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Christian Education

Showing all 82 results

  • Case For Classical Christian Education


    Published almost twenty years ago, Douglas Wilson’s Case for Classical Christian Education is a call for parents and educators to do more than just teach kids how to read or to do math and science. Instead, parents and teachers need to educate children’s minds, hearts, and imaginations.

    Both homeschooling parents and Christians seeking to build schools will find a lot of guidance from this book. Wilson explains the benefits of an education that is both distinctively classical and distinctively Christian, and explains what such an education might look like. He also draws on years of educating and pastoring to talk about how parents and teachers can manage schools well and train their children’s hearts.

    Education is not just preparing kids for the job market, but should be about instilling discipline, character, and love for God and the world He has made.

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  • Finding Your Way Through The Bible CEB


    This self-instruction book was written to help middle and older elementary children become familiar with their Bibles and learn how to use them at their own speed. Finding Your Way Through the Bible is intended to be used with the Children’s Common English Bible at home or in the classroom. Students completing this book will be able to: -Find any book in the Old or New Testaments using the Table of Contents -Find any chapter in any book and any verse in any chapter -Find parts of verses when the Bible reference uses the letters a, b, and c with a verse number -Tell the difference between books with similar names such as 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel and John and 1 John -Recognize the additional helps in a Bible and be able to use them

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  • Beginners Guide To Dantes Divine Comedy


    This accessible, Christian introduction to Dante also serves as a primer to the Divine Comedy, helping readers appreciate the complexity and layers of meaning in Dante’s spiritual masterpiece.

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  • Beauty For Truths Sake (Reprinted)


    Much of the confusion and meaninglessness of the twenty-first century stems from the fragmentation of knowledge. Our postmodern times cry out for a return to wholeness. Enter Stratford Caldecott, who calls for renewal in education in Beauty for Truth’s Sake. By reclaiming the classic liberal arts and viewing disciplines such as science and mathematics through a poetic lens, the author explains that unity is present within diversity. Ultimately, God is behind all truth.This book will benefit parents, homeschoolers, lifelong learners, and readers interested in the history of ideas. It is appropriate for Christian college and university students and will play an especially important role in curriculum development.

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  • Professional Guidelines For Christian English Teachers


    “This handbook is for people in the field of English language teaching who are looking for practical ways to be both committed followers of Jesus and ethical TESOL professionals. What do such teachers actually do in the classroom? What materials do they use? How do they relate to their students and colleagues in and outside the classroom? How can they treat students as whole people, with spiritual and religious identities? How can they set a high bar for ethical teaching? Professional Guidelines for Christian English Teachers has grown out of Kitty Purgason’s experience as a Christian seeking to follow the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, as a practitioner with a deep concern for excellence and integrity, and as a teacher trainer with experience in many parts of the world.”

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  • Teaching Outside The Box


    Rather than tweaking the ways youth ministers communicate the gospel, Teaching Outside the Box, explores five distinct approaches to forming youth in the faith-approaches that open youth to experiencing the implications of the gospel in new ways. We’ll start by providing a new take on the instructional approach, and then introduce four additional approaches that are likely new to readers: community of faith, interpretive, liberation, and contemplative.

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  • Blessed To Be A Blessing


    Blessed to be a Blessing: Sacred Circle Time for Young Children is designed specifically for young children using a simple-but-effective model that will move them beyond “learning about God” to “experiencing God” through ritual, wonder, story, prayer, and blessing. Dr. Leanne Hadley provides all the leadership tools as well as ideas for resources that all congregations have already on hand.

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  • Pilgrim The Eucharist


    Course 6: The Eucharist: How do Christians know and worship God? The six sessions of Course 6 reveal reasons why the Eucharist is celebrated as a memorial of Christ’s saving passion and stands at the very heart of Christian worship. Session 1 looks at worship as communion with God. Session 2 explores the Eucharist as the pattern of all Christian worship. Session 3 looks at the intimacy we have with God in Holy Communion and how we are transformed by the encounter. Sessions 4 – 6 look at worship as a sign and foretaste of heaven, shaping our whole life, and how the whole of life is sacramental.

