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Showing 1801–1900 of 1931 results

  • How To Listen To God


    After becoming a Christian, believers discover the joy of God’s voice, but often the purity and freshness of that initial experience becomes clouded by the daily routine of life. In How to Listen to God Dr. Charles Stanley helps readers rediscover how to distinguish God’s voice from all other voices around them, and how to joyfully and obediently respond. Dr. Stanley uses personal experiences from his life and ministry to discuss: why God wants to communicate with us, how God gets our attention, how God communicates with us, and how to listen to God and enjoy His presence.Previously published in hardcover (0-8407-9041-4).

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  • 10 Commandments : 12 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    God’s rules do more than restrict–they give freedom.

    They are words of prevention and protection.

    They define identity–ours and God’s.

    Each of the studies in this guide by Rob Suggs looks at one of God’s commandments and a Bible passage that will help you better understand how to apply God’s law. As you study these laws, you will encounter God himself.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Garden Of The Soul


    1. Winter: An Invitation To A More Fruitful Spiritual Life
    2. Soil: Submitting Yourself To God’s Cultivating Work
    3. Fence: Meeting God In Solitude And Silence
    4. Mess: Connecting With God Through Other People
    5. Seed: Hearing And Obeying God’s Word
    6. Water: Transforming Your Heart Through Reflective Reading, Prayer And Meditation
    7. Space: Pruning To Make Room For Growth
    8. Rest: Establishing A Sabbath Rhythm
    9. Harvest: Celebrating God’s Gifts

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    IVP Print On Demand Title


    These words can fence in your life. The demands on your time and energy too often leave you feeling depleted. How do you foster spiritual growth amid the realites of life today?

    Confession, solitude, service, studying the Word, praying, simplifying. Keri Wyatt Kent introduces these disciplines–the practices that foster a flourishing, fruitful garden within your soul. In The Garden of the Soul Kent explores how common disciplines of gardening parallel these necessary habits of spiritual life.

    As you work with God to create the right conditions in the soil of your soul, growth will follow. And the harvest will be glorious.

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  • Discovering The Narrow Path


    In a time when competing and often irreconcilable belief systems seem to dominate all religious conversations in Christianity, N. Graham Standish offers an alternative for leading a spiritual and faithful life. Providing models that embrace elements of many spiritual traditions within Christianity, this book seeks to hold all extremist positions in perfect tension by integrating their essential truths yet also recognizing their flaws. In doing so, Standish surveys the wisdom of the mystics, the practice of forming a Trinitarian faith, the openness of healing traditions, and the value of balancing prayer and action, as well as spirituality, theology, and religion. Complete with two appendices, one a guide for group study and one an introduction to spiritual reading, this book is an essential resource for those seeking spiritual fulfillment.

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  • Becoming Friends : Worship Justice And The Practice Of Christian Friendship


    Draws connections between the church’s worship, Christian friendship and Christian virtues, emphasizing that mission and discipleship can be seen as friendship with God and with one another.

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  • Womans Journey To Abundance


    The journey to inner and outer transformation begins with growing in spiritual wisdom and discernment and cultivating a heart of submission and purity; it leades to bearing the fruits of the Holy Spirit, realizing and fulfilling God’s unique call on your life, and outwardly reflecting the precious heart of your savior, Jesus Christ. Kimberly Cromwell gives you the Master’s keys to unlock the doors to abundance as she leads you along this exciting and wondrous journey.

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  • 10 Secrets For The Man In The Mirror


    If You Do What You’ve Always Done, You Will Be What You’ve Always Been.

    Gut-level and frank–short enough to read on a single plane trip!

    Best-selling author Patrick Morley shakes up the existing messages about how men find happiness. In this paradigm-busting book, Morley challenges your comfort zone with neglected biblical insights about happiness that many have been afraid to utter in this me-first generation.

    You already know that money and stuff won’t make you happy, don’t you? Are you ready for some reality? Ten Secrets for the Man in the Mirror offers life-changing insights about the nature of true happiness and how to attain it. It helps you discover the “blockage points” that can keep you from joy, and it guides you toward success that matters.

    Concise and engaging, this book is perfect for the on-the-go man in search of a guiding purpose the rat race can’t begin to offer.

    True happiness has everything to do with the kind of man you are and whose man you are.

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  • Heart For God


    InterVarsity Press Publication

    David. Shepherd boy with slingshot, brave warrior, poet-musician, deceitful adulterer, repentant sinner, beloved king, “a man after God’s own heart.” David faced some desperate circumstances and some tough choices. So do you, day by day. In this book Rebecca Manley Pippert shows how you, like David, can choose the good, find hope and grow to be one who hase a heart for God.

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  • Journal Keeping : Writing For Spiritual Growth


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823376ISBN10: 0830823379Luann BuddBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Self Esteem : Seeing Ourselves As God Sees Us


    The world encourages you to love yourself, believe in yourself and tell yourself that you are intelligent, capable, beautiful, wonderful. But deep down, what do you most want to know? What does God think of you? What is your true worth?

    As Jack Kuhatschek leads you through nine Bible studies on self-esteem, you’ll gain an essential understanding of who you are and how God is restoring you to wholeness.

    Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Self-Esteem features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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  • Where Is God When It Hurts (Anniversary)


    “If there is a loving God, then why…?” No matter how the question is completed, at its root lies the issue of pain. Does God order suffering? Or did he simply wind up the world’s mainspring and now is watching from a distance? In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Philip Yancey reveals a God who is neither capricious nor unconcerned. Using examples from the Bible and from his own experiences, Yancey looks at pain–physical, emotional, and spiritual–and helps us understand why we suffer.

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  • Joy Of Being Forgiven


    You can live in freedom from the pain, guilt, and shame of the past! Andrew Murray’s in-depth study explains the wonderful effects of being forgiven. As you read and follow the principles in the book, you will discover that: your burden of sin is lifted; your guilt is washed away; you know the freedom of forgiveness; you are able to live in God’s presence; and your joy overflows. You can receive the forgiveness you have been seeking!

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  • Success Gods Way


    “Success is defined by a continuing desire to be the person God called you to be and to achieve those goals that God helps you to set,” says Charles Stanley. In Success God’s Way, Stanley teaches God’s principles for success, including ten steps to help you reach God’s goals in your life, and what to do about the seven success blockers that entangle believers.

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  • Jesus I Never Knew


    An old adage says, “God created man in His own image and man has been returning the favor ever since.” Philip Yancey realized that despite a lifetime attending Sunday school topped off by a Bible college education, he really had no idea who Jesus was. In fact, he found himself further and further removed from the person of Jesus, distracted instead by flannel-graph figures and intellectual inspection. He determined to use his journalistic talents to approach Jesus, in the context of time, within the framework of history.
    In The Jesus I Never Knew, Yancey explores the life of Jesus, as he explains, “‘from below,’ to grasp as best I can what it must have been like to observe in person the extraordinary events unfolding in Galilee and Judea” as Jesus traveled and taught. Yancey examines three fundamental questions: who Jesus was, why he came, and what he left behind. Step by step, scene by scene, Yancey probes the culture into which Jesus was born and grew to adulthood; his character and mission; his teachings and miracles; his legacy–not just as history has told it, but as he himself intended it to be.

