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E.G. Link

Showing all 2 results

  • To Whom Much Is Given


    For those who have spent their lives amassing assets faster than they thought was possible they realize that wealth also brings a host of very serious challenges, difficulties, and dangers. How you use your fortune can build or destroy; it can teach or corrupt; it can provide a sense of security or a sense of entitlement. Having spent thousands of hours with affluent families over the past three decades, it has become obvious that they all face the same dilemmas in how to properly steward their possessions??”challenges that most people will never confront. These dilemmas manifest themselves because of the incredible overflow that God has poured out on some people financially. I hope you find these discussions enlightening and thought-provoking. It is my sincere desire that they will bless you and your family and successfully guide you on your stewardship journey in the years to come.

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  • Spiritual Thoughts On Material Things


    There has been a philosophy dating back centuries that teaches that all things material are evil and all things spiritual are good. According to this thinking, if you really want to be spiritual, you will divest yourself of all your material possession, take a vow of poverty, and separate yourself as much as is humanly possible from the evil, material world. Most pastors avoid teaching a proper perspective on material possessions because they themselves are often not sure exactly what they believe about wealth. Hence, the silence on this subject in churches is almost deafening. I have written this book to break the silence. I speak plainly about your material things and challenge you to think spiritually about them. This book is not intended to only change the way you think, but more importantly, to change the way you live. May this book provide you new spiritual thoughts on your same old material things.

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