Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm

Wendy Dip

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  • Acceptance And Obedience


    Josephs life is an example to us of how we, too, can learn to trust God through the greatest difficulties and the most mundane of lifes experiences. This book has been designed to encourage daily devotions and can be used by individuals or groups.

    The study runs for six weeks and teaches valuable lessons:
    *Acceptance of Gods holiness and his right to have authority over us
    *Acceptance of the fact that he has had control over our upbringing, our heartaches and sorrows, and our joys and delights
    *Acceptance of our sinfulness and our desperate need for salvation through Christ Jesus
    *Acceptance of our roles as men and women
    *Acceptance of our roles as husbands, wives, and parents
    *Acceptance of the situations we find ourselves in be they good or bad

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