    Yancey is not alone in his examination of the “real” Jesus. Publishing today is replete with writers committed to setting the story “straight,quot; joining countless others who, over the past 2,000 years, have determined to discover the truth about Jesus. But where others would deconstruct and discount, Yancey disarms and discloses. We become colleagues with him as he examines the accounts of the life of Jesus. And among the things that we discover is that Jesus himself leaves us few options: either he was who he said he was or he was nuts.

    Philip Yancey was awarded the Gold Medallion Christian Book of the Year award for this book in 1996 by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. It’s not the first, nor the last, award Yancey has won for his writing. But the writing is not necessarily the great gift of this book. Yancey allows the reader to discover, along with him, The Jesus I Never Knew.

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  • 8 Critical Lifetime Decisions


    Who will my friends be? What will I do for a living? How will I handle money? How will I deal with temptation? Who will my Master be? The quality of your life can be substantially improved by making good decisions in these and other key areas. In 8 Critical Lifetime Decisions, Ralph Palmen reveals principles that will help the reader discover new confidence, direction, and drive. The truths resulting from these eight decisions can be applied starting today. Regardless of age, occupation, previous setbacks, or unfulfilled dreams – change is possible starting with the next decision. Learning to make wise decisions helps make the rest of life’s choices easier, toppling impulsiveness and creating the freedom to be all that God intended.

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  • Returning To Your First Love


    Do you want to be challenged to deepen your understanding of the characteristics and requirements of Almighty God? The Understanding God Series contains the bulk of Pastor Tony Evans’ compelling and hard-hitting resources on the essentials about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and prophecy. Now available in paperback, readers will not want to be without a single book in the series by this popular and powerful speaker and author.

    Addiction, immorality, broken relationships – we all suffer spiritual setbacks. In Returning to Your First Love, readers will learn how to return to God and keep working out the most important relationship in our lives.

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  • What Matters Most


    Do you want to be challenged to deepen your understanding of the characteristics and requirements of Almighty God? The Understanding God Series contains the bulk of Pastor Tony Evans’ compelling and hard-hitting resources on the essentials about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and prophecy. Now available in paperback, readers will not want to be without a single book in the series by this popular and powerful speaker and author.

    What are the central precepts a person should know to fully follow Christ? As only he can, Tony Evans very clearly presents what he terms “four absolute necessities” to following the Lord. Readers will be led into a more intense, passionate walk with Christ as they come to understand what’s required.

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  • Lit : Living Christs Character From The Inside Out


    In this provocative book, nationally recognized speaker David Edwards delivers thirteen chapters on how to ignite the fire within and learn what it means to live out your faith in a postmodern world. After reading just a few pages, you’ll discover that Edwards’s pen blazes with the same passion, enthusiasm, and humor that have made him a highly sought-after national speaker. Practical “Spotlight” exercises at the end of each chapter are designed to help you transfer the truth of each chapter into your everyday experience, and thought-provoking questions for both groups and individuals will help you ignite the light within your hearts and teach you how to live the lit life.

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  • Bible Jesus Read


    Philip Yancey has a way of confronting our most cherished but misguided notions about faith. In The Bible Jesus Read, he challenges the perception that the New Testament is all that matters and the Old Testament isn’t worth taking the time to read and understand.

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  • Llaves Del Poder – (Spanish)


    The author, Dr. Dario Silva, talks about 3 concepts:

    Law, weapons and keys – important themes that will help us understand the teaching of the Gospel.

    -The Law is a demand to carry out -The weapon is the ability to develop -The keys are elements to open and close

    The honest hearts that want to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and that have a mind open to the Gospel and listen clearly to the always present voice of Jesus Christ, have to depend on those keys. This book, coming from a servant of God, will show us that the Gospel does not require only faithfulness.

    “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

    Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” Mathew 16:19

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  • Diving Deep (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780764423888ISBN10: 0764423886Amy SimpsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2001Publisher: Group Publishing

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  • Reaching For The Invisible God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In the book Reaching for the Invisible God Philip Yancey steers clear of trite detours, inviting readers to travel through the most difficult parts of pursuing a relationship with the transcendent God. Making use of his wide experience and a rich well of stories, Yancey considers honestly the predicaments of human existence, that we are distracted with daily routines like work and school, we open up the computer more than we open our Bibles, and we seek success instead of God. We forget God and become guilty of worshipping the impossible while failing to believe in the possible–that the relationship of the grace God extends to us daily. In the Bible we can and will encounter God’s loving and gracious personality. Without cliches, Yancey reminds us that doubt and difficulty, two seeming foes of friendship with God, can actually spur intimacy with him.

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  • Streams Of Living Water (Revised)



    In this landmark work, Foster examines the foundations of Christian experience, growth, and renewal found in six historical movements: contemplative, holiness, charismatic, social justice, evangelical, and incarnational. Using profiles of biblical and modern characters who exemplify these traditions, he offers suggestions on how to integrate them into your daily life—leading to authentic Christian experience.

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  • Speaking Of Sin


    In Speaking of Sin, Barbara Brown Taylor brings her fresh perspective to a cluster of words that often cause us discomfort and have widely fallen into neglect: sin, damnation, repentance, penance, and salvation. She asks, Why, then, should we speak of sin anymore? The only reason I can think of is because we believe that God means to redeem the world through us.

    Abandoning the language of sin will not make sin go away. Human beings will continue to experience alienation, deformation, damnation and death no matter what we call them. Abandoning the language will simply leave us speechless before them, and increase our denial of their presence in our lives. Ironically, it will also weaken the language of grace, since the full impact of forgiveness cannot be felt apart from the full impact of what has been forgiven.

    Contrary to the prevailing view, Taylor calls sin a helpful, hopeful word. Naming our sins, she contends, enables us to move from guilt to grace. In recovering this lost language of salvation in our worship and in the fabric of our individual lives, we have an opportunity to take part in the divine work of redemption.

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  • Secret Place : Passionately Pursuing His Presence


    240 Pages

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    You hunger to live in the presence of God. You yearn to know the Father’s heart in an intimate way. You desire revelation and passionate encounters with the Almighty. You long to spend time in the Secret Place, getting to know the Father in a deeper way. This book will lead you into that place of revelation, the place that will satisfy your hunger for more of God. If you long to experience a greater intimacy with the Father, The Secret Place will draw you in and change your life!

