding day arrives, Lincoln vanishes–and an unwelcome guest makes a surprise appearance.

    Bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher delights with this sweet story of love, family, and the unpredictability of life.

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  • Song Of Sourwood Mountain


    While the century began with such promise, it is 1910 when Mira Dean’s hopes of being a wife and mother are dashed to pieces. Her fiance dead from tuberculosis, Mira resigns herself to being a spinster schoolteacher–until Gordon Covington shows up.

    No longer the boy she knew from school, Gordon is now a preacher who is full of surprises. First, he asks Mira to come to Sourwood in eastern Kentucky to teach at his mission school. Second, he asks her to marry him. Just like that. And all at once the doors that had seemed firmly shut begin to open, just a crack.

    With much trepidation, Mira steps out in faith into a life she never imagined, in a place filled with its own special challenges, to serve a people who will end up becoming the family she always dreamed of.

    From the pen of bestselling author Ann H. Gabhart comes a heartwarming story of the unexpected blessings that can come when we dare to follow the Lord’s leading.

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  • Love On A Whim


    Brynn Haywood’s impulsive marriage to a man she’d known less than 24 hours leaves her with deep regret. She flees to Cape Cod, finding refuge with her loyal friend, Dawn Dixon. As Brynn grapples with her emotions, Dawn acts swiftly, eager to help secure a lawyer for her through her mother Marnie’s good friend, Lincoln Hayes. However, Lincoln’s preoccupation with his daughter’s lavish wedding brings unexpected challenges.

    The arrival of Lincoln’s estranged son, Bear Hayes, stirs the waters further. Alarmed by his father’s extravagant generosity toward the Dixon family, Bear ignites friction between Marnie and Lincoln. As the wedding day arrives, Lincoln vanishes–and an unwelcome guest makes a surprise appearance.

    Bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher delights with this sweet story of love, family, and the unpredictability of life.

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  • Heaven Beckons : Discover The Glory That Awaits You In The Afterlife


    In my mind, I still can see the field of reunion, as I call it, as plain as day. People meeting loved ones who departed before they. Off they went into the interior of the current heaven, joyous and healed. The laughter of children, the smiles and facial expressions of Jesus, the drying of tears and great joy they found when entering there have all left their mark on me. May the Lord in His own way grant some of this insight to you now, in Jesus’ name.

    Experience a Life-Changing Taste of Heaven

    Have you ever had days when everything that could go wrong does? Are you haunted by pain from losing a loved one? Do you long for blessing and respite from your troubles?

    In our fast-paced, image-driven culture, we’ve lost sight of what truly matters. We only scratch the surface of life, we only see problems, we only trust our own efforts to save ourselves or alleviate our pain. But what if we caught a glimpse of something so grand, so breathtaking, so tremendous and inconceivable that it not only completely changed how we saw ourselves, others, and the time we have on this earth–but also transformed everything about our lives?

    In this stunning, detailed account, author and speaker B.W. Melvin beautifully recounts his incredible near-death experience in Heaven and meeting with Jesus, casting a vision for what awaits you and your loved ones and infusing your weary heart with renewed strength and hope in the faithfulness of God.

    With riveting and humble honesty, Melvin interweaves his awe-inspiring story with biblical truth about life–now and in eternity–encouraging you to dig deeper into what the Scriptures say. Along the way, you will:

    *taste the beauty of heaven now
    *discover the glory that awaits you and your loved ones after death
    *see your troubles in the light of God’s eternal goodness
    *encounter the faithfulness and sovereignty of God
    *grow in your relationship with the Lord
    *experience healing in your heart
    *live with freedom and joy on earth as it is in heaven

    Don’t despair or let pain and troubles overwhelm you. Lift your eyes to the glory of the faithful God who does not leave us orphans in this world–and has prepared a place for us in the world to come.

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  • Run At Love


    As a Black woman in a field with little diversity, Piper McKinney is determined to make her mark on the horse racing world. Raised on a thoroughbred farm in Kentucky, Piper’s dream is for her horse to win the prestigious Kentucky Derby. With the help of her best friend and trainer Tucker Hale, she gains national attention but must grapple with the complications that arise when a journalist delves into her past as a transracial adoptee.

