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Showing 1601–1700 of 23550 results

  • Leapin Leopards


    A massive mess, a leopard on the loose, and the arrival of new life–it’s just another day in the life of the Mulligans. From bestselling author Bill Myers comes a hilarious, warmhearted, and action-packed adventure starring the Mulligan family.

    Neither Michael nor Traci Mulligan had intended upon a large family, let alone one of such diversity. But God had other plans. After their second child, Lisa, was born blind, they began to see their gift for reaching out, connecting, and laughing with special children with special needs–all while raising their family among the many creatures living at the animal park that they operate.

    Are there trials? You bet. There’s no way to keep the boat from rocking with so many children from such diverse backgrounds and in such an incredible environment. But their faith in Christ, commitment to one another, and ability to laugh at themselves keep them digging in to make it work.

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  • Beauty Of Motherhood


    Moving and humorous devotions for mothers, inspired by common milestones associated with raising young children

    The early years of motherhood are filled with moments of great joy and wonder alongside day to day challenges. This collection of meditations will affirm the universal experiences that inspire laughter, awe and self doubt, encouraging moms to take a deep breath and see the beauty in the ordinary right in front of them. Each devotional reflection speaks to the full spectrum of parenthood, including growing pains, pregnancy, birth, weaning, body image, exhaustion, delight, comparison, vocation, friendship, and more.

    Busy moms will appreciate these short, engaging reflections they can pick up and read in a moment of quiet. Each section opens with a blessing and concludes with a reflection question or practice and a prayer. The authors encourage readers to recall memories of God’s grace in their own motherhood journeys and be inspired to claim and share their own motherhood stories.

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  • Feminist Prayers For My Daughter


    Spiritual language is often male-focused, overlooking the uniquely female experience. Author Shannon K. Evans believes our daughters deserve better.

    Evans wrote Feminist Prayers for My Daughter as a gift to mothers and women everywhere. It offers short prayers that affirm the unique challenges and embrace the natural abilities embodied by our daughters, young and old alike. Categories of prayers include embodiment, relationships, wholeness, justice, equality, and milestones. This book encompasses all of life from birth to death while imagining God in ways that resonate with the feminine experience.

    For mothers, grandmothers, mentors, and beyond, this prayer book provides a poignant and powerful path to both encounter God personally and seek the well-being of the daughters in our lives. It gives words to a mother’s desires for her daughter in the modern world and breathes hope for a church that will give her equal power.

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  • Be Uncommon : 40 Ways To Leave Average Behind


    God created you to be you, not someone else. So why do we so often settle for less? Why do we bow to the pressure to conform to others’ expectations of us rather than boldly being the person we were meant to be? Why do we pretend to be satisfied with average, ordinary . . . common? What would it be like if we actually believed God desires to do something extraordinary with our lives?

    In this inspiring new book from the bestselling author of An Enemy Called Average, you’ll find the motivation and encouragement you need to stop settling and start stretching toward the goal of being you in the way only you can! In short, punchy chapters, John Mason shows you how to face down fear, doubt, criticism, and apathy with enthusiasm, decisiveness, persistence, and honesty. He shows you how to seek God’s direction, develop wisdom, manage your time and energy, and take risks.

    Outside of your comfort zone is where you’ll find true fulfillment and contentment as you develop into the exceptional, extraordinary, uncommon person you were always meant to be. So what are you waiting for?

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  • Moving In Miracles And Healing


    A Powerful Guidebook to Operating in the Miraculous

    Though many believers hear stories about healings and miracles, they fail to see them in their lives. Why?

    International healing evangelist, Jean-Luc Traschel believes we have missed the five biblical cornerstones of healing that empower you to walk in the supernatural as an everyday lifestyle not just an occasional occurrence.

    Jean-Luc started praying for the sick when he was sixteen years old. Today, after more than three decades of supernatural power encounters, he offers insights, personal experiences, biblical foundation, and practical instruction for you to believe for and experience miracles in your life!

    In Moving in Miracles and Healing, Jean-Luc Traschel empowers you to overcome every barrier and see the supernatural break in by applying the five cornerstones for biblical healing.You will:

    *Encounter Jehovah Rapha, the God Whose very name is Healer

    *Discover the legal foundation for healing that will help you build unshakable faith for the miraculous

    *Operate in the realm of Kingdom Demonstration where you shift from being an ordinary believer to a Kingdom-minded ambassador

    *Move in the realm of faith where you learn how to pull the possible into the impossible

    *Be led by the Holy Spirit and partner with His unique healing methods for each situation

    Don’t settle for less than the miraculous! Unlock the simple key to moving in the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, and see the Kingdom of God break into your world

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  • Metropolitan Affair


    For years her explorer father promised Dr. Lauren Westlake she’d accompany him on one of his Egyptian expeditions. But as the empty promises mounted, Lauren determined to earn her own way. Now the assistant curator of Egyptology for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Lauren receives two unexpected invitations.

    The first is her repentant father’s offer to finally bring her to Egypt as his colleague on a new expedition. The second is a chance to enter the world of New York’s wealthiest patrons who have been victims of art fraud.

    With Egyptomania sweeping the city after the discovery of King Tut’s tomb, Detective Joe Caravello is on the hunt for a notorious forger preying on the open wallets of New York’s high society. Dr. Westlake is just the expert he needs to help him track the criminal. Together they search for the truth, and the closer Lauren and Joe get to discovering the forger’s identity, the more entangled they become in a web of deception and crime.

    In this rich 1920s tale, bestselling author Jocelyn Green invites you into one of New York City’s most esteemed museums, where a young woman discovers secrets, betrayal, and romance.

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  • Your New Now


    Life prepares us for a lot of things. Until it doesn’t. Because at some point we’ll find ourselves stuck at the crossroads of what was and what is yet to be, desperately wondering, What on earth am I supposed to do now?

    Yet this in-between space doesn’t have to be one of fear, frustration, uncertainty, and sleepless nights. Bestselling author and Proverbs 31 speaker Nicki Koziarz knows well the vulnerable and lost feelings of transition seasons. Digging into the life of Moses and sharing from her own struggles and successes, she gives you a practical, biblical plan to discover–and thrive–right where you are. Waiting for new beginnings is challenging. But you can learn to live with purpose and expectancy even when life pauses in an unfamiliar now.

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  • Short Guide To Spiritual Disciplines


    Every Christian wants to grow into the person God made him to be. Every Christian has a healthier, more spiritually mature version of herself in mind. Every Christian looks upon the future’s horizon and imagines a relationship with God ever-increasing in vibrancy and strength.

    But how does a Christian get there? How does a sapling with good intentions actually become an oak of righteousness?

    You might think the answer is “regularly read the Bible, pray often, and share the gospel consistently.” And those practices are certainly part of it. But in this book, Mason King expands your thinking beyond basic spiritual practices (which typically emphasize what you must do) into a more holistic picture of what a full and flourishing life with God can look like when it is cultivated well (focusing instead on who you might become).

    In these pages, learn how you can become a vibrant, healthy Christian by regularly offering to God three main dimensions of your life-your attention, your emotions, and your limits-for when you are disciplined in cultivating these environments at the root, you will grow into the right kind of tree.

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  • Putting Jesus First


    In all the busy and bustle and noise of life, do you find it hard to keep first things first? We know that Jesus should be our first priority as believers, but with so many things fighting for our attention, what was once at the center can start getting crowded out. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Courtney Tracy has not only been there, she faces this struggle every single day. And you know what helped her return to Jesus as first priority? God’s Word! Particularly, the book of Colossians.

    In this warm and encouraging devotional, Courtney walks with you through the lessons she learned in her journey through Colossians, and helps you discover the life-changing power of treasuring Jesus above all things. Each day includes a passage to read, a devotional entry to help you reflect, insightful questions to help you respond, and a prayer to help you approach God in confidence. On top of that, this devotional you are given:

    *A beautiful experience and space each day for you to actively reflect on God’s Word, no matter how busy your day is.

    *A 21-day format so that you might build a practical habit of prioritizing your time with Jesus daily.

    *Powerful gospel truths that offer daily encouragement.

    *The help you need to throw off your old identity and walk in the power of your new identity.

    Jesus reigns supreme over all things, including our noisy homes and busy schedules. Let’s discover the joy that is ours when we live like that’s true, putting Him first!

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  • Why Do I Do What I Dont Want To Do


    We live in an upside-down culture. We wink at our vices as coping strategies while restricting our virtues to our online personas, where they won’t interfere with our real lives. And we wonder why we feel empty, exhausted, and directionless. But why do we do things that we know are harmful for us?

    Jonathan “JP” Pokluda wants you to know there’s a better, more fulfilling way to live, and it doesn’t involve looking inside yourself for the answers–because that’s not where you’ll find them. With his signature wit and wisdom, he explains, unpacks, and expands on the age-old virtues we’re told to pursue in Scripture: humility, forgiveness, generosity, diligence, self-control, authenticity, rest, and optimism. Far from being restrictive, these God-given goals for living free us to love and live as we wish we would.

    Practicing virtues is not just something you do–it’s something done in you, slowly but surely transforming you into the person you were meant to be all along. Whether you’re 18 or 80, it’s never too late to redefine what’s important to you and reclaim a life of virtue.

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  • Awe Of God Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    What if you were told of a hidden virtue that is the key to all of life? It unlocks the purpose of your existence and attracts the presence, protection, and providence of your Creator. It is the root of all noble character, the foundation of all happiness, and provides the needed adjustments to all inharmonious circumstances you may face. To firmly embrace this virtue will lengthen your life, procure you good health, ensure success and safety, eliminate lack, and guarantee a noble legacy.

    If presented with these statements, most would sneer and say no such virtue exists. Yet every promise above was written by one of the wisest men to ever live. Even more astounding, he wrote these words under the inspiration of our Creator. However, prior to his departure from this life, he fell from the bliss he scribed. He became wise in his own eyes and deemed it no longer necessary to heed the wisdom of this virtue. He lost his way and eventually fell to the depths of a bitter cynic. Life became meaningless to him.

    The good news is that this man’s story doesn’t end in the depths of despondency. He eventually returned to life’s most important virtue. We don’t know how many months or even years he spent writing his dismal book, but his final chapter gives a glimpse into his recovery. He begins by writing seven times in one form or another, “Remember your Creator,” with his final words being: “Here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” (Ecclesiastes 12:13 NIV).

    King Solomon, the author of these words, didn’t fully realize the value of godly fear, even though he taught it under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit! Prior to his fall, godly fear wasn’t his treasure, or his delight; it wasn’t an immovable foundation for his motives and actions. It was only after stumbling, experiencing folly, and finally recovering that he more fully grasped the magnitude of its power.

    In The Awe of God, bestselling author and pastor John Bevere reveals how embracing godly fear empowers us to remain under submission to God’s truth and, in so doing, keeps us on the path of life. He explores more than forty distinct promises in Scripture that are given to those who embrace this virtue–rewards such as holiness, wisdom, eternal legacy, confidence, fearlessness, happiness, and security. And he shows how learning to approach God in this entirely new way–through holy fear–allows us to discover a deeper relationship wi

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  • Every Day A Victory


    Defeat Satan’s Attacks against You

    Satan has been defeated by the work Jesus accomplished on the cross. Many Christians, however, live defeated because they have not come into a true understanding of that truth.

    Having traveled the world disarming the enemy’s attacks against believers, Wood reveals the unexpectedly simple–yet incredibly effective–strategies Satan has employed since the garden of Eden. Full of Scripture, inspiring stories, and practical teaching, this book is your hands-on battle plan to live in victory every day, helping you:

    * recognize Satan’s schemes
    * arm yourself with godly weapons
    * trample every demon and assault that comes your way
    * partner with the Spirit to destroy any stronghold
    * and more

    Through Christ you are fully equipped to fight effectively. Now is your time to get free, stay free, and help others do the same.

