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Showing 101–200 of 308 results

  • Fearless Parenting : How To Raise Faithful Kids In A Secular Culture


    In a dangerous and morally declining culture, renowned researcher teams up with veteran youth worker to help parents raise children who are biblically grounded and less affected by secular culture in order to be salt and light in the world.

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  • Strong And Kind


    It’s never been more important to teach your children well.

    What America needs today are parents w ho don’t just s ay they value these virtues but who live them and passionately and boldly teach them to their children. It’s up to me and you and every parent in America to make the necessary changes to give our children the opportunity to change the world. We do that by instilling good character traits in them so that they will be capable of being the adults our world needs.

    -Korie Robertson

    Many parents want to see positive character traits in their children but wonder how to instill them. As stars of the hit reality-TV show Duck Dynasty, Korie and Willie Robertson receive loads of letters and messages from fans asking how they’ve raised such good kids. As they will tell you, “it isn’t always easy, but raising kids with good character is possible.”

    A straightforward, practical approach to parenting, Strong and Kind helps you identify the character traits you want to see in your children and gives you the tools for putting them in place. Besides strength and kindness other character traits include:

    By modeling positive traits, with confidence, consistency, creativity, unity, and in truth and love, you can increase the chances of your kids catching on. At the end of the day, the Duck Dynasty stars say the most important thing you can do for your children is what they do at the end of every episode: hand them over to God in prayer.

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  • Sharing Gods Big Love With Little Lives


    Jean teaches parents and caregivers how to better interact with little ones in the work of spiritual formation. This book encourages age-appropriate, positive conversations and activities that have eternal impact. Speaking to parents, grandparents, and teachers of preschoolers using Scripture, humor, research, and anecdotes, Jean communicates in a lively way, offering strong Biblical guidance and practical application. With a strong conviction that Jesus loves the little children, Jean champions the values of little lives.

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  • Strength For Parents Of Missing Children


    Hawaii Way Publishing

    Families everywhere experience the loss of contact with children due to divorce and foster care. Follow the mother of an abducted child as she helps others survive and thrive in this award-winning Christian bestseller.

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  • 10 Gifts Of Heart


    Every parent wants their child to grow into a gracious and competent adult. Faith, character, manners, initiative, gratitude-these are just a few of the qualities and skills children need to take to heart before they leave home. Yet parents today do not always have a clear vision for how to cultivate those traits. What does it look like for a mother to train her child’s heart to excellence and goodness? In 10 Gifts of Heart, Sally Clarkson shares biblical wisdom and practical insights from over thirty years of motherhood to show the way.

    You’ll be motivated and empowered in this friendly and accessible book to accept the challenge to spiritually influence and direct your child’s heart. That kind of heart training is hard work, though, so 10 Gifts of Heart is filled with personal examples, engaging stories, practical suggestions, and heartfelt encouragement for moms in the thick of raising children. It is, at its heart, a book of vision and inspiration for shaping your child’s heart to want to follow and please God.

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  • Planet Middle School


    You are about to embark on a fantastic journey

    If you’ve ever watched one of those movies where regular people are walking around minding their own business, until without warning their chests burst open and alien life-forms come slithering out, then you know what it’s like to suddenly find yourself with a middle-schooler. Your once-peaceful home full of silliness and laughter morphs into the twisted landscape of a forbidding alien world, where moody adolescents drag their claws and moan about . . . well, just about everything.

    Welcome to Planet Middle School. Better get comfortable. You’ll be here awhile.

    Lucky for you, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman successfully navigated Planet Middle School with five children. With his expert guidance, you’ll see how you can help your child not only survive but thrive during these turbulent years. Leman shows you how to:
    * understand your child’s rapidly expanding world
    * respond rather than react to mood swings
    * tell your child about sex (before someone else tells their version)
    * create opportunities for your child to practice selflessness and gratitude
    * ensure that your kid is one who loves home and family
    * and much more

    Middle-schoolers can be a strange, unpredictable species. But with a little help from Dr. Leman, you can ride out the interstellar storm with humor and confidence.

    Houston, we have a problem.

    It happens to every parent. One day, you have a sweet son or daughter who loves to snuggle on the couch and who puts a smile on your face just by walking into the room. The next day, it’s as if someone left the door open and let in an alien with a smart mouth and an attitude that, frankly, you could do without. Entering middle school is like stepping onto a different planet–for parent and child alike.

    But these years don’t have to create chaos in your family. In fact, they can be some of the best, most fruitful years of all, a time when you can grow closer rather than drift apart. From the internal storms of hormonal changes to the external challenges of peer pressure and our technology-saturated culture, your child is under constant bombardment. Learn how to come alongside your middle-schooler with the love, understanding, and values that will see you both safely back home to earth when your time on Planet Middle School is over.

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  • Championship Grandfathering


    SKU (ISBN): 9781589978744ISBN10: 1589978749Carey Casey | Neil WilsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2017Publisher: Focus On The Family

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  • Faith At Home


    Home (not the congregation) and parents (not clergy, youth ministers, or Sunday School) are the key mechanisms by which religious faith and practice are transmitted intergenerationally. Recent studies indicate that the single most important factor in youth becoming committed and engaged in their religious faith as young adults is that the family talks about religion at home. However, for many parents in the United States, religious language is a foreign language. Faith at Home will help parents learn this “second language” and introduce it to their children in simple, meaningful, concrete ways. Parents often ask: How do we introduce prayer to our children if we do not necessarily believe prayer changes outcomes? How do we approach reading the Bible with our children when our own relationship with it is mixed or complicated? How do we talk about difficult things and where do we find God in the midst of them? How do we teach our children to make a difference in the world? How do we connect what happens at church to what happens at home? These questions and many more are addressed with talking points, practices, and resources provided for each subject.

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  • Raising A Young Modern Day Princess


    Emulating the format of Raising a Modern-Day Princess, authors Doreen Hanna and Karen Whiting seek to help parents and grandparents cultivate strong relationships and encourage the spiritual formation in their daughters using examples, Bible teaching on the fruit of the Spirit, and a variety of creative activities that are based on Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control).

    By implementing the ideas in this book, mothers (as well as fathers) will be equipped to understand and guide their daughters through each step of becoming His “princess.” This will include perceiving a daughter’s unique personality and gifts, refining her character through training and discipline, and modeling the attributes of a daughter of the King.

    This book is a follow-up to both Raising a Modern-Day Knight (by Robert Lewis) and Raising a Modern-Day Princess by Pam Farrel and Doreen Hanna. While the latter book is aimed at parents of girls ages 12 and up, this book focuses on building the Christian character of younger girls.

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  • Parenting : 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family


    Sometimes parents wish there was a guaranteed formula for raising good kids-a certain list of rules to follow to ensure they’d have obedient children. But if moms and dads view their role through the lens of God’s grace, they will see that the gospel must first shape how they parent before they can effectively shape their children. In this highly practical book, Paul David Tripp unfolds a more biblical perspective on parenting than merely adhering to a list of rules. He lays out fifteen gospel-centered principles that will radically change the way parents think about what it means to raise up a child, informing everything they do as a parent.

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  • Making Home Work In A Broken Society


    “Raising kids and building families is tough these days. We live in a broken society that celebrates sin and minimizes family relationships. Is it possible for Christian parents in today’s society to raise emotionally healthy kids who love God and are equipped to do God’s will for their lives? Yes. Emphatically, yes. God has entrusted you, as a parent, to care for and raise your children for Him, and He has given you the resources you need for the job. Specifically, He has given you His Word to guide and His grace to enable. That doesn’t mean it will be easy or that it will happen on autopilot. It isn’t, and it won’t. The truths presented in these pages are not parenting hacks-tricks to have well-behaved kids. They are principles studied from God’s Word, tested in the laboratory of the author’s home, and applied to the challenging topics and multifaceted responsibilities today’s parents face. In these pages, discover what it means to invest in your children and how you can bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

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  • With All Due Respect


    With All Due Respect is a handbook for parents navigating the difficulties of the tween and teen years. Roesner and Hitchcock help parents identify what successful relationships look like and give easy-to-follow lessons in enforcing rules, communicating lovingly, resetting relationships, overcoming fears and exhaustion, and handling rebellion. Each day features a story every mom can relate to, down-to-earth questions to think about, and a prayer to launch an action plan. As a result, the reader gains new skills and perspective, greater strength, and an ability to live out faith daily as never before. With All Due Respect is for all parents seeking not only to connect more deeply with and positively impact their teens and tweens, but also to grow more deeply in faith through the process.

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  • 52 Ways To Connect With Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid


    In 52 Ways to Connect with Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid, author Jonathan McKee offers just the help you need to have meaningful interaction with your kids instead of always overreacting to their unhealthy consumption of technology and media. In a world where over 80 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds now own a smartphone, parents are searching for ways to pry their kids’ eyes from their devices and engage them in real, face-to-face conversation. Mckee–drawing from his 20-plus years of experience working with teenagers, studying youth culture, and raising three teens of his own–provides an abundant supply of useful tips and creative ideas to help you bond with the Smartphone Generation.

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  • Raising Kingdom Kids


    From the bestselling author of Kingdom Man and Kingdom Woman, Raising Kingdom Kids equips parents to raise their children with a Kingdom perspective and also offers practical how-to advice on providing spiritual training as instructed in Scripture.

    Dr. Tony Evans begins with an overarching look at the need for Kingdom parenting, our roles and responsibilities in raising God-following children, and how to prepare children to take on the assignments God has for their lives. He then takes a practical turn, with examples and illustrations to help parents understand and provide specific training for kids in the power of prayer, wisdom, loving God’s Word, getting through trials, controlling their tongues, developing patience, the surrender of service, and much more.

