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Christian Living

Showing 7301–7400 of 7972 results

  • Letters To Garrett


    The letters of a father to a son explore the ways in which parental advice can translate into business–and personal–success.

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  • Shopping For Faith


    The authors identify dozens of trends that will shape American religion in the next century, and bring together the latest research and intimate portraits of Americans describing their beliefs, their religious heritage, and their spiritual search.

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  • 101 Formulas For Success


    101 Formulas for Success is much more about eternal success than the temporary success we can experience during our short life on planet earth. By living our life from an eternal perspective as emphasized in this book, we then possess the resources of God’s wisdom to allow us success both in this life and our soon coming eternal life. Jesus tells us in one of His last statements in the Bible: “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12, (KJV). Read and succeed.

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  • Tempered Steel : How God Shapes A Mans Heart Through Adversity


    Men’s issues expert and bestselling author Steve Farrar exposes the most painful tragedies of a man’s life and shows how they also happened to the biblical King David! Men facing troubles on the trail of life will relate to chapters on Depression, Betrayal, When Your Family Is Falling Apart, Living With a Bad Decision, Living With Your Critics, and When Your Career Is Interrupted. Farrar encouragingly illustrates how David depended on God to get through the same sins and trials-still remaining “a man after God’s own heart.” Farrar’s second book drawn from the Psalms honestly accepts the hard times that every man must encounter on his journey and offers sound biblical counsel to get through them.

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  • Rekindled Flame : The Passionate Pursuit Of God


    As believers, we have a desperate need to cultivate intimacy with out God, a place of blissful union in His love. Now acclaimed worship leader, singer, and teacher Steve Fry shows us clearly how intimacy is cultivated. “The key to knowing God,” Fry says, “is worship.” From jubilant praise to the very embrace of His heart, the author invites everyone to enter into this mysterious encounter with God’s glory. Here, the reader will find practical instruction on how to meditate in the Scriptures, prepare oneself through praise, and seek God’s face in prayer. If you’re dry, distracted, dissatisfied, drained in spirit–or simply seeking “more”–this biblical praise and worship primer will rekindle the flame of passionate relationship with Christ.

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  • Cry For Mercy


    A reissue of one of Henri Nouwen’s most powerful and most personal books: prayers that “reveal a fearful heart, a cry for mercy, rays of hope, the power of the Spirit, the needs of the world, and finally gratitude.”

    In his continuing search for a deeper understanding of the spiritual life, Henri Nouwen traveled twice to the Trappist monastery in the Genesee Valley of upstate New York. His first visit inspired The Genesee Diary, a moving account of his daily experiences and of contemporary monastic life. When he returned five years later, the familiar, comfortable daily rhythms of the contemplative life led him to concentrate his attention on meditation. He disciplined himself to write a prayer each day, an endeavor that became this extraordinary book.

    In these daily prayers, Father Nouwen confronts his own inner chaos as he tries to create a space in his heart where God can dwell. Powerful, searching, and painfully honest, Nouwen’s prayers, confessions, and petitions point to the final goal of all spiritual life: to live unceasingly in the presence of God. Like The Wounded Healer and The Return of the Prodigal Son, A Cry for Mercy is filled with freshness and insight. It speaks directly to the contemporary Christian’s need for a meaningful spirituality, a disciplined inner life, and a real sense of the divine presence in everyday life.

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  • Piercing Proverbs : Wise Words For Todays Teens


    More and more teens find themselves growing up in a world lacking in godly wisdom and direction. In Piercing Proverbs, bestselling youth fiction author Melody Carlson offers solid messages of the Bible in a version that can compete with TV, movies, and the Internet for the attention of this vital group in God’s kingdom. Choosing life-impacting portions of teen-applicable Proverbs, Carlson paraphrases them into understandable, teen-friendly language and presents them as guidelines for clearly identified areas of life (such as friendship, family, money, and mistakes). Teens will easily read and digest these high-impact passages of the Bible delivered in their own words.

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  • Taking Our Cities For God


    Our cities are the keys to winning the world for Christ. They are encumbered by staggering problems and opposed by cosmic spiritual forces, yet these vast urban centers hold millions of people whom God loves. Discover God’s purpose for your city, discern the strongholds that work against your city, join with others to intercede for your city, and develop a plan to break the strongholds and bring your city to God.

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  • Relationships : A Bridge Or A Burden


    The knowledge necessary to master relationships is yours! Everything that has or will be accomplished occurred through the successful conveyance and power of relationships. A relationship whether business, family, or interpersonal, is defined as the state or fact of being associated or connected; allied by kinship, marriage, common origin, or goals. As this definition implies, being able to assess the capability, compatibility, and sincerity of others is critical to the accomplishment of set goals. “No man is an island, entire of itself; everyman is a piece of the continent, a part of the main,…” as the old proverb further explains, causes us to see the ultimate need for deciding upon and choosing the significant others to fill the various forums of our lives (John Donne, 1572-1631)In this book, author George M. Matthews, II explains through insightful study of the scriptures: Why Satan attacks people who are in relationship with you, understanding how your next accomplishment depends on who you know, God’s purpose for designing relationships, the benefit of God-ordained relationships, the key to producing a harmonious flow in relationships, how and when to let go of destructive relationships. Discover the ability to succeed by taking control and becoming a better steward of the process of allowing the entrance of others into every area of your life. “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself…” (Romans 14:7).

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  • America Is Sinking


    In the early 20th century, there was a ship at the pinnacle of maritime engineering. This massive ship, built for luxury, was the symbol of power and affluence. Prominent engineers in that era believed that even God couldn’t sink the Titanic. The Titanic hit an iceberg and sunk on its maiden voyage. Almighty God stands undaunted, eternal and infinite, and the ship a relic of scrap.

