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Futuristic Fiction

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  • Harbinger 2 The Return


    COMING SOON! Trade Paper Version of NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Best-Selling Book!

    Following the 2020 launch of The Harbinger II, this blockbuster is still at #1 on Publisher’s Weekly with the original The Harbinger at #3, and The Book of Mysteries at #9 (March 2021).

    From the author that brought you 6 New York Times best-selling books including The Harbinger, The Book of Mysteries, and The Oracle

    Is America heading to judgment? What lies ahead? Discover what no book has ever revealed . . . until now!

    Are the unprecedented crises of our times, the signs and warnings of coming judgment?

    Does an ancient mystery hold the secret to the events of our times, and the future of America and the world?

    Is this mystery even behind the shakings that have now overtaken the world and America?

    How much time do we have left?

    In 2012, Jonathan Cahn caused a worldwide sensation with the release of his first book and massive bestseller The Harbinger. It was hailed as ‘stunning,’ ‘prophetic’ ‘mind-blowing,’ and ‘astonishing.’ Cahn followed it with bestseller after bestseller but he has always held off on writing a sequel. But now, for the first time, Cahn opens up what could not be unlocked before – the mysteries that couldn’t be revealed until the present time, the manifestations that have taken place since The Harbinger came out and up to the present hour, and the mysteries of what is yet to come.

    Ever since The Harbinger was released, people have been asking:

    Is an ancient mystery determining America’s future?

    Have the harbingers of judgment continued to manifest on American soil?

    Is America closer now than ever before to judgment and what lies ahead for America and the world?

    The Harbinger ended by speaking of what was yet to come. That which was written is now coming true. After years of holding back, because he believed it wasn’t yet the time, Jonathan Cahn has now written the sequel. The Harbinger II is being hailed as “a prophetic masterpiece” even more powerful and stunning than the first book and will take the mystery to new dimensions and disclose what could not be revealed in The Harbinger or until now. The Harbinger II will open up the mysteries of the Gate, the Watchmen, the Mystery Ship, the Word in the Ruins, the Book of Days, the Image, the Judgment Tree, the Children of the Ruins, the Convergence, the Handwriting on the Wall, and much more. It will ultimately reveal the mystery of what is yet t

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  • WoE Is Us


    Lyrian Wallace was only ten years old when the Malevolence struck on October 10, 2056. She thought the next decade had numbed her to the grief, the death, the bots, and the daily struggle for survival. She lost her parents when they became Sleepers, but like everyone else, she had pieced together a new family. Lyrian was almost content when the Alliance began taking them . . .

    The world always took things away from her. She could only live for today and never dared to hope for any heaven. But when her circumstances change, Lyrian must choose how she might live for both this life and the next.

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  • Significant


    Johann Smedley Oberhausen is a 16-year-old child prodigy with gifts in academics and baseball, but when he and his friends in the Eleutheria Club record top-secret phone calls from two devious, powerful men, Johann is forced to take a break from his college classes to help stop an impending world disaster.

    With family friend Chief Ryan leading their efforts, Johann teams up with Chinese student Huang-Tai, Eleutheria Club members, and many others from various U.S. departments, corporations, and countries to launch a satellite into space that could save millions of lives from two dominating men who can’t fight their own battles.

    In his fight against the clock, Johann realizes the beauty of humanity, and that perhaps every life is significant.

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  • Made For Mercy


    Barely out of their teens and trained as assassins, Rigel members are taught that the Kalideyes are evil and must be destroyed.

    Makise–now named Maru–and her team fight against all odds during their training within the Rigel organization to rid her country of the dreaded and mysterious “people” called Kalideyes. Facing horrors, nightmares, depression, and injuries, how many will survive?

    As Maru prepares for her first mission, she realizes that relying on herself in times of crisis isn’t enough, but her teammates are as broken as she is. When she is forced to fight for her life, who will be there to save her?

    It won’t be long before Maru learns the truth behind the enemy and an even bigger truth, but are these enough to lead her to safety?

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  • Interview With The Antichrist


    The story you are about to read is told from the perspective of Julien, a young journalist in close proximity to a person the Bible calls the “Beast.” Julien will give us a window into the character of the Antichrist and how our last days could unfold according to Scripture’s ultimate plot. This imagined prophetic narrative will also reveal how this coming prince may alter reality and impact humankind–and eventually transform into the most malevolent human in history.

    But what can be known about this man? What does the Bible actually say about this nefarious individual? How close are we to his unveiling?

    More than a suspenseful mystery, however, this speculative account will arouse your prophetic curiosity, whetting your appetite for more information, more solid biblical food on the subject. And you’ll find that in the last section of the book.

    Your imagination and curiosity will soar in this raw, rugged, often shocking account of the rise of the Antichrist.

    He is real, my friend. And he is coming.

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  • Out Ot The Darkness


    A Falling Dusk Publising Title

    The honeymoon is over. Real life must begin and it is here, in Bria and Jonah’s married life, that Bria discovers the strength her friends always knew she had. Along with some of their friends, Bria and Jonah leave their home and family in North Carolina, and travel toward DC in hopes of finding East and bringing her home. Meanwhile, East longs for home, peace, and safety as she perseveres in her mission to save the country. Haz remains by her side and his devotion challenges her to acknowledge the wounds of the past and the fears of the present. In this truth, healing for both of them begins.