    This book is for every dad or mom who wants to fulfill the parenting role God has given them-not just in raising healthy kids intellectually, physically, and socially, but in contributing to their child’s relationship with God and alignment under His plan.

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  • More Than Happy


    In the tradition of Bringing Up Bebe and Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, an in-depth look at the practices and principles of Amish parents and how they raise children who are self-sufficient, hard-working, and remarkably happy.

    The more time Serena Miller spent in Holmes County, Ohio, doing research for her popular Amish novels, the more she began to notice something-Amish children were the happiest children she’d ever seen. Despite not having modern toys and conveniences, they are joyful, serene, calm, and respectful-not to mention whipping up full meals and driving buggies before most of us will allow our children to walk to school alone. And yet, when she started asking questions about what these parents were doing differently, she was startled to learn that happiness is not a goal Amish strive for at all.

    In More Than Happy Miller uncovers many surprising insights, including the significance of real responsibilities, the wisdom of unplugging from technology, the value of unstructured time to play, the importance of firm rules, and the importance of each teenager’s freedom to decide what is best for their future.

    Full of practical takeaways, More Than Happy shows you how to apply the basic principles and parenting techniques the Amish use, so you can raise happy, well-adjusted kids.

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  • Mom Im Gay (Expanded)


    When your child reveals that he or she is attracted to the same sex, how you respond may have a lot to do with your faith. Doesn’t the Bible say that’s wrong? Will we have to leave our church? Worst of all, you may wonder, “Do I have to choose between my Christian faith and my child?”

    Susan Cottrell is a mom who has been there and wants you to know that loving and accepting your gay child does not mean abandoning or even compromising your faith. This is not a book about the politics or morality of homosexuality. This is a book about how to respond with love and support during this vulnerable time for your child. With practical advice and heartfelt encouragement, Cottrell guides readers through the fear and uncertainty Christian parents of LGBTQ children often feel

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  • Teach Your Child To Fish


    Don’t you wish someone would’ve taken the time to teach you money-management concepts at a young age? This faith-based playbook is easy-to-digest and provides guiding principles and practical activities for parents to teach school-age children money management concepts.

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  • Small Matters : How Churches And Parents Can Raise Up World Changing Childr


    Children have always been close to the heart of God and as followers of Jesus it is our responsibility to protect, nurture, and pass our faith to children. In Small Matters: Why Children are Such a Big Deal, authors Greg Nettles and Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado offer a model of discipleship that encourages parents to raise up the next generation to be deeply committed to and in love with Jesus. When we awaken to the fact that children between the ages of four and fourteen are the most likely to make a decision to follow Jesus, and that the discipleship that children receive forms their future, it will transform the way we view children, invest in them, reach out to them, teach them and ultimately, empower them to be disciples of Jesus. In recent history the church has embraced a model of discipleship that encourages parents to, “Bring your children to us and we will disciple them. And, by the way, we would love it if you would help.” This model is ineffective as much as it is unbiblical. It is imperative that the church today shifts to a new model of discipleship that encourages parents to, “Disciple your children as your primary responsibility. And, we (the church) would love to help.” Because our world is becoming more and more sensitive to the needs of children, a reflection of the heart of God, it provides those of us who follow Jesus with an unprecedented opportunity to disciple children in our homes, in our churches, in our communities and throughout the world. Now more than ever people are willing to invest in the cause of children through new church planting, equipping children’s ministries, and child sponsorship; all of which are committed to holistic child development.

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  • Navigating Public Schools


    Prepare The Way Publishing

    Who Should Read This Book?
    Navigating Public Schools will empower Christian parents to navigate the increasingly secular public school system with the aim to 1) cultivate strong relationships with their children in a season of immense secular pressure; 2) help their children stand firm in their Christian faith and Biblical worldview; 3) exercise their rights on campus; 4) become salt and light for Jesus Christ.

    This book will also be a powerful resource for all Christians involved in schools-teachers, administrators, staff, extra-curricular groups, Christian club volunteers, youth leaders, pastors-as they learn to discern the misapplication of the “separation of church and state” and appropriately live out their Christian faith on public school campuses.

    How Can This Book Help You?
    For Christians, navigating the public education system is becoming increasingly daunting. Christian parents often feel anxiety about sending their children into the public school environment. Kids spend more waking hours in school than in their homes, and while there, they face many challenges to their faith. The statistics on kids and faith reveal that roughly 50-70% of Christian teens walk away from church when they leave home, and only about 10% come out of the teen years with a Biblical worldview.

    Navigating Public Schools was not written to debate whether kids should be in public schools or not because the fact is, the majority of Christian kids are in public schools. This book was written to parents who are hungry for guidance on this journey. As a public school teacher for ten years, Stephen saw firsthand how a child’s faith may be eroded, so he desires to equip parents and concerned adults to protect children’s faith in schools. This book is perfect for busy parents who want clear tools to navigate curriculum pitfalls, exercise their rights in schools, build a strong worldview foundation as a family, and influence the culture for Christ. This book is meant to help Christian parents be intentional about charting a course to protect their child’s faith and Biblical worldview. But it’s not only for parents-Navigating Public Schools also equips teachers to step off the fear-induced cultural tightrope and appropriately incorporate Christianity into their curriculum. Christian educators, volunteers, pastors, and anyone who is involved directly or indirectly with public schools will learn to exercise their Constitutionally-protected rig

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  • Reparenting 2


    Deep inside you, there is a part of you that still thinks, feels, and reacts like a child. This is true because time alone does not heal all the wounds of childhood. There are actually steps and a process you must go through to nurture and heal the child within you. This process is called reparenting, and this workbook is the second of two volumes designed to walk you through it.

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  • Building Confidence In Your Child


    A solid sense of self-worth helps children make good choices, develop healthy relationships, and work to achieve their dreams. Based on a biblical understanding of human value, Building Confidence in Your Child teaches moms and dads how to parent positively to help their children grow into secure adults who are poised for success in life. Deftly balancing the principles of humility and pride, trusted author and parenting expert Dr. James Dobson offers practical pointers that break through the theories and get right down to the decisions parents have to make every day.

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  • Joyful Parent Equals Happy Home


    Do you get angry at your children easily? Do you often feel like giving up and throwing in the towel? You DO NOT have to feel or react like this anymore! It is difficult to watch your children do things “their way,” especially when it looks like it is totally the opposite of God’s way. You want to shout, “Stop!” because you clearly see the danger ahead. Mary Hudson shows you how as a parent you can look past your hurt and love your children despite their actions. Joyful Parent = Happy Home will encourage you to love your way into your kids’ world. Loving your children unconditionally is the primary ingredient to becoming a Joyful Parent. Once you figure out what is stealing your joy, you have won half the battle. The enemy is the one that is stealing your JOY – not your children. This is a spiritual battle. The enemy’s most effective weapon is deception. And if you fall for his lie that your child is never going to change and will always live a certain way, you have been duped by one of the devil’s oldest tricks. You will be surprised – you will get a brand-new view of parenting when you appropriate a brand-new attitude toward your children. We have to encourage our children with a vision for their future, with the plans that the Lord has for them. We need to remind them that the world will use and abuse them, but God will never fail them. Start speaking life to your children no matter what they are up to or what they are up against. Then, you will start to see life arise in them!

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  • Mean Moms Guide To Raising Great Kids


    “Mom, you’re so mean!” Do you struggle to instill loving boundaries and become discouraged when your child doesn’t like you for them? Let The Mean Mom’s Guide inspire you to dig in and stand your ground when parenting gets tough-because a mean mom isn’t always the mean you think it means.

    The Mean Mom’s Guide to Raising Great Kids encourages overly nice “marshmallow” moms to instill a few much-needed boundaries. It motivates parents to stand their ground when childrearing is tough, most especially when a child doesn’t like them for it.

    Covering parenting from preschool to high school, each of the four sections highlights topics specific to each age. Scripture is weaved throughout as a continual reminder of God’s truth, and “Mom 2 Mom” quotes at the end of each chapter are filled with heartfelt transparency from dozens of moms who lent their own experiences to encourage the reader. Mean moms encourage openly, love passionately, and know full well being called mean by her child is oftentimes a compliment.
    – See more at:

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  • More Than Just The Talk (Reprinted)


    In a sex-saturated culture where kids are exposed to nearly 14,000 sexual references per year on television, and 70 percent of teenagers have encountered pornography on the Internet, parents can’t rely on the traditional one-time “sex talk” that their own parents muddled through. Kids need to know that it’s natural to be curious about sex and that their parents are the most reliable source of information. Otherwise, their friends and smartphones will be more than willing to give answers that are likely to lead them down the path to sin and heartache.

    Jonathan McKee shows parents how to move beyond the initial awkwardness of this subject into an ongoing conversation with their kids about God’s amazing gift of sex. He equips them to engage in open conversations about dating, temptation, porn, and purity. Parents will find answers to the tough questions most people avoid and relevant Scripture regarding sexual issues. When parents provide the honest answers their kids are longing for, they can become the ones their kids turn to with their questions about this critical topic.

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  • Raising Kingdom Kids Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This Participant’s Guide is a companion resource to the six-week DVD-based curriculum Raising Kingdom Kids with teaching by Dr. Tony Evans.

    Recommended for every participant, this Participant’s Guide helps parents tackle the critical assignment of raising children who are spiritually strong and prepared to take on the assignments God has for their lives.

    The six sessions included in Raising Kingdom Kids Group Video Experience provide practical examples and illustrations to help parents grow kids’ faith, with specific instruction in the power of prayer, wisdom, love of God’s Word, getting through trials, controlling the tongue, developing patience, and the surrender of service. One sample Participant’s Guide is included in the Group Video Experience, and an additional copy is recommended for each group member.