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  • 2nd Time Around


    When empty nester Mallory Farrell inherits her grandmother’s run-down tourist shop in Seaport, Oregon, it seems the only sensible thing to do is to sell it. But when her former secret crush, Grayson Matthews, wants to buy the property in order to complete his plans to redevelop the funky town’s business district into a soulless, cookie-cutter outdoor mall, Mallory digs in her heels and decides to renovate the property herself.

    With a lot of hard work and a little bit of help, Mallory makes incredible progress turning the store into an eclectic home decor shop called Romancing the Home–all while trying to ignore the depressing and decrepit apartment she’s living in on the second floor. When the shop catches the eye of a popular renovation TV show producer, Mallory is thrilled–until it becomes clear that her apartment is to be part of the segment as well.

    She’s tempted to abandon her dreams and the town under a cloud of shame. But perhaps there’s more to Grayson than meets the eye. Can he swallow his pride, change his plans, and help Mallory romance her own home–and possibly her life?

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  • Under Fire


    USSS Special Agent Zane Fletcher has landed his dream assignment protecting the president of the United States. When the president plans a fundraiser at the exclusive estate of a political supporter in Raleigh, Zane is thrilled to be working again with Special Agent Tessa Reed, his best friend–and the woman he desperately wishes could be more.

    Though Tessa almost lost everything, she battled her demons and came out on the other side healthy and healed. But when her role as the liaison between the Raleigh office and the president’s protective detail wrenches her past back into the present, her greatest failure threatens to come to light.

    Zane refuses to let Tessa go through this alone. But can he stand by the woman he loves and protect the president from a mounting threat at the same time?

    Sparks fly as award-winning romantic suspense writer Lynn H. Blackburn closes out her Defend and Protect series with this explosive tale of secrets kept, lies exposed, and relationships restored.

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  • Remember Me (Large Type)


    From the Yukon to Seattle, the hope of a new beginning waits just around the corner.

    Addie Bryant is haunted by her past of heartbreak and betrayal. After her beau, Isaac Hanson, left the Yukon, she made a vow to wait for him. When she’s sold to a brothel owner after the death of her father, Addie manages to escape with the hope that she can forever hide her past and the belief that she will never have the future she’s always dreamed of.

    Years later, Addie has found peace in her new life as a photographer, training Camera Girls to operate and sell the Brownie camera. During the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo in Seattle, Addie is reunited with Isaac, but after the path her life has taken, she’s afraid to expose the ugliness of her former life and to move toward the future they had pledged to each other.

    When her past catches up with her, Addie must decide whether to run or to stay and face her wounds in order to embrace her life, her future, and her hope in God.

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  • Overcoming Father Wounds


    If you have been hurt, neglected, rejected, or abandoned by your father, it may feel like every aspect of life is affected by that broken trust. Even your relationship with God can feel tenuous, but there is hope.

    In this vulnerable book, author and speaker Kia Stephens shares her own story of father wounds, along with eye-opening examples from wounded women in Scripture who were transformed by the love of God. With great compassion, she helps you identify your father wounds and offers practical tools to help you overcome insecurity, low self-esteem, perfectionism, and trouble connecting with God as your loving heavenly father.

    Take heart. Your father wounds do not have the last word in your life; God does. With help from Kia and love from God, you can be made whole again.

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  • Fire Prayers : Building Arsenals That Destroy Satanic Kingdoms


    If there’s one spiritual weapon Satan doesn’t want you to use, it’s prayer.

    This book will show you the importance of fighting the enemy in the spirit, and why being equipped with God’s warfare weapons is one of the most life-changing experiences of all.

    Christians have an enemy who will do everything in his power to alter, edit, stop, delay, and abort their God-given destiny. Satan and his demonic kingdom have one purpose: to kill, steal, and destroy.

    The enemy does not want our God-ordained prophetic destiny to be fulfilled in this very hour. This is why we need to pray like never before and arm ourselves with the arsenal of heaven like the ambassadors and soldiers of the Lord we are. Fire Prayers will equip you to pick up your weapons of warfare and fight the good fight of faith.

    Filled with powerful teachings, Fire Prayers will equip you with a spiritual warfare arsenal that will leave Satan and his kingdom trembling and unable to manipulate, control, or dominate you; hinder your relationship with Jesus; or thwart your destiny.

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  • Who Are You Really


    What does it mean to be human? What is a person? Where did we come from?

    Many answers have been offered throughout history in response to these perennial questions, including those from biological, anthropological, sociological, political, and theological approaches. And yet the questions remain.

    Philosopher Joshua Rasmussen offers his own step-by-step examination into the fundamental nature and ultimate origin of persons. Using accessible language and clear logic, he argues that the answer to the question of what it means to be a person sheds light not only on our own nature but also on the existence of the one who gave us life.

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  • Lives We Actually Have


    Warm and witty blessings found within the struggle of a shared humanity, from the New York Times bestselling authors of Good Enough

    Blessed are you, the strange duck.

    You with the very intense hobbies.

    Or the collection of movies or mugs or sneakers.

    You with the hometown or home team that makes you very, very proud.

    You, my dear, in all your intricacies…are a marvel.

    Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie, authors of the instant New York Times bestseller Good Enough, reveal how every day is worth blessing–even Tuesdays. In a world that demands relentless perfection, Bowler and Richie offer creative, faith-based blessings that center gratitude and hope without making light of our real, messy lives.

    Formatted like a prayer book, The Lives We Actually Have is an oasis and a landing spot for weary souls, with blessings that center on various moods, including Bless This Ordinary Day, Bless This Tired Day, Bless This Lovely Day, Bless This Mournful Day, and more. These heartfelt, nurturing blessings are a sanctuary for the grieving, the hopeful, the restless, the careworn, and anyone who needs a chance to pause and exhale in a chaotic world.

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  • Living Fully : Dare To Step Into Your Most Vibrant Life


    An irresistible guide to living without holding back, from the vibrant lifestyle entrepreneur and host of the Living Fully podcast

    Mallory Ervin is known for exuding energy, joy, and laughter. But despite her public accomplishments, Mallory is no stranger to battling unhealthy attachments to performance and success. Now?, in her unforgettable debut book, Mallory invites readers to see how her surprising journey–from achievement and accolades to devastating, never-before-shared lows–guided her and led her to a deeply fulfilling life.

    In Living Fully, Mallory shares her personal story of overcoming the unhealthy and damaging patterns in her life and shows readers how to trade this for something completely new and more rewarding. What she discovered was there had always been a different life available to her, one that she had not yet seen. Now she encourages readers to resist a “just fine” existence and to step into a life they never dared to imagine before. Through inspiring stories and practical advice? Mallory encourages readers to:
    – stop returning to a “just getting by” mentality
    – shift perspective so blessings don’t become burdens
    – remember that life’s curveballs don’t have to knock you off your feet
    – identify your passions and get back to your truest self
    – slow down and enjoy the extraordinary in the everyday moments
    – quiet the voice of fear
    – get clear on the life you want

    “I wrote this to be your wake-up call, the thing that turns the lights on in your life and propels you to make real change, once and for all , ” Mallory says. “I want you to wake up and stay awake.”

    ?For anyone hungry for a richer life, or tired of coasting through life in a “cruise control” mindset, Living Fully is the ultimate invitation to embrace abundance and joy–and not look back!

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  • When I Talk To God I Talk About You


    When I Talk to God, I Talk About You by Chrissy Metz and Bradley Collins, and illustrator, Lisa Fields, is a faith and prayerful story that highlights the special bond between parent and child. From bears and otters to rabbits and raccoons, this beautifully illustrated story, tells of their conversations about their little ones to God. A perfect introduction for kids to lead a prayerfull life. Hardcover, 32 pages. Recommended for ages 4 to 8 years old.

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  • Thats Good News


    Have you wanted to share who Jesus is but feel like you don’t have what it takes and don’t know what to say? Through the parables of Jesus, humorous personal anecdotes, inspiring stories, and practical tips, That’s Good News will motivate and equip you to share your faith. God isn’t asking you to be perfect-He’s just asking you to show up.

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  • Dining With The Saints


    Michael Foley’s fans have been devoutly drinking with the saints for years. Now it’s time for dinner! The inimitable theologian and mixologist teams up with the priest and TV chef Leo Patalinghug in a culinary romp through the liturgical year.

    Want to get closer to the saints while upping your dinner game? Now every meal can be a family feast-with the Saints!

    Dining with the Saints brings the Catholic liturgical year to life, pairing over two hundred saints’ stories with an irresistible smorgasbord of international recipes.

    Craving a breakfast treat? Join St. David of Wales and learn to craft Crempogs-Welsh pancakes-in March. Searching for a spicey dinner feast? Uncover the life of St. Cristobal of Mexico and serve up a delicious pinto bean soup with queso fresco dumplings during the month of May. Tempted by sweets? Honor St. Agrippina of Mineo with a crostata di pesca, a free-form peach tart.

    Featuring dozens of new and exciting recipes, Dining with the Saints provides an unforgettable feast that sinners and saints will enjoy!

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  • 9 Kilometers


    A memorable, compelling story about the perseverance of a child and the human right to education.

    The sky is still dark when a young boy leaves home for school. He has a long path ahead: nine kilometers-over five-and-a-half miles-through the mountains and rain forests of Chile. But the boy doesn’t mind. While he walks, he can count butterflies and lizards, and he can think about where the 15,000 steps he takes every morning could lead. Nine kilometers could bring the boy across ninety soccer fields, up the world’s ten largest buildings, or into a classroom at last…

    Set against the lush backdrop of southern Chile, this book features one of the many children around the world who travel long distances in order to go to school. After the story, thoughtfully illustrated back matter explores the unique birds of Chile and the courage of similar students’ journeys in other countries. Striking and timely, 9 Kilometers will open lasting conversations about social inequalities, the value of learning, and the resilience of those who push past obstacles toward a better future.

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  • Rethinking Life : Embracing The Sacredness Of Every Person


    Drawing on Scripture, church history, and his own story, Shane Claiborne explores how a passion for social justice issues surrounding life and death–such as war, gun ownership, the death penalty, racial injustice, abortion, poverty, and the environment–intersects with our faith as we advocate for life in its totality.

    Many of us wonder how to think about and act on issues of life and death beyond abortion and the death penalty–yet the heated debates in our churches and the confusion of our own hearts sometimes feel overwhelming. What does a balanced, Christian view of what it means to be pro-life really look like?

    Combining stories, theological reflection, and a little wit with a Southern accent, activist Shane Claiborne explores the battle between life and death that goes back to the Garden of Eden. Shane draws on his childhood growing up in the Bible Belt, his own change of perspective on how to advocate for life, and his years of working on behalf of all people to help us:

    *Learn from the Bible and the early church about valuing life
    *Deepen our understanding of what a pro-life stance can look like
    *Discover ways to discuss topics that are dividing our culture and churches
    *Find encouragement when we feel politically homeless
    *Renew our hope that there is a good way forward, even in difficult times

    We need a new movement that stands up for life–without exceptions. This moving and incredibly timely book creates a larger framework for thinking about God’s love and our faith as we embrace a consistent ethic that values human life from womb to tomb.

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  • In The Footsteps Of The Savior


    Have you ever wondered what the Holy Land might have looked like through Jesus’s eyes? Join pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado as he takes you on an unforgettable journey following Jesus through his life on earth, giving you a chance to see the Holy Land and God’s heart for humanity in a brand-new light.