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  • Maximize The Moment


    Using ageless biblical principles, Bishop T.D. Jakes teaches that every moment of every day, God provides all we need to achieve success. In Maximize the Moment, he explains how to release ourselves from damaging relationships and debilitating fears, how to face and conquer obstacles that may stand in our path to success, and how to move beyond our painful pasts.

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  • Getting Involved With God


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561011971ISBN10: 1561011975Ellen DavisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications

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  • Steps To Freedom In Christ (Reprinted)


    Contrary to the fairy tales, receiving Christ does not mean that we won’t have conflicts in our lives. However, we can overcome them because of our position in Christ as children of God. The Steps to Freedom in Christ helps Christians reclaim the promise of freedom that Christ offers all who come in His name. It includes a spiritual inventory to help identify and break free from condemning thoughts, compulsive behaviors, personal conflicts, spiritual struggle and despair, and any type of personal or spiritual bondage. The Steps to Freedom in Christ is a comprehensive process to help Christians resolve personal and spiritual conflicts in Christ. This smaller version of the new and revised Steps to Freedom in Christ makes it easier and more convenient to take the steps with you everywhere you go.

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  • God Was Here And I Was Out To Lunch (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687097227ISBN10: 0687097223James MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Decisions : Seeking Gods Guidance


    Don Baker begins this guide by saying, “God has given me free will, and while I appreciate his confidence in my ability to choose, there are times when I wish that he would make the decisions for me.” Unfortunately, the Bible cannot give us the answer to every choice we face either. But the Bible does teach us how to make decisions. And these studies will help you to learn those principles and apply them to your life. This LifeGuide Bible Study in the new revised format features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Orientacion Basica Para Recien – (Spanish)


    This revised and updated edition of “Orientation for New Believers” is a very useful tool for pastors, leaders, and anyone else helping newborn Christians, as well as for those who used the previous edition. In its nine chapters, the reader will find reviewing exercises and others to consolidate specific terms and concepts. Even though this work can be read by the new Christian, it is much more effective when used as a study manual for the first week’s preparation of new members. The central focus of the book is the newborn, but every Christian can benefit by reading it- even if you are an active member in your church.

    This manual will help you review key concepts of basic Biblical principles, and expand your knowledge of Christian-living. All this … and much more can be achieved through this practical and concise manual, yet vast in spiritual resources.

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  • Feeling Fooled : How To Stop Letting Your Negative Emotions Wreck Your Life


    Read of Solveig. Share in this Norwegian immigrant’s true adventures and lifetime story. See how special an everyday common person’s life can be when dedicated early and diligently to Jesus. With God, ordinary and painful days can be filled with extraordinary blessings and miracles. Placing full trust in her Lord, miraculous healings, visions, and angelic interventions interrupt and impact her life. Petitioning God, going through opened doors, and trusting completely in Him are rewarded. Solveig’s life gives evidence of God’s awareness of and faithfulness to all of His children. Written as a legacy to her grandchildren, Solveig recounts a confused and disappointing childhood; the traumatic Nazi Occupation of Norway; meeting and marrying Arne; immigrating to America; and seasons of family growth, trials, lack, and loss. The evidence of God’s faithfulness to Solveig encourages others to choose and remain determined to follow God’s paths for their lives.

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  • Biografias De Grandes Cristian – (Spanish)


    They need to do some thing that will challenge their courage. They had to win a battle that will mine the trenght of the most intelligent. But they accept the challenge… Vida Publishers, present the edition of Biographies of Great Christians in a brief way, simplify biographies of some of the most distinguish character in church, from the past and present. Many wonder to whom they can attribute the great success of servant of God like Luther, Bunyan, Wesley, Whitefiled, Finney, Carey, Judson, and many others. Certainly no to their talent nor to their strength of will. The true mystery of their greatness of the christian are, and is, the prayer. For those that walk with God in prayer, like they did, there are no mystery on this. And to many, the life of these men’s has a lot to talk about, their biography inspire us and show that they victory of the Christian depend on the prayer.

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  • Humility : The Journey Toward Holiness (Reprinted)


    12 Chapters

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    The Journey Toward Holiness

    When Jesus “made himself nothing…taking the nature of a servant,” He modeled for all believers true humility. Andrew Murray calls this “our true nobility” and “the distinguishing feature of discipleship.” With insightful, penetrating clarity, Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ to be filled with His grace.

    Often called the best work on humility ever written, this edition has been edited for today’s reader.

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  • Clouds And Glory


    Clouds and Glory is one of a three-volume collection of prayers, scripture readings, and blessings based on the Common Worship Lectionary, used in many parts of the Anglican Communion. Written in the Celtic style for which the author is known, and linked to the Sunday readings for Year A, these prayers and intercessions may be used by congregations for the Prayers of the People, as well as by those who seek to supplement their own daily devotions.

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  • Companions In Christ Journal (Reprinted)


    Journal writing is a sharing between our true selves and God.”

    It’s a powerful yet simple spiritual practice. Journaling goes beyond the near-constant inner conversations we have with ourselves every day. The mere act of putting our unedited thoughts on paper, in our own handwriting, leads to eye-opening insights, clarity of thought and deeper reflection.

    That’s why a journal is an integral part of Companions in Christ.

    Respond to exercises contained in your participant’s book. Highlight the answers or questions you want to share with others in your group meeting. Reviewing and writing in your journal will be an important part of preparing for each group session. The Companions in Christ Journal complements the entire Companions in Christ series.

    The 160-page journal features clean, open pages with faint lines to guide your writing. The book’s binding (layflat, in print terms) is flexible and conducive to easy handwriting and yet strong enough to withstand a well-thumbed lifetime. Thoughtful single quotations designed to guide your reflection are included in the margins on every other page. An introduction by journaling expert and Upper Room author, Anne Broyles, will inspire both the new and experienced diarist.

    This beautiful journal was designed exclusively for participants of Companions in Christ, but it can be used by anyone.

    As one of the quotations contained within the pages of this journal says, “Silence becomes like a creative space in which we regain perspective on the whole.” Let this journal be a bridge between you and God so that you may be whole!

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  • Race Set Before Us


    In this explanation of the biblical theology of perserverance and assurance, Thomas Schreiner and Ardel Caneday weigh and consider all of the relevant New Testament texts. Applying sound principles of biblical interpretation and conversing with recent evangelical thought, they give us a foundational study with profound spiritual implications for Christian living and pastoral ministry.

