James Goll
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Triunfo – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartManual practico para la guerra espiritual efectiva del lider profetico y autor de exitos de ventas
Cada persona nace en una batalla espiritual, y para una batalla espiritual. Sin embargo, muchos de nosotros estamos mal equipados e incluso perdiendo batallas que deberiamos estar ganando. Con su caracteristica vision profetica, el autor de exitos de ventas y lider intercesor, James W. Goll, ofrece sabiduria, formacion e instruccion practica, presentados en capitulos cortos que puedes aplicar de inmediato, aprendidos de las trincheras de la guerra espiritual. A traves de investigacion integral, enseanza biblica y un plan de batalla para la victoria, Goll te equipa para:
*armas espirituales personales y corporativas
*discernir el verdadero enemigo y sus tacticas
*mantenerte firme y luchar eficazmente
*hacer cumplir la victoria de Cristo en la cruzLa batalla esta en pleno apogeo y es hora de que tomes tu lugar en la primera linea. Pero no temas: naciste para esto y fuiste creado para triunfar en Cristo Jesus.
Hands-On Manual to Effective Spiritual Warfare from Prophetic Leader and Bestselling Author
Every person is born in a spiritual battle–and for a spiritual battle. Yet so many of us are under-equipped and even losing battles we should be winning. With his trademark prophetic insight, bestselling author and intercessory leader James W. Goll offers wisdom, hands-on training, and practical instruction presented in short chapters you can apply immediately, learned from the trenches of spiritual warfare. Through comprehensive research, biblical teaching, and a battle plan for victory, Goll equips you to:
*arm yourself with personal and corporate spiritual weapons
*discern the real enemy and his tactics
*stand firm and fight effectively
*enforce the victory of Christ on the crossThe battle is raging, and it’s time for you to take your place on the front lines. But do not fear: You were born for this–and made to triumph in Christ Jesus.
Triumph : Your Comprehensive Guide To Spiritual Warfare
$29.99Add to cartWage War against the Powers of This Present Darkness–and Win
Every person is born in a spiritual battle and for a spiritual battle. Yet so many of us are under-equipped and even losing battles we should be winning.
With his trademark prophetic insight, bestselling author and intercessory leader James W. Goll offers wisdom, hands-on training, and practical instruction presented in short chapters you can apply immediately, learned from the trenches of spiritual warfare. Through comprehensive research, biblical teaching, and a battle plan for victory, Goll equips you to
* arm yourself with personal and corporate spiritual weapons
* discern the real enemy and his tactics
* stand firm and fight effectively
* enforce the victory of Christ on the crossThe battle is raging, and it’s time for you to take your place on the front line. But do not fear: You were born for this–and made to triumph in Christ Jesus.
Triumph : Your Comprehensive Guide To Spiritual Warfare
$17.99Add to cartWage War against the Powers of This Present Darkness–and Win
Every person is born in a spiritual battle and for a spiritual battle. Yet so many of us are under-equipped and even losing battles we should be winning.
With his trademark prophetic insight, bestselling author and intercessory leader James W. Goll offers wisdom, hands-on training, and practical instruction presented in short chapters you can apply immediately, learned from the trenches of spiritual warfare. Through comprehensive research, biblical teaching, and a battle plan for victory, Goll equips you to
* arm yourself with personal and corporate spiritual weapons
* discern the real enemy and his tactics
* stand firm and fight effectively
* enforce the victory of Christ on the crossThe battle is raging, and it’s time for you to take your place on the front line. But do not fear: You were born for this–and made to triumph in Christ Jesus.
Revival Breakthrough : Preparing For Seasons Of Glory, Awakening, And Great
$16.99Add to cartA Powerful Supernatural Journey
Revival Breakthrough: Preparing for Seasons of Glory, Awakening, and Great Harves t takes you on a powerful supernatural journey that will lead to an unprecedented outpouring of God’s Spirit.
The times of deep darkness we are facing on earth today are a backdrop for a great saturation of God’s light and an imminent display of His glory. We are seeing the beginnings of the spiritual fulfillment of the biblical Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Ingathering. We are headed into seasons, not just days, of unprecedented shaking and unprecedented revival running side by side.