    In the Footsteps of the Savior is an invitation to come alongside Max as he shares meaningful, insights on the people and places that shaped Jesus’s life. In this special compilation, Max weaves together in-depth teaching from his bestsellers with poignant reflections on his time in the Holy Land, guiding you through three distinct aspects of Jesus’ life:

    *The arrival of the Savior
    *Jesus’s ministry
    *The crossroads and the cross

    With beautiful photographs and thoughtful questions for reflection, In the Footsteps of the Savior will take you on a journey through Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, the Jordan River, Bethany, Jerusalem, and more.

    As you see the places Jesus walked from a new perspective, you’ll also deepen your connection with the King of the universe who became the Savior on the cross.

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  • Raising Amazing : Bringing Up Kids Who Love God, Like Their Family, And Do


    Raising Amazing combines years of research with personal stories and step-by-step, practical advice to equip you to raise kids of godly character and deep faith who love their parents and remain close to their siblings for a lifetime.

    Parents love to imagine their children growing up to be exceptional adults. But for many, raising exceptional adults seems a daunting task. Perhaps you’re a new parent and don’t know where to start, or maybe you’re a parent of teens and feel like you’ve made a mess of it all. Or perhaps you’re somewhere in between and just don’t think you’re good at the whole parenting thing.

    Wherever you are in your parenting journey, there’s hope for you. As a mom of four boys, Monica Swanson–also the author of Boy Mom and host of the popular Boy Mom podcast–knows firsthand the challenges and struggles of parenting and the kind of help that parents in the trenches are looking for.

    In Raising Amazing, Monica gives you the tools and techniques you need to:

    *Raise countercultural kids in the midst of a crazy world
    *Train your children in the biblical character qualities you value most
    *Find ways to help your kids navigate technology, sports, and dating
    *Introduce your children to a vibrant life of faith that will draw them closer to God
    *Cultivate strong sibling bonds and mend those that may already be struggling
    *Develop healthy relationships with your children that will lead to friendship for a lifetime
    *Encourage dads with a note to dads at the end of each chapter written by Monica’s husband

    This isn’t just a book; it’s a fresh perspective on parenting that may just change the trajectory of your family forever.

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  • 10 Days Of The Easter Story


    Anger, fear, surprise, disgust, sadness, joy-the week of Jesus’ death and resurrection was filled with incredible depths of emotion. In 10 Days of the Easter Story, your family can use these emotions as a lens to look at holy week in a new way, recognizing how so many people were feeling during this pivotal week long ago.

    As you read each day of the Easter story, you’ll be able to experience the events, relate to the characters, enter the stories, and feel the significance of the moment. From the triumphal entry to the ascension, these events are historical, but even more, they’re transformational.

    Each day’s entry includes a retelling of the biblical story, a prayer, family-time questions, and an exploration of the emotion of that day. With plenty of ideas for family activities and pages to record holiday memories, this book will become a keepsake to be used year after year. Prepare your family’s hearts to celebrate the full emotions and glory of Easter!

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  • Message Deluxe Gift Bible


    Celebrate your moment. Life is full of highs and lows. The Message Bible has the words to carry you through each one. Words of comfort and celebration. Words of heartache and hope. Enjoy the gifts that life brings and a Bible that can express each moment.The Message is a reading Bible translated from the original Greek and Hebrew Scriptures by scholar, pastor, author, and poet Eugene Peterson. Thoroughly reviewed and approved by 20 biblical scholars, The Message combines the authority of God’s Word with the cadence and energy of conversational English.For the first time as a gift bible, The Message includes all these popular features! Personalize your Bible with the colorful presentation page. Find passages with The Message’s unique verse-numbered paragraphs. Get your bearings with handcrafted maps, charts, and timelines. Use your Bible for years to come with its durable binding. Keep your place with a satin ribbon marker.Read The Message and fill your life with the unexpected passion and personality that fill God’s Word.

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  • Message Deluxe Gift Bible


    Celebrate your moment. Life is full of highs and lows. The Message Bible has the words to carry you through each one. Words of comfort and celebration. Words of heartache and hope. Enjoy the gifts that life brings and a Bible that can express each moment.The Message is a reading Bible translated from the original Greek and Hebrew Scriptures by scholar, pastor, author, and poet Eugene Peterson. Thoroughly reviewed and approved by 20 biblical scholars, The Message combines the authority of God’s Word with the cadence and energy of conversational English.For the first time as a gift bible, The Message includes all these popular features! Personalize your Bible with the colorful presentation page. Find passages with The Message’s unique verse-numbered paragraphs. Get your bearings with handcrafted maps, charts, and timelines. Use your Bible for years to come with its durable binding. Keep your place with a satin ribbon marker.Read The Message and fill your life with the unexpected passion and personality that fill God’s Word.

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  • Awe Of God


    Do you long for an intimate relationship with your Creator, but He seems elusive? Perhaps it is because something utterly essential is missing-holy fear. Don’t let this frighten you. Fearing God is very different than being afraid of God. It’s the key to everything.

    The fear of the Lord is not a topic you’ll hear much about these days. But if you want to build a faith that stands strong through troubled times, you cannot afford to ignore this book.In The Awe of God, John Bevere invites you to take a fresh look at what it means to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. This healthy, holy, and largely forgotten virtue is the uncommon path to a more fulfilled and fruitful life. In this book you will see why godly fear is the foundation of:

    *Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
    *Foresight, clarity, and divine direction
    *Maturity and conformity to the image of Jesus Christ
    *Building an eternal legacy
    *Confidence, fearlessness, and security
    *Freedom from the fear of man as all lesser fears are eclipsed

    If you look at the men and women in Scripture, the ones who lived and finish well all have one thing in common: they are marked by holy fear.

    The Awe of God was designed to be read slowly and intentionally. At the end of each of the 42 chapters are five tools to help you deepen your understanding and apply what the Spirit of God is teaching you. Experience the intimate relationship with God that you have always longed for by unlocking this countercultural message.

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  • Cold Light Of Day


    Police Chief Autumn Long is fighting to keep her job in the quiet Alaska town of Shadow Gap when an unexpected string of criminal activity leaves her with a wounded officer, unexplained murders, and even an attack on her own father. Despite her mistrust of outsiders, she turns to Grier Brenner, a newcomer who seems to have the skills and training Autumn needs to face this threat to her community.

    Grier is in Alaska for the same reason so many others are–to disappear–when Chief Long enlists his help. He emerges from the shadows and proves his mettle, but his presence in her life could be a deadly trap for them both. If his secret is exposed, all will be lost. And he’s not sure even Autumn could save him.

    As the stakes rise and the dangers increase, Autumn and Grier must rely on each other to extinguish the deadly threats.

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  • Flood And Fury


    What do we do with a God who sanctions violence?

    Old Testament violence proves one of the most troubling topics in the Bible. Too often, the explanations for the brutality in Scripture fail to adequately illustrate why God would sanction such horrors on humanity. These unanswered questions leave readers frustrated and confused, leading some to even walk away from their faith.

    In Flood and Fury, Old Testament scholar Matthew Lynch approaches two of the most violent passages in the Old Testament – the Flood and the Canaanite conquest – and offers a way forward that doesn’t require softening or ignoring the most troubling aspects of these stories. While acknowledging the persistent challenge of violence in Scripture, Flood and Fury contends that reading with the grain of the text yields surprising insights into the goodness and the mercy of God. Through his exploration of themes related to violence including misogyny, racism, and nationalism, Lynch shows that these violent stories illuminate significant theological insights that we might miss with a surface reading.

    Flood and Fury challenges us to let go of the need to rescue the Old Testament from itself and listen afresh to its own critiques on violence.

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  • Angels : God’s Secret Agents


    Yes, angels are real. They are not the product of your imagination.

    Interest in angels and the supernatural aspects of God’s Kingdom is more heightened than ever. Even if you’ve read the latest book, seen the most recent TV show, or heard your grandmother’s deathbed story countless times, you are missing something important if you have not read Billy Graham’s in-depth biblical study of angels.

    *God’s invisible hosts are better organized than any of the armies of man–or Satan.
    *Angels think, feel, will, and display emotions.
    *Angels guide, comfort, and provide for people in the midst of suffering and persecution.
    *At death, the faithful will be ushered by angels into the presence of God.

    Angels has sold more than 3 million copies. Dr. Graham’s knowledge and perspective will make you aware of the angelic beings that are real and who associate with God Himself, administering His works and plans in our lives.

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  • Fly And The Horse


    The Fly and the Horse is the story of a fly who wishes to ‘be somebody’ in life so he challenges a horse to a race. He ends up learning that friendship is more important than winning. In life, the real prize is a good friend.

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  • Between The Lightning And The Thunder


    Why are those closest to you the last to believe?

    In this fictional account, James both looks up to and is perplexed and annoyed by his older brother, Jesus. Throughout his childhood, James witnesses amazing things but wonders why Jesus can’t just follow the rules like the rest of them. Why does Mama indulge him, especially after he begins leading that group of religious malcontents?

    After Jesus is arrested and crucified, James stands at the foot of the cross in disbelief. In a moment of panic and regret, he flees and is thrown into a whirlwind of fear and confusion. As darkness descends on the city and lightning illuminates the heavens, James maneuvers through the chaos of Jerusalem and the Passover celebration. A mosaic of faces from the past reminds James of God’s love and grace–and the role Jesus played in getting them there. As James flees from doubt and uncertainty, could he be running into Jesus’s waiting arms?

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  • Siempre Ahi – (Spanish)


    Dios no nos creo y lo hizo todo para luego dejarnos a la suerte. Dios esta con nosotros cada dia de nuestras vidas. Lo vemos? Lo experimentamos? Discernimos su presencia? A traves de los Salmos en cada capitulo de este libro, Bernardo Stamateas trae a tu atencion la presencia de Dios en tu vida diaria, en todas sus expresiones de acuerdo con tus necesidades: como guia, en actos de bondad, como maestro cuando debes aprender algo, como fuente de provision, consuelo, paz, gracia, y hasta en aquellos milagros cotidianos que no puedes explicar. Lo sabe todo sobre ti, te consuela y aclara tus confusiones. !Aprende a ver al Dios que siempre esta ahi!

    God did not create us and did everything to leave us to chance. God is with us every day of our lives. Do we see Him? Do we experience Him? Do we discern His presence? Through the Psalms in each chapter of this book, Bernardo Stamateas brings to your attention the presence of God in your daily life, in all its expressions according to your needs: as a guide, in acts of kindness, as a teacher when you must learn something, as a source of provision, consolation, peace, grace, and even in those daily miracles that you cannot explain. He knows everything about you, He comforts you and clears up your confusions. Learn to see the God who is always there for you!

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  • Mercy Tree : A Novel


    It’s 1955, when scandalous affairs are never talked about, divorce is rare, a wife is a “homemaker” more often than not, and every Christian home displays its family Bible front and center. Certainly, a well-respected pastor in the conservative city of Muskegon, Michigan, would never be caught in the middle of a heinous secret that could ruin his career and break up his beautiful marriage and family. Or would he?

    When Henry Griffin was stationed in occupied Japan in the mid-1940s, he met Rina Hamada, a Japanese woman who fell head over heels for him. Despite having a young wife and baby daughter waiting at home in the States, Henry had too much to drink one night, and one thing led to another… He knew it was wrong. He struggled with guilt and expressed his resistance, but she professed her love and continued to pursue him.

    Now, ten years later, a letter from Japan arrives and threatens to upend Henry’s world. What to do and how to tell his wife are just the beginning of his troubles. Tough questions about faith, redemption, and preserving his reputation bring us here, under the shade of The Mercy Tree.

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  • New Kind Of Love


    The two greatest forces in the world today are love and selfishness. Natural human love has failed because it is based upon selfishness.

