Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm


Quantity $15.00


Showing 301–400 of 910 results

  • Seamless Life: : Resting In God’s Plan For You


    Do you trust God with the fabric of your life, or are you looking up through your circumstances and seeing only the lumpy, bumpy, in-progress underside? It’s a struggle, sure, but you can trust that God sees the finished work–the whole, flawless, beautiful masterpiece of His plan for your life.

    A Seamless Life: Resting in God’s Plan for You is a thoughtful devotional of the sovereign, seamless nature of our God. Nothing happens by accident. We can rest assured that God is working all things together for our good and His glory. Every moment, every experience, every need, and every desire we encounter is part of His intricate design.

    In sharing her own spiritual struggles and experience, author Lyndie Metz encourages readers to trust God’s promises, to seek discernment in life decisions, and to surrender to His will. Victory is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Fulfillment comes with the surrender of our will to His perfect plan. Let go and rest. God knows the end from the beginning, and He’s weaving the threads of your life into a seamless work of art.

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  • Very Best Hands On Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions


    As parents hoping to raise godly children, we may understand the importance of regular family devotions. However, we may find it difficult to get our kids (or even ourselves) fully engaged. But what if devotions looked less like sitting in the living room listening to someone read and trying to pry answers out of reluctant kids and more like, say, electrocuting a pickle? Or converting a leaf blower into a toilet paper launcher? Or lighting toothpaste on fire?These hands-on, kinda dangerous, totally unforgettable object lessons (along with nearly fifty others) are not only more fun than other family devotions–they actually deliver the spiritual impact you desire for your kids. They’ll even get dads and any too-cool-for-this-stuff teens jazzed about a weekly family devotional time.So put away the flannelgraph, get out the safety goggles, and start bringing the truths of Scripture to vivid life in your household. Just remember to change out of your Sunday clothes first.

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  • Whats True About You


    The most important thing about you is what you believe about who God is and what He says about you. And God says you are deeply loved, wonderfully made, and part of His master plan. Yet, we struggle with lies that foster feelings of inferiority, insecurity, self-doubt, and shame. In this beautiful gift book, bestselling author Holley Gerth shares fi fty-two life-changing reminders of who you really are?of who God says you are…You are loved. You are chosen. You are free.

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  • Mujer De Proposito Y Poder – (Spanish)


    El autor de exitos de venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, ofrece consejos practicos y biblicos diarios para mujeres. Basado en dos de sus libros mas populares, Entendiendo el proposito y el poder de las mujeres y Entendiendo el proposito y el poder de los hombres, este devocional de 90 dias te ayudara a entender verdaderamente el proposito y el poder que Dios te dio como mujer. La lectura de cada dia incluye enseanza y aliento, una lectura de las Escrituras del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento, y un pensamiento del dia para acercarte mas a Dios. Explora la naturaleza y el rol de las mujeres como Dios lo hizo, abordando temas como: En que se diferencia una mujer de un hombre? Cuales son el proposito y el diseo de la mujer? Cuales son las necesidades emocionales y sexuales de una mujer? Cual es el papel de una mujer como lider? Que ensea realmente la Biblia acerca de las mujeres? Como el Dr. Munroe escribe: “Una mujer no puede cumplir su proposito a menos que este en relacion con Dios”. A traves de este devocional, puedes profundizar en tu relacion con tu Padre celestial, y realizar tu potencial como parte integral de Sus propositos eternos.

    Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for women. Based on two of his most popular books, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women and Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men, this 90-day devotional will help you truly understand your God-given purpose and power as a woman. Each day’s reading includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, and a thought for the day to draw you closer to God. Explore the nature and role of women as God intended, addressing such issues as: How is a woman uniquely different from a man? What are the purpose and design of the woman? What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs? What is a woman’s role as a leader? What does the Bible really teach about women? As Dr. Munroe writes, “A woman cannot fulfill her purpose unless she is in relationship with God.” Through this devotional, you can deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and fulfill your potential as an integral part of His eternal purposes.

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  • Freedom Challenge : 60 Days To Untie The Cords That Bind You


    Be free from toxic mindsets, destructive patterns of behavior, and lies that keep you bound.

    The truth behind seven little words changed Dawn Scott Damon’s life when she heard a man from a small country church sing “I am who He says I am!” Her life was transformed as she began to believe what God’s Word says about who she is in Christ, and she started her journey out of betrayal, abandonment, and deception.

    She shares compelling truths in a sixty-day interactive Bible study that identifies and confronts eight cords that keep many believers bound. These practical and powerful biblical tools are designed to give you a new mindset, a fresh beginning, and a clear direction for a positive future.

    Take the Freedom Challenge and become an active participant in your own emotional and spiritual transformation. Through a guided, intentional, and interactive daily process of putting God’s Word into practice, the strongholds of destructive and bondage-making behavior in your life can be broken. Choose to take that first step to live free from deceptive self-talk, fear, depression, toxic mindsets, and debilitating lies, among others.

    Thought-provoking questions, journaling space, confessions, and affirmations are included to help guide you toward freedom.

    The truest thing about you and me is that we are who God says we are! We are to believe what God says about us, not be limited by negative labels, false limitations, and lies.
    –Dawn Scott Damon

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  • He Is So Faithful


    The Lord Jesus Christ and His faithfulness is the main point of my book “He Is So Faithful! Therefore My Hope Is In Him” A devotional journal of inspiration and hope about some of my life experiences as the Lord has led me through the years. A verse of scripture heads each devotion.

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  • Tongues Of Fire Devotional


    A fifty-day devotional for Pentecost featuring the words and teachings of writings of faithful men and women of God, both classic and contemporary authors, regarding the miraculous power available through God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. Includes excerpts from Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, William Seymour, Aimee Semple McPhearson, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Andrew Murray, E. W. Kenyon, R. A. Torrey, John Wesley, Mary K. Baxter, Guillermo Maldonado, James Goll, Bill Johnson, and many more. Let this collection of charismatic classics help you to celebrate the wild tongues of fire that signified the coming of Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and be filled anew with the powerful presence of God .

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  • Devotions From The Beach


    Life is better at the beach-but you already knew that. Dig your feet in the sand, and let the water cool your toes as you escape in the beauty of God’s seaside wonders. The gorgeous photography and 100 devotions in Devotions from the Beach will take you right to the water’s edge, where God’s voice is often clearer than ever.

    Sand on warm skin, salty breeze in your hair, the crashing of waves in the distance, saltwater taffy, and a pace that takes its time . . . There’s nothing quite like the warmth and relaxation of the beach, away from the stresses of everyday life. Devotions from the Beach is the winding road that takes you to a front-row seat to God’s majestic creation. Breathe deeply and open your heart and soul to the One who shaped it all.

    Devotions from the Beach includes beautiful four-color photography on every spread and 100 devotions that explore life’s parallels with the elements of the shore-to help you see God, find hope, draw strength, and rest in the comfort of His arms throughout your day.

    Bring the best parts of beach life to each day with Devotions from the Beach. It’s the perfect gift for every beach lover or a lovely way to keep a little sand between your toes every day of the year.

    Every woman will want a copy of this book as a gentle reminder of days at the beach and the call of God’s love.

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  • Love Is Patient Love Is Kind


    An Althea Press Title

    Your faith can heal your marriage.

    In marriage and in life, there are times that test our strength and commitment to ourselves, our partners and our faith. Know this-you can overcome any obstacle when you turn to the true source of healing. This marriage devotional reminds you of the promises you made to each other and God on your wedding day-and shows you how live these promises.

    April and Aaron Jacob’s marriage devotional invites you and your spouse to take time each week to deepen your connection to each other and Christ. With compassionate guidance from the scriptures, you’ll find resolution to tough issues and build a strong marriage with Christ at the center.

    In this marriage devotional, you’ll find:
    *52 weekly devotionals- Reconnect with your spouse using quotes from the scriptures, questions for guided discussions, and weekly exercises.
    *Scripture in real life-Tackle trouble like trust, forgiveness, money, communication and all the travails of daily life with God’s words to guide you.
    *Rebuild and restart-Re-commit to growing your faith and the bonds of your relationship with each marriage devotional.

    “Love never gives up; and its faith, hope and patience never fail.”-Corinthians 13:7. Rediscover the unwavering power of love and faith with this marriage devotional.

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  • Live In Light


    An Althea Press Title

    Light the path to growing up with 5-minute devotionals.

    Crushes, girl squad drama, school stress-not to mention figuring out who you are and what you want to be when you grow up-a lot happens in your teens that can make you feel left in the dark. Find the light-open this book and let the Scripture be your guide.

    Live In Light is every girl’s guide to tackling their teenage years with the wisdom and comfort of the Bible. From navigating the pressure to be “perfect” on social media to dating and dealing with frenemies, these 5-minute devotionals help you to become the woman that both you and God want you to be.

    Inside these teen devotionals for girls, you’ll find:
    *5-minute devotionals-Bring the Bible into your day at any moment with quick and practical readings.
    *Relatable Scripture-Unpack lessons from the Bible with anecdotes you can apply to your daily life.
    *A spiritual toolkit-Relate God’s words to challenges and topics like social media, body image, self-worth and more.

    In a world filled with change, this book offers unwavering guidance to live under the bright light of faith.

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  • God Is With You Every Day (Large Type)


    It’s easier to face the day when you know that God is with you.

    God Is With You Every Day (Large Text Leathersoft) version is the newest edition of the bestselling 365-day devotional from Max Lucado, his first devotional since the creation of the Grace for the Moment line. Max’s signature reassuring and encouraging voice, paired with the practical, relevant, and personal message that God is with you every day, makes a great way to start each day of the year.