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  • Who Is Your God


    A study on the “Names of God” was birthed in my heart about five years ago. In the fall of 2000, God let me know through prayer that I needed to get the study done and to put it in book form. Philippians 4:13: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength,” NIV. I was totally dependent upon God for His direction for this project. I am a mother of four children-one has been promoted to heaven. I have been in full-time ministry with my husband, Ron, for thirty years. With the challenges of being a pastor’s wife and having two special needs children to care for, God has truly become my dearest friend. When praying for further direction for this project, I felt I was to tell my story. I do not have an extra special story, but I did learn how to put each of the 355 names of God to work in my daily life. God let me know this study, and my experiences, were to help others deal with sickness and death, and to help people with special needs children or friends. Each one of the names of God, or His characteristics, became my encouragement and my source of strength to face each day. I have searched out 355 “Names of God” with Bible references and verses, and with Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate definitions. I will be the first to admit there could be more “Names of God”. God is not limited to just these names-He’s limitless! I have had to lean on God for so much that each one of the “Names of God” has become part of my life.

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  • Smile And Give Your Face A Holiday


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591600015ISBN10: 1591600014Judith PoliBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Beyond The Rat Race


    Practical as well as inspirational, Art Gish presents specific techniques for simplifying your life as you live it now- ways and means which are well within the reach of everyone. Simplify your wants, your life style, your concerns and the way is open to a fuller, more rewarding life – infinitely rich in joy.

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  • Journal Keeping : Writing For Spiritual Growth


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823376ISBN10: 0830823379Luann BuddBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Survival Guide For Christians On Campus


    1. How Do I Know If I’m A Christian
    2. How Can I Read The Bible And Get Something Out Of It?
    3. Do I Have To Go To Church To Be A Good Christian?
    4. Am I A Sinner?
    5. How Do I Know What’s Right?
    6. Am I Supposed To Try To Convert People To Christianity?
    7. How Can I Listen To A Sermon And Get Something Out Of It?
    8. What’s The Point Of Worship?
    9. And What About Sex?
    10. What About Pentecostalism?

    Additional Info
    The contemporary college campus is filled with spiritual surprises, daily dilemmas, and difficult questions. Can the Christian faith survive the scrutiny of the new knowledge and ideas that bombard students on the college campus? Tony Campolo and Will Willimon – college professors and seasoned authors and speakers – insist that the Christian faith is not threatened by tough questions. They maintain that some of the greatest minds the human race has produced have put hard questions to Jesus and come away more firm in their faith and more convinced of its truth than ever before. Whether you are committed Christian or one who is still exploring the Christian faith, this book will provide sound answers to difficult questions. Open this book and find the help and heart to walk into the jungle of campus life and walk out more than a conqueror.

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  • Reaching For The Invisible God


    In Disappointment With God, Philip Yancey explored how we frequently have false expectations of God and the way he interacts with us and the world. Now he looks at the situation from the other side, asking “How do we relate to a God who is invisible, when we are never quite sure he is there?” With his unflinching determination to explore truth, Yancey investigates how we communicate with an invisible God. He probes an area of faith where theology and personal experience often oppose each other and searches out workable ways for Christians to grow into what he calls “childlike maturity.”

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  • Bend In The Road


    Drawing on his insightful sermon series, renowned pastor/teacher David Jeremiah shares the comfort and hope of the Psalms and how these truths can guide believers through life’s greatest challenges. He includes inspiring real-life stories of people who have struggled with terminal illness, the loss of a child, or the imprisonment of a spouse. Jeremiah interweaves his own journal entries, revealing his battle with cancer and how the Psalms helped to sustain him during the fight of his life. A Bend in the Road is an invaluable source of help and encouragement for people facing major obstacles in life.

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  • Beauty By The Book


    From celebrated Hollywood starlets to the covers of Cosmo, our society seems obsessed with beauty. Actress and Main Floor host Nancy Stafford (best known for her starring role as Michelle Thomas digs below our culture’s fixation on outward appearance to show you that true beauty is more than skin-deep. “Every woman has beauty,” says Stafford, “but not everyone sees it. I want you to see it.” In Beauty by the Book she bares her heart to readers, laying out the Scriptures, promises, and truths women need to know to find their true value. Her liberating reflections will help you see yourself as God sees you – worthy, lovable, and beautiful.

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  • Self Esteem : Seeing Ourselves As God Sees Us


    The world encourages you to love yourself, believe in yourself and tell yourself that you are intelligent, capable, beautiful, wonderful. But deep down, what do you most want to know? What does God think of you? What is your true worth?

    As Jack Kuhatschek leads you through nine Bible studies on self-esteem, you’ll gain an essential understanding of who you are and how God is restoring you to wholeness.

    Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Self-Esteem features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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  • Dialogue With God


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591600039ISBN10: 1591600030Richard CobbBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • More God


    Memories of a scratchy starched dress, a cold church and baffling Sunday school lessons provided little foundation for a practical faith, so its not surprising that Constance Bovier drifted far from religion as an adult. But when Twelve Step recovery programs intervened, offering relief from problems she couldn’t solve alone, she got more than she bargained for – more than she even wanted at first – a slowly dawning relationship with God. More God traces Constance Bovier’s journey from wary agnosticism into a non-judgmental, all-encompassing Twelve Step spirituality and, finally, into vibrant Christianity. She writes openly about her joys and sorrows, her traumas and triumphs and, with a keen eye for the divine significance in the details of daily life, distills perceptive lessons from her experiences. These universal lessons and the resilient belief she shares offer valuable guideposts for others who’ve been circumnavigating their own questions of faith, just as she once did. Constance Bovier’s story reaches far beyond the Twelve Step recovery community to provide encouragement and inspiration for anyone who senses a soul-deep longing, anyone struggling with growing faith…anyone hungry for more God.

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  • Who Is My Enemy


    Who Is My Enemy? is designed as a popular level introduction to eight current flash-point issues in our culture. The book provides a summary overview designed to enable the reader to respond to the issues as Christ would–not by resorting to privitization of our faith, or abdication, but to engagement that leads to transformation. The book is designed to help Christians understand how the world is thinking in order to begin to develop an appropriate Christian response to each issue. Rather than presenting simplistic either/or answers, the book recognizes that each issue contains elements that biblical Christians can strongly support and also strongly oppose. The hot topics are: pluralism, postmodernism, New Age explosion, evolution, abortion/euthanasia, feminism, homosexuality, therapy idolatry, and materialism. Picture it as an extended newscast reporting on each issue and weaving biblial perspective throughout.

