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Showing 101–200 of 344 results

  • Know Why You Believe


    The Christian life depends upon faith, but there are good reasons for that faith. In Know Why You Believe professor and author K. Scott Oliphint answers the “why” questions both Christians and non-Christians often ask, laying out a simple and convincing case for the core teachings of Christianity.

    As part of the KNOW series, Know Why You Believe is designed for personal study or classroom use, but also for small groups and Sunday schools wanting to better understand the traditional defenses of Christian belief. Each chapter covers a foundational teaching and includes a rationale for that teaching, responses to common objections, reflection questions to prompt further consideration, and suggested readings for readers wanting to dig deeper.

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  • Answering The Toughest Questions About Heaven And Hell


    When it comes to the big questions about heaven and hell–Are these real places? Will God really send people to hell? What will we actually do in heaven?–Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz don’t pretend to have all the answers. But they do know how to wrestle with uncertainty and doubt. They welcome questions, and in these pages they ask some of the most important ones you have about heaven and hell. With candor, insight, and a disarming touch of humor, they provide some answers to these critical questions, yet they leave enough space–and grace–for you to keep wrestling, asking, and seeking Truth.

    There is no shame in asking–after all, even some of the greatest men and women in the Bible had doubts. Don’t let your questions go unanswered. What you find might just change your life.

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  • Beauty And The Riches Of Redemption


    “The Beauty and the Riches of Redemption” presents to us the drama of humanity from the Garden of Eden – where the curtain opened and the stage was set – to the Garden of Gethsemane – where the curtain was not only drawn, but cut: End of drama. Is Jesus really the only way to God and so, the only hope of salvation? How could Jesus, born of the Jewish people, be the Savior of the whole world? How could the son of Mary, an Israelite woman be said to be the Son of God? Can Jesus really save me and guarantee me entrance/eternity in heaven? In about 180 pages, the author, with the help of the Holy Spirit answers all these questions and explains to us with clarity and simplicity what we need to know from creation to redemption. You need this book…This book clearly brings out the difference between religion and salvation. Jesus came to redeem mankind back to his Creator. Man through sin was cut off from God, but now there is no “salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved…”

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  • Allah Weeps : A Christian Perspective Of Modern Radical Islam


    Allah Weeps gives an overview of Islam’s history, modern struggles, and radical fundamentalism in contrast to the Church’s mission to spread the Good News. A book written . . . for Christians, Muslims, or any others who are searching for answers and who are open to consider the Christian perspective on the topic.

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  • God Conversation : Using Stories And Illustrations To Explain Your Faith (Expand


    Foreword By Lee Strobel
    Preface To The Expanded Edition
    1. The Power Of A Good Illustration
    2. Can God Be Good If Terrorists Exist?
    3. Can God Be Good If Terrorists Exist? (Part 2)
    4. Jesus, Buddha Or Muhammad? Seeking A Guide In The Maze Of Religions
    5. Jesus, Buddha Or Muhammad? (Part 2)
    6. The Resurrection: Conspiracy Theory Or Fact?
    7. The Resurrection: Conspiracy Theory Or Fact? (Part 2)
    8. What Would Machiavelli Do? Ethics In A Morally Confused World
    9. What Would Machiavelli Do? (Part 2)
    10. Are We An Accident? Arguing For God Through Design
    11. Are We An Accident? (Part 2)
    12. Something Isn’t Quite Right: Unfulfilled Desires And The Existence Of God
    13. Unfulfilled Desires And The Existence Of God (Part 2)
    Final Thought: Dangers Of Agenda Anxiety
    Name Index
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    Think of it this way . . . Our beliefs are challenged from many directions. Every day it seems more difficult to explain to our friends, families, and neighbors what we believe and why. When our ideas and arguments fail to persuade them, what then? Is there another approach we can take? Veteran apologists and communicators J. P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff say that the best way to win over others is with a good story. Stories have the ability to get behind our preconceptions and defenses. They appeal to the whole person rather than just to the mind. This expanded edition includes new chapters and updated stories and illustrations throughout. In these pages the authors enhance the logic and evidence found in other books defending the faith with things that your friends, relatives, or coworkers will ponder long after a conversation is over. Here is sound, empathetic coaching for those of us who long to communicate our faith more effectively.