    A nation is saved. Friends are lost. Futures are discovered. All questions are answered in this climactic ending to The Light Series.

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  • Oracle : The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled


    To know what the future holds, know what the past is hiding.?

    Jonathan Cahn, author of the New York Times best sellers The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah, The Book of Mysteries, and The Paradigm, now unveils The Oracle, in which he opens up the jubilean prophecies and a mystery so big that it has determined everything from the rise and fall of world empires to two world wars, the current events of our day, the future, end-time prophecy, and much more.

    *Could an ancient prophecy and a mysterious ordinance given in a Middle Eastern desert over three thousand years ago be determining the events of our day?
    *Could some of the most famous people of modern history and current events be secretly linked to this mystery–even a modern president of the United States?
    *Could this ancient revelation pinpoint the events of our times down to the year, month, and day of their occurring?
    *Could a mysterious phenomenon be manifesting on the world stage on an exact timetable determined from ancient times?
    *Could these manifestations have altered–and now be altering–the course of world events?

    Jonathan Cahn takes the reader on a journey to find the man called “the Oracle.” One by one each of the jubilean mysteries will be revealed through the giving of a vision. The Oracle will uncover The Mystery of the Stranger, The Lost City, The Man With the Measuring Line, The Birds, The Return, The Day of the Lions, and much, much more. The reader will discover the ancient scrolls that contain the appointed words that have determined the course of world history from the onset of modern times up to our day. Ultimately The Oracle will reveal the secret that lies behind end-time prophecy and the mystery of the end of the age. As with The Harbinger and The Book of Mysteries, Cahn reveals the mysteries through a narrative; a traveler is given seven keys, each for the opening of one of seven doors. Behind each door lies one of the seven streams of the jubilean mysteries. The reader will be taken on a journey, led by angelic guides, through each door and vision to uncover the ancient secrets that lie behind the world-changing events of modern times. As with Cahn’s other works, the reader will find that the mysteries revealed within the pages of The Oracle are absolutely real, amazing, life-changing, and mind-blowing.

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  • Enclave


    It’s been 50 years since the Great Crash and what was once America is now a collection of enclaves, governed on the local level and only loosely tied together by the farce of a federal government. Catawba, one of the largest and most affluent enclaves in the southern states, is relatively stable and maintains a successful business of trade with nearby enclaves, including the one at Charlotte Township. But when a new vein of gold is found beneath the feet of those in Catawba, it’s only a matter of time before trouble finds them.

    Now the future of Catawba may be in the hands of an untried 17-year-old trader named Caleb. And Caleb knows that if his secret were ever to come out, he would never see another dawn.

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  • Body By Blood


    Dr. Raymond Verity came back to life today. Awakening from an optical-cerebral transplant into a clone body, Ray is amazed at how society changed in the 27 years he was cryo-preserved. Having pioneered cloning technology based on fetal tissue experiments, he has no qualms destroying imperfect samples. Until he meets his only granddaughter and falls in love with her despite her Down Syndrome. When he discovers that Mary Nell is scheduled to be replaced by her genetically-perfect duplicate, Dr. Verity embarks on a desperate mission to atone for his past sins. Can he save both Mary Nell and her clone? Body by Blood is a futuristic thriller which takes you on a heart-pounding journey that will call into question your core beliefs about life.

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  • From The Shadows


    Can cruelty be disguised as courage? Does safety lie in savagery? What happens when the hopes of our hearts are forced to face the truth of our actions?
    Falling Dusk Publishing Title

    In book three of The Light series, Bria and those she loves have escaped the dangers of DC and discovered a town where compassion survives and love blooms. When their comfort comes to an end, each member of the group must decide their path. Some will stay behind. Some will journey on. But all will learn that even the most hoped for moments can be filled with unimaginable sorrow.

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  • Probing : Cycle Three Of The Harbingers Series


    In cycle three of the series, the Harbingers team investigates more mysterious and fascinating supernatural occurrences in Hollywood, a small town in North Carolina, and elsewhere. Can they keep the growing darkness at bay? This fast-paced and ongoing collection reads like your favorite TV series, with each linked episode written by a talented author.

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  • Rewritten : A Novel


    “The Year is 2093. The world is grey and infected, unsafe for human inhabitation. We live sheltered, under The Veil. I live a life just like yours. Until the day that all changes.Who am I? I’m Anna. But who is this man who claims to know me…who knows more about me than I do? He’s shown me a glimpse beyond my world into one I have been told doesn’t exist. Into a world I’ve been told doesn’t even have the CHANCE to exist. Do I trust him? If I do it could cost me everything. My family, my friends. My life. He says he knows a different way, a better way. Do I risk everything to follow a stranger? Do I dare look with my own eyes? Do I risk being deceived? What if the life I am already living is the deception?” From the ashen past and out of the present world the few and the outcast take a stand for what they believe. For what they have seen with their own eyes– and know to be true. These few know that the world has been lied to, lulled into a dangerous sleep. They’ve become a drowsy people, ignorant of The Monarch’s ominous design. Her memories stolen and her past rewritten, will Anna be able to lift the shroud of lies, to escape the confines of a life she has always known and accepted to be true? And if she does…will she survive to see the truth revealed?