    In an effort to win Piper’s heart, Tucker formulates a plan to train Piper’s horse to victory, hoping to prove himself to her, her parents, and his own self-doubts. Then a shocking scandal hits the media, implicating both Piper and her parents, and she and Tucker will have to survive the onslaught to find their way to the winner’s circle–and each other.

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  • Dwell Differently : Overcome Negative Thinking With The Simple Practice Of


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    What if you had God’s words with you all the time? Not just on your phone, but deep in your soul and on the tip of your tongue? It may sound daunting, or even impossible.
    Knowing how hard Scripture memorization can be, Dwell Differently founders Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz created a simple, creative, and smart way to memorize Scripture and keep God’s promises in your heart. Natalie and Vera not only reveal the importance of having a mind built on God’s Word, they actually give you the tools necessary to defeat negative thoughts. In doing so, they help you:
    * fight lies with truth
    * replace fear with peace
    * focus your heart on what really matters
    In a world filled with negative voices competing for our attention, just one word from God is more powerful than any other. It’s time to store up a wealth of them.

    Product Information
    Title: Dwell Differently: Overcome Negative Thinking with the Simple Practice of Memorizing God’s Truth
    By: Natalie Abbott & Vera Schmitz
    Format: Hardcover
    Number of Pages: 240
    Vendor: Bethany House
    Publication Date: 2024
    Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
    Weight: 2 pounds
    ISBN: 0764242547
    Change the way you think, one verse at a time

    What if you had God’s words with you all the time? Not just on your phone, but deep in your soul and on the tip of your tongue? It may sound daunting, or even impossible.

    Knowing how hard Scripture memorization can be, Dwell Differently founders Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz created a simple, creative, and smart way to memorize Scripture and keep God’s promises in your heart. Natalie and Vera not only reveal the importance of having a mind built on God’s Word, they actually give you the tools necessary to defeat negative thoughts. In doing so, they help you:

    * fight lies with truth
    * replace fear with peace
    * focus your heart on what really matters

    In a world filled with negative voices co

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  • Truth In True Crime Investigators Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guid


    Dig deeper into fifteen life-truths gleaned from both contemporary murder investigations and ancient biblical wisdom.

    For decades, cold-case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace investigated the causes behind deaths and murders, chasing one lead after another as he attempted to solve the case.? Several of these cases remain open, unsolved mysteries.

    Wallace also investigated the most notable death in human history–the death of Jesus Christ–and it transformed him from an atheist into a follower of Jesus. Investigating death, surprisingly, taught him a great deal about life and the nature of people. In The Truth in True Crime Investigator’s Guide (video access included), Wallace explores the clues lying behind our human nature as he uncovers fifteen life-truths gleaned from both contemporary murder investigations and ancient Biblical wisdom.

    Every lesson introduces you to an investigation of a death as Wallace and his partner Rick chase down leads and along the way learn guiding principles to help us to thrive and flourish as human beings created in the image of God.? These fifteen attributes of human beings have been confirmed by modern sociological studies, but were first described on the pages of Scripture. Even if you don’t believe in God, these are valuable insights into our human condition, helping you better understand your own identity and the identity of your Creator.

    This study guide has everything you need for a full personal or group experience.

    The study guide itself–with thoughtful introductions, questions for personal reflection and application, and discussion questions for leading a group or team.

    An individual access code to stream all video sessions online. (You don’t need to buy a DVD!)

    Sessions and video run times:

    1. A Pool of Blood (Under My Feet)
    2. Fake IDs and a Stolen Identity
    3. A Target, a Bull’s-Eye, and a Circle of Concern
    4. Trajectory Decisions (for Better or Worse)
    5. Santa Claus and Misplaced Devotion
    6. Legends, Liars, and Liabilities
    7. Felons, Fugitives, and Financial Freedom
    8. Sense and Suffering
    9. Prejudice, Injustice, and the Father of All “Isms”
    10. Tough Love and a Tale of Two Brothers
    11. The Killer Inside
    12. A Good Guilt Trip
    13. What Gangsters Have in Common
    14. Death Sentences and Life without Parole
    15. Every Kind of Stupid
    (Bonus Session) The Bible Describes You the Way You Really Are

    Streaming video access code included.?Access code subject to expiration after 1

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  • Shaped By The Spirit


    Shun self-help in favour of spiritual-help and become the other-focussed disciple that Jesus is inviting you to be in this accessible and practical book.