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  • You Can Adopt Without Debt


    Important facts, encouragement, and tips help readers avoid the huge cost that can come with adoption.Many families want to adopt, but do not have the large amount of money it takes to complete a private domestic or international adoption. Some quickly give up the idea of adopting and are left feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and discouraged. Those who choose to proceed often take out large loans or borrow from family and friends which adds to the financial pressure on the family. Author Julie Gumm shares proven strategies from her own experience as well as from others that include applying for grants, creative budgeting, and fundraising prospective adoptive parents can use to prepare for and avoid those high costs associated with adoption.

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  • 30 Days To Taming Your Kids Tongue


    SKU (ISBN): 9780736958295ISBN10: 0736958290Deborah PeguesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2014Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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  • Senor Que Mis Hijos Te Amen (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    Por que tantos hijos de creyentes y ministros del evangelio estan rebeldes, apartados de Dios y endurecidos contra la iglesia? Es alarmante la cantidad de jovenes que se criaron en la iglesia y que ahora son parte de las estadisticas sobre problemas sociales. Donde se erro? Acaso la religion no es suficiente? No sera que la iglesia se ha desviado de los propositos originales de Dios?

    En este libro encontraras las instrucciones especificas dadas por Dios en Su Palabra y que revolucionaron la vida del autor y su familia. Aqui sej plasman las vivencias de un padre que se acerco a Dios con lagrimas corriendo por sus mejillas, mientras rogaba diciendo: “!Seor, que mis hijos te amen!”.

    El material de estas paginas ayudara a todo aquel que ha sido llamado a influenciar e impactar la vida de una nueva generacion. Los principios, consejos e historias vertidas en este libro te ayudaran a construir un hogar sobre un fundamento biblico solido.

    Guia de estudio incluida.

    Why is it that the children of so many believers and ministers of the gospel are rebellious, estranged from God, and hardened against the Church? It is alarming the amount of young people that were raised in the Church and are now statistics on social issues. Where did we go wrong? Isn’t religion enough? Is it that the Church has deviated from God’s original plan?

    In this book you will find specific instructions dictated by God in His Word that revolutionized the author and his family’s life. The experiences of a father that approached God with tears running down his cheeks are reflected here, a man who begged, “Lord, may my children love you!”

    The contents of these pages will help all those called to influence and impact the lives of a new generation. The principles, advice, and stories within this book will help you build a home over a solid biblical foundation.

    Study guide included.

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  • Raising Kingdom Kids


    From the bestselling author of Kingdom Man and Kingdom Woman, Raising Kingdom Kids equips parents to raise their children with a Kingdom perspective and also offers practical how-to advice on providing spiritual training as instructed in Scripture.

    Dr. Tony Evans begins with an overarching look at the need for Kingdom parenting, our roles and responsibilities in raising God-following children, and how to prepare children to take on the assignments God has for their lives. He then takes a practical turn, with examples and illustrations to help parents understand and provide specific training for kids in the power of prayer, wisdom, loving God’s Word, getting through trials, controlling their tongues, developing patience, the surrender of service, and much more.

    This book is for every dad or mom who wants to fulfill the parenting role God has given them-not just in raising healthy kids intellectually, physically, and socially, but in contributing to their child’s relationship with God and alignment under His plan.

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  • New Strong Willed Child


    Is a willful little darling driving you to distraction? The New Strong-Willed Child is the resource you need-a classic bestseller completely rewritten, updated, and expanded for a new generation of parents and teachers. Challenging as they are to raise, strong-willed children can grow up to be men and women of strong character-if lovingly guided with understanding and the right kind of discipline. Find out what Dr. James Dobson, today’s most trusted authority on parenting, has to say about what makes strong-willed children the way they are; shaping the will while protecting the spirit; avoiding the most common parenting mistake; and much more. If you are struggling to raise and teach children who are convinced they should be able to live by their own rules, The New Strong-Willed Child is a must-read! (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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  • Sticky Faith Guide For Your Family


    The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Unique Family addresses one of the top current concerns about youth and the church: the reality that nearly half of all young people raised in Christian families walk away from their faith when they graduate from high school. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news: research also shows that parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith. This book arises from the innovative, research-based, and extensively field-tested project known as ‘Sticky Faith,’ designed to equip parents with insights and ideas for nurturing long-term faith in children and young people. Because of the Fuller Youth Institute’s six years of research with more than 500 young people, 100 churches, and 50 families, four of this guidebook’s unique qualities make it a ‘must have’ for families eager to point their young people toward long-term faith.

    First, it’s grounded in sophisticated, academically verified data. While Dr. Powell is a parent of three children who authentically weaves her own experiences throughout the book, the chapter topics correlate with parenting principles proven in national research. Second, it is positive. Amid gloomy and theoretical resources, this book leaves parents empowered and hopeful that even little tweaks to their family rhythms can make a big difference. Third, it is practical. Readers get what they want most: more than 100 ideas from other parents they can try today, this week, or this month. Fourth, its ‘guidebook’ format is accessible. For busy parents who don’t have time and inclination to read, this format is a welcome resource that they can return to time and time again for fresh ideas and inspiration.

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  • Heartfelt Discipline 3rd Edition


    Trying to understand what God really says about childhood discipline can be like putting together a puzzle, but the pieces just don’t all seem to fit. For two generations conservative Christians have rejected the idea of a permissive “hands off” discipline and adopted a strict “hands on” discipline taught by many well-known Christian parenting authorities. In Heartfelt Discipline, Clay Clarkson advocates a different biblical model–a relational “hands around” discipline. If you have young children and are beginning to try to solve the discipline puzzle for your family, start with this book. It is a fresh, formula-free, and fully biblical perspective on childhood discipline that will change the way you think about your children. You’ll see how all the biblical pieces fit together and make sense, and put you on the path to your child’s heart.

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  • I Need Some Help Here (Reprinted)


    It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a parent–and worried and anxious. There are so many areas of a child’s life that can go wrong along the way. What’s a mom to do?

    With wit and wisdom, Kathi Lipp meets moms where they are and offers the most powerful hope they have–prayer–for both their kids and themselves. Chapters include

    When Your Child Is Running Away from God
    When Your Child Makes Poor Choices
    When Your Child Is Struggling
    When Your Child Is Left Out
    When Your Child Is Different

    Moms who are overwhelmed or simply need a little support will cherish this expert guidance on praying for their kids–from toddler to teenager–with boldness and confidence.

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  • Smart Money Smart Kids


    Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze teach parents how to raise money-smart kids in a debt-filled world. In Smart Money Smart Kids, financial expert and best-selling author Dave Ramsey and his daughter Rachel Cruze equip parents to teach their children how to win with money. Starting with the basics like working, spending, saving, and giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for life, paying cash for college, and battling discontentment, Dave and Rachel present a no-nonsense, common-sense approach for changing your family tree.

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  • Building A Successful Family


    The miracle of the 21st century is that a man and woman who are mature and differentiated can fall in love, marry, and enjoy a beautiful and flourishing marriage for the rest of their lives by following the principles in this book. This book is not for the “select few” only: If a couple is totally committed to each other and constantly looking for ways to positively communicate their love and commitment to each other, they will be inseparable, forget what is happening to others around them and focus on their love and enjoy their blessed marriage forever!

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  • Help And Hope For The Single Parent


    If you’ve ever wished that you could hold hands with someone other than your child, this book is for you. And if you miss the season of life when you had more grown-up conversations than discussions about Dora the Explorer, this book is for you.

    Nearly half of all children born in America are born into single parent homes. Dr. Evans tells of a conversation he had with one of these children: My heart was broken recently when the son of one of the single parents in our church looked up at me and said, “Pastor, why won’t God give me a dad? Every night I ask God to give me a dad, but He won’t give me one.”

    Single parents have the toughest job in the world because the obstacles can be overwhelming. You’ve got to work, clean, take care of the kids, help with homework, pay the bills, fix the car, shop for groceries, cook, prepare your income taxes, etc. And though single parents are always around another person, this season can be quite lonely. Additionally, there is often guilt that can creep in and make you feel like you are the worst parent in the world. Though being a single parent is tough, it is also a hopeful season.

    In Help and Hope for Single Parents, Dr. Evans gives an encouraging reminder – You are not alone! And your child has the most amazing Parent in the Lord. God can and will help you take care of your children. There is Help & Hope for Single Parents.

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  • Train Up A Child


    TRAIN UP A CHILD is a teacher education textbook for Christian parents engaged in laying the foundation for life and learning during the preschool years. It defines the meaning and purpose for education and provides a curriculum for the parents in developing the necessary educational awareness in all areas of learning. Following are several quotations that highlight the Christian character and Biblical worldview of both the author and the Book.

    You have given birth to a one and only model, with a potential never before registered on earth, and now God also tells you that you are responsible to train up this little one in the way he should go-both for time and for eternity.

    Teaching/Learning should begin in the womb and never cease.

    Learning is (1) the acquisition of knowledge, (2) the structuring of the knowledge processing systems resulting in a proper understanding and use of knowledge, and (3) the structuring of the individual-building what we know as character.

    The way he should go- is the path especially belonging to this child fitted for his individual characteristics.

    A child must be systematically instructed, initiated in the way of life, from the earliest dawn of intelligence.

    First, the parents must be characterized by their supreme love for God. Loving Him as LORD with all their hearts, with all their souls, and with all their might. This is the highest teaching credential for training children in the way they should go.

    If you desire to raise your children to love and obey Jesus Christ then you must give prime attention to instilling a value system within their minds that is truly minted from the gold of heaven-values that have eternal meaning.

