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Pastoral Helps

Showing 1801–1900 of 2349 results

  • 53 Stories For Preaching Series 1 Year 1


    “Emilio Lopez received a surprise phone call from his bishop one day. “Would you be interested in a call to a white congregation in a neighborhood that is becoming Hispanic? I think you’re just the kind of pastor they need in these days of transition.””
    (excerpt from the story “Light in the Life of Eternity”)
    Following Shakespeare’s philosophy that “brevity is the soul of wit,” this anthology offers readers 53 succinct, insightful stories based on scripture passages. Each narrative faithfully updates the biblical theme in a modern setting from everyday life that everyone can relate to. Many feature surprise endings that will rivet the attention while strengthening believers’ faith. The brief stories in this well-rounded collection make excellent starting points or centerpieces for a sermon, and they’re also ideal for uplifting devotional reading.
    The contributors to “53 Stories for Preaching” represent pastors and ordinary Christians from many denominations across North America. The 16 storytellers include:
    Constance Berg
    Dallas A. Brauninger
    Charles W. Byrd
    B. Kathleen Fannin
    Susan K. Hedahl
    Richard A. Jensen
    James E. Sargent
    Betty Lynn Schwab
    Robert Beringer
    Steve Burt
    Cynthia E. Cowen
    Peter C. Garrison
    Sandra Herrmann
    Paul Lintern
    Henry Scholberg
    John E. Sumwalt

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  • Parables Of Jesus And Their Flip Side


    Written as a companion volume to Schmalenberger’s acclaimed CSS title The Miracles Of Jesus And Their Flip Side, this book takes an imaginative look at twelve of Jesus’ parables by examining their traditional interpretation (the “hit” side), and then turning them on their ear to see the “other side of the story” — a different perspective with relevance for our modern-day lives (the “flip” side).

    For example, in addition to warning about the dangers of building on sand instead of rock, Schmalenberger considers how to rebuild after a flood. In the parable of the wedding banquet, he discusses the people who were invited live together after the undeserved feast. And in the parable of the lost sheep, he talks about how the shepherd needs the support of the “ninety-nine never lost” in order for him to go after the one lost sheep.

    Schmalenberger’s punch, contemporary language, and narrative style produce hard-hitting and inspirational messages that offer a unique new twist in the interpretation of some old and marvelous gospel teachings — his “flip side” approach is sure to add freshness and sparkle to your preaching.

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  • Lectionary Tales For The Pulpit Series 3 Cycle A


    A well-told story can be motivational and inspirational, especially when it’s framed in familiar language that everyone can relate to. Constance Berg draws on her gift for storytelling to deliver modern parables that reach across cultural, class, gender, and social lines. Berg’s collection of tales illustrating biblical passages from Cycle A of the Revised Common Lectionary will touch your soul. Her stories are clear and easily understood – not only by those in the pew, but by anyone looking for insightful devotional reading.

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  • Childrens Sermons A To Z


    Anyone who has done children’s sermons will sooner or later hear from someone that “I learn more from the children’s sermon than I do from the real sermon.” And indeed, the truths of scripture are so simple that even a child can understand them. So it’s no accident that children’s sermons have become a central part of the worship service in many churches.

    Brett Blair and Tim Carpenter offer a year’s worth of object lessons that engage children and impart profound lessons for all ages. Two sermons are provided for each Sunday in Cycle C of the Revised Common Lectionary, one based on the Second Lesson and one based on the Gospel. The messages are structured in two parts: the “lesson” uses an object to draw out active responses from children, then the “application” connects that object to the assigned scripture reading. Each message includes a clear statement of its exegetical aim.

    Bright, innovative, perceptive, creative, grace-filled Brett Blair and Tim Carpenter are all of those and much, much more, and that is reflected beautifully in their new book Children’s Sermons A To Z.
    James W. Moore
    Pastor, St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Houston, Texas

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  • Praises From The Psalms


    Julia Bland comes to the aid of busy pastors and teachers with more practical, easy-to-prepare children’s messages and activity pages. Based on the Psalms, the lessons call youngsters’ attention to the many blessings we enjoy every day and teach them to praise God for all he does for us. Puzzles and coloring pages keep their interest while reinforcing the message.

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  • Word Is Near You


    The testimony of the entire Bible is that God searches for hearts, but even God has trouble with us because we are so fickle. The other side of this is that man has tried to find God, too. “Man is incurably religious,” we are told. And so he is, so we are. In times past people have ransacked the universe searching for God. They recited incantations or burned incense or spilled blood, all in an effort to find God. And all the while, God was close by to be found. This is what Paul was saying in Romans 10. “The word is near you,” he says. “It is in your mouth and in your heart.” (from “The Word Is Near You”)

    For Don Aycock, the sermon is the church’s “verbal instrument of growth.” This book offers over 20 messages that are not intended as literary examples, but rather as flesh-and-blood efforts to proclaim the Word of God. Aycock is an inventive and experienced preacher who employs many fascinating illustrations — but they are always used to shed light on the biblical text at the heart of his message.

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  • Fire For The Choir


    One of the eternal challenges facing church choir directors is how to recruit new members, and then, how to keep them interested and retain them. No matter how large or small the congregation, it is the energy and commitment of a music program’s participants that ultimately determines how successful it is.

    While there are plenty of books about the musical techniques of choir directing, there are precious few that deal with the organizational nuts-and-bolts and the people skills required for a smoothly functioning music program. Ellis Dillard Thompson, a veteran choir director and music educator, shares his tried and proven methods for getting choir members excited — to keep them serving and loving it! He focuses on the role of a church musician as a spiritual leader, and stresses that the road to true success involves basing a music program on spiritual values that uplift, inspire, and motivate participants. And as a bonus, Thompson includes three original choral responses that you can copy and use.

    This is an excellent guide that is designed for anyone who participates in music ministry: choir directors, choir members, organists, pastors, music committee members, and worship committee members.

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  • Come Let Us Worship


    Arranged according to the seasons of the church year, this volume presents several worship aids for every Sunday: a call to worship, and invocation, a ritual of friendship, an offertory sentence and prayer, a benediction, and a pastoral prayer. Each is designed to make the Sunday morning worship experience meaningful and uplifting.

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  • Who They Really Were


    When the problem of what to preach next Sunday raises its frowning head, solve it by calling on one of the hundreds of biblical characters standing in line at your study door, nearly beating it down with their clamorous “Take me! Take me!”.
    Preaching on biblical personalities has an irresistible appeal, because audiences are more interested in people than in anything else. Jesus himself preached mainly about people (“a certain man had two sons …”); so there’s no excuse for making the Gospel dull — and with the help of Bodo’s book, preachers can add spice to the pulpit fare they serve up week after strenuous week.