    Does God have a solution for this problem? We believe that He has. It is The New Kind of Love that has been overlooked by the church but has recently been rediscovered.

    This book unveils the new kind of love that Jesus brought to the world. This love comes into a barren life and makes it blossom as a rose. It takes away the hardness and bitterness of life. There will be no empty lives, no barren lives. Every life may become a garden of delight. God has made it possible.

    To walk in love is actually to live in God. It is the realm where the Word dominates, where faith functions. Faith grows in the atmosphere of love. It becomes a dominating and creative force when love really rules.

    This new kind of love, agape, was born in the realm of divine revelation. It is a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstances.

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  • Ignite Your Life


    Have the time of your life, for the rest of your life.

    If you want to have your life ignited every day with effortless faith, joy, peace, purpose, and direction, you’re going to love this book-with the emphasis on the word effortless. God has the perfect plan for your life, and He promises to pour it out on you when you simply live for His purpose rather than your own.

    This is a simple presentation of God’s Word that, when followed with childlike faith, will bring you into an intimate relationship with God. Imagine living every day with purpose, free from worry, and full of joy, no matter what the day holds for you.

    It’s not too good to be true! The most excited, joy-filled Christians are those who just accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. This is how God expects you to live your entire life!

    *Experience joy every day, no matter what your day holds
    *Know, without question, that God is answering your prayers
    *Move into an intimate relationship with God

    Satan is using fear to paralyze the church into inactivity and to sterilize Christians into not reproducing themselves. The battle is not in our streets or in Washington, DC. The battle is in our churches and in the heart and soul of every Christian.

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  • Raising Healthy Teenagers


    Our kids are experiencing an unprecedented sense of isolation, interacting virtually in a world that seems ever more fearful with each news cycle. They absorb and internalize the stress and anxiety they see on their parents’ faces and on the phone, laptop, tablet, and TV screens that are ever before their eyes. Not surprisingly, their mental and physical health are suffering. As parents, we want to know how we can help.

    Practical and encouraging, Raising Healthy Teenagers helps you understand the mental, physical, and social toll the past couple years have taken on your kids. Then it offers proven strategies to help your teen get back onto a healthy path by:

    – reducing screen time and increasing green time
    – learning how to be a social being again
    – developing strategies to deal with disruptions in schooling
    – reclaiming a structured day
    – breaking the cycle of anxiety and depression
    – and much more

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  • Finding Our Way Forward


    When our children turn 18, we hope to happily launch them into the world to become the adults we’ve been preparing them to be. Their pathway seems clear: most will go to college, find a vocation and then a true love, and settle into a comfortable life while we parents keep in touch through occasional phone calls, family gatherings, and surprise trips home for Christmas. But now more than ever, these expectations fail to acknowledge the significant challenges faced by many young people, from a pandemic to racial unrest to a climate crisis that is setting the world on fire, figuratively and literally.

    While young people are consistently told they need to discern God’s calling, in Finding Our Way Forward, Melanie Springer Mock draws on her decades as a college professor and mom to four adult children to explore how finding our way means developing a more expansive understanding of calling for ourselves and for the young adults we love, one that moves beyond vocation and capitalistic enterprises to what God really calls us to: Seeking justice. Loving mercy. Walking with humility. Loving others. Loving God. As we do so, our relationships can be transformed as together we find our way forward.

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  • Handy Size Large Print Bible


    Biblia tamao manual con letra grande. Simil piel color negro y estampado dorado en la cubierta. Incluye canto dorado, cinta marcadora y fotos a color de Tierra Santa.

    Su encuadernacion de lujo, con pagina para dedicatoria, cinta marcadora y canto dorado, hacen que la Santa Biblia RVR 1960 sea ideal para el uso personal o para regalo. Con letra grande y las palabras de Cristo destacadas en rojo, la Biblia incluye la esencia de Tierra Santa con preciosas imagenes a todo color, que nos invitan a orar por el pueblo de Israel.

    We offer beautiful presentations in hard cover and imitation leather, in large print, easy to read. We combine the classic beauty and the eloquence of the Reina Valera 1960, as well as the essence of the Holy Land trough beautiful images.

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  • Student Life Application Study Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Serious Study Comes to LifeThe visually engaging NLT Student Life Application Study Bible brings learning to life for those who want to get serious about their study of Scripture. It invites readers into an ever-deeper knowledge of God and his work in the world.This Bible uses the clear and accurate New Living Translation to help you connect what the Bible says to the way we live today.This study Bible is equipped with the Filament Bible app, enabling you to go further in your study. Scan any page number with your mobile phone or tablet to connect to a vast library of related content.

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  • Student Life Application Study Bible Filament Enabled Edition


    Serious Study Comes to LifeThe visually engaging NLT Student Life Application Study Bible brings learning to life for those who want to get serious about their study of Scripture. It invites readers into an ever-deeper knowledge of God and his work in the world.This Bible uses the clear and accurate New Living Translation to help you connect what the Bible says to the way we live today.This study Bible is equipped with the Filament Bible app, enabling you to go further in your study. Scan any page number with your mobile phone or tablet to connect to a vast library of related content.

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  • Match In The Making


    Miss Gwendolyn Brinley accepted a temporary paid companion position for the Newport summer season, believing it would be a lark to spend the summer in America’s most exclusive town. She suddenly finds her summer turning anything but amusing when her employer expects her to take over responsibilities as an assistant matchmaker. Tasked with the daunting prospect of attaining advantageous matches for her clients, Gwendolyn soon finds herself in the employ of Mr. Walter Townsend, the catch of the Season, but a gentleman Gwendolyn finds beyond irritating.

    Walter Townsend is reluctantly in search of a wife for the sake of his unruly motherless children who cannot keep a governess for long. What he wasn’t expecting was Miss Brinley, an amateur matchmaker who turns his quest for a new wife into a complete and utter debacle. Constantly besieged by society ladies on a mission to win his affection, Walter must find a way to overcome their inundating attention–and his unexpected attraction toward Gwendolyn.

    The more time they spend together throughout the Newport Season, the harder it is for Gwendolyn to find Walter a wife when she realizes his perfect match might be . . . her.

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  • Healing Conversations On Race


    Race complicates our relationships, even when we reject racism and seek to walk a better path together. How can we get our thinking?and our conversations?unstuck from entrenched patterns? In this book, four experts in psychology and social work present a model for how to build and deepen the cross-race relationships we want.

    The starting place, they testify, must be a biblical understanding of the problem of racial disunity, grounded in the grand narrative of Scripture, followed by practical insights about psychology and social behavior. This book is the culmination of professional?but also deeply personal?conversations the authors have had with each other, wrestling together over current events, their own stories, and their roles in the healing process. They combine biblical teachings with psychological science to help Christians develop the skills to discuss race and ethnicity.

    In each chapter, you will be guided through essential information, biblical examples, case studies, activities, and journaling exercises to prepare you to practice healing conversations. Using research from psychology, attachment theory, and emotionally focused therapy, this process will build your knowledge, self-awareness, other-awareness, and specific relational skills.

    Jesus embodied love, challenged injustice, welcomed those rejected by society, and engaged in healing conversations with everyone he encountered. The insights and practices in Healing Conversations on Race will help Christians grow in Christlikeness and follow his example.

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  • Recalibrate Your Life


    As we make our way through life, we find ourselves in times of transition where we need to reassess who we are and what we do.

    Living well doesn’t happen automatically for followers of Christ–it happens when we have planned ahead by reviewing and recalibrating our lives on a regular basis, and when we transition from one stage of life to the next. Times of transition, especially in midlife or later life, are ideal moments for recalibrating our priorities and habits.

    Ken Boa and Jenny Abel give us the perspective and practical tools needed to evaluate our God-given gifts, talents, skills, wisdom, knowledge, resources, and opportunities so we can use them to the full extent God desires. It involves an intentional recalibration and envisioning of one’s life based on God’s universal and unique purposes for each person as we move from the demands of our careers into a deeper sense of calling. This eternal perspective allows us to live meaningfully now and into the future so that the best is yet to come.

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  • Post Traumatic Jesus


    After twenty years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, a global pandemic, protests against racial violence, and frequent shootings, more Americans than ever are living with the effects of trauma.

    The good news is that Jesus was born and died in a traumatized world, and his story speaks forever to wounded people worldwide. Army veteran and Episcopal priest David Peters explores Jesus’ life story through the post-traumatic lens with which the Gospel writers first wrote it–as people who had seen their leader executed by the same oppressive government that had already shrouded their whole lives in anxiety and fear. Meeting the post-traumatic Jesus–the only Jesus the world has ever known–can be a balm to the wounds of modern Christians and spiritual seekers.

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  • Son Of Man


    Experience the Bible come to life before your eyes as New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin uses his storyteller’s imagination to present the life of Jesus in a way that will engage your faith in new ways. This collection of more than twenty short stories, compiled from Martin’s books What If It’s True? and They Turned the World Upside Down, draws you into a deeper understanding and love for the Savior.

    Son of Man presents key moments from the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and explores the lives of His followers in descriptive, novelistic words. This unique collection:

    *Fosters a stronger appreciation, love, and respect for Jesus
    *Covers themes including rejection, service, unconditional love, and forgiveness
    *Uses the lives of the disciples as inspiration to be the light in a dark world
    *Shows how the disciples’ same world-changing faith is still around today

    Son of Man is perfect for someone who loves Christian fiction. Known for his beloved lyrical style, in this paperback edition Martin illuminates key moments from Scripture with stories such as Where the Father’s Love Found Him, Betrayed, and The Borrowed Tomb. Martin’s writing offers a way to see how Jesus’ life and the lives of His disciples revealed an unwavering confidence in the power and presence of God.

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  • Worship By Faith Alone


    In every age, the church must consider what it means to gather together to worship God.

    If the church is primarily the people who follow the risen Christ, then its worship should be “gospel-centered.” But where might the church find an example of such worship for today?

    In this Dynamics of Christian Worship volume, scholar, worship leader, and songwriter Zac Hicks contends that such a focus can be found in the theology of worship presented by Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury during the English Reformation. Hicks argues that Cranmer’s reformation of the church’s worship and liturgy was shaped primarily by the Protestant principle of justification by faith alone as reflected in his 1552 edition of the Book of Common Prayer, which was later codified under Elizabeth I and has guided Anglican worship for centuries.

    Here, we find a model of “gospel-centered” worship through which the church of today might be reformed yet again.

    The Dynamics of Christian Worship series draws from a wide range of worshiping contexts and denominational backgrounds to unpack the many dynamics of Christian worship–including prayer, reading the Bible, preaching, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, music, visual art, architecture, and more–to deepen both the theology and practice of Christian worship for the life of the church.

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  • Following Jesus In A Warming World


    Have you ever looked at the effects of climate change and the apathy of so many around you and wondered, “What are we missing here?”

    Climate activist Kyle Meyaard-Schaap understands this feeling from personal experience. But in his years of speaking to and equipping Christians to work for climate action, he’s seen the trend begin to shift. More and more young Christians are waking up to the realities of climate change. They want to help, but they’re not sure how.

    Through stories from the field, theological and scriptural exploration, and practical advice, Meyaard-Schaap offers hope to Christians paralyzed by the scale of the crisis, helping us turn our paralysis into meaningful action. Following Jesus in a Warming World is a field guide for Christian climate action–one grounded not in a sense of guilt or drudgery, but in the joy of caring for creation.