    Think of it this way, God is trusting you to work with Him to conform your child into the likeness of Christ. This is the great goal, and reward for faithful parenting.

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  • Mystery Of Jack


    Although there have been several books written on the topic of Autism, The Mystery of Jack is a book of Hope and Excitement while coping with life’s new reality. The majority of books on this topic take a clinical approach and/or focuses on types of therapy, various diets, and the struggles of Autism. Basically, the books are focused strictly on Autism and not the physical and emotional impact it has on a family.
    However, The Mystery of Jack’s primary focus is the parents (as viewed through the eyes of a father) and their adaptation to their newly defined world. The stories of the child (Jackson) are used to illustrate joy and happiness in areas of life often taken for granted. There are areas of sadness which is an unfortunate reality. But, the reader will experience an open and honest reflection of life’s new direction and how the joy or sadness is ultimately within their own control.

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  • Power Of A Praying Parent


    Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

    After 20 years of raising her son and daughter alongside her husband, Michael, Stormie looks back at the trials and joys of parenting and the power in praying for her children. In these easy-to-read chapters, Stormie shares from personal experience as to how parents can pray for their kids’
    *character development
    *peer pressure
    *school experiences
    *relationship with God

    This resource will help you to be an amazing praying parent whether your kids are three or thirty-three.

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  • Power Of Praying For Your Adult Children


    Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

    In this important follow-up to The Power of a Praying(R) Parent (2 million copies sold), Stormie addresses areas of concern you may have for your grown children and shares how to lift them up to God. With stories from other parents and insight gleaned from personal experience, Stormie helps you pray with the power of God’s Word over your adult children and their:
    *career choices and sense of purpose
    *marriages and other vital relationships
    *parenting skills and leadership
    *struggles, addictions, or emotional trials
    *faith commitment and prayer life

    Perhaps you are watching your grown children step out into the world and wishing you could do more to support them while giving them the freedom they crave. You can. It doesn’t matter how young or old they are, you can rest in the power of God working through your prayers.

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  • Praying For Boys (Reprinted)


    Leader of Thriving Online Community Teaches Moms How to Pray for Boys

    Christian mothers desperately want to raise their sons to be men who love God, but they often feel under equipped. This easy-to-use book shows moms how to use the best and most empowering tool there is: prayer.

    At the heart of this unique resource are scores of Scripture-based prayer prompts for 21 areas in which boys struggle most, such as obedience, patience, gentleness, self-control, anger, and forgiveness. It also includes a guided 21-day prayer challenge for moms to pray with other moms and encourage each other, in person or online. With uplifting stories and winsome parenting wisdom, this book will help moms (and dads) raise godly young men.

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  • Angry Bird And Killer Bees


    1. High Voltage!
    2. Sex Talks
    3. Don Juan, Conquistador
    4. Princess
    5. Generation “Sext”
    6. Power Surge: Sex And Development
    7. Nester Or Nomad: Sex And Attachment
    8. START “the Conversation”

    Additional Info
    “”Mom, Dad what is sex?”

    Angry Birds and Killer Bees is a book that can help you turn “The Talk” into an ongoing conversation that counters the myriad sources of bad information children are exposed to on a daily basis and helps them understand the beauty of true intimacy.

    The three main sections “Sex: Myths and Messages,” “Sex and Biology,” and “Sex and God,” you’ll find information to help you talk with your children about sex, puberty, and the biological, emotional and spiritual levels of relationships. You’ll be able to help them:

    Navigate the social influences of their peers and the culture we live in.

    Understand the deep bonds that come from a healthy sexual relationship.

    View sex as a beautiful, God-given gift that is designed to enhance our emotional and spiritual lives.

    This book is designed to teach you how to talk to your children about sex in ways that do more than just label body parts and will help them grow into emotionally and sexually healthy adults.

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  • Parenting By The Book


    Imagine respectful, responsible, obedient children who entertain themselves without TV or video games, do their own homework, and have impeccable manners. A pie-in-the-sky fantasy? Not so, says bestselling author John Rosemond. Any parent can raise children who fit that description-happy, emotionally healthy children who honor their parents and their families with good behavior and do their best in school.

    As America’s most widely read parenting and family expert, Rosemond offers practical, Bible-based, time-tested advice that will help parents be the best they can possibly be, with children of all ages. Instead of cultivating high self-esteem in your children, Rosemond recommends, instilling self-respect, which comes from teaching them the Three R’s: Respect for others, a willingness to accept Responsibility, and a Resourceful attitude toward the challenges of life.

    Educational, informative, and humorous, Parenting by the Book promises to become the standard for church family education programs, as well as a primary reference for parents. Says Glenn Stanton, director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family and author of My Crazy Imperfect Christian Family, “John Rosemond does all parents a huge service by skillfully illuminating the timeless wisdom of Scripture that has served generations in raising healthy, happy, obedient human beings….Parenting by the Book could start a parenting revolution, and I pray it does for the sake of our children.”

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  • Sex Plus Faith


    Talking with your child about sex can be scary! Sex + Faith helps parents incorporate their faith values with sexual information so they can answer questions, discuss sexuality at each stage of childhood, and show support of sexual differences. Section one explains how faith relates to sexuality and the essential role parents play in forming healthy, faithful, sexual children . The second section designates a chapter for four age groupings of children from infancy through high school. Each chapter explains the biological and developmental issues of the age, answers questions children tend to have, provides relevant Biblical and faith stories helpful to discuss with children of that age, and lists five to ten key educational issues for parents to keep in mind. Shaded text boxes are interspersed throughout the book with real life, practical questions that parents and children ask. Expertly written by Kate Ott, Sex + Faith is an easy to use reference guide for parents of kids of all ages.

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  • Faith Of Their Own


    1. The Common Cry Of Today’s Preteen And Young Teen
    2. The Origins Of The Common Cry
    3. What Happens If We Don’t Regard The Cry?
    4. How Do We Patents Guide Them Well?
    5. On The Move
    6. The Virtues Of Jesus As A Way Of Life
    7. Help For Parents On The Journey
    8. Why The Common Cry Matters

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    If you are the parent of a preteen, you may feel as if you are the only person in the world trying to deal with this almost-grown stranger in your home. You might describe your preteen as opinionated, sometimes defiant, seeking independence one day and totally dependent on you the next, inquisitive, and–above all–seeking to break the world record for the number of text messages sent and received in one day. How, with all that is going on in the hearts and minds of preteens, can we parents help them develop A Faith of Their Own?

    Chris Folmsbee is an experienced youth worker, an author and speaker, and a dad. He understands that you the parent of a preteen is learning as you go.

    Understanding the Common Cry of Preteens is the first piece of a three-part series designed to help you help your teen develop spiritually as he or she develops physically and mentally. The ultimate goal is to prepare you as you lead your child to conform to the image of God through Jesus Christ.

    By encouraging, inspiring, and equipping you, Folmsbee gives you practical and realistic tools to help you accept and meet the challenge to guide your preteen into spiritual formation for the mission of God.

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  • Mensaje Para Mi Hijo – (Spanish)


    ‘Message for my Child’ is Patrick Atkinson’s international classic that has been enjoyed by millions. Rich with powerful and straight-forward advice for people of all ages, and particularly teens and young adults, this book guides the reader to take control of their life, responsibility for their decisions, and create victory and success. Simple and beautifully-illustrated by the author’s son, Ernesto, ‘Message for my Child’ is the perfect birthday, graduation, holiday, and just-because-I-love-you gift. This easy-to-read book has the power to change lives forever.

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  • Message For My Child


    ‘Message for my Child’ is Patrick Atkinson’s international classic that has been enjoyed by millions. Rich with powerful and straight-forward advice for people of all ages, and particularly teens and young adults, this book guides the reader to take control of their life, responsibility for their decisions, and create victory and success. Simple and beautifully-illustrated by the author’s son, Ernesto, ‘Message for my Child’ is the perfect birthday, graduation, holiday, and just-because-I-love-you gift. This easy-to-read book has the power to change lives forever.

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  • Why Children Matter


    Raising a child has never been more challenging. If you ever doubt yourself or wonder if it is worth the heartache, read this little book. If you worry that your family will not weather life s storms or if you fear losing your children to the prevailing culture, read it again. “Why Children Matter” offers biblical wisdom and commonsense advice on how to hold a family together and raise children with character.

    Johann Christoph Arnold, a father, grandfather and pastor, has written eleven books, including three on parenting and children s education. As the fabric of family and society is torn apart, this book offers up concrete steps to encourage parents faced with difficult child-rearing decisions.”

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  • Father To Daughter (Revised)


    To Guide and Inspire.

    Share her wonder. Dance with her always. Teach her to be courageous, fearless, confident in any situation. Anchored in values and filled with clear and simple words of wisdom, this small book speaks large truths about raising a daughter. About respect and trust. About unicorns and sports and boys. And about the joys and responsibilities that come with being the first man in her life.

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  • Power Of A Parents Blessing


    There are seven critical times in life at which God intends for every person to receive a powerful impartation from Him of identity and destiny. In the first six God uses parents, and in the seventh He uses adult children to impart blessing back to their parents.

    The primary connotation of the Hebrew word baruch, “to bless,” is “to empower to prosper.” Thus, parents who bless their child at these six critical times literally empower the child to prosper, while parents who, through lack of knowledge, fail to bless-or actually curse-may spiritually and emotionally cripple the child.
    Craig Hill answers key questions for each critical time in a child’s life, including:

    * What is the key identity and destiny question to be answered in the heart of the child?
    * When is the appropriate time to bless?
    * What are potential consequences of not blessing?
    * What is the role of each parent in blessing at this specific time?
    * What are practical tools to use in blessing?