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  • Transfusion


    Held captive in the frozen wilderness, transhuman Chase Sterling almost loses faith that he’ll ever be reunited with his bride and with the persecuted souls he’s promised to guard. His escape leads to even greater struggles, and discoveries about his own abilities. At last, he arrives at the unusual location his people have chosen as a hiding place. And then things get complicated. His wife’s been kidnapped and the underground faces annihilation. Victory and heartbreak build Chase’s resolve, until he is forced to face his worst fear. Now he must choose whether to sacrifice himself. He’s endured so much since they transformed him into the world’s first transhuman, but will he survive the final transfusion?

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  • Assault : Cycle Two Of The Harbingers Series (Reprinted)


    The Next Wave of Stories in the Harbingers Series Arrives

    Cycle 2 of the Harbingers series continues the story of four gifted strangers brought together to fight a growing darkness. In Bill Myers’s “The Revealing,” the team finds themselves in Rome trying to retrieve the mystical spear Hitler once owned–the very spear that pierced Christ’s side. This task will take them from hidden chambers inside the Vatican to a mysterious seaside cave with powers they could never expect.

    Frank Peretti’s “Infestation” unleashes a microscopic evil on the world that deceives, blinds, kills, then spreads. The Harbingers team must confront a monster bent on seducing and destroying mankind.

    In “Infiltration” by Angela Hunt, the team is wounded and barely holding together. Forced to split up, they realize their investigations have led them into dangerous waters.

    Alton Gansky’s “The Fog” unleashes a supernatural mist unlike any other. There are vicious things in the fog that kill whatever they find. One team member realizes that the ultimate sacrifice may have to be made.

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  • Quest : Tales Of The Diversity


    Captain Ctzo starts his pirate-hunting quest with a less than impressive ship and a crew that can’t seem to work together. On top of that, most of them aren’t the skilled warriors they’ll need to be for the journey ahead.

    Still, he has something going for him: a spiritual helper at his side and a diverse collection of crewmates, each with something unique to offer. As new challenges arrive, both his vessel and his comrades prove to be more than appearances suggest.

    The realm through which they journey is a domain of sea monsters, a spooky sickness, and a host of unique creatures with their own stories to tell. And their worldwide adventure is just beginning.

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  • Reaper Reborn : A Novel


    The world is in chaos. Alex is sending powerful killing machines into Chicago to enforce her will, Reapers are being rounded up and executed, ghosts are everywhere with no one to collect them, and a cruel terrorist is strapping firebombs to children.

    Reapers Phoenix and Shanghai come into possession of a mirror that once teleported its bearers wherever they needed to go. Alex is obsessed with stealing it, but so far no one, not even a heavenly Sancta who joins the Reapers, knows how to get it to work.

    Hoping to stop Alex’s rampage, the Reapers create a shaky alliance with a known murderer; battle against time, fires, and bombs to save children from incineration; and face near-certain death themselves at every turn.

    All the while, Phoenix is slowly coming to realize that the only way to save the world is to face Alex one on one, knowing that doing so could result in the death of the person he loves more than anyone.

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  • Look Beyond : Dreams Nightmares And Visions Of The Last Days


    A David Siriano Ministries Title

    A fictional story of a man named Joseph who experiences the rapture firsthand, along with the events that happen afterward in heaven and during the tribulation period on the Earth. This book follows biblical events of the book of Revelation in a fictional narrative.

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  • Through The Ashes


    Falling Dusk Publishing Title

    Before the light, the truth could be slippery. You could work around it, dodge it, run away from it. But in Bria Ford’s new life, the truth is always knocking … about the past, the fate of friends and family, the realities of burgeoning love, and the changed world. For Bria there’s no escaping the truth–no matter how much she may want to.

    In this unflinching sequel to Jacqueline Brown’s The Light, Bria and her friends stride into the heart of the post-disaster world and face test after test of their character and convictions. Bria must choose her path in this wounded world. Freedom or comfort? Give up or run? Who has she become since the world fell away?

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  • Restitution


    The year is 2027 and Karissa Gale is a woman who knows what she wants. A name on her Los Angeles law firm’s wall is at the top of the list. Blinded by ambition, everything else in her life is relegated to the backseat-her husband Marc of sixteen years, Ally, her thirteen-year-old daughter, and her mother, the legendary Coach Kathleen Raines.

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  • Interfinity


    Interfinity is imminent. The merging of the three Earths means one thing to Nathan Shepherd – he must save all three worlds. He and his friend Kelly witness the results of the coming cosmic collision. Earth Yellow dwellers have dreams of future tragic events while the other two Earths experience Earth Yellow’s weather changes at hyperspeed. Panic sets in, and only Nathan, Kelly, and their allies can prevent the looming disaster that threatens to kill billions.

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  • Truth Quest


    Truth Quest is an engaging, fast-moving science fiction novel that presents the evidence for God’s existence in a creative and compelling manner. It’s a fast, fun, and stimulating read that accurately portrays the tension within the scientific and academic communities and how politics exerts huge pressure on a person’s perception of reality.

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  • Killswitch


    In the near future, fugitive Chase Sterling evades the transhuman life his creators intended him to lead. He connects with the Underground Church, confident his enhanced strength and intelligence make him the perfect guardian for those forced into a strange and secret existence. What could possibly go wrong? His unimpressed bodyguard is out to get him, his affection for a certain young woman may not be mutual, and a deceitful recruit accompanies Chase on a rescue mission . . . with plans to kidnap him. The leader of the underground is dying and the government is closing in. The super powers Chase relies on are switched off by an enemy he thought he had escaped. It s enough to make a transhuman give up. Will he find the courage to keep going before all humanity is lost?”