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  • Groove The Life Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    The life of the Christian is marked by disciplines, practices, and commitments that help shape the foundation of our faith. So how do we help youth encounter and choose to embrace some of these practices as they move into a faith that they claim as their own? The Life is a four-week study designed to help youth consider spiritual practices and what those practices can mean in their lives. Each week, they will consider the practices of being committed to a church family, of prayer, of giving, and of sharing their faith with others. The ideas and lessons are reinforced with exercises and daily devotions, found in the Groove: The Life Student Journal, designed to help them reflect and apply these disciplines in their own lives. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats.The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove Character Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    When beliefs, attitudes, and values line up with actions there is character. Helping teenagers grow in Christlike character is no easy task. How do we help teenagers follow Jesus and take on his character? It takes practice and the commitment of their church family to support, encourage, and celebrate the “wins” with them along this exciting journey of growth. Character is a four-week Bible study designed to help teens develop Christ-like behavior in their daily lives. Teenagers will consider the ideas of truth, how they use their words, how they view their possessions, and what it is to be a person of integrity. The study is reinforced with daily devotions and exercises found in the Groove: Character Student Journal. Helping youth embrace character and the practice of growing their spiritual lives independent from group study can be a powerful combination. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats.The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove Jesus Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    What do Christian teenagers believe today about Jesus Christ? And what difference does that belief make in their life? Research shows that most teenagers do not understand the basic core beliefs of Christianity and often express misgivings of their own faith. How do we help teens connect with the significance and importance of Jesus Christ? Jesus is a four-week study designed to help teens encounter the basic truths about who Jesus is and why that matters in their lives. Through group study and daily devotions, found in the Groove: Jesus Student Journal, teenagers will begin to understand the significance of Christ and how that relates to their daily walk. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats.The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove Temptation Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    Temptations are all around us; and facing those temptations is never easy, especially for teenagers. While simply avoiding temptation would make life a lot easier, it can be very hard for teens, who are still developing socially, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and physically. Temptation is a four-week study designed to help teens navigate and overcome the daily temptations they battle. Greed, pride, envy, and lust are challenges we all face; so understanding the spiritual implications of those temptations can help our youth thrive in their spiritual lives as they move into adulthood. The Groove: Temptation Student Journal provides exercises and daily devotions that help teens deal with the temptations they face as they learn to develop a maturing faith in Christ. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove The Walk Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    What does it look like to “walk with Jesus”? Like a great deal of church jargon we toss around, it can become a confusing concept for teens to embrace and understand. The Walk is designed to teach youth what it means to walk with Jesus. As their faith grows, they will learn to exercise the grace, love, patience, humility, and meekness found only in Christ. As a result, they will begin to own their faith, as it moves from something that they hear about to something that they are living in their own lives. The daily devotions of the Groove: The Walk Student Journal will encourage youth to embrace these concepts and experience a rich and fulfilled life as they learn to imitate Christ in their daily lives. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove School Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    Nearly all youth are involved in school and educational pursuits for a majority of their day. Even if they are not attending a traditional school, there are ways to encourage them to live out their faith as they follow Jesus and at the same time grow in their academic knowledge. School is designed to help teenagers consider how their faith affects their lives at school. From the lessons studied each week, combined with the daily devotions found in the Groove: School Student Journal, teens will be encouraged to pause and reflectively engage as their academic and spiritual lives collide. Over the course of the series, youth will be encouraged to make a place of belonging for everyone in their school, to set and keep priorities that reflect their faith in Jesus, to find joy even at school, and to know that our worth ultimately lies in who Jesus is and what he has done for us. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove Grace Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    Grace is a church word that sometimes gets lost in the world of teenagers. Research shows that most teenagers have embraced a system of belief in which being a follower of Jesus is defined by behavior, instead of the grace of God offered through Christ. Grace is designed to show youth that grace is a real, practical force in their lives even in the midst of brokenness, fear, doubt, and stress. These key factors can often become major stumbling blocks for youth if they are not equipped with the tools to understand how God’s grace operates in each of these areas. Each lesson in the Groove: Grace Student Journal includes daily devotions and reflections to help young people work through the issues raised. Sometimes the lessons leave youth with more reflection and processing to do; such challenges help youth develop a maturing, deepening faith that will last into adulthood. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove Relationships Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    If you have been in youth ministry for any length of time, you will quickly learn the one thing that teenagers value most: their relationships. As they move into a world of independence, these relationships help shape their identity and affect their lives for the future. Relationships looks at the key relationships that youth have with their families, friends, and members of the opposite sex. All youth have relationship stories; and the reality is that we can help them navigate those relationships, whether they come from great circumstances or challenging ones. The daily devotions and exercises in the Groove: Relationships Student Journal are designed to help youth dig deeper into the ideas presented in the weekly lessons and move them toward more thoughtful relationships. T The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats.The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove Dilemmas Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    Every day, youth are called to navigate a world full of challenging decisions-from the simple choices about everyday life to the much more serious ethical dilemmas that can make being a teenager a complicated experience. Some of those dilemmas include: What does it mean to be a person with established morals and ethics? How does the commandment to love others affect our lives in a tangible way? What happens when we make choices that have consequences that greatly affect our lives and the lives of those around us? Dilemmas isn’t designed to provide simple answers to complicated questions, but rather help teens understand how to make inspired, smart choices that reflect both who they are and who they are striving to be. The Groove: Dilemmas Student Journal will challenge youth to be deliberate, thoughtful, and faithful as they attempt to make choices that are consistent with their character and their faith. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats.The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove I Am Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    Discovering and embracing one’s identity has proven to be a long, lonely, rough, and at times, dangerous road for today’s teenagers. It’s likely you’ve chosen this study to use with your youth group because you care deeply and want the teenagers within your sphere of influence to find the answers to their identity questions in Jesus Christ. The I Am study is not a quick fix for your teenagers’ needs. It is a handcrafted tool that, when used by compassionate, caring, and committed adults, will ignite their imagination and excitement for whom their Creator says they are and the purpose for which they were designed. I Am will likely raise more questions than it answers, and that’s intentional. Don’t feel the need to make sure all the loose ends are tied up at the conclusion of your youth gathering. Allow your teens the opportunity to leave with ideas and truths on which to reflect and wrestle as they use the daily devotionals provided in the Groove: I Am Student Journal. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove The Basics Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


    Today’s faith and biblical illiteracy in general and among those who attend church and claim to be Christian is staggering. Some alarmists are claiming that the Christian faith is in danger of becoming extinct. We can no longer rely on culture to support the passing on of faith in Jesus Christ to the coming generations. The Basics study is not a quick fix to this situation. It is a handcrafted tool that when used by compassionate, caring, and committed adults, will ignite their imagination for God, the Scripture, the faith community, and living a transformed life. The Basics will likely raise more questions than it answers, and that’s intentional. Don’t feel the need to make sure all the loose ends are tied up at the conclusion of your youth gathering. Allow your teens the opportunity to leave with ideas and truths on which to reflect and wrestle as they use the daily devotionals provided in the Groove: The Basics Student Journal. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats.The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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  • Groove Character Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    When beliefs, attitudes, and values line up with actions there is character. Helping teenagers grow in Christ-like character is no easy task. How do we help teenagers follow Jesus and take on his character? It takes practice and the commitment of their church family to support, encourage, and celebrate the “wins” with them along this exciting journey of growth. Character is a four-week Bible study designed to help teens develop Christ-like behavior in their daily lives. Teenagers will consider the ideas of truth, how they use their words, how they view their possessions, and what it is to be a person of integrity. The study is reinforced with daily devotions and exercises found in the Groove: Character Student Journal. Helping youth embrace character and the practice of growing their spiritual lives independent from group study can be a powerful combination. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The leader guide contains everything needed to lead teens through a Groove study, including teaching outlines, leader notes, Bible background, reflections, and parent communication.

