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Family Concerns

Showing 401–500 of 1029 results

  • Hands Free Life


    The urge to join society’s frantic pace, maintain digital connections, and check another task off the list as is intense as it is constant. Protecting what really matters is difficult in a world of distraction, but it is not impossible.

    After taking steps to let go of daily distraction and become a Hands Free Mama, Rachel Macy Stafford realized just how valuable it truly was. This awareness brought her to a new challenge: maintaining and protecting her hands free life in a world inundated with distraction, perfection, and societal pressures.

    In Hands Free Life, Rachel shows you how to:
    *create meaningful human connection despite the busyness of life;
    *embrace today even though the world tries to convince us we must think ahead to tomorrow, next month, and next year; and
    *protect your children’s innocence, your marriage, your faith, and what you value most despite pressures from society and the latent dangers of technology.

    Whether you are just starting your hands free journey toward a more present and gratitude-filled life or have been at it awhile, the habits and practices outlined in Hands Free Life will benefit anyone striving to grasp what really matters in a world of distraction.

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  • Loving Him Well


    If you’re sick and tired of all the ways you’ve tried to bring about change in your marriage-the silent treatment, nagging, one-way discussions, pleading-it’s time to set aside those broken methods for a Christ-based approach. Loving Him Well by Gary Thomas demonstrates how women can inspire, influence, and help their husbands move in positive directions. Replacing your plan of action with God’s plan leads to a marital transformation where both partners are moving toward each other, the way God intended.

    Gary Thomas draws concepts from his bestseller, Sacred Marriage, and outlines practical applications you can start using today. He also shows how marriages are transformed through these methods.

    In these pages, you’ll also find a fresh perspective to help you understand your husband-the view of the marriage relationship through a man’s eyes. Thomas gives you insider information on how men think, feel, and can truly be motivated.

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  • Invisible Woman : A Special Story For Mothers


    There is nothing like the pain of feeling invisible to those around you. It especially hurts when you are serving, giving, and loving, and no one seems to notice or even care.

    In creating The Invisible Woman, Nicole Johnson shows how much she understands the difficulty of living with great responsibility without receiving any recognition. Nicole puts us inside the mind and heart of Charlotte Fisher.

    And as we walk through Charlotte’s story of feeling invisible, we experience the comedy and loneliness of her life. The invisibility that at first feels inflicted ultimately brings her real significance and meaning.

    Drawing her strength from the invisible builders of the great cathedrals, Charlotte realizes she is not invisible to God, and this simple truth changes everything for her. Faith is rekindled in her heart as she seeks to love her family in ways that only invisibility makes possible.

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  • Our Mothers Ourselves


    No one has influenced the person you are today like your mother. The way she handled your needs as a child has shaped your worldview, your relationships, your marriage, your career, your self-image-your life. Our Mothers, Ourselves can help you identify areas that need reshaping, to make positive choices for personal change, and to establish a mature relationship with Mom today.

    Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend steer you down a path of discovery and growth beyond the effects of six common mom types:
    *The Phantom Mom
    *The China Doll Mom
    *The Controlling Mom
    *The Trophy Mom
    *The Still-the-Boss Mom
    *The American Express Mom

    You’ll learn how your mom affected you as a child and may still be affecting you today. And you’ll find a realistic and empowering approach to filling your unmet mothering needs in healthy, life-changing ways through other people.

    Our Mothers, Ourselves is a biblical route to wholeness and growth, to deeper and more satisfying bonds with your family, friends, and spouse-and to a new, healthier way of relating to your mother today.

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  • Thread Of Hope


    Dennis Jernigan, due to the nature of his own story, understands the pain life can bring, but he also understands the healing power of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Dennis spends a great deal of time in his personal ministry helping people deal with their emotional wounds. A Thread of Hope was born out of ministry to one such person who needed to hear a song of deliverance born from her own intense pain and abuse at the hands of adults. This book is intended for adults. Dennis would advise parents to read A Thread of Hope before allowing their children to read it. It is a sad state of affairs that we even need such a book . . . but we do. Use A Thread of Hope to find Jesus and His healing in your own life, and use it to minister healing to the hurting people you encounter.

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  • Warrior Wife : Overcoming The Unique Struggles Of A Military Marriage


    When you hold the hand of a warrior, you’re joining him on a quest-one that traverses glory and pain. It’s a journey traveled by few, and fewer make it through till completion. Extraordinary men have run our colors across the battlefields of history, but behind them have been the women who have held vigil as they go.

    This passage in matrimony is unique in the way the military will change you, your husband, and your marriage. PTSD, deployments, or never-ending household moves are just some ways a “new normal” lifestyle will challenge even the strongest foundations. But what doesn’t break you will make you stronger if you let it! This book will illustrate the courage, support, and faith it takes to overcome the challenges of military marriages, as well as the tools, understanding, and insight to enter into the rewarding experience of being a warrior wife.

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  • Warrior Wife : Overcoming The Unique Struggles Of A Military Marriage


    When you hold the hand of a warrior, you’re joining him on a quest-one that traverses glory and pain. It’s a journey traveled by few, and fewer make it through till completion. Extraordinary men have run our colors across the battlefields of history, but behind them have been the women who have held vigil as they go.

    This passage in matrimony is unique in the way the military will change you, your husband, and your marriage. PTSD, deployments, or never-ending household moves are just some ways a “new normal” lifestyle will challenge even the strongest foundations. But what doesn’t break you will make you stronger if you let it! This book will illustrate the courage, support, and faith it takes to overcome the challenges of military marriages, as well as the tools, understanding, and insight to enter into the rewarding experience of being a warrior wife.

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  • Great Lessons And Grand Blessings


    As a grandparent, you have once again experienced the miracle of new life in your family. Being a grandparent means you are older…wiser…and that you can offer your grandchildren something invaluable: the gift of influencing them for Christ. In this book, Elmer and Ruth Towns will take you on a journey through the lives of both famous-and infamous-grandparents of the Bible, offering wisdom for today. Witness how Jacob gave his testimony to his grandsons; how Naomi faltered as a parent, but was given a second chance with her grandchild; how Noah’s sins affected his offspring’s children; and even how Paul became a spiritual teacher to Timothy. By studying the lives of biblical grandparents, you will learn some of God’s greatest lessons and grandest blessings-even if you beleive you have failed the the past. Learn:

    How to help you grandchildren claim their spiritual inheritance
    How to rescue a grandchild from ungodly influence
    How to help your grandchildren avoid becoming prodigals
    How an unfailing devotion to teaching the Scriptures to a grandchild can influence the world

    Your greatest gift to your grandchildren isn’t material-but spiritual. Be bold with your new calling. No matter what your past looks like, you have been given a second chance to motivate your grandchildren to greatness-for God.

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  • Mommy Why Dont We Celebrate Halloween


    Do you know the truth behind the dressing up and trick-or-treating that are important parts of this holiday? If not, you need to read this book with your child.

    Halloween comes every year-and so does the question: “Mommy, Why Don’t We Celebrate Halloween?”

    Most likely, your child has either asked you this, or will ask you in the future. This is why you should be ready to explain Halloween to a kid, sharing the dangers of Halloween and discussing Halloween as a pagan holiday.

    This book will help your child have a Christian perspective on Halloween, making it clear why you don’t celebrate the holiday. It reveals, in story form, the truth behind the activities that have become such an accepted part of Halloween traditions.

    Children who read this book and talk about it with their parents will learn how the “fun” of Halloween harms them. They will also learn what to say to others who do not understand the true meaning of Halloween.

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  • Sacred Marriage Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In this six-session small group Bible study, Sacred Marriage, writer and speaker Gary Thomas invites you to see how God can use marriage as a discipline and a motivation to reflect more of the character of Jesus.

    Your marriage is much more than a union between you and your spouse. It is a spiritual discipline ideally suited to help you know God more fully and intimately. Sacred Marriage shifts the focus from marital enrichment to spiritual enrichment in ways that can help you love your mate more. Whether it is delightful or difficult, your marriage can become a doorway to a closer walk with God.

    Everything about your marriage-from the history you and your spouse create, to the love you share, to the forgiveness you both offer and seek by turn-is filled with the capacity to help you grow in Christ’s character.

    In addition to life-changing insights, you’ll find a wealth of discussion questions in this Participant’s Guide that will spark meaningful conversation in your group, between you and your spouse, or to simply ponder by yourself. You’ll also find self-assessments, activities, and highlights all created to help you engage deeply and prayerfully with the content of this study. Designed for use with the Sacred Marriage DVD (sold separately).

    Sessions include:
    *God’s Purpose for Marriage
    *The Refining Power of Marriage
    *The God-Centered Spouse
    *Sacred History
    *Sexual Saints
    *Marriage: The Love Laboratory

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  • Couples Road Trip Guide


    A 1500 pound bear, stowaway mice, and a toothless tow-truck driver—when Josh and Aminda Parafinik left on a summer camping, biking and rock climbing adventure, they didn t realize how integral these things would be to teaching them about marriage.

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  • Divine Sex : A Compelling Vision For Christian Relationships In A Hypersexu (Rep


    The digital revolution has ushered in a series of sexual revolutions, all contributing to a perfect storm for modern relationships. Online dating, social media, internet pornography, and the phenomenon of the smartphone generation have created an avalanche of change with far-reaching consequences for sexuality today. The church has struggled to address this new moral ecology because it has focused on clarity of belief rather than quality of formation. The real challenge for spiritual formation lies in addressing the underlying moral intuitions we carry subconsciously, which are shaped by the convictions of our age.