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  • Paradoxology : Why Christianity Was Never Meant To Be Simple


    It seems that the God of the Christian faith is full of paradoxes: a compassionate God who sanctions genocidean all-powerful God who allows horrific sufferinga God who owns everything yet demands so much from his followersa God who is distant and yet present at the same time Many of us have big questions about God that the Christian faith seems to leave unanswered, so we push them to the back of our minds for fear of destabilizing our beliefs. But leaving these questions unexamined is neither healthy for us nor honoring to God. Rather than shying away from the difficult questions, we need to face them head on. What if the tension between apparently opposing doctrines is exactly where faith comes alive? What if this ancient faith has survived so long not in spite of but precisely because of these apparent contradictions? What if it is in the difficult parts of the Bible that God is most clearly revealed? Paradoxology makes a bold new claim: that the paradoxes that seem like they ought to undermine belief are actually the heart of our vibrant faith, and it is only by continually wrestling with them-rather than trying to pin them down or push them away-that we can really move forward, individually and together.

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  • Answering Skeptics : Sharing Your Faith With Critics Doubters And Seekers


    Once you’ve been equipped with the practical counsel of Answering Skeptics, there’s no need to be intimidated by critics, skeptics, or anyone else who rejects the Christian faith.

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  • Surprised By Faith


    This book confronts false stereotypes and examines the astonishing body of scientific and historical evidence supporting the truth that God exists and cares about people’s future. This is the Gospel with evidence.

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  • Case For Christ Special Movie Edition


    Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God?

    Now a major motion picture, The Case for Christ, Strobel retraces his own spiritual journey from atheism and former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune to faith. Strobel cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools like Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis who are recognized authorities in their own fields. He challenges them with questions like, How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event?

    Strobel’s tough, point-blank questions read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it’s not fiction. It’s a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure.

    The new edition includes scores of revisions and additions, including updated material on archaeological and manuscript discoveries, fresh recommendations for further study, and an interview with the author that tells dramatic stories about the book’s impact, provides behind-the-scenes information, and responds to critiques of the book by skeptics. As The Case for Christ and its ancillary resources approach 10 million copies in print, this updated edition will prove even more valuable to contemporary readers.

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  • What Christians Believe


    Georgia Harkness contributed much during the mid-twentieth century to the clarification of beliefs for people throughout the church. In this volume she summarizes the Christian faith so that the typical individual can find firm ground on which to stand during trying times. She summarizes what Christians believe about God, the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. She explains how these beliefs affect Christian life.

    Georgia Harkness was a staunch believer that religious faith of the right kind nourishes insight and stamina, which are both needed as much now as they were in the turbulent 1960s. “If [Christians] are not to live by community pressures and the persuasive forces that impinge on them constantly from business, politics, the television or the newspaper, they must have a perspective from beyond these forces and agencies by which to judge them.” Here is such a perspective!

    Georgia Harkness (1891-1971) Wherever the Protestant Christian struggled to understand faith during the 20th century, the name of Georgia Harkness was well known. She was one of the most respected interpreters of the faith for the laity and for pastors. Her previous books, Understanding the Christian Faith, Toward Understanding the Bible, The Providence of God, The Ministry of Reconciliation, and Beliefs that Count typify an unmatched capacity for clarity and directness. Georgia Elma Harkness was an ordained Methodist minister and a graduate of Cornell University. She earned two masters’ degrees and then the PhD from Boston University. She finished her teaching and writing career as professor emeritus of applied theology at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California. For more information, see the biography by Rosemary Skinner Keller, Georgia Harkness: For Such a Time As This (Abingdon Press, 1992).

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  • God Among Sages


    Seasoned apologist and author presents Jesus Christ as God in human flesh and therefore humankind’s only legitimate Lord and Savior over and against the claims of four world religious leaders–Buddha, Krishna, Confucius, and Muhammad.

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  • Story Of Reality


    Biblical Christianity is more than just another private religious view. It’s more than just a personal relationship with God or a source of moral teaching.

    Christianity is a picture of reality.

    It explains why the world is the way it is. When the pieces of this puzzle are properly assembled, we see the big picture clearly. Christianity is a true story of how the world began, why the world is the way it is, what role humans play in the drama, and how all the plotlines of the story are resolved in the end.