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  • Light : Who Do You Become When The World Falls Away


    Falling Dusk Publishing Title

    A blinding flash … then darkness. Bria Ford and her three closest friends are stranded on a country highway in the middle of a November night. No phones. No car. No lights. Helpless and hundreds of miles from home, they put their lives in the hands of handsome Jonah Page and his flinty sister, East, strangers who somehow know Bria better than she knows herself. As the group bonds to adapt to a new, yet old, way of life, the secrets of Bria’s past provide them with the means to survive the extremes of Mother Nature, and the even more frightening extremes of human nature.

    Quietly suspenseful, The Light explores how the stories we tell ourselves shape the person we present to the world, and what happens to that person when the world falls away.

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  • Fight For Liberty


    Silver Fire Publishing

    Liberty has gained a deeper understanding of true freedom, but having it for herself is not enough. Prompted by the inner voice that has guided her for years, Liberty is compelled to bring the freedom she possesses to others in Aldonia. While unsure of how to carry out this mission, she is willing to risk all to accomplish it.

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  • Valley Of Dry Bones


    In The Valley of Dry Bones, Jerry B. Jenkins overlays the ancient End Times prophecies of Ezekiel onto the landscape of modern California. A clash of cultures, ethnicities, religions, and politics trigger terrorism blamed on a deadly drought that pits friend against friend with the future of the country at stake.

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  • Testing Liberty


    Silver Fire Publishing

    Set in the not-so-distant future . . . . A young woman, imprisoned at a re-education facility, plans her escape so she can repair the damage she brought upon an entire colony.

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  • Beyond The Gateway


    Beyond the Gateway is book #2 in The Reapers Trilogy. Reapers collect the souls of the dead, including wayward ghosts who wander the city streets, and transport them to the eternal Gateway, believing they are going to a better place. But are they?

    Phoenix and Shanghai find a holographic recording left behind by a fellow Reaper who was recently executed. The message leads them on a journey to learn the answer to a crucial question: Does the Gatekeeper, the tyrannical ruler of the world, consume energy from souls in order to maintain power and live for centuries? If so, Reapers have betrayed every soul they have ever collected and delivered them to eternal torture.

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  • Chasing Liberty


    Silver Fire Publishing

    Book one in the Liberty Trilogy. Set in the not-so-distant future in a society devoid of faith and family, and where the government controls every aspect of life, a young woman seeks freedom.

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  • Stung


    A daring escape puts Judd and Lionel in the heat of the action for the Meeting of the Witnesses in Jerusalem. Back at the schoolhouse, the rest of the Young Trib Force learns of an underground passage that allows the search for Melinda to continue. Will she turn the group in to the Global Community? Amid screams of agony from the many people affected by the latest judgment, the Young Trib Force struggles to stay alive as terrifying demons take over the earth.

    The events in Stung parallel those that occur in the bestselling book Apollyon.

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  • Rescued


    The death toll rises as the great Wrath of the Lamb earthquake ends. Survivors throughout the world search to find family and friends lost during the earthquake, and the Young Trib Force is no exception. In the midst of tragedy and chaos, Judd and Vicki must use every measure possible to avoid capture by the Global Community. Join the Young Trib Force as they rely on God’s help to get them through the most dangerous time to be alive.

    The events in Rescued parallel those that occur in the bestselling book Soul Harvest.

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  • Battle For Halcyon


    In the first book of The Halcyon Cycle, a risky physics experiment transports the island University of Halcyon to a new world. Meglir, a being of great power, is released from his prison and threatens Halcyon and the tiny refugee colony of Eleytheria.
    In The Battle for Halcyon, we follow the struggles of Dave, Al, Pam and Floyd with their Hansa allies as they work to stop Meglir’s army and find a way to return Halcyon home to its own space-time. Surprising new facts about the continent of Feiramar, her peoples, and her history unfold. A new menace, in league with Meglir, threatens from the east. Will Halcyon continue to follow its program of tyranny to establish a secular utopia? Can Meglir be defeated? Can the island University of Halcyon undo the dislocation and return home?

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  • Godless


    The nightmares have returned. Something, or someone, wants to drag Julia Davidson back into a dreadful conflict she assumed was a distant memory. Was this, like before, the echo of another person’s dream? Is she responsible to rescue faces she doesn’t recognize but can’t forget? Do the murky images suggest she has a part to play in whatever ominous events lie ahead? Things are finally looking up for Matthew Adams. As the top earner at MedCom Associates he has started to crawl out of the financial hole created during his “dark days.” And now, out of the blue, a mysterious woman invites him to join a confidential research initiative. She says it will ease the mounting economic crisis. But at what cost to Matthew’s fragile sanity, and his tortured soul? Pastor Alex Ware faces a serious problem. The honeymoon period at Christ Community Church has ended. The finance committee says they can’t afford another year of dwindling income and dismal growth. The board wants action, now! Aging parishioners would gladly allocate a portion of their estate to help. But only if Alex stops condemning the transition industry and starts affirming what the Youth Initiative calls “our heroic volunteers.” In Fatherless and Childless, Dr. James Dobson and Kurt Bruner depicted a time in which present-day trends come to sinister fruition. This eagerly awaited conclusion vividly imagines what happens when God’s image on earth is exchanged for the horrors of a GODLESS world.