    In this book, a fresh new voice offers a persuasive Christian vision of sex and relationships, calling young adults to faithful discipleship in a hypersexualized world. Drawing from his pastoral experience with young people and from cutting-edge research across multiple disciplines, Jonathan Grant helps Christian leaders understand the cultural forces that make the church’s teaching on sex and relationships ineffective in the lives of today’s young adults. He also sets forth pastoral strategies for addressing the underlying fault lines in modern sexuality.

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  • 7 Secrets To An Awesome Marriage


    All of us want an enduring marriage, a beautiful marriage we can believe in. That kind of marriage happens through intimacy. Intimacy requires hard work and a guide. Dr. Kim Kimberling is that guide and this book and its tools will show you how communication and intimacy in marriage can be yours.

    Kimberling offers insights like connecting every day in spite of what s in the way, learning how to fight in the right ways, stopping the insanity of doing the same thing over and over even when it isn t working, and finding that the best sex ever is well within the context of Christian marriages.

    Once these 7 secrets are a part of your marriage, you can stand together and fight anything that would ever try to tear your marriage apart.

    Whether you have just celebrated your first anniversary or your fiftieth, 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage by Dr. Kim Kimberling is for you. If you have a good marriage, this book can help you have a great marriage. If you are struggling, Kim Kimberling will help you turn the corner and make your marriage into what you want it to be.”

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  • Reparenting 2


    Deep inside you, there is a part of you that still thinks, feels, and reacts like a child. This is true because time alone does not heal all the wounds of childhood. There are actually steps and a process you must go through to nurture and heal the child within you. This process is called reparenting, and this workbook is the second of two volumes designed to walk you through it.

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  • Building Confidence In Your Child


    A solid sense of self-worth helps children make good choices, develop healthy relationships, and work to achieve their dreams. Based on a biblical understanding of human value, Building Confidence in Your Child teaches moms and dads how to parent positively to help their children grow into secure adults who are poised for success in life. Deftly balancing the principles of humility and pride, trusted author and parenting expert Dr. James Dobson offers practical pointers that break through the theories and get right down to the decisions parents have to make every day.

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  • Como Ser La Mejor Mama – (Spanish)


    Marina Slayton y su marido, Gregory, autor de best seller de ser un mejor papa hoy, revela los secretos para encontrar la verdadera alegria en el papel sagrado de ser mama. El uso de la historia, el humor, la empatia, el sentido comun, y una conversacion basada en la realidad y la experiencia personal. El libro se centra en el deseo de la madre de obtener sabiduria y su compromiso con el bienestar de su esposo e hijos y ofrece seis principios probados por el tiempo (los Seis Secretos) para ser una gran mama. En la tradicion de Stormie Omartian y libros de Barbara Rainey, los Slaytons ofrecen inspiracion basada en valores, un tono calido y personal, y los secretos interesantes para educar y equipar a las mamas a ser las mejores madres que pueden ser. Este libro ayudara a cualquier madre que quiere crecer en su papel sagrado. Las mujeres que necesitan el estimulo o consejo o que se sienten mal equipadas para ser madres encontraran la perspectiva cristiana con sencillos consejos practicos que le cambiaran la vida.

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  • Daddys Song


    Dennis wrote Daddy’s Song for his children, as a means of explaining the redeeming love of Jesus to them. He created it out of his own story of redemption. In being asked to share his experience in such a public manner, he needed a way to tell his children his own story without it being too much of a burden for them to bear. Daddy’s Song became the perfect bridge to lead them to Jesus and, when they were old enough to understand, the perfect explanation to the reality and the depths of Dennis’ own deliverance from sin. It is a family heritage and treasure. May it prove the same for you and yours.

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  • From Anger To Intimacy (Reprinted)


    Learn how to resolve conflict, hurt, and pain in a healthy way; overcome feelings of anger, frustration, and rage; forgive and nurture a forgiving spirit; craft the perfect apology; break sexual addiction and heal after an affair; and much more.

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  • From Hurt To Healed


    They appeared to be the perfect family-parents met as teenagers. Stirred and on fire for God, they married each other right out of high school and started having gorgeous babies soon after.
    After three sons and fourteen years of marriage, precious Harmony was born. No one knew that eleven years later, that baby girl would be abandoned by her father. No one would have guessed he would cheat on his faithful wife and leave her and his six children to fend for themselves. But he did.
    Each child suffered greatly, but Harmony shares her story of the effects of the separation. After wrestling with denial, anger, and entitlement to expectations, Harmony came to realize she hated and despised her father for leaving the family. As a young Christian, she couldn’t understand how so much spite could be inside of her. She then began to seek the freedom only forgiveness can bring, hoping for reconciliation concerning the absence of her dad. The journey of discovery revealed to her far more than she ever expected. How much does an absent father affect a girl’s life? She digs deep to offer an answer to this timeless question that affects so many of us all.

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  • From Hurt To Healed


    They appeared to be the perfect family-parents met as teenagers. Stirred and on fire for God, they married each other right out of high school and started having gorgeous babies soon after.
    After three sons and fourteen years of marriage, precious Harmony was born. No one knew that eleven years later, that baby girl would be abandoned by her father. No one would have guessed he would cheat on his faithful wife and leave her and his six children to fend for themselves. But he did.
    Each child suffered greatly, but Harmony shares her story of the effects of the separation. After wrestling with denial, anger, and entitlement to expectations, Harmony came to realize she hated and despised her father for leaving the family. As a young Christian, she couldn’t understand how so much spite could be inside of her. She then began to seek the freedom only forgiveness can bring, hoping for reconciliation concerning the absence of her dad. The journey of discovery revealed to her far more than she ever expected. How much does an absent father affect a girl’s life? She digs deep to offer an answer to this timeless question that affects so many of us all.

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  • True And Constant Friends


    Kelley Paul, wife of Senator Rand Paul, celebrates lifelong friendships in a beautifully illustrated book about the female bond. When Kelley Paul arrived on the Rhodes College campus in 1981, she immediately bonded with six women. Three decades of intimate friendship later, Kelley celebrates these relationships and the women who inspired them all. She tells their stories and those of their grandmothers, mothers and sisters, providing a microcosm of women raising families and building lives in 20th- and 21st-century America. The extraordinary lives of Kelley’s and her friends’ role models-from the Southern matriarch to the poor Irish immigrant-are honored in this lovely book which offers oral history along with classic poetry, art, and photography. Throughout, Kelley explores the universal themes of hardship, determination, commitment, family, independence, optimism, friendship and love-and illuminates the power of the female bond that enriches all our lives.

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  • Prison Break : A Couples Journey Into Righteousness And Beyond The Prison W


    I wrote this book because God graced me to do it! I am sharing my story praying that it helps someone else to Trust God more, listen for God more, Seek God More, and most of all Obey what God says! This book is a witness that God can use anyone in any position to be a help to another person. The person you are counting out could very well be the one chosen to help get you to your next level! So let’s walk in Matthew 7. Do not judge others, no matter what the situation. You are no better than the next person. We are all God’s creation. We all have flaws, faults, and we were all born into sin and saved by God’s Grace!

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  • Marriage Is A Four Letter Word


    Blacksmith Publishing Title

    A problem that many couples face is that they value their marriage about as much as they value rental property. There’s no long-term investment in rental property because there’s no long-term ownership – no commitment. Their marriage is like a one-year lease agreement that has to be reconsidered every twelve months. If the location is wrong, if the cost is too high, if the size is too big or small, if their career takes them away, or if they just don’t like what they’ve gotten themselves into, they’ll simply walk away and look for another place to take up residency. Some call it separation or an annulment. Others call it divorce. If you want a healthy, happy, life-lasting marriage, it will take some work. Working to communicate effectively and keep the marriage healthy is not always glamorous but it has to be done. The perception of work within a marriage is dependent upon the love between the spouses. When you love, more importantly when you are in love, the work involved in the marriage becomes part of life. It’s a term that I call “keeping the love alive.” This book is dedicated to making your marriage a life-long journey of joy and success.

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  • Joyful Parent Equals Happy Home


    Do you get angry at your children easily? Do you often feel like giving up and throwing in the towel? You DO NOT have to feel or react like this anymore! It is difficult to watch your children do things “their way,” especially when it looks like it is totally the opposite of God’s way. You want to shout, “Stop!” because you clearly see the danger ahead. Mary Hudson shows you how as a parent you can look past your hurt and love your children despite their actions. Joyful Parent = Happy Home will encourage you to love your way into your kids’ world. Loving your children unconditionally is the primary ingredient to becoming a Joyful Parent. Once you figure out what is stealing your joy, you have won half the battle. The enemy is the one that is stealing your JOY – not your children. This is a spiritual battle. The enemy’s most effective weapon is deception. And if you fall for his lie that your child is never going to change and will always live a certain way, you have been duped by one of the devil’s oldest tricks. You will be surprised – you will get a brand-new view of parenting when you appropriate a brand-new attitude toward your children. We have to encourage our children with a vision for their future, with the plans that the Lord has for them. We need to remind them that the world will use and abuse them, but God will never fail them. Start speaking life to your children no matter what they are up to or what they are up against. Then, you will start to see life arise in them!

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  • Irreplaceable : What Is Family (DVD)


    Irreplaceable follows Time Sisarich, former executive director of Focus on the Family New Zealand, as he explores the answers to critical questions such as “What is family?” and “Does family still matter in today’s society?”. This film is the first in a series of feature-length documentaries that will approach the concept of the family from a number of different angles with the goal of recovering, renewing and reclaiming the cultural converstaion about the family.