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  • Meeting God : 12 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    When you meet God, you will be changed. Meet him now as J. I. Packer, author of the bestselling Christian classic, Knowing God, leads you through twelve key passages from the Old and New Testaments. These inductive Bible studies will engage your heart and mind. And enlarge your vision of the God you worship and serve. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Meeting God features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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  • Placed In His Glory


    This book will prepare the reader for the coming “explosion” of the Holy Spirit, who will manifest as never before the glory of God in and through the Church. Dr. Pickett will show that streams of truth have enmanated from the throne of God all through the history of the Church. Unfortunately the great truths of justification by faith, sanctification, eternal security and the like have been dammed up and distorted by denominations. The glory of God is His manifest presence–first revealed in the tabernacles of Moses and David and Solomon’s temple. In these last days the church–both corporately and individually–is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The manifest presence of God is revealed in us when we die to ourselves and allow His life to fill our temple.

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  • Gods Word : Power To Shape Our Lives (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Longing For Christ – John 1:1-5, 14-18
    2. Food For Life – Isaiah 55
    3. Applying The Word – Matthew 13:1-23
    4. Gathering Around The Word – Acts 2:42-47
    5. Knowing The Mind Of Christ – 1 Corinthians 2:6-16
    6. Guided By The Word – Psalm 119:97-108
    7. Strengthened By The Word – Joshua 1:1-9
    8. Passing The Word On – Deuteronomy 6:1-9
    9. Reflecting The Word – 2 Corinthians 3

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    You love God’s Word. You want Scripture to inform you daily life and seep deep into your soul. Yet too often Bible study becomes a mere fact-finding exercise or a dull, spiritless routine.

    How can Bible reading shape you and transform you?

    How can you meet God face to face while pondering his message in the Old and New Testaments?

    Cindy Bunch has written this practical study guide to help you experience the variety of ways that Scripture can meet your desire for spiritual connection and growth. Utilizing the revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, God’s Word features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection. A helpful “Now or Later” section at the end of each study offers you suggestions for further study, prayer or application. Notes for group leaders are also included.

    Here is help for loving God’s Word–and living it.

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  • Christian Beliefs : 12 Studies For Indiviuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    Christian beliefs are vital to Christian living. They are the foundation of your relationship to God – and even with others. So… what do Christians believe? In this study guide, Stephen Eyre introduces one by one twelve key tenets of the Christian faith. Here is what you need to know (and tell others) about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, human nature, sin, salvation, holiness, the church, mission, revelation, and last things. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, “Christian Beliefs” features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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  • Donde Esta Dios Cuando Sucede – (Spanish)


    Suffering: its stubborn inevitability prompts our deepest doubts about life_-as well as a profound search for meaning. Why do we suffer? Why must we lose the ones we love? Why must each of us face sickness and death? If God exists, where is God when these things happen? International evangelist Luis Palau has seen desperate suffering in the lives of millions of people all over the world and has experienced it in his own life, especially with the early death of his father and with his wife’s painful fight against breast cancer. In this book Palau helps those in pain come to grips with the crushing adversities of life by pointing them to the limitless resources found in God. Helpful to readers already committed in their faith, this book is an empathetic exploration of divine action in the midst of terrible pain.

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  • Stages Of Sanctification


    The book defines seven stages of spiritual maturity for Christians. It explains how the process of sanctification works in each stage and involves the power of the cross and the resurrection to defeat the power of sin and bring new life. Each stage has special challenges, opportunities, and dangers.

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  • Battle Techniques For War Weary Saints


    You Will Wonder How You Ever Triumphed Without This Concise, Informative Book. Renew your faith and learn…

    Your Battle Is For A Reason And Only For A Season
    Your Most Powerful Weapons Against The Enemy
    4 Forces That Shorten Your Seasons Of Struggle
    20 Key Principles And Techniques About War
    This book could make you feel brand new.

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  • Still Listening : New Horizons In Spiritual Direction


    Interest in the practice of spiritual direction has grown in recent years. With the increased number of people seeking direction have come a number of new issues confronting spiritual directors. This volume of essays by seasoned spiritual directors form a variety of faith traditions addresses issues of concern to directors today such as direction with: abused persons, the poor, church drop-outs, and gays and lesbians. Other essays look at spiritual direction in new contexts, such as the congregational setting, the corporate arena, spiritual direction and genera- tional issues, and direction at the turn of the century. The final section of the book addresses some specific circumstances: working with the addicted, with those who are dying, using art in spiritual direction, and direction and social justice.

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  • What Christian Living Is All About (Student/Study Guide)


    Grow spiritually as you learn how to apply God’s Word and meet the daily challenges of living your faith in this indepth study of James. Meditate on scripture and take action in a practical and biblical way with regard to money, conflict, speech, prayer, etc.

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  • Sabbath : Finding Rest Renewal And Delight In Our Busy Lives


    In today’s world, with its relentless emphasis on success and productivity, we have lost the necessary rhythm of life, the balance between work and rest. Constantly striving, we feel exhausted and deprived in the midst of great abundance. We long for time with friends and family, we long for a moment to ourselves.

    Millennia ago, the tradition of Sabbath created an oasis of sacred time within a life of unceasing labor. Now, in a book that can heal our harried lives, Wayne Muller, author of the spiritual classic How, Then, Shall We Live?, shows us how to create a special time of rest, delight, and renewal–a refuge for our souls.

    We need not even schedule an entire day each week. Sabbath time can be a Sabbath afternoon, a Sabbath hour, a Sabbath walk. With wonderful stories, poems, and suggestions for practice, Muller teaches us how we can use this time of sacred rest to refresh our bodies and minds, restore our creativity, and regain our birthright of inner happiness.

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  • Tesoro En Vasos De Barro – (Spanish)


    In this book, Freidzon invites us to visit God’s workshop and become His vessels to be broken and reformed. Although this may be a painful experience, the reader will understand why it is a necessary step towards spiritual growth.

    A traves de las paginas de este libro, el pastor Claudio Freidzon invita a visitar el taller de Dios y ser parte de esa obra transformadora que ocurre cuando el alfarero rompe el vaso y lo hace de nuevo. Aunque la experiencia resulte dolorosa, el lector compredera que para tener un crecimiento espiritual es necesario hacer una cita en el taller de Dios.

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  • Ayuno Escogido Por Dios – (Spanish)


    Una guia espiritual muy amplia y practica sobre el ayuno.

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  • Miracle Of Life Change


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802429803ISBN10: 0802429807Chip IngramBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2000Publisher: Moody Publishers

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  • Poder Del Reino Hechos – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780899225111ISBN10: 089922511XLanguage: SpanishEditor: Jack HayfordBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2000Spirit-Filled Life Kingdom Dynamics Study GuidesPublisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Evangelism : A Way Of Life


    Evangelism can be intimidating, but it can be a natural and exciting way of life. These studies by Rebecca Pippert and Ruth Siemens help us to communicate the gospel effectively.