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  • Wake The Dead


    What if the first man reborn of an evolutionary leap doesn’t like his new life? Is escape even possible? The time is right for introducing the world to the marvels of techno-medical advancements. An influential man, one loved and adored, is needed for the job, and who better than celebrity Chase Sterling? After suffering injuries no one could survive Chase is rebuilt like no one has ever seen before. In the not-too-distant future a man–if he can still be called a man–breaks away from the forces taking over his life and finds new purpose in the secret world of hiding believers.

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  • Godless : A Novel


    The nightmares have returned. Something, or someone, wants to drag Julia Davidson back into a dreadful conflict she assumed a distant memory. Was this, like before, the echo of someone else’s dream? Is she responsible to rescue faces she doesn’t recognize but can’t forget? Do the murky images suggest she has a part to play in whatever ominous events lie ahead?

    Things are finally looking up for Matthew Adams. As the top earner at MedCom Associates he has started to crawl out of the financial hole created during his “dark days.” And now, out of the blue, a mysterious woman invites him to join a confidential research initiative. She says it will ease the mounting economic crisis. But at what cost to Matthew’s fragile sanity, and his tortured soul?

    Pastor Alex Ware faces a serious problem. The honeymoon period at Christ Community Church has ended. The finance committee says they can’t afford another year of dwindling income and dismal growth. The board wants action, now! Aging parishioners would gladly allocate a portion of their estate to help. But only if Alex stops condemning the transition industry and starts affirming what the Youth Initiative calls “our heroic volunteers.”
    In Fatherless and Childless, Dr. James Dobson and Kurt Bruner depicted a time in which present-day trends come to sinister fruition. This eagerly awaited conclusion vividly imagines what happens when God’s image on earth is exchanged for the horrors of a GODLESS world.

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  • Childless : A Novel


    The next installment in the riveting new series from Dr. James Dobson and Kurt Bruner transports readers to a not-too-distant future threatened by imminent catastrophe.

    The second installment in the riveting new trilogy from Dr. James Dobson and Kurt Bruner transports readers to a not-too-distant future when the young and healthy strain under the burden of a rapidly aging population.

    Everyone is nervous about how Judge Victor Santiago will rule. The case involved the tragic demise of a loving mother and her disabled son. A common medical procedure has somehow created havoc across the legal and economic landscape. The president’s popular Youth Initiative is losing momentum. Political and economic fortunes are at stake. That’s why someone, somewhere, would rather put the judge in his grave than risk a wrong decision.

    Tyler Cain, a once respected police detective turned sleazy private investigator, has been pulled into the middle of events way above his pay grade. He hopes the case will restore some measure of dignity. But does he have what it takes to find the potential assassin before time runs out?

    He seeks help from Julia Davidson, a newly married journalist, who finds herself torn between the influence she craves and the husband she loves. She wants significance. But he wants a child. In Fatherless, Dr. James Dobson and Kurt Bruner depicted a time in which present-day trends come to sinister fruition. This eagerly awaited follow-up vividly imagines what happens when the abiding joys of parenthood are exchanged for the gradual deterioration of a CHILDLESS world.

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  • Spark


    In a future United States under the power of a charismatic leader, everyone gets the Mark at age thirteen. The Mark lets citizen shop, go to school, and even get medical care-but without it, you’re on your own. Few refuse to get the Mark. Those who do . . . disappear.

    Parents are looking for fiction that makes Christianity exciting for kids. This series is an alternative to the Hunger Games series and other dark dystopian fiction. It’s packed with action and intrigue, but the message is written from a Christian worldview.

    Logan Langly went to get his Mark but backed out at the last minute. Ever since, he’s been on the run from government agents and on a quest to find his sister Lily, who disappeared when she went to get her Mark five years ago. His journey leads him to befriend the Dust, a network of Markless who oppose the iron-grip rule of the government. On the way to the capital to find Lily, the Dust receive some startling information from the Markless community, warning that humanity is now entering the End of Days.

    Spark introduces nine-year-old Ali, a beggar living in the Dark Lands city of al-Balat. Ali meets a stranger who gives her his tablet, a portal to a tech world that Ali never knew existed. But one day, the tablet begins to communicate back to her-and takes her on a journey that will cross her path with exiled Logan Langly, Chancellor Cylis, and the fierce battle for power that spans reality and the virtual world.

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  • Chip Ed : They Will Not Be Able To Buy Or Sell Without The Mark Revelation


    Chip’ed is a fictional look into our near future based on Bible prophecy, and current events in our world today. The RFID chip is going to be a part of the new health care plan. Chip’ed is a story about a group of church members and what they will go through because of this chip. It’s time to warn everyone, the CHIP is coming!

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  • Crater


    A Helium-3 miner named Crater makes a treacherous journey through space to find a mysterious and priceless treasure.

    It’s the 22nd Century and a tough, pioneering people are mining the moon to produce energy for a desperate, war-torn Earth. Crater, an orphan, loves his life in Moontown, a frontier mining settlement. Not quite sixteen-years-old, he is already a seasoned Helium-3 miner with hopes to be a foreman on the scrapes someday.