    This devotional begins each week with a prayer and scripture, followed by six days of devotions and scripture for reflection. Weaving messages of comfort, grace, and encouragement, this book is wonderful for anyone who wants a fresh infusion of faith to start each day, as well as those walking through difficult seasons of life such as loneliness, grief, or change.

    You can face each day with courage-because God is with you.

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  • Relaciones Emocionalmente Sana – (Spanish)


    En este revolucionario libro devocional, Peter Scazzero reintroduce y desarrolla la antigua disciplina espiritual del oficio diario. La premisa basica es simple: los cristianos deben pausar intencionalmente dos veces al dia para estar con Dios, de modo que la practica de la presencia de Dios sea una realidad en sus vidas.

    Con el mismo ritmo poderoso que el devocional Espiritualidad emocionalmente sana, cada dia presenta dos oficios: maana/mediodia y mediodia/noche, donde cada devocional reflexionara sobre temas de relaciones emocionalmente sanas, como ser clarificar las expectativas, escuchar con empatia y jugar limpio. Los lectores seran guiados a una practica de transformacion que profundizara su caminar diario con Jesus.

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  • What A Great Word For Moms


    WHAT A GREAT WORD FOR MOMS is a unique gift book that offers inspiring devotional thoughts, literary quotes, Scriptures and prayers, all built around key Bible words. Each word is intended to encourage, challenge, and bless those who are moms at any age and stage.
    Readers will discover words meant to be pondered and digested, each one offering a fresh, new perspective on a biblical word as it applies to motherhood. Each word will inspire the hearts of moms and help them remember that God is with them wherever they may be.
    WHAT A GREAT WORD FOR MOMS offers encouragement for the hearts and minds of moms, grandmothers, and those who are like a mom to others, giving them a new opportunity to draw closer to God.

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  • Before You Say I Do Devotional


    You’re engaged or thinking about getting engaged–how exciting! Now you’re ready to dig deeper and really get to know each other. Through noted Christian counselor Norm Wright’s interactive questions and insights, you’ll explore the interests you have in common, identify the qualities you appreciate in each other, and discover important areas worthy of further discussion. You’ll also find biblical wisdom, practical advice, and time-tested principles to help you

    -make Jesus the cornerstone of your relationship
    -create special times for the two of you
    -establish a healthy sexual relationship
    -understand each other’s role expectations
    -clarify how you’ll handle joint finances

    As you and your partner enjoy reading the Before You Say “I Do” Devotional, you’ll also be cultivating tools to help you keep your relationship vibrant and strong.

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  • Seek : 28 Days To Extraordinary Prayer


    Seek is a short, content-rich, four-week prayer guide to help believers in pivotal moments journey to the heart of God to receive His perfectly timed and designed provision. The weekly prayer and journal listings follow a four-part pattern to surrender, exalt, expose, and knock, making it a comfortable process for veteran Christians and easy to follow for newer believers. Written to be used individually, in a family setting, or corporately through a church body, Seek encourages prayer to become a life-altering habit in the testimony of the believer. The weekly prayer and journal listings follow a four-part pattern to surrender, exalt, expose, and knock, making it a comfortable process for veteran Christians and easy to follow for newer believers. Written to be used individually, in a family setting, or corporately through a church body, Seek encourages prayer to become a life-altering habit in the testimony of the believer.

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  • Boys Guide To Prayer


    Encourage Him to Talk to God

    Prayer is one of the most important parts of a close relationship with God, but it can be hard to explain that to a child. Bestselling author and Bible teacher Jim George will help boys understand what prayer really is, how to pray effectively, and what they can pray for.

    Boys will learn to pray for

    a good attitude family and friends smart decisions a spirit of courage freedom from trouble and worry God’s plan for their future
    Each chapter contains relevant Scripture, fill-in-the-blanks sections designed to aid young readers in retaining the verses they just read, and a sample prayer for boys to pray.

    Set him on the path of a lifetime habit of surrendering to God in prayer.

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  • Christmas Journey : Advent Readings And Reflections From The Nativity Stori


    The Nativity Stories were hidden gems in antiquity, and they remain largely unexplored today. Though they appear first in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, they were among the last pieces of the puzzle of Christ’s life to be revealed to the public. The evidence shows that during the three-year ministry of Jesus none of his followers knew about the extraordinary events related in the birth narratives. The claim of his virginal conception, the most highly charged and hardest to substantiate of all the assertions made about Jesus, was held in reserve until decades after his death and resurrection. The publication of the Nativity Stories around AD 80 helped to complete the church’s portrait of Jesus Christ.

    Today the Nativity Stories are usually saved for Advent, but since this is such a busy time of year these scriptures are seldom explored in depth. This engaging study takes readers on a journey of daily Readings and Reflections in Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2. The spiritual riches of the Nativity Stories are revealed through a survey of issues about their impact on our understanding of the divine/human nature of Jesus. Also highlighted is the influential role of the birth narratives on the church’s theology in the period prior to the emergence of Christmas in the fourth century. With a wealth of enlightening discoveries awaiting readers, Christmas Journey is sure to become a meaningful part of their yearly Advent tradition.

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  • Growing In Prayer Devotional


    What would your world look like if you prayed every day?

    Every believer who sincerely desires an intimate relationship with God must discover the transformational power of prayer. This ninety-day devotional, inspired by Mike Bickle’s best-selling book Growing in Prayer, will give readers daily inspiration, knowledge, and guidance to help them cultivate deeper intimacy with God through prayer.
    Each day contains a quote on prayer from a classic Christian author, a passage from a chapter in Growing in Prayer for reflection, a Scripture verse or reference, a prayer starter, a suggestion for practical application of the principle being taught, and lines for journaling.

    This devotional will help energize a prayer life that has become routine, stale, or nonexistent and will be a welcome resource for believers who desire to grow in prayer.

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  • Dugout Devotions : Inspirational Hits From MLB’s Best


    Dugout Devotions inspires you to stand in the batter’s box and knock the curveball out of the park in your own life. These unique interview-based devotions offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the spiritual lives of many Major League Baseball players. Recounting their successes both on and off the diamond, you’ll see the players who inspire you turn to God for inspiration. Their struggles are real, just like yours. Their challenges could knock them down, except for their faith in God.

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  • Lejos De Ser Perfectos – (Spanish)


    Que pueden revelar los hombres y mujeres mas imperfectos de la Biblia sobre quien es Dios y como se comunica con usted y conmigo? La exitosa autora Ann Spangler nos lleva mas alla de la imagen estereotipada de treinta y ocho personajes biblicos, para presentarlos como personas reales que tenian sueos, tentaciones y debilidades al igual que nosotros.

    Ya sea considerando a la asesina Herodias, al conspirador Jacob o a la dudosa Sara, Spangler se acerca tanto a los personajes mas famosos como a los menos conocidos, con una mirada distinta. Nos encontramos nuevamente con cada una de estas personas como si fuera la primera vez, dado que la autora ofrece una nueva version dramatica de sus vidas, una vision del contexto historico y cultural de su tiempo, y enseanzas clave para nuestra vida en la actualidad. Cada capitulo incluye preguntas para el debate o reflexion, lo que hace que este material sea ideal para el estudio biblico individual o grupal.

    Entretenido, informativo e inspirador, este libro ofrece una vision general de la Biblia, incluso cuando lo conduce a ver los corazones y las mentes de gente con luchas como la suya. A medida que aprende mas sobre los individuos que forman parte de su arbol genealogico espiritual, descubrira por que a Dios le encanta usar personas imperfectas para contar su historia perfecta de redencion.

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  • Were You There


    Valuable not only for their sublime musical expression, the African American spirituals provide profound insights into the human condition and Christian life. Many spirituals focus on the climax of the Christian drama, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the ways in which those events bring about the liberation of God’s people.

    In these devotions for the season of Lent, Luke A. Powery leads the reader through the spirituals as they confront the mystery of Christ’s atoning death and victory over the grave. Each selection includes the lyrics of the spiritual, a reflection by the author on the spiritual’s meaning, a Scripture verse related to that meaning, and a brief prayer.

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  • Jesus Calling Deluxe Edition (Large Type)


    Large Print-Brown LeatherSoft (CBA Exclusive) Jesus Calling Devotional

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  • Just Enough Light For The Step Im On


    Thousands of readers have been touched with the encouraging message found in Stormie Omartian’s bestselling book Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On (over 350,000 sold) and its companion book, A Devotional Prayer Journey, which warmly invited readers to record answers to prayer and create a beautiful keepsake of God’s tender mercies. Now the book and journal have been combined to make it even easier to write down those moments of light just when needed.Insights from the book and interactive questions offer readers a way to gently focus their thoughts as they consider the events in their journeys of faith.

    Whether as a gift or a personal keepsake, this new edition of Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On will be a valuable part of a devotional prayer time with the One who guides and leads.

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  • Easter Code Booklet


    The Easter Code, by bestselling author O. S. Hawkins, is a meaningful devotional booklet for the Lent season. This $2.99 value is an ideal gift to purchase in bulk for friends and family, pastoral staff, Bible study groups, and church congregations. Each day includes Scripture, a devotion, a Code Word to think on and make the message memorable, and a prayer.Spend meaningful time with Jesus this Lenten season as you read through 40 days of devotions. The Easter Code offers a seasonal devotion for each day from Ash Wednesday to Easter. At only $2.99, The Easter Code will serve as an excellent self-purchase or outreach gift. Every day, you’ll read an important Code Word to think on during the season. This unique element will create a profound experience as you prepare your heart and mind for the Easter Sunday.Follow the journey of Christ through the places, people, and events in His life all the way to His resurrection.

    The Easter Code is a meaningful way to celebrate and share God’s love at Easter. The author royalties from the book are donated to Mission:Dignity, a ministry that helps men and women who have faithfully served God’s people for modest pay retire with well-deserved dignity, independence, and often the ability to continue serving.