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  • Groove School Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Nearly all youth are involved in school and educational pursuits for a majority of their day. Even if they are not attending a traditional school, there are ways to encourage them to live out their faith as they follow Jesus and at the same time grow in their academic knowledge. School is designed to help teenagers consider how their faith affects their lives at school. From the lessons studied each week, combined with the daily devotions found in the Groove: School Student Journal, teens will be encouraged to pause and reflectively engage as their academic and spiritual lives collide. Over the course of the series, youth will be encouraged to make a place of belonging for everyone in their school, to set and keep priorities that reflect their faith in Jesus, to find joy even at school, and to know that our worth ultimately lies in who Jesus is and what he has done for us. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The leader guide contains everything needed to lead teens through a Groove study, including teaching outlines, leader notes, Bible background, reflections, and parent communication.

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  • Groove The Basics Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Today’s faith and biblical illiteracy in general and among those who attend church and claim to be Christian is staggering. Some alarmists are claiming that the Christian faith is in danger of becoming extinct. We can no longer rely on culture to support the passing on of faith in Jesus Christ to the coming generations. The Basics study is not a quick fix to this situation. It is a handcrafted tool that when used by compassionate, caring, and committed adults, will ignite their imagination for God, the Scripture, the faith community, and living a transformed life. The Basics will likely raise more questions than it answers, and that’s intentional. Don’t feel the need to make sure all the loose ends are tied up at the conclusion of your youth gathering. Allow your teens the opportunity to leave with ideas and truths on which to reflect and wrestle as they use the daily devotionals provided in the Groove: The Basics Student Journal. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The leader guide contains everything needed to lead teens through a Groove study, including teaching outlines, leader notes, Bible background, reflections, and parent communication.

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  • Trinity : The God We Dont Know


    Most people assume they know what they mean when they use the word “God.” They mean a powerful old guy in the sky ready to obliterate us if we do wrong but basically benevolent, if a little senile.

    The Christian doctrine of the Trinity shows us God is vastly more interesting. God is actually fleshed among us in Jesus, poured out on us in the Holy Spirit’s intoxication of the church. God is three divine persons in perfect harmony and beauty-and God invites us into that unimaginable intimacy. We don’t know this God, but we should.

    Trinity uses scripture, the Early Church tradition, and some modern theology to argue that God is weirder than we ever thought. God is a mystery whom we can’t understand but who can shape our misunderstanding to allow for faithful living and holy love of God and neighbor.

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  • Understanding Bible By Design


    Today’s seminary and religious-education instructors are expected to design and redesign their courses more nimbly than in the past. We have to adapt our courses to novel learning environments, for more diverse learners, toward more diverse vocations. At the same time, institutional rewards for time invested in course design are fewer than ever. Understanding Bible by Design introduces the reader to Understanding by Design: an approach to course design that is proven time-efficient and grounded in the instructor’s most closely-held convictions about her subject matter’s “big ideas and essential questions.” This book’s contributors (one in Old Testament, one in New Testament, and one in Jewish Studies) demonstrate the value of Understanding Bible by Design for the Biblical Studies instructor, whether at seminary or university, face-to-face or online, from the intimate seminar to the massive MOOC.

    Lester’s synopsis of course design and suggested action is followed by a collaborative dialogue with Jane S. Webster and Christopher M. Jones. Webster and Jones provide practical commentary regarding the successful implementation of Lester’s proposed approaches. As a group, Lester, Webster, and Jones create a text that extends pedagogical innovation in inspiring but practical ways.

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  • Effective Social Learning


    The ground of higher education is shifting, but learning ecosystems around the world have much more space than MOOCs and trendy online platforms can fill, and Loewen shows how professors have an indisputable pedagogical edge that gives them a crucial role to play in higher education. By adopting the collaborative pedagogical process in this book, professors can create effective social learning experiences that connect students to peers and professional colleagues in real-time.

    Loewen moves beyond surface questions about technology in the classroom to a problem best addressed by educators in bricks-and-mortar institutions: if students are social learners, how do we teach in a way that promotes actual dialogue for learning? Designing learning experiences that develop intercultural competencies puts the test to students’ social inclinations, and engagement with course material increases when it’s used to dig deeper into the specificities of their identity and social location. Loewen’s approach to inter-institutional collaborative teaching will be explored with examples and working templates for collaborative design of effective social learning experiences. This is done by collaborative dialogue with G. Brooke Lester and Christopher Duncanson-Hales. As a group, Loewen, Lester, and Duncanson-Hales create a text that extends pedagogical innovation in inspiring but practical wa

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  • 7 Laws Of Teaching (Reprinted)


    1. The Law Of Teaching
    2. The Law Of The Teacher
    3. The Law Of The Learner
    4. The Law Of The Language
    5. The Law Of The Lesson
    6. The Law Of The Teaching Process
    7. The Law Of The Learning Process
    8. The Law Of Review
    Appendix A: The Seven Laws Of Teaching
    Appendix B: Self-Assessment For Teachers
    Appendix C: Sample Teacher Observation Form
    Appendix D: Answers To Study Questions
    Appendix E: Historical Endnotes

    Additional Info
    Foreword “The Seven Disciplines of Highly Effective Teachers” by Douglas Wilson
    Evaluation Tools and Study Questions by Dr. Larry Stephenson

    Don’t miss this vital book for teachers! For decades, John Milton Gregory’s The Seven Laws of Teaching has been an essential guide for classical educators everywhere, whether in schools, at home, in co-ops, or online.

    You’ve never seen an edition like this: In 1954, Baker Book House published a revised edition of the text that “abridged” much of the Christian content and emphasis: we’ve restored The Seven Laws of Teaching to its original 1886 text. Not only does your Canon Press version give the unabridged first edition text, but we’ve also added a number of invaluable tools not available anywhere else:

    A powerful forward by Douglas Wilson, “The Seven Disciplines of Highly Effective Teachers,”
    Study Questions after each chapter by Dr. Larry Stephenson
    and five helpful appendices:
    Appendix A: List of the Seven Laws of Teaching.
    Appendix B: Self-Assessment Tool for Teachers by Dr. Stephenson
    Appendix C: Sample Teacher Observation Form by Dr. Stephenson
    Appendix D: Answers to the Study Questions
    Appendix E: Endnotes on Historical Figures

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  • Chapel Chats For Children Of All Ages


    For over twenty years, thousands of children (and adults, too) were inspired by the Bible-based stories known as “Chapel Chats” that were shared by Pastor Jerald Borgie and his koala puppet, Jeremiah. Sixty-six of these “chats” along with fifteen illustrated graphics, drawn by artist, Brooke Plowman, are included in the book.