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  • Resurrection


    In this definitive work, popular Christian apologist Hank Hanegraaff offers a detailed defense of the Resurrection, the singularly most important event in history and the foundation upon which Christianity is built. Using the acronym F.E.A.T., the author examines the four distinctive, factual evidences of Christ’s resurrection_Fatal torment, Empty tomb, Appearances, and Transformation_making the case for each in a memorable way that believers can readily use in their own defense of the faith.

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  • What Ticks God Off


    Well, wouldn9t you like to know? A contemporary and slightly wacky book that draws from the ancient, sometimes unusual wisdom of the 12 Minor Prophets. Filled with humor, clever design elements, and recurring gimmicks (such as the Nabal Awards), each chapter will target one human tendency, action or activity that hurts or disappoints God aka “ticks him off.” The authors show how He responds to our negative actions and attitudes, and suggest remedies to avoid the consequences. Driven by the themes and characters of the Minor Prophets, the book has a solid Biblical foundation.

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  • Where Is God When It Hurts (Anniversary)


    “If there is a loving God, then why…?” No matter how the question is completed, at its root lies the issue of pain. Does God order suffering? Or did he simply wind up the world’s mainspring and now is watching from a distance? In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Philip Yancey reveals a God who is neither capricious nor unconcerned. Using examples from the Bible and from his own experiences, Yancey looks at pain–physical, emotional, and spiritual–and helps us understand why we suffer.

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  • God And Business


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232272ISBN10: 193123227XRobert RichardsBinding: Cloth TextPublished: February 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Many Gifts One Lord


    A Biblical understanding of the variety of spiritual gifts among early christians and in the church today. It is suggested that this book, because of the content and treatement of the subject, could be used as the basis for an adult study group.

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  • Still Woman Moving


    A preacher’s daughter who found it difficult to stay in church. A Yankee bred in the simplicity of rural New England who was thrust into the confusing social strata of a midwestern suburb as a pre-teenager and who bumbled her way through adolescence. A “late bloomer” whose sexuality was repressed by a rigid religious surround but released by a transformative rebirth in therapy. A person who experienced the “mother archetype” in all its complexity, until she was able to integrate its power into a nurturing vocation. A “father’s daughter” who found the freedom to break the bond of adoration and move into marriage with a Jewish artist/poet. A woman who traversed the wilderness of the “dark night of the soul” to its nadir point and found the “hidden treasures of darkness” in contemplative silence and solitude. A person who gravitated toward creating and shaping organizations that were expressive of each stage of her changing approach to healthy spirituality, as well as the surrounding culture and times. And therefore a person filled with hopeful joy and optimism because she believes in the possibilities of change throughout life.

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  • Joy Of Being Forgiven


    You can live in freedom from the pain, guilt, and shame of the past! Andrew Murray’s in-depth study explains the wonderful effects of being forgiven. As you read and follow the principles in the book, you will discover that: your burden of sin is lifted; your guilt is washed away; you know the freedom of forgiveness; you are able to live in God’s presence; and your joy overflows. You can receive the forgiveness you have been seeking!

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  • Symbols Of The Christian Faith


    Symbols of the Christian Faith is an illustrated guide to the major visual symbols used by the Christian church throughout history. These stylized illustrations, designed by artist Alva William Steffler, are intended to provide usable, up-to-date resources for contemporary church worship and Christian education. Throughout church history symbols have been used to aid worship and to communicate difficult spiritual ideas. Steffler here collects these symbols, from early Christian catacomb art to the present, offering fresh graphic interpretations of old visual forms. The accompanying text notes the biblical sources for the various symbols and traces their use in church tradition and their links to Greco-Roman culture. Extensive glossaries and indexes round out the book.

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  • Success Gods Way


    “Success is defined by a continuing desire to be the person God called you to be and to achieve those goals that God helps you to set,” says Charles Stanley. In Success God’s Way, Stanley teaches God’s principles for success, including ten steps to help you reach God’s goals in your life, and what to do about the seven success blockers that entangle believers.

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  • Jesus I Never Knew


    An old adage says, “God created man in His own image and man has been returning the favor ever since.” Philip Yancey realized that despite a lifetime attending Sunday school topped off by a Bible college education, he really had no idea who Jesus was. In fact, he found himself further and further removed from the person of Jesus, distracted instead by flannel-graph figures and intellectual inspection. He determined to use his journalistic talents to approach Jesus, in the context of time, within the framework of history.
    In The Jesus I Never Knew, Yancey explores the life of Jesus, as he explains, “‘from below,’ to grasp as best I can what it must have been like to observe in person the extraordinary events unfolding in Galilee and Judea” as Jesus traveled and taught. Yancey examines three fundamental questions: who Jesus was, why he came, and what he left behind. Step by step, scene by scene, Yancey probes the culture into which Jesus was born and grew to adulthood; his character and mission; his teachings and miracles; his legacy–not just as history has told it, but as he himself intended it to be.

    Yancey is not alone in his examination of the “real” Jesus. Publishing today is replete with writers committed to setting the story “straight,quot; joining countless others who, over the past 2,000 years, have determined to discover the truth about Jesus. But where others would deconstruct and discount, Yancey disarms and discloses. We become colleagues with him as he examines the accounts of the life of Jesus. And among the things that we discover is that Jesus himself leaves us few options: either he was who he said he was or he was nuts.

    Philip Yancey was awarded the Gold Medallion Christian Book of the Year award for this book in 1996 by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. It’s not the first, nor the last, award Yancey has won for his writing. But the writing is not necessarily the great gift of this book. Yancey allows the reader to discover, along with him, The Jesus I Never Knew.

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  • Zippered Heart : Bringing Light To The Dark Things We Hide Inside


    What do you do with all the ugly, embarrassing things in your life? We all have them whether or not we can admit it. In The Zippered Heart, popular author and Women of Faith speaker Marilyn Meberg explains that spiritual and emotional well-being require us to acknowledge the less-than-attractive, often shameful aspects of our character that we often try to hide. Meberg believes to admit our weakness is to invite the divine power of God to conquer them. With hope and humor, this book is an important reminder that there is nothing God can’t heal.

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  • Seasons Of Grace


    SKU (ISBN): 9780471208327ISBN10: 0471208329Alan Jones | John O’NeilBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2002Publisher: Jossey-Bass, Inc./Wiley Print On Demand Product

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  • Revelation : Experience Gods Power


    When is the world going to end? Will it be in our day? In our lifetime? Who is the anti-Christ? These and countless other questions are on the minds of followers of Christ around the world. It would be fair to say there is not another book of the Bible that is the subject of more curiosity, confusion, or speculation, than the book of Revelation.