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  • Doodle Devotions For Kids


    A great way to get kids to dig deeper into their Bibles is to have them interact with its stories and lessons. Doodle Devotions for Kids by Nancy Taylor helps children do that through its 60 devotions accompanied by doodling activities. This collection of devos goes through the entire Bible while encouraging kids to respond in their own creative ways. The author says, Write all over this book!

    Designed to be appropriate for and enjoyed by both boys and girls, this devotional book featuring 152 pages and lots of fun illustrations would make a great gift for any kid in your life. Ideal for ages 6 to 10.

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  • Fixing My Eyes On Jesus


    The entire Bible points to Jesus. We need to keep our eyes fixed on Him, who both began and finished this race we’re in (Hebrews 12:2).

    Fixing My Eyes on Jesus, from bestselling author and trusted Bible teacher Anne Graham Lotz, will encourage, uplift, renew, and challenge you on your spiritual walk. Each of the 365 devotions and accompanying Scripture verses focus on Jesus. At the end of the year, you are certain to be closer to Jesus.

    This beautiful, large deluxe edition has large type for ease of reading and makes a gorgeous gift for a friend or family member of any age.

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  • Extraordinary Hope : 30 Days To Being Strengthened And Inspired


    Extraordinary Hope is a 30-day devotional book that helps readers become strengthened, uplifted, and full of hope.

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  • For God So Loved


    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    John 3:16 is a Bible verse that many of us are so familiar with it has almost become rote. Sometimes our Christian practices and observances can become a matter of routine too.

    Written by Dan Boone, Samantha Chambo, Tara Beth Leach, and Jeren Rowell, this Lenten devotional aims to help you establish an intentional time of spiritual reflection. For God So Loved invites you to join Christ on his final earthly journey as you rediscover the very reason we remember and undertake this same pilgrimage year after year.

    For God So Loved contains Lectionary-based reflections and prayers for each day of Lent, from Ash Wednesday through Easter, so that you remain connected and engaged with Christ from his very first step toward the cross.

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  • Resilient Disciple : A Lenten Journey Through Adversity To Maturity


    Alone on an 8-day retreat in the Egyptian desert, Justine Allain Chapman experienced first-hand the physical, spiritual and mental struggle many have endured before her. Our own desert experience may involve attending to challenges that come upon us suddenly–such as an illness or bereavement–or a difficult relationships or patterns of thinking that have long been draining us of life and joy. A Lenten pilgrimage is testing. We have to search within ourselves for answers which lie hidden, to draw on each other’s strengths, to reflect deeply and to trust that we will be enabled to integrate our many experiences. But there is a “bright flame before us, a guiding star above.” And the God, who always calls us to love beyond ourselves, offers tender healing for our brokenness, longing that we may be consoled and renewed. This vividly written book includes wide ranging prayers and scripture readings, along with guides to using the material with groups and in preaching and worship.

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  • Growing In Favor


    Learn to walk in the favor of the Lord!

    But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. – 2 Peter 3:18

    A few moments of quality time with God can uncover hidden blessings reserved for you in the secret place!

    This powerful, five-day-a-week devotional will unveil the Biblical concept of favor, revealing what it means to walk in the favor and abundant blessing of the Lord.

    Experience the profound impact of God’s blessing in your life! As you grow in your understanding of favor you will encounter…
    *Greater knowledge of how to live in God’s favor.
    *Restoration of what the enemy has stolen.
    *Victories in your daily battles.

    God invites you to meet with him daily. As you do, you will begin to discover that all our favor is from Him, through Him, and to Him.

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  • Vantage Point : Weekly Devotions From God’s Perspective


    Shift Your Perspective

    Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God–what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2 NRSV)

    Is there any aspect of your life that needs to be transformed? Maybe it’s time to change your perspective. Vantage Point is a unique devotional designed to give you God’s perspective on you and on your life. Each week, we examine a spiritual principle from 5 points of view.

    Day 1: Intro to the principle

    Day 2: Go a little deeper

    Day 3: What does it mean to you?

    Day 4: A biblical character’s perspective

    Days 5-7: Connect it all and move forward

    By studying each principle for an entire week, we can layer biblical lessons and extract practical insights to apply in our daily lives. Our aim is to understand God’s mind and draw closer to God’s heart. Read Vantage Point if you want to transform your outlook, grow your faith, and experience God anew. Change your life by shifting your perspective!

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  • Wounded In Spirit


    Christmas can be a time of joy but also of tears, memory and prayer. Celebration does not always come easily.

    In twenty-five illustrated daily readings we commune with Scripture and the wounded artists that gave the world masterpieces of hope: Gauguin, Tissot, Caravaggio, Tanner, Delacroix, van Gogh, Durer. We’ve heard the names. We recognize the paintings. But do we know the artists? They were flawed and often troubled people: a widower that saw a vision of Christ; a murderer who painted himself as Peter; a grieving father that drew his sons as Jesus and John; an orphan who saw his salvation in the Holy Family. Despite their wounds-perhaps because of them-these artists achieved the sublime. Their humanity inspires us. Based on the latest research in history and grief, Wounded in Spirit returns us to where Christian art began. From mourning in Roman catacombs to works of the masters, we join the world’s great religious artists on their pilgrimages of hope and brokenness. In their wounds, in our wounds, we may once again encounter “God with us.”

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  • Pursuing The Christ


    Pursuing the Christ, a 31-day devotional and prayer guide, will help you step away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and experience the hope, peace, and joy Christ intended for this season. Each short daily reading is filled with profound and thought-provoking insights on familiar Christmas verses and some possibly not-so-familiar Messianic passages to help you celebrate the precious gift of Christmas: Jesus Christ in new and richer ways.

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  • Better Mom Devotional


    As a mom, you always want to give your best to your family. The Better Mom Devotional will help you focus who you are becoming rather than what you are accomplishing. Find freedom from mom-guilt, the myth of perfection, and the endless to-do list of motherhood, and step into your greatest adventure yet: becoming The Better Mom.

    Rediscover the gift of motherhood with The Better Mom Devotional by trusted author Ruth Schwenk. As a busy mom of four, she understands the constant needs of raising a family, but she has uncovered a secret: becoming a better mom starts not with what you are doing but with who you are becoming.

    As you read The Better Mom Devotional, you will find:
    How God changes you from the inside out so you can increasingly experience His presence
    Intentional ways to grow deeper faith in this busy time of life
    The true calling of motherhood: training, disciplining, and loving your children well
    The life-giving impact of fostering honest, loving friendships
    The importance (and simplicity!) of creating a welcoming, functional, and beautiful home for your family-no Pinterest boards required!

    One hundred devotions will encourage and inspire you with Scripture, reflection questions, and journaling space to jot down your thoughts and prayers. Each devotion, filled with Bible teaching, personal stories, and application, will help you open your heart to experience more of God’s love, truth, and grace.

    Find freedom from mom-guilt, the myth of perfection, and the endless to-do list of motherhood, and step into your greatest adventure yet: becoming The Better Mom.

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  • Lets Talk : 50 Daily Devotions


    Let’s Talk How can I change the world? The message of salvation (Good News) is powerful (Romans 1:16). It is powerful to transform your life. That’s because I came to change your life. First, I change your inner world . . . your desires, attitudes, motives and love. You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. Then second, I can change your surrounding world . . . your family . . . your work . . . your hobbies . . . your entertainment . . . even your language and habits. This second world involves your church, home, school and place of employment. Then, third, I want to change the world out there. Let’s evangelize lost people in your neighborhood . . . a new church plant . . . the mission field. You can change the world either marginally or largely. Let Me use you to change the world.

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  • GodWink Stories A Devotional


    Building on the themes in his wildly popular book GodWinks, SQuire Rushnell shows how ordinary peoples’ lives have been profoundly changed by extraordinary moments that are more than coincidence.

    There is something more to coincidences than meets the eye. Like winks from a loving parent or grandparent, coincidences or “godwinks” are messages from God that you are not alone and everything will be okay. The true stories in this book reaffirm that godwinks happen to everyone. We just need to learn how to see them, allow them to unfold, and accept them as direct, person-to-person communications from God to each of us.
    As you’ll see, those so-called coincidences that you’ve been dismissing so easily really do mean something. And you need to pay attention. They are like unopened gifts that have been placed upon your doorstep.

    You will be amazed to read how every joy, every hurt, and every worry that you experience has already been written about in the Bible. Godwink Stories simply draws upon the parallel between the stories of real people and God’s wisdom in the scriptures.

    Godwink Stories can be read in various ways. You can read the book cover to cover. Or follow along each week for a year. It’s also perfect for a quick pick-me-up that fits your daily need. Whether you’re looking for reassurance or joyful inspiration, there’s a godwink story just for you.

    Filled with letters from readers covering such topics as encouragement, health, and love, you too can find God’s presence in your daily life, and be inspired to look for the divine connections that unite us all.

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  • Journey With Me


    Catherine Campbell invites you to journey with her this year as she shares 365 Bible meditations that have touched her heart and changed her life. Using an eclectic mix of readings, character cameos and anecdotes, Catherine takes us across new terrain every day. As with life, some paths will be smooth and scenic, while others are steep and stony. The journey may be unpredictable, but the map is trustworthy and the Guide always present. As surely as winter blossoms into spring, and autumn eventually carpets summer lawns, God’s word will excite, challenge, heal and guide us in the year ahead. So, let’s walk together!

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  • 1 Minute Prayers For Those With Cancer


    Find Peace in the Heart of the Storm

    A cancer diagnosis brings anxiety, fear, and many unanswered questions. Emotions and grief can easily overwhelm as you face your life from a new and uncertain perspective.