    Blessing is a custom established by God and meant to function in every family. The Power of a Parent’s Blessing gives readers the practical tools by which they can experience the transformational blessings of God for themselves and their families.

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  • Intentional Parenting : Autopilot Is For Planes


    This is about you, not just your child.

    Regardless of age, parenting requires a certain amount of uncertainty. But you can be certain that your children look to you to help them discover who they are. And you can only offer that to the degree that YOU know who you are.

    Over the years, Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Melissa Trevathan have helped countless families through their ministry known as Daystar Counseling in Nashville, TN. Due to the unique setup of Daystar, each is frequently counseling not only the child but the parent as well. Having both perspectives provides an opportunity to speak into some of the most common struggles that parents face in today’s fast-paced society.

    Intentional Parenting is built around 12 chapters that each dispel some of the most common parenting myths and reminds all parents of truths that can empower them to be not only the parents that their children need but that God has called them to be.

    The book helps you discover first who you are and then takes that healthy person into a discovery of being more intentional, playful, consistent, merciful, and connected to your children.

    Understanding your child. Understanding you.

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  • Love No Matter What


    How will you respond when your child makes a decision you don’t agree with?

    Parents and kids will never agree on everything but what can mom and dad do when that decision – whether a matter of preference, spirituality, or morality – is something they think is totally wrong? Author and speaker Brenda Garrison knows all too well that how parents respond will either build a wall or a bridge between them and their child.

    Brenda and her husband were forced to answer this question when their oldest daughter Katie abruptly moved out of the house with no means of support. It was not an illegal or immoral decision, but it was one that wasn’t good for her. Their determination to keep an open door of communication is documented not only by their story, but by comments from Katie in each chapter as she offers insights from her own perspective.

    Also included are other family scenarios – everything from matters of preference to foolish, immoral, and even illegal decisions – as well as insights into different styles of parenting such as servant, checked-out, gotcha, scared, and controlling parents.

    With practical tips and relatable stories, Brenda shares how to model God’s parenting style and explains the difference between the parent’s responsibilities and the child’s, then helps mom and dad discover ways to develop and nurture a relationship with their child that will last a lifetime.

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  • Parenting In The Pew (Revised)


    Foreword By Ruth Bell Graham
    Preface To The 3rd Edition (2013)
    Preface To The Expanded Edition (2001)
    Thank You
    1. Daddy, I’d Like You To Meet My Children
    2. Worship B.C. And A.D.
    3. Praise And Puppies
    4. Sunday Morning Starts Saturday Night
    5. Counting Bricks Or Encountering God
    6. Make A Joyful Noise
    7. Prayer, Confession And Canned Goods
    8. Just How Long Was That Sermon?
    9. Saving Up For Something Special
    10. The Holy Hug
    Discussion Questions And Reflections
    Appendix A: Parenting In A Wiggly Pew, The Challenge Of An Overactive Child
    Appendix B: Childrens Worship For Seeker Churches
    Appendix C: Guidelines And Ideas For The “Children’s Sermon” In Worship
    Appendix D: Developing An Intergenerational Approach To Ministry

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    Daddy, I’d like you to meet my children. That’s Robbie Castleman’s attitude about taking her children to church. She believes that Sunday morning isn’t a success if she has only managed to keep the kids quiet. And she knows there’s more to church for kids than trying out their new coloring books. Children are at church for the same reason as their parents: for the privilege of worshiping God. Worship, Castleman writes, is “the most important thing you can ever train your child to do.” So with infectious passion, nitty-gritty advice and a touch of humor, she shows you how to help your children (from toddlers to teenagers) enter into worship. In this significantly revised and updated third edition Castleman includes a new preface and two new appendices that provide new perspectives on children’s sermon and intergenerational community. She also provides a study guide for personal reflection or group discussion. More than ever, Parenting in the Pew is essential reading for parents and worship leaders who want to help children make joyful noises unto the Lord.

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  • Daddy Dates : Four Daughters One Clueless Dad And His Quest To Win Their He


    One day motivational leader Greg Wright realized that the four set of pretty young eyes under his own roof were looking to Dad to be strong, fearless, and wise.

    The reality was, the lone male in an all-girl household (“heck, even the dog was female”) was only thirty years old and felt like he had been shoved into the deep end of the estrogen pool without swimming lessons.

    That’s when the love-struck father of four gorgeous pre-teens started searching for a plan for how to be a successful Dad, and did what any sensible guy would do. He bailed. Not only on his family, but into the woods, to seek a “solution.”

    Daddy Dates is an entertaining and practical look at how one American father found his sea legs and is navigating through the tricky waters of parenting girls. In this game-changing book, Greg shares his easy-to-follow secrets for how married and single dads can go beyond high-fiving to bridge the gender gap and become the clued-in man who knows his daughter best.

    Dads have more influence on their girls than anyone. Learn what makes your daughter tick, how to talk to her effectively and connect more profoundly, at any age.

    If being their hero is your mission, it’s not impossible. Daddy Dates is your road map to get there.

    “Hi honey. It’s Daddy. I’m calling to see if you’d like to go on a date with me tonight.”

    “Um, yes, Daddy I think I would.”

    It’s a phone call Greg Wright has made over and over again. By age thirty, Greg was the overwhelmed father of four beautiful little girls, with one thought running through his mind over and over again: Don’t Screw Up.

    Daddy Dates is about a guy taking his best shot at being a successful dad by trying to know his girls-really know their fears, dreams, and opinions-and how he stumbled across an incredible strategy to do that with daughters of any age or stage. This funny, insightful, and relatable book poses the wildly original concept that should be a “duh” for most dads-but isn’t. In order to raise a confident woman-to-be, show your daughter what it feels like to be treated with love, respect, and true interest by a man who loves her.

    Daddy Dates is not another “how to” book from a parenting expert. It’s a personal, eye-opening, often humorous look at an Average Joe’s intentional pursuit of his daughter’s hearts and minds, and the love-inspired steps he is taking to solidify Dad’s place in each of their lives, forever.

    Whether married or single, Daddy Dates can help you

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  • MoneySmart Family System


    SKU (ISBN): 9781400202843ISBN10: 1400202841Steve Economides | Annette EconomidesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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  • Raising Financially Confident Kids (Reprinted)


    It’s natural to want your kids to have a secure future. But when it comes to teaching the next generation how to handle money, parents are failing. Still there is hope! Financial expert Mary Hunt shows parents how to raise kids who have a healthy relationship with money–even if the parents themselves have made financial mistakes along the way or are struggling financially right now.

    Drawing from solid statistics and her own hard-won knowledge and experience, Hunt helps parents protect their children from the financial pitfalls of easy credit, an attitude of entitlement, and our culture’s chummy relationship with debt. From preschool through the teen years, every stage of a child’s development is covered, including how to talk to them about money, how to help them start saving money and giving it away, and how to manage money wisely.

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  • Ideas For Parents


    101 Creative Parenting Tips by Mark Matlock is divided into short, easy to read sections so parents can go straight to the topic most pressing in their household. Parents are given wise counsel, quick tips, and a Christian perspective on how to deal with a host of parenting concerns.

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  • 7 Things Children Need (Revised)


    This is a revised edition of a Herald Press classic that has sold over 125,000 copies.
    It has been translated into nearly twenty languages.
    The author discusses seven of the most basic needs of the growing child. The seven are
    significance, security, acceptance, love, praise, discipline, and God. This is a practical,
    personal, down-to-earth book for people who care about children as persons.

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  • Mothers And Daughters


    You love your mother…

    You hate your mother…

    Mothers and daughters. In perhaps no other relationship are our hopes so high, and the dysfunction so disappointing. You feel locked into a hurtful relationship that you must deal with, and it’s wearing you down. But Jesus knew the brokenness we would face in the world, even in close places such as family relationships, and still He promised the Counselor would come alongside us.

    As a daughter who has struggled to maintain a healthy relationship with her mother, author Teena Stewart will help you name your hurts, face the barriers that stand in the way of a healthy relationship, and forgive even the unforgivable. Learn how to cultivate a friendship, communicate more effectively, and become the change you want to see. There is hope for restoration and renewal.

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  • Legacy Moments


    Legacy Moments is a creative and participatory guide to rethinking your legacy. This book will support you in stirring up the deep wealth of legacy within yourself, while guiding you to record one of the most valuable gifts you will give to your child or loved ones. It is a unique gift of intergenerational wealth, filled with meaningful details, stories, values, life principles, instructions, declarations and prophetic blessings.

    Legacy Moments will support you in your call to connect the next generation to their legacy in God, as you also honour one of His greatest gifts to humanity – the intangible wealth that is within each of us.

    Each defining moment of life, when placed together, then becomes a priceless gift of legacy for the future.

    Never again will the legacy you truly wish to remember be forgotten!

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  • Redoing Recess : Great Games To Get Kids Moving


    This book started as a Recess Activity Manual that was written as part of a project for one of my classes during the time I was in school. Having worked with children, I know all too well that if children don’t have something to do, they will come up with something to do, and sometimes the things they do can lead to trouble. As an elementary school principal, I witnessed many recess or free play periods that ended up in children fighting or getting hurt in some way. It is my hope that this book will do two things for children: (1) get them moving, and (2) keep them out of trouble.

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  • Have A New Kid By Friday (Reprinted)


    Family out of control? Thinking of calling Nanny 911? Try Dr. Leman’s action plans instead! His straightforward advice offers doable day-by-day strategies to change your child’s attitude, behavior, and character—and help you become the parent you’ve always wanted to be. Includes indexed section on how to handle everything from rolling eyes to punching walls!