    In The Story of Reality, best-selling author and host of Stand to Reason, Gregory Koukl, explains the five words that form the narrative backbone of the Christian story. He identifies the most important things that happen in the story in the order they take place:

    Our story begins with God. He created everything, but something went terribly wrong. So God initiated a rescue plan and entered the world that he had made by becoming like us in Jesus Christ. Jesus saved us from the wrongness in ourselves and in the world through his death on a cross. And how people respond to what he did will determine what their future, at the final event of history: the resurrection.

    If you are already a Christian, this is your story. Do you know it? If you are not a Christian, this is still your story, because it explains the world in a way that nothing else will. It is a true story-the real story behind every other story we hear.

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  • Examination Of Conscience Of The Understanding


    Seeking his own utmost depth of comprehensive understanding, the author sets out to prove empirically that God exists. The seed of proof is the Birth Paradox, its florescence a faith grounded in his spirituality disposed soul: As empirically real as his conscious self, as mathematically certain as the probability laws of genetic science, as necessary as that the universe requires a creator for its rational possibility, as immanently intuitive as the Divine Allegory he mirrors.

    The Birth Paradox is the contingency of personal conscious existence on the body. Is there any scientific or commonsense belief as certain of itself? And yet, as a practical proposition, it is an utterly impossible conjunction! Personal consciousness is necessary specific to its own experience, a subtly profound tautology! How is it, then, that one’s necessary being can be dependent on a chance body?

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  • Case For Christ (Revised)


    Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God?

    Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools like Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis who are recognized authorities in their own fields.

    Strobel challenges them with questions like, How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event?

    Winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award and twice nominated for the Christian Book of the Year Award, Strobel’s tough, point-blank questions read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it’s not fiction. It’s a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure.

    The new edition includes scores of revisions and additions, including updated material on archaeological and manuscript discoveries, fresh recommendations for further study, and an interview with the author that tells dramatic stories about the book’s impact, provides behind-the-scenes information, and responds to critiques of the book by skeptics. As The Case for Christ and its ancillary resources approach 10 million copies in print, this updated edition will prove even more valuable to contemporary readers.

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  • Taking Pascals Wager


    14 Chapters

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    Since we can’t know with absolute certainty that God exists, each of us in a sense makes a bet. If we believe in God and are right, the benefits include eternal life. If we are wrong, the downside is limited. On the other hand, we might not believe in God. If we are right, then we will have lived in line with reality. If we are wrong, however, the consequences could be eternally disastrous. This was the challenge posed by the French philosopher Blaise Pascal over three hundred years ago. But Michael Rota contends that Pascal’s argument is still compelling today. Since there is much to gain (for ourselves as well as for others) and relatively little to lose, the wise decision is to seek a relationship with God and live a Christian life. Rota considers Pascal’s wager and the roles of uncertainty, evidence and faith in making a commitment to God. By engaging with themes such as decision theory, the fine-tuning of the universe, divine hiddenness, the problem of evil, the historicity of the resurrection and the nature of miracles, he probes the many dynamics at work in embracing the Christian faith. In addition, Rota takes a turn not found in many books of philosophy. He looks at the actual effects of such a commitment in three recent, vivid, gripping examples?Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jean Vanier and Immaculee Ilibagiza. Like Pascal, Rota leaves us with a question: What wager will we make?

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  • Human Origins And The Bible


    An engineer takes a scientific approach to the study of human origins, and compares Scripture with the findings of current scientific discoveries and DNA research. Myron Heavin examines differing views on creation and human origins, and what the Bible has to say in Genesis 2-5. From how to read and interpret the Bible, to when Adam and Eve lived, to hominids and Neantherthals, Heavin examines the validity of various creationist viewpoints, always with the supremacy of Scripture in mind. An individual or group Bible study that uses nature and Scripture to answer questions on our origins.

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  • Human Origins And The Bible


    An engineer takes a scientific approach to the study of human origins, and compares Scripture with the findings of current scientific discoveries and DNA research. Myron Heavin examines differing views on creation and human origins, and what the Bible has to say in Genesis 2-5. From how to read and interpret the Bible, to when Adam and Eve lived, to hominids and Neantherthals, Heavin examines the validity of various creationist viewpoints, always with the supremacy of Scripture in mind. An individual or group Bible study that uses nature and Scripture to answer questions on our origins.