    One-Minute Prayers for Those with Cancer will lead you from fear to faith in the face of illness. Each entry includes a reassuring encouragement, as well as a suggested prayer to open your heart to nourishment and understanding.

    It’s okay to need help during tough moments. When your emotions are raw, your grief is heavy, and your heart is tired, there is abundant comfort waiting for you in peaceful moments of prayer.

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  • Pausas Para El Adviento – (Spanish)


    Taking time to pause for a few minutes each day can help us maintain balance in our lives, especially during the Advent and Christmas seasons. In this simple yet not simplistic book, Trevor Hudson focuses on one biblical word of wonder for each day of Advent. His insightful reflections on the word for each day invite individuals and groups to a deeper understanding of Advent. Hudson also briefly explores the lives and thoughts of 4 significant characters in the Christmas story, encouraging us to immerse ourselves in the dramatic story. He offers a simple daily practice that helps us become involved in the Advent drama. Hudson’s minimalist approach and conversational writing lead us to discover how we can open our hearts and lives more generously to God.

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  • Your Companion Through Chronic Illness


    The Out of the Depths series addresses common pastoral crises in a faithful, encouraging, and factual manner that provides support to parishioners in crisis beyond the initial pastoral conversation. These inexpensive booklets can be given out to parishioners when they bring their recent diagnosis, crisis, or trauma to the pastor as a way to continue to provide care throughout the difficult season. Each booklet begins with a thoughtful consideration of the topic at hand, which is followed up by 30 brief devotions. These devotions are designed to be manageable in an overwhelming time, encouraging, and honest. This Chronic Illnessedition is authored by Lauren Dunkle Dancey, a United Methodist chaplain and pastor who lives with chronic illness. The Out of the Depths booklets are essential care resources to be given out by pastors, Stephen Ministers, and congregational care teams. Key Features:
    Written by metal health professionals and pastors to help the reader process their trauma both psychologically and theologically.
    Includes accessible material describing the dynamics of the crisis situation and typical reactions, which provides the reader with a sense of grounding and direction through increased knowledge.
    The thirty short devotions creates a sense of companionship and hope in a difficult and lonely time.
    Knowing they are sharing a resource written by mental health professionals and pastors with personal experience provides pastors a trustworthy source of information.
    Easy for pastors/churches to keep in stock and distribute as needed, serves as a tangible reminder of the faith community’s care.

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  • Your Companion Through Depression And Anxiety


    The Out of the Depths series addresses common pastoral crises in a faithful, encouraging, and factual manner that provides support to parishioners in crisis beyond the initial pastoral conversation. These inexpensive booklets can be given out to parishioners when they bring their recent diagnosis, crisis, or trauma to the pastor as a way to continue to provide care throughout the difficult season. Each booklet begins with a thoughtful consideration of the topic at hand, which is followed up by 30 brief devotions. These devotions are designed to be manageable in an overwhelming time, encouraging, and honest. This Depression and Anxiety edition is authored by Jim Hightower and features insightful devotions by Harriet Bryan. The Out of the Depths booklets are essential care resources to be given out by pastors, Stephen Ministers, and congregational care teams. Key Features: Written by metal health professionals and pastors to help the reader process their trauma both psychologically and theologically. Includes accessible material describing the dynamics of the crisis situation and typical reactions, which provides the reader with a sense of grounding and direction through increased knowledge. The thirty short devotions creates a sense of companionship and hope in a difficult and lonely time. Knowing they are sharing a resource written by mental health professionals and pastors with personal experience provides pastors a trustworthy source of information. Easy for pastors/churches to keep in stock and distribute as needed, serves as a tangible reminder of the faith community’s care.

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  • Woman Of Purpose And Power


    Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for women. Based on two of his most popular books, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women and Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men, this 90-day devotional will help you truly understand your God-given purpose and power as a woman. Each day’s reading includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, and a thought for the day to draw you closer to God. Explore the nature and role of women as God intended, addressing such issues as: How is a woman uniquely different from a man? What are the purpose and design of the woman? What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs? What is a woman’s role as a leader? What does the Bible really teach about women? As Dr. Munroe writes, “A woman cannot fulfill her purpose unless she is in relationship with God.” Through this devotional, you can deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and fulfill your potential as an integral part of His eternal purposes.

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  • 365 Devotions For A Thankful Heart


    No matter how difficult life seems, you will find more joy when you choose gratitude. Boost your happiness and deepen your walk with God by becoming aware of all you have to appreciate. 365 Devotions for a Thankful Heart is a daily devotional that will inspire you to slow down, recognize God’s gifts, and be grateful for all His blessings.

    Short daily readings will encourage you to open your heart with gratitude to all the ways God has blessed you. In 365 Devotions for a Thankful Heart, each entry starts with an inspiring Scripture and ends with a short prayer to help focus your heart on thankfulness as you go about your day. Each devotion is the perfect length to fit into even the busiest schedule, but substantial enough to start your day on just the right note.

    The beautiful design of 365 Devotions for a Thankful Heart makes a stylish addition to your book collection, and you’ll love to have it on display as a reminder to be aware of the simple blessings in life.

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  • Gospel In Miniature


    Witty, wise, and powerful meditations on the New Testament are presented in the perfect form for readers with busy lives who sometimes find that there is not enough time in the day to focus on their spiritual well-being. Martin Copenhaver feels their pain and has packed this volume full of insight into the teachings of Jesus that anyone, no matter how busy, can find the time to digest, reflect on, and enjoy. In addition, a scripture and a prayer accompany each of the 140+ lessons, the distilled results of decades of spiritual scholarship and teaching.

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  • Less Than Perfect


    What can the Bible’s most flawed men and women reveal about who God is and how he reaches out to less-than-perfect people? In Less Than Perfect, bestselling author Ann Spangler takes us beyond cardboard cutouts of 38 biblical characters to show us how these were real individuals who had dreams, temptations, and weaknesses just like us.

    Whether considering the murderous Herodias, the scheming Jacob, or the doubting Sarah, Spangler approaches both familiar and lesser known characters with fresh eyes. We meet each of these individuals again as if for the first time as Spangler offers a dramatic retelling of their lives, insight into the historical and cultural context of their time, and key takeaway points for our lives today. Each chapter includes questions for discussion or reflection, making Less Than Perfect ideal for individual or group Bible study.

    Entertaining, informative, and inspirational, Less Than Perfect gives you a big picture view of the Bible even as it takes you into the hearts and minds of people with struggles just like yours. As you learn more about the individuals who are part of your spiritual family tree, you’ll discover why God loves to use imperfect people to tell his perfect story of redemption.

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  • Gospel In Miniature


    Witty, wise, and powerful meditations on the New Testament are presented in the perfect form for readers with busy lives who sometimes find that there is not enough time in the day to focus on their spiritual well-being. Martin Copenhaver feels their pain and has packed this volume full of insight into the teachings of Jesus that anyone, no matter how busy, can find the time to digest, reflect on, and enjoy. In addition, a scripture and a prayer accompany each of the 140+ lessons, the distilled results of decades of spiritual scholarship and teaching.

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  • Family Bible Devotional


    As a Christian parent, you want your children to know and understand God’s Word. You want your family devotional time to be relevant and vibrant–an opportunity to explore and understand what God desires for your lives. The Family Bible Devotional cultivates conversations through 52 Bible readings, paired with engaging discussion questions and background information. Open this book, read the Scripture passages, and ask the questions to get your family exploring together what the Bible says.

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  • Elisha Factor : Living The Double Portion Life A Devotional


    Horath talks straight about what it means to live a “double-portion life” as demonstrated by Elisha and how to truly recognize who one is in Christ.

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  • Passion Of The King Of Glory


    Part I: Jesus’ Life And Ministry
    1. Life For The Dying
    2. Wild With The Hope
    3. Behold The Lamb Of God
    4. One Hundred And Fifty Gallons
    5. Destroy This Temple
    6. Zeus And The Pharisees
    7. Herod’s Half Brother’s Wife
    8. Famous
    9. Lord Of The Sabbath
    10. Only Say The Word
    11. The Death Of John
    12. The Storm Treader
    13. Bread Of Life
    14. You Are The Christ
    15. Before Abraham Was Born
    16. Born Blind
    17. The Good Samaritan
    18. The Leaven Of The Pharisees
    19. Lost Things Found
    20. Lazarus Of Bethany
    21. A World Upside Down
    22. The Living Legend

    Part II: Holy Week, Death, Resurrection
    23. The King’s Coronation
    24. Hosanna
    25. The Vinedresser’s Tree
    26. Indignation
    27. John’s Baptism
    28. The Scent Of Opulence
    29. Thirteen Men
    30. The Last Cup
    31. Trial At Night
    32. The Reckoning
    33. What Is Truth?
    34. Crucifixion
    35. The Forgotten Day
    36. He Is Not Here
    37. Flesh And Bone
    38. Do You Love Me?
    39. Behold The Man Of Sorrows
    40. Behold The King Of Glory

    Additional Info
    “His was a ministry of incarnation-touching the infected, dining with sinners, defending the defenseless. The sick needed a physician, and the Physician had come.”Enter into the greatest story ever told. In this carefully researched retelling of the story of Jesus, pastor Russ Ramsey invites us to rediscover our wonder at Jesus’ sinless life, brutal death, and glorious resurrection. Featuring forty short chapters recounting key episodes from Jesus’ time on earth, this book expands on the biblical narrative in a fresh and creative way-giving us a taste of what it would have been like to walk next to Jesus and experience his earthly ministry firsthand.Also including The Advent of the Lamb of God and The Mission of the Body of Christ, the Retelling the Story series explores the narrative arc of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation in compelling language that is faithful to the text of Scripture. The stories are told afresh to help readers hide God’s word in their hearts by way of their imaginations.