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  • Reconciliation


    Prepare everyone in your congregation for a meaningful Lenten season with this collection of six sermon outlines, accompanied by program suggestions, worship aids, and a dramatic reading based on Mark’s passion narrative. The resources all stress the theme of reconciliation – with ourselves, between ourselves and God, in our families, in our churches, in our churches, in our communities, and in the world.

    A companion daily worship and study guide is available.

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  • Little Animal Sermons


    Because of the natural appeal of animals, they provide a means by which to capture children’s attention and teach biblical truths. With each lesson is a page for younger children to color and an activity page for older children.

    Most children love animals. And because of the natural appeal of animals, they provide an attractive means by which to capture children’s attention and teach biblical truths.

    These lessons provide an opportunity for pastors or Christian educators during Sunday morning worship, Sunday School, Vacation Church School, or any other time of interaction with young people.

    Accompanying each lesson is a page for younger children to color and an additional activity page for older children.

    “I found your manuscript appealing and interesting. We like the activities that accompany the good stories.
    Albert Frederick Mutti
    Bishop, Kansas Area
    United Methodist Church

    Lessons include:
    The Turtle: Sheltered By The Presence Of God
    The Dog, Pansy: Sheltered By God’s Word
    The Penguin: Working Together
    The Rhinoceros And The Tickbird: Working Together Though Not Alike
    The Opossum: Playing Dead To Sin
    The Squirrel: Gathering Treasures

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  • This You Can Believe (Revised)


    This newly revised study of the Apostles’ Creed, originally published in 1987, now contains seventeen chapters and study guides, significantly expanding upon the seven chapters of the original work.

    When first published, this landmark book went through three printings as churches of many denominations found it to be an excellent guide not only for new members coming into the church, but also for long-time members who wish to have their faith reinforced and renewed.

    This study guide is appropriate for youth, young adults, and seniors. It is a helpful resource for catechism classes, Sunday school classes, high school or adult Bible study classes, new member classes, or renewal of faith courses.

    Brokhoff writes in contemporary language that will help the average person to come to an understanding of the Christian faith as recorded in the Apostles’ Creed. His work lends itself to personal study or group discussion.

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  • Challenge Of Starting All Over Again


    This sermon series for Lent/Easter is fast-paced and illustrated with stories and anecdotes that keep the attention of readers and listeners. With titles such as “The Challenge To Change,” “The Challenge Of Tragedy,” “The Challenge Of No-Fault Religion,” and “The Challenge To Live Again,” Fetty offers sermons that are certain to inspire personal growth and spiritual conviction.

    Not many of us have the opportunity to stand at the crossroads of history. Not many of us have the opportunity to stand at the threshold of a new era. Not many of us are able to witness the dawn of a new age. And only a few of us are destined to be a potential leader of a new advance in history. All of us have our destinies of course, but only a few of us have a destiny potentially able to change the world…. (from Chapter Two)

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  • Onward Through The Fog


    The Sundays of Lent don’t have to be boring! Follow the lectionary and provide your congregation with exciting worship experiences by using these positive yet sensitive dialogue sermons based on Cycle A of the Revised Common Lectionary. Wit and scripture are combined to encourage Christian growth and prod listeners into making a personal commitment. In addition to six sermon dialogues, worship planning aids are included for each Sunday, along with an Ash Wednesday worship service.

    In addition to six sermon dialogues, worship planning aids are included for each Sunday, plus an Ash Wednesday worship service with the theme-setting sermon, “Onward! Through The Fog!”

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  • Preaching Matthews Gospel


    Jensen’s research and insights provide a stimulating resource on Matthew’s Gospel. Jensen provides “Homiletical Directions” at the end of each chapter that will help the preacher find a focus and locate themes for preaching the text. Jensen points to the ways in which the biblical writers lock their stories together with other stories in order to give fuller meaning to their narratives. He covers material that is not included in the assigned lectionary texts and discusses the inter-relatedness of Matthew’s stories. These “narrative analogies” imply that preaching on Matthew’s Gospel may at times be a retelling of two or more Matthean stories.

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  • Holy Words What Do They Mean


    The meaning of some church words is often taken for granted. We assume, for example, that everyone knows what HOLY or GLORY or SIN mean. But when we explore the history of these words we uncover a new depth of understanding.

    Preachers and lay leaders will find this resource helpful in their sermon preparation and Bible study.

    The index lists over 130 of the most frequently used words, numbers and phrases which have special significance in the biblical and religious writings.

    Some examples are: amen, benediction, clergy, Eucharist, kyrie, love, Yahweh, and numbers such as 1, 3, 4, 10, 40, and 70 X 7.

    An accompanying eight-lesson guide will help the user conduct a fascinating group study.

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  • No Deed Greater Than A Word


    This book is written for preachers who suspect that the way they were taught to preach (and for the most part are still being taught to preach) simply does not work.
    The author’s objective is to bring the Bible to life in the sermon in all of its dimensions. To do that the preacher must understand his listeners as well as his message. Those who explore Shepherd’s message will find themselves thinking about the sermon and preaching in an entirely new way.

    Shepherd presents his position with a firm grounding in biblical studies, literary criticism, and theology.

    The book is for those preachers who are dissatisfied with the way they were taught to preach, but are not sure why. Using practical examples from real sermons, the book uncovers many of the faults of traditional preaching styles and inspires a new approach to the sermon that unites preacher, congregation, and scripture under the powerful Word of God’s grace.

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  • Hoof N Mouth Disease


    Storytelling is older than the Bible, as much of the Old Testament consists of stories that arose out of an oral tradition, and Jesus was a master storyteller. So it makes sense that monologues capture the eyes, ears, and brains of the congregation. Stories captivate audiences – mention any character in the Bible and people recall a favorite story, not the theme of a moralistic three-point sermon. This book of creative monologues will help pastors connect with their listeners in a vital and vibrant way.

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  • Let The Children Come


    The Children’s Sermon during the worship hour is one of the strongest attractions for young families in choosing a church to attend.

    Robert Lantz understands how to talk to children. He brings the meaning and message of the scripture text to their level of understanding. When members of his congregation began asking for copies of his children’s sermons so they could use them as bedtime stories for their children, he decided it was time to put them into print.

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  • Victory Of Faith


    These sermons for Lent and Easter are based on second lesson texts from the epistles, including First and Second Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians, Hebrews and Philippians.

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  • Joy Songs Trumpet Blasts And Hallelujah Shouts


    This compelling sermons collection explores the art and uniqueness of African-American preaching. Readers will discover the ritual drama and the processes, form and substance of black storytelling that are pivotal elements coloring African-American culture. This is an intriguing, in-depth look into a unique art form.

    To fully appreciate the empowering nature inherent in black sermons, Stewart explores the four distinguishing elements that make this genre “a four-cornered universe.” They are:
    Poetic recitation
    Imaginative insight
    Spiritual pharmacology
    Spiritual and social transformation

    Stewart presents readers with some of his most captivating sermons, including:
    Let It Shine
    Advent’s “Invisible” Man
    Take Off the Grave Clothes
    African-American Spirituality: The African Gift to America

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  • Cosmic Witness


    How have preachers handled questions about science and religion? Largely by ignoring them. But many people are asking questions about the significance of the Christian message in an age of technology.