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  • Mean Moms Guide To Raising Great Kids


    “Mom, you’re so mean!” Do you struggle to instill loving boundaries and become discouraged when your child doesn’t like you for them? Let The Mean Mom’s Guide inspire you to dig in and stand your ground when parenting gets tough-because a mean mom isn’t always the mean you think it means.

    The Mean Mom’s Guide to Raising Great Kids encourages overly nice “marshmallow” moms to instill a few much-needed boundaries. It motivates parents to stand their ground when childrearing is tough, most especially when a child doesn’t like them for it.

    Covering parenting from preschool to high school, each of the four sections highlights topics specific to each age. Scripture is weaved throughout as a continual reminder of God’s truth, and “Mom 2 Mom” quotes at the end of each chapter are filled with heartfelt transparency from dozens of moms who lent their own experiences to encourage the reader. Mean moms encourage openly, love passionately, and know full well being called mean by her child is oftentimes a compliment.
    – See more at:

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  • Sand In My Sandwich


    You know that thing when you’re in Walmart at noon before you discover you haven’t brushed your teeth? Sarah Parshall Perry gets that. She also gets weird things showing up in her bed, her daughter asking for war paint, and her son crawling into a giant blue sock on Christmas morning. Mainly, she gets that conflicted feeling of finding her kids hanging out in the dogs’ cages and happily realizing they have stopped getting into trouble for a minute.

    According to Perry, “The hardest stuff is the quickest way to God,” and readers get to watch the systematic destruction of her carefully planned life, laughing at her missteps, aching at her tragedies, and recognizing themselves along the way. A mother of three children, two of whom are on the autism spectrum, she has experienced plenty of ups and downs, but from the chaos of her “ordinary” life she pulls the universal truths of motherhood, addressing them with humor, poignancy, and a naked honesty that will make the reader think, That sounds a lot like my crazy life. Perry helps mothers realize they aren’t alone, even if they’ve fallen off the straight and narrow of their intended path and are instead lying in the ditch next to it. Life’s a mess. But as Perry reminds us, it’s all for a purpose.

    Perfect for mothers, this book will encourage, inspire, and enlighten.

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  • More Than Just The Talk (Reprinted)


    In a sex-saturated culture where kids are exposed to nearly 14,000 sexual references per year on television, and 70 percent of teenagers have encountered pornography on the Internet, parents can’t rely on the traditional one-time “sex talk” that their own parents muddled through. Kids need to know that it’s natural to be curious about sex and that their parents are the most reliable source of information. Otherwise, their friends and smartphones will be more than willing to give answers that are likely to lead them down the path to sin and heartache.

    Jonathan McKee shows parents how to move beyond the initial awkwardness of this subject into an ongoing conversation with their kids about God’s amazing gift of sex. He equips them to engage in open conversations about dating, temptation, porn, and purity. Parents will find answers to the tough questions most people avoid and relevant Scripture regarding sexual issues. When parents provide the honest answers their kids are longing for, they can become the ones their kids turn to with their questions about this critical topic.

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  • Mother And Child Project


    Dozens of influential leaders have heard the pleas of mothers and children in developing countries. Raising their voices to inspire a movement to increase healthy pregnancies and lower death rates, Melinda Gates, Kay Warren, Bill Frist, Kimberly Williams Paisley, Michael W. Smith and more speak out about why people of faith must get involved in The Mother and Child Project: Raising Our Voices for Health and Hope. Almost 287,000 women die each year because of pregnancy and birth complications. Many orphans are left behind in the wake of this tragedy, and without a mother, many of those children die as well. If only enough people knew.

    We have the resources to prevent this crisis, but we must take action. Fortunately, Hope Through Healing Hands, a nonprofit organization promoting awareness for healthy mothers and children worldwide, is already spreading the word. Not only can we save lives, reduce abortions, and decrease death rates, but also we can help build healthier, thriving families and bring stability and sustainability to families, communities and nations. The question is, will you join them?

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  • Sacred Marriage : What If God Designed Marriage To Make Us Holy More Than T


    Sacred Marriage doesn’t just offer techniques to make a marriage happier. It does contain practical tools, but what married Christians most need is help in becoming holier husbands and wives. Sacred Marriage offers that help with insights from Scripture, church history, time tested wisdom from Christian classics, and examples from today’s marriages. Revised Edition.

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  • Betrothed : A Collection Of Love Stories Reflecting An Ancient Faith


    Olive Press Messianic (

    Dating? Courtship? There’s something better. The current way our society prepares a single person for marriage has led to an increase in broken marriages and moral disintegration. The ten couples in this book have trailblazed a new, yet ancient and beautiful path to marriage called bethrothal. These couples’ families saw the need to go a different direction–a direction that points toward Yeshua (Jesus) and His spotless Bride. The Tommy and Sherri Waller family is well represented in these love stories. Tommy writes: “Many of these accounts are written by my own children. Their testimonies are the result of God’s mercy in making a presentation to me and my wife, Sherri, many years ago. He enabled us to see clearly that our children were at great risk … Which of our children would make it and which ones would fall? … [W]e [now] have five married children. All of them have chosen to walk through the beautiful process of betrothal. There has never been a time in my life when I have witnessed anything close to the intensity of love birthed from two undefiled hearts as I have in betrothal. Every betrothal I witness confirms in me the Father’s true grace-the unmerited favor He desires to lavish on all of us.” Brayden Waller writes: “The bridegroom heart of God is a recurring theme throughout Scripture. The Bible actually begins and ends with a wedding: first, Adam and Eve in the garden, and last, the marriage supper of the Lamb. Betrothal is an essential key to this whole story. To understand this ancient and Biblical way of marriage is to better understand the relationship we have with God. … Unlike engagement, betrothal is an actual covenant that is made prior to the wedding day … [which] is the very thing God has done with us! He has made a covenant with us by the blood of Yeshua and the wedding is yet to come. Revelation 19:7 tells us of this coming wedding, ‘Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife has made herself ready.’ … Betrothal is much further reaching than the confines of a culture. It is something that the LORD Himself participates in. He says in Hosea 2:19-20, ‘I will betroth you to Me forever, yes I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in loving kindness and mercy I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you will know the LORD.’ … Whether you are reading this book for the spiritual application of being

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  • Imperfect Marriage : Help For Those Who Think Its Over


    From legendary baseball Hall of Famer and his wife comes a marriage guidebook for the not-so-perfect marriage-filled with extremely candid, practical, and biblically based principles-proven to make any relationship successful.

    Darryl and Tracy Strawberry admit they have “made every possible mistake you can make in marriage.” Together, this devoted couple has suffered through-and survived-adultery, addiction, financial destruction, and many other all-too-familiar struggles.

    A no-holds-barred account of their personal journey, The Imperfect Marriage provides a step-by-step program that will help you and your partner understand the key issues that could be causing damage in your relationship and recognize turning points on the journey toward marriage restoration. Darryl and Tracy Strawberry know firsthand what it takes to make it through the battle and how to come out victorious. Beginning with putting God at the center, their words will inspire you to transform your marriage into an enduring and vital relationship.

    The Strawberrys keep it real and preach it real. They deal with real people, real problems, and offer solutions for the present. Through candid anecdotes, a great deal of self-awareness, and a true sense of honesty, Darryl and Tracy offer the vision, encouragement, and practical advice that every healthy marriage needs in order to thrive.

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  • Dios Sexo Y Matrimonio – (Spanish)


    En este libro revolucionario, Arnold, quien ha sido pastor durante casi cuarenta anos, aborda el dolor resultante de la ruptura de relaciones y el abuso de la intimidad sexual. El proporciona ideas biblicas frescas sobre los asuntos criticos que incluyen la santidad del sexo, la lucha contra la tentacion, la decision de mantenerse soltero o casado, la educacion de los hijos, el divorcio y el casarse nuevamente. “Dios, sexo y matrimonio,” ofrece sanacion a cualquiera que haya conocido el desaliento o la culpa y le da esperanzas a cualquiera que desee tener una mirada completamente nueva sobre un tema de interes y preocupacion universal.

    In this groundbreaking book, Arnold, a pastor for over forty years, provides fresh biblical insights into critical issues including the sacredness of sex, the struggle against temptation, the decision to remain single or to marry, child rearing, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage. Sex, God, and Marriage offers healing to anyone who has known discouragement or failure – and hope to anyone who is willing to take a bold new look at a topic of universal interest and concern.

    Unlike the vast majority of marriage books, Sex, God, and Marriage digs deeper than the usual issues and goes to the root: our relationship with God, and the defining power of that relationship over all others in our lives.

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  • Birth Order Book (Reprinted)


    The Order in which we are born has a powerful, far-reaching influence on the way we interact with others- at home, at work, with friends, and in the public square. Dr. Kevin Leman’s classic book on birth order is getting a new look, bring his engaging, fascinating, and often funny observations to a new audience. With insight and wit, Dr. Leman shows readers how birth order affects personality, marriage and relationships, parenting style, career, and children. Anyone who wants to gain understanding about the ways they interact with others- and even overcome ingrained tendencies they never thought they’d be rid of will love Dr. Leman’s insightful book.

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  • Raising Kingdom Kids Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This Participant’s Guide is a companion resource to the six-week DVD-based curriculum Raising Kingdom Kids with teaching by Dr. Tony Evans.

    Recommended for every participant, this Participant’s Guide helps parents tackle the critical assignment of raising children who are spiritually strong and prepared to take on the assignments God has for their lives.