    “Pastor Borgie has a reputation for drawing you into his stories, and his anecdotes are famously popular with both young and old. For many decades, he has invited children to have a seat before him, then his twinkling eyes would take over and a bond was formed. I’m pleased he’s taken this opportunity to share his favorites with a wider audience.”
    Richard A. Swenson, MD, author of Margin

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  • United Methodist Deacon


    A Deacon Is Called And Sent
    A Deacon Is Connectional
    A Deacon Is Missional
    A Deacon Is Examined And Equipped
    The Meaning Of Ordination
    A Deacon Is Appointed
    Deacons Lead The Church
    Epilogue: A Snapshot Of Deacons And Their Ministry

    Additional Info
    The United Methodist order of deacon represents the ever-evolving understanding of ordained ministry. But because of the continual changes, there is confusion about the call, roll, identity, and tasks of deacons. With vivid examples, this book gives a clear understanding of the order of deacon, beginning with a discussion of how its unique call sets apart persons for ordained ministry.

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  • Teaching The Way Of Jesus


    Christian religious education provides the content, processes, and settings to empower the church’s mission in the world-a mission that includes health care, peace with justice, and disciple-making ministries. Today, the field Christian Education is clear about its tasks of helping form and nurture faith that is then embodied in faithful practices. Research studies on Christian faith practices show how that participating in Christian community under-girds and complements thoughtful living through one’s life.

    With an emphasis on practices and mission, this book offers readers concrete ways to empower vital faith formation in congregations as it describes current trends, which include richer diversity, entrepreneurial spirit, and interfaith dialog. This book will also help prepare students for leadership in the Church universal and in the field of Christian Education.

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  • Handles : An Encouragement And Resource For Bible Teachers


    This resource is more than a “how to” manual. It is an invitation to make a greater difference in human lives. Those who teach the Bible are not being told herein to “be real” but rather are invited into the private convictions and routine disciplines valued by the author, who himself is being altered by the patient handiwork of our Master teacher, Jesus.

    Sometimes a Bible teacher will have great knowledge of the subject matter, even great passion, but simply not know how to effectively transfer it to an audience. Even when it is transferred, it may not be readily retained, or engender a desire in the recipients to use it, and pass it along to others.

    Can this skill be learned?

    Handles provides a practical strategy and plentiful examples of how to develop more effective lessons. It will be considered a learning resource and encouragement for new teachers as well as veterans. Whether you are assuming the responsible role of Bible teacher, leading a discipleship group, homeschooling, or investing quality time in any life-changing ministry as an instructor, Handles will become a desirable field manual.

    Handles presents educated, entertaining and meaningful discussions with advice on how Bible study teachers can reach their students in the trenches of life through effective material and lesson strategy. The author’s own extensive background as a Bible study leader and his lessons for different age groups will demonstrate to readers the effectiveness of the book’s content.

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  • Transforming Congregations Through Community


    In this helpful book, Boyung Lee offers an encouraging vision of the mainline church’s future. Lee grapples with some of the greatest challenges facing the mainline church, offering compelling responses to recurring questions: What does faithfulness to the gospel look like in this changing world? What is our distinctive voice in the larger society? How does theological education have to change if it is to serve the needs of a new century?

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  • Spiritual Guidance Of Children


    A seminal work by the founder of Godly Play

    * A magisterial survey of a significant movement in religious education

    * A black-and-white photo at the beginning of each chapter brings the key figures to
    life for the reader

    This new book is an important “history-of-traditions” work in which Godly Play founder
    Jerome Berryman re-visions religious education as spiritual guidance and traces the
    history of Montessori religious education through four generations. Berryman then
    highlights the development of the Godly Play approach to spiritual guidance within
    this context and concludes with thoughts about the fifth generation and the future of
    the tradition.

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  • Child By Child


    A how-to-guide to integrate children and youth with special needs into church programs and activities, including worship.

    Includes how to train volunteers and staff for hands-on work with children and youth who have special needs.

    Provides a theological grounding for the inclusion of people with learning differences and disabilities in the life of a congregation.

    Integrating children and teens with learning differences into church programs is a growing priority for nearly all congregations, large and small, yet many feel ill-equipped to “manage” those with special needs in their classrooms, programs and worship.

    This new guidebook for churches is designed to help integrate children and teens with learning differences – and their families – into the fabric of everyday church life. A useable on-the-ground resource for church leaders with specific suggestions, samples, and processes for adapting curricula, training volunteers, and supporting parents and caregivers, this guide is grounded in theological principles for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the life of a congregation. It begins by focusing on human relationships instead of programs. Expanding the church’s awareness and understanding of inclusion is done with respect and achieved by extending the gospel of welcome to all. An extensive annotated bibliography of support materials is included.

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  • Against The Tide


    Young people are surrounded by media militantly attacking biblical virtue and values. The goal of Christian education is still to “present every man perfect in Christ,” but postmodernism declares that there is no one right way to live. In the midst of this conflict, many Christian school leaders are surrendering, lowering their expectations in order to bring in more students, tolerating an atmosphere which works against the basic purpose for which the schools were founded. Against the Tide calls the Christian education movement back to its mission. The ideas offered in this book are thoroughly practical. The authors have effectively implemented these principles in their Christian schools. More important, these ideas are thoroughly biblical in their understanding of the role of Christian education and, in particular, of the Christian school, in helping parents to develop Christlike character in young people.

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  • Mastering Church Management


    The Mastering Ministry Series covers the various challenges of a ministry encounters and teaches how to deal with them-one subject at a time. Mastering Ministry is a perfect “survival guide” for today’s pastor addressing relevant topics such as worship, preaching, controversies, evangelism, church management, pastoral care, fundraising and personal growth.

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  • Diagramming The Scriptures


    In Diagramming the Scriptures. . . the curriculum starts with the simple sentence, adds precept upon precept until the learner is able to master complex sentences. . . As each concept is introduced, the student has plenty of practice, followed by quizzes, and later a cumulative test over the entire text. As an educator, a homeschool parent, and a tutor I see this curriculum as an excellent choice for a homeschool, a Christian school classroom, or for an individual of any age who is interested in studying grammar or God’s Word, word by word.