    Cosmic Witness will help…
    Preachers by revealing those scriptural texts where faith intersects with science and technology.
    Teachers who are looking for modern illustrations to help students understand the relationship between faith and science.
    All who are interested in learning more about how the Bible addresses questions about technology and religion.

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  • Dying And Grieving


    SKU (ISBN): 9780281055265ISBN10: 0281055262Alan BillingsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2002Publisher: SPCK Print On Demand Product

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  • Multigenerational Congregation : Meeting The Leadership Challenge


    Congregations need to learn new cultural languages and practices in order to speak to and be heard by new generations of people. But how do congregations enter the wilderness of ministry with these new generations when many of those in the entourage do not appreciate the trip?

    In contrast to many writers about church growth, Rendle works with three important observations:

    Most congregations are not “pure markets,” discrete groups with uniform values and behaviors, that can be targeted to the exclusion of all other audiences;
    Some of the differences and discomforts experienced in the congregation are based on the members’ tenure, or length of membership, rather than their age;
    Leadership in congregations is not a matter of marketplace savvy but of spiritual authenticity in which we continue to shape our faith tradition to be heard and understood by a changing culture.
    Rendle shows us how to talk with and really understand one generational cohort while another cohort is present “looking over one’s shoulder.” Foreword by Lovett H. Weems, Jr., President, Saint Paul School of Theology.

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  • Faith Under Fire


    Daniel Simundson shows how the Bible can speak to the universal human experience of suffering. He examines various biblical responses to suffering and explains what the New Testament can add to the thought of such classic works as the books of Job, Ecclesiastes, and the prophets.

    This book, written for the general reader, is full of wisdom also for caregivers, including clergy, counselors, and laypersons.

    1.The Basic Biblical View of Suffering
    2.The Power of Negative Thinking
    3.Suffering for Others
    4.God, Job, and the Counselors
    5.Is There Any Hope?
    6.What Is New in the New Testament?
    7.Comfort and Hope

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  • Honey Bee Dance


    Julia Bland’s children’s messages are popular with pastors, Sunday school teachers, and parents all across the country. That’s because children love them and learn from the stories, drawings, and activity pages. Her work has been translated into Spanish and used by churches in Mexico and South America. The six lessons in this booklet, all based on Ephesians 4:32-5:2a, provide a perfect series for Vacation Bible School, a retreat, or a summer series for children. Using the busy, productive life of a honey bee as a metaphor for the life of a Christian, Bland offers charming lessons.

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  • He Took A Towel


    Appropriate for Maundy Thursday or any time throughout the year, this resource contains several sermons and a full-blown service of Holy Communion, Feetwashing, and Agape Meal (or Love Feast). Detailed bread recipes and instructions for all the preparations are included along with bulletin texts.

    Examination Service And Feetwashing Service
    Meditation: “Broken For You”
    Service: The Lords Supper
    Sermons Include:
    “Seeing A Familiar Friend All Over Again For The First Time”
    “Peter Asks A Question”
    “No Forks Or Napkins”

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  • Many Faces Of Evil Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Evil and suffering are a part of everyone’s experience. Kenneth Cauthen breaks new ground in exploring the torments and terrors of this life. Some of his positions may be considered daring and controversial. But his approach, while creative, is rooted in a deeply biblical faith as he interprets the meaning of suffering and the relationship of God to human anguish.

    This book will be a useful resource for counselors, pastors, teachers and others who are called upon to help people cope with tragedy. It will be helpful to individuals who are attempting to understand the torment or suffering in their own lives.

    The author addresses many difficult questions and illustrates his answers with fascinating real-life examples:
    * How is evil related to suffering?
    * What is God’s responsibility in causing and overcoming evil?
    * How does faith provide a basis for hope in the midst of suffering?
    * Why is evil a part of our world?

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  • Diving Deep (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780764423888ISBN10: 0764423886Amy SimpsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2001Publisher: Group Publishing

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  • Literary Companion To The Lectionary


    This beautiful book offers poems and literary pieces for Sundays and principal feasts throughout the liturgical year. Each selection relates to an aspect of the Scripture readings for the Eucharist in the Revised Common Lectionary, the Roman Catholic lectionary, and the Book of Common Prayer. Drawn from many centuries and many countries including Britain, Ireland, North America, Africa, and Australia, these readings bridging literature and liturgy can prompt private prayer or public worship through imaginative engagement. A short note before each passage connects with an idea, image, or story found in one of the biblical readings or the seasonal theme. From Robert Herrick to Brendan Kennelly, from Christina Rossetti to Emily Dickinson, from Dante to Monica Furlong, the poets, novelists, and playwrights gathered here bring an added dimension that graces the life of the church.

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  • Raising The Roof


    Pastoral-to-program size change is frequently described as the most challenging of growth transitions for congregations. Now Alban senior consultant Alice Mann, author of The In-Between Church: Navigating Size Transitions in Congregations, addresses the difficulties of that transition in this resource designed specifically for a congregational learning team.

    Conceptualized and developed by Mann for an Alban on-line seminar program test event conducted with 12 congregations in transition, her newest book features a five-step process enabling the learning team to engage a wider circle of congregational leaders and members in study, discernment, and planning. Never-before published resources include discussion of a major new concept-passive barriers to growth-plus Mann’s “System Change Index” tool to help congregations measure their progress from pastoral-size to program-size ways of operating.

    From preparing the congregation’s board and members, selecting the person to guide the learning process, and recruiting the learning team, to creating and celebrating a plan for congregational learning and action, Mann provides all the resources a congregation needs to address this significant size transition period.

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  • Announcing The Reign Of God


    This book offers a program for Christian evangelism based on the teachings of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

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  • Dont Forget The Child


    Alex Gondola says that in our modern culture we sometimes “experience Christmas at its worst: overcommercialized, expensive, exhausting, nearly devoid of spiritual significance.” In this collection of twenty cogent and inspiring sermons for Advent and Christmas, he reminds us of the key to putting the season in its proper perspective — “Don’t forget the child!” For it is only when we are drawn nearer to the child of Bethlehem, celebrating the simple beauties of the stable, that we can escape from the rush of the season into the divine light of saving grace heralded by the birth of God’s Son. This volume is an exceptional source of inspiration for sermon preparation, but it’s also excellent for personal devotions exploring the meaning of Advent and Christmas. It’s a great Christmas gift!