    In recent years, the Church in the West has witnessed a growing hunger to engage in spiritual disciplines that help us become more like Jesus. And yet, if our practices cause us to look inwards without looking outwards, then we can unwittingly distance ourselves from him instead. Jesus was inherently other-focussed, and in this immensely practical book, Kate Pocklington invites us to explore why being formed by the Spirit is only half of the picture. We are formed by the Spirit, formed through our experiences with others and formed for the sake of God’s mission in the world. Together we will see how God – the grand recycler – wants to use every part of our past and personality to shape us into other-focussed people.

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  • Caring For Kids From Hard Places


    Why doesn’t he act his age? Why does she behave so impulsively? Why does he have meltdowns so often?

    There is always meaning behind behavior in all of us. It might be a behavioral reaction from something as simple as hunger or exhaustion. Or something far more serious – a triggered reaction to a traumatic, frightening experience.

    Children who have experienced early childhood neglect or trauma are often greatly impacted in developmental ways. Children in foster care or who are given up for adoption often deal with these kinds of negative early experiences and it can be difficult to know how to help. People who teach-either in school or children’s ministry often see these youngsters’ behavior as confusing and don’t understand why.

    In Caring for Kids from Hard Places, Jayne and David Schooler discuss the reasons behind why children and teens sometimes exhibit potentially disruptive behavior. Together, they offer practical strategies on training, equipping and resourcing staff and volunteers to provide a responsive environment for children with behavioral challenges. Caring for Kids from Hard Places includes:

    *Insights on how to understand adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
    *Principles for creating a trauma-informed environment
    *Strategies for facilitating healing
    *Tips on how to create a sensory-smart classroom

    Discover how to better love children from difficult backgrounds and pave their way for a better life.

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  • Does God See Me


    We all experience suffering in our lives. It may be domestic violence, sexual abuse, abandonment, racial trauma, or any other number of injustices. You can unravel the layers of pain and move towards healing.

    In Does God See Me?, women of all backgrounds, with a special resonance for Black women and women of color, will discover a safe space to find their voice, receive healing, and walk toward transformation. Through her professional expertise in trauma recovery, the biblical story of Hagar, and the lived experience of her own painful stories, Dieula Magalie Previlon delivers a message of unshakeable hope.

    Dieula invites you to embark on your own healing journey. Bridging the gap between experience and empowerment, Does God See Me? invites you to:

    *apply effective principles for healing trauma,
    *engage in reflective questions, and
    *practice whole-body exercises that lead to understanding, self-discovery, and growth.

    Dieula delivers additional thoughtful, faith-informed insights, drawing from her own testimony, on topics like shame, grief, and abandonment. Here is your compassionate guide to help you embrace your pain and emerge with a story of triumph, redemption, and a renewed connection to the Divine.

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  • Say Good : Speaking Across Hot Topics, Complex Relationships, And Tense Sit


    Find your passion. Know your voice. Speak for good.

    We know what it means to do good. But in today’s tense and complex world, when topics like political issues, theology, and current events so often divide us, how do we say good? God calls us to speak truth into our communities and relationships, but we all struggle to know when to speak up. We feel intimidated even as we long to engage controversy and division with ease and conviction. How can we know what to say–and when?

    In Say Good, Ashlee Eiland helps you discover the power of stewarding your unique voice. You’ll walk into a four-part discernment process–through passion, accountability, influence, and relationship–to understand the spaces, ways, and times where your words are needed. As you do, you’ll find the conviction and confidence to speak up in even the most flammable challenges. This book equips you to:

    *Find your voice in complex conversations
    *Engage with diverse perspectives and bring about positive change
    *Embrace authenticity and accountability
    *Foster meaningful relationships

    Say Good is a timely, thought-provoking book that contains practical insights, empowering action steps, and a solid framework for using your voice with purpose and impact. Embark on a transformative journey of honing both your words and your heart–for good.