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  • Sermon On The Mount (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Unexpected Blessings – Matthew 5:1-12
    2. God’s Way To Make A Difference – Matthew 5:13-16
    3. The Importance Of Obeying God’s Law – Matthew 5:17-20
    4. What’s Wrong With Private Sins? – Matthew 5:21-30
    5. Faithfulness Inn Marriage And Speech – Matthew 5:31-37; 19:3-9
    6. How To Really Love Your Enemies – Matthew 5:38-48
    7. How Not To Be Religious – Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
    8. A Pattern For Dynamic Prayer – Matthew 6:7-15
    9. What God Thinks Of My Ambitions – Matthew 6:19-34
    10. Relationships That Encourage – Matthew 7:1-12
    11. Detecting The Lies Of Our World – Matthew 7:13-20
    12. Making The Choice Of A Lifetime – Matthew 7:21-29

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    What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God in life? Hear Jesus’ amazing answers when you study the greatest sermon ever preached.

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  • My Friend Is Struggling With Thoughts Of Suicide


    Sixteen-year-old Kevin Colvin, burdened by his parent’s fighting, the recent death of his best friend and slipping grades, despairs that he’s just “a waste of space on this planet. Is this a passing thought or is he about to seriously contemplate suicide? Do you know any students like Kevin who are caught in the downward emotional spiral of disappointment to discouragement to despair? What can you say or do to help? What do they need most right now? Perhaps more than any time in their lives they need a “911 friend”-a friend who ” is always loyal and a brother [and sister who] is born to help in time of need” (Prov. 17:17). Through the aid of a gripping true-to-life story, Josh McDowell along with Ed Stewart offers biblical insights and practical instruction on what your friend can do when plagued with passing thoughts of ending it all. But more importantly, you will discover how to become a true source of help and encouragement to lift him or her from discouragement and despair. This book is designed for you to read first and then give to your friend. And if you are that person struggling with despair, you can learn how to find that light at the end of the dark tunnel you seem to be in. For you will discover how important you are to God and to those around you, especially to the friend who gave you this book.

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  • TRUTH Principle : A Life Changing Model For Growth And Spiritual Renewal


    Learn to convert your “head knowledge” to “heart knowledge” using a practical, easy-to-remember model called T.R.U.T.H.! Reinforce your daily devotions with this applied learning system and you’ll gain new perspective on Troubles; cultivate a better Response to trials; banish Underlying idols; embrace the Truth of Scripture; and develop a faith-building Heart response!

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  • Letters To The Thessalonians (Student/Study Guide)


    Four things stand out in Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians: Paul’s deep, personal love for his readers; his concern that they stand for the truth about God and his Son Jesus; his insistence that this right doctrine make a practical difference in their lives; and his instruction about Jesus’ coming again from heaven so they will not be misled by false teachers. Perhaps these Letters to the Thessalonians have your name and address on them as well. 8 studies for individuals or groups.

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  • Transforming Ventures : A Spiritual Guide For Volunteers In Mission


    This is the only book available that offers spiritual guidance for those engaged in short-term mission work, experiences that can change individual lives and the life of the local church.

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  • Fruit Of The Spirit (Student/Study Guide)


    Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. To be spiritually mature is to show the fruit of the Spirit of Christ in our lives. These nine New and Old Testament passages highlighting each quality will allow the Spirit’s fruit to ripen in our lives. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Gifts From The Ascended Christ


    Many recognize that God is restoring His Church to her true and glorious place in the earth. But how much of these changes do we really understand? This book presents God’s plan for leadership and government with the Body of Christ. The Church needs every gift of the five-fold ministry to complete her commission. It is the synergistic work of all five gifts-apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher-that will bring the light and power of Jesus Christ to a world that is desperately dark and needy.

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  • Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World


    Ever feel that no matter how hard you try, it’s never enough? Maybe it’s time to follow Mary’s example: leave the dishes in the sink and sit at Jesus’ feet! Through practical strategies and devotional illustrations, Weaver explains how “living room intimacy” with Christ is the key to successful “kitchen service” in the world.

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  • More Than Rubies


    Women have an essential impact on the atmosphere of the home. They influence the degree of their husband’s success, the level of happiness in the family, and even the spiritual condition of the family.
    More than Rubies will help women insure that their impact in their home is a good one. Debra White Smith provides principles for being a woman of godly influence and raising a family in the way of the Lord.

    144 pages.

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  • Integrity : Living The Truth (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Imitate Jesus – Mark 10:32-45
    2. Keep Commitments – Hosea 1:1–2:1;3
    3. Cultivate Endurance – Job 1:1–2:10
    4. Speak Truth – Genesis 20
    5. Practice Self-Control – Judges 16
    6. Respect Your Body – 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
    7. Expect Temptation – Genesis 39
    8. Guard Your Tongue – James 3:1-12
    9. Offer Forgiveness – John 21
    10. Trust God – Psalm 25

    Additional Info
    It is considered rude to speak of right and wrong. In such a culture we need to be reminded of the bibical value of integrity. These studies invite us to find contentment in who we are and how we follow God as we become people of integrity.

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  • Wakeful Faith : Spiritual Practice In The Real World


    A Wakeful Faith helps readers create a deeper awareness of God’s love and enables them to develop a sensitivity to the Spirit in order to fulfill God’s will for their lives. The book will assist readers in finding ways to see the kingdom of God already flourishing in their midst, as they realize how daily activities can be transformed into creative expressions of our Christian callings. This can lead to a sense of Christian vocation that encompasses our whole lives.

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  • Dancing In The Water Of Life


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060654832ISBN10: 006065483XRobert DaggyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2000Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers Print On Demand Product

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  • Meeting Jesus : 13 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    After you’ve met Jesus, you are never the same again. His teaching challenges your thinking. His compassion softens your heart. His love turns your life around. In this guide evangelist Leighton Ford will lead you through thirteen studies from the four Gospels that will open your eyes or for the first time to Jesus Christ.

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  • Heaven : Finding Our True Home (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Preparing A Place
    2. The Last Frontier
    3. Rapture Ahead
    4. Run To Win
    5. Practicing Our Praise
    6. Welcome To The Party
    7. Working For Your Father
    8. Looking For A City

    Additional Info
    Heaven is hard for us to picture. We think of floating on clouds and playing harps or waling on streets of gold. While we know we want to go there, we are a little nervous about what it will be like. This study provides us with a biblical perspective on heaven-something richer and more exciting than we could even imagine.

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  • Pilgrim People : Learning Through The Church Year


    As a people whose faith is formed and nourished by the Bible’s stories of creation and fall, salvation and redemption, Christians hunger to order their lives by the church’s story and their own. Our journey to God leads us through the cycle of the church year?from Advent and Christmas to Easter and the season called “ordinary time”?as we tell and retell God’s story and make it the story we live by. In A Pilgrim People John Westerhoff looks at the gospel texts season by season and relates their teachings not only to Christian life and ministry but to the life cycle of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

    In teaching the lessons of the church year, Westerhoff starts not with Advent but with Holy Week and Easter, which marks the birth of Christian faith and its vision of a dream come true. Commenting briefly on each of the gospel readings for each Sunday, he moves from Eastertide through Ascension and Pentecost, the season after Pentecost, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, and Lent, offering useful themes for preaching and education. The final chapter incorporates a radical proposal for Christian education to reform the church’s organization, worship, education, and outreach.