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  • Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series 7 Cycle A (Workbook)


    Providing a fresh, timely reflection every week on assigned scripture passages can be one of a pastor’s most daunting tasks. But when time or inspiration is flagging and you need the jump-start of creative ideas, the latest edition of the classic CSS resource Lectionary Preaching Workbook is just what the doctor ordered! Prominent pastor, former seminary president, and prolific author Jerry Schmalenberger draws upon the experiences of a lifetime in the ministry to help readers effectively share God’s Word with crisply written insights. He’s created an outstanding set of practical aids to help preachers with their weekly sermons. Each chapter includes a listing of the applicable Revised Common, Roman Catholic, and Episcopal lectionary texts; a theme for the day’s service; commentary on the Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel lessons; suggestions on preaching possibilities; an outline of possible sermon moves; and additional illustrations to flesh out the message.

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  • Curious Commercials


    Curious Commercials approaches the Christmas event from a different perspective. Daniel Weitner doesn’t treat the nativity as a kind of warm and fuzzy feeling of longing for universal peace that envelops the earth around the end of the year or as a sign pointing to something greater in our lives. In trenchant messages that are liberally sprinkled with contemporary illustrations, he reminds us that to know what Christmas is all about, we don’t have to look outside Bethlehem…beyond the manger…or past the baby Jesus. Instead we should focus on the birth of Jesus the Redeemer – it is the wonderful event!

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  • 2 Tenebrae Readings And Services


    Two Tenebrae Readings And Services provides pastors and congregations with dramatic ways to remember the Passion of the Lord.

    Tenebrae I – 9 reading parts
    Tenebrae II – 12 reading parts

    Parts are simple enough for both young people and adults. They are creatively drawn from the Bible narratives and present realistic human responses from those who would be his disciples.

    These resources require very little preparation. They were conducted in the author’s congregation by calling the readers together an hour before the service.

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  • Speaking With Signs


    Speaking With Signs is a unique series of six object lessons for children during the Lenten season … making worship more meaningful for them (and for adults). Each lesson brings them a story from scripture by focusing upon a symbol related to the Easter story. Lessons are based on texts from Matthew and John.

    Objects include:
    a lantern
    a rope
    a crown of thorns
    dice and a robe
    a stepladder and sponge
    a spear
    a picture of an empty tomb

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  • Inside The Small Church


    Even as so-called megachurches capture the attention of many church watchers, small congregations continue to dominate America’s religious landscape in both rural and urban settings. Although sometimes obscured by their larger siblings, these small churches play a prominent role and hold a unique place in both local and national cultures. How can leaders help to keep these often at-risk churches alive and to meet their potential for ministry?

    Small-church expert Tony Pappas has gathered a cornucopia of essays into an indispensable book for anyone interested in the rich life of these small but significant congregations. Drawing on classic and updated articles by a variety of writers from his own small-church newsletter The Five Stones; from Alban journals Action Information and Congregations; and adding new pieces developed especially for this volume, Pappas provides timeless ideas on learning to value, pastor, develop, and lead the small church.

    In addition to time-honored articles by the editor, other contributors to this volume include Sherry and Douglas Alan Walrath, Gary Farley, Lawrence W. Farris, Loren Mead, Caroline Westerhoff, Steven Burt, Carl Dudley, David Ray, James Lowery, and a host of others known for their work-and love-for the small church. Readers of Inside the Small Church will come away with a renewed love and appreciation for these vital congregations as well as with new skills for ministry.

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  • Preparing Expository Sermons (Reprinted)


    Provides a seven-step sermon shaping process for pastors in the form of a do-it-yourself handbook on expository preaching.

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  • Home By Another Way


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561011674ISBN10: 1561011673Barbara TaylorBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Mixed Blessings


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561011629ISBN10: 1561011622Barbara TaylorBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Preaching Life


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561010745ISBN10: 156101074XBarbara TaylorBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Offering The Gospel To Children


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561010653ISBN10: 1561010650Gretchen PritchardBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Pastoral Theology In The Classical Tradition


    Modern pastoral care, Andrew Purves believes, has been overly influenced by psychological theory and too often uninformed by historical practice. The result is a pastoral practice that has diminished the reality of God. In this book, Purves aims to reclaim pastoral theology as a theological discipline. He does this by examining classical texts from the tradition, texts that have the, and he argues that a thoughtful reading of these works–by Gregory of Nazianus, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Great, Martin Bucer, and Richard Baxter–will force a reevaluation of many of the assumptions that shape contemporary pastoral work. He includes a brief biography of each author, introduces the major themes in each writer’s pastoral theology, and discusses the issues relevant to pastoral work today.

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  • Letting Go Of Worry And Anxiety


    Attention, chronic worriers: it is possible to reduce the intensity, frequency, and duration of painful episodes of anxiety without medication. Licensed counselor Pam Vredvelt draws from twenty years of clinical experience, scientific research, and scriptural insight to offer the reader tools for living a more peaceful and tranquil life. While worrying is for many a deeply embedded habit, because it was learned, it can be “unlearned,” and with compassion and sound advice, Pam shows how.

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  • Letting Go Of Disappointments And Painful Losses


    Professional counselor Pam Vredevelt constantly hears the question “How do I let go of the pain I feel?” Whether it’s a soured friendship or dissatisfying job, a wayward child, or unrealistic expectations, every person has to deal with lingering disappointment and its clouding effect on attitude and relationships. God does not intend that pain to cripple, distort, and consume his children. Getting “unstuck” is possible, Pam writes, through the use of a few simple and practical tools that lead to peace of mind and tranquility of heart. We’ve all heard the expression, “Let go and let God.” With compassion and warmth, Pam Vredevelt show how.

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  • Preaching To Every Pew


    The growing cultural diversity of American society is mirrored in the pews and parishes of mainline denominations and represents a dynamic challenge to the effective proclamation of the gospel on Sunday mornings. Preaching to Every Pew, based on extensive field research, takes on the challenge of preaching in such a context. The authors map an approach to culture from four signifigant perspectives: ethnicity, class, displacement, and religious beliefs. They describe the signifigant ways in which culture influences human beings, detail how cultural influences affect and complicate communication in general and preaching in particular, and then recommend practical strategies for improving communication in culturally diverse settings. Preaching to Every Pew is an invaluable aid to pastors and seminaries yearning for more effective ways to proclaim the gospel.

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  • Truths That Build


    Truths That Build provides 14 foundational principles that Dick Everson calls the “Truths That Build A Premier Church.” Each principle explains what every Christian should focus on and gives practical insight to Christian living. These Truths That Build will encourage the reader who puts them into practice and ultimately strengthen the local church.

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  • Scope Of Our Art A Print On Demand Title


    In The Scope of Our Art a diverse group of theological teachers explores the spiritual dimensions of their vocation as religious educators. Drawing on a rich array of resources, including Scripture, The Rule of St.Benedict, medieval women mystics, the Methodist theologian Georgia Harkness, and Simone Weil, as well as their own teaching experiences, the contributors discuss the vital relationships between academic and spiritual formation, religious commitments and teaching practices, and individual and institutional vocation.