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  • Reformed Is Not Enough


    Membership in the Christian faith is objective-it can be photographed and fingerprinted. In baptism, God names us and imposes gracious obligations upon us. Our baptism sets us apart as Christians.

    Multitudes of faithless, corrupt Christians show that they do not believe what God said at their baptism. Unfortunately, many Presbyterians don’t believe these biblical promises either. Perhaps they should take some exceptions to the Westminster Confession. Perhaps they should also note the quotation marks in this book’s title.

    Let’s look at it another way: Suppose a husband is committing adultery. Is he still a husband? Being a husband is not just a state of mind; it’s not just a private decision. Being a husband is a public relationship made from a public exchange of vows, an objective covenant. An adulterous husband is a covenant-breaking husband, but still a husband. Being a husband is what makes his infidelity so horrendous.

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  • More Ready Than You Realize


    The words “evangelizing” and “postmoderns” and “matrix” are all buzzwords and are heard in the same sentence quite a bit these days. Now that evangelicals are alerted to the presence of change in our culture and discovering ways to adjust to that change, the next step is to take initiative and meet the new society head-on. We are talking about emerging-culture evangelism.

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  • Getting Anger Under Control


    Whether horrific enough to garner national headlines, such as at Columbine, or minor enough to cause arguments with family or friends, uncontrolled anger is a thief that steals peace, joy, and trust. Now, hard on the heels of their bestselling Freedom from Fear (more than 43,000 copies sold), Neil Anderson and Rich Miller offer readers clear biblical principles and constructive methods to keep anger in its place by:
    *understanding the difference between righteous and unrighteous anger
    *depending on Jesus for anger control
    *implementing key principles to maintain healthy anger and avoid destructive anger
    *contemplating the truths revealed by God’s holy anger and wrath
    *realizing how anger affects the church

    Getting Anger Under Control helps readers evaluate their own anger level, take appropriate steps to alleviate anger’s destructiveness, and depend on Jesus’ power and wisdom to regulate their emotions.

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  • Honey For A Womans Heart


    Every year thousands of new books flood the shelves of local bookstores, retail outlets, and libraries. Nobody is busier than today’s woman, who often must shoulder enormous responsibilities both at work and at home. Faced with so many choices, how’s a woman to choose what to read? How is she to nurture her love for reading when it is sometimes so difficult to know what book to read next? Women need considerable encouragement to enhance their personal growth through reading.

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  • Just Enough Light For The Step Im On


    Harvest House Print on Demand Title

    Thousands of readers have been touched with the encouraging message found in Stormie’s bestselling Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On. Now this book of simple faith and hope for the future has an inspirational companion prayer journal.

    Beautifully designed, Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On-A Devotional Prayer Journey warmly invites readers into the world of prayer. Insights from the book and interactive questions offer readers a way to gently focus their journaling as they consider the events of their journeys in faith And as they look back, they will have a permanent record of God’s great care and tender mercies…and of the light they received just when they needed it.

    Whether as a gift or a personal keepsake, Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On-A Devotional Prayer Journey will be a valuable part of every devotional prayer time with the One who guides and leads.

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  • Sharing His Secrets


    Popular author, Bible study leader, and women’s speaker Vickey Banks leads readers on a search for secrets to experiencing life-changing intimacy with God. This thought-provoking, scripturally sound read takes a fresh look at Jesus’ face-to-face encounters with women when He walked this earth, asking, “What can their experiences tell us today about walking and talking with God? Do they know secrets to getting more up close and personal with Him?” In an accurate, yet warm and relational style, Banks reveals what still causes tears to trickle down God’s cheeks, moves His heart to compassion, prompts Him to defend and forgive, and makes Him feel loved and enjoyed-inspiring deeper intimacy with God today.

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  • Unmasking The Jezebel Spirit (Reprinted)


    With keen insight, John Paul Jackson peers through the enemy’s smokescreen and exposes one of the most deceptive snares used to destroy the Church. In this eye-opening book, the author challenges Christians to embrace God’s divine order and seeks to strengthen God-breathed intercession and prophetic ministry that bears the marks of humility, wisdom, and discernment. “Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit” is biblically anchored and seasoned with years of divine revelation and thoughtful reflection.

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  • 7 Signposts To Your Assignment


    Who Can Put A Price On You Discovering Your Assignment? Explore Wisdom Keys to help you in your journey. Learn…11 Seasons of Preparation / 3 Keys In Understanding Your Anger / 6 Keys For Developing An Obsession For Your Assignment.

    A Power Book!

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  • Falling In Love With Jesus


    Authors Dee Brestin and Kathy Troccoli introduce readers to the ultimate love relationship of all time: a relationship with Jesus Christ. Using humor, contemporary love songs, real-life stories, and solid Biblical teaching, Dee and Kathy help women discover a life-changing intimacy with Jesus. No matter your age or marital status, you are His bride, the object of His affection. The secret to an abundant life lies not in ten steps, but in developing a deep love relationship with Jesus, abandoning yourself to the greatest romance of your life!

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  • 8 Critical Lifetime Decisions


    Who will my friends be? What will I do for a living? How will I handle money? How will I deal with temptation? Who will my Master be? The quality of your life can be substantially improved by making good decisions in these and other key areas. In 8 Critical Lifetime Decisions, Ralph Palmen reveals principles that will help the reader discover new confidence, direction, and drive. The truths resulting from these eight decisions can be applied starting today. Regardless of age, occupation, previous setbacks, or unfulfilled dreams – change is possible starting with the next decision. Learning to make wise decisions helps make the rest of life’s choices easier, toppling impulsiveness and creating the freedom to be all that God intended.

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  • Spirituality Of Men


    Moving beyond old stereotypes of manliness and Christian identity, sixteen men of faith here chart new identities, roles, and attitudes for Christian men. The writers include men who are deeply in the Christian church and men barely in the church, straight and gay men, white men and African Americans, Protestant and Catholic, younger and older. As pastoral theologians, they offer keen observations of and prophetic witnesses to the core issues, deepest wounds, and greatest potentials for men today.