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  • Colossians : 30 Day Devotional


    Putting Jesus in his place. This was the issue with which the church at Colossae wrestled.There was a plethora of other gods and spiritual beings to worship. The city was rife with syncretism, the belief that you can worship Jesus but need to supplement your faith by turning to other powers and authorities. If you got sick or wanted your business to flourish, surely it was expedient to pay allegiance to these other powers and not just Jesus? In Colossae Jesus was eminent. He had status. The fundamental question was: Is he pre-eminent? Jesus was important, just not all-important; adequate but not totally sufficient for every need.Writing from a prison cell in Rome, Paul warns these new believers of the danger of turning to another Jesus. If they failed to heed his warning, their faith would unravel.This letter has much to say to Christians today. It will provide challenge, inspiration and a renewed focus to keep on living for Christ in our generation.

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  • Advent Of The Lamb Of God


    Preface: Telling A True Tall Tale

    Part I: Awaiting The Messiah
    1. Behold The Lamb Of God
    2. Hear
    3. Redemption Amidst The Wreckage
    4. Number The Stars Of Heaven
    5. God Will Provide A Lamb
    6. Jacob And Two Women
    7. Walking With A Limp
    8. Four Hundred Years
    9. Blood On The Doorpost
    10. The War Within
    11. The Days Of The Judges
    12. King Saul
    13. The Boy-King Of Bethlehem
    14. Cast Me Not Away
    15. The Edge Of Ruin
    16. I Have Loved You

    Part II: The Savior Has Come
    17. Herod The Great, King Of The Jews
    18. The Silence Of The Priest
    19. The Ordinary Overshadowed
    20. When Joseph Woke From His Dream
    21. The Birth Of Jesus
    22. Where The Lambs Are Kept
    23. One Star Lit For Them
    24. The Hearts Of Many Revealed
    25. Son Of God, Son Of Man


    Additional Info
    “A page in history was about to turn. Though Israel’s world was in the throes of upheaval, it was only a matter of time before the sun of righteousness would rise. These people needed rescue, but they weren’t waiting for the stars to align or for the political climate to change. They were waiting for God. They were on his timetable. He was sending his Messiah-Immanuel, God with us.”For centuries God’s people awaited the coming of a Savior. In the midst of a world of trouble, they hoped for one who would deliver them from evil and restore them to true life. Would God be faithful to his promises? Pastor Russ Ramsey narrates anew the greatest story ever told-the true tall tale of the coming of the Christ. It’s more than the story of a baby born in Bethlehem; the story encompasses the whole of the Old Testament and all of human history, unveiling God’s longsuffering, loving pursuit of his people. Rediscover how the purposes of God culminated in the coming of Jesus, in twenty-five readings ideal for Christmas or any season of meeting the Savior.Also including The Passion of the King of Glory and The Mission of the Body of Christ, the Retelling the Story series explores the narrative arc of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation in compelling language that is faithful to the text of Scripture. The stories are told afresh to help readers hide God’s word in their hearts by way of their imaginations.

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  • Demasiado Bendecida Para Estar – (Spanish)


    Got 3 minutes to spare? You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you desire in Too Blessed to Be Stressed: 3-Minute Devotions for Women. 180 uplifting readings from bestselling author Debora M. Coty pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, humor, and inspiration into your day. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a short devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

    Hallaras el estimulante espiritual que deseas en Demasiado bendecida para estar estresada: Devocionales de 3 minutos para mujeres. 180 lecturas edificantes de la autora superventas Debora M. Coty, que contienen una poderosa dosis de consuelo, aliento, humor e inspiracion para tu dia.

    Minuto 1: texto biblico en el que meditar

    Minuto 2: una breve lectura devocional

    Minuto 3: una oracion para arrancar una conversacion con Dios.

    Este manejable formato es un fabuloso regalo para todas las mujeres, en cualquier ocasion.

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  • Heaven Calling : 365 Day Devotional


    This is a book for the humble. It is for those who recognize they are broken and in need of a Savior who has the power to renew them day by day.”

    Compiled from fourteen years of his prayer journals, Stephen Van Zant shares a year’s worth of daily devotions inspired by God Calling, a work written anonymously by the Two Listeners in the 1930s. First drawn to faith by its simple messages, the book led him to the spiritual discipline of quiet listening. When he and his wife began to practice this two-way prayer in their own quiet times, they found an added sense of joy, peace, and insight in their morning devotions.

    “I do not claim to be an expert in any matters of faith, but it is my great pleasure to sit with the Lord each morning and allow Him to change me. The more meaningful of my journal entries are from when I experienced the greatest struggles. I have had my fair share of problems and personal trials through twenty-six years of marriage, raising four children, family health issues, practicing law, and experiencing a business failure. This devotional reveals my daily search for peace and joy.”

    “The Jesus who spoke still speaks if we will take the time to listen.”

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  • 31 Days With God At Work


    Marketplace Devotionals provide an opportunity to reflect on what God has to say in His Word about work, career, and relationships with co-workers.

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  • 30 Days Of Hope When Caring For Aging Parents


    In 30 Days of Hope When Caring for Aging Parents, author and fellow caregiver Kathy Howard offers the encouragement needed as you strive to care for your parents in a way that pleases God and shows them honor and respect while maintaining their dignity. Through Scripture passages, prayer prompts, and Kathy’s personal stories, be strengthened in the knowledge that the giver of all wisdom will empower you in the daily moments when you are caught between being your parents’ child and their caregiver.

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  • Life Lived Reading The Word


    This devotional covers 80 years of the author’s understanding. There are 12 paintings illustrating each month and different tools used to instruct.

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  • All Things Beautiful


    At age fifteen, Nikki Leonti signed a record deal and had a successful Christian music career. Three years later she became pregnant out of wedlock, which caused many to turn away from her. When she envisioned her future, she didn’t foresee her life falling apart. Suddenly she was a single parent.

    Many single parents feel alone, ashamed, hopeless, confused, or just plain tired–tempted to give in to the negative voices that say it’s impossible to fulfill the dreams of their youth. From personal stories of overcoming, to Scriptures that were her anchor during the most difficult moments, Nikki shares transparently her journey of experiencing God’s redeeming grace.

    This book will help you:

    *Re-center your heart and mind towards what is good.
    *Navigate through the uncertainty that comes with single parenting.
    *Discover that your baggage can be the source of the greatest joy and restoration.
    *Get back on track to fulfill the incredible purpose God has for your life!

    There is no perfect parent and being a single parent can make you feel even more imperfect. If you’ve experienced the end of relationship, divorce, or loss of a spouse, this book is a great source of encouragement for parenting solo. There is not a past too messy that can keep God from transforming the most hopeless situation into a beautiful story.

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  • Chaos To Peace


    Pink Ant Publishing

    CHAOS to Peace is a 31-day devotional designed to encourage you and strengthen your faith as you complete the 31 BabySteps of the FlyLady housekeeping routine. FlyLady mentor Karen Nelson lays out the scriptural truth of what’s possible when you trust the Lord to bring peace to your life and home. Includes a foreword by FlyLady, Marla Cilley.

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  • Journey : A Daily Walk With The Rose Of Sharon


    For Ron & Patricia Owens, The Journey is a drink offering of adoration poured out to Jesus-the Rose of Sharon. With grateful hearts, the Owens commend to you the poetry, songs, and truths Christ has written on their hearts. May you be encouraged on your journey and drawn closer to Jesus each day.

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  • Reel To Real


    Movies can move your heart and transform your mind.

    Christians want to be inspired and equipped by God’s grace so they can have the more abundant life that Jesus promised in John 1:10. While most of the culture has drifted away from the good news of John 1:10, more and more Hollywood movies proclaim it in word and deed.

    Movieguide(R)’s Movies That Inspire provides forty-five inspirational devotions that exemplify principles from God’s Word, using powerful moments from great movies and entertainment. Each devotion is insightful and uplifting, illustrating a meaningful theme as demonstrated in three popular movies.

    Movies are a powerful medium to communicate truth. Movies That Inspire will help you discover God’s heart in movie favorites as you enjoy the relaxation of entertainment.

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  • Everyday Holy : Finding A Big God In The Little Moments 100 Devotions


    It is a rite of passage for every woman: the day you wake up and say, “Wait, THIS is the life I signed up for?!?”We’ve all been there-Melanie Shankle is just brave enough to say it out loud. Everyday Holy is your invitation to reexamine your life and find the beautiful little pieces that create a picture of a beautiful big God.

    Nobody is more surprised about this devotional than Melanie Shankle, but enough people have asked her The Questions that it is finally time to address them:

    Is Instagram making me crazy, or am I actually supposed to live like that?
    How can I tell if I’ve permanently damaged my children by sharing their lives on Facebook?
    Doubts with my faith and concerns with the church are normal, right?
    Is cookie dough straight from the fridge fine if it’s organic?
    Common theme: Am I okay? Is my life significant? How do we measure significance, anyway? Melanie’s hilarious and poignant insight offers you the deep breath of relief that God is working in all of the moments, no matter how big or how small. Everyday Holy: Finding a Big God in the Little Moments invites you to see your life as God intended: rich with opportunity, significance, and beauty, even on days that feel overwhelmingly ordinary.

    Everyday Holy is for you if you’re looking for the line that connects the dots. It’s for you if you wonder where God is in this mess-or how, exactly, He’s working behind the scenes. Whether you feel overwhelmed or disillusioned or frustrated by how your life feels, there’s room for you at this table, and good news! We’re all in this together.

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  • Revelation : 30 Day Devotional (Student/Study Guide)


    Does the church have a future?