    The six sessions included in Raising Kingdom Kids Group Video Experience provide practical examples and illustrations to help parents grow kids’ faith, with specific instruction in the power of prayer, wisdom, love of God’s Word, getting through trials, controlling the tongue, developing patience, and the surrender of service. One sample Participant’s Guide is included in the Group Video Experience, and an additional copy is recommended for each group member.

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  • 5 Love Languages For Men


    Falling in love is easy. Keeping the sizzle in your marriage? That’s more like grilling the perfect steak-it takes time, attention, and some secret spices. Mastering your wife’s heart doesn’t have to be complicated, but it will take a little effort. Good intentions alone will not get the job done.

    Gary Chapman gears this edition of his #1 New York Times multi-million best seller to your needs, challenges, and interests as a husband. What really fills your wife’s love tank? (It may not be what you think.) How can you let her know what you’re thinking and feeling? What can you do to make sex more meaningful and pleasurable for you both? This book offers a straightforward approach that will equip you for relational success.

    Discover the secret that has already transformed millions of relationships worldwide. As you learn this simple, yet profound, concept for communicating love, you’ll be more confident and courageous in the ways that matter most. Really!

    “When you express your love for your wife using her primary love language, it’s like hitting the sweet spot on a baseball bat or golf club. It just feels right-and the results are impressive.” -Gary Chapman

    Includes an updated version of The 5 Love Languages(R) personal profile.

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  • You Can Adopt Without Debt


    Important facts, encouragement, and tips help readers avoid the huge cost that can come with adoption.Many families want to adopt, but do not have the large amount of money it takes to complete a private domestic or international adoption. Some quickly give up the idea of adopting and are left feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and discouraged. Those who choose to proceed often take out large loans or borrow from family and friends which adds to the financial pressure on the family. Author Julie Gumm shares proven strategies from her own experience as well as from others that include applying for grants, creative budgeting, and fundraising prospective adoptive parents can use to prepare for and avoid those high costs associated with adoption.

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  • 5 Love Languages


    Falling in love is easy. Staying in love-that’s the challenge! How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands and conflicts and just plain boredom of everyday life?

    In the #1 New York Times bestselling book The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner-starting today.

    “If we learn to meet each other’s deep emotional need to feel loved, and choose to do it, the love we share will be exciting beyond anything we’ve ever felt.”-Gary Chapman

    The 5 Love Languages is as practical as it is insightful. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships in today’s world, this new edition reveals intrinsic truths and applies relevant, actionable wisdom in ways that work. Practice the simple steps outlined in each chapter and you’ll be on your way to a healthier, mutually beneficial relationship.

    Also includes an updated version of The 5 Love Languages(R) personal profile.

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  • Forever Mom : What To Expect When Youre Adopting


    Adoption is on the rise, and popular writer and blogger Mary Ostyn shares her experiences of adopting six children, inspiring those who have been called to adopt and providing practical advice on how to make it work. In Forever Mom Mary Ostyn, a long-time beloved adoption writer and blogger, shares the practical tools and resources she uses to thrive as an adoptive mom. She takes readers through her own and downs as she learned to nurture a growing family through living well on less, eating healthy foods, homeschooling, and mothering children with a variety of adjustment issues. She’ll walk readers through how to build heart connections, help babies, toddlers, and older children settle in, effectively implement attachment parenting, and allow for personal time too. Whether readers are the parent of an adopted child or interested in pursuing adoption, Mary’s warm advice and fresh perspective will inspire, inform, and affirm them. They’ll walk away knowing they’re the perfect mom for whatever child God brings into their lives.

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  • Ora Las Escrituras Por Tus Hij – (Spanish)


    Una inspiradora guia para las madres sobre la forma de orar biblicamente por sus hijos, llena de alentadoras historias de la vida real y utiles recursos para comenzar a orar hoy mismo de una manera poderosa.

    An inspiring guide for mothers on how to pray scripturally for their children, filled with encouraging true stories and handy resources to begin praying powerfully today.

    Jodie Berndt les ensea a las lectoras la forma de convertir la Biblia en un libro de oraciones que puede influir de manera poderosa en la vida de sus hijos. En este libro descubriran la forma de orar de manera especifica y llena de expectativas por la fe, el caracter, la seguridad, las relaciones y el futuro de ellos. Adquiriran una perspectiva nueva y biblica sobre el proposito que Dios tiene con sus hijos. Y por medio del aliento que les daran las Escrituras y estos relatos de la vida real, descubriran lo inmensa que es la diferencia que pueden marcar verdaderamente sus oraciones en la vida de aquellos a quienes mas aman.

    Praying the scriptures for your children
    Jodie Berndt shows readers how to make the Bible a book of prayers that can powerfully influence their children’s lives. They’ll discover how to pray specifically and expectantly for their faith, character, safety, relationships, and future. They’ll gain new, biblical perspectives on God’s purposes for their children. And through the encouragement of the Scriptures and true-life stories, they’ll find out what a huge difference their prayers really make in the lives of those they love most.

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  • Marshmallow Family : Loving From The Heart


    This book demonstrates how real love is unconditional and shows no limitations to any differences. The families in the Town of Mallow Creek knew nothing about hate, they only knew to love in all circumstances. Throughout this book the reader will see how this town got together to send a wave of love and kindness to a family who never knew love, but began to understand love as the town continued to pour it out their hearts. The reader will benefit from the understanding of True Love…It Never Wavers!

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  • From This Day Forward


    The choices you make each and every day determine not only your relationship with God but also the quality of your marriage. The decisions you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. In this book, you will discover five commitments that will absolutely fail-proof your marriage. If you make these decisions, you can and will have the marriage God wants you to experience. Seek God. Fight fair. Have fun. Stay pure, and Never give up. If you and your spouse will earnestly commit to do all five of these things, you’ll discover a richer, deeper, more authentic relationship and a more rewarding, more passionate love life than the greatest fantasy that you could have ever imagined. Don’t be a statistic. Don’t be average. Let’s get you that marriage that you always wanted. Starting right now—from this day forward.

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  • 30 Days To Taming Your Kids Tongue


    SKU (ISBN): 9780736958295ISBN10: 0736958290Deborah PeguesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2014Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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  • All I Wanted Was A Baby


    Follow the journey of an ordinary woman who experienced the pain of several miscarriages. Experience God’s faithfulness as He answered her heart’s desire.

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  • Rebuilding Broken Bridges For Couples


    Can marriages be resurrected when they have gone from love to ruin? Is there a chance to save a hopeless union? Can a dead relationship come alive again? John Wagner says, “Yes!.” He and his wife Susan went through a marriage crisis. The healing they received from Imago Relationship Therapy inspired a dream of helping couples. Rebuilding Broken Bridges gives hope to struggling couples who want to find the way back. It also proposes biblical ideas on healthy marriages and joins them with the latest research in relationships.

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  • Zacharys Choice


    A Christian homeschooling mom of a large family, Suzy LaBonte never imagined one of her children might die by suicide. She received an agonizing blow the day her sixteen-year-old son, Zachary, without threat or forewarning, chose to end his own life. The following months were bleak and sorrowful as Suzy struggled down a confusing path of shock, anger, guilt, and depression. Slowly putting one foot in front of the other, Suzy focused on the unfailing character of God, her husband’s faithful partnership, and the hopeful faces of the children before her. Plodding and stumbling toward understanding and healing, Suzy found that God’s faithful companionship and the promises of His Word lightened the darkest hours and sustained her life. Healing came slowly and with it, transforming lessons of pain and courage. With a passion to reach out to encourage other suicide survivors, Suzy shares the healing that is found in Christ Jesus.

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  • From This Day Forward Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Is it possible to have a great marriage? Yes, but it is not likely if you treat marriage like everybody else does! In this five-session, video-based small group study, New York Times bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel gives you five commitments to make in order to fail-proof your marriage. You know the stats, and they are horrifying. 50% of marriages don’t make it. What other area of your life are you satisfied with 50% odds against you? The choices you make each and every day determine not only your relationship with God but also the quality of your marriage. The decisions you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. In this five-session study, you will discover five commitments that will absolutely fail-proof your marriage. If you make these commitments, you can and will have the marriage God wants you to experience. Sessions include: Seek God Fight Fair Have Fun Stay Pure Never Give Up If you and your spouse will earnestly choose to do all five of these things, you’ll discover a richer, deeper, more authentic relationship and a more rewarding, more passionate love life than you could have ever imagined. Don’t be a statistic. Don’t be average. Let’s get you that marriage that you always wanted. Starting right now—from this day forward.

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  • You Are Captivating


    Your woman’s heart is one of God’s most prized creations. Designed in it are three holy desires:
    1. To be romanced,
    2. To play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and
    3. To unveil beauty

    As a mother, how you nurture these core desires of the heart establish a path for motherhood. When your children look to you for comfort and strength, encouragement and advice, you can lead them to the Father because you have discovered the truths he designed into you. In this inspiring book, learn more about your design and how it empowers you to enrich and lead the life of your children.

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  • Senor Que Mis Hijos Te Amen (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    Por que tantos hijos de creyentes y ministros del evangelio estan rebeldes, apartados de Dios y endurecidos contra la iglesia? Es alarmante la cantidad de jovenes que se criaron en la iglesia y que ahora son parte de las estadisticas sobre problemas sociales. Donde se erro? Acaso la religion no es suficiente? No sera que la iglesia se ha desviado de los propositos originales de Dios?