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  • Divine Conspiracy Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Renowned teacher and writer of the acclaimed The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard is one of today’s most brilliant Christian thinkers and has forever changed the way thousands of Christians experience their faith. In this new six-session DVD study and participant’s guide-The Divine Conspiracy-Willard offers a timely and challenging call back to the true meaning of Christian discipleship.

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  • Planning For Christian Education Formation


    This book was written to help congregational leaders, clergy, staff, and laypersons, plan and organize a Christian education ministry from the approach of Christian formation in a community of faith context.

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  • Surprised By Hope Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Many Christians believe that our future in heaven is all that really matters. But that’s not what the Bible teaches. Premier Bible scholar N. T. Wright takes you inside the Scriptures to grasp the full, breathtaking hope Jesus offers the world, and its implications for how we live our lives today as believers.

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  • Perspectives On Your Childs Education


    In Perspectives on a Child’s Education, proponents of four very different learning options present their faith-based positions on how a parent should answer the question, Where should I send my child to school? Troy Temple (International Center for Youth Ministry) is convinced every Christian parent should consider public schooling. G. Tyler Fischer (Veritas Academy) believes open admission Christian schools are best for Christians and non-Christians alike. Mark Eckel (Mahseh Center) favors covenantal Christian schools that don’t enroll non-Christians. Michael Wilder (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) advocates homeschooling. For each contributor’s chapter, a counterpoint chapter from the other contributors follows with a goal of determining which view is most in line with what the Bible teaches.

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  • Deacons In The Liturgy (Revised)


    Revision of a highly regarded, stape resource on the diaconate by the leading authority in the Episcopal Church.

    Reflects new liturgical changes in the Episcopal Church

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  • Prayer Book Guide To Christian Education


    A Christian educator’s one-volume guide for how to teach week by week according to the ethos and tradition of the Episcopal Church ethos while still connected to experience and faith in daily life. This guide to education and formation is based on the Book of Common Prayer, the cornerstone of Anglican liturgy and theology. Keyed to the Revised Common Lectionary, all activities and lessons are structured on the seasons and lessons for Years A, B, and C. The Guide stresses the major themes of baptismal theology and shows how teachers, parents and children can live the liturgical cycle in its Christian formation ministries at church and at home.

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  • Deacon Relationships Through The Body Of Christ


    Be the leader God intended you to be! Churches often elect deacons and fail to give them the training they need to accomplish their task, assuming that if one is qualified to become a deacon, he doesn’t need training. This assumption has proven injurious both to the individual deacon and to the body of Christ. Dr. Ledbetter is one of the most qualified leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention to assist deacons in becoming the leader God intended them to be. As a pastor, he worked with deacons in four growing churches. Since entering evangelism in January 1984, he has conducted several hundred deacon retreats in both small and large churches across America, in addition to conducting revivals. To be an effective leader, a deacon must have a right relationship with Christ, his family, his church, his pastor, and with himself. This book discusses each of these relationships and provides spiritual insights that will help not only deacons, but every Christian leader to become all God intended them to be.

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  • Growing Up Christian


    McGuffey’s Readers. Public school. Family prayers. In the 1800s, these were primary and successful strategies by which children learned to become Christians. Sunday school was developed to support what was already being done at home and in school. Today many churches still rely on the nineteenth-century model to encourage young people to become disciples of Christ. In Growing Up Christian, Dr. C. Ellis Nelson explores why these strategies are inadequate for the twenty-first century and offers practical, specific guidance for congregations who wish to nurture disciples of Christ more effectively. Part 1 describes the pattern of influences that form our images of God. Given the way culture and family influence the rising generation, Part 2 outlines a strategy for nurturing disciples that capitalizes on the persuasive power of the congregation in fellowship, worship, and instruction. A detailed discussion guide further assists congregations who wish to form a study group to assess and improve their Christian education.

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  • Me Myself And I


    Being a “tween” – it can be a very awkward time in anyone’s life. You’re not a full-fledged teenager with cars, dates, and high school, but you’re not a little child anymore, either. You can still feel pulls in both directions, wanting to be a child and have fun, yet wanting more responsibility as a teenager. It is definitely not easy being a “tween.”

    Me, Myself, and I was written for this group of people, guiding them through this time of transition through stories and Bible studies, reassuring them of God’s love and understanding. With study questions at the end of each chapter, this book can be read privately at home as a personal devotional or in group settings, such as Sunday school, children’s Bible studies, or through Christian-based organizations for young people.
    Going through the tween years can be a harrowing experience, but the wisdom offered in Me, Myself, and I can help make that journey a little easier with the reassurance that God is present every step of the way.

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  • Recruiting Volunteers


    A practical, user-friendly guide to one of the most important activities in the church – recruiting, training, and sustaining volunteers.

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  • From Members To Disciples


    The Book of Acts is really a first-century journal of the early development of congregational Christianity. Foss explores Acts as a guidebook for helping pastors and other church leaders move people from merely being members to becoming disciples. He provides stategies, lessons, and steps for creating a disciple-making ministry. By delving into early Christianity, participants can learn how to become purposeful disciples of the faith and experience the unstoppable power of passion, disciplined growth, vision, and purpose.
    Foss also shows how to use crises and setbacks (inevitable as they are) as opportunities to sharpen participants’ focus for disciple-making ministry and empower them to become agents for change in the world.

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  • Engaging The Soul Of Youth Culture


    In this book, the author helps you navigate the troubling and confusing terrain of teen worldviews so that you can effectively and compassionately pass along the good news of the gospel.

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  • Almost Every Answer For Practically Any Teacher (Reprinted)


    Questions? Answers. Teachers face the threat of burnout, the challenge of discipline, and the complexity of different learning styles. Here’s your chance to get a firm grasp on every issue from A to Z! This book contains 100 articles that provide insight, inspiration, and instruction for those who communicate God’s truth at school, home, church, or in the workplace. Edited by bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson, this is your resource for making a life-changing impact on your students. Includes articles by a variety of Christian leaders, from Charles Swindoll to Joni Eareckson Tada and A.W. Tozer.