    Across the generations troubled Christians have often asked this question. Even as early as the end of the first century the future of the church hung in the balance. False teaching, internal division, and persecution were rife. Emperor Domitian had exiled the apostle John, probably in his 90s, on the island of Patmos. You can imagine John, pacing up and down the island at night, looking across the sea to the cities on the shore, wondering, “Does the church have a future?”

    Into this situation the Lord comes and makes these glorious revelations. He gives John this vision and tells him to write to the seven churches of Asia Minor, in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, in what is now called Turkey.

    To each of these churches Jesus says, “I know… I know your hopes and dreams, your faults and failings, your joys and sorrows, your temptations and frustrations.” Jesus knew each church, and so he could speak wisely and truthfully into each circumstance. He said some hard things to shake the believers out of their apathy. He also spoke words of comfort. The letter ends by pointing the believers to heaven, a reminder that despite their present struggles, ultimately they are on the side of victory.

    Today the church still faces internal division, opposition and persecution. It is understandable that some believers ask, “Does the church have a future?”

    The answer is the same as it always has been. Absolutely.

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  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day By Day


    A groundbreaking, life-changing devotional for anyone desiring a more intentional, structured, communion time with God.

    In this groundbreaking devotional book, Peter Scazzero introduces the ancient spiritual discipline of the Daily Office. The basic premise of the Daily Office is simple: We need to intentionally stop to be with God more than once a day so that practicing the presence of God becomes real in our lives.

    Each of the themes in this eight-week devotional is based on a chapter from the bestselling book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality-although you don’t have to have read that book to benefit from these devotions. Each day offers two devotional times-Morning/Midday and Midday/Evening-where each pause can last from five to twenty minutes.

    Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day also serves as a companion to the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) book and the EHS Course (a DVD curriculum).

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  • Embraced : 100 Devotions To Know Gods Is Holding You Close


    Embraced is the beautiful new devotional from Lisa TerKeurst, the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave. Embraced features 100 devotions that will resonate with women in all stages of life.

    Lysa’s Most Powerful Insights
    Together for the First Time
    in a Devotional

    Lysa TerKeurst is one of the world’s most influential Christian authors and speakers. She is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of more than 4 million books, including Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave.

    Favorite themes from Lysa’s bestselling books have been brought together for the first time in a beautiful new devotional. The 100 readings were chosen for their relevance to the issues women face in matters of faith, marriage, motherhood, career, and church.

    The devotions include Lysa’s trademark “sticky statements” on a variety of topics such as:

    personal identity
    our gifts and God’s glory
    intimacy with God
    cleaning clutter from our lives
    negative thoughts
    the Holy Spirit
    feelings of isolation
    making good decisions
    A handy topical index gives you the freedom to flip directly to areas of interest, or you can read chronologically each day. Lysa’s hope is that with every devotion, you will know God’s love exactly where you are, no matter where that may be.

    With an exquisite cloth cover, highly designed interior, ribbon marker, and stained page edges, Embraced will be a treasured keepsake for you as well as a meaningful gift for those you love.

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  • Jesus Calling 50 Devotions For Peace


    More than 20 million people have been touched by Jesus Calling(R). Experience Sarah’s words in a new way, focused specifically on the peace only Jesus provides. The Jesus Calling topical devotionals-releasing simultaneously-each feature 50 readings from Jesus Calling with relevant Scripture verses on the topics of comfort, peace, and encouragement.

    Life can be noisy. Pressures, tasks, and anxieties never cease, and sometimes the peace Jesus promises can seem unreachable. But it’s closer than you think. Jesus Calling 50 Devotions for Peace is written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to your heart, saying, “Peace. Be still.”

    Readers around the world already love how Sarah’s words connect with them on a daily basis. Now the new Jesus Calling topical devotionals offer a way to focus even more deeply on the major felt needs in your life . . . and in the lives of your friends, family, church, school, and co-workers.

    With a beautiful, vibrant cover and stunning four-color photography, this topical devotional is a natural addition to the Sarah Young brand-and the perfect way to pour into those you love.

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  • Praying Psalms


    In Praying Psalms Ian Stackhouse offers daily reflections on all 150 psalms. In so doing, he seeks to alert the reader to the sheer emotional range of the Psalter in the hope that this will give courage to pray bold, honest prayers. Indeed, Praying Psalms is best used not as a commentary but a basic primer for anyone wanting to encounter the psalms in all their rawness and vitality. Whether in small groups settings or private prayer, and whether in sequence or in random selection, Praying Psalms is a confident reassertion of the central place of the Psalter in Christian spirituality.

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  • Proven Player : The Instruction Manual To Building Character In Sports And


    Proven Player serves as an instructional manual to be used by coaches and athletes to strengthen the development of their character as it pertains to sports and life. In this life there seems to always be a need to prove one’s self and with that thought a person needs to know what it takes to demonstrate the accurate character traits that makes one a “Proven Player.” If a person is to know how to handle certain situations on the plateau of their given sport or within this life, he or she will need a plan to insure that the situations on the playing field and in life are responded to in a proper manner that brings a greater passion for life and those around them that are affected by their responses.
    Proven Player is that plan!

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  • Holy Ground : An Alphabet Of Prayer


    Too often we turn prayer into well-intentioned patterns of our own making. Too often we assume prayer is primarily about words. Sometimes there’s an almost magical understanding that if we get the words right, if we trust enough or believe enough, God will “”answer.”” But most of us know that God is not a divine magician or our own personal valet and that prayer is much more than our feeble attempts to make God pay attention to what God already knows. Using the alphabet as a template of descriptive words and actions, Holy Ground: An Alphabet of Prayer invites reflection about prayer as paying Attention, looking for Beauty, showing Compassion, practicing Devotion, celebrating Enthusiasm–all the way to the end of the alphabet and discovering Wonder, X as mystery, and Z as Zeal. These reflections will help readers experience prayer as a place, an action, or attitude, a stance for recognizing and acknowledging God’s presence in the midst of ordinary life–something like the sigh of the shoemaker, too busy to drop his worn shoes and kneel in disciplined prayer, but not too busy to sigh his prayer of gratitude. Prayer is so much more than words.

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  • Follow Me A Seasonal Journey


    Follow Me – A Seasonal Journey
    A Personal Worship Resource for the Church Calendar Year
    (Includes Journal with Audio Narration and Music)
    Featuring the Paintings of Daniel Bonnell with
    Reflections from Contributing Writer, Roger Housden
    Here you will find a rarified and evocative combination of the arts (music, art, and poetry)buttressing the clear meaning of the liturgical church’s yearly calendar.

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  • Surrounded By Grace (Student/Study Guide)


    Pastors love to preach about grace. The essence of the Good News, grace is unmerited favor from the all-powerful Creator of the world. There is perhaps no more satisfying message to deliver.

    But does the average churchgoer really understand what grace means for them? Is it just another “Christianese” term that fails to resonate?

    Bill Thomas’ Surrounded by Grace: A Bible Study for Lent is a tool based on the Gospel of John to help pastors, small groups and congregations answer the question of what grace is in a modern context. From the story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana to his conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, Thomas uses John’s words to affirm that the Lord’s favor extends to all no matter how insignificant we see ourselves or our problems.

    Written to be utilized for individual or group study, or for worship services during the Lenten season, Surrounded by Grace encourages the imagination to ponder that there is no storm so great the Lord cannot overcome it; no pain so deep he will not sustain us through it; no death so final he will fail to resurrect us from it.

    Lessons Include:

    “Grace for Those Awkward Moments” (John 2:1-11)
    “Grace for the Broken Heart” (John 11:17-44)
    “Grace When Things Are Chaotic” (John 16:17-33)

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  • Rediscover The Bible


    Kitsap Publishing

    The Bible is arguably the most influential book ever written, and it remains the best-selling book in America every year. Yet increasingly, in our secular age, the Bible remains on our bookshelves, unread. In Rediscover the Bible–Or Discover It for the First Time, Pastor Michael Pickard offers a fresh narration of the Bible’s story, and its continuing relevance, for the curious, the confused, and the committed reader.

    In this 366-day devotional commentary, Pickard takes the reader on a lively guided journey through the whole Bible, Genesis to Revelation. Each daily reading provides a helpful summary of the text, insights into the cultural context, contemporary application and a brief prayer.

    By investing about 15 minutes a day, for one year, the reader will see the Big Story of the Bible come into focus. You’ll discover how the Bible’s story of Creation, Fall, Redemption and New Creation helps us make sense of life and draw closer to God, our Creator.

    This book can be used for daily devotional reading, for group discussion, as a teaching resource and for personal research.

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  • Whats Next Jesus


    Documeant Publishing

    What’s Next Jesus? Taste and See is the second book in Triune God Bible Study Guide series about the Trilogy. As in the first book, The Nature of God, Through Jesus Christ, you will be drawn nearer to The Father as you dwell on His words and read about His Son’s miracles. I invite you to open the cover and be reminded as you Taste and See.

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  • Yes You Can


    Sandy Ellyn Hunt

    The Yes, You Can Devotional is a 40 day journaling devotional that will launch you into a lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus and empower you to walk boldly and confidently in your God-given identity as a daughter of the King.

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  • Total Devotion : 365 Days Of Spending Time With Jesus (Revised)


    Revised and updated, this 365-day devotional will lead you into a deeper relationship with God–and others! Living your faith isn’t always easy. By shedding biblical light on real-life situations, this book will help you navigate any challenges that come your way. If you’re ready to start taking your faith seriously, you’re ready for Total Devotion.