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  • Stories From The Storyteller


    Based on the animated series, Stories from the Storyteller for Kids features modern retellings of many of Jesus’s parables, teaching young people important biblical truths through fun family adventures.    The parables of Jesus contain rich spiritual lessons for all believers, but many can be challenging for kids to grasp. Stories from the Storyteller for Kids follows the Evans family as they encounter real-world scenarios that serve as teachable moments for children. Each chapter puts a contemporary spin on a different parable, capturing the interests of young readers (ages 8-12) with colorful illustrations, kid-friendly language and humor, and relatable stories about everyday life. This storybook is ideal for family reading or for young people to enjoy on their own. As kids absorb the lessons being taught through these entertaining modern-day parables, they will gain a deeper understanding of Jesus and how we are to live according to His Word.            

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  • Rich Mullins : An Arrow Pointing To Heaven – Twenty Fifth Anniversary Editi (Ann


    Experience Rich Mullins’s Legacy of Joy and Real Compassion

    Beloved contemporary Christian musician Rich Mullins lived his life with abandon for God, leaving the spotlight to teach music among a Navajo community. An accident cut his life short in 1997, but his songs and ragamuffin spirit continue to teach many.

    In honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Rich’s homegoing, this edition of Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing to Heaven delivers an intimate look at the experiences that sparked praise hits and the values behind his Christ-like candor. James Bryan Smith captures just what Rich wished for when he said, I hope I would leave a legacy of joy–a legacy of real compassion.

    See the layers of his story through reflections from friends and family, an afterword by Rich’s brother David Mullins, and Smith’s own bond with him. And in remembrance, be inspired to enjoy God’s world as Rich did.

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  • Saint Patrick The Forgiver


    Hello, my name is Patrick.
    You may have heard my story.
    I walked the span of Ireland
    to tell of God’s great glory.
    And with a wee green shamrock
    I shared of the Three-in-One:
    our God–the blessed mystery–
    Father, Spirit, and the Son.

    Everybody’s Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day. But did you know that Patrick–the greatest bishop of Ireland–wasn’t Irish? Combining Patrick’s words from his Confessions with a few of the legends about him, this whimsical retelling will teach families about the fascinating life of the real Saint Patrick and help them discover a remarkable story of love and forgiveness along the way.

    Told in rollicking rhyme and beautifully illustrated with Ned Bustard’s signature linocut artwork, this children’s book will be enjoyed by kids and the adults who read with them. Also included is a note from the author to encourage further conversation about the content.

    Discover IVP Kids and share with children the things that matter to God!

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  • Excellence : Run With The Horses (Student/Study Guide)


    Every day, we must choose whether to live cautiously or courageously, to follow the crowd or to embrace God’s purposes. God invites us to live at our best, to pursue righteousness, to drive toward true excellence.

    In this six-session LifeGuide(R) Bible study, beloved pastor Eugene Peterson draws from the story of the prophet Jeremiah to explore what a life of excellence looks like. Like Jeremiah, we may feel inadequate and weary, but God wants to empower us to grow in obedience, integrity, and endurance.

    For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions–making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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  • Churches Cultures And Leadership Second Edition


    We live in a culturally diverse society.

    As the church continues to heed Christ’s call to reflect the multiethnic character of his people, pastors and lay leaders need to gain skills and competencies to serve in multicultural contexts, both inside and beyond their congregations. With this book, Mark Lau Branson and Juan F. Martinez equip leaders to create environments that make God’s reconciling initiatives apparent in church life and in missional engagement with their neighborhoods and cities.

    Drawing on courses they’ve taught at Fuller Theological Seminary, Branson and Martinez take an interdisciplinary approach that integrates biblical and theological study with sociology, cultural anthropology, leadership studies, and communications. The result is a rich blend of astute analysis and guidance for the practical implementation of a deeper intercultural life for the church.

    Case studies, Bible studies, and exercises for personal and group reflection address real-life challenges and opportunities that arise in multiethnic contexts. Churches, Cultures, and Leadership offers not a static model but a praxis of paying attention, study, and discernment that can lead to genuine reconciliation and shared life empowered by the gospel.

    This new edition is updated throughout to address current trends and sources, particularly emphasizing the continuing power of racism and how churches should respond.

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  • Fly And The Horse


    The Fly and the Horse is the story of a fly who wishes to ‘be somebody’ in life so he challenges a horse to a race. He ends up learning that friendship is more important than winning. In life, the real prize is a good friend.

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  • God Seeker


    What is a God Seeker? A person who gives 100 percent of their heart, soul, and energy to seek and find the Lord.

    David was a God Seeker. You will follow David the shepherd, giant-slayer, fugitive, and king on his lifelong journey to seek and find the presence of the Lord. While walking along with David as he searches and seeks God, you will discover how to open your heart for more life and love, joy and excitement, confidence and success, security and peace of mind.

    God Seeker is divided into five parts:

    Part 1 – Seven in-depth chapters about David’s personal and spiritual defeats and victories.

    Part 2 – Seven weeks of 49 days each including powerful insights, relevant Scriptures, and poignant prayers.

    Part 3 – Seven lessons designed to solidify the teachings-complete with answer key.

    Part 4 – 82 PowerPoint slides for teaching purposes

    Part 5 – Additional Resources

    Seeking and finding the heart of God is discovering His unending faithfulness-and your life’s purpose.

    This book invites you to become a God Seeker-and provides everything needed for a personal adventure or to use in a group setting.

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  • Being Baxters


    In the fifth book in Karen Kingsbury and Tyler Russell’s beloved series about the Baxter children, when things don’t turn out according to plan, the siblings must stick together and remember who they are.

    Things are changing in Bloomington for the Baxters. When Ashley’s teacher, Mr. Garrett, takes a month off work for the birth of his baby, the intimidating Ms. Stritch takes his place. Ashley tries but can’t seem to crack the new teacher’s tough exterior. Meanwhile, Brooke struggles when a popular girl excludes her at lunch, Erin adjusts to getting glasses, and when Kari is given a dance solo for the upcoming recital, she takes her success a little too seriously.

    When Principal Bond announces a new Character Awards initiative, competition breaks out between siblings and friends, until the students forget the point of the awards. Through it all, the town prepares for a major blizzard that Luke worries will cancel his class’s field trip to see the Harlem Globetrotters.

    With so many obstacles in their lives, the Baxter Children have the opportunity to remember what being Baxters really means.

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  • Living That Matters


    Conversations that matter for men

    Do you wonder what it means to be a man? Do you desire to grow? Want something more? Long for a life that matters? Seek to make a difference in the world? If so, Living That Matters may be for you or your group. This practical handbook is a guide to help individuals and groups engage in honest conversations on what matters most for men-with a focus on following Jesus, forming community, and building peace.

    With over 60 years of combined experience in pastoral ministry and social work geared toward men, authors Steve Thomas and Don Neufeld offer many short reflections to help individuals and groups deepen relationships with one another, with ourselves, with our families and communities, and with God as we seek to live into God’s shalom-a peaceable order with abundance, security, and justice for all and well-being throughout creation.

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  • Wake Up With Purpose


    Known to millions as simply Sister Jean, the Loyola Chicago matriarch and college basketball icon invites you into her remarkable memoir filled with history, wonder, and common-sense wisdom for this century and beyond. As Sister Jean wisely says, I’ve seen so many changes in the last 102 years, but the important things remain the same.

    Part life story, part philosophy text, and part spiritual guide, Sister Jean’s wit, wisdom, and common sense has broad appeal and application that transcends religious creed, belief, and even feelings on Loyola’s basketball team.

    Along with her collaborator Seth Davis, an award-winning writer, broadcaster and New York Times best-selling author, Sister Jean lets you experience:

    *Sister Jean’s words and her spirit.
    *her sharp sense of humor.
    *life lessons gleaned from one hundred years of living.
    *universal themes that connect us all.
    *priceless wisdom.

    The driving force inside Wake Up with Purpose! is the narrative of Sister Jean’s fascinating life–from teaching at a Catholic school during the Second World War to serving on a Chicago college campus in the sixties and beyond to cheering from the sidelines of a men’s basketball tournament in March 2018.

    As you learn about Sister Jean’s century-long life, you’ll feel just like the Loyola students do when they knock on her office door, plop down in a chair, and ask if she would have time to chat, an activity that she still does daily.

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  • Heart On Fire


    You are alive right now for a reason–your purpose predestined for such a time as this.

    As the world slips deeper into darkness, most Christians feel stuck, powerless to effect change. Yet changing the world–your world–starts with you, right where you are, with a heart full of fire for Jesus.

    Grounded in biblical teaching and drawing from his own renewal experiences, pastor and revivalist Glen Berteau emboldens you to get fed up with the ineffectual status quo, showing you how to:

    * ignite the supernatural power God has placed in you
    * be filled up with the Holy Spirit
    * get fired up for what God can do through you
    * see beyond your current circumstance
    * and live a faith without limits

    You’re a Kingdom weapon, energized by God’s mighty power and forged to stand strong for what you believe, tear down strongholds, eradicate hatred and bring dead things to life. You are chosen to change the world.

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  • All My Knotted Up Life


    An incredibly thoughtful, disarmingly funny, and intensely vulnerable glimpse into the life and ministry of a woman familiar to many but known by few.

    “It’s a peculiar thing, this having lived long enough to take a good look back. We go from knowing each other better than we know ourselves to barely sure if we know each other at all, to precisely sure that we don’t. All my knotted-up life I’ve longed for the sanity and simplicity of knowing who’s good and who’s bad. I’ve wanted to know this about myself as much as anyone. This was not theological. It was strictly relational. God could do what he wanted with eternity. I was just trying to make it here in the meantime. As benevolent as he has been in a myriad of ways, God has remained aloof on this uncomplicated request.” Beth Moore

    All My Knotted-Up Life is a beautifully crafted portrait of resilience and survival, a poignant reminder of God’s enduring faithfulness, and proof positive that if we ever truly took the time to hear people’s full stories . . . we’d all walk around slack-jawed.

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  • Gideon Bible Study Book With Video Access


    When we hear the name Gideon, most of us think about his 300 soldiers or the fleece he laid out under the evening sky. But Gideon’s story is so much bigger than that-bigger than any one man and his mark on Israel’s history. Like everything else in the Bible, this is a story about God and His people. His love for them, as well as His strength operating in spite of their weakness-even through their weakness. And because God’s people includes you and me, Gideon’s story is also about us-our lives, our doubts, our struggles, and our possibilities as believers. From a state of fear, weakness, and insecurity, Gideon emerged as Israel’s hero, filled with God’s presence and His passion for deliverance. This 7-session study by Priscilla Shirer will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life. In what ways do you feel insufficient? Those places create the greatest opportunity to experience the sufficiency of God. Instead of ignoring, neglecting, or trying to escape your weaknesses, see them as the gifts that they are, given specifically and strategically by God to unlock the door of God’s strength.

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  • Jesus Revolution Movie Edition


    Now a major motion picture

    The Jesus Movement transformed the church–and it can transform you

    God has always been passionate about turning unlikely people into His most fervent followers. Prostitutes and pagans, tax collectors and tricksters, the pompous and the pious–the more unlikely, the more it seemed to please God to demonstrate His power, might, and mercy through them. America in the 1960s and 1970s was full of many such characters–young men and women who had rejected the conformist religion of their parents’ generation, didn’t follow conventional rules, and didn’t fit in. Their longing for something more set the stage for the greatest spiritual awakening of the twentieth century.

    Discover the remarkable true story of the Jesus Movement, an extraordinary time of mass revival, renewal, and reconciliation. Setting intriguing personal stories within the context of one of the most tumultuous times in modern history, Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn draw important parallels with our own time of spiritual apathy and overt hostility, offering a new vision for the next generation of unlikely believers–and hope for the next great American revival.

    Because God can always bring a new Jesus Revolution.

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  • Heart On Fire


    You are alive right now for a reason–your purpose predestined for such a time as this.