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  • Teaching As A Sacramental Act


    Moore asserts that Christian vocation, and the teaching vocation in particular, can be best understood as sacramental, mediating the grace of God through ordinary creation for the sanctification of human life and the well-being of all creation. She develops her argument through three important factors: a historical-theological analysis of the Christian sacraments and sacramentality; a phenomenological study of teaching events; and a description of six sacramental movements and corresponding teaching practices as informed by Jewish-Christian traditions and Eucharistic practices. The nine detailed chapters include: Searching for the Sacred; Sacred Teaching: Education as Sacrament; Expecting the Unexpected; Remembering the Dismembered; Seeking Reversals; Giving Thanks; Nourishing Life; Reconstructing Community and Repairing the World; and Mapping the Future of Sacramental Teaching. Teaching as a Sacramental Act is ideal for students, pastors, Christian educators, spiritual directors, and pastoral caregivers who want to rethink and reshape the teaching ministry of the church.

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  • Educating For Shalom


    In addition to his notable work as a premier Christian philosopher, Nicholas Wolterstorff has become a leading voice on faith-based higher education. This volume gathers the best of Wolterstorff’s essays from the past twenty-five years dealing collectively with the purpose of Christian higher education and the nature of academic learning.

    Integrated throughout by the biblical idea of shalom, these nineteen essays present a robust framework for thinking about education that combines a Reformed confessional perspective with a radical social conscience and an increasingly progressivist pedagogy. Wolterstorff develops his ideas in relation to an astonishing variety of thinkers ranging from Calvin, Kuyper, and Jellema to Augustine, Aquinas, and Kant to Weber, Habermas, and MacIntyre. In the process, he critiques various models of education, classic foundationalism, modernization theory, liberal arts, and academic freedom.

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  • Training Ministry Teams


    Provides practical instruction to help pastors and congregational leaders bring clarity and purpose to the role of elders or deacons, and to help deacons or elders learn and refine their ministry. Each of the nine sessions in Training Ministry Teams reflects on Jesus’ method of training leaders and works toward a specific outcome. Topics include: working as a ministry team, decision-making, mediating conflict, visitation, partnering with the pastor, and more. Sessions conclude with group assignments designed to move participants from theory to action. Also included are resources to help in calling, commissioning, and nurturing elders and deacons.

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  • Called To Teach


    Presbyterian educators Duncan Ferguson and William Weston argue that the calling to teach in higher education is distinctively Reformed and a primary mission of the Presbyterian church. This collection of essays first lays the biblical, theological, and historical foundations for this calling, then explores how it is lived out today in educational institutions-church-related as well as secular. Concluding that today’s church must have the nurture of the teacher as a central part of its mission, Called To Teach will be a welcomed resource for all those who have the vocation of teaching.

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  • Teaching Todays Teachers To Teach (Revised)


    A revision of a standard resource for classes and seminary courses in Christian education. A revised edition of the best-selling Teaching Teachers to Teach (1974), this book is a basic, comprehensive manual offering practical guidance that helps teachers learn the art and practice of teaching. Throughout the book, Griggs identifies the basic elements of the teaching process and outlines the essential ingredients needed for effective teaching.

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  • This You Can Believe (Revised)


    This newly revised study of the Apostles’ Creed, originally published in 1987, now contains seventeen chapters and study guides, significantly expanding upon the seven chapters of the original work.

    When first published, this landmark book went through three printings as churches of many denominations found it to be an excellent guide not only for new members coming into the church, but also for long-time members who wish to have their faith reinforced and renewed.

    This study guide is appropriate for youth, young adults, and seniors. It is a helpful resource for catechism classes, Sunday school classes, high school or adult Bible study classes, new member classes, or renewal of faith courses.

    Brokhoff writes in contemporary language that will help the average person to come to an understanding of the Christian faith as recorded in the Apostles’ Creed. His work lends itself to personal study or group discussion.

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  • Offering The Gospel To Children


    SKU (ISBN): 9781561010653ISBN10: 1561010650Gretchen PritchardBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Cowley Publications Print On Demand Product

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  • Scope Of Our Art A Print On Demand Title


    In The Scope of Our Art a diverse group of theological teachers explores the spiritual dimensions of their vocation as religious educators. Drawing on a rich array of resources, including Scripture, The Rule of St.Benedict, medieval women mystics, the Methodist theologian Georgia Harkness, and Simone Weil, as well as their own teaching experiences, the contributors discuss the vital relationships between academic and spiritual formation, religious commitments and teaching practices, and individual and institutional vocation.

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  • Building The Christian Academy A Print On Demand Title


    For centuries the Christian academic tradition played a major role in both Western intellectual history and the history of the church. In this volume Arthur Holmes explores the tradition of learning, focusing on seven formative episodes in history that can have a contribution to make to the building and maintenance of a strong Christian academy today.

    For each historical period considered, Holmes probes the particular problems educators faced and discusses the major concerns that guided educational practice. By examining the thought of Plato, Origen, Abelard, Aquinas, Erasmus, Francis Bacon, John Henry Newman, and others, Holmes identifies four recurring emphases at the heart of the Christian academy: the care of the soul, the unity of truth, contemplative learning, and the usefulness of liberal arts as preparation for service to both church and society. This insightful work makes a convincing case for reclaiming the theological foundations of learning for our day.

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  • Understanding Teaching : Effective Biblical Teaching For The 21st Century


    Chapter 1: Why Teach?
    Chapter 2: Why Students Learn?
    Chapter 3: Preparing Yourself In The Word
    Chapter 4: Application And Learning
    Chapter 5: Understanding Lesson Aims
    Chapter 6: Planning The Lesson
    Chapter 7: Teaching Students – Not Lessons
    Chapter 8: Selecting Methods
    Chapter 9: Preparing Methods
    Chapter 10: Setting Your Classroom
    Chapter 11: Evaluating Teaching
    Chapter 12: Keeping Fresh

    Additional Info
    Many engaged in Christian teaching do so for years without weary spirits. Others, who were once earnest, give up in despair. What makes the difference? A biblical understanding of teaching brings appreciation for this spiritual gift. To understand the teaching ministry is to realize its significant impact on the spread of the Gospel. Approaching this task biblically involves empowerment from the Holy Spirit, insight into God’s Word, sharp communication skills, and accurate interaction with students.