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  • Seeking Something Sacred


    Because we cannot have everything we desire, it is inevitable that we will experience frustration — and what we believe about pain and loss greatly affects our ability to respond constructively to such emotions as anxiety, despair, and rage. Seeking Something Sacred addresses the fragility of human life and our need to be grounded in something beyond ourselves in order to cope with the suffering inherent in our human condition. Drawing on searing personal experiences (disability and the sudden death of his young son), psychologist Joseph Talley demonstrates how the ability to find the sacred offers an antidote to the self-destructive tendencies we all fall into in moments of crisis — and he concludes that the only way to find rest from our tribulations is by trusting in God’s absolute goodness. Seeking Something Sacred isn’t just a fascinating study … it’s uplifting inspirational reading, too!

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  • Anger Is A Choice


    Anger is everybody’s problem–but it need not be yours! It becomes a problem when we fail to realize where it comes from or how it shows–or doesn’t show. Either it will control us or we can control it–because anger is a choice. Best-selling authors Tim LaHaye and Bob Phillips tell us what we need to know to control the emotion of anger. They not only examine it from beginning (its origins) to end (its effects), but they help us to evaluate our own “Irritability Quotient” through the Anger Inventory and other exercises throughout this book. In learning how to handle conflicts and anger, we are enabled to heal damaged relationships and help others deal with their anger as well. We can make our lives more peaceful, rewarding, and meaningful. Learning to control anger is the best choice you can make today.

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  • Grandma I Need Your Prayers


    More than 60 million Americans have grandchildren. As more and more baby boomers enter their ranks, there has been increasing interest in books that cater to their needs. But surprisingly little has been written regarding one of their primary concerns: the well being of their grandchildren.

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  • Who Is This King Of Glory


    Do you want to be challenged to deepen your understanding of the characteristics and requirements of Almighty God? The Understanding God Series contains the bulk of Pastor Tony Evans’ compelling and hard-hitting resources on the essentials about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and prophecy. Now available in paperback, readers will not want to be without a single book in the series by this popular and powerful speaker and author.

    Jesus’ parables and teaching come alive in this sweeping study of the four gospels. Tony Evans shines fresh light on the words of Jesus, giving readers a more personal understanding of Christ’s personality and His work on earth.

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  • Promise : Experiencing Gods Greatest Gift The Holy Spirit


    Do you want to be challenged to deepen your understanding of the characteristics and requirements of Almighty God? The Understanding God Series contains the bulk of Pastor Tony Evans’ compelling and hard-hitting resources on the essentials about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and prophecy. Now available in paperback, readers will not want to be without a single book in the series by this popular and powerful speaker and author.Christ promised He’d send a helper. The Holy Spirit is a real person who desires to guide our thoughts and actions toward the holiness of God. Tony Evans unfolds the work of the Holy Spirit in this very practical and helpful study of the third person of the Trinity.

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  • Returning To Your First Love


    Do you want to be challenged to deepen your understanding of the characteristics and requirements of Almighty God? The Understanding God Series contains the bulk of Pastor Tony Evans’ compelling and hard-hitting resources on the essentials about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and prophecy. Now available in paperback, readers will not want to be without a single book in the series by this popular and powerful speaker and author.

    Addiction, immorality, broken relationships – we all suffer spiritual setbacks. In Returning to Your First Love, readers will learn how to return to God and keep working out the most important relationship in our lives.

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  • Our God Is Awesome


    Do you want to be challenged to deepen your understanding of the characteristics and requirements of Almighty God? The Understanding God Series contains the bulk of Pastor Tony Evans’ compelling and hard-hitting resources on the essentials about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and prophecy. Now available in paperback, readers will not want to be without a single book in the series by this popular and powerful speaker and author.

    God’s sovereignty inspires our worship. His omnipotence guides our lives. The more we learn about God’s attributes, the more awestruck we become. In his captivating style, Tony Evans explores the characteristics of God and challenges readers to a deeper level of intimacy with the Father.

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  • What Matters Most


    Do you want to be challenged to deepen your understanding of the characteristics and requirements of Almighty God? The Understanding God Series contains the bulk of Pastor Tony Evans’ compelling and hard-hitting resources on the essentials about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and prophecy. Now available in paperback, readers will not want to be without a single book in the series by this popular and powerful speaker and author.

    What are the central precepts a person should know to fully follow Christ? As only he can, Tony Evans very clearly presents what he terms “four absolute necessities” to following the Lord. Readers will be led into a more intense, passionate walk with Christ as they come to understand what’s required.

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  • Performance Avenues : Knowing How We Work


    Add to your knowledge of what it is to be a leader, a learner, an innovator, a manager and a promoter.
    Allow you to discover your performance type as determined by your two most dominant performance avenues using the Despard Performance Type Test.
    Help you understand people better and recruit, train and assign them more effectively.
    Demonstrate how to balance and blend your performance avenues and achieve peak performance.

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  • Lit : Living Christs Character From The Inside Out


    In this provocative book, nationally recognized speaker David Edwards delivers thirteen chapters on how to ignite the fire within and learn what it means to live out your faith in a postmodern world. After reading just a few pages, you’ll discover that Edwards’s pen blazes with the same passion, enthusiasm, and humor that have made him a highly sought-after national speaker. Practical “Spotlight” exercises at the end of each chapter are designed to help you transfer the truth of each chapter into your everyday experience, and thought-provoking questions for both groups and individuals will help you ignite the light within your hearts and teach you how to live the lit life.

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  • Saint Benedict On The Freeway


    How can we heal the rift between our daily lives and the sacred? How can we live a life capable of hearing “the still small voice” of God while experiencing the speed and sensory overload of modern life? This book is Ware’s answer to these questions. She acknowledges that others have addressed the questions; on the one hand there are books which have significant depth but speak in academic or “in-group” language and provide little help adapting these insights to everyday life. On the other hand, there are practical “how-to” exercises which assist in very particular spiritual experiences but which do not offer integrated, sustainable, life-changing patterns. St. Benedict On The Freeway fills this gap. It “translates into twenty-first century life spiritually formative practices worked out in the past, creatively adapting those disciplines to contemporary daily life.” This adaptation is the heart of Ware’s book. She attempts first to draw attention to our own awareness of God. She discusses how a “Rule” functioned for Benedict’s time, and how it can function for us as a liberating reminder of God instead of another repressive and burdensome taskmaster. Ware also asks how the hours of prayer–vigils, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, compline–can increase our spiritual awareness even if our ‘community’ does not stop for prayer at designated times during the day. And, Ware explores prayer in dimensions beyond the spoken word.

