Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm

William Cohen

Showing all 2 results

  • Class With Drucker


    Hailed as “a warm and useful read,” A Class with Drucker brings to life invaluable advice from the world’s greatest thinker and writer on management. From 1975 to 1979, author William Cohen studied under the great Peter Drucker and became the first graduate of his doctoral program. What Drucker taught him literally changed his life. In a matter of a few years, he was recommissioned in the Air Force and rose to the rank of major general. Eventually, he became a full professor, management consultant, multibook author, and university president-all while maintaining a nearly lifelong friendship with the master. In A Class with Drucker, Cohen shares many of Drucker’s teachings that never made it into his countless books and articles, ideas that were offered to his students in classroom or informal settings. Cohen expands on Drucker’s lessons with personal anecdotes about his teacher’s personality, lack of pretension, and interactions with students and others. He also shows how Drucker’s ideas can be applied to the real-world challenges managers face today. Enlightening and intriguing, this book will enable anyone to gain from the timeless wisdom of the inspiring man himself.

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  • Secrets Of Special Ops Leadership


    The Navy SEALs. The Green Berets. Delta Force. These are just a few examples of what are known as “special ops” — unique fighting forces trained to beat overwhelming odds on every mission. Using principles like speed, purpose, repetition, surprise, and simplicity, elite units such as these have throughout history accomplished extremely challenging tasks against vastly superior forces. When something seemingly impossible must be achieved, special ops forces are the ones called upon for a miracle. Just as special ops are needed for critical tasks in battle, ultra-high achievers are needed for special circumstances in business: situations where time is important, when resources are low or insufficient, where you are challenging conventional wisdom or established competitors, or where crisis is imminent. But can commando techniques really work in business? If you can inspire and lead your employees to work at peak performance, they will accomplish dramatic, almost fantastic feats for you — just as fighting commandos do in battle situations. Secrets of Special Ops Leadership reveals the essential methods commando leaders employ, using dramatic real-life stories of commando leadership from biblical times all the way up through Iraq and Afghanistan in 2005, and showing how similar techniques are used by present-day business leaders such as Steve Jobs, Mary Kay Ash, Robert Townsend, and others. You’ll learn the fourteen core practices of special ops leadership, including how to: * Create the Best If you think you can just call some of your regular employees together and give them a pep talk and an impossible task to do, you’re wrong. Business commandos aren’t born. They must be created. Your first task as a special ops business leader is to recruit, select, train, and motivate the right people. * Build a Commando Team Using models such as Carlson’s Raiders, who fought for the U.S. Marines during World War II, the book explains how to work with different personalities, agendas, priorities, and motivations to create a team that works efficiently and effectively to get the job done. * Dare the Impossible Like the Sayeret Mat’kal, the Israeli Special Ops unit that staged the miraculous raid on Entebbe to free hostages on an Air France plane hijacked by terrorists in 1976, successful business ops must aggressively seek out opportunities and know when to transcend conventional thinking to stage an assault and take action. When they’ve got the right problems to work o

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