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  • How I Changed My Mind About Evolution


    25 Chapters

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    Perhaps no topic appears as potentially threatening to evangelicals as evolution. The very idea seems to exclude God from the creation the book of Genesis celebrates. Yet many evangelicals have come to accept the conclusions of science while still holding to a vigorous belief in God and the Bible. How did they make this journey? How did they come to embrace both evolution and faith? Here are stories from a community of people who love Jesus and honor the authority of the Bible, but who also agree with what science says about the cosmos, our planet and the life that so abundantly fills it. Among the contributors are Scientists such as Francis CollinsDeborah HaarsmaDenis Lamoureux Pastors such as John OrtbergKen FongLaura Truax Biblical scholars such as N. T. WrightScot McKnightTremper Longman III Theologians and philosophers such as James K. A. SmithAmos YongOliver Crisp

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  • Power Of Jah Will


    If you love someone set them free . . . if they come back it was meant to be. Heard that one before? We’re not supposed to get “attached” to another person. We’re supposed to remain free and independent yet at the same time we all want commitment, intimacy, and real love. Is that even possible? Many people today are estranged from someone special or from someone who was ordained for their life. How many people know someone whose child or mate left the home . . . their family . . . their roots? Some have even left this life. When they left was it because they were following the call of purity and God’s will? Or were they following a lying promise or destructive inclination, never to find their way back home? What if God treated us the same way? He created us for eternal relationship with him in perfect happiness. He longs to have fellowship with us and has “set us free.” So if we do not find our way back-if we choose to spend eternity apart from Him-is that what’s meant to be? Come along for a conversation about these questions and many more. We will peel back the cover and get a glimpse of free will-His will-and other fascinating and important spiritual matters . . . the things that truly matter. How can we find God’s original intent for our lives? How can we return to innocence?

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  • Proofs Of God


    Leading theologian Matthew Levering presents a thoroughgoing critical survey of the proofs of God’s existence for readers interested in traditional Christian responses to the problem of atheism. Beginning with Tertullian and ending with Karl Barth, Levering covers twenty-one theologians and philosophers from the early church to the modern period, examining how they answered the critics of their day. He also shows the relevance of the classical arguments to contemporary debates and challenges to Christianity. In addition to students, this book will appeal to readers of apologetics.

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  • Jesus Of Korea


    SKU (ISBN): 9781506406817ISBN10: 1506406815Paul KimBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2016Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Myth Of The Non Christian


    Publisher Marketing: There’s no such thing as a non-Christian. Somebody might self-identify as spiritual but not religious. Or they might be a practicing Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim. Or they might call themselves an atheist, freethinker or agnostic. But the one thing that people never describe themselves as is a “non-Christian.” So Christians who want to “reach non-Christians” need to realize that they’re not all the same. Evangelism is not one-size-fits-all. Evangelist Luke Cawley shows how Christians can contextualize the gospel in different ways to connect with different kinds of people. Here he unpacks the religious identities of three key demographics: the spiritual but not religious, committed atheists and nominal Christians. Each group has particular characteristics and requires specific approaches and practices to make the Christian faith plausible, desirable and tangible to them. Filled with real-life stories of changed lives, this book is a practical and hopeful resource for helping people to encounter God.

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  • Beauty Of Intolerance


    Today’s message of cultural acceptance is dangerously distorted and deceptive. In a world that shouts: “If you truly care about other people, you must agree that their beliefs, values, lifestyle, and truth claims are equal and as valid as yours!” it’s no wonder our youth are confused. The Beauty of Intolerance–brand-new from Josh McDowell with son Sean McDowell–cuts through the confusion and points you back to the place where the only truth resides. . .Jesus Christ. Tied directly to the Heroic Truth initiative launched by the Josh McDowell Ministry, McDowell will share how a biblical view of truth can counter cultural tolerance and encourage a love and acceptance of others apart from their actions with a heart of

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  • 51 Percent Christian


    God is not an idea. Christian faith is not a set of propositions you either believe or reject. According to a proper Trinitarian understanding, God is essentially relationship, a relationship of sheer, active, ecstatic, self-giving love. If we truly are encountered by this magnificent love of the Trinity, then faith becomes a living and active daily practice. Just like a healthy marriage or a close and loyal friendship, it becomes something you choose every day.