    En este libro encontraras las instrucciones especificas dadas por Dios en Su Palabra y que revolucionaron la vida del autor y su familia. Aqui sej plasman las vivencias de un padre que se acerco a Dios con lagrimas corriendo por sus mejillas, mientras rogaba diciendo: “!Seor, que mis hijos te amen!”.

    El material de estas paginas ayudara a todo aquel que ha sido llamado a influenciar e impactar la vida de una nueva generacion. Los principios, consejos e historias vertidas en este libro te ayudaran a construir un hogar sobre un fundamento biblico solido.

    Guia de estudio incluida.

    Why is it that the children of so many believers and ministers of the gospel are rebellious, estranged from God, and hardened against the Church? It is alarming the amount of young people that were raised in the Church and are now statistics on social issues. Where did we go wrong? Isn’t religion enough? Is it that the Church has deviated from God’s original plan?

    In this book you will find specific instructions dictated by God in His Word that revolutionized the author and his family’s life. The experiences of a father that approached God with tears running down his cheeks are reflected here, a man who begged, “Lord, may my children love you!”

    The contents of these pages will help all those called to influence and impact the lives of a new generation. The principles, advice, and stories within this book will help you build a home over a solid biblical foundation.

    Study guide included.

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  • Setting Your Marriage Free


    The same powerful principles from Neil Anderson’s Steps to Freedom in Christ that helped set more than one million people free from spiritual bondage can now revolutionize marriage relationships. Anderson and co-author Charles Mylander offer the practical tools married couples need to safeguard their marriages against the things that threaten to destroy them. Setting Your Marriage Free gives biblical insight and practical help for any marriage-whether it’s healthy, in trouble or disastrous. Any couple willing to face the truth and walk in the light will find their marriage set free and become what God wants it to be.

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  • New Strong Willed Child


    Is a willful little darling driving you to distraction? The New Strong-Willed Child is the resource you need-a classic bestseller completely rewritten, updated, and expanded for a new generation of parents and teachers. Challenging as they are to raise, strong-willed children can grow up to be men and women of strong character-if lovingly guided with understanding and the right kind of discipline. Find out what Dr. James Dobson, today’s most trusted authority on parenting, has to say about what makes strong-willed children the way they are; shaping the will while protecting the spirit; avoiding the most common parenting mistake; and much more. If you are struggling to raise and teach children who are convinced they should be able to live by their own rules, The New Strong-Willed Child is a must-read! (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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  • Su Legado – (Spanish)


    Dr. Dobson traces his family history to show how God worked through the prayers and actions of his relatives at every turn of their lives to ensure that the spiritual legacy of a Godly Christian life, and the assurance of heaven after death, were passed down from generation to generation. YOUR LEGACY will tell these stories and present the principles for a successful “legacy transfer” that the reader can apply to his or her own family. As a child psychologist, Dr. James Dobson has given his life to helping husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, negotiate the treacherous waters of marriage and parenthood. Even if a marriage is perfect and a home is flawless and peaceful, it is not enough. The first and most important job of every parent is to introduce their children to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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  • Learning To Love When You Dont Feel Like It


    Do these words sound familiar? “I’m tired of talking to a brick wall.” “I’ve told you that umpteen times.” “Why am I always the one to put the kids to bed while you watch TV?” “If you really loved me, you’d want to be with me.” Each of these phrases is an alarm bell, signaling the end of your marriage may be closer than you think. When Kenny Lewis’s wife, Connie, said, “I’m getting so tired of working so hard to keep this marriage together,” he was shocked. He thought he was a great husband. Typical male. Totally clueless. When he asked her to tell him how he’d hurt her, she said, “I’ve told you before and you haven’t listened.” His heart sank. Their marriage was in serious trouble. Desperate, Lewis turned to the New Testament to learn how to love his wife. He discovered the Bible uses sixteen different action words to describe love. Each of the terms challenges our modern concept of love as something you feel under the spell of candlelight and soft music. Instead, the Bible teaches that love is learning to control your response when your mate overdraws the checkbook, or wrecks the car, or when feelings inexplicably grow cold. If you want to learn how to love when you don’t feel like it, join the journey of developing a satisfying love that will last. Do the book’s love-learning steps work? Lewis not only survived his crisis, twenty-five years later he and Connie are more in love than ever!

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  • Its All About Dad And Me


    You’re almost a teenager. And he’s the most important guy in your life-Dad! He’s your protector, guide, coach, cheerleader, and so much more. As you grow and change, so does your relationship. It’s exciting-and scary for you both.

    So how can you understand each other better, stay connected, and make your relationship the best it can be? This book! You’ll: . Check out other girls’ stories about their dads . Create cool crafts and take fun quizzes . Talk, chat, and yak (even with a quiet dad!) . See from the Bible how God guides and blesses your relationship. It’s All About Dad & Me will even show you how your relationship with Dad is part of God’s awesome plan!

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  • 9 Traits Of A Life Giving Mom


    9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom: Replacing my Worst with God’s Best is written by a mom for moms. Sue admits that she, like most moms, has moments where her own unresolved issues come to the surface. Discover how to embody the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your own life and home.

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  • 9 Traits Of A Life Giving Mom


    9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom: Replacing my Worst with God’s Best is written by a mom for moms. Sue admits that she, like most moms, has moments where her own unresolved issues come to the surface. Discover how to embody the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your own life and home.

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  • Sticky Faith Guide For Your Family


    The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Unique Family addresses one of the top current concerns about youth and the church: the reality that nearly half of all young people raised in Christian families walk away from their faith when they graduate from high school. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news: research also shows that parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith. This book arises from the innovative, research-based, and extensively field-tested project known as ‘Sticky Faith,’ designed to equip parents with insights and ideas for nurturing long-term faith in children and young people. Because of the Fuller Youth Institute’s six years of research with more than 500 young people, 100 churches, and 50 families, four of this guidebook’s unique qualities make it a ‘must have’ for families eager to point their young people toward long-term faith.

    First, it’s grounded in sophisticated, academically verified data. While Dr. Powell is a parent of three children who authentically weaves her own experiences throughout the book, the chapter topics correlate with parenting principles proven in national research. Second, it is positive. Amid gloomy and theoretical resources, this book leaves parents empowered and hopeful that even little tweaks to their family rhythms can make a big difference. Third, it is practical. Readers get what they want most: more than 100 ideas from other parents they can try today, this week, or this month. Fourth, its ‘guidebook’ format is accessible. For busy parents who don’t have time and inclination to read, this format is a welcome resource that they can return to time and time again for fresh ideas and inspiration.

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  • Daughters By Design


    Paula’s mind raced: Adoption is not happening! I’m too old. I’m comfortable-an empty nester! I’m busy teaching. A nine-year-old? Why me? Desiring to do God’s will, Paula searched in John Piper’s “A Hunger for God” and wept when she read Isaiah 58:6-8 on giving shelter and food to the needy. Five weeks later, God led her to mother not just one, but two Cambodian orphans.

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  • 10 Dollar Great Dates


    For couples of all ages and stages, four marriage experts offer 52 creative ideas for dates that won’t break the bank. From outdoor fun to “passion-picker-uppers,” each suggestion includes preparation tips and fun talking points to help husbands and wives energize their relationship.

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  • Making Of A Mom


    Weaving biblical insight together with real life stories, this unique and comprehensive view of motherhood gives moms a sense of comfort, confidence, and freedom to not only navigate the often tumultuous waters of motherhood, but to also know they aren’t alone.

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  • Heartfelt Discipline 3rd Edition


    Trying to understand what God really says about childhood discipline can be like putting together a puzzle, but the pieces just don’t all seem to fit. For two generations conservative Christians have rejected the idea of a permissive “hands off” discipline and adopted a strict “hands on” discipline taught by many well-known Christian parenting authorities. In Heartfelt Discipline, Clay Clarkson advocates a different biblical model–a relational “hands around” discipline. If you have young children and are beginning to try to solve the discipline puzzle for your family, start with this book. It is a fresh, formula-free, and fully biblical perspective on childhood discipline that will change the way you think about your children. You’ll see how all the biblical pieces fit together and make sense, and put you on the path to your child’s heart.

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  • Becoming The Dad Your Daughter Needs


    A father models for his daughter how women should be treated, how men should act, and how a man shows healthy love and affection toward a woman. And, perhaps most importantly, he sets the standard for how his daughter feels she deserves to be treated by men. Rick Johnson shows men how to develop the close relationships with their daughters that they both need and crave.

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  • Faith Hope Love And Deployment


    Just as Heather Gray and her deployed husband realized, many military couples need more than their own imaginations to keep their marriages flourishing during deployments. This is their answer to that dilemma.

    During her husband David’s last deployment to Afghanistan, Heather and he realized the need for a devotional that would not only draw them closer to the Lord, but also to each other while separated. They envisioned a combination of scripture memorization, stories of hope and struggles, a revitalization of the lost art of letter writing, and practical ideas for keeping connected during deployment. Not finding such a book, they began writing Faith, Hope, Love, & Deployment. Sadly, three months after beginning the project, David was killed in action.

    ”To answer the question of why I’m willing to lay my life on the line for my country. . . .” So began the letter Heather received from her husband on the day of his funeral. The letter was an assignment from Faith, Hope, Love, & Deployment. She knew then the value of the devotional they had been writing for military couples.

    At first Heather didn’t think she could finish it without his input and support. But in the months that followed, she realized that we actually learn and grow the most through our pain and trials. She finished the devotional with the hope it would be as much a blessing for other military couples as it was for her and David.