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  • God Is Our Help


    This collection of Our Daily Bread reflections reminds you of God’s faithfulness through trials. Written by popular and beloved author Patricia Raybon, these 8 weeks of daily devotions focus on themes like love, reconciliation, and unity. Patricia invites you to lean on God using Bible verses and insights drawn from the wisdom of Scripture to encourage thoughtful reflection.

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  • No Going Back


    The New York Times bestselling author, governor of South Dakota, and former congresswoman tells eye-opening stories of DC dysfunction, shares lessons from leading her state through unprecedented challenge, and explains how we seize this moment to move America forward.

    Any elected official can talk about how broken our government is. But their solutions always seem to involve more money, new programs–and reelection to another term. Few offer an unfiltered glimpse into how government actually works, empowering citizens with the knowledge to be part of the solution.

    Governor Kristi Noem never planned on being in politics. But her concern for our nation compelled her, on a local, national, and global level. Because she took a different path into public service, as a concerned mom and rancher, her insights help every citizen understand how positive change really happens, despite the dysfunction in Washington DC.
    Governor Noem explains how the country is not going back to the Republican party of the 2000s. And that’s a good thing. This book is packed with surprising stories and practical lessons from the front lines of the battle. And she names names.
    A lot has changed since 2016, and based on her accomplishments in Congress and as Governor, no one is better equipped than Kristi Noem to explain the tremendous opportunities this opens up for every American.

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  • Torn : Rescuing The Gospel From The Gays-vs.-Christians Debate


    An evangelical Christian examines the impact of sexuality, the LGBTQ+ movement, and the future of the church in this thoughtful, deeply researched guide to navigating and mending the social and political division in our families and churches.

    Nicknamed “God Boy” by his peers, Lee knew that he was called to a life in evangelical Christian ministry. But questions about his own sexuality forced him to rethink his “love the sinner, hate the sin” approach, sending him on a journey to better understand the Bible, the science, and the history of the church’s gay debate–eventually leading him to become one of the most respected voices on the subject on both sides of the divide.

    Filled with personal stories and careful research, Torn provides insightful, practical guidance for all committed Christians who wonder how to relate to gay friends or family members–or who struggle with their own sexuality.

    Torn has been a trusted resource for over a decade, and this updated edition features new material to address the impact and aftermath of the “ex-gay” movement, gender identity and the broader LGBTQ+ movement, and an updated and expanded look at where the overall affirming Christian movement is going. It also features new practical recommendations for combating the increased polarization that threatens to tear us apart.

    Convinced that God’s grace is the key to loving one another without compromise, Lee charts a path for people on both sides of the debate to help mend Christianity’s shattered reputation and bring peace to our families and churches.

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  • Parent Revolution : Rescuing Your Kids From The Radicals Ruining Our School


    From the leader of the online army in America’s parental rights movement comes the real story of how moms and dads across the country are turning the tide against radical activists in public schools.

    It’s no secret that our government-run public education system has held generations of Americans hostage. The teachers unions–the government’s stormtroopers–have been hard at work running a mass misinformation campaign to convince parents that because this is how it has always been, this is how it has to be. But here’s what you may not realize: the parents are winning, and we have entered the death spiral of the education dictatorship. The school choice revolution is here, and moms and dads are successfully restoring parental rights in education, one state, one school district at a time.

    In The Parent Revolution, Dr. Corey A. DeAngelis-public enemy #1 of the teachers’ unions – takes readers inside this movement like no one else can. As Vox reported in late 2023, DeAngelis has become “the public face” of the effort, “traveling from state to state, holding rallies, making media appearances, and tweeting constantly.” Or as another education voice put it, “No one in education policy, advocacy, or activism has ever lived rent-free in more heads at once than Corey DeAngelis.”

    As America’s most prominent and influential advocate of school choice, DeAngelis unapologetically argues why parents and political leaders must lean into the culture war taking place in schools. He exposes the hypocritical elites who are content to hold other people’s children captive to poorly run government schools while sending their own children to the best private and charter schools out there. And most importantly, he equips readers with the ability to make sure the potent forces of the educational industrial complex don’t regain their footing.