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  • More Childrens Sermons To Go


    Ever wonder if anybody remembers your children’s sermons? This idea book is for you! Each of the 52 messages features a scripted talk about God, his love, and his Word; materials list; related Bible verse; and suggestions for inexpensive take-home tokens to help youngsters better understand and recall the lesson. Great for family devotions, too.

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  • Equipping Church Guidebook


    This is a hands-on ministry resource manual to help churches develop leaders and systems for lay mobilization. The approach is open-ended so that a variety of types and sizes of churches can use it. Charts and worksheets are included. The material has been tested through several years of use in churches that have received the privately distributed notebook format. Now updated and extensively revised, this volume serves as a practical companion to The Equipping Church. That book provides the philosophy and challenging vision for lay mobilization. This book provides the practical tools for implementation. Part 1 covers planning for lay mobilization. Part 2 covers building a lay ministry program. The markets include church staff members along with denominational leaders. It also is designed for use by lay leaders in churches who want hands-on help to mobilize the laity for ministry.

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  • Youth Leaving The Church


    Why have so many youth become disenchanted with the Christian Church? This book discusses possible reasons why youth leave the church and suggest ways to reverse these trends.

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  • Word Among Us


    An essential handbook for preachers and a lively, informed devotional companion for those who prepare for worship by reading the Scriptures, this commentary on the Principal Service readings for Year A offers: Variations in interpretation Background history Links between passages Theological significance Language sources Illustrative quotes

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  • Young Lions : Chrisitian Rites Of Passage For African American Young Men


    This resource introduces and supports a mentoring program that offers African American young men, Positive peer group involvement, Hands-on skill development, Knowledge of the African American culture, Relationship with Christian African American men as role models. This resource provides the tools and encouragement needed to help leaders of African American young men experience the joy of supporting and challenging youth to grow as Christ’s disciples. Includes practical tips for getting started, a comprehensive leadership recruitment and training plan, complete meeting outlines and directions, reproducible pages for participants, and an interaction oriented mentor guide.

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  • Balance


    20/30 Bible Study for Young Adults targets adult learners in their 20’s and 30’s. Each volume in the series challenges you to examine a powerful biblical image that defines and shapes your life. The 20/30 volumes honor your experience and encourage you to look at your own questions, goals, and beliefs as you study the Scriptures that expand on the biblical images. You juggle multiple demands-school work, family, friends, church, day-to-day “stuff” like paying bills and dealing with junk mail-but do these activities each receive the proper priority at the proper time? Balance: Living With Life’s Demands will help you sort through various claims on your life and put your priorities into a healthy and manageablle perspective.

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  • Creative Bible Lessons In Galatians And Philippians


    Grace, growth, freedom, and faith are the themes of these 12 dynamic lessons based on the letters from Paul to the Christians in Galatia and Philippi. As the next volume in the popular Creative Bible Lessons series, Creative Bible Lessons in Galatians & Philippians comes power-packed with the teachings of Paul. Six lessons from each book will guide you and your students through many of the Gospel’s central truths, including:

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  • Drama Skits And Sketches 3


    More great ideas for youth group activities

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  • Hot Illustrations For Youth Talks 4


    All-new dynamic illustrations will help the messages of youth talks hit their mark

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  • Effective Mens Ministry


    Collective wisdom and experience in how to begin and continue effective ministry with men

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  • Spiritual Directors


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808866ISBN10: 0835808866Kay GrayBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Spiritual Growth Through Team Experience


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808859ISBN10: 0835808858Joanne BultemeierBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Group Reunion


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808842ISBN10: 083580884XStephen BryantBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Coming Down From The Mountain


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808828ISBN10: 0835808823Lawrence MartinBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • What Is Emmaus


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835808811ISBN10: 0835808815Stephen BryantBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: June 2001Emmaus LibraryPublisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Listening To God


    People today are less interested in thinking about God while being much more interested in knowing God, observes spiritual director and author John Ackerman, who served as a parish pastor for four decades. In this insightful book, Ackerman outlines ways congregations can promote members’ spiritual growth toward a greater intimacy with God. This book is about the whole system-individuals and small groups, lay leaders and clergy, worship and education-everything we do in a congregation to form us more fully into the body of Christ and to become aware of Christ in us. Ackerman offers two basic, four-step models and several additional tools that can be used to create a more encompassing process. And it all begins with learning to listen as a community, and to notice what God is doing in our life together. Foreword by Alice Mann, author of Can Our Church Live? and The In-Between Church.

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  • Craddock Stories


    “Those who have heard Craddock preach know that the stories he weaves are a “secret weapon” of his preaching. Now Mike Graves and Richard Ward have complied Craddock Stories, a collection of more than 200 stories that Craddock tells, based on his own life and ministry. Even those who don’t follow Craddock’s preaching model will thoroughly enjoy the winsome and insightful stories in this collection.”

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  • Psychology In Christian Perspective (Reprinted)


    This book follows the standard progression of introductory psychology textbooks and adds a Christian perspective that contributes needed diversity to the study of the mind and behavior. Topics range from ESP to moral development.

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  • Building Effective Boards For Religious Organizations


    SKU (ISBN): 9780787945633ISBN10: 0787945633Editor: Tom Holland | Editor: David HesterBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 2001Publisher: Jossey-Bass, Inc./Wiley Print On Demand Product

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  • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas P – (Spanish)


    Think of it as a lean, mean, Bible doctrine course_without the lecture; but it doew have lots of options, music and drama, small-group work, and reproducible, interactive worksheets with eye-catching designs and soul-searching content. In these 12 clear, complete sessions, author Chap Clark guides kids (and you) through the Big Ideas in this first-century letter to Christians trying their darndest to live godly lives in an ungodly culture. Here are topics made to order for teenagers living at the turn of the 21st century. Teach your way through Romans with these ready-to-go sessions. Or scanvege whatever you want of the creative scripts, handouts, and other options to customize a lesson of your own. Any way you use it, this book is your no-doze ticket to solid Bible doctrine.

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  • Shaping The Spiritual Life Of Students


    Jonathan’s drug use has come between him and Jesus. Rachel, trapped in an abusive relationship, is afraid to return to church. How can you help spiritually alienated teenagers? Offering practical insights, Dunn teaches you to be attuned to teens’ deepest needs so that you can help them pace their lives—physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

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  • Care For The Soul


    Nineteen psychologists and theologians look at the boundaries between science and religion, trying to find common ground in an area fraught with controversy. How does modern psychology’s approach differ from the age-old techniques used by clergy? What can each side learn from the other?

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  • Reading The Bible In Faith A Print On Demand Title


    Reading the Bible in Faith gathers the deepest reflections of leading pastor-theologians dealing with the heart of Holy Scripture – the restoration of the proper relationship between God and his people. Speaking ecumenically, pastor to pastor, the contributors to this very special book provide sound encouragement, rooted in both the Bible and experience, to other church leaders who are also called to stand as the theologians of their local congregations. Seeing the present “crisis of the church” more truly as a crisis of faith that compels too many pastors to major in the minors, this volume confidently reaffirms the Christian gospel as the trustworthy and dynamic basis for the church’s mission and ministry. Short, insightful writings by respected leaders of local congregations urge church renewal through scripturally grounded preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and church administration.