    This “51% Christian” moniker is a ridiculous label with a deadly serious point. You now have permission to doubt, to question, to get angry at God. But, in the end, it’s not about you. Faith is about relationship: a living, daily relationship, based on trust, and active in concrete, daily practices.

    With this sort of freedom in grace, Stenberg takes a fresh new look at theology, thirteen topics that, one by one, examine the best of what the Bible and the history of Christian practitioners have to say. Looking through this grace-based, radically relational lens, the author offers a lively and engaging discussion of topics such as creation, violence, love, death, heaven, and hell. You might not always agree. But you will not be bored.

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  • Historic Dinosaurs : Evidence That Dragons Are Not Mythological Beasts


    Russel Tingley
    Historic literary evidence with never before presented material supporting the controversial view that mankind and dinosaurs were contemporaries.

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  • God You Thought You Knew


    Popular Apologist Corrects the Record on What Christianity Is All About

    The Christianity our culture rejects may not be true Christianity at all. So many people today believe they have to be good to be accepted by God, or that the Bible is just a list of do’s and don’ts, or that God is far away and unapproachable.

    Instead of providing “proofs” about God and the Bible, in this book Alex provides a reason to want to know Jesus. By sharing his own story of the loneliness and alienation of his youth, Alex taps in to universal fears of rejection and loneliness. We all seek acceptance and purpose–and there’s only one solution. Learn how to be anchored in the Truth and security that comes through Christ.

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  • We Destroy Arguments


    Have you ever had your faith challenged by an unbeliever to where you felt helpless and without an answer? If so, this book is for you. Whether the challenge comes from unsaved loved ones, co-workers, college professors, or TV personalities, you can be certain that such challenges will come to every Christian. Knowing this, the Bible commands every Christian to be ready. The purpose of this book is to help Christians to always be prepared to make a defense for the hope that is within them (1Peter 3:15). Yet, if we are to properly achieve this goal, then a particular type of defense is in order-a presuppositional defense. “We Destroy Arguments” gives you just that. When it is all said and done, Christians will learn how to make an irrefutable defense for the hope that is within them. Truly, this book is what Evangelicals have been waiting for. Stephen Feinstein is a pastor at Sovereign Way Christian Church in Hesperia, CA. His ministry focuses heavily on expositional preaching, biblical counseling, systematic theology, apologetics, church history, and practical theology. His goal is to help Christians become biblical people doing biblical things in the biblical way. He also is a United States Army Reserve chaplain.

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  • Atheist Who Didnt Exist


    In the last decade, atheism has leapt from obscurity to the front pages: producing best-selling books, making movies, and plastering adverts on the side of buses. There’s an energy and a confidence to contemporary atheism: many people now assume that a godless skepticism is the default position, indeed the only position for anybody wishing to appear educated, contemporary and urbane. Atheism is hip, religion is boring. Yet when one pokes at popular atheism, many of the arguments used to prop it up quickly unravel. The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist is designed to expose some of the loose threads on the cardigan of atheism, tug a little, and see what happens. Blending humour with serious thought, Andy Bannister helps the reader question everything, assume nothing and, above all, recognise lazy skepticism and bad arguments. Be an atheist by all means: but do be a thought-through one.

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  • Boundless (Reprinted)


    Director of research for YWAM discovers a startling phenomenon–worldwide movements of Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and others who follow Jesus outside the boundaries of Western Christianity–and imagines new possibilities for our faith.

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  • Getting Jesus Right


    IS IT POSSIBLE THAT MUSLIMS ARE WRONG ABOUT JESUS AND VARIOUS TENETS OF ISLAM? Is the famous Muslim writer Reza Aslan mistaken in his portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth and apologetic for Islam? Professor James Beverley and Professor Craig Evans take an in-depth look at subjects at the core of the Muslim-Christian divide: the reliability of the New Testament Gospels and the Qur’an, and what we can really know about Jesus and the prophet Muhammad. Importantly, they also examine the implications of traditional Islamic faith on the status of women, jihad and terrorism.