    But the man who owns the mine has a different plan for Crater and another orphan, a young girl with a violent past named Souza. With Souza and his gillie-a sentient and sometimes insubordinate clump of slime-mold cells-Crater must venture forth on a forbidding river of dust. Together, they’ll cross the hostile Lunar terrain before vaulting in to the far reaches of space. Danger, adventure, and discovery await them as Crater, the gillie, and Souza use their wits and courage to find a mysterious treasure.

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  • Swipe


    Everyone gets the Mark. It gives all the benefits of citizenship. Yet if getting the Mark is such a good thing, then why does it feel so wrong?

    Set in a future North America that is struggling to recover after famine and global war, Swipe follows the lives of three kids caught in the middle of a conflict they didn’t even know existed. United under a charismatic leader, every citizen of the American Union is required to get the Mark on their 13th birthday in order to gain the benefits of citizenship.

    The Mark is a tattoo that must be swiped by special scanners for everything from employment to transportation to shopping. It’s almost Logan Langly’s 13th birthday and he knows he should be excited about getting the Mark, but he hasn’t been able to shake the feeling he’s being watched. Not since his sister went to get her Mark five years ago . . . and never came back.

    When Logan and his friends discover the truth behind the Mark, will they ever be able to go back to being normal teenagers? Find out in the first book of this exciting series that is Left Behind meets Matched for middle-grade readers.

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  • Sirius Loss : Star Lost A New Future


    An unassuming astronomer and her family find themselves and the entire world dislocated after she makes a series of major interstellar discoveries that lead to the worst threat to Earth ever. Everyone tries to carry on with life as best they can, seeking normalcy in the midst of the news that the Earth has less than four years. Then she makes another discovery even more remarkable that opens the door to our first contact with an advanced civilization that has come to our rescue. The future of our solar system, the sun, and the Earth will never be the same again.

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  • Harbinger : The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret Of Americas Future


    22 Chapters

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    An ancient mystery involving a series of prophetic signs, harbingers, once given to a nation on the verge of destruction…has reappeared in modern times.

    Written in an engaging narrative style, the book opens in an executive office with the appearance of a man burdened with a message he has received from a mysterious figure he calls “the prophet.” He tells the story of his encounters with the prophet and as the narrative unfolds, each revelation becomes a puzzle piece in a still greater mystery, the ramifications of which keep growing larger and larger. In the final scene, with the unlocking of the last seal, the man, for the first time, realizes the reason for it all – and the book comes full circle.

    Although written in a fictional narrative framework, The Harbinger contains actual biblical prophecy and facts combined with historical American events that began with the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

    The ancient harbingers that were given to the nation of Israel are again manifested but this time on American soil-in the same precise progression, containing the same prophetic warning, and holding the key to the nation’s future. The book unveils biblical prophecy so real and so specific that even the most hardened skeptic will find it difficult to dismiss and though it sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller-it’s real.

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  • War Of The Third Heaven


    SON OF MAN, the first book in THE GODSPEAK CHRONICLES trilogy, tells the extraordinary origin of Cog, a Peacekeeper war machine that awakens to sentience in the year 2454, and how his life mysteriously begins to parallel that of Christ when He walked the Earth. THE SHADOW OF HEAVENLY THINGS, the second in the series, traces the development of Cog’s unexpected ministry, and the furtherance of his remarkable powers and healing abilities. In WAR OF THE THIRD HEAVEN, the epic comes to a stunning climax as Cog struggles to determine his ultimate destiny amid the cataclysmic events at the end of the Age of Man.

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  • Ishmaels Apocalypse


    Ishmael’s Apocalypse is a mystery thriller with intriguing true-to-life terrorism that can happen at any moment in any nation on earth. The story unfolds within an odyssey of world events, during a timeline the author calls ‘his last seven days of grace’. This period begins seven days prior to the Jewish New Year in the Hebrew Calendar year of 5777. The mystery ‘who is Ishmael’ is archetypal, connecting the main characters with secret twists and uncertain turns, pulsing through the storyline. Its action packed scenes engage modern military weapons in authentic places. Unlike typical action novels, this plot incorporates the spiritual nature of people and the significant influence that world religions play on the governing of sovereign nations. The themes of national pride and moral values are succinctly questioned. Each apocalyptical scene moves your mind, body and soul into a future realm of terror on a grand scale. Even so, the magnitude of events will not overshadow the value of one human life.

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  • No More Tears


    An aspiring singer, Chantal is immersed with the pain of regret of getting involved with an abusive boyfriend named Devon that rules the drug kingdom of Southern United States and Northern Mexico from his power throne in New Orleans with the help of his menacingly cruel Uncle Joey.

    Chantal decides enough is enough of dealing with Devon’s abuse and his sinister lifestyle and escapes to freedom in the rugged mountains of Ruidoso, New Mexico she so desires with the help of her three best friends and their newfound cowboy boyfriends.

    From that point on life quickly accelerates as Chantal finds unexpected love and protection from a fun loving cowboy named Dylan who served in the Marine Corps as a renowned sniper along with his three best friends he grew up with. Chantal, her three best friends and their boyfriends follow their dreams and form a country rock band known as the Paradox Posse. Soon fate turns their fun loving journey down a twisting winding road as they experience life on the stinging edge of light and darkness as they unknowingly play a significant role in end time prophecy.