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  • Basic Discipleship


    Basic Dicipleship explains what it means for Christ to be Lord of your life. The author discusses why it is important and how it happens by laying the basic building blocks that can last our whole lives. Some topics include, living under Christ’s Lordship, remaining faithful, finding God’s will turning away from sin, nuturing humility, plus more.

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  • Reclaiming Friendship : Relating To Each Other In A Frenzied


    SKU (ISBN): 9780836136302ISBN10: 0836136306Ajith FernandoBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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  • Christian Disciplines : 12 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guid


    Depth, strength, wisdom and maturity – we all long to be people with such qualities. We want to strengthen our character and deepen our relationship with Christ. But spiritual depth requires spiritual discipline. This Bible study guide is designed to help us learn how God wants us to live. This revised guide features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a new “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Seeking Heart


    The name Fenelon has stood for spiritual depth and insight for 300 years. Seeking Christians throughout the years have turned again and again to his writings for guidance and help in their quest for a deeper walk with Christ.

    Here are his works and letters for those who have a seeking heart.

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  • Final Steps In Christian Maturity


    The King of France ordered Jeanne Guyon to appear before Archbishop Bossuet for interrogation. This would be a fateful event for her, for the results of that interrogation would decided whether or not she would be imprisoned.

    Jeanne Guyon made the decision to present to Bossuet a clear statement – and defense – of her teachings. The result was a massive three-volume work entitled Justifications.

    This work was later printed in French, probably appearing in only one printing. Justifications has never appeared in English, and has been virtually forgotten. Final Steps In Christian Maturity is a careful selection of some of the very best material found in that original three-volume work.

    Here, then, is some of the finest literature ever penned on the deeper Christian life.

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  • Spiritual Torrents


    120 Pages/17 Chapters

    Additional Info

    This book is a spiritual autobiography in which Jeanne Guyon likens her life to a torrent making its way out of the high mountains down into the canyons and chasms of life, passing through many experiences until finally coming to the spiritual experience of death. From there the torrent experiences resurrection and a life lived in concert with the will of God while still going through many stages of refinement. At last the torrent finds its way into the vast, unlimited sea. Even here the torrent does not totally come to be one with the vast ocean until it has once more passed through final dealings by the Lord.

    The reader will find this book to be the saga of one believer’s journey with Christ. It does not serve as a pattern for any other life, but simply allows the reader to see how Guyon viewed the Lord’s work in her life. Nevertheless, this is one of the greatest books ever written on the subject of the cross as it works in the life of the believer.

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  • Spiritual Guide


    There have been more copies of this book burned than perhaps any other single Christian book ever published.

    So powerful was its influence on Europe that within 6 years of its release this book had been translated into every language in Western Europe. In Naples, Italy it was said that 20,000 Christians gathered in small groups to practice inward prayer.

    Michael Molinos came closer to reforming the Catholic church than any other single man in history, yet he ended up sealed in a dungeon, his book condemned. A man so controversial that even until today the Vatican will not release the transcript of his (secret) trial. Now, for the first time ever, this book appears in modern English. The first English language release in over a hundred years.

    Included in the book is the first biography of Michael Nolinos to appear in English in over 100 years.

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  • Union With God


    SKU (ISBN): 9780940232051ISBN10: 0940232057Jeanne GuyonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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  • Experiencing The Depths Of Jesus Christ (Reprinted)


    1. From The Shallows To The Depths
    2. Launching Out
    3. The Depths–Even For The Unlearned
    4. The Second Of Dryness
    6. Abandonment
    7. Abandonment And Suffering
    8. Abandonment And Revelation
    9. Abandonment And A Holy Life
    10. Living Indoors
    11. Toward The Center
    12. Continual Prayer
    13. Abundance
    14. Silence
    15. A New Look At Confession Of Sin
    16. The Scripture
    17. Prayer Requests?
    18. Distractions
    19. Temptation
    20. Consumed
    21. Silence-In The Depths
    22. The Constant State
    23. To Christian Workers
    24. The Ultimate Christian Attainment
    25. From Prison

    160 Pages

    Additional Info

    One of the most influential spiritual books ever penned, even secular historians acknowledge the great impact Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ has had in Christian history. Madame Guyon is generally credited, even by her enemies, as being one of best-known women in church history. Will Durant, in his 11-volume Story of Civilization, recounts the impact of Jeanne Guyon’s life and writings on French history.

    At one time this book was publicly burned in France, and yet it has also been received by seeking Christians as one of the most helpful and powerful Christian books ever written. Penned by one of Christianity’s most famous saints, Jeanne Guyon, it has played a major part in the lives of more famous Christians than perhaps any other Christian book. Here is the very first edition written in modern English.

    Watchman Nee saw that this book was translated into Chinese, and made available to every new convert of The Little Flock. Fenelon, Count Zinzendorf, John Wesley, the early Quakers, Jessie Penn-Lewis and Hudson Taylor all highly recommended it to the believers of their day.

    This book will introduce you to a whole new – and deeper – relationship to Jesus Christ.

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  • Heart Ablaze : Igniting A Passion For God


    1. Unforgettable Evening
    2. Purpose Of Salvation
    3. Getting Egypt Out
    4. Glory Of The Lord
    5. Pass To The Mountain
    6. Manageable Deity
    7. Intentions Or Desires?
    8. Counterculture Or Subculture?
    9. Saving Grace
    10. Difficult Days

    Additional Info
    Jesus has never accepted lukewarmness. Rather, He calls for passion! But where de we get the fire to heat up our relationship with him? He never requires anything He doesn’t equip us to do. If youhave felt that a passionate relationship with Him is unattainable, this book will show you otherwise.

    World-renowned author and Bible teacher John Bevere challenges you to exchange a mediocre rerlationship with God for a vibrant, fiery one. A Heart Ablaze offers riveting insights woven with masterful teaching to help you ignite and maintain a passion for God. Read it and allow the Holy Spirit to transform you as the fire of God’s holiness touches the very depths of your soul.

    No matter where you are in your walk with God, if taken to heart the words of this book will transform your life. A must read for those who desire a stronger relationship with God.

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  • Spiritual Mentoring : A Guide For Seeking And Giving Direction


    As we seek God together we come to know him more deeply. Spiritual-mentoring relationships bring together a mature Christian and a younger Christian who desire to grow in Christ. In their friendship, each learns to follow Christ more closely. Spiritual mentoring is an age-old practice that Keith Anderson and Randy Reese introduce in a way that fits life today. Each chapter of their book draws on the work of a different classical spiritual writer. Augustine, St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila and others offer timeless spritual insights from centuries past.