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  • I Need Some Help Here (Reprinted)


    It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a parent–and worried and anxious. There are so many areas of a child’s life that can go wrong along the way. What’s a mom to do?

    With wit and wisdom, Kathi Lipp meets moms where they are and offers the most powerful hope they have–prayer–for both their kids and themselves. Chapters include

    When Your Child Is Running Away from God
    When Your Child Makes Poor Choices
    When Your Child Is Struggling
    When Your Child Is Left Out
    When Your Child Is Different

    Moms who are overwhelmed or simply need a little support will cherish this expert guidance on praying for their kids–from toddler to teenager–with boldness and confidence.

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  • Matrimonio Blindado – (Spanish)


    El matrimonio fue idea de Dios. El decidio que el hombre y la mujer deberian ser una carne. Aun mas, la Biblia dice: Dios es amor.

    Desafortunadamente, muchas parejas no han aprendido a amarse el uno al otro. Un sentimiento, una pasion o alguna otra influencia los unio, pero no han aprendido a conocerse o a explorarse el uno al otro, o descubrir lo que les hace felices. Cuando no conocemos a otra persona, es imposible amarla porque no sabemos lo que le agrada o le molesta, sus sueos y batallas, o como piensa. En tal ignorancia, cometeremos errores en nuestra relacion, y asi causaremos muchos problemas. Estos problemas nos haran alejarnos, aun estando casados y aun cuando alguna vez estabamos enamorados.

    Si se ha estado preguntando:

    Amo todavia a mi esposo/esposa?
    Me case con la persona equivocada?
    Por que es mi conyuge tan frio conmigo?
    Por que nos amamos pero no podemos permanecer juntos
    Como puedo asegurarme de que mi matrimonio dure?
    Como puedo vivir con una persona que es tan dificil?
    Por que nuestros problemas se alejan, pero despues regresan peores que antes?
    Se va a tratar siempre mi matrimonio de dificultades, o encontrare algun dia la felicidad?

    !Animos! Con este libro aprendera como amar de modo inteligente y como ser feliz con su conyuge, incluso si el (o ella) se comporta como King Kong.

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  • Controlling Husband : What Every Woman Needs To Know


    “I can’t live this way anymore.”
    “I’ve given up trying to change him.”
    “I can’t ever be good enough.”
    “He won’t listen to me anyway.”

    As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Ron Welch has heard many women in controlling marriages pour out their hearts. They feel trapped, helpless, stuck in a situation with no solution and no way out.

    In this candid book, Welch offers real hope. He shows women how controlling husbands develop, why wives allow themselves to be controlled, and strategies to help both husband and wife change. Welch struggled as a controlling husband for years but found help and healing in his relationship with his wife. He uses that experience, as well as examples from the lives of the couples he’s worked with, to show women that just because “he’s always been this way” doesn’t mean their marriage must be that way forever. He teaches women valuable practical skills for coping with the challenges they face and transforming the power and control issues in their marriages.

    For wives of controlling husbands, along with the friends and family members who love and are concerned about them, this is an essential resource. Counselors will also find it helpful as they work with hurting couples.

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  • Clarity Of Mind



    Clarity of mind is one of God promises to His children. He promised us a sound mind and power of love not spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1 vs 7).

    Clarity of mind will enable us to hear from God and gain full understanding of His instructions to us. Gaining full understanding will lead us to appropriate obedience and application of the prophecy at the right time.

    How can we gain full understanding of the word of God without clarity of mind? How can we lead people to God and be able to preach the word of God without clarity of mind?

    Every son of God of needs clarity of my mind to be able understand the word of God fully and apply the revelations appropriately and seek God for the purpose of that revelation.

    Many a time people receive a word from God but fail to utilize that word fully because of lack of clarity of mind. They may be in the in deep trouble and God sends his word to rescue them but because of lack of clarity of mind they will still miss the mark of their deliverance.

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  • Marriage Is A Vision


    A young professional hair stylist (Christian female) living in London is saddened by broken relationships of which none led to marriage. On recounting her experiences she reminded me of similar circumstances that other women faced. There are some insight into areas which will enhance spiritual growth, how to live a victorious life, and enhance personal development.

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  • Attract Families To Your Church


    This book will help church pastors and leaders navigate the changing tides in ministry to become the kind of church that families want to attend, where the church’s dynamic faith invites families who may then bring their friends. This means reaching out to all kinds of families, some with needs that only a church family can fulfill.

    To grow and remain vital, churches need to attract families. But the cultural landscape has changed and any church may have two-parent families with children, blended families, boomerang families, adult children of divorce and their families or lack of families, single adults whose family is the church, grandparents parenting again, childless families, co-habitation families, and children with three legal parents. With practical helps and suggestions for ministries, worship, small groups, and even facilities, author and family expert Linda Ranson Jacobs will help you create a welcoming place for everyone.

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  • Faith Begins At Home Grandparents


    Grandparents have a significant role to play in forming the faith of their adult children and grandchildren, yet many do not feel empowered or equipped to do so. Faith Begins @Home Grandparents is an easy-to-use resource that starts from square one and ends in a 24/7 lifestyle of family faith. Here, grandparents will find step-by-step tips and true-life stories that provide the inspiration, motivation, and practical knowledge needed to engage in the faith lives and faith formation of their children and grandchildren.

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  • Smart Money Smart Kids


    Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze teach parents how to raise money-smart kids in a debt-filled world. In Smart Money Smart Kids, financial expert and best-selling author Dave Ramsey and his daughter Rachel Cruze equip parents to teach their children how to win with money. Starting with the basics like working, spending, saving, and giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for life, paying cash for college, and battling discontentment, Dave and Rachel present a no-nonsense, common-sense approach for changing your family tree.

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  • Missing The Child You Love


    One of the most devastating losses a family can experience is the loss of a child. Whether the loss is through illness, accident, drugs, suicide or other tragedy, the pain is overwhelming and often paralyzing. Often we think of “loss” as death. However, in our broken world there are many ways to suffer the loss of a child. This book discusses how a family can learn to cope with loss of a child due to not only death, but a custody battle, addiction (and other choices a child makes), chronic illness, crime (human trafficking, kidnap), and other issues where hopes and dreams disappear. Author helps readers through the grieving process, and assists them in finding God’s grace and comfort during this very difficult time of life. This book is unique as it is for parents as well as grandparents.

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  • Building A Successful Family


    The miracle of the 21st century is that a man and woman who are mature and differentiated can fall in love, marry, and enjoy a beautiful and flourishing marriage for the rest of their lives by following the principles in this book. This book is not for the “select few” only: If a couple is totally committed to each other and constantly looking for ways to positively communicate their love and commitment to each other, they will be inseparable, forget what is happening to others around them and focus on their love and enjoy their blessed marriage forever!

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  • Chaotic Joy : Finding Abundance In The Messiness Of Motherhood


    If you’re waiting to live abundantly until the house is tidy, your kids are clean and well behaved, and you have plenty of free time to pursue a glamorous hobby, you may be waiting awhile. However, you don’t have to wait for things to settle down to live the good life, because motherhood-with all its chaos-is the abundance God promised
    In Chaotic Joy, you will discover how to experience abundant life in the midst of the madness and mess. Find out what’s keeping you from the joy and satisfaction you dreamed being a mom would bring, and learn how to recognize God’s hand of blessing even through countless diaper changes, toddler meltdowns, and thousands of important tasks that clamor for your attention. Motherhood can be chaotic, for sure. But it’s meant to be so much more.

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  • Diseno De Dios Para El Matrimo – (Spanish)


    Alguna vez te has preguntado: Cual es El Diseo de Dios para el Matrimonio? Cual es su proposito para la relacion entre Esposo-Esposa ? Realmente entiendo esto y lo estoy viviendo?

    De acuerdo al Dr. D.L. Mitchell, Pastor, Capellan, el Teniente Coronel (Retirado, USAF): “Mona Tycz ha hecho el trabajo pesado de estudio critico y nos ha ofrecido los frutos de su trabajo en su exhaustivo trabajo acerca de: El Diseo de Dios para el Matrimonio Relacion entre Esposo-Esposa! El pasado de Mona la ha preparado para abordar temas dificiles con una predisposicion analitica llevandola a preguntar y buscar preguntas significativas aceptando SU respuestas inmutables. Yo creo que todo el que lea El Diseo de Dios para el Matrimonio Relacion entre Esposo-Esposa lo colocara a la vanguardia de su biblioteca y lo usara una y otra vez como un recurso fundamental para ayudar y animar a otros!”

    Este libro te lleva a traves de una investigacion sobre El Diseo de Dios para el matrimonio usando la biblia como fuente. La investigacion se puso a prueba en numerosas conferencias con parejas casadas, solteras, incluso estudiantes de secundaria, con pastores y sus esposas, y con ministros y sus esposas. En el formato de este libro, puede elegir estudiarlo por su cuenta, con su conyugue, o en grupos pequeos. Los padres y los grupos de jovenes pueden utilizarlo como un estudio para ensear a los jovenes para que puedan entender el diseo de Dios y el proposito del matrimonio y asi tambien la desafiante alternativa que el hombre ha instituido y seguido.

    Estudiar este libro le permitira captar una perspectiva mucho mas grande de matrimonio que “Que hay para mi?” Imaginese comprender el matrimonio de una manera que se puede percibir la majestuosidad de la estructura del matrimonio. Este estudio puede alterar como las parejas casadas se perciben a si mismos y sus conyuges, asi como alterar como las personas solteras se refieren a las parejas casadas. Usted explorara como el matrimonio que viven, como Dios lo ha diseado proporciona una ventana a la relacion de Cristo con la Iglesia, y la relacion de la Iglesia con Cristo. Ademas, proporciona una ventana a ver a la Trinidad y como las tres Personas de la Trinidad se relacionan. Su comprension del matrimonio crecera a medida que usted se va dando cuenta de que el matrimonio es verdaderamente sagrado, diseado por Dios.