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  • How To Keep A Spiritual Journal


    This revised edition of a thorough guide offers steps for anyone interested in keeping a spiritual journal, from recommendations for notebooks to ways to work through common frustrations and writer’s block. Ron Klug relies on his experience as a workshop leader, journal keeper, and author to create a book that is both helpful and wise.

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  • When Mothers Pray


    When Mothers Pray is a book of hope, inspiration, and stories that will revitalize the prayer life of readers. Many women experience hopelessness when they pray for their children and see no discernible results-yet praying is one of the most vital things we can do for our kids. Now with a lovely new contemporary cover, this bestselling book offers encouragement and a larger perspective as moms from around the world share their own personal stories, struggles, and ultimate victories. Women will find new motivation to refresh their prayer lives-and to make a difference in the lives of their children as they intercede for them.

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  • Dont Stop Laughing Now


    A sequel to She Who Laughs, Lasts, this book offers the same winning recipe, blending laughter and inspiration, to whip up a delicious blend of fun and faith for readers hungry for more. Contributors include a variety of male and female authors, the most hilarious of whom are Barbara Johnson, Patsy Clairmont, Chonda Pierce, and Becky Freeman.

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  • Bible Jesus Read


    Philip Yancey has a way of confronting our most cherished but misguided notions about faith. In The Bible Jesus Read, he challenges the perception that the New Testament is all that matters and the Old Testament isn’t worth taking the time to read and understand.

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  • When Families Pray


    It is a parent’s greatest responsibility. Yet in this era of high-speed communication, few of them know how to connect their own families with God. Cheri Fuller shows how to discover the essence of prayer and experience the joy of communing with the Savior, as a family, for life. Thought-provoking questions will help parents and their kids see God in a new light. Scripture, present-day stories of answered prayer, and inspirational quotes will encourage families to begin a refreshing and rewarding lifelong walk with God.

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  • How To Live Happily Ever After


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232777ISBN10: 1931232776Marilee McLeodBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • How To Stop The Pain


    We all experience pain! Every day millions of people live in a world of heartache. We’re forced to smile and pretend that everything is all right. You’ve been wounded, and you just can’t seem to heal. You try to get on with your life, but you just can’t move on. You forgive, but you can’t forget! Every day exhumes the pain you try to bury. It cripples your relationships with people, God, and life itself. It destroys your ability to pursue your dreams. This paradigm-shattering book will free you from the forces that would turn you into a victim. It will lead you step-by-step through a simple process that will free you from the pain of the past and protect you from the pain of the future. Discover the emotional freedom that everyone wants but few experience!

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  • Ruth : Relationships That Bring Life (Student/Study Guide)


    The biblical character of Ruth was striking in her capacity to bring life to her relationships. Even in the midst of tragedy and difficulty, her presence blessed and influenced friends and strangers in her community, the man she grew to love, her children, and her in-laws.

    This six-week Fisherman Bible Studyguide uses Ruth’s story to help you reflect on your own relationships and the ways in which God might be inviting you to move different ways-ways that will lead you into life-giving patterns of relating with others.

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  • Friend Of The Soul


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561011384ISBN10: 156101138XNorvene VestBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Desiring Life : Benedict On Wisdom And The Good Life


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561011827ISBN10: 1561011827Norvene VestBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • What Does The Bible Really Say About Hell


    Randy Klassen studies every significant reference to hell in the Bible, seeking an interpretation that both takes the Bible seriously as the very Word of God and harmonizes with the character of the God and “Abba” revealed through Jesus Christ.

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  • Grace The Power To Change


    Christians everywhere have been missing the truth about grace–and living in defeat as a result. Grace is God’s ability working in you to do what you cannot. It is the power to change. Take to heart the principles in this book, and discover the dimension of Christian living that Jesus called “easy and light.” Jesus has finished the work, so relax and let His grace change your heart!

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  • Watching What We Watch


    Television has eclipsed the church and school as the most dominant storyteller in our culture. Watching What We Watch discusses the various aspects of “reading” television, helps us to understand how television creates meanings, and teaches us to assess the truth and value of those meanings. Watching What We Watch provides an accessible framework for analyzing television theologically and from the perspective of our values and beliefs. A team of experts uses examples from popular television shows to to explore the forces that drive television production and to challenge viewers to consider what things they should appreciate about television and what things they should call into question.

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  • Reaching For The Invisible God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In the book Reaching for the Invisible God Philip Yancey steers clear of trite detours, inviting readers to travel through the most difficult parts of pursuing a relationship with the transcendent God. Making use of his wide experience and a rich well of stories, Yancey considers honestly the predicaments of human existence, that we are distracted with daily routines like work and school, we open up the computer more than we open our Bibles, and we seek success instead of God. We forget God and become guilty of worshipping the impossible while failing to believe in the possible–that the relationship of the grace God extends to us daily. In the Bible we can and will encounter God’s loving and gracious personality. Without cliches, Yancey reminds us that doubt and difficulty, two seeming foes of friendship with God, can actually spur intimacy with him.

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  • Streams Of Living Water (Revised)



    In this landmark work, Foster examines the foundations of Christian experience, growth, and renewal found in six historical movements: contemplative, holiness, charismatic, social justice, evangelical, and incarnational. Using profiles of biblical and modern characters who exemplify these traditions, he offers suggestions on how to integrate them into your daily life—leading to authentic Christian experience.

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  • Wisdom Of Each Other


    The Wisdom of Each Other demonstrates the life-changing value of friendships. With originality and warmth, Eugene Peterson opens our eyes to one of God’s greatest and most overlooked provisions for counsel, encouragement, and renewal — honest, Christ-centered relationships.

