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Jessica Errico

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  • Mother Gap : A Daughters Search For Connection


    25 Chapters

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    When a daughter feels disconnected from her mother, her heart hurts. There’s an empty spot, a gap, where love should be. Her heart cries out…Mom, I need you! Aren’t I good enough? Won’t you love me for who I am?

    These unresolved emotions set the course for all the daughter’s relationships. Her need for affirmation affects her friendships, her marriage, her children, and future generations. But there is One who can fill the hole in her heart and cover that gap. Jesus offers the emotional healing that makes connection possible. Especially for daughters wounded by their mothers, He becomes a bridge of forgiveness. This is Jessica’s story, shared with candor and compassion. Despite enduring emotional abuse, she experienced the grace to keep reaching for her mom; grace only God could supply.

    Perhaps you have experienced the Mother Gap, or know someone who has. If so, this story is sure to bring encouragement. Jesus meets our heart’s yearnings for connection. He invites us to be free of resentment and bitterness, envy and strife. Each chapter’s personal application questions prompt reflection, and lead to healthier relationships.

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