Best-selling author James Goll highlights moves of the Holy Spirit in both Scripture and church history that teach us significant lessons for today. He also provides abundant scriptural references regarding the significance of prayer, the prophetic, and God’s presence for Holy Spirit outpouring. And he presents choice prophetic words from “generals” in the body of Christ regarding the coming great harvest.
The next move of God will produce the greatest harvest in the history of the church. God is giving us new wineskins that can receive the new wine of His Spirit. Many believers who formerly walked with the Lord will be restored to the Father’s house, and multitudes who never knew Him will be welcomed into His kingdom.
We can partner with the Holy Spirit to create an opening for God’s presence, revival, and harvest in this world. Then the Spirit and the bride will cry out in complete unity, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
Let’s believe big! Let’s prepare for God’s glory to be restored to His church and the world.
Mystery Of Israel And The Middle East
$19.00Add to cartPages are turning on God’s prophetic calendar, approaching the mysterious day when his Son will step once again into the world of time and space. What is the key to this fulfillment? The answer is Israel. And the controversy over her destiny affects every nation on earth.
In his urgent plea for intercessory prayer, James W. Goll calls readers to join the global prayer movement and intercede for God’s ancient covenant people according to a targeted biblical plan. The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East includes scriptural reasons to pray and stand for Israel, eight character models from the Bible to help readers carry the burden, and a strong admonition to pray for all the descendants of Abraham–the offspring of Hagar, Sarah, and Keturah, Jews and Arabs alike.
Join with intercessors worldwide to pray for Israel and watch as God fulfills his promises through her!
Discernidor – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cart“Yo quiero hacer mas que oir una palabra que venga de Dios. Yo quiero convertirme en esa palabra. Ese es el proposito supremo de la revelacion: que la Palabra se convierta en carne.” -James Goll
Que es “la revelacion profetica” que viene de Dios? Y cual es el rol del creyente en recibirla y activarla? James Goll, autor del exito de ventas The Seer (El Vidente), explica que aunque algunos creyentes estan dotados especialmente como profetas, todo seguidor de Jesucristo recibe los dones de revelacion y discernimiento. !Y todo creyente necesita usarlos! De hecho, sin discernimiento y sensibilidad al Espiritu Santo, no podemos progresar en nuestro uso de cualquiera de los dones y llamados. Con explicaciones claras, ilustraciones escriturales e historias contemporaneas de la vida real, Goll demuestra como podemos recibir revelacion a traves de los sentidos naturales de la vista, la audicion, el toque, el olfato y el gusto, y como abrirnos a los sentidos sobrenaturales comparables por medio de los cuales Dios quiere hablar. El tambien elimina la incertidumbre sobre como discernir la revelacion y probar los espiritus, para que todo creyente pueda cumplir su proposito maximo: extender el poderoso reino de Jesus en la tierra. El Discernidor es tanto una maravillosa introduccion al estilo de vida profetico, como un llamado desafiante para aquellos que ya estan inmersos en la revelacion profetica.
Praying With Gods Heart
$17.00Add to cartWhat if there was a key that made every prayer more effective–something that would bring all prayers into agreement with the heart of God every single time?
This type of praying does exist, says bestselling author and prophetic leader James W. Goll, and it’s called prophetic intercession. It is the humble act of holding the needs of people before God while leaning into God’s heart for them. There is nothing mystical or elite about this kind of praying, and it’s for the new Christian and the most seasoned prayer warrior. All you need is to learn to lean into your heavenly Father and pray what you see and hear in alignment with his heart, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
God wants you to align your heart with his. He wants you to pray more effectively in these turbulent times, and he wants you to help usher in the fullness of his purposes on the earth. Are you ready?
Discerner : Hearing Confirming And Acting On Prophetic Revelation
$16.99Add to cart“I want to do more than hear a word from God. I want to become that word.
That is revelation’s ultimate purpose–for the Word to become flesh.”
–James GollWhat is “prophetic revelation” from God? And what is the believer’s role in receiving and activating it? James Goll, author of the best seller The Seer, explains that although some believers are especially gifted as prophets, every follower of Jesus receives the gifts of revelation and discernment. And every believer needs to use them! In fact, without discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, we cannot progress in our use of any of the gifts and callings. With clear explanations, scriptural illustrations, and real-life contemporary stories, Goll demonstrates how we can receive revelation through the natural senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste–and how to open ourselves up to the comparable supernatural senses through which God wants to speak. He also removes uncertainty about how to discern revelation and test the spirits, so that every believer can fulfill their ultimate purpose: extending Jesus’ powerful kingdom on earth. The Discerner is both a wonderful introduction to the prophetic lifestyle and a challenging call for those already immersed in prophetic revelation.