    Este no es un “como hacerlo” tipo de libro sobre el matrimonio. Mas bien se trata de un estudio de

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  • Help And Hope For The Single Parent


    If you’ve ever wished that you could hold hands with someone other than your child, this book is for you. And if you miss the season of life when you had more grown-up conversations than discussions about Dora the Explorer, this book is for you.

    Nearly half of all children born in America are born into single parent homes. Dr. Evans tells of a conversation he had with one of these children: My heart was broken recently when the son of one of the single parents in our church looked up at me and said, “Pastor, why won’t God give me a dad? Every night I ask God to give me a dad, but He won’t give me one.”

    Single parents have the toughest job in the world because the obstacles can be overwhelming. You’ve got to work, clean, take care of the kids, help with homework, pay the bills, fix the car, shop for groceries, cook, prepare your income taxes, etc. And though single parents are always around another person, this season can be quite lonely. Additionally, there is often guilt that can creep in and make you feel like you are the worst parent in the world. Though being a single parent is tough, it is also a hopeful season.

    In Help and Hope for Single Parents, Dr. Evans gives an encouraging reminder – You are not alone! And your child has the most amazing Parent in the Lord. God can and will help you take care of your children. There is Help & Hope for Single Parents.

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  • Train Up A Child


    TRAIN UP A CHILD is a teacher education textbook for Christian parents engaged in laying the foundation for life and learning during the preschool years. It defines the meaning and purpose for education and provides a curriculum for the parents in developing the necessary educational awareness in all areas of learning. Following are several quotations that highlight the Christian character and Biblical worldview of both the author and the Book.

    You have given birth to a one and only model, with a potential never before registered on earth, and now God also tells you that you are responsible to train up this little one in the way he should go-both for time and for eternity.

    Teaching/Learning should begin in the womb and never cease.

    Learning is (1) the acquisition of knowledge, (2) the structuring of the knowledge processing systems resulting in a proper understanding and use of knowledge, and (3) the structuring of the individual-building what we know as character.

    The way he should go- is the path especially belonging to this child fitted for his individual characteristics.

    A child must be systematically instructed, initiated in the way of life, from the earliest dawn of intelligence.

    First, the parents must be characterized by their supreme love for God. Loving Him as LORD with all their hearts, with all their souls, and with all their might. This is the highest teaching credential for training children in the way they should go.

    If you desire to raise your children to love and obey Jesus Christ then you must give prime attention to instilling a value system within their minds that is truly minted from the gold of heaven-values that have eternal meaning.

    Think of it this way, God is trusting you to work with Him to conform your child into the likeness of Christ. This is the great goal, and reward for faithful parenting.

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  • Mystery Of Jack


    Although there have been several books written on the topic of Autism, The Mystery of Jack is a book of Hope and Excitement while coping with life’s new reality. The majority of books on this topic take a clinical approach and/or focuses on types of therapy, various diets, and the struggles of Autism. Basically, the books are focused strictly on Autism and not the physical and emotional impact it has on a family.
    However, The Mystery of Jack’s primary focus is the parents (as viewed through the eyes of a father) and their adaptation to their newly defined world. The stories of the child (Jackson) are used to illustrate joy and happiness in areas of life often taken for granted. There are areas of sadness which is an unfortunate reality. But, the reader will experience an open and honest reflection of life’s new direction and how the joy or sadness is ultimately within their own control.

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  • Think Kingdom Be Family


    The Think Kingdom-Be Family Initiative (TKBF) is a biblically-grounded, research-based, and relationally-delivered discipleship approach to identify the elements that characterize missional families and to effectively mobilize them. Many families lack a corporate sense of mission. As a result, churches need to embrace the challenge of mobilizing families according to their collective identity and purpose in Christ and His mission. In the end, this qualitative research demonstrates that a new way of being and doing is possible through redemptive family wholeness, characteristics, and mobilization.

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  • Prison Break : A Couples Journey Into Righteousness And Beyond The Prison W


    I wrote this book because God graced me to do it! I am sharing my story praying that it helps someone else to Trust God more, listen for God more, Seek God More, and most of all Obey what God says! This book is a witness that God can use anyone in any position to be a help to another person. The person you are counting out could very well be the one chosen to help get you to your next level! So let’s walk in Matthew 7. Do not judge others, no matter what the situation. You are no better than the next person.

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  • Prison Break : A Couples Journey Into Righteousness And Beyond The Prison W


    I wrote this book because God graced me to do it! I am sharing my story praying that it helps someone else to Trust God more, listen for God more, Seek God More, and most of all Obey what God says! This book is a witness that God can use anyone in any position to be a help to another person. The person you are counting out could very well be the one chosen to help get you to your next level! So let’s walk in Matthew 7. Do not judge others, no matter what the situation. You are no better than the next person.

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  • Moms Little Book Of Powerful Prayers


    At your fingertips, powerful prayers from Fern Nichols, the founder of Moms In Prayer International, the movement that has spawned hundreds of thousands of moms around the world to pray for their kids. Every mother will feel encouraged to pray diligently for her children, no matter their age, when she opens the pages of Mom’s Little Book of Powerful Prayers and discovers prayers from Scripture for her child’s every need: their protection, challenges, health, friendships, character, anger, sadness, fears, and more.

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  • Power Of A Praying Wife


    Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

    Stormie joyfully inspires you to develop a deeper relationship with your husband by utilizing the amazing power of prayer. This uplifting resource is packed with practical advice on praying for specific areas of your husband’s life, including his
    *spiritual strength
    *role as father, leader
    *faith and future

    If you desire a closer relationship with your spouse, you will appreciate the life illustrations, encouraging Bible verses, and the assurances of God’s promises and power for your marriage.

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  • 2 Shall Become 1 Flesh


    Every pastor needs to read this book for the revelation of the blood covenant that has been missed by theology schools. It is an awesome revelation of the marriage that will change the way you preach and the lives of your sheep!

    Every husband and wife needs to read this book to put the marriage in right relationship with each other and to God. There is only one way through this important and life changing revelation of the blood covenant between husbands and wives. Divorce is not the answer. After reading this book YOU WILL HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE TO START OVER AND EXPERIENCE WHAT GOD ORIGINALLY INTENDED!

    Every single person should read this book to avoid what millions of failed marriages could not. This book holds an incredible revelation about sexual covenants that can actually spare you heartache and pain in your future. It can give you a marriage in the miraculous!

    One thing is for sure, almost every person who has read this book says, “Why didn’t I have this information years ago?” This book is in your hands and the information is available to you NOW! Don’t miss the opportunity to read a truly life changing book.

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  • Mommy Memoirs : A Hilarious And Heartwarming Look At The Trials And Triumph


    “Mommy Memoirs” is a delightful journey from pregnancies and births to marriages and a hysterectomy! There are few stones left unturned as author Ann Van De Water describes her hectic life as a mother of three boys in short read-it-and-run stories that will have her audience laughing out loud one minute and grabbing tissues the next. These true-to-life experiences filled with humor, tenderness, practicality, and joy, written by a been there, done that mom, will have other moms and grandmothers reminiscing and expectant moms anticipating their own adventures. All will come away knowing they are not alone on their journey through motherhood.”

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  • Mommy Memoirs : A Hilarious And Heartwarming Look At The Trials And Triumph


    “Mommy Memoirs” is a delightful journey from pregnancies and births to marriages and a hysterectomy! There are few stones left unturned as author Ann Van De Water describes her hectic life as a mother of three boys in short read-it-and-run stories that will have her audience laughing out loud one minute and grabbing tissues the next. These true-to-life experiences filled with humor, tenderness, practicality, and joy, written by a been there, done that mom, will have other moms and grandmothers reminiscing and expectant moms anticipating their own adventures. All will come away knowing they are not alone on their journey through motherhood.”

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  • How To Pick A Spouse (Reprinted)


    In How to Pick a Spouse, author Dan Chun helps readers think intelligently about dating and marriage and be confident in their ability to choose the right spouse. Motivated by his personal experience of divorce and working with singles, he developed a guide to finding a lifelong partner. He concentrates on considering 7 “C” attributes (character, chemistry, competency, commitment, cultural differences, communication, and core values) when choosing a spouse. Includes a Foreword written by Shaunti Feldhahn.

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  • Moments With You (Reprinted)


    What is the true secret to spiritual growth for couples? Dennis and Barbara Rainey know from experience that the secret is more moments together. When you are lifting up your relationship and the rest of your life together to God, you won’t be able to keep the spiritual growth from happening. In the pages of Moments with You, the Raineys offer just what couples need to get started or to continue growing in their quiet times together. These short but poignant biblical devotions are enjoyable and easy to use, providing a daily discussion point, prayer and Scripture reference. Married couples desiring a deeper spiritual connection with God and their spouse will come to treasure their time spent over Moments with You. For married couples of all ages and at all stages of life.

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  • Power Of A Praying Parent


    Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

    After 20 years of raising her son and daughter alongside her husband, Michael, Stormie looks back at the trials and joys of parenting and the power in praying for her children. In these easy-to-read chapters, Stormie shares from personal experience as to how parents can pray for their kids’
    *character development
    *peer pressure
    *school experiences
    *relationship with God

    This resource will help you to be an amazing praying parent whether your kids are three or thirty-three.