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  • Poder De La Cruz – (Spanish)


    Discover how God works in and around the world redeeming broken lives and making them new. Each story is unique, but all have one thing in common: new life begins at the cross.

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  • Jesus The Storyteller


    Chapter 1. Why Winning The Lottery Won’t Make You Happy (Luke 12:13-21)
    Chapter 2. The Kind Of Religion That Makes God Sick (Luke 18:9-14)
    Chapter 3. The Bigness Of Smallness (Mark 4:30-32)
    Chapter 4. What The World Needs Now (Luke 10:25-37)
    Chapter 5. You Can Go Home Again (Luke 15:11-24)
    Chapter 6. Get A Life! (Matthew 7:24-27)
    Chapter 7. When You Can’t Be The Best, Be Your Best (Matthew 25:14-30)
    Chapter 8. You Can Have It All (Matthew 13:45-46)
    Chapter 9. Dirty, Rotten Hero (Luke 16:1-11)
    Chapter 10. It’s Party Time (Mark 2:18-20)
    Chapter 11. Remember Who’s In Charge (Luke 17:7-10)
    Chapter 12. Cleanliness Is Not Always Next To Godliness (Matthew 12:43-45)
    Chapter 13. The Outsider (Matthew 22:11-13)
    Chapter 14. God Is At Work (Mark 4:26-29)
    Chapter 15. Dealing With Change (Matthew 13:51-52)
    Chapter 16. Payday Everyday (Matthew 20:1-16)

    Additional Info
    Brian Harbour applies the stories of Jesus, which are eternally relevant, in fresh ways for Christians in the twentieth century who want to live by the truths Jesus presented in the first century. Through stories and commentary the author examines sixteen of Jesus’ stories and focuses on the central truths of the parables and their application to Christian living today. The author also provides preaching resources on some of the richest sections of the Gospels for those who have been called to instruct and inspire contemporary Christians

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  • Top 10 List For Christians (Student/Study Guide)


    This book offers a “contemporary” Top Ten list of important things for Christians to remember as we make our way through life’s journey. Acknowledging that we all need guideposts to help us along the way, Moore offers ten witty and wise reminders of the real priorities in life – God’s priorities for faithful living. These uplifting reminders – along with a number of warm, inspirational stories and anecdotes – will encourage you to live each day with faith, hope, love, joy, trust, and commitment, so that you may live purposefully and in celebration, trusting in God’s faithfulness.

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  • Thus Saith The Lord


    You can discern truth from deception. Jesus sternly warned, “See to it that no one misleads you.” (Matt. 24:4, NAS) To be mislead is to be deceived. Jesus makes it clear – it is our responsibility to discern truth from deception. This includes rightly dividing genuine spiritual authority from counterfeit. This crucial and timely message reveals how to recognize true and false authority, the deceptive tactics of false authority, what brings spiritual maturity, and much more.

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  • Pleasing God : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    This LifeGuide, in the new series format, is all about how we can please God, not by following legalistic rules but by putting our trust in Christ. As we grow in our relationship with Him, we see how godly character flows from a clear conscience and a sincere heart.

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  • Christian Character : 12 Studies For Indiviuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    We long for the beauty of Christ to be reflected in our lives. Such character comes only as the Spirit of God transforms us through the Word of God. These Bible studies will help you become the person God wants you to be. The revised LifeGuide study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study. Includes twelve studies for individuals or groups.

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  • Spiritual Journaling : Recording Your Journey Toward God (Student/Study Guide)


    The SPIRITUAL FORMATION STUDY GUIDES explore and explain how the use of disciplines (such as journaling, Bible reading, prayer, and others) can deepen both our walk with God and our community with other believers.

    THE FIRST STEP TOWARD GROWTH IS NOTICING. What are the life-style characteristics that distinguish a follower of Jesus from those who share no interest in Him? Widespread research suggests that in our society there are none.

    Why is that? Surely one would expect a follower of history’s most influential person to stand out from the crowd. Perhaps it relates to the pace of contemporary life. By running so fast, we miss the meaning of our actions, and the cultivation of our characters.

    hough many of us do try to capture each day’s experiences in a journal, few take that practice to the level of a spiritual discipline by using it to explore the work of God in our lives.

    In Spiritual Journaling, you will learn to recognize the progression from who you have been to who you are meant to become. By taking time to go back and understand the critical elements of your life-the events, relationships, patterns, and experiences that shape you-you will gradually find yourself viewing the future through the lens of conformity to the way of Jesus.

    Whether you choose to explore this new skill with a group of friends (recommended!) or on your own, you’ll benefit from the thoughtful exercises presented in this study guide.

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  • His Victorious Indwelling


    Have you truly grasped the remarkable heritage that is yours in Christ? Through the years, certain Christians have stood out for their deep insight into the riches we possess in Christ. Oswald Chambers, A. W. Tozer, Hannah Whittal Smith, D. L. Moody, E. M. Bounds . . . these men and women knew the secrets of the abundant spiritual life. Drawing on the meditations and quotes from these and other well-know writers, His Victorious Indwelling explores Christ’s victory and how it can be lived through us. These 366 daily devotions bring together the best writings of such classic authors as John Calvin, Martin Luther, Watchman Nee, Charles Spurgeon, St. Augustine, and John Wesley, as well as contemporary writers such as Corrie ten Boom. These and dozens of others will help you discover the power, liberty, and joy that flow from “Christ in us.”

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  • Called To Be Angels


    SKU (ISBN): 9781853112294ISBN10: 1853112291Douglas DalesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1998Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich Print On Demand Product

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  • Perfect Love A Study Guide Based On The Book (Student/Study Guide)


    96 Pages

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    Most people-even those with a deep faith-fail to really grasp the incredibly passionate and deep love God has for them. And yet so many personal problems and needs can be traced back to this misunderstanding of God. The result, as Ruth Myers points out, is “a lack of true identity-a lack of inner sureness about who we are.” Ultimately, everyone is on the same quest: to find and know the perfect love of God. The Perfect Love opens the Scriptures to reveal one delighful discovery of God’s love after another. With this study Guide, you can explore those same Bible passages and make your own life-changing discoveries about God’s love.