    The common thread woven throughout the pages of ‘No More Tears’ – there is a hope in the midst of darkness even when all glimmers of earthly hope have vanished away… The Lord will always provide a spirit of strength to help us walk through the valley of death to accomplish his purpose.

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  • Distant Thunder


    The prophet Ezekiel was never taken seriously when he predicted the destruction of Israel’s enemies, but unfortunately for them, he was right. The truth of Ezekiel’s words will soon be felt by the entire modern world, and it seems chaos will reign supreme. In the midst of the ensuing mayhem, Pastor Ty Dempsey arises as the man who is able to connect the dots of modern day occurrences with the prophecies of the ancient scriptures. Meanwhile, Israeli F-16 “Lightning” pilot Moshe Eldan begins to discover the truth of those same prophecies in his daily dealing with terrorists. Dempsey and Eldan will learn that they are part of a bigger plan. However, they are not alone. This thriller provides an answer to an age-old question: What would happen if the entire world turned on Israel? This story provides the first installment of a fast-paced, electrifying read called The Lightning Chronicles. It is filled with all the action and adventure that usually accompanies the last day events of the prophesied end of the world.

    “In Distant Thunder, Jimmy Root Jr. brings to life a story as relevant as tomorrow’s newspaper, built on a foundation as ancient as a 2,500 year old prophecy. This fast-paced narrative brings the reader into a world of human intrigue and spiritual revelation.”

    Robert Whitlow
    NY Times Bestselling Author
    of Deeper Water

    “Zip up your G suit and strap in tight! This is a prophetic thriller I could not put down.”

    Randy Reed USAF (Ret)
    F-15 Eagle Pilot

    Distant Thunder is “a well-written chilling yarn that will make you eager to stick around and enjoy the read!”

    Norm Goldman

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  • Year Of The Rapture


    The Year of the Rapture, a trilogy of fantasy, fiction and fact is . . . UNIQUE ! The fantasy section of “The Year of the Rapture,” begins as the author takes an imaginary journey into heaven via a dream as a boy of eight. While there he morphs into an adult and finds himself viewing a strange scene on earth. Though curiosity and creativity are rampant throughout, the integrity of the scripture is maintained.

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  • You Can Call Me Ryan


    God calls Ryan to be a modern day prophet and member of the foretold 144, 000 army of God. God helps Ryan fix the things that ail him in his life that were holding him back. Ryan tries to emulate the apostle Paul but discovers he is something altogether different and God gives Ryan the opportunity to lead a modern day Pentecost as the Apocalypse begins.

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  • Inner State


    Ten years of crimeless society is broken by the murder of Holly Smith. Without clear evidence or motive, Dray Townsend turns to God, family, and friends to solve the case before the accused is taken away forever. Dray learns how important seeking God’s guidance is. It may cost him his best friend’s life. The Inner State is a novel about the future that will make you eager to turn the pages.

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  • Star Twins : Heirs Of Destiny


    Readers travel to distant galaxies where Jason and Kayla, twins kidnapped an dseparated at birth, struggle to accept their part in fulfilling an ancient contract and puzzling prophecy. Written for the middle grades, Science Fiction fans of all ages will snap up this adventure written with Christian value. More than just entertainment, fast paced action and memorable characters weave a story of affirmation and hope.

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  • Gates Of Gomorrah


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594675034ISBN10: 1594675031Katie KuntzBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2004Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Sealed For A Purpose


    Absolute evil touched the earth in what was once an ordinary grassy meadow on the outskirts of town. The air feels greasy in the aftermath as the intense rotten egg odor lingers in the damp late night air. How does a lone traveler innocently driving home in his classic Thunderbird fit in this ghastly scene? Will Satan’s minions be successful in stopping the birth of his son who is destined to play a significant role in the final millennium? Or will a mysterious stranger unlock the secrets of spiritual warfare? When missiles are fired in anger, will nuclear war destroy the earth? What part do the crewmen of the U.S. Navy aircraft Dragonfly play in this deadly drama? Will wars be merely rumors or will nations rise against nations? As spiritual warfare spills into the physical world, who will emerge victorious in the worldwide massive struggle between good and evil?

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  • Wired


    It’s a new—and more frightening—world in 2021 after millions of people vanish without a trace. Now in a virtual police-state, Graham Peck and his family must deal with overwhelming tragedy as they struggle to survive. Is the radical group called the New Believers an answer to their prayers? A chilling apocalyptic thriller!

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  • Strange New World


    WHAT HAS CAUSED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AND ALL THE CHILDREN TO SUDDENLY VANISH FROM THE EARTH? HOW CAN DAVID AND BECKY’S SORROW TURN TO REJOICING WHEN THEIR TWO CHILDREN WERE TAKEN? WILL THEY BE ABLE TO FIND SAFETY IN A STRANGE NEW WORLD? SHOULD THEY ABANDON THEIR NEWFOUND FRIENDS TO REACH SAFETY ALONE? AND, WHY HAVE THEY BEEN URGED TO FLEE TO ISRAEL? These questions and more will be biblically answered as two converted, formerly nonobservant Jews are faced with the Great Tribulation. Set on fire by two of the 144,000 Jewish witnesses, they find their path illuminated by the Holy Spirit. They move forward in God.s plan for them in a strange New World. Will they be able to travel before travel is prohibited? If they do get through, what awaits them in Israel? And will some of your unsaved friends in the future find themselves in a strange New World?