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  • Moments Together For Couples (Reprinted)


    In the midst of the stress and pressure of everyday life, Moments Together for Couples will give you and your mate a chance to pause, relax and draw upon the strength of the Lord. This easy-to-use 365 day devotional helps you set aside anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes every day with your spouse to grow closer to God and closer to each other. Softcover.

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  • Power Of Praying For Your Adult Children


    Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

    In this important follow-up to The Power of a Praying(R) Parent (2 million copies sold), Stormie addresses areas of concern you may have for your grown children and shares how to lift them up to God. With stories from other parents and insight gleaned from personal experience, Stormie helps you pray with the power of God’s Word over your adult children and their:
    *career choices and sense of purpose
    *marriages and other vital relationships
    *parenting skills and leadership
    *struggles, addictions, or emotional trials
    *faith commitment and prayer life

    Perhaps you are watching your grown children step out into the world and wishing you could do more to support them while giving them the freedom they crave. You can. It doesn’t matter how young or old they are, you can rest in the power of God working through your prayers.

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  • Power Of A Praying Husband


    Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

    In The Power of a Praying Husband, you’ll find the excitement and hope that come from inviting the God who hears and answers prayer into your marriage. Packed with real-life examples and refreshing honesty regarding her own marriage, Stormie encourages you to lovingly intercede for your wife in every area of her life, including her

    Each chapter features comments from well-known Christian men, biblical wisdom, and prayer ideas. The warm and easy-to-read book includes a foreword by Stormie’s husband, multi-Grammy winning music producer Michael Omartian. It’s a resource that makes a great gift to husbands from wives and is also an excellent study for men’s groups wanting to develop the discipline of prayer.

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  • Sacred Sex : Embracing Your Sexuality As God Designed It


    Sex isn’t everything that the world makes it out to be. It’s more.

    This is a book about sex, for those who think about it. And if we’re honest, that’s everyone. Sex dominates our popular culture to a degree we’ve never seen before. Our world tells us that our sexuality is ours to do with as we please. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase YOLO – You Only Live Once! We’re meant to believe that since we only have one life, we should do whatever it is that we want with that life. But if we only have one of something, shouldn’t that mean that we treat it with care and use it as it was designed to be used? God tells us that our sexuality is valuable and needs to be treated as such. The unrestricted sex of our culture is only a shortcut to personal fulfillment and, sadly, a cheapened imitation of the real thing.

    Pastor Tony Evans refuses to let the voice of God be drowned out amidst the clamor of the crowd. Crafting an argument that draws on everything from the basic science of hormones to the original Hebrew language used in the Bible to describe sex, you will discover why your sexuality is so important and why misusing it can be devastating.

    Whether you are single or married, discover how to enjoy true intimacy – the real fulfillment and satisfaction that God intended.

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  • Marriage Matters


    Marriage Matters. It matters to children and homes; neighborhoods and schools; communities and governments. It matters. And it will always matter. Today, marriages are declining at an alarming rate. We’ve all heard the statistic – 50% of marriages end in divorce, but do we ever ask why these marriages are ending?

    Nobody enters into a marriage thinking “I’m part of that 50% that will end in divorce.” Wedding days are filled with beauty and the promise of a life filled with happiness. So what happens between the wedding day and the day the divorce papers are finalized? According to pastor and teacher Tony Evans, marriages deteriorate because we have lost sight of the purpose and joy of the marriage covenant.

    Marriage Matters examines the nature of the relationship that people enter into on the wedding day. Dr. Evans looks to the Bible and defines what a covenant is, who makes it, and what the implications are. Chaos arises when we seek to do things our way, thus the need to align ourselves according to biblical standards of marriage. Let the practical and engaging Dr. Tony Evans lead you in knowing just how much Marriage Matters.

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  • If God Be For Us


    The Black Church will survive because it is all about faith and family. The Black Church is not simply a crowd of people that gather in a centralized location on Sunday mornings. For many, the Black Church is viewed as an extension of one’s immediate family. This extension of family is what gives the congregation a sense of community. I’m the grandson of a pastor. I grew up in the pews of the Baptist church. As a result, I have many mothers and aunts and uncles who are not blood relatives. But then again, they are blood relatives. They are my mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, uncle and aunt in the Lord. As our churches grow in number, we must also grow in ministry. The only way to do that is to grow in relationship one with the other.

    The Black Church is a village. In the most traditional use of the word, villages are small groups of families who are situated together for sociability and defense. In the village, people look out for one another. In the village, there are many mothers and fathers. The village concept is such that the success of the individual is directly connected to the success of the group. Many Black Churches function as little villages. We help each other. We support each other. There is a sense of safety that the Black Church provides to Black communities. While all Black people do not attend Black Churches, the majority of Black families appreciate the proximity of this institution within its village. It is all about faith and family. The Black Church, the black family, will survive if God be for us.

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  • Daddys Milk : Father Your Milk Does Matter


    Delivery Day
    The Labor Room
    “When Reality Sinks In”
    Let The Parenting Begin
    Don’t Lead By Your Examples
    The Golden Ticket
    Real Men Don’t Cry
    Where Is Waldo?
    Men Don’t Have Breasts
    King Kong Ain’t Got Nothing On Me
    It’s Not Too Late

    Additional Info
    In today’s society, when a mother delivers a baby, majority of the time, she is honored with gifts and verbal congratulations while the father is invisible because he did not physically birth the baby. There are thousands of books, conferences, workshops, and trainings opportunities for mothers who have experienced divorce, miscarriages, and classes dedicated to educating women on how to be a parent for the first time. Unfortunately, there are not many learning tools for fathers. Statistics show that when fathers are absent from the home, children are more likely to become involved in youth gangs, sexually abused, be illiterate, have low self-esteem, become homeless, and abuse drugs and alcohol.

    Emerson will take you on a journey from his delivery room experience, to a low point in his life where he made unsound decisions financially, emotionally, and spiritually. This book delves deep into topics such as:

    * Fathers supporting their children’s education

    * The importance of a father’s presence in the home and community

    * Fathers dealing with their past issues

    * Fathers building a bridge to reconcile with their children

    Daddy’s Milk is a book for all men to read. It will encourage, motivate, challenge, and inspire every man to see himself. Men, if you feel like you have a voice but no platform, Daddy’s Milk is for you.

    Fathers Your Milk Does Matter…

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  • Hands Free Mama


    Do you find yourself reaching for your phone instead of talking and playing with your children? Do you spend more time looking into electronic screens than into the eyes of your loved ones? Has your pursuit of the perfectly-orchestrated life replaced time spent making meaningful connection and memorable life experiences? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Millions of people are experiencing technology as the new addiction. What matters most in life is lost among electronic gadgets, overloaded schedules, and unrealistic social pressures.
    But this isn’t the way it has to be. Popular blogger and writer, Rachel Stafford knows, because she experienced a life-changing journey in her efforts to break away and she shares her steps to freedom in Hands Free Mama. This book provides the awareness, motivation, and tools to get free from the chains of daily distraction and live a more fulfilled and meaningful life. In July 2010, Rachel began practicing simple strategies that enabled her to momentarily let go of daily distractions and initiate meaningful human connection. With each small step, a profoundly transforming reaction occurred. She was able to see how both external and internal distractions were sabotaging her happiness and preventing her from bonding with the people she loves. The addictive grip that her technology and an overly full schedule had on her life began to loosen with each step in her journey. That is when she discovered the power of living “Hands Free.”

    Hands Free Mama is the digital society’s answer to finding balance in a media-saturated, perfection-obsessed world. It empowers all of us to choose what matters over distraction by offering real and meaningful ways to live a present, authentic, and intentional life…..

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  • Passion Principles : Celebrating Sexual Freedom In Marriage


    God’s desire is for couples to enjoy passionate sexual relationships without inhibition, awk-wardness, fear, resentment, guilt, or shame. With honesty and frankness, life coach and best-selling author Shannon Ethridge opens the minds of both husbands and wives to con-sider how to move beyond the mechanics of sex to cultivating a rich and rewarding con-nection.
    Divided into four sections, Shannon helps couples celebrate the spiritual, mental, emotion-al, and physical sides of sex.
    Some chapters end with questions for personal contemplation or for couples to use as con-versation starters, and other chapters end with prayers that foster a deeper spiritual and emotional connection, making this a perfect guide to a more passionate love life.

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  • Praying For Boys (Reprinted)


    Leader of Thriving Online Community Teaches Moms How to Pray for Boys

    Christian mothers desperately want to raise their sons to be men who love God, but they often feel under equipped. This easy-to-use book shows moms how to use the best and most empowering tool there is: prayer.

    At the heart of this unique resource are scores of Scripture-based prayer prompts for 21 areas in which boys struggle most, such as obedience, patience, gentleness, self-control, anger, and forgiveness. It also includes a guided 21-day prayer challenge for moms to pray with other moms and encourage each other, in person or online. With uplifting stories and winsome parenting wisdom, this book will help moms (and dads) raise godly young men.

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  • Missionary Family : Managing Stress Effectively


    Hundreds of missionaries go home each year due to stress affecting themselves and/or their families. Hundreds of others remain on the field but struggle with reduced effectiveness from bearing the burden of stress. The Missionary Family: Managing Stress Effectively provides sound biblical and practical principles to help missionaries and their family members manage stress and become more effective in ministry. An integrated approach, these principles touch causes, effects, and management techniques in each part of the human being-spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral.

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