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  • Nuts And Bolts Of Christian Education


    You’ve agreed to teach your first Sunday school class. Now what do you do? Grab this A-to-Z guide! From “advisory boards” to “zany tunes,” you’ll get answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as ready access to the practical wisdom and helpful tips of experienced teachers. Includes reproducible charts and handouts, and a topical index.

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  • Academic Freedom And Christian Scholarship A Print On Demand Title


    In this book an unabashed defender of academic freedom offers well-founded advice to an academy that has seemingly lost its way. Drawing on forty years in higher education, including twenty years as president of Calvin College, the author reflects on the extensive scholarly literature on academic freedom against the backdrop of personal experience.

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  • Repairing The Ruins


    As parents, it is easy for us to look back and see the shortcomings of our own education. Since many of us were taught in public schools, we often have a pretty good idea of what we don’t want our children to learn. But what exactly should we give them instead?

    The authors of Repairing the Ruins, a group of experienced teachers and school administrators, faced this same question when they first embarked on the journey of education. And they found a tried and true answer in classical Christian education. Here they explain what makes classical Christian education different from modern methods and why it offers a distinctly Christian alternative. Building upon this foundation, the authors provide parents with the “Whys and Hows” of the Trivium, tips on planning curriculum, wisdom in designing education to serve the heart as well as the mind, and advice on starting up schools.

    For all who have ever wondered where to begin with their children’s education, Repairing the Ruins comes alongside with words of comfort and direction.

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  • Education That Is Christian




    Is there a distinctive Christian system of education?

    Lois LeBar shows that there is such a system, and she defines it clearly.

    andquot;The foundations and the orientation of Christian education are distinctive if they are truly Christian,andquot; she says. andquot;Every area of life that the Word of God enters is changed.andquot;

    Her aim in this book is to help teachers discover the distinctive Christian system of education and to help Christians produce literature and visual aids from a Scriptural viewpoint.

    In order to reach Scriptural conclusions, the reader is led through the process of studying the methods of the Teacher andquot;come from God,andquot; the Old Testament wilderness school, the emphases of Paul’s major sermons in Acts and of his epistles, the example of the life of David.

    From these sources is derived the nature of the teaching-learning process, the relation of authority and creativity, the relation of the human and Divine teachers, and the implementation of these principles in structuring curriculum units and lessons.

    Dr. LeBar emphasizes that intimate personal experience in the Lord should go together with Biblical facts and doctrine. Here is a book so overflowing with spiritual reality and power that it cannot help but bring new light and a life of transformed service to everyone who reads it.

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  • Reenvisioning Theological Education A Print On Demand Title


    The future of the church in North America must include the recovery of its missional identity. Robert Banks does a masterful job of taking the fact seriously and bringing it to bear on the way we do seminary education. His analysis is thoroughly grounded inthe ferment of recent decades about the character of theological education. Based on that, he dares to open up a spacious vision for the reformantion of church ministry and seminary education along lines that a missional model wourl require. All of us in the seminary establishment will have to engage the issue he raises and give serious consideration to what a missional understanding of the church implies about training for pastoral leadership.

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  • 32 Ways To Become A Great Sunday School Teacher


    So you finally volunteered to teach Sunday school. Don’t panic! This resource will teach you how to effectively study a Bible passage, use questions in teaching, create a positive classroom atmosphere, and much more. Whether you’re a first-time teacher or a seasoned veteran, this invaluable guide will help you find your way!

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  • Gods Wisdom


    An understanding of the educational process in theological terms. Hodgson argues that God’s Wisdom, which is incarnate in paradigmatic teachers like Jesus, forms and transforms humans by evoking critical thinking, heightened imagination, and liberating practice. Sheds new light on liberal education.

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  • Ephphatha Open Up


    This series of thirteen lessons will help children learn to respect persons with disabilities and treat them with compassion. Stories, skits, games, and role-playing will teach them that God loves each person individually, no matter how different they may be from one another.

    Ephphatha! Open Up! is a series of thirteen lessons to help children accept persons with disabilities and treat them with compassion. Stories, skits, games, and role-playing enhance students’ understanding of those with physical handicaps, including blindness and hearing impairment, and those with learning disabilities.

    Each lesson can be used individually or in random order for Sunday school classes, retreats, kids’ clubs, or fellowship gatherings with intergenerational settings.

    The goal of this curriculum is to challenge young people to understand, accept, and value the special gifts given to us as children of God. Both children and adults will benefit from these presentations as they become aware that God loves each person individually, no matter how different they may be from one another.

    The lessons for this series were prepared by The Disabilities In Ministries Committee of the North Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church, and includes the following contributors: Carol and David Black, Galveston; Rev. Sherrie Drake, Muncie; Rev. Robert Jarboe, Huntington; Dr. Ralph Karstedt, Bremen; Verna Neigigh, Bremen; Rev. Tim Powers, Morocco; Dr. Joe Smith, Kentland; and Betty Stewart (Chairperson), Plymouth.

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  • Christian Educators Handbook On Teaching (Reprinted)


    21 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Written by Christian education specialists, The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Teaching is a complete resource on Christian teaching for use in the home, church, and school.
    Each of the contributors to this volume is deeply concerned that the reader be equipped for the awesome privilege of teaching. A potpourri of principles and practices are outlined, including valuable insights for both the beginning teacher and the veteran.
    Foundations are laid, patterns are presented, varieties of teaching are revealed, and crucial roles in Christian teaching are exposed–all with a view to providing the Christian educator with a helpful handbook on teaching. Keep it on your desk–at arm’s length–for ready reference and repeated reading.
    Here you will find a gold mine of information on all phases and places of teaching God’s truth. Twenty-one chapters address four general topics:
    Foundations for Christian Teaching
    Crucial Roles in Christian Teaching
    Patterns and Process of Christian Teaching
    Varieties of Christian Teaching

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  • Reshaping Religious Education


    Celebrated religious educators Harris and Moran challenge the religious education community to risk change. They identify a process of creative and imaginative education, moving beyond traditional solutions while incorporating ecumenical and international perspectives.