Hearing Gods Voice Today
$16.00Add to cartPractical Help for Recognizing and Listening to God’s Voice
Bestselling author James Goll takes readers on an adventure into the heart of what it means to hear God, and how to do it. Over the course of this journey, both beginners and those who have been listening to God for years will explore biblical principles about prayer, starting from square one. Real-life illustrations inspire and excite readers to have expectant hearts by learning to:
– draw near to God
– trust that he wants to speak
– overcome obstacles that block his voice
– avoid being misled by words not coming from him
– cultivate a lifestyle of hearing him
God is speaking to you–today. Grow in assurance that he wants you to hear. -
Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today
$18.99Add to cartThis book isn’t just about discovering our spiritual gifts, or even receiving them-it’s about releasing them! God wants you to experience the great wonder of moving in and through His grace-on a daily basis.
As you read, you’ll first gain an overview of spiritual gifts and be introduced to the way the Holy Spirit moves and operates within them. Then you’ll explore the nine most widely recognized spiritual gifts. These are not the only gifts God gives His children, but they are vital to understand and then activate according to His leading.
Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today is filled with many examples of how the gifts have been used in action, both within the pages of the Bible and in the present day. God desires to pour out His gifts on His people with even greater degrees of impact and authority. This is your opportunity to find out what the Lord can do for you and through you as you release His spiritual gifts today in an outpouring of His love, grace, and power.
Living A Supernatural Life (Reprinted)
$18.00Add to cartLooking for Signs of LifeBelievers around the world are experiencing God’s kingdom in a real and transformative way through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit working in and through their lives. Yet some are uncertain about the purpose of signs, wonders and miracles in our modern age of doubt. Living a Supernatural Life is a guide to understanding the Spirit’s power in our time, and a handbook for participating in His work. This book is a challenge to all believers to become more like Jesus in character and action, totally dependent on the Holy Spirit. By living as Jesus did, you will witness the light of God’s Spirit defeating the darkness, often in miraculous ways! Find out how to live in the reality of the supernatural realm, attuned in mind and heart to God’s kingdom coming in power through the Holy Spirit living in you.
Lifestyle Of A Prophet (Reprinted)
$18.00Add to cartInternationally respected prophet and bestselling author James W. Goll offers a readable, practical approach to the prophetic gifting. Centered around a unique, hands-on 21-day guide, he helps believers develop the intimacy with God essential to hearing his voice clearly and correctly–and then proclaiming his words faithfully.
Through illustrations from his own life and those of John, Daniel, and Ezekiel, Goll exposes common misconceptions, the successes and failures of gifted people throughout church history, and wisdom from the trenches of the prophetic. Devotional prayers and reflection questions follow each chapter. A must-have resource for those in prophetic ministry and all who work with them.
Call Of The Elijah Revolution
$17.99Add to cartThe Call to the Elijah Revolution is an attempt to bring to you in print some of the pounding sounds that echo in our hearts. We want to see a whole generation arise that will passionately sacrifice the temporal pleasures of this life so as to embrace The Call of God to seize the moment in which we live. Do you want to see a radical change take place in the church and societies as a whole? If you do, then the contents of this book will fan that fire into even a greater flame.
Praying For Israels Destiny (Reprinted)
$15.00Add to cartToday, as violence erupts fiercely across the Middle East, believers are often told to pray for the peace of Israel. But how are we to know the will of God concerning Israel today? How do we pray effectively in the midst of so much controversy? James W. Goll calls readers to join the global prayer movement and intercede for God’s ancient covenant people according to a targeted biblical plan. A practical yet inspiring book, Praying for Israel’s Destiny includes biblical reasons to pray and stand for Israel, eight character models from the Scriptures to help readers carry the burden, and a strong admonition to pray for all the descendants of Abraham–the offspring of Hagar, Sarah, and Keturah, Jews and Arabs alike. Praying for Israel’s Destiny is a journey into the heart of God for his purposes in the Middle East.