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  • Excellent Protestant Congregations


    1. Lutheran Ministries Of Southwest Oklahoma
    2. Seekers Church
    3. Mountain Top Community Church
    4. All Saints Episcopal Church
    5. Riverside Baptist Church
    6. First United Methodist Church
    7. Chinese Christian Union Church
    8. Full Gospel Church Of God In Christ
    9. Warehouse 242

    Additional Info
    Though it is popular for individuals to seek a variety of spiritual practices and approaches, the local congregation still remains the place where most Christians turn for religious education, nurture, ritual, and a sense of community. With the influx of new faces in the pews, many congregations are struggling to respond to their spiritual needs. In Excellent Protestant Congregations, respected religion journalist Paul Wilkes profiles nine dynamic, geographically and denominationally diverse congregations that have the ability to create a vibrant community of workshop. Wilkes draws out the “points of excellence” that lie beneath each congregation’s success and vitality. From hosting luncheons after funerals to organizing powerful life-changing retreats, from developing a capital campaign to getting volunteers to cheerfully do work for the church, Excellent Protestant Congregations provides real-world insights that are both inspiring and applicable in a local congregation. The geographic listing of over 300 excellent Protestant congregations and an index guiding readers to specific topics, such as stewardship, bereavement, and how to reach Gen Xers, make Excellent Protestant Congregations an invaluable resource for church life.

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  • Using Illustrations To Preach With Power


    Paul’s vivid metaphor of the “armor of God” still speaks to us today. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “dream” transformed an entire nation. Using illustrations in your sermon furthers your congregation’s understanding. Arguing that lively illustrations are vital to effective preaching, Chapell shows you how to choose, shape, and incorporate them into your sermons.

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  • Uncovering Your Churchs Hidden Spirit


    Parishioners today look to their congregations to feed their spiritual hunger. But many members and clergy are not sure how the words “congregation” and “spirituality” fit together. Author Celia Hahn interviewed 30 lay people and clergy from five Episcopal congregations to discover their stories of congregational spirituality and to help them identify the congregation’s gifts for spiritual development. Hahn becomes a spiritual companion and resource for the searching congregation, guiding the church as it begins to discover its gifts. How is God at work in our congregation? How do members empowered by the transforming Spirit minister in their workplaces, neighborhoods, and families? How do members move into a deeper relationship with one another and with God? Foreword by Tilden Edwards, executive director of the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Direction.

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  • Its News To Me Messages Of Hope For Those Who Havent Heard Cycle A


    All too often, many people find traditional worship dull and the sermons they hear impractical for living in today’s world. Yet Linda McCoy is convinced that the message of God’s unconditional love is the most vital word for life anyone can receive — especially those who have never heard or truly experienced it. Her inspiring sermons share that message of hope with modern Americans by bridging the gap between the sacred and the secular. As the fruit of her non-traditional ministry directed toward those who have never been part of a church or who have been “turned off” or “disenfranchised” by the established church, McCoy’s short, to-the-point messages effectively and relevantly communicate the good news to anyone who is searching for an experience of the Divine. Readers of these sermons will be connected to a deep sense of purpose and enriched by God’s amazing love and grace.

    Sermon titles include:
    * Prepare For Arrival — Matthew 3:1-12
    * The Power Of A Dream — Matthew 2:13-23
    * Positive Identification — John 1:29-42
    * Building Bridges — Matthew 5:21-37
    * It’s A Mystery — Matthew 17:1-9

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  • Blueprints For Worship


    165 Pages

    Additional Info
    This book is intended to provide practical assistance for pastors, musicians, and others who plan and lead worship in local congregations. Based upon the 1989 United Methodist Hymnal, the 1992 United Methodist Book of Worship, and the 1992 Revised Common Lectionary, this book will enable you to create, design, build, and lead effective worship experiences in your local congregation. Through a worksheet format that culls information and references from the sources mentioned above, you’ll be able to more effectively integrate preaching, music, movement, and environment.

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  • Art Of Teaching The Bible


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664501488ISBN10: 0664501486Christine BlairBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2001Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • My Life In Jesus (Teacher’s Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780570007593ISBN10: 0570007593Binding: Spiral BoundPublished: March 2001Publisher: Concordia Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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  • Teologia Practica Pastoral – (Spanish)


    Would you like to know how to prepare your vision and present it to writing to the church? How to give specific job functions to each of your collaborators? How many types of leaders there are? How to write thankful notes to thankful offerings? Which are the critical phases in the pastoral ministry? What place the pastor’s wife occupies? How many different ecclesiastic governments exist? How to celebrate different ceremonies, from funerals to dedicating babies? These and other topics are discussed in this practical guide for pastors.

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  • Beyond The Ordinary A Print On Demand Title


    Over the past few decades mainline Protestant congregations have not easily embraced the notion of spirituality. As much as any aspect of church life, spirituality has been misunderstood, misused, and resisted by both clergy and laity. Yet times are changing. Today many people feel a deep spiritual hunger and are out looking for fulfillment in a wide variety of settings. In this new context, mainline congregations need to awaken to the presence of the Spirit in their midst and equip leaders to nurture both the personal and corporate spirituality of their congregations.

    Beyond the Ordinary is explicitly written to help church leaders who have had no formal training in spiritual formation. Drawing from years of experience teaching Christian spirituality, Ben Campbell Johnson and Andrew Dreitcer explore the spiritual dimensions of leadership, looking in depth at the meaning of spirituality as it relates to the tasks of ministry. This friendly, inspiring book will enable readers to erase the negative stereotypes of spirituality and develop vital models and practices for the church today.

    The book introduces a faithful understanding and practice of the spiritual life to those who have not yet dipped into the well that is Christian spirituality. For those who have already tasted this water and still thirst, it offers a way to dip even more deeply. Chapters discuss the issues surrounding a meaningful spirituality for our changing times, the importance of holding prayer and mission in tension, and the crucial role of Scripture in the formation of our lives. The authors also underscore the importance of vision, myth, and discernment in the spiritual life of the church. And they discuss the power of spiritual practices like discernment and visioning for enhancing the spirituality of congregations and for helping them become agents of social transformation.

    Intended for personal and group use by pastors, elders, other church leaders, and those preparing for service in the church, the book includes suggestions for reflection and discussion as well as journaling exercises that encourage learning and growth.