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  • No Longer Babes


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232821ISBN10: 1931232822Betty RushfordBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Speaking Of Sin


    In Speaking of Sin, Barbara Brown Taylor brings her fresh perspective to a cluster of words that often cause us discomfort and have widely fallen into neglect: sin, damnation, repentance, penance, and salvation. She asks, Why, then, should we speak of sin anymore? The only reason I can think of is because we believe that God means to redeem the world through us.

    Abandoning the language of sin will not make sin go away. Human beings will continue to experience alienation, deformation, damnation and death no matter what we call them. Abandoning the language will simply leave us speechless before them, and increase our denial of their presence in our lives. Ironically, it will also weaken the language of grace, since the full impact of forgiveness cannot be felt apart from the full impact of what has been forgiven.

    Contrary to the prevailing view, Taylor calls sin a helpful, hopeful word. Naming our sins, she contends, enables us to move from guilt to grace. In recovering this lost language of salvation in our worship and in the fabric of our individual lives, we have an opportunity to take part in the divine work of redemption.

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  • Diet Alternative With Study Guide (Revised)


    You want to lose weight. Sometimes you even manage to shed those pounds. But you always gain them back–and maybe a few extra. Diets treat the symptom and not the problem. Diane Hampton will revolutionize the way you look at food. You can find relief from the power food has over you. This is not a diet. There are no pills, no menus, and no foods to avoid. You won’t have to count calories, fat grams, or carbohydrates. You can consume anything you desire and still lose weight: eat sweets, have a dessert, munch on chips and dip whenever you want. This book contains time-tested principles that get results. No diet can promise a consistent loss of 3-4 pounds a week, but this book isn’t a diet. It’s freedom. Learn to use your body’s natural “hungry” and “full” responses. Discover God’s meal plan. Then keep the same size for the rest of your life!

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  • Secret Place : Passionately Pursuing His Presence


    240 Pages

    Additional Info
    You hunger to live in the presence of God. You yearn to know the Father’s heart in an intimate way. You desire revelation and passionate encounters with the Almighty. You long to spend time in the Secret Place, getting to know the Father in a deeper way. This book will lead you into that place of revelation, the place that will satisfy your hunger for more of God. If you long to experience a greater intimacy with the Father, The Secret Place will draw you in and change your life!

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  • Solitude : A Neglected Path To God


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561011988ISBN10: 1561011983Christopher MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Attitudes That Attract Success


    Does your cup runneth over, or is life running you over? Here are practical steps to building internal values and perspectives that will change your life! Embedded in God’s Word are the keys to abundant living, and Hawaiian pastor Wayne Cordeiro guides you through those keys with humor and insight. This book will show you the common mistakes people make without realizing it; what separates successful from unsuccessful people; how to see people as God sees them; and how to change the way you think. You are just an attitude away from a fantastic life!

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  • Letting Go Of Worry And Anxiety


    Attention, chronic worriers: it is possible to reduce the intensity, frequency, and duration of painful episodes of anxiety without medication. Licensed counselor Pam Vredvelt draws from twenty years of clinical experience, scientific research, and scriptural insight to offer the reader tools for living a more peaceful and tranquil life. While worrying is for many a deeply embedded habit, because it was learned, it can be “unlearned,” and with compassion and sound advice, Pam shows how.

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  • Letting Go Of Disappointments And Painful Losses


    Professional counselor Pam Vredevelt constantly hears the question “How do I let go of the pain I feel?” Whether it’s a soured friendship or dissatisfying job, a wayward child, or unrealistic expectations, every person has to deal with lingering disappointment and its clouding effect on attitude and relationships. God does not intend that pain to cripple, distort, and consume his children. Getting “unstuck” is possible, Pam writes, through the use of a few simple and practical tools that lead to peace of mind and tranquility of heart. We’ve all heard the expression, “Let go and let God.” With compassion and warmth, Pam Vredevelt show how.

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  • What I Wish Id Known Before I Got Married


    Building a marriage is a lifelong endeavor for both men and women. Most marriage books cover the three C’s–communication, compromise, and consideration-but fail to address many issues critical to a healthy relationship. Family advocate Kay James calls these the “things I wish I had known before I got married”: advice on finances, sex, children, and dealing with the extended family. Noting that the apostle Paul exhorted older women not to inspire or counsel younger women, but to teach them how to be wives to their husbands, Kay offers a lifetime’s wealth of wisdom for creating an unbreakable marriage relationship.

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  • Study Guide For Making Room (Student/Study Guide)


    Christine Pohl’s 1999 book Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition has helped foster renewal of the central but long-neglected practice of Christian hospitality. This new study guide for Making Room provides a variety of ways in which people can learn more about the practice.
    Designed for use by small groups _ though individuals will also profit from it _ the study guide is divided into nine lessons corresponding to the chapters of Making Room. Each lesson begins with an introduction briefly highlighting the main points of the book, followed by sections on group building, Scripture, discussion, reflection, and personal application. Each lesson also provides aids for group leaders and suggested activities to help participants begin to make the practice of hospitality part of their daily life.

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  • God In The Manger


    Pastor/teacher John MacArthur unravels the intricacies of the event that changed the face of human history: the birth of Christ. As he examines every angle of Christ’s birth_from the heavenly announcement, to the mixed reactions and the powerful ramification_the superiority and preeminence of Jesus Christ will shine through and speak volumes about creation, redemption, and divine destiny.

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  • Whole Prayer : Speaking And Listening To God


    A trustworthy guide to an intimate and refreshing relationship with God

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  • Act Like A Man


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232784ISBN10: 1931232784Peter ParisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Who Am I In Christ (Reprinted)


    Do You Know Who You Are in God’s Eyes?Have you ever been tempted to doubt God’s love? Well, He never gives up on you. Do you spend much of your life trying to earn God’s favor? What a tragic waste of time–because you already have His love! It is the gift of life, which God freely gives you when you decide to follow Christ. It comes with no strings attached and lasts for eternity. Neil T. Anderson–bestselling author of Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker–reveals and defines your special place in God’s family in this powerful devotional that has sold over 100,000 copies! Who I Am in Christ includes 36 readings and prayers, each and every one based on scriptural passages that assure you of God’s love and your security and freedom in His kingdom. Welcome to His Word and His world– where you are the apple of His eye!

