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Chris Louer

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  • I Saw Heaven


    Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the stars when you look up at the sky? Most of us are very familiar with the solar system. In addition to planets, the Solar System is made up of moons, asteroids, comets, much smaller planets, dust and gas. Everything in the Solar System revolves around the sun. However, what lies beyond what we can see with our human technology? Did our Creator just stop creating in the darkness of outer space? What about this place called heaven? Is this a real place or just a fabrication for those who desperately need to know there is something wonderful to look forward to, after this life? On Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2009, the Lord opened my eyes to see something so extraordinary. He gave me a glimpse of heaven. It wasn’t until now that I felt it was time to put this in writing as an inspiration to all those who wonder, “Is there an afterlife, and if so, what is it like?” In the book I Saw Heaven, A glimpse into Eternity, you will take a journey with me to a place that is so far beyond what any of us could fathom. Up until this experience, my own view of heaven was largely based on the Bible, and little bits of information I have heard over the years. On that day, however, my view of heaven came alive like a 3D panoramic movie; but it wasn’t a movie; what I saw was real! After this heavenly experience, my life will never be the same, and I live to encourage others to receive Christ as their Savior, and to let them know that what awaits them when they die is a paradise that is unlike anything they could possibly imagine!

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  • I Hear I Obey


    God always speaks clearly, simply, and concisely, in His Word. His Words always carry with them great meaning for you and me. His words also are written in such a way so that we can understand and obey them. In the book, I Hear I Obey, you will learn the importance of obedience, on every level, especially to God. You will also discover how the words “to hear” tie directly in with our obedience. You see, we must first hear God’s Word, before we can obey Him. Join with me, step by step, as we learn how to obey the Master’s voice and graduate from His School of Obedience. Also discover the importance of family to God. By making family a priority in our lives, we are obeying God.

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  • Pursuing Your Passion


    In this book, Pursuing Your Passion, as a child of God, you will learn how to identify your passion. More importantly, however, you will learn valuable lessons that will be encountered along the way. Throughout this book, we will explore the passion and pursuit of Nehemiah in God’s Word. Learn how God develops a servant’s heart in all of us first and foremost. Through studying God’s Word, see how obstacles we face must come, to see what we’re really made of, and how these obstacles can actually strengthen our passion. Walk with me, as we read about Nehemiah’s passion, and how he pursued it. Dare to take a risk, and step out in your own passion. Are you ready to pursue your passion? Get ready to embark upon an adventure!

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  • What Label Are You Wearing


    All of us wear some kind of fashion label down the red carpet of life. Whether we realize it or not, we have an audience watching us each day to see what we’re wearing. Are we wearing the label of fear, or confidence? Are we wearing the label of selfishness, or grace and love? Do people in the audience know we are labeled “Child of God?” Does it show? In this book, What Label Are You Wearing?, we will learn about what’s in a label, which ones should stick and which ones should be torn off. We will learn the meaning of wearing the label “Made In Christ, Inc.”

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  • Listening Gift : Learning To Hear Beyond The Words


    We have a crisis brewing in our nation today. The crisis I am speaking about is the failure on our part to really listen and hear one another. It is plaguing marriages, affecting our children, as well as our friendships. This in turn affects God’s church. The Listening Gift is a book that is relevant for today. It is for those who desire better communication skills and richer relationships. This includes our relationship with our spouse, our children, our friends, co-workers, and most importantly, with our Heavenly Father.

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  • Staircases To Transformation


    The Song of Solomon or “Song of Songs” is a story of intimacy between King Solomon and a Schulamite girl, his bride. It has also been interpreted by some to be an allegory of the love relationship between Christ and His Bride. However you choose to interpret this book, no one can deny the passion and intimacy that the king and his bride enjoy together. In the book Staircase to Transformation, we will take a journey with the Schulamite girl as her groom leads her into intimacy with him, and changes her into a strong woman of God. By following her journey, may your relationship with Christ become closer than ever, and may you be transformed into that woman of God you were created to be. Solomon 2:10 “Arise my darling, my beautiful one and come along

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