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  • Why Christian Faith Still Makes Sense


    In recent years the Christian faith has been challenged by skeptics, including the New Atheists, who claim that belief in God is simply not reasonable. Here prominent Christian philosopher C. Stephen Evans offers a fresh, contemporary, and nuanced response. He makes the case for belief in a personal God through an exploration of natural “signs,” which open our minds to theistic possibilities and foster belief in the Christian revelation. Evans then discusses why God’s self-revelation is both authoritative and authentic. This sophisticated yet accessible book provides a clear account of the evidence for Christian faith, concluding that it still makes sense to believe.

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  • God Adam And You


    1. The Bible’s First Word
    2. The Case For Adam
    3. Two Views Of The Human Person
    4. Adam, Lord Of The Garden
    5. The Bible And Evolution
    6. God’s Design For Gender, Marriage And Sex
    7. Differing Views On The Days Of Creation
    8. Christ, The Second Adam
    9. From God’s Garden To God’s City
    10. Original Sin And Modern Theology

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    What difference does Adam make? The answer to some influential Christians today is “not much.” Adam, we are told, is a disposable person from biblical lore, who can be safely abandoned to meet the demands of an unaccepting secular culture. Historic Christianity answers differently, however. Adam makes a world of difference when it comes to our understanding of God, mankind, the Bible, and yes, the gospel. Together with Christians of prior generations, we affirm both the necessity and the importance of the historical, biblical Adam to our Christian faith and witness.

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  • Mapping Apologetics : Comparing Contemporary Approches


    How and why do people believe? This comprehensive guide provides an overview of Christian apologetic approaches and thinkers in a way that even the nonspecialist can understand and practically apply. Even-handed and respectful of each apologist and their contribution, this book provides the reader with a formidable array of defenses for the faith.

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  • Do You Still Think God Is Good


    What is evil really?
    Where does it come from?
    And if God is really God, why doesn’t he do more about it? This world is out of control-so violent, painful, unfair and destructive. Doesn’t God care?

    The Greek philosopher Epicurus is credited with saying:

    Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot; or he can but does not want to; or he cannot and does not want to. If he wants to but cannot, he is impotent. If he can and does not want to, he is wicked. But if God both can and wants to abolish evil, then how comes evil in the world?

    This is known as the Epicurean paradox. Obviously, mankind has been wrestling with the problem of evil for some time; Epicurus lived between 340-270 BC.

    Fast-forward twenty-three hundred years. Eric Jennings is a freshman at the University of Florida. He and his older sister, Libby, have moved in from the mission field to enter the premed program to become medical missionaries. Eric’s roommate, Todd Rehnquist, though a baseball teammate and a good friend, is an atheist. And he poses the “problem” to Eric using an interesting quote. This sets in motion a conversation between Eric, Todd, Libby, Ray Cohen, the Jennings’ former science teacher, and Mike Murphy, a local youth minister and one of Eric’s spiritual mentors. The conversation happens at an area breakfast haunt, the Gator Skillet. Follow them as they wrestle with this most profound of issues and connect the dots. You’ll find that the answers are as simple as they are surprising.

    How does God’s existence make sense in light of the evil and suffering we see all around us? This is a conversation between two and then three evangelical Christian college students, an atheist, a Jew, and a Christian youth minister.

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  • Do You Still Think God Is Good


    What is evil really?
    Where does it come from?
    And if God is really God, why doesn’t he do more about it? This world is out of control-so violent, painful, unfair and destructive. Doesn’t God care?

    The Greek philosopher Epicurus is credited with saying:

    Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot; or he can but does not want to; or he cannot and does not want to. If he wants to but cannot, he is impotent. If he can and does not want to, he is wicked. But if God both can and wants to abolish evil, then how comes evil in the world?

    This is known as the Epicurean paradox. Obviously, mankind has been wrestling with the problem of evil for some time; Epicurus lived between 340-270 BC.

    Fast-forward twenty-three hundred years. Eric Jennings is a freshman at the University of Florida. He and his older sister, Libby, have moved in from the mission field to enter the premed program to become medical missionaries. Eric’s roommate, Todd Rehnquist, though a baseball teammate and a good friend, is an atheist. And he poses the “problem” to Eric using an interesting quote. This sets in motion a conversation between Eric, Todd, Libby, Ray Cohen, the Jennings’ former science teacher, and Mike Murphy, a local youth minister and one of Eric’s spiritual mentors. The conversation happens at an area breakfast haunt, the Gator Skillet. Follow them as they wrestle with this most profound of issues and connect the dots. You’ll find that the answers are as simple as they are surprising.