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  • Gods Wisdom For Navigating Life


    From pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller comes a beautifully packaged, yearlong daily devotional based on the Book of Proverbs

    Proverbs is God’s book of wisdom, teaching us the essence and goal of a Christian life. In this 365-day devotional, Timothy Keller offers readers a fresh, inspiring lesson for every day of the year based on different passages within the Book of Proverbs. With his trademark knowledge, Keller unlocks the wisdom within the poetry of Proverbs and guides us toward a new understanding of what it means to live a moral life. God’s Wisdom for Navigating Life is a book that readers will be able to turn to every day, year after year, to cultivate a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God. This makes a perfect companion to Keller’s devotional on the Psalms, The Songs of Jesus.

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  • Reset : 20 Ways To A Consistent Prayer Life


    You want a vibrant, empowering connection with Jesus and this book will point the way. Whether you’re launching or rebooting your secret place, lay down the essential building blocks that will give your prayer life longevity. Take the 20/20 challenge-devote 20 minutes a day to prayer for 20 days. Discover the delight of an abiding relationship with Jesus and launch a prayer habit that will continue to grow all your days.

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  • Quilting Lessons


    God longs to use the broken pieces of our lives by fashioning them into a living mosaic for His glory.

    Quilting Lessons stitches together classic quilt names with timeless applications of spiritual truth connected to the popular and enduring quilting tradition.

    Thirty meditations inspired by well-loved quilt patterns contain a story related to a quilt block, a Bible verse, a spiritual application, and a prayer to cultivate the character quality inspired by the quilt name.

    –Personal stories point readers to God’s work in everyday life.
    –Celebrates the quilter’s pastime and affirms faith and values.
    –Meditations on beautiful patterns like “Broken Dishes” or “Lone Star” speak to the hearts of contemporary readers.

    For those who love quilts and for those who know what it is to have broken pieces in their lives.

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  • Winter


    Winter. It’s a season of celebration. A season of beauty and anticipation. A season of snow flakes and scarves, and watching flames dance in the replace.

    We spend time enhancing relationships with family and friends, sharing meals and attending parties. We exchange smiles with strangers and gifts with loved ones.

    This 90-day devotional will encourage you to spend some time with God, celebrating the gift of his Son. Experience his life, joy, and peace during the busyness of the celebration season.

    Beautifully designed interior wrapped with exquisite faux leather, heat-stamped and de-bossed with foil.

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  • Mastery : Daily Devotions For A Year


    Jesus Christ lifted our fear by giving us the capacity to face things that happen to us and to make something out of them. In Mastery, E. Stanley Jones shows us how to attain the moral and spiritual mastery that came to disciples on the Day of Pentecost. He demonstrates that mastery of living comes not by being tense and anxious but by being receptive to the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. In daily inspirational readings, affirmations, and prayers for one full year, E. Stanley Jones offers us guidance in mastering our lives.

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  • Wilderness Wanderings : Finding Contentment In The Desert Times Of Life


    25 devotionals for women, reflecting on our journey to the Promised Land. Are you wandering in the wilderness of life? Losing your battle for contentment? Come follow the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land, and see the parallel struggles in your own life. Find hope and encouragement for your desert times of want and uncertainty.

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  • Jesus Always Deluxe Edition (Large Type)


    Experience true joy-now and always. You have heard Jesus’ voice and responded to His invitation to peace and hope. With scripture and personal reflections, the #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young, brings Jesus’ message of joy-for today and every day.

    Life today is full of difficulties-loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent. He offers life abundant, life to the fullest, life brimming with joy! Jesus Always, the brand new 365-day devotional from bestselling author Sarah Young, was written as part of Sarah Young’s exploration of the promises of joy in scripture. Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living-a life of joy.

    Reaching out with joy-filled reminders from the Word of God, these devotions will intimately and gently connect you with Jesus-the One who meets you where you are. Draw near to Him in Jesus Always.

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  • Your Light Gives Us Hope


    Celebrated author and Benedictine monk Anselm Grun offers a daily reader of very simple and often quite direct Advent reflections. Anselm Grun shows the reader how to approach the festive season consciously, making it a blessed time for ourselves and our families. He draws on his experience as a spiritual director to offer practices for personal devotion or for family prayer for each day of Advent. Also included are special reflections for the Sundays of the season. Anselm Grun’s titles have sold more than 15 million copies in 30 languages. This title brings his spiritual wisdom to American readers who are eager for a new voice among titles for the Advent and Christmas season.

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  • All My Words Have Holes In Them


    * Powerful, image-filled reflections on listening to and responding to the Holy within and around us * Personal devotional reading: words for the wordless Have you ever worked up the courage to pray and opened your mouth to discover you didn’t know what to say? Perhaps you were worried you might sound foolish or like a toddler or worse yet, you might say something you didn’t really mean. Or have you ever steadied yourself to pray, lit a candle, rang the singing bowl, and realized that there were no words in our human language that could possibly contain what it is that you want to say in prayer. Our words have holes in them. Ginny Wilder offers a collection of prayers, poems, reflections, and stories written from a heart that knows what it is like to dwell in the fringe and in the wilderness. It was her ongoing conversation with God, knowing that her words had holes in them, that helped keep her connected and grounded when leaving and coming back to church. These writings are geared towards those who need a different kind of way to nourish their spiritual journey – the spiritually hungry, lost (and found), seekers, and anyone contemplating their prayer life and relationship with God. The language is simple, the settings are personal, and the conversation is always between our hearts and the heart of our God.

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  • When Im On My Knees 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    The Million-Copy Bestseller Is Back in a Beautiful 20th Anniversary Edition

    When I’m on My Knees has blessed more than a million readers since its 1997 release. Now this inspiring devotional is available in a 20th anniversary edition in a beautiful new package. With themes like praise, forgiveness, healing, trials love, God’s faithfulness, and worship, Anita Corrine Donihue’s encouraging devotional thoughts touch all aspects of your life.

    “Great things happen when I’m on my knees,” Anita writes. “Forces of heaven are released when one person goes to prayer.”

    The heartfelt prayers, devotional thoughts, and poetry that made When I’m on My Knees a bestseller are all here, complemented by a lovely new design-a joyful reminder of God’s many blessings and His wondrous works.

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  • Devotions On The Greek New Testament Volume Two


    Devotions on the Greek New Testament, Volume Two contains an entirely new set of 52 devotions written by over 25 of today’s best biblical language scholars. Contributors include Christopher Beetham, Jeannine K. Brown, Peter H. Davids, David A. DeSilva, J. Scott Duvall, Nijay Gupta, Frederick J. Long, David W. Pao, Anthony C. Thiselton, Cindy Long Westfall, and many more. The main point of each devotion in Devotions on the Greek New Testament, Volume Two comes from a careful reading of the passage in the Greek New Testament, not from an English translation. The authors use a variety of exegetical approaches in their devotions – including grammatical, lexical, rhetorical, sociohistorical, and linguistic – and each devotion closes with a practical application or spiritual reflection. Devotions on the Greek New Testament, Volume Two contains a devotion on every book in the New Testament and can be used as a weekly devotional or as a supplemental resource throughout a semester or sequence of courses. These devotions will inspire you to keep reading and meditating on the Scriptures and find new treasures from the biblical text.

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  • Unshakeable : 365 Devotions For Finding Unwavering Strength In Gods Word


    God is bigger than your current story. He is bigger than fear or shame or that small voice in your head that whispers that you are not enough, too broken, or too flawed. Join Him in a closer, daily relationship-one rooted in truth and therefore Unshakeable. In this daily devotional Christine Caine encourages you to find confidence to live as the person God created you to be and to show His power in your life.

    Bestselling author and international activist Christine Caine knows about shame and fear, and she has experienced firsthand the healing and restorative power found in Christ. Unshakeable, a 365 daily devotional, takes you on an empowering and encouraging journey through the nature of God and how He has plans to fulfill His promises in your life. With her iconic voice declaring boldness and courage, you will find your footing in the Lord and learn what it truly means to be unashamed, undaunted, and unstoppable. To be UNSHAKEABLE.

    This beautiful devotional is a powerful gift for friends and family alike, or the perfect way to jump-start your own faith into action. If you are looking for a way to truly know the Lord, to believe His plans for your life, and to be firm in your identity, Unshakeable is the devotional you’ve been waiting for.

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  • Experience The Power Of Gods Names


    Let the Power of God’s Names Transform Your Daily Life

    The many names of God reveal His characteristics and contain powerful promises to you as a believer. Each of these 85 devotions will introduce you to one of God’s unique names, including a key Scripture, practical application, and encouragement to help you in your everyday life.

    Discover the rich blessings waiting for you when you encounter God as…

    Elohim – The Strong Creator God
    You put the universe together with Your words-thank You for knowing how to put my life together as well.

    Jehovah – The Relational God
    You rule over all, and yet You also seek a relationship with Your creation. You are worthy of all praise and worship.

    Adonai – Master Over All
    Thank You for being my Lord and my Master and yet allowing me to know You intimately.

    …and many more!

    This beautifully designed devotional makes an ideal gift or a great addition to your own quiet time with God.

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  • Adored : 365 Devotions For Young Women


    In an ever-changing world, we can be certain of one thing: we are beloved by God. Adored: 365 Devotions for Young Women tackles tough topics girls face, from bullying and social media to friendships and dating, all the while showing readers how infinitely precious they are in God’s sight.

    Each day features an easy-to-read, relevant devotion paired with a scripture verse and journaling space to help readers reflect on the day’s message. With honest, poignant, and sometimes humorous text, every page will speak to the pressures and changes girls face, giving them real-world applications to find God in their hearts and in their lives. Perfect for everyday use, Adored will resonate with girls searching for truth and guidance. Gift givers will love this highly designed book featuring a beautiful, foiled cover, two-color interior pages, and a ribbon marker.