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  • Parenting Teenagers Course Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    The Parenting Teenagers Course consists of five sessions (or ten shorter ones), designed to equip those parenting or caring for 11 to 18-year-olds with the tools to build healthy relationship with their teenagers while guiding them into adulthood. Drawing on their own experience of bringing up four children and having talked to thousands of parents over the years on their parenting courses, Nicky and Sila Lee bring fresh insights and time-tested values to the task of parenting. The DVDs include film clips of parenting experts and of parents and teenagers sharing their own experiences of parenting or being parented, and they include breaks for practical exercises and discussions. This Leaders” Guide offers a concise yet thorough overview of the Parenting Teenagers” Course, session by session. It includes timetables for each session, suggested reading, details on how to set up and run the course, and practical tips for making your Parenting Teenagers” Course successful. The course is designed to be flexible and provides full instructions on how to use the material over five longer sessions or ten shorter sessions, depending on what suits your group. This Guide is also included in the DVD Set (SKU 100905).

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  • Parenting Children Course Leaders Guide


    The Parenting Children Course consists of five sessions (or ten shorter ones), designed to equip those parenting or caring for 0 to 10-year-olds, as well as parents-to-be, with long-term strategies to build a healthy family life. Drawing on their own experience of bringing up four children and having talked to thousands of parents over the years on their parenting courses, Nicky and Sila Lee bring fresh insights and time-tested values to the task of parenting. The DVDs include film clips of parenting experts and of parents and children sharing their own experiences of parenting or being parented, and they include breaks for practical exercises and discussions. This Leaders” Guide offers a concise yet thorough overview of the Parenting Children Course, session by session. It includes timetables for each session, suggested reading, details on how to set up and run the course, and practical tips for making your Parenting Children Course successful. The course is designed to be flexible and provides full instructions on how to use the material over five longer sessions or ten shorter sessions, depending on what suits your group. This Guide is also included in the DVD Set (SKU 100902).

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  • My Daddy Calls Me Princess


    “Any man can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a Daddy.” Author unknown

    My Daddy Calls Me Princess is a collection of ten fun-filled, beautifully illustrated stories for girls.

    The short stories, about the adventures a young girl and her Daddy share, will delight every girl and teach her Daddy what she needs from him on an emotional and spiritual level.

    A loving, secure and unconditional relationship with her own father is critical for a daughter to be able to relate to a loving, heavenly Father.

    The book has an extraordinary message and provides fathers with a wonderful opportunity to establish and grow their relationship with their daughters.

    My Daddy Calls Me Princess is a gift of love.

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  • On Becoming Babywise 2


    It’s reality-check time! You’re at least four months into your tour of parenting, and the complexities of child training are starting to multiply. While your baby is growing physically, his mind is adapting with ever-increasing awareness to new sights, sounds, sensations and relationships. He can now interact with his material universe withgreater attentiveness. Watch out: big changes are coming to his world and yours!
    Preserving the order and structure that brought security to your baby’s day, peaceful sleep in your baby’s nights and stability in your home is still the priority, but now it must be viewed through a new developmental lens. For example, feeding time is more than a biological response initiated by a baby’s sucking reflex. For the five-month-old, meal times become a complex and conscious interaction between him and his parents, food and drink, preference and need, likes and dislikes, must dos and won’t dos

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  • On Becoming Baby Wise Giving Your Infant The Gift Of Nighttime Sleep


    Distinguished pediatrician Dr Robert Bucknam and co-author Gary Ezzo’s are two of the world’s leading experts on infant management concepts. In this revised 5th edition, they have updated their groundbreaking approach which has found favor with over six million parents in all 50 states and has been translated into16 languages around the world.
    For over 20 years, On Becoming Babywise has been the de facto newborn parenting manual for naturally synchronizing your baby’s feeding time, waketime and nighttime sleep cycles, so the whole family can sleep through the night.

    The authors demonstrate how order and stability are mutual allies of every newborn’s metabolism and how parents can take advantage of these biological propensities. In particular, they note how an infant’s body responds to the influences of parental routine or the lack thereof.

    Early chapters start with explorations of everyday aspects of infant management such as the three basic elements of daytime activities for newborn: feeding time, waketime, and naptime. Practical discussions then focus on broad and niche topics including feeding philosophies, baby sleep problems, baby scheduling challenges, nap routines, sleep training multiples, baby sleeping props, Colic and Reflux and many other dimensions which impact breast feeding schedules, bottle feeding tips and baby sleep training. Five resource Appendixes provides additional reference material: 1) Taking care of baby and mom 2) A timeline of what to expect and when 3) Baby Sleep Training Problems and Solutions 4) Monitoring your Baby’s Growth 5) Healthy Baby Growth Charts On Becoming Babywise is more than an infant-management concept–it is a mindset for successful parenthood. It can help any parent develop a plan that meets both the needs of a new baby and of the entire family. These principles have worked for millions of parents and, when applied with common sense to your unique situation, can work wonderfully for you too!

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  • Blessing Your Children


    The seeds we plant in the lives of children will grow into good, healthy fruit or into weeds that choke out their potential and promise. But parents, grandparents, and mentors don’t always know how to speak life into a child or teen. Now Pastor Jack Hayford shows adults how to bless the kids in their lives with words of encouragement, nurture, protection, and challenge. In Blessing Your Children, Hayford shares Jesus’ tender heart for children and offers a biblical blueprint for passing on God’s blessing to future generations. This warm, insightful book, which includes an application and prayer at the end of each chapter, will be a treasured resource for parents and grandparents, children’s pastors and family counselors, and mentoring programs.

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  • No Easy Choice


    In No Easy Choice, Ellen Painter Dollar tells her gut-wrenching story of living with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)-a disabling genetic bone disorder that was passed down to her first child-and deciding whether to conceive a second child who would not have OI using assisted reproduction. Her story brings to light the ethical dilemmas surrounding advanced reproductive technologies. What do procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) say about how we define human worth? If we avoid such procedures, are we permitting the suffering of our children? How do we identify a “good life” in a consumer society that values appearance, success, health, and perfection?

    Dollar considers multiple sides of the debate, refusing to accept the matter as simply black and white. Her book will help parents who want to understand and make good decisions about assisted reproduction, as well as those who support and counsel them, including pastors and medical professionals.

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  • Hope For Families With Children On The Autistic Spectrum


    11 Chapters

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    In American today, 730,000 children between the ages of 0-21 have Autism Spectrum Disorder. This inspiring book provides information, guidance, and encouragement for the families of these children.

    Maintaining a family which cares for children with social and learning disorders can be overwhelming. Autism in a child can affect language comprehension, social interaction, and intellectual capabilities. Author Lynda T. Young’s education and experience come together to inform parents and give them the encouragement they need in the day-to-day trials of autism.

    Hope for Families of Children on the Autism Spectrum looks at the family as a whole, making every attempt to include all members in the experience of special needs children. Lynda discusses everything from doctor and dental visits to play times with friends. She explains how to handle crisis, how to recognize signs of frustration and excitement, provides resources including a glossary of terms, and all the while helps parents find calm in the midst of the daily struggle.

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  • Lighted Path : 101 Practical Lessons Using Gods Word As Guidance For Parent


    Olive Press Messianic (

    Publisher Marketing: This is a collection of lessons on raising children from a refreshingly different perspective and is presented in a most delightful way. The author starts with a Scripture and applies it in practical, personal ways to how we relate to our children. It is amazing how much child rearing guidance she has gleaned from the Word of God! Read it and be blessed! Buy it as a gift and bless someone else! With its beautiful interior design it makes a nice present for a young parent or a full-time grandparent or a child care worker, etc.

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  • Well Behaved Child


    A parenting workshop in a book! The biggest frustration felt by today’s parents is in the area of discipline. Family psychologist, best-selling author, and parenting expert John Rosemond uses his thirty-six years of professional experience working with families to develop the quintessential “how to” book for parents. Rosemond’s step-by-step program, based on biblical principles, traditional parenting approaches, and common sense, covers a wide range of discipline problems applicable to children from toddler to teen.

    Sections include:
    Essential discipline principles
    Essential discipline tools
    Perplexing problems and simple solutions
    Not your everyday problems
    General questions and answers

    Filled with real-life examples that anyone who’s ever been around children can relate to, this book is sure to be one of the most valuable, helpful resources parents have ever stumbled across.

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  • Sticky Faith


    Nearly every Christian parent in America would give anything to find a viable resource for developing within their kids a deep, dynamic faith that ‘sticks’ long term.

    Sticky Faith delivers.

    Research shows that almost half of graduating high school seniors struggle deeply with their faith. Recognizing the ramifications of that statistic, the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) conducted the ‘College Transition Project’ in an effort to identify the relationships and best practices that can set young people on a trajectory of lifelong faith and service.

    Based on FYI findings, this easy-to-read guide presents both a compelling rationale and a powerful strategy to show parents how to actively encourage their children’s spiritual growth so that it will stick to them into adulthood and empower them to develop a living, lasting faith.

    Written by authors known for the integrity of their research and the intensity of their passion for young people, Sticky Faith is geared to spark a movement that empowers adults to develop robust and long-term faith in kids of all ages.

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  • Co Parenting Works


    What if your child’s ‘life-after-divorce’ could be better than you’ve hoped for? As the post-divorce dust settles, your child’s chances of leading a healthy, successful life are directly linked to how you and your former spouse relate. So instead of listening to statistics, read this book to discover real world co-parenting strategies from author, counselor, and co-parent Tammy Daughtry. Discover how you can make positive co-parenting work for you and your child by:
    * Understanding how today’s actions will affect your child in five, ten, and twenty years
    * Teaming with your child’s co-parent to develop strategies in the best interest of your children
    * Helping your child feel at ease in both homes
    * Increasing your child’s self-esteem while minimizing anxiety
    * Integrating stepparents into your co-parenting team

    Co-parenting isn’t easy. But with these strategies for success, you’ll be prepared to create an enjoyable childhood and a healthy upbringing that will impact your child for a lifetime. Take heart—the future can be better and brighter than you’ve dared to hope.