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  • Darkness Has Not Overcome


    Former special assistant to President Trump, New York Times bestselling author, and evangelical Christian Cliff Sims shares the lessons he learned on faith, politics, and the Christian witness while working in the halls of power.

    American life today is consumed by politics. Even our churches are tearing themselves apart over political candidates, cultural flashpoints, and debates about whether certain pastors are vessels for the Holy Spirit or an unholy political agenda.

    So how should Christians approach our lives in this time of strife and division? How should we engage in politics and respond when we find that our beliefs are at odds with the culture? And how do we keep our focus on eternity when the present attractions of the world are there in front of us at every turn?

    Cliff Sims, the son of a Baptist minister and man of deep Christian faith, has walked the halls of power, serving as a Special Assistant to President Trump and Deputy Director of National Intelligence. While working at the highest levels of the American government, he experienced firsthand the cutthroat world of power politics, an environment that can test the character of any follower of Jesus, and he wrestled continually with how to live out his faith.

    In this book, Cliff shares hard-earned wisdom from his time serving in government, giving Christians lessons on how to live faithfully and with integrity. Recounting stories from the West Wing, Air Force One, and top secret bunkers, Sims offers practical advice and biblical insight on how to let the light of Christ shine in our dark world, regardless of our politics.

    The Darkness Has Not Overcome is a must-read for every Christian who has found themselves exasperated by politics, fearful about the future, or discouraged by the times in which we live.

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  • Finding Gods Will For Your Life


    #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer instructs readers on an integral part of the Christian faith–knowing God’s will and acting on it–in this practical and encouraging book.

    Did you ever dream about what you would be when you grew up? We think naturally about our purpose because God tells us that He created us to do great things. But how do we know when we have truly found God’s calling for our lives? Many people live most of their lives striving to find and follow God’s will but still wondering whether they’ve gotten it right. The many pressures, expectations, and distractions we experience can create confusion and anxiety and cause us to doubt whether we are following God’s will or if He even has a plan for us at all.

    Beloved Bible teacher Joyce Meyer invites us on a journey to confidence, freedom, and peace through exploring the wisdom of what the Bible tells us about God’s character and about His love and purpose for us. She also offers practical steps to discovering how to build your trust in God, seek His guidance, and overcome the fear of missing out on His best for you.

    If you’re struggling to have confidence that you can hear God’s voice and know what He’s created you to be and do, Finding God’s Will for Your Life will leave you with more peace and more confidence to live joyfully in God’s love and walk the path He has for you.

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  • Resurrection And Renewal


    The resurrection of Jesus from the dead lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It is the turning point of history, with far-reaching implications for our understanding of what God is doing in the world.

    Resurrection and Renewal is a fresh contribution by an award-winning scholar to the study of Jesus’s resurrection. The book is not an apologetic; rather, it takes the resurrection as a given reality and examines what the Bible says about it. Murray Rae surveys the Gospel accounts, looks at the resurrection as the fulfillment of God’s Old Testament promises to Israel, and examines how the resurrection reshaped the life of the apostle Paul and informed his theology. He explores how resurrection influences our understanding of Christ, salvation, the future, mission, the church, and the unfolding purpose of history. Attention is given to its implications for Christian living and ethics, the nature of Christian community, and the promises of Christian hope. This is invigorating reading for all who desire greater understanding of participation in the resurrection life made possible through the risen Lord.

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  • If My Hair Had A Voice


    “If your hair had a voice, it would sing of diversity and identity. It would tell you stories of our history.”

    An ode to loving your hair and your culture, If My Hair Had a Voice follows a young Black girl as she grows from being disappointed in her natural hair to developing an amazed appreciation for the long history of Black hair. From blossoming floral motifs in celebration of spring to intricate braided codes for spreading revolutionary messages, she discovers that Black hair goes beyond simple adornment–it tells the story of a rich cultural history filled with diversity, resistance, artistry, and, of course, beauty. Backmatter explores the history of each hairstyle featured in the book.

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