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  • Let The Earth Rejoice


    These 365 daily readings reveal the ever changing testament to the imagination and creativity of our God. His mighty hand crafted the tallest mountain and the most delicate snowflake. More than thirty writers share their observations and reflections of God’s goodness in the beauty and wonder of nature. Let All Nature Sing equips readers each day to know that the same God who created the ocean and cares for the hummingbird, also created and cares for you.

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  • Lavender Hair : 21 Devotions For Women With Breast Cancer


    A happy heart is good medicine.

    On October 8, 2015, Victoria Jackson was getting ready for her 45-minute stand up routine at Zanie’s Comedy Club in Nashville. But instead of enjoying the pre-show excitement, she was laying on the couch in the green room coughing nonstop, drinking tea with lemon and honey, and sucking on cough drops.

    Vicki had many scary moments growing up: doing a back handspring on the four-inch balance beam; performing stand up comedy; auditioning for Saturday Night Live; and getting held up by a robber with a gun in a parking lot in downtown Los Angeles.

    But being told she had cancer was her scariest moment. Join Vicki as she:
    * wonders “why me?” and if her lollipop addiction caused the cancer
    *writes a ukulele song in the MRI waiting room
    *undergoes a double mastectomy with secret messages written in permanent marker to her doctor on her chest and stomach
    *goes through chemotherapy, radiation, baldness, and lavender hair
    *discovers that Jesus is enough
    *performs at Zanie’s to a standing ovation nearly one year after her diagnosis

    If you are one of the one-in-eight women who’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, or if you know someone who has, this 21-day devotional is full of humor, insight, and comfort as you walk with God through this dark valley.

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  • Pink Toolbelt A Devotional


    Carpenters Guide Publishing Title

    At a time when Mary Dodd’s life was careening out of control, God gave her an epiphany: Be a true disciple of Christ.

    Too simple to bring about much change? Mary was desperate enough to try it. She began to apply that simple principle in every area of life, every day of her life, and her life began to transform.

    Making that change required a set of tools. Not the physical hammer and tape measure she was used to, but figurative and spiritual tools that Mary used to bring her life more in line with Christ’s teachings.

    In The Pink Toolbelt, Mary describes those tools so that other women can use them too. A few of these tools include:

    The spiritual safety harness
    Spiritual safety goggles
    The beatitude building blocks
    And many more

    In 70 daily readings, Mary Dodd guides readers through not a construction project, but a remodeling project: Remaking their lives to more closely match the life Jesus Christ taught us to live.

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  • Advent For Everyone


    Advent for Everyone: A Journey with the Apostles provides readers with an inspirational guide through the Advent season, from the first Sunday in Advent through the Saturday after the Fourth Sunday in Advent. Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation and brief reflection, helping readers understand Advent in the wider context of God’s love.

    Wright’s engaging and accessible writing and imagery help us see Advent both in relation to the Bible’s message and in our own lives today. Each week discusses key themes for the season: thanksgiving, patience, humility, and joy. This book is suitable for both individual and group study and reflection.

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  • 100 Days To Brave


    No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’re up against or dreaming of or praying for-God has a plan for you. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy or simple. But God promises to be faithful. And He gives you the power to be brave! Find out how to grow your faith and chase your dreams with 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs.

    Annie F. Downs knows what it’s like to feel that the circumstances you’re walking through are too big, too scary, too different. In her book Let’s All Be Brave, she talked about how God made a path for her to grow in ways she never imagined possible, and how He has those big plans for your life too! Now, in this 100-day guide to being brave, Annie invites you deeper into your own journey.

    Is it a new job? A big move? A scary conversation? Find the strength of the Lord and the peace He promises through 100 different devotions on the topic, each with a “Be Brave” challenge. By taking these small, daily steps, you will find yourself much closer to the person God created you to be by the end of the book.

    This book will walk you through making major decisions, dealing with a difficult transition, or facing your fears. Through the journey you’ll find a deeper faith with a solid biblical basis. One hundred devotions will explore being brave enough to believe God is who He says He is and you are who He says you are, being brave enough to dream big, being brave enough to work hard, being brave enough to love and serve others well, and being brave enough to persevere, among other topics.

    The perfect gift for anyone going through a major life transition or maybe just feeling stuck in a rut-100 Days to Brave will jump-start goals, dreams, and adventures, no matter where you may be in life.

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  • Indescribable : 100 Devotions For Kids About God And Science


    Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science will engage curious minds and help them discover that God’s design truly is awe-inspiring. In 100 devotions on topics such as creation, the universe, our amazing bodies, and weather, kids will understand what millions of adults have gleaned from Louie Giglio’s beloved message Indescribable.

    Pastor and author Louie Giglio invites kids to think about the questions they encounter in day-to-day life and to find God’s glory in creation in his first-ever children’s book, Indescribable.

    Full of fun four-color illustrations and amazing photography to capture the beauty and wonder of the world we live in, Indescribable promises to challenge kids’ understanding as well as encourage their faith in God the Creator. Each devotion includes a science section that can range from amazing facts to awesome experiments kids can do on their own or with the help of a parent.

    Engage the hearts and minds of the young readers in your life, and satisfy the curious questions that pepper every day with Indescribable by Louie Giglio.

    One hundred entries from Louie will cover topics from all areas of science with devotions on these issues and more:
    *Space and the universe
    *Molecules and tiny matter
    *Medical science and medical miracles
    *Our amazing bodies
    *Geology and fossils
    *Weather and the atmosphere

    This devotional will be unique, engaging, and beautifully designed. Parents will be thrilled to share the messages of both science and faith with their children, giving Indescribable major appeal for years to come.

    This is a fabulous resource for Christian families and for Christian schools and programs.

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  • 365 Devotions For Living Joyfully


    Discover the joy of the Lord in fresh ways through the beautiful new 365 Devotions for Living Joyfully. Full of simple, accessible devotions for every day of the year, this book will help you find deep, unshakable, biblical joy and will inspire you to live your most joyful life.

    In the midst of busy schedules and endless to-do lists, joy seems like a luxury few can afford, let alone a foundational part of an identity rooted in Christ. God promises His children a life of joy, and yet it remains so easy to lose sight of the gifts He offers every day. Take a few minutes each morning to rekindle this biblical understanding of a joy-filled life with the beautiful and inspirational new book, 365 Devotions for Living Joyfully.

    Reflect on the abundant life God holds out to you, and rediscover how joy can transform your heart. With Scripture verses and a prayer on each page, these devotions will inspire and grow your faith as you begin to see life as God truly intended it-full of abounding joy! Take heart and refresh your soul every day of the year through the encouraging words of 365 Devotions for Living Joyfully.

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  • At The Masters Side


    A year’s worth of delightful reflections on dogs known and loved, each leading into a consideration of some aspect of God’s character. Stephen Poxon says, “Within what I hope will become this dog-eared work, 365 shaggy dog stories are homed with verses of Scripture to encourage, inform and possibly even amuse. Use them as a dog might treat a puddle – to gaze upon with curiosity, to dip into, or to have a jolly good splash around. It might be that a line from a reflection will lead you towards a deeper concept. It might be that a thought provides a timely contemplation for the day, relevant to your circumstances and concerns. “It is my prayer, as a dog devotee who tries to follow God, that these readings bring reminders of His love. As the seasons change and experiences vary between good, bad and indifferent, may our relationship with a loving Heavenly Father remain a rewarding constant.”

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  • In Days To Come


    A rich observance of Advent and Christmas that extends into the New Year. Many people end their celebration of Christmas on December 25, but George Donigian reminds us that the celebration is just beginning. Donigian offers meditations that begin with Advent and continue through the 12th night of Christmas-January 6 or Epiphany. The meditations, like the surprises of an Advent calendar, touch on many different subjects. Some topics included are “An Editor,” “A Counting Song,” “Prudence,” and “Chrismons.” Instead of putting away the decorations on December 25, celebrate all the days to come!

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  • Gift And Task


    The God whom we meet in Scripture is one who gives generous gifts in the wonder of creation, in the miracle of emancipation and reconciliation, and in the surprise of transformation. We are invited to receive those abundant gifts on a daily basis, with a posture of anticipation, awe, and gratitude. In response, we accept the worthy task of daily discipleship.

    Gift and Task is an original collection of 365 devotions by best-selling author Walter Brueggemann, providing the opportunity to consider in critical ways the cost and joy of discipleship. Perfect for daily use, this book begins with the First Sunday of Advent and provides insightful reflection and thought-provoking commentary on the Scriptures for each day of the year. Brueggemann guides disciples with wisdom and encouragement for our never-ending walk along God’s challenging, grace-filled path throughout the Christian year.

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  • All Earth Is Waiting


    All Earth Is Waiting invites readers to explore the familiar Advent themes of hope, preparation, joy, and peace with the heavens and earth in mind. Through her powerful and personal reflections, author Katie Z. Dawson calls us to consider how all creation longs for the coming of Christ, taking seriously the notion that the good news of Christ is good news for all the world. Anticipating in Christ’s birth the reconciliation of the heavens and the earth, Dawson highlights the responsibility to care for this earth in preparation for Christ’s return. This collection of 28 Advent devotions is the perfect companion piece to the book and includes Scripture, reflections, and prayers for each day to help you prepare your heart during the season of Advent.

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  • Pauses For Advent


    In this beautifully minimalist book, Trevor Hudson focuses on one biblical word of wonder each day of Advent. Pausing for a few moments to read Hudson’s meditations on the word for the day will guide readers to a deeper understanding of Advent. Hudson also briefly explores the lives and thoughts of 4 significant characters in the Christmas story, encouraging readers to immerse themselves in the dramatic story. His simple approach provides a doable daily practice and gently leads readers to discover how they can open their hearts and lives more generously to God.

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