    As the world slips deeper into darkness, most Christians feel stuck, powerless to effect change. Yet changing the world–your world–starts with you, right where you are, with a heart full of fire for Jesus.

    Grounded in biblical teaching and drawing from his own renewal experiences, pastor and revivalist Glen Berteau emboldens you to get fed up with the ineffectual status quo, showing you how to:

    * ignite the supernatural power God has placed in you
    * be filled up with the Holy Spirit
    * get fired up for what God can do through you
    * see beyond your current circumstance
    * and live a faith without limits

    You’re a Kingdom weapon, energized by God’s mighty power and forged to stand strong for what you believe, tear down strongholds, eradicate hatred and bring dead things to life. You are chosen to change the world.

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  • Daughter Of Eden


    The first time she opens her eyes, Eve gazes on One whose beauty nearly blinds her, whose breath is in her lungs. Her Creator takes her hand and gives her to one like her and yet different. Together, she and Adam experience pure joy as they explore Eden. But her favorite moments are when the Creator comes to walk with them, day after day.

    Until everything changes. With one act of disobedience, Eve finds that her world is no longer a friendly place. With remorse in her heart, she must face the unknown future–the births, the deaths, the sacrifices, the loss of the one home she has ever known. Perhaps worst of all is the loss of trust, not only with her Creator but with the man who shares her life. How will they ever survive out of Eden?

    Bestselling biblical fiction author Jill Eileen Smith imagines the life of the first woman to ever live, unspooling a story of love, loss, and the promise of redemption.

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  • He Gets Us


    Jesus understands our lives because he was human too. He faced the same hardships and personal struggles that we encounter on a daily basis. He felt our deepest sadness and experienced our darkest solitude. Above all, Jesus gets us.

    In Jesus’ time, communities were deeply divided by bitter differences in religious beliefs, political positions, income inequality, legal status, and ethnic differences. But where was Jesus in all of this? Did he align with the religious elites? Or did he start an uprising to overthrow them? Neither of the above.

    Instead, he went from town to town, offering hope, new life, and modeling a different way to live and to change the world. Instead of pursuing power, money, or religious authority, he shared a loving and sacrificially generous way of living–he championed a better way. But how can we understand the Jesus of the Bible today?

    Inside the pages of He Gets Us, you’ll find 14 of the most frequently asked questions about Jesus, including:

    Was Jesus ever stressed?
    Was Jesus ever lonely?
    Did Jesus ever mourn?
    Did Jesus have fun?
    How did Jesus deal with injustice?
    Was Jesus fed up with politics?
    Each chapter includes an FAQ, detailed responses from contributors of He Gets Us and selected writings from New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, a QR code that takes you to a profound video that you can watch and share with others, and timeless Scripture verses.

    Whether you’re exploring faith for the first time, seeking answers to life’s difficult questions, or looking for a deeper relationship with Jesus, He Gets Us will be your guide every step of the way.

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  • Blessed Life : A 90-Day Devotional Through The Teachings And Miracles Of Je


    Imagine how your life might change if you followed Jesus up that Galilean hillside, hearing His most famous Sermon for yourself as you sat in the tall grass. Imagine how the world might change if you followed Him down the mountain, reaching your arms out as He did to a harvest field desperate for His touch.

    With accessible, warm, and down-to-earth writing, you don’t have to imagine these things, for beloved author and Bible teacher Kelly Minter brings to life the teachings and healings of Jesus in vivid color. Sharing her own heart along the way, Kelly offers historical elements of Jesus’s day and references the original language when illuminating. The Blessed Life is for anyone willing to take a thoughtful 90-day journey through the mind, heart, and work of Jesus, so they might know Him more deeply and reflect Him more fully.

    *Go up the mountain to learn.
    *Go down the mountain and walk accordingly.
    *You’ll never be the same.

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  • Sound Of Light


    When the Germans march into Denmark, Baron Henrik Ahlefeldt exchanges his nobility for anonymity, assuming a new identity so he can secretly row messages for the Danish Resistance across the waters to Sweden.

    American physicist Dr. Else Jensen refuses to leave Copenhagen and abandon her research–her life’s dream. While printing resistance newspapers, she hears stories of the movement’s legendary Havmand–the merman–and wonders if the mysterious and silent shipyard worker living in the same boardinghouse has something to hide.

    When the Occupation cracks down on the Danes, these two passionate people will discover if there is more power in speech . . . or in silence. Bestselling author of more than a dozen WWII novels, Sarah Sundin offers pens another story of ordinary people responding to extraordinary circumstances with faith, fortitude, and hope for a brighter future.

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  • Sound Of Light


    When the Germans march into Denmark, Baron Henrik Ahlefeldt exchanges his nobility for anonymity, assuming a new identity so he can secretly row messages for the Danish Resistance across the waters to Sweden.

    American physicist Dr. Else Jensen refuses to leave Copenhagen and abandon her research–her life’s dream. While printing resistance newspapers, she hears stories of the movement’s legendary Havmand–the merman–and wonders if the mysterious and silent shipyard worker living in the same boardinghouse has something to hide.

    When the Occupation cracks down on the Danes, these two passionate people will discover if there is more power in speech . . . or in silence. Bestselling author of more than a dozen WWII novels, Sarah Sundin offers pens another story of ordinary people responding to extraordinary circumstances with faith, fortitude, and hope for a brighter future.

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  • Come Home Safe


    A normal day. Until two siblings are accused of crimes they didn’t commit. Come Home Safe explores the pain, the truths, and the hopes that come with growing up as a person of color in America, as well as why “the talk” and discussions about social justice are so important in the community. This engaging YA novel from ABC News legal analyst Brian Buckmire is told in a way that can help foster conversations about what it means to navigate today’s world, as well as inspire ways to work toward change.

    When Reed and Olivia left home, they never imagined they’d find themselves questioned, searched, and thrown to the ground by police looking for suspects in recent crimes. As their worst fears become reality, they must find a way to prove their innocence and make it home safe once again.

    Come Home Safe is perfect for:
    *Fans of contemporary fiction and true-to-life stories
    *People interested in social justice and societal change
    *Parents and teachers looking to start a conversation and have “the talk” with their teens *Anyone looking to better understand America today

    From ABC News legal analyst and legal aid advocate Brian Buckmire, this compelling story draws from real-life advice, lessons, and conversations with attorneys, law enforcement, and the wrongfully accused to help turn the whispers and family discussions about racial inequality and mistreatment into wider conversations, healing, and one day … change.

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  • Timothy Keller : His Spiritual And Intellectual Formation


    Timothy Keller takes readers behind the scenes to meet the people and understand the events that formed Keller’s spiritual life and ministry priorities.

    Millions have read books and listened to sermons by Timothy Keller. But which people and what events shaped his own thinking and spiritual growth? With unfettered access to Keller’s personal notes and sermons–as well as exclusive interviews with family members and longtime friends–Collin Hansen gives you unprecedented understanding of one of the 21st century’s most influential church leaders.

    Spend any time around Timothy Keller and you’ll learn what he’s reading, what he’s learning, what he’s seeing. The story of Timothy Keller is the story of his spiritual and intellectual influences, from the woman who taught him how to read the Bible to the professor who taught him to preach Jesus from every text to the philosopher who taught him to see beneath society’s surface.

    For the first time, Hansen introduces readers to Keller’s early years: the home where he learned to tell stories from the trees, the church where he learned to care for souls, and the city that lifted him to the international fame he never wanted.

    You’ll discover how to:

    *Understand the principles and practices that allowed Keller to synthesize so many different influences in a coherent ministry.

    *Take the best of Keller’s preaching and teaching to meet emerging challenges in the 21st century.

    *Develop your own historical, theological, and cultural perspectives to shape your leadership.

    This is the untold story of the people, the books, the lectures, and ultimately the God who formed and shaped the life of Timothy Keller.

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  • Mens Devotional Bible Large Print Comfort Print


    A year’s worth of devotions written by men, specifically for men Apply God’s Word to your life with a full year’s worth of devotions written by men, for men, along with application statements, questions for reflection, and more. The NIV Men’s Devotional Bible, Large Print offers encouragement from contemporary and classic communicators and authors including Lee Strobel, Chuck Colson, and Rick Warren. Together, they will help you on your walk with God by presenting weekday and weekend devotions that are engaging, practical, and useful for your life today.The NIV Men’s Devotional Bible, Large Print is now available in the exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for smooth reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)260 weekday devotions and 52 weekend devotions, along with application statements, questions for reflection, and moreContributions from Chuck Colson, Lee Strobel, Rick Warren, and othersFull year reading plan to make time in God’s Word a habitIntroductions for each book of the BibleAuthor index with biographical information on each contributorSubject index to help you locate topics easilyFresh, two-color page designDouble-column formatPresentation pageTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefacePrint Size: 10

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  • Mens Devotional Bible Compact


    A year’s worth of devotions written by men, specifically for men Apply God’s Word to your life with a full year’s worth of devotions written by men, for men, along with application statements, questions for reflection, and more. The NIV Men’s Devotional Bible offers encouragement from contemporary and classic communicators and authors including Lee Strobel, Chuck Colson, and Rick Warren. Together, they will help you on your walk with God by presenting weekday and weekend devotions that are engaging, practical, and useful for your life today.The NIV Men’s Devotional Bible is now available in the exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for smooth reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)260 weekday devotions and 52 weekend devotions, along with application statements, questions for reflection, and moreContributions from Chuck Colson, Lee Strobel, Rick Warren, and othersFull year reading plan to make time in God’s Word a habitIntroductions for each book of the BibleAuthor index with biographical information on each contributorSubject index to help you locate topics easilyFresh, two-color page designDouble-column formatPresentation pageTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefacePrint Size: 9

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  • In The Footsteps Of The Savior Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study G


    In the Footsteps of the Savior is an invitation to come alongside bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado as he shares key teachings from the Gospels and Acts on the people and places that shaped Jesus’ life. Filmed entirely in the Holy Land, Max weaves together in-depth teachings with reflections on his time in the Holy Land, guiding you through the events that took place at these places in Israel:

    *Capernaum: where Jesus’ healed a woman with issue of blood and synagogue leader’s daughter

    *Sea of Galilee: where Jesus miraculously walked on water and calmed a storm

    *Mount of Beatitudes: where Jesus preached his famous “Sermon on the Mount”

    *Temple Steps: where Jesus proclaimed his authority and offered all to come to him for life

    *Garden Tomb: where Jesus defeated death and rose from the grave

    *Caesarea: where Peter discovered the salvation Jesus brought was for all people

    As you see these places where Jesus actually walked and ministered, you will deepen your connection with the King of the universe who became the Savior on the cross.

    Sessions and video run times:

    1. Capernaum: Following Jesus When You Doubt (20:00)
    2. Sea of Galilee: Following Jesus in Your Storms (20:00)
    3. Mount of Beatitudes: Following Jesus When You Worry (21:00)
    4. Temple Steps: Following Jesus . . . And Only Jesus (20:00)
    5.Garden Tomb: Following Jesus When You Need Hope (20:30)
    6. Caesarea by the Sea: Following Jesus When You Need Grace (21:00)

    This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

    *The study guide itself–with discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader’s guide.

    *An individual access code to stream all video sessions online. (You don’t need to buy a DVD!)

    Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2028. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

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  • Napoleon Hills Pathways To Peace Of Mind


    From the Napoleon Hill Foundation comes a collection of never-before-published writings from Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich and Outwitting the Devil, on obtaining the greatest of all the riches available to human beings–peace of mind.