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  • Listening Ministry : Rethinking Pastoral Leadership


    Listening Ministry is a timely and practical work that invites church leaders (professional and non-professional) to look at leadership in the church in a completely different way. It is also a valuable scholarly work that calls forth new learning through the reflection questions provided at the end of each chapter. The book helps readers rethink the dynamics of ministry from the perspective of listening, focusing on both its individual and communal dimensions. Hedahl’s work presents a unique blend of theological reflection on listening, new and tested research on listening as it relates to church leadership, and suggested forms of listening as education and skills assessment in a continual effort to locate and understand listening as the heart of effective and faithful ministry.

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  • Pastoral Leadership : A Handbook Of Resources For Effective Congregational


    This comprehensive problem-solving reference for pastors provides theological foundations and experience-tested techniques for effective clergy leadership.

    Robert D. Dale offers insight into the dynamics of clergy management by placing leadership into a congregational context and stressing servanthood as the primary biblical leadership image. Following a discussion of the three critical dimensions of organizational effectiveness, Dale explores and critiques the four basic leadership styles: catalyst, commander, encourager, and hermit. Out of this background exploration, Dale discloses decision-making guidelines that have proved effective in helping clergy: resolve conflicts; lead churches through change; define the congregation’s dream; budget resources effectively; manage meetings; build teams; and, motivate oneself and others.

    Pastoral Leadership concludes with a unique look at the effects of clergy leadership on the pastor as a person, offering valuable insight into clergy spirituality, burnout, family demands, and career development. Notes, a bibliography, and review questions accompany each chapter.

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  • Abundance (Student/Study Guide)


    20/30: Bible Study for Young Adults targets adult learners in their 20’s and 30’s. Each volume in the series challenges you to examine a powerful biblical image that defines and shapes your life.

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  • 4 Views Of Youth Ministry And The Church


    This book delineates four distinct philosophical/ecclesiological views of how youth ministry relates to the church at large. The dialogical and sometimes feisty format gives readers a taste of what’s profound and what’s flawed in these four typologies: inclusive (Malan Nel), preparatory (Wes Black), missional (Chap Clark), and strategic (Mark Senter). Each view has theological assumptions and pragmatic implications regarding the church’s mission to youth which are examined in Youth Specialties’ unique style that marries solid academic research with tone and design that is as compelling to in-the-field, practicing youth workers as undergraduate and graduate students. In short, here’s a meaty theological dish for the malnourished academic literature in the discipline of youth ministry

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  • Strategies For Brief Pastoral Counseling


    In this extraordinarily helpful resource, eleven leaders in pastoral counseling offer a convincing rationale for and careful and smart instruction in brief pastoral counseling. Based on research, case studies, and the latest thinking they lay out: the dynamics of the pastor-parishoner relationship, including the need for collaborative, hospitable, future-oriented, and wholistic counseling specific strategies, including brief counseling’s solution-focused method, its relation to spiritual direction, its focus on people’s strengths, and time limits the major literature in the field of pastoral counseling in the past fifty years, offering ways in which it can speak more directly to the concerns of parish pastors as they offer counsel to those they serve

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  • Building The Christian Academy A Print On Demand Title


    For centuries the Christian academic tradition played a major role in both Western intellectual history and the history of the church. In this volume Arthur Holmes explores the tradition of learning, focusing on seven formative episodes in history that can have a contribution to make to the building and maintenance of a strong Christian academy today.

    For each historical period considered, Holmes probes the particular problems educators faced and discusses the major concerns that guided educational practice. By examining the thought of Plato, Origen, Abelard, Aquinas, Erasmus, Francis Bacon, John Henry Newman, and others, Holmes identifies four recurring emphases at the heart of the Christian academy: the care of the soul, the unity of truth, contemplative learning, and the usefulness of liberal arts as preparation for service to both church and society. This insightful work makes a convincing case for reclaiming the theological foundations of learning for our day.

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  • Act Of God Active God


    This book raises in a straighforward fashion the faith-related questions that victims/survivors of natural disasters have as a result of their experiences. Is the disaster an “act of God”? Did God cause the disaster? If God is all powerful, why did God allow it to hapen? Dr. Gary Harbaught provides insights and understandings to help persons of faith to struggle with that seeming contradiction. Instead of seeing disasters as “acts of God”, he shows that when disasters occur, God in fact is active: active in and through our questions, confusion, and doubts; active in and through our responses and actions; active in and through the community; and active in and through people of faith.

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  • Undivided Soul : Helping Congregations Connect Body And Spirit


    In The Undivided Soul: Helping Congregations Connect Body and Spirit, Cheryl Kirk-Duggan offers a worship, study, and sermon planning resource containing meditations, responsive readings, poems, and small-group leaders. This volume is designed as a year-long teaching/learning guide. Each chapter explores various aspects of faith, health, and spirituality. The book can be used as a worship resource for Sunday worship, retreats, or other gatherings; it can be used as a devotional resource for small groups; it can be a study guide for group study or retreats. This resource is designed to help persons and groups explore the relationship between the faith journey, physical bodies, and spiritual discipline.

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  • Wild Truth Bible Lessons Pictures Of God 2


    The Bible is a photo album, brimming with self-portraits of a God who wants to be known. God has put these pictures in the Bible to reveal his character. By examining them, we discover who God is and why he’s worth knowing better. And we discover something else: who he wants us to be. He wants us to copy his picture into our own character. Wild Truth Bible Lessons – Pictures of God 2 is a guide to 12 God-pictures taken straight from the Photo Album. They are active Bible lessons for junior high and middle school Sunday school classes or youth group meetings, each one based on one of the 50 pictures of God and presented energetically, relevantly, and scripturally in the companion student book Wild Truth Journal: Pictures of God. The lessons are loaded with off-the-wall and easy-to-do discussion starters, video ideas, scripts, games with a point. And, of course, Bible passages and studies that springboard junior highers from the abstract into the concrete as (open Bibles in hand) they explore the nature of God in a lively, relevant way, and then begin practicing in their own lives the traits of God.

    Here’s how the lessons are organized:
    * Picture Prep grabs your group’s attention to prepare them for what’s ahead.
    * Action Shot takes your students into the Bible to catch God in the act of revealing his character.
    * Self-Portrait explores the given aspect of God’s character – how it makes God just that much more awesome…and why it’s a very good trait for us to have, too.
    * Print It! challenges your students to print God’s picture into their own lives by living out his character in an immediately practical way.

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  • Understanding Teaching : Effective Biblical Teaching For The 21st Century


    Chapter 1: Why Teach?
    Chapter 2: Why Students Learn?
    Chapter 3: Preparing Yourself In The Word
    Chapter 4: Application And Learning
    Chapter 5: Understanding Lesson Aims
    Chapter 6: Planning The Lesson
    Chapter 7: Teaching Students – Not Lessons
    Chapter 8: Selecting Methods
    Chapter 9: Preparing Methods
    Chapter 10: Setting Your Classroom
    Chapter 11: Evaluating Teaching
    Chapter 12: Keeping Fresh

    Additional Info
    Many engaged in Christian teaching do so for years without weary spirits. Others, who were once earnest, give up in despair. What makes the difference? A biblical understanding of teaching brings appreciation for this spiritual gift. To understand the teaching ministry is to realize its significant impact on the spread of the Gospel. Approaching this task biblically involves empowerment from the Holy Spirit, insight into God’s Word, sharp communication skills, and accurate interaction with students.