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  • Equipping The Saints


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664257545ISBN10: 0664257542Sara JuengstBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1998Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Crisis In The Church


    Drawing on his wealth of experience as both a seminary professor and minister, John Leith identifies and confronts the contemporary crisis in theological education. He argues that the crisis in the seminaries is interwoven with the crisis in the church, and that the secularization of educational institutions has led seminaries to move away from their primary responsibility – preparing pastors for ministry.

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  • Models For Christian Higher Education A Print On Demand Title


    This timely look at the state of Christian higher education in America contains descriptive, historical narratives that explore how fourteen Christian colleges and universities are successfully integrating faith and learning on their campuses despite the challenges posed by the increasingly pluralistic nature of modern culture. Written by respected representatives from seven major faith traditions – Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Mennonite, Evangelical, Wesleyan/Holiness, and Baptist/Restorationist – these narratives are also preceded by introductory essays that define the worldview and theological heritage of each given tradition and ask what that tradition can contribute to the task of higher education.

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  • Teaching For Spiritual Growth


    Teaching for Spiritual Growth deals with two important questions: 1) What does it mean to be spiritually mature ? and 2) What can the church do to help people grow spiritually? These questions are explored from the perspectives of theology, developmental psychology, and educational learning theory. The book integrates the three perspectives into a unified view of the teaching-learning process based on a biblical view of persons: 1. Theology: the divine side of spiritual growth. What does the nature of God tell us about teaching spiritual maturity? 2. Psychology: how God has designed people to grow. How does human development affect the process of achieving spiritual maturity? 3. Education: the learning process that produces spiritual growth. What is the process people go through to achieve spiritual maturity? The goal is to help readers develop a philosophy of Christian education that will be applicable to a variety of ministry contexts.

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  • Shared Wisdom : A Guide To Case Study Reflection In Ministry


    Using case study analysis, the authors evaluate events in ministry. They outline the case process – preparing, presenting, and discussing a case – and discuss the implications of the process. Each chapter offers a biblical image which connects the case process with the dynamic Christian tradition. Readers will learn techniques in writing case studies and how to use imagination and analogy to stimulate theological reflection.

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  • Teaching The Bible To Adults And Youth (Revised)


    Teaching the Bible to Adults and Youth shows how to make the “transparent” – with God evident throughout. Dick Murray offers suggestions for teaching, provides different approaches and perspectives from which to teach and conduct activities for learning, and examines such Bible study series as Kerygma, Trinity, Bethel, and Disciple.

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  • Transitions Through Adult Life


    26 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Transitions Through Adult Life is a summary of what is known about adults and how they develop. More than a book describing life’ crises, it portrays the potential of life’s transitions. It seeks to offer answers to the problems it analyzes. This book provides an overview of the various stages of adult life, what is typical in those stages, and how the church needs to be responsive to adults as they traverse the stages. The twenty-six chapters deal with young adulthood, middle adulthood, and older adulthood and most of the major events and challenges that one may encounter in those stages. Some of the specific topics include courtship, singleness, faith development, career, child-rearing, loss of loved ones, divorce, physical decline, etc. The chapters are succinct summaries of the significant dimensions of the topic calling upon existing research and the author’s own keen powers of synthesis.

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  • Pluralistic Vision


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664252434ISBN10: 0664252435Milton CoalterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1991Presbyterian Presence Twentieth Century ExperiencePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Christian Education : Seeking To Become Like Jesus Christ


    This is a book that relentlessly pursues defining the goams of Christian education and then offers a plan in keeping with those goals. So many books in the field assume the goals and simply describe the methods. Not so Larry Richards. His biblical and theological analysis conveys an excitement that makes Christian education a mission, not just a responsibility. And still his approach is eminently practical, insightful, and motivational.

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  • Childrens Ministry : Nurturing Faith Within The Family Of God


    A book that integrates a biblical and theological understanding of the child and the most useful insights of developmental psychology. This is a unique volume combining both biblical and theological foundations for children’s ministry with a careful assessment of the other major issues in nurturing children: developmentalism, the context of learning and growth, values, cognitive abilities, and social relationships. In this one comprehensive volume an integrated approach to children’s ministry emerges, compelling the student and practitioner alike to latch on to its theological handles and pull.

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  • Contemporary Approaches To Christian Education


    Seymour and Miller, with four other experts in the field, seek to clarify the agenda, resources, and hopes for Christian education in the twenty-first century. Gone are the days when Christian education was variously envisioned as a school, a home, an educational system, a mission agency, or a school for Christian living. These dreams revealed the conflicts Christian education was to face throughout much of the twentieth century; yet they also clarified its resources and motivated efforts on its behalf.

    Modern educators such as Seymour and Miller also dream of what Christian education is and what it can become. Here they investigate five approaches through which contemporary Christian educators can develop the theory and practice of Christian education: (1) religious instruction; (2) faith community; (3) development; (4) liberation; (5) interpretation. Although they explore these five vital approaches from psychological, philosophical, exegetical, and sociological viewpoints, the authors agree that the central theme is still the teaching of the Good News. It is there we will discover that we are delivered for dependency on the old ways and that we are free to move into new ways of living.

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  • Deacons Handbook : A Manual Of Stewardship


    An invaluable resource for all who are, or will be, involved in the church’s ministry of mercy. Includes chapters on the nature and history of the diaconal office, concrete advice regarding budget and finances, suggestions for enlisting congregational participation in diaconal service, and thought-provoking perspectives on giving and stewardship. Profoundly Christ-centered, solidly based on Scripture, lucid in presentation and down-to-earth in application.

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  • Elders Handbook : A Practical Guide For Church Leaders


    Lester DeKoster is the retired editor of The Banner, weekly news magazine of the Christian Reformed Church. He is the former Director of Libraries for Calvin College and Seminary. He currently writes and publishes books on Christian living from the Reformed Calvinist perspective. Gerard Berghoef is the retired President of Widdicomb Furniture Company and a long time elder in the Christian Reformed Church.

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