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  • Following Christ : Experiencing Life The Way It Was Meant To Be


    1. Follow the Leader/High Stakes in the Game Called Life
    2. Life the Way it Was Meant to Be/Finding the Road Less Traveled
    3. The Follower in All of Us/Submitting to the “Hound of Heaven”
    4. The Tyranny of Self-Directed Living/Why We Need a Leader
    5. The Compelling Christ/Why Wouldn’t You Follow?
    6. It’s a personal Thing/The Pleasure and Power of Intimacy with Christ
    7. Radical Reformation/Transforming Conduct and Character
    8. The Compelling Cause/Where Will He Take Us?
    9. Netlessness/What is That in Your Hands?
    10. Getting Out of the Way/The Risk of Relapse
    11. Following as One/Breaking Up Is Not Hard to Do
    12. Followers Are Blenders/Group Dynamics for the Trip
    13. Cross-Bearing/The Ultimate Challenge to Following
    221 Pages

    Additional Info

    Do you want your life to count for Christ? Would you like to make a real impact for God’s kingdom in this world? You can-and you don’t have to be a great leader for it to happen. Just a good follower.

    In Following Christ, Joseph Stowell shows why Christ’s command to “Follow me” isn’t merely the starting point of Christianity. It’s the very heartbeat of vibrant, effective faith. And its not just for a few gifted leaders, but for all believers.

    “Christianity is a relationship, an adventure, a passionate pursuit of Christ,” says Stowell. “Followers escape the drudgery of a system of rituals and regulations, and revel in the discovery of the ever-interesting Christ.”

    Stowell shows you what happens when an ordinary man or woman pursues not the trappings of Christianity, but Christ himself.

    You’ll discover:
    – What a “non-negotiated” follower looks like
    – Why God does his best work through followers
    – Why self-directed living is a recipe for emptiness
    – What makes Christ so worth following
    – How Christ transforms our character
    – What it means to pick up your cross
    – Why a close walk with Jesus is the key to effective living

    This inspiring book cuts through the side-issues of Christianity to reveal its true, compelling object: Jesus Christ. As his fully devoted follower, you’ll discover a dynamic and refreshing way of living-one that will sustain you through life’s valleys and provide breathtaking spiritual vistas from its peaks. Its Christianity the way God intended it, marked by simplicity. Vigorous faith. Purpose and direction. Soul-winning impact on those around you.

    And above all, a joyous, growing closeness with Christ.

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  • Meditations On The Cross


    The cross and the resurrection were central themes for Bonhoeffer’s theology. These excerpts from sermons and letters contain his personal and faithful words about the crucifixion and the power of the cross for all Christians. Meditations on the Cross is ideal for devotional reading and personal reference.

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  • 7 Keys To 1000 Times More


    If Increase Is Your Passion, Then You Will Appreciate This Powerful Book. 40 Facts About The Uncommon Dream God Places Within You / 8 Facts About Solving Problems For Others / 10 Rewards For Using Right Words / 58 Keys To Unlocking 1000 Times More. The Perfect Gift For Any Occasion!

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  • Parables Of Jesus


    In this startlingly original interpretation, Ford explores seven of the longer parables attributed to Jesus. Bypassing the assumption that the superior character represents God and the subordinate one the Christian believer, Ford focuses instead on how persons, long separated by inequality, are called upon to collaborate.

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  • Sacred Romance : Drawing Closer To The Heart Of God


    12 Chapters

    Additional Info
    The God who saves is also a God who woos His own to a relationship primarily of the heart. As we draw closer to Him, we must choose to let go of other “less-wild lovers,” such as perfectionistic driveness and self-indulgence. Eldredge and Curtis identify the lies offered by “false loves” and instruct us on the journey back to the Lover of our souls.In carefully crafted words and images, the authors entice the reader to his or her own journey of the heart, promising, “It is possible to recover the lost life of our heart and with it the intimacy, beauty, and adventure of life with God.”

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  • 3 Most Important Things In Your Life


    No Student of Success Should Be Without This Book. If you are seriously interested in succeeding, you need this book! The Holy Spirit / The Assignment / The Seed / 17 Facts About The Holy Spirit / 7 Secrets of Survivors / The Power of Expectation / Singing To The Holy Spirit. Proven Results That Will Last You A Lifetime. 31 Chapters!

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  • Love Made Perfect (Student/Study Guide)


    Love Made Perfect. Is it possible this side of heaven? Is it just for the chosen few? Dr. William Greathouse believes that entire sanctification is a genuine and necessary experience for the growth and victory of every believer. He sets forth in easy-to-understand terms and illustrations the scriptural basis for this hope. Love Made Perfect is written not only for the believer seeking a deeper walk with the Lord but also for the one who already knows Christ in His sanctifying fullness. It is a book designed to set you on the journey of a lifetime – and beyond.

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  • Leadership Secrets Of Jesus


    Possibly The Greatest Leadership Book Ever Written-Powerful “Leadership Secrets” That Build True, Lasting Achievement. Included are…5 Power Keys For Effective Delegation / The Secret of Handling Rejection / How To Deal With The Mistakes of Others…Plus Many More.

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  • Bread For The Journey


    When beloved author Henri Nouwen set out to record this daybook of totally new reflections, he suddenly found himself on “a true spiritual adventure.” For in these 366 original, interlocking morsels of daily wisdom, Nouwen provides both sustenance and a trail for us to follow, as he unveils, to his own surprise, his personal map of faith. From the delicate interplay of human experience to the surrender to Christ and the embrace of Christian community, that journey of Christian spirituality is explored and celebrated here in each eloquent, thought-provoking passage,

    “The table is one of the most intimate places in our lives. It is there that we give ourselves to one another. When we say, ‘Take some more, let me serve you another plate, let me pour you another glass, don’t be shy, enjoy it,’ we say a lot more than our words express. We invite our friends to become part of our lives. We want them to be nurtured by the same food and drink that nurture us. We desire communion…. Every breakfast, lunch, or dinner can become a time of growing communion with one another.”

    Intimately personal and inspiring, Bread for the Journey is a daily feast of fresh insight into the challenges and deep joys of a life lived in close communion with God. Nouwen is a wise, loving companion who invites us along as he finds joy in the community of loss, true freedom in forgiveness of others, and hope in surprising places. Each daily meditation is a stepping-stone along a path of private discovery, offering Nouwen’s seasoned yet fresh ideas on kindness, love, suffering, and prayer, the Church as God’s people, and the importance of Jesus in one’s life-reflecting, as a whole, Nouwen’s own ‘personal creed.’ Bread for the Journey brims with daily nourishment and guidance for devoted followers and new friends alike — food for thought on a yearlong journey of discovery and faith.

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  • Challenge Of Diversity


    David Rhoads examines the four Gospels and the letter to Galatians and finds a suprising amount of material that relates to diversity. By looking at these passages, and explaining their relevance to contemporary Christianity, Rhoads hopes to create better understanding of diversity, thus facilitating respect for differing Christian groups. The volume also includes a study guide, references for further reading, and suggestions for parish study. David Rhoads is Professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago.

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  • Conocimiento Del Dios Santo – (Spanish)


    In this classic testimonial the author presents God’s attributes with words that touch our hearts. This masterpiece helps readers strengthen and deepen their spiritual lives.

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