    Although Napoleon is famous for his insight on building financial wealth, he ultimately believed that the greatest success in life was not monetary and that true riches came from the peace of mind one achieves by helping others. The writings contained in this book will guide you toward this priceless asset so you can enjoy:

    *Mastery over all forms of worry
    *Freedom from fear and self-doubt
    *Control over one’s thoughts
    *The ability to close the door on the sorrows of the past
    *The magic power of belief
    *And much more!

    Included is a manuscript that was discovered by J. B. Hill, Napoleon’s grandson and a trustee of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, that had been given to his father in the 1950s. Titled “How to Get Peace of Mind,” it was intended to be released as a series of newspaper columns but for reasons unknown was never published. It is presented here for the first time, along with a previously unpublished excerpt from an unfinished autobiographical work by Napoleon written in 1947 and several editorial essays written by Napoleon and published in 1919 and 1920 in his magazine, Hill’s Golden Rule. All explore the subject of attaining peace of mind. The final chapter in the book features a previously unpublished transcript of a 1948 radio program in which Napoleon disclosed what single ability is essential to achieving success and happiness.There is no greater freedom than that which peace of mind brings. Chart your own course to a serene mindset with help from Napoleon Hill’s Pathways to Peace of Mind.

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  • Friend Who Forgives Family Bible Devotional


    Based on the passages referred to in the award-winning storybook, The Friend Who Forgives by Dan DeWitt, these 15 flexible, engaging family devotions explore what the cross means to us today through the story of Peter. Children will learn that Jesus is the friend who always forgives.

    Ideal for Lent and Easter, these devotions can also be used whenever you want to explore during family discipleship Jesus’ sacrificial love and what it means to follow him.

    Each session can be done in under ten minutes and is easy to lead. The sessions include a Bible study, reflection questions and prayer prompts. There are also optional extras designed to engage older children, plus bonus puzzles and coloring activities for younger children. This resource is suitable for children from age five upward.

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  • Art Of Parenting


    From Marriage and Family Experts Dennis and Barbara Rainey

    Dennis and Barbara Rainey have spent decades helping families find biblical help to strengthen and transform family relationships. Through radio broadcasts, conferences, and other events, they have been teaching on the foundations necessary for building godly families. Now they bring insights and expertise gleaned from those years of ministry, as well as from their own personal experience of raising six children, to The Art of Parenting. Expanding on parenting themes shared with FamilyLife audiences in person and on the radio, Dennis and Barbara offer trusted advice on how to establish Christian values in your home.

    In The Art of Parenting, Dennis and Barbara will help you to experience God’s truth and apply his Word in your family by focusing your attention on four crucial elements in your children’s lives:

    1. Identity–understanding who they are in Christ
    2. Character–learning to live wisely and honorably
    3. Relationships–fostering godly connections with others
    4. Mission–understanding why they are here

    When you apply biblical truths in these four areas, you can feel confident your children will have a foundation they can build upon for the rest of their lives.

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  • This Here Flesh


    In her stunning debut, the creator of Black Liturgies weaves stories from three generations of her family alongside contemplative reflections to discover the necessary rituals that connect us with our belonging, dignity, and liberation.

    “From the womb, we must repeat with regularity that to love ourselves is to survive. I believe that is what my father wanted for me and knew I would so desperately need: a tool for survival, the truth of my dignity named like a mercy new each morning.”

    So writes Cole Arthur Riley in her unforgettable book of stories and reflections on discovering the sacred in her skin. In these deeply transporting pages, Arthur Riley reflects on the stories of her grandmother and father, and how they revealed to her an embodied, dignity-affirming spirituality, not only in what they believed but in the act of living itself. Writing memorably of her own childhood and coming to self, Arthur Riley boldly explores some of the most urgent questions of life and faith: How can spirituality not silence the body, but instead allow it to come alive? How do we honor, lament, and heal from the stories we inherit? How can we find peace in a world overtaken with dislocation, noise, and unrest? In this indelible work of contemplative storytelling, Arthur Riley invites us to descend into our own stories, examine our capacity to rest, wonder, joy, rage, and repair, and find that our humanity is not an enemy to faith but evidence of it.

    At once a compelling spiritual meditation, a powerful intergenerational account, and a tender coming-of-age narrative, This Here Flesh speaks potently to anyone who suspects that our stories might have something to say to us.

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  • Jesus Each Day For Teen Guys


    There’s no greater personality than Jesus–so why not make time each day to know Him better?

    This 365-day devotional highlights aspects of Jesus’ life and work, His teaching and impact on our lives, offering you powerful insights for each day.

    The brief readings aren’t theological, but inspirational pieces that provide food for thought as you start or end your day–or take a devotional break somewhere in between!

    Monthly themes, such as:

    *and more

    Tie the encouraging messages into the annual calendar.

    The Creator, Sustainer, Lover, and Redeemer of humanity is worthy of every moment you devote to Him. . .Jesus Each Day for Teen Guys will help you do just that.

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  • Jesus Each Day For Teen Girls


    There’s no greater personality than Jesus–so why not make time each day to know Him better?

    This 365-day devotional highlights aspects of Jesus’ life and work, His teaching and impact on our lives, offering you powerful insights for each day.

    The brief readings aren’t theological, but inspirational pieces that provide food for thought as you start or end your day–or take a devotional break somewhere in between!

    Monthly themes, such as:

    *and more

    Tie the encouraging messages into the annual calendar.

    The Creator, Sustainer, Lover, and Redeemer of humanity is worthy of every moment you devote to Him. . .Jesus Each Day for Teen Girls will help you do just that.

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  • Orphaned Believers : How A Generation Of Christian Exiles Can Find The Way


    In the wake of the culture wars of the 1980s and 1990s, many young evangelical Christians found themselves untethered, disillusioned, and–ultimately–orphaned as they grappled with the legalistic, politically co-opted churches of their youth and embarked on a search for a more loving, more biblical expression of the faith and discipleship taught by Jesus.

    Sara Billups was one of those orphans. She knows the grief of loving Jesus while watching political pundits twist her faith to support their power struggles and exclusionary policies. She knows the feeling of being alone, misunderstood, and maligned. In this honest yet hopeful book, she invites fellow orphaned believers to process their pasts so they can move boldly forward into a future where they know without a doubt that they are beloved by Christ and belong to the family of God. With love and compassion, she binds up the wounds of the broken and points them toward a new expression of faith that is motivated to make the world a better place.

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  • Science Of Personal Achievement Action Guide And Journal


    From the author of Think and Grow Rich comes an action guide for accomplishing your major goals in life by harnessing the power of your thoughts and strengthening your success habits.

    You have a vision of success for your life, but you’re not sure what steps to take to realize your aspirations or how to handle the limiting thoughts and distractions that inhibit your progress.

    Ninety-nine out of every one hundred individuals do not accomplish their major goals because they do not know how to master their mindset or translate their ideas into action. From analyzing the lives of over 500 of America’s most prosperous individuals, including entrepreneurial giants such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison,
    Napoleon Hill derived a formula for success that anyone–regardless of their resources, education, environment, or network–could implement to transform their lives by controlling their thoughts and acting with greater purpose and more definite plans.

    Now you can apply Hill’s famous success system that has made more millionaires, thought leaders, and cultural icons than any other with The Science of Personal Achievement Action Guide. This deep dive into the 17 principles of individual achievement offers a step-by-step guide for achieving definiteness of purpose, turning adversity into opportunity, and leveraging your thoughts to attain material and spiritual riches. Without a plan, the majority of the population will drift aimlessly through life, never knowing or achieving their major purpose. The study content, journaling prompts, and action steps for each success fundamental in The Science of Personal Achievement Action Guide equip you to take charge of your life and success journey. Do not miss this opportunity to take Napoleon Hill’s master class in success so that you can condition your mind for maximum achievement and enjoy prosperity in all areas of life.

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  • What Every Christian Should Know Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    More than ever, we must stand firm on the clear teaching of God’s Word. In What Every Christian Should Know, Dr. Robert Jeffress equips you to understand ten core doctrines of Christianity so you can be confident that your faith is built on solid ground and stand strong against false teaching. Each chapter illuminates a core belief of the Christian faith, such as God’s Word, the Trinity, angels and demons, sin, salvation, future things, and more.

    This study guide will help you get the most out of the book, whether you are studying it alone, as part of a small group, or as part of a churchwide initiative.

    Nothing is more hopeful and beneficial in our trying times than good theology. With vivid illustrations, clear explanations, and practical applications for believers today, this book will help you ground your faith in capital T truth.

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  • Awaken A Better You


    Is there a change you’ve been wanting to make, but you don’t know how? Are you feeling stuck or unmotivated? Have you tried it all and still can’t figure out how to move forward? It’s time to reclaim your agency and design your best self and best life with four practical steps to lasting change.

    Born to a seventeen-year-old mother on the gang-permeated streets of Dallas, Texas, BJ Thompson understood that as a Black man his starting place was disadvantaged, under-resourced, and unequipped. However, as he did with Moses in the wilderness, God prompted BJ to look down and see what was in his hands. What BJ thought was a disqualifying story actually qualified him. Everything that he thought made him weak, disadvantaged, and insignificant were things God would use in powerful ways.

    With this new understanding, BJ grabbed hold of his agency and rose above the obstacles set before him to transform his life. Now an influential life coach, BJ has inspired millions and coached more than 10,000 people toward transformation with his propriety model. It’s your turn now. BJ wants to help you get unstuck, overcome your unique hurdles, and enact real, lasting change in your life.

    In Awaken a Better You, you’ll unlock mental, emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual wholeness by using BJ’s four steps to transformation:

    – Desperation: Identify a problem you desperately want to change.

    – Information: Research the problem, unlearn built-in ideas, and vet this data through proof of concept.

    – Application: Build a practical plan and take active steps to make the change.

    – Transformation: Celebrate change and embrace a mindset of continual growth.

    Using compelling tales of success, thoughtful reflections, and biblical examples, BJ invites you to apply these lessons and steps to your own story. Each chapter includes questions designed to jumpstart your transformation journey alongside journaling space for reflection.

    ou don’t have to wait any longer to find the life you desire. The only person you’re waiting on is you. Take charge of your life and become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Why wait? Start today.

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  • Grace In The Gray


    By approaching disagreements in a more loving way and seeing the grace and good in those who hold differing viewpoints, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of others, yourself, and God–from the bestselling author of Finding God’s Life for My Will.

    In a culture where constant offense and polarization dominate so many interactions, here is good news about a more productive way to disagree: God desires for us to become better at loving others . . . not better at debating.

    Grace in the Gray helps us see the grace and good that’s often hidden by our own limited perspectives and assumptions. Through a collection of personal stories and biblical insights, Mike Donehey reveals a four-stage process to help you;

    1. subjectify those you’ve objectified
    2. empathize with those you’ve vilified
    3. humanize those you’ve deified
    4. see why your posture is as essential as your position

    In relationships, professional settings, and social situations, discover how to focus on the person standing before you more than the argument set against you. Doing so gives you the rare ability to face any conflict with better questions, kindness, and the calming posture of curiosity.

    It all begins by learning to listen and lead with the most transformative substance the universe has ever known . . . God’s love.

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  • How To Human


    A much-needed reminder about what it means to be truly human in a world where people feel increasingly disconnected from each other and from God, by the popular author of Enter Wild.

    It sometimes feels like we’re all holding our breath-just waiting for the next outrage, tragedy, or stressor to knock us back again. Yes, a global pandemic forced us to be more physically isolated from one another. But beyond that, the connected disconnection of video meetings, masks, politicized hyper-awareness, tech addiction, content overload, and social unrest have all felt like a perfect storm eroding our relationships and even our ability to be human.