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  • Imperial Guard : The Cirrus Cycle 1


    Life is hard on the planet Cirrus in the twenty-third century, but a food-deficit Earth desperately needs the wheat that Cirrus supplies. Earlier, in the mid-twenty-second century, nearly a hundred years after a nuclear and biological holocaust, a world empire was established. A few decades later, intragalactic hyperjump travel was discovered, making the colonization of new worlds possible. But the galactic empire has been continually afflicted with civil wars, domestic unrest, and political conspiracies. Enter Timothy Brogan. In the closing years of the twenty-third century, he leaves his native planet of Cirrus to seek adventure as an officer in the Imperial Fusiliers. Little does he know, however, that he will be thrust into the decades-old power struggle between two political factions: one working for the greater good of humanity and the other obsessed with evil and selfish ends. Events beyond Brogan.s control propel him into conflict with the malevolent Mogul family. As he faces the most critical and difficult challenges of his life, he allies himself with the Mizpala faction, and the Emperor appoints him an officer in the Imperial Guard. In his new position he is thrust into the center of deadly peril but discovers romance and a new purpose for his life.

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  • Rose Of Sodom


    In the future small bands of Christians will live in oppression under a One World Government that forces the beliefs of a New Age religion. As the world discards biblical principles and spreads a belief in reincarnation, human life is devalued and led into selfishness, suicide, abortion for profit, and euthanasia for convenience. Bodies become commodities as the very young and old are bought and sold. Survival of the richest and the fittest becomes truth to each person believing themselves to be god. For generations the Williams family had lived for the Lord. Now their beliefs are tested as their lives and the lives of their children plunge to the depths of evil and immerse them in their very own Sodom and Gomorrah.

    The trilogy started with The Rose of Sodom, then The Gates of Gomorrah, the sequel to The Rose of Sodom. Katie will finish with The Promise of Gethsemane.

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  • Calling : The Seven Days Of Religious Tolerance


    The characters in this book find themselves in a fight with Satan for the creation of a one-world religion. We are quickly approaching the rapture of the Church. Time is running out to make a difference. I feel it is an important piece because it says a lot of things that the Christian community today needs to say, but is unwilling or afraid to say. We will continue to lose our religious freedoms in this country if we continue to do nothing. Right now, the only ones speaking are special interest groups. I think most Christians today feel Jesus will be coming back soon; He’ll take care of everything. While we’re waiting, our God-given rights are being pushed under the legislative carpet. Reform goes to the loudest voice. What was “one nation under God” is quickly drying up in our unwillingness to stand up and say, “NO MORE.” What sets this book apart from other angel-type books is that the angelic character here is mostly interested in teaching the Word of God. His devotion to duty and his desire to tell of the things of God are paramount in his existence. All kinds of different emotions will be brought to bear as you read, THE CALLING: SEVEN DAYS OF RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE. May God be praised. -Frank Deming

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  • 2 Tin Lizzies


    Old George must come down (several pictures of George Washington placed in the lobby gave the skyscraper its name). Mayor Yuri Karapov, Intergalactic Studios stockholder and board chairman, covets the land for a theme park. He wants to erect a very controversial statue there. Young Chad Santee wants the demolition job. Chad’s Mama, Molly Santee, worries about the demolition and Chad’s near-worship of Yuri. Her Christian convictions undergo terrible testing, especially in regards to Al Brooks, a boy with an unnatural background. Ted Turpent, Sr. and his son have a painful love/hate relationship. Their struggle for control of Intergalactic Studios has caused a division of loyalties. Blood in the water attracts sharks. Deception and murder after murder follow as a dam of bitterness and avarice explodes. On July 5, 2023, Moliere and Wolborg Detective Agency takes a late phone call from a young lady named Janine Faye. That call spins the team into adventure from Baton Rouge to the Atchafalaya Basin; from Grand Isle in the Gulf of Mexico back north to Nottoway Mansion. Brooding evil and the Sword of the Lord square off. Dreams and reality merge both to enlighten and to terrify. Intrigue, romance, and redemption dance close together in this expansive and unusual saga of the Deep South.

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  • 2 Tin Lizzies


    Old George must come down (several pictures of George Washington placed in the lobby gave the skyscraper its name). Mayor Yuri Karapov, Intergalactic Studios stockholder and board chairman, covets the land for a theme park. He wants to erect a very controversial statue there. Young Chad Santee wants the demolition job. Chad’s Mama, Molly Santee, worries about the demolition and Chad’s near-worship of Yuri. Her Christian convictions undergo terrible testing, especially in regards to Al Brooks, a boy with an unnatural background. Ted Turpent, Sr. and his son have a painful love/hate relationship. Their struggle for control of Intergalactic Studios has caused a division of loyalties. Blood in the water attracts sharks. Deception and murder after murder follow as a dam of bitterness and avarice explodes. On July 5, 2023, Moliere and Wolborg Detective Agency takes a late phone call from a young lady named Janine Faye. That call spins the team into adventure from Baton Rouge to the Atchafalaya Basin; from Grand Isle in the Gulf of Mexico back north to Nottoway Mansion. Brooding evil and the Sword of the Lord square off. Dreams and reality merge both to enlighten and to terrify. Intrigue, romance, and redemption dance close together in this expansive and unusual saga of the Deep South.

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