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  • 52 Maneras De Cultivar Las Hab – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781602556386ISBN10: 1602556385Language: SpanishKenneth LuckBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2011Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • 52 Maneras Sencillas De Ensena – (Spanish)


    Suggestions for talking openly with children about God.

    Sugerencias practicas para hablar abiertamente con los ninos acerca de Dios.

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  • Family Driven Faith


    Voddie Baucham’s guide for nurturing a godly family is now available in paperback with added study questions.More teens are turning away from the faith than ever before: it is estimated that 75 to 88 percent of Christian teens walk away from Christianity by the end of their freshman year of college. Something must be done.Family Driven Faith equips Christian parents with the tools they need to raise children biblically in a post-Christian, anti-family society. Voddie Baucham, who with his wife has overcome a multi-generational legacy of broken and dysfunctional homes, shows that God has not left us alone in raising godly children. In his Word he has given us timeless precepts and principles for multi-generational faithfulness.Baucham’s celebrated guide for godly, healthy families is now available in paperback, with study questions added. Parents will find this a critical resource for the spiritual nourishment and protection of the next generation.

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  • Raising Your Childrens Children


    There are more than six million children in the United States being raised by grandparents. In Raising Your Children’s Children, Martha Evans Sparks gives tips and wisdom so grandparents can find hope and direction to help them face their new and unexpected adventure in parenting once again. Included are the practical concerns of court proceedings, lawyer bills, hospital bills, and custody arrangememts. Your world may have just changed unexpectedly, but you are not alone. For quick, accurate answers to your sudden questions, this book is a great primer.

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  • What Dads Need To Know About Daughters What Moms Need To Know About Sons


    It’s a boy!
    New mothers welcome this announcement with both excitement and trepidation. It’s the beginning of a great adventure, as well as one of the most challenging jobs a woman can face.
    Moms, your desire to understand your son can equip you with the power to influence his life for good, thereby influencing his family and generations to come. God made you this little boy’s mom on purpose! And with John Burns’s experienced help in this book, you can learn not only to endure it but to celebrate it.
    It’s a girl!

    Those three little words create a rush of joy and anticipation for every new dad — typically followed by a healthy dose of fear and apprehension.
    Dads, from God you can learn the qualities and characteristics that will make you the kind of dad your daughter needs you to be — and the kind of dad God always intended you to become. And with Helen Burns’s gentle advice about girls, it may be easier than you think.
    Join us now as we celebrate the divine differences in sons and daughters. Learn to be gentle, loving, and understanding dads and moms from the wise and gracious Father of us all.

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  • Nobody Told Me (Reprinted)


    Teens have their whole lives ahead of them, but making poor choices can undermine their hopes for a bright future. Too many young adults look back on decisions they made in the heat of the moment and regret the path they chose–they wish someone had told them how premarital sex could negatively impact their future relationships. Here is a book to help teens make the right choices when it comes to sex, based on actual questions the author has received from real-life teens.Nobody Told Me is written for young men and women who want passionate, long-lasting marriages in the future but haven’t considered how the decisions they make now impact their chances for fulfillment. This accessible book contains information teens need about the physical, emotional, and spiritual risks associated with premarital sex, as well as guidelines for making healthy choices. Teens have questions about sex, and now there is somewhere to find the answers.

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  • Why Is Collin Like That


    My story begins with a very unhappy baby boy, screaming day and night. My son, Collin, was diagnosed with PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder), under the Autistic spectrum, by the age of two. As Collin grew, the unmasking of his disorders did also. PDD, ADHD and OCD were among them. So began my new career as “doctor” stay at home mom.

    I remember a seminar I attended a couple years ago with my mother. Questions from concerned parents swarmed the room like bees around a disturbed hive. The presenter addressed everyone patiently. He calmly said, “Listen, most importantly, you are looking for very peculiar behaviors.” My mother turned to me and said with a sigh of relief, “Well, thank God Collin doesn’t have any of those.” I looked at her so strange and replied, “Yeah, mom, you’re right. His sucking on batteries, throwing away silverware, keeping the spoons under his mattress and licking his hands while “grooming” his face is certainly not peculiar. I think we are safe…” We burst out laughing.

    My daughter, Karlie, is a beautiful and loving little girl. Unfortunately, it took me a few years to discover how much she had taken on emotionally being the “big sister”. As parents, we do not always recognize just how much children are affected when it comes to having a sibling with a disability. Just the simple task of watching television together can be so hard for them. As parents, we need to raise awareness on the affects our “non-disabled” children deal with every day. Many prayerful nights have been spent attempting to communicate these issues to others. Prayerfully, this book will help you and His children. God hears you…and I HEAR YOU!

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  • 8 Great Dates For Moms And Daughters


    With all the pressures and influences of today’s world, Christian moms worry about their little girls and how they will grow up. Quality time between a mom and a daughter can be the greatest protection against the world’s pressures to make a girl mature too quickly. Knowing this, Dannah Gresh, popular speaker and founder of the Secret Keeper Girl conferences, has developed a host of dating ideas to help moms invest the time needed to deeply connect with their daughters.

    8 Great Dates includes fun mother-daughter get-togethers, perfect one-on-one or for a small group of moms and their energetic 8-12 year-old daughters. Each date focuses on one topic and is full of fun while at the same time imparting a life and faith-enhancing message. The book provides a mom with everything she needs to plan and carry out the activities and includes topics such as:
    Mean Girls – how should l respond?
    Boy Crazy – is it okay?
    Peer pressure – what does it mean to fit it?

    Here’s the secret to bringing up healthy, grounded, and spiritually rich girls!

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  • 6 Ways To Keep The Little In Your Girl


    SKU (ISBN): 9780736929790ISBN10: 0736929797Dannah GreshBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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  • 7 Ways To Be A S M A R T E R Mom


    1. We’re All In This Together
    2. Everybody Has A Junk Drawer
    3. Streamline The Situation
    4. Make A Goal
    5. Accept Reality
    6. Resist The Call Of The Distracted Life
    7. Take A Chance
    8. Evaluate All Processes And Procedures
    9. Reserve Time For You-Renew!

    Additional Info
    Being a mom in the twenty-first century is tough. Thedemands and requests made of moms makesbalancing their responsibilities a challenging task.

    Through 7 Ways to Be a S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Mom, motherswill learn how to work smarter, rather than harder, asthey streamline the situations they encounter eachday. With this practical resource, author KaseyJohnson teaches mothers how to set and reach theirgoals and embrace a new approach to the dailydemands of being a mother and wife.

    A text about returning to the basics of mothering, thisinspirational text will challenge women to redefinewho they are in the eyes of their children and theworld, and bring glory to God for His faithfulness andstrength in being a smarter mom.

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  • Infinite Playlists : How To Have Conversations Not Conflict With Your Kids


    With the easy availability and abundance of downloadable music and MP3 players, almost every teenager knows exactly how to find their favorite bands and songs online. Recent studies show that more than 50 percent of teens own their own iPod and even more search for music on iTunes. A world of influence is at their fingertips, so how and when should Christian parents monitor the music their children are listening to without creating undue conflict and argument? For author Todd Stocker, the day his son asked his preference between Van Halen and Def Leppard was the day he realized he and his son needed to have the “music talk.” Infinite Playlists is a handy guide to healthy conversation between parents and kids. Writing as both father and music-lover, Stocker calls parents to recognize music as a gift from God so they can help their kids determine the emotional, physical, and spiritual influences of their song choices. He offers a balanced look at the difference between Christian and secular music, and gives practical guidelines parents and kids can follow to choose appropriate music-together. Competing titles may try to convince parents to hate or reject secular music or, alternately, convince them that Christian music is the only way to go. Infinite Playlists does neither, seeking first to provide parents with an understanding of God’s purpose for music, then to provide biblical and respectful guidelines to aid responsible music choices. Ultimately, the goal is healthy conversation-not conflict-between parents and children so everyone can see and appreciate what music can teach us about life, about God, about others, about relationships, and about the world.

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  • Parenting With A Purpose


    “Parenting with a purpose” is the process designed by God during which each child is led to establish a foundation on which he can build a responsible, productive adult life. There are many situational variations of this process, but each variation includes a commitment to three fundamental building blocks. These building blocks are:

    * A Sound Moral Base
    * The Best Available Education
    * The Inner Motivation To Succeed

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  • Im Outnumbered : One Moms Lessons In The Lively Art Of Raising Boys


    Boy #1 is a blessing. Boy #2 is a joy. But what happens with boy #3? And what if there is a #4? Or more? Suddenly, Mom is outnumbered. Throw Dad into the mix, and you have enough testosterone to chase Mom out the front door and keep her on the run from dawn to dusk. A father can tell you a lot about raising boys. Researchers and psychologists can give you a lot of statistics and advice. Other parenting books can generalize. But only a mom of all boys can really explain what life is like when you are surrounded by men. From one “boy-mom” to another, I’m Outnumbered! offers sound advice and encouragement for every mom who has more than one son, even if there’s a girl in the mix. Author Laura Lee Groves has raised four redheaded boys and has lived-in fact loves-to tell about it. Her strategy of intentional parenting (guiding moms to see their role as proactive parents) has been gleaned from her own experience, from other boy-moms, and from parenting experts. Her combination of personal anecdotes and authoritative research will show boy-moms how to handle sibling rivalry foster leadership and teamwork combat conflict stay organized love them unconditionally and much more Laced with touching and humorous stories, this practical manual provides encouragement, inspiration, and information-especially for the outnumbered mom.