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  • Steps To Freedom In Christ (Reprinted)


    Contrary to the fairy tales, receiving Christ does not mean that we won’t have conflicts in our lives. However, we can overcome them because of our position in Christ as children of God. The Steps to Freedom in Christ helps Christians reclaim the promise of freedom that Christ offers all who come in His name. It includes a spiritual inventory to help identify and break free from condemning thoughts, compulsive behaviors, personal conflicts, spiritual struggle and despair, and any type of personal or spiritual bondage. The Steps to Freedom in Christ is a comprehensive process to help Christians resolve personal and spiritual conflicts in Christ. This smaller version of the new and revised Steps to Freedom in Christ makes it easier and more convenient to take the steps with you everywhere you go.

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  • Boundaries With Kids


    Since the 1992 release of their Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Boundaries, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend have heard these three questions rephrased thousands of times. As parents begin to realize the tremendous impact poor boundaries have had on their own lives, their concern naturally extends to their children. How can they help their sons and daughters form healthy boundaries that lead to well-rounded characters and successful adult lives? Now there are answers. Boundaries with Kids helps parents apply the Ten Laws of Boundaries (first described in Boundaries) to the challenges of raising children. In their popular, readable style, Cloud and Townsend help moms and dads make choices and develop a parenting approach that sees beyond the moment to the adults their children will become. For parents who want their kids to escape the struggles they themselves have experienced, here’s an in-depth look at how to implement the preventive medicine of character development by establishing sound boundaries – starting with the parents. Boundaries with Kids helps moms and dads learn how to

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  • Living Life With Faith In God


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232241ISBN10: 1931232245James PuckettBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Gods Plan For You


    Though in all things God’s Word is the final authority, our Christian tradition, as inherited from centuries of careful reflection and endeavoring to be true to the teaching of Scripture, can greatly enlighten us. Nowhere is this blend of respectful listening to the wisdom of the past and faithfulness to the Bible more necessary than in our contemporary reformulations of the doctrine of God’s person.

    Bruce Ware believes that while tradition’s emphasis on God’s metaphysical perfection and His supremacy over the world is correct, we must refine our understanding of the way in which He relates to us. While retaining the deepest concerns of the historic tradition, Ware offers a more rational view of God’s dealings with His children–a view that is reflected in Scripture’s own testimony of Him. Ware then applies this concept of real divine exaltation and real divine-human relationship to the areas of our prayer life, confidence in God and His guidance of u

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  • Celebrating The Wrath Of God


    In this book, the author compellingly and powerfully proclaims that God doesn’t merely allow our suffering, but rather ordains and uses it in order to bring about the redemption of humanity. Drawing from a rich well of Scripture, literature and life, this book calls all Christians to a triumphant trust in the redemptive purpose of God.

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  • Radical Restoration : A Call For Pure And Simple Christianity


    13 Chapters

    Additional Info
    What would it be like if we radically restored first century faith and practice in our own time and culture?

    A time to ask tough questions
    *Churches of Christ – Truly non-denominational?
    *Elders – Teaching shepherds or board of directors?
    *Pulpit ministers – Evangelists, or one-man bands?
    *Youth ministers – God’s gift to teens, or opt-out for parents?
    *Lord’s Supper – Memorial Meal, or miniaturized substitute?
    *Gathered worship – Mutual participants, or a spectator audience?
    *Christian lifestyle – Sold out for Christ, or bought out by culture?

    “The call for radical restoration is a call to throw off the denominational thinking which obscure our historic commitment to biblical restoration, and to consider how wonderfully revitalizing true restoration might be.”

    Back to the Future –
    A Primitive Church for the 21st Century
    *Vibrant small group fellowships
    *Weekly love feasts
    *Informal, spontaneous, mutual ministry in worship
    *Radically motivated, counter culture disciples of Christ.

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  • Journey To The Center Of The Faith


    In this book you will find one pastor’s attempt to talk about the Christian faith in ways that connect with a vast majority of people who, in a time of great extremes, are searching for a clear center to their faith – “an inner core of conviction and belief that will enable us to keep our balance in the whirling tornado of cultural change and confusion that threatens to engulf us.” As author James A. Harnish describes it, we are all ordinary people on an extraordinary journey toward a center that will hold true, a life-giving center defined by faith in God revealed through Jesus Christ. Each of the twelve chapters focuses on a central theme and features several quotations from scripture and other writings; colorful personal stories and anecodotes; questions, activities, and suggestions for better Christian living through putting the chapter’s theme into practice; and suggestioms for further reading.

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  • 8 Life Enriching Practices Of United Methodists


    This resource is a summary study of the eight life-enriching practices that are part of the series–prayer, Bible study, evangelism, community, worship and the sacraments, outreach, justice and others. Questions for discussion are included with each chapter.

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  • Bread For The Wilderness


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232524ISBN10: 1931232520Ray RochelleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Whats A Woman To Do


    SKU (ISBN): 9780890981375ISBN10: 089098137XBetty BenderBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: 21st Century Christian Print On Demand Product

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  • Mystery Of Gods Will


    We all face difficult decisions. How can we know that the decisions we make are in God’s will? Even popular author, pastor and Dallas Seminary President Charles Swindoll says at times he’s not been so sure. In The Mystery of God’s Will, Swindoll examines this long debated subject from a balanced, biblical perspective regarding his own doubts and experiences. For anyone who’s ever doubted God’s will, or for those who are convinced of it in every situation, this book will be a real eye-opener.

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  • Divided By Faith


    Through a nationwide telephone survey of 2,000 people and an additional 200 face-to-face interviews, Michael O. Emerson and Christian Smith probed the grassroots of white evangelical America. They found that despite recent efforts by the movement’s leaders to address the problem of racial discrimination, evangelicals themselves seem to be preserving America’s racial chasm. In fact, most white evangelicals see no systematic discrimination against blacks. But the authors contend that it is not active racism that prevents evangelicals from recognizing ongoing problems in American society. Instead, it is the evangelical movement’s emphasis on individualism, free will, and personal relationships that makes invisible the pervasive injustice that perpetuates racial inequality. Most racial problems, the subjects told the authors, can be solved by the repentance and conversion of the sinful individuals at fault.
    the authors throw sharp light on the oldest American dilemma. In the end, they conclude that despite the best intentions of evangelical leaders and some positive trends, real racial reconciliation remains far over the horizon.

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