    In How to Human, author and social media personality Carlos Whitaker leads us on a three-part journey, to be, see, and free, that we can pursue in order to all live together as the best versions of ourselves. This fresh vision to reclaim our love and joy leads us to a collective breath of air as we exchange division for real relationship. We can live up to our full potential. We can learn to trust and care for one another. We can see the humanity in those different from ourselves. We can navigate hard times with grit, kindness, and a good joke or two. In this book Carlos shows us how to move from me to we to everybody. Isn’t it time we embrace the life-changing, hope-filled promise of being fully human?

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  • Pray More Worry Less A Coloring Prayer Journal


    The Pray More Worry Less Coloring Prayer Journal is a guided coloring prayer journal designed to lift your spirits and ease your burdens through creative meditation and prayerful contemplation.

    The softcover prompted journal features a black background encircled with exotic flowers and succulents. The title is printed in gold-foiled letters and features an orange sub-title.

    Pray More Worry Less
    A Coloring Prayer Journal

    The Smyth-sewn binding ensures all 128 pages open completely flat so you can color right up to the page edge.

    A line-drawn presentation page invites you to start coloring on page one and allows you to personalize the prompted journal when you give it as a gift. Alongside each guided prayer page, you can color and express your heart through coloring pages paired with inspirational quotes on prayer, beautifully designed Scripture verses to color, and prompted pages for you to complete and make uniquely yours.

    The Pray More Worry Less Coloring Prayer Journal will teach you to spend time with God in the quietness and solitude of prayer, renew your hope, and strengthen your courage for each new day. When life is busy and there are many challenges, it is comforting to have a place of prayer to retreat to. The Pray More Worry Less Coloring Prayer Journal is a creative prayer journal that allows you to record your praises and thanksgiving to God and your confessions and prayer requests.

    Give the Pray More Worry Less Coloring Prayer Journal as an encouraging gift to a friend who wants to grow in her prayer life.

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  • Bedtime Prayers For Little Ones


    Bestselling author Max Lucado will teach your children to pray and praise with these rhyming bedtime prayers about blessings, needs, fears, and hopes, written by Max and his wife Denalyn. After talking to God each night, your little one will fall asleep feeling loved and safe.

    With updated selections from Lucado Treasury of Bedtime Prayers, this board book edition for toddlers and preschoolers includes:

    *original prayers, revised to speak to the unique challenges and joys of little ones
    *prayers from the Bible that small children can understand
    *calming nature scenes of animal families
    *a heartfelt note to parents about making prayer a priority

    Add this essential board book to your family’s routine to:

    *introduce children 0 to 4 to the habit of talking with God each day
    *model prayers of gratitude, worship, asking for help, and sharing worries
    *calm little minds and bodies with God’s peace

    With sweet and simple rhyming prayers, short Scriptures, and classic artwork, this prayer book makes a meaningful gift for baby showers, adoption presents, dedications, christenings, baptisms, birthdays, Easter, and Christmas. Show your kids that God listens to their prayers and He cares what they have to say with Bedtime Prayers for Little Ones.

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  • Im Going To Have A Good Day


    I am beautiful. I am kind. I am loved.

    In this uplifting picture book, young readers will discover how they can use daily affirmations to remind them of who they are and what makes them special. Join TikTok sensation Scarlett Gray and Tiania Haneline as they repeat exuberant affirmations that empower Scarlett throughout the day and inspire those around her to create their own uplifting self-talk.

    Every morning as her mom brushes her hair, Scarlett recites her daily affirmations. Those powerful words travel with her throughout her day, helping her replace negative thoughts with positive ones and live out the truth that she is beautiful, strong, brave, kind, and worthy of love. This fun-filled and inspiring kids’ book also includes a list of uplifting and child-friendly statements your child can use to create their own daily affirmation routine. With fun illustrations from Stephanie Dehennin that make the story come alive, you and your young reader will discover how much words matter in your own lives.

    I’m Going to Have a Good Day! teaches children 4-8:
    *how to incorporate positive affirmations into their lives
    *that self-esteem is fun and empowering
    *the benefits of passing on love and encouragement to others
    *how to overcome negative thoughts in their everyday lives
    *how to build confidence and see their self-worth

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  • Question That Never Goes Away


    Finding Meaning in the Midst of Suffering

    In his classic book Where Is God When It Hurts, Philip Yancey gave us permission to doubt, reasons not to abandon faith, and practical ways to reach out to hurting people.And now, thirty years after writing his first book, Yancey revisits our cry of “Why, God” in three places stunned into silence by the calamities that have devastated them. At some point all of us will face the challenges to faith Yancey writes about and look for the comfort and hope he describes.

    There are reasons to ask, once again, the question that never goes away: Where is God when we suffer? And Yancey, once again, leads us to find faith when it is most severely put to the test.

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  • Unoffendable Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    You can choose to be unoffendable. The statement stood out to Brant Hansen when he heard it at a business meeting. The speaker was actually saying that being offended is a choice that we make. Brant found the idea to be offensive.

    So, he did what any rational, fair-minded, spiritually mature person would do: He scoured the Bible for verses to destroy the argument. The only problem was that the more he searched, the more evidence he found that Christians should forfeit their right to be offended–and give up their right to be angry. When they do this, they make a sacrifice that is pleasing to God, practice humility, and become others-centered.

    Over time, Brant came to the realization that the idea of having righteous anger is just a myth. While we all will get angry at times–after all, we are human–we cannot hold on to it. And as it turns out, when we do release our anger and give up our right to be offended, we will find it to be one of the most freeing, healthy, simplifying, relaxing, refreshing, stress-relieving, encouraging things that we can do.

    In Unoffendable, a six-session video study based on the bestselling book, Brant shares insights from his journey and offers practical ways to live life with less stress and more care, including: (1) adjusting our expectations to fit human nature, (2) replacing perpetual anger with refreshing humility and gratitude, and (3) embracing forgiveness and beginning to love others in unexpected ways.

    This study lifts religious burdens from the participants’ backs and allows them to experience the joy of gratitude, perhaps for the first time, every day of their lives–flourishing the way God intended.

    Sessions include:

    1. The Myth of Righteous Anger
    2. We Know What Humans Are Like
    3. The Physiological Effects of Anger
    4. What About Injustice?
    5. How to Not Be Offendable
    6. The Difference Unoffendable Makes

    Designed for use with the Unoffendable Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Preparing For War


    Watching the eerie footage of the January 6 insurrection, Bradley Onishi wondered: If I hadn’t left evangelicalism, would I have been there?

    The insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was not a blip or an aberration. It was the logical outcome of years of a White evangelical subculture’s preparation for war. Religion scholar and former insider Bradley Onishi maps the origins of White Christian nationalism and traces its offshoots in Preparing for War.

    Combining his own experiences in the youth groups and prayer meetings of the 1990s with an immersive look at the steady blending of White grievance politics with evangelicalism, Onishi crafts an engrossing account of the years-long campaign of White Christian nationalism that led to January 6. How did the rise of what Onishi calls the New Religious Right, between 1960 and 2015, give birth to violent White Christian nationalism during the Trump presidency and beyond? What propelled some of the most conservative religious communities in the country–communities of which Onishi was once a part–to ignite a cold civil war?

    Through chapters on White supremacy and segregationist theologies, conspiracy theories, the Christian-school movement, purity culture, and the right-wing media ecosystem, Onishi pulls back the curtain on a subculture that birthed a movement and has taken a dangerous turn. In taut and unsparing prose, Onishi traces the migration of many White Christians to Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming in what is known as the American Redoubt. Learning the troubling history of the New Religious Right and the longings and logic of White Christian nationalism is deeply alarming. It is also critical for preserving the shape of our democracy for years to come.

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  • Noticing


    This is a story about noticing the little things, the grand big things, the imaginary, and sometimes, hidden things. It is about embracing what’s possible. And that the incredible is everywhere, and in everything–waiting to be known, discovered, recognized.

    This beautiful tale by New York Times best-selling author Kobi Yamada and illustrator Elise Hurst encourages readers of all ages to slow down and look at the world with their hearts–to use their imagination to expand their vision. A companion to the beloved children’s book Trying, Noticing follows a young girl and an accomplished painter as they learn to observe the beauty and magic in each day. It’s a story that will encourage you to pay attention, to make new discoveries, and to explore the unknown. And it’s also an invitation to look within, to your own hopes and dreams, and perhaps to discover even more.

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  • Coachs Bible


    Christian Standand Bible, Devotional Bibles

    Additional Info
    Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has challenged coaches and athletes to impact the world for Jesus Christ by integrating athletics and faith, reaching millions worldwide. The CSB Coach’s Bible, developed in partnership with FCA, features 365 daily devotions written by coaches for coaches of all sports. Other helpful tools are included to encourage coaches to spend regular time with God and be a valuable resource for conversation and discipleship with the athletes they lead.

    *365 daily devotions written by coaches for coaches

    *Special front matter section including “The FOUR” gospel presentation, “The CORE,” “Coach 360,” and other E3 discipleship resources for coaches accessible via QR codes

    *365 “Topical Group Studies” placed throughout the Bible alongside the corresponding scripture passage

    *Book introductions for all 66 books of the Bible with book specific reading plans

    *Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding

    *Two-column text format

    *Topical subheadings

    *9-point type size

    *Words of Christ in red


    *Gilded page edges

    *Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages

    *Topical Concordance

    *Presentation page for gift-giving

    *Full-color maps

    The CSB Coach’s Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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  • Everything Is Just Beginning


    Michael Sullivan is a talented lyricist and a decent guitarist, but since he was kicked out of his band (and his apartment), he’s not sure he’ll ever get a record deal. Living with his loser uncle in a beat-up trailer and working a dead-end job, Michael has little reason to hope for a better future. Until the invitation for a swanky New Year’s Eve party shows up in the mailbox. It’s for his uncle, with whom he shares his name, but his uncle is going out of town . . .

    On the effervescent night of December 31, 1989–as the Berlin Wall is coming down, the Soviet Union is inching toward democracy, and anything seems possible–Michael will cross paths with the accomplished and enigmatic young heir to a fading musical dynasty, forever altering both of their futures.

    Award-winning novelist Erin Bartels enchants with this story of two lonely souls who have exactly what the other one needs–if they could simply turn their focus from what is ending to what is just beginning.

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  • Parenting : Getting It Right


    Am I getting parenting right? Most parents, at any and every stage, find themselves asking this question.

    Whether you’re sleep deprived with a colicky newborn or navigating the emotional roller coaster of a teenager, parenting has its ups and downs, its confusion and clarity, its big blowups and small victories. And no matter our family makeup or our children’s personalities, many of us experience anxiety over our children’s futures and often fear making a mistake.

    Andy and Sandra Stanley are no strangers to this feeling. As parents of three grown children and cofounders of North Point Ministries, they are seasoned experts on faith and parenting. Together they have spent decades counseling countless families, mentoring others, and learning from mentors of their own, all while leading one of the largest churches in the country.

    In Parenting: Getting It Right, Andy and Sandra combine their experience and wisdom into a guide that helps readers understand and live by essential parenting principles. In an inviting, conversational approach that is both informative and accessible, the Stanleys help readers understand the most important goal in parenting and learn the steps to pursue it by:

    *Learning the four distinct stages of parenting

    *Clarifying the primary goal of parenting and developing a parenting orientation around that goal

    *Identifying and adapting their approach–not their rules–to their children’s distinct personalities

    *Deciding on their shortlist of non-negotiables and learning to stick to it

    You don’t have to constantly doubt if you’re getting it right as a parent. Start here and feel confident about raising a healthy and happy family.

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  • Abide Bible Study Book With Video Access


    How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth from a lie? How can we know God loves us?

    In this 10-session study of 1, 2, and 3 John, Jen Wilkin will help you discover how 2,000 years later, the apostle John’s words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth. He reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it. And he reminds us as well.

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