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Cindy Lambert

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  • Survivors Secrets : Once Trafficked, Now Free From Feelings Of Worthlessnes


    In a world where darkness can seem impenetrable, A Survivor’s Secrets emerges as a testament to the indomitable power of the human spirit and the transformative nature of God’s love.

    Just as she emerged from years of childhood physical and sexual abuse, Gina Cavallo found herself ensnared for nearly three years in the clutches of human traffickers, enduring the unspeakable horrors of prostitution. After a harrowing escape, Gina spent the next three decades shackled by fear, shame, and a crushing sense of worthlessness as she concealed her painful past–even from her husband. Her tale is ultimately one of resilience, courage, and eventual liberation. Today, Gina is a prominent speaker, advocate, and mentor for survivors of human trafficking. A Survivor’s Secrets will …

    *increase your understanding of the human trafficking crisis,
    *strengthen your resolve for change,
    *provide insight into the mechanisms used to lure people, and
    *inspire you to advocate for those trapped in bondage.

    You will discover God’s astounding power to free anyone of the grip of fear, shame, and worthlessness that holds so many captive. Witnessing Gina’s pathway to recovery becomes a guided tour to inviting God’s brilliant light to penetrate even the darkest memories and traumas that we or our loved ones have been enduring.

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  • Fierce Mercy : Daring To Live Out God’s Compassion In Bold And Practical Wa


    Abby Johnson thought she knew what mercy was when she ushered desperate women toward abortion as the director of a Planned Parenthood facility. She was wrong. It wasn’t until she understood the blood on her hands that she personally experienced the power of God’s fierce yet tender mercy to transform her life. But she never imagined what could happen once she allowed that very mercy to infiltrate her life and spill out into a hurting world.

    In Fierce Mercy, Abby calls you to experience a transformation of your own. Against the backdrop of her first decade involved in the pro-life movement, Abby helps you discover God’s unrestrained mercy at work in your own life and take steps toward becoming a channel of that life-changing mercy in the world around you. She shows you how to model God’s mercy, freely offer mercy to those who seem undeserving, respond with mercy when others err or offend, and bear witness to God’s unrestrained compassion so that others may know him.

    This is Abby’s challenge to you: dare to do what is hard, what is right, and what is good. And do all of it in love.

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  • Transforming Loneliness


    Loneliness knows no season. It can strike during times of busyness and a full social calendar just as easily as it can when plans are canceled and friends are far off. And we may be surprised just how common loneliness is among our friends, family, and colleagues. But it isn’t inevitable and it isn’t forever. As a single adult for many years, Ruth Graham understands loneliness.

    In Transforming Loneliness, Graham invites you to surrender your loneliness to God and work with him in making healthy choices that lead to life, joy, and community. Through biblical principles and examples, along with true-life stories, you will discover how the core needs that drive your loneliness–the need to be known, to be chosen, to belong, and to be valued–can be met as God transforms your loneliness into a positive experience that accomplishes his purposes and draws you into a closer, more intimate, and more meaningful relationship with him and others.

    Loneliness is not the last word. God designed you for connection, and through his power you will find it. Includes a reader’s discussion guide and the UCLA Loneliness Survey.

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  • Forgiving My Father Forgiving Myself


    When we live with unresolved anger or hurt, the result is nearly always bitterness, broken relationships, and unhealthy behaviors. Unforgiveness not only sabotages our interactions with those around us, it impedes our own spiritual growth and inner peace. And it can happen to anyone.

    In her most vulnerable writing yet, Ruth Graham reveals how a visit to Angola Prison inspired her to release the unforgiveness lurking in her own heart–toward others, herself, and even her heavenly Father and her earthly father, evangelist Billy Graham. In this encouraging book, she weaves her own personal experiences with biblical examples to explore what holds us back from forgiving others and ourselves–and what we gain when we finally discover the power to forgive. Along the way, she guides us into our own deeply personal experiences of forgiveness that will penetrate our protective walls and unleash true transformation in our lives.

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