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  • Smile From The Other Side


    Victory can come through tragedies when we lean on the strength of Jesus Christ and each other.

    The Smile from The Other Side offers practical help and hope for parents who find themselves traveling the uncertain path of caring for a terminally ill child. Each chapter begins with a portion of the author’s personal story and ends with a self-help section of resources and Scriptures. The gripping account of what Lynette Norton and her teenage daughter Melissa endured, and how they got to The Other Side, will inspire and encourage you to hold fast to the persistence and faith that life-and-death situations require.
    Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. (James 1:12 NIV)

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  • 1st Steps : A Parents Guide To Fighting Autism


    You suspect your child is suffering from autism- but aren’t sure where to start? Written by parents for parents, this book serves as a roadmap for navigating those early days. As we draw upon our own journey we address the need of knowing what to do and what to expect at the beginning. It’s our hope and prayer that this book helps you set the ground work for many successful years of therapy, with the ultimate hope of recovering your child.

    The recipe section in the back of the book will also give you a great start on tackling the special dietary requirements most kids with autism struggle with. After six years of dealing with our own child’s very restricted diet, the recipes included in this book will give you a variety of options to start with.

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  • How Do You Tuck In A Superhero (Reprinted)


    When Rachel Balducci looks for material for her writing, she doesn’t have to look far. Her subject matter can be found climbing through the window, hanging on to the edge of the roof, and always at the refrigerator. Here she chronicles the exuberant, awesome life of boys through conversations overheard, rules she’s been forced to make, and the many episodes of boy behavior that continue to mystify mothers worldwide. From the care and feeding of her team, to travels out in public, to their wide-eyed adoration of Walker, Texas Ranger, this laugh-out-loud celebration joyfully explores the sweet and wild side of boyhood.

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  • Hurting Parent : Help And Hope For Parents Of Prodigals


    This classic resource for parents of prodigal sons and daughters has been updated to not only offer tried-and-tested wisdom and hope for the newest generation of prodigals’ parents, but also to provide fresh insight and added encouragement for hurting mothers and fathers everywhere. For the first time, here is the rest of the story that inspired the original edition of this book.

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  • Battle Ready Moms Raising Battle Ready Kids


    Mom, you are in a war for the lives of your children. The enemy is real and deceptive, and his weapons are varied. If your children are going to become the men and women that you want them to be, you must take this battle seriously and prepare to fight.

    Battle-Ready Moms Raising Battle-Ready Kids equips mothers with the weapons they need to fight for the spiritual survival of their children. You’ll learn

    * Why your role as mom is critically important to the well-being of your children
    * How to encourage good choices through connection, not rules alone
    * How to build character and nurture individuality
    * How to guide both girls and boys from infancy to young adulthood

    Using Bible-based wisdom and experience-based advice, Reba Bowman challenges you to become the best mom you can be-because the destiny of your children depends on it.

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  • Battle Ready Moms Raising Battle Ready Kids


    Mom, you are in a war for the lives of your children. The enemy is real and deceptive, and his weapons are varied. If your children are going to become the men and women that you want them to be, you must take this battle seriously and prepare to fight.

    Battle-Ready Moms Raising Battle-Ready Kids equips mothers with the weapons they need to fight for the spiritual survival of their children. You’ll learn

    * Why your role as mom is critically important to the well-being of your children
    * How to encourage good choices through connection, not rules alone
    * How to build character and nurture individuality
    * How to guide both girls and boys from infancy to young adulthood

    Using Bible-based wisdom and experience-based advice, Reba Bowman challenges you to become the best mom you can be-because the destiny of your children depends on it.

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  • Wounded Children Healing Homes


    Why doesn’t our child return our love? What are we failing to understand? What are we failing to do? These questions can fill the minds of adoptive parents caring for wounded, traumatized children. Families often enter into this experience with high expectations for their child and for themselves but are broadsided by shattered assumptions. This book addresses the reality of those unmet expectations and offers validation and solutions for the challenges of parenting deeply traumatized and emotionally disturbed children.

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  • Padres A Prueba De Crisis – (Spanish)


    Fights at school, sexual abuse, eating disorders, school crises – the list goes on and on. Hardly a day passes without a local crisis at involving junior highers or high schoolers. This practical resource covers the whole continuum of private and public crisis, equipping parents to work with their kids to deal with any crisis in a way that helps the individual and helps the family stay intact.

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  • Dress For Anna


    Every little girl loves a pretty new dress, and my daughter Anna was no exception. Trembling with emotion, she ripped open the department store bag that contained her new dress, tights, shoes, and undergarments. Then she pulled out the lavender floral print dress, caressing the silk lining and rubbing her face in the soft fabric.

    ?Platya,? she whispered. Dress. The quiet was only momentary, though as the reality of the situation sank in. ?Platya,? she then cheered. ?Halya doma.? Halya is going home.

    Although it was the first time in her life that she had ever owned any piece of clothing, it was not the dress that brought such emotion, but what it represented. The new dress meant that it was finally the day that Halya (whom we would name Anna) would leave the orphanage and travel home to live with her new family. It was a day she had awaited for over three years, and a day that I had worked for nearly as long.

    A Dress for Anna: The Redemption of the Life of a Ukrainian Orphan tells the fascinating story of how God led Deborah and Rob Amend to adopt a handicapped preschooler from an orphanage in Ukraine, and intricately knit her into their family. Beginning with the circumstances that opened their hearts to adoption, continuing through the entire process, and culminating with the difficult adjustments for Anna as she experiences life in a new culture, this book honestly shares the struggles, grief, and joy the Amend family faced as they followed God down the rocky path of international adoption.

    This powerful narrative not only provides readers with a clear understanding of the often challenging aspects of adoption, particularly for special needs children, it also offers inspiration by illustrating just how much an average, ordinary family can do when listening to God and following His call.

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  • Diseasing Of Americas Children


    How parents, teachers, and even professionals are being deceived by the “ADHD Establishment” regarding ADHD and other childhood behavior disorders and the drugs used to treat them. The issue of diagnosing children with behavioral diseases that do not conform to a scientific definition of disease, and then medicating them is a scandal ready to erupt. In The Diseasing of America’s Children, popular family psychologist, speaker, and best-selling author John Rosemond joins with pediatrician Dr. Bose Ravenel to uncover the fiction and fallacy behind attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), early-onset biopolar disorder (EOBD), and the drugs prescribed to treat them. Rosemond and Ravenel will: reveal the pseudo-science behind these diagnoses explain how parents, teachers, and even professionals are deceived expose the short- and long-term dangers behavioral drugs pose to children discuss how America’s schools are unwittingly feeding the diagnostic beast reveal the simple, common sense truth behind these behavior problems and give parents a practical program for curing these problems without drugs or dependence on professionals.

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  • Lost In Translation Book Of Revelation 2


    Lost in Translation The Book of Revelation Through Hebrew Eyes is a worthy follow-up to its predecessor, Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of Our Faith. This is the second in a three-volume series that will cover the entire book of Revelation in awe-inspiring detail, expounding and expanding on familiar verses in Gods Word that have been misunderstood and misconstrued for many years. Or, in some cases, linking together verses and concepts that have been repeatedly overlooked. In this volume the authors explore the first half of Revelation from the perspective they established so clearly in Volume 1 that of a Hebrew God speaking through a Hebrew believer to an audience that was intimately familiar with the Hebrew language, culture, customs, and concepts that form both the literal and the metaphorical foundation for vast portions of Revelation. *Who are the 144,000, anyway? What will be their true function in the End Times? *Who is the Bride of Messiah? Does that designation automatically include everyone who accepts salvation, no matter when or where? *What does the book of Revelation really tell us about two vastly different and completely separate sequences of events that transpire at one and the same time, in entirely different places yet all as integral parts of the same vast panorama of end-times happenings? How do the Wedding and the Judgments fit together if they even DO? These are just some of the questions to which youll find plausible, sensible, biblically sound answers in this volume. Please join us, right now, for another voyage of discovery unlike anything youve embarked on before, even if you’ve already read volume 1

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  • When Kids Hurt (Reprinted)


    Chap Clark’s groundbreaking Hurt: Inside the World of Today’s Teenagers revealed the hard truth about contemporary adolescence: societal changes and systemic abandonment have left teenagers struggling to navigate the ever lengthening and ever more difficult transition to adulthood without caring adults.

    When Kids Hurt offers these challenging insights to youth workers and parents in a more accessible form, with greater focus on how adults should respond. Practical sidebars and application sections, contributed by other youth experts, provide additional insights into youth culture and how adults can better guide adolescents into adulthood. This book will be an important resource for youth workers, parents, counselors, and others who work with youth.

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  • Not So Fast


    Frenzied families find themselves fragmented in this high-speed, fast-paced, goal-oriented society. Even while racing to second jobs, appointments, lessons, practices, games and clubs, we crave an antidote. How do we counteract the effects of our over-committed culture? Replenish our depleted selves? Restore our rushed relationships?

    Not So Fast: Slow-Down Solutions for Frenzied Families explores the jarring effects of our high-speed, high-pressured, highly-scheduled lives and offers refreshing alternatives. Author Ann Kroeker relates her own story of how embracing a slower everyday pace has resulted in a richer, fuller, and more meaningful life.

    Practical ideas and insight will spark creativity and personal reflection. Plus, ponder real-life stories from parents who put the brakes on the high-speed lifestyle and reaped the rewards of richer relationships. Not So Fast offers hope that families struggling with hurried hearts and frantic souls can discover the rejuvenating power of an unrushed life.

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