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  • Acting On The Absurd Cycle A


    Packed full of stories about the human condition, this book of insightful sermons based largely on texts from Pauls’s letter to the Romans will be invaluable to preachers, teachers, and laypersons. Readers will serendipitously find marvelous results when one acts in faith on the “absurd” notion that God loves us unconditionally. These messages from an outstanding preacher demonstrate that when we follow the example of Paul and faithfully try to become what God created us to be, wonderful things begin to happen!

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  • Access To High Hope Cycle A


    Harry Huxhold’s excellent sermons build on the epistle texts from the lectionary to express and explain the meaning of the Lord’s passion and resurrection. His messages interpret the events of Jesus’ life in the light of God’s revelation to us through the scriptures. By sharpening our focus on the access we have to hope through the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, he helps readers find the true significance in the events of his earthly life. Harry Huxhold currently serves as pastoral associate at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Carmel Indiana.

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  • Holy E Mail Cycle A


    Many modern Christians yearn for a deeper spiritual life, a relevant relationship with a God who still matters and who thinks we still matter. However, Dallas Brauninger tells us, we are not good at listening and talking with God. What we are good at is hurling questions at the Almighty — and Brauninger says that questions are what we are all about if we are to continue to grow spiritually. And so is confession. We doubt. We fear. We stretch to the limits of our patience. We wonder if tenacity will prevail or if we will sink. We have moments of bliss and ponder anew the mystery of God. We wonder and grieve about the world.

    Brauninger believes that question and confession are two forms of our prayer — and for many of us, these conversations with God are as brief and instant as an e-mail. In Holy E-Mail, she inventively casts fourteen sermons based on Cycle A lectionary epistle texts in the form of extended e-mail messages to God. It’s as if congregations and pastors were privy to someone’s private ponderings that reflect our own spiritual roaming.

    This volume is not only a creative resource for preachers; it’s also directed to the everyday person in the pew. Crafted to help hearers connect with God and each other, these sermons address universal queries of the human soul. By uniting sermon with prayer, they’re excellent for use as readings for personal meditation.

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  • Tears Of Sadness Tears Of Gladness Cycle A


    Albert Butzer believes that “sermons should speak to the real and immediate lives of the listeners and be grounded in the everyday events of their lives.” This collection of sermons for Lent and Easter based on gospel texts definitely achieved that goal: Butzer’s messages consistently and creatively deliver a ringing proclamation of the good news. They are outstanding examples of the homiletical art that bring together several elements of the classic sermon: biblical text, theological tradition, life of the world, life and experience of a particular congregation, and faith and experience of the preacher.

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  • Lets Get Committed Cycle A


    People seem dazzled by the world’s glitter of false grandeur and pay little to no attention to the majesty of God. The sparkle of glitter the world offers does nothing but litter the ocean floor of the spirit. A saint’s job is to pay close attention to the security of God’s grandeur — magnitude, creation, mercy, hope, happiness, joy, peace, and life. With God as our ship we can stay afloat for eternity. (from All Saints’ Sunday sermon, “Called To Be Saints”)

    Derl Keefer explores the timeless and life-changing truths of the Bible in ten powerful and effective messages based on First Lesson passages from the Revised Common Lectionary. While particularly useful to pastors gleaning ideas for their own preaching, these sermons offer an abundant dose of spiritual power to all who read and digest them.

    Sermon titles include:
    * Where Are We Without God? — Exodus 33:12-23
    * Leaving A Legacy — Deuteronomy 34:1-12
    * Reformation To Transformation — Jeremiah 31:31-34
    * God’s New Shepherd — Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24

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  • Living On One Days Rations Cycle A


    In eleven thought-provoking sermons based upon texts from Genesis and Exodus, Douglas Bailey highlights events from the lives of Jacob, his son Joseph, and Moses. But these messages are more than simple biblical exegesis – drawing on insights from scholarly research, Bailey demonstrates that the spiritual struggles and faith of Jacob, Joseph, and Moses are very pertinent to vital issues we face in our lives today. For example, Jacob’s “growing pains” make us wonder “What prizes are worth working for?” and “Why does God pick a fight with us and challenge us to a wrestling match?” Similarly, the story of Joseph leads us to ask why genuine forgiveness is truly painful. And sermons reviewing major episodes in the life of Moses raise such questions as “Can we really trust God to come through when the chips are down?” and “Can an affluent society ever accept God’s limited offer of one day’s blessings – one day at a time?” Bailey mines the texts for answers to these timely questions, proving that the ancient texts are still very relevant.

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  • Formed By A Dream Cycle A


    Kristen Borsgard Wee tells us that the scriptures are “endlessly fascinating, constantly surprising, and an unparalleled adventure in God’s interaction with people.” The same might be said of these first-rate sermons based mainly on texts from the Book of Genesis. Readers will discover that Wee has an uncanny ability to place them right in the heart of the lections – experiencing what the biblical characters did while at the same time revealing what God is trying to say to us that can transform our lives. By challenging basic assumptions and raising interesting questions, Wee is able to unveil some of the truths about God and human nature that are embedded in these sacred texts. These messages offer to readers, in the words of Anne Lamott, “a path and a little light to see by.”

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  • Restoring The Future Cycle A


    Drawing upon thoughtfully mined biblical insights and his alert attention to contemporary culture, Rob Elder has crafted sermons that not only disclose some unexpected angles of vision on Lent and Easter, but also serve as models for preaching on neglected and overlooked texts. These are not the usual texts and these are not the expected words for the seasons of Lent and Easter, but it is sometimes what we do not expect to see and hear that delights us most. Robert J. Elder is currently the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Salem, Oregon.

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  • Long Time Coming Cycle A


    It is not God’s plan to take us by surprise. Throughout scripture there is the rolling thunder of the Deity’s voice resounds: “I’m going to do it! Get ready! Pay close attention! Here comes what I promised!” We call such predictions “prophecy,” history written before it happens. And about nothing is God more prophetic, more predictive, than Jesus Christ. (from the Foreword)

    In Long Time Coming! Stephen Crotts proclaims the richness of Jesus’ birth. Noting that the Lord always tells us ahead of time what he is about to do, his 14 sermons based on Old Testament lectionary texts examine how God foretold in Isaiah’s prophetic ministry that he would save and redeem mankind.

    Sermon titles include:
    * Still Small Voice — Isaiah 11:1-10
    * When A Halo Slips — Jeremiah 31:7-14
    * What Does Your God Say About People Like Me? — Isaiah 42:1-9
    * Let Sleeping Dogmas Awake! — Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12)

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