    How does God’s existence make sense in light of the evil and suffering we see all around us? This is a conversation between two and then three evangelical Christian college students, an atheist, a Jew, and a Christian youth minister.

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  • Why Believe The Bible (Reprinted)


    With so many competing truth claims out there, esteemed Bible teacher John MacArthur asks–and definitively answers–the question Why believe the Bible?

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  • Not A Chance (Revised)


    Despite claiming unbelief in God or any higher power that may have designed or created the world and all that is in it, modern scientists often write and speak of chance as some kind of being or force that can actually cause things to happen. In one breath they push the evolution agenda and in the next they say that creatures were “designed” with specific traits. In this classic book, R. C. Sproul and Keith Mathison call the scientific world to employ logic and clarity in their discourse, to leave the word chance as an abstract concept to describe mathematical possibilities rather than an ontological being that can actually cause change. This expanded edition includes a new chapter dealing with the most recent attempts to defend irrational scientific statements. Two new appendices answer critics and review other literature on scientific discoveries that support belief in a Creator God.

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  • Gospel In The Marketplace Of Ideas (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Welcome To Athens
    2. Was Paul’s Speech At Athens A Mistake?
    3. Paul’s Athens
    4. Our Athens
    5. Paul’s Speech In Acts
    6. Paul’s Audience
    7. Paul’s Gospel For The Educated
    8. The Art Of Persuasion
    9. Acting On The Truth
    10. Going To Our Own Mars Hill
    Resources For Further Reading
    Study Questions For Group Discussion
    Subject Index

    Additional Info
    Our world is multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-philosophical. It ranges from fundamental monotheism to do-it-yourself spirituality to strident atheism. How can we authentically and effectively present the message of Jesus the Messiah in such a pluralistic and often relativistic context? When Paul visited Athens, as told in the book of Acts, he found an equally multi-cultural and multi-religious setting. From Jews to Gentiles, elite to poor, slaves to slave owners, from olive-skinned Gentiles to dark-skinned Ethiopians–the Greco-Roman world was a dynamic mixture. Religions practices were also wide and varied, with the Imperial cult of Emperor worship being the most prominent. Many also frequented the temples for the traditional Greek pantheon, and participated in the secret rituals of the Mystery Religions. Philosopher Paul Copan and New Testament scholar Kenneth Litwak team up to show how Paul’s example found in Acts 17 provide a practical model that still fits today. They uncover the cultural and religious background of this key episode in the Apostle’s career. With equal facility they show what it means for us who live in an age of competing beliefs and value systems.

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  • Christianity On Trial


    Is Christianity reasonable? Is it more reasonable to believe that a god exists than not? Is it plausible that such a god would choose to create and communicate with humanity? Can we trust the alleged eyewitness testimony to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus? Mark Lanier, one of America’s top trial lawyers, brings a legal eye to examine the plausibility of the Christian faith. Explaining the rules that courts follow to determine the likelihood of truth, he interrogates key witnesses from throughout history to explore whether it makes sense to accept the Christian worldview or not. At the end of the day, all of us must choose for ourselves what is worthy of belief and what is not. Weigh the arguments and decide for yourself.

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  • Case For The Real Jesus Student Edition


    Was Jesus just a good man who lived a long time ago? Or was he something more? Just about everyone you ask has an opinion about Jesus. Some believe he was the Son of God, while others question his existence altogether. Some believe he lived but that he was merely a good man. Today, scientists and other people are stating things that can make it difficult to know what to believe. So how can you know who the real Jesus was (and is)—especially when so many people are working to prove him to be a fake or a fraud? That’s what Lee Strobel wanted to know. As a former journalist—and a former atheist—Lee went on an investigative journey to discover the real Jesus, one that took him across the continent and into the homes of today’s most prominent experts on Christian history. He found all the evidence he needed to believe that Jesus is indeed the Risen Savior. Join Lee’s investigation and discover the truth about Jesus for yourself. After you’ve seen all the evidence, you’ll know for certain who the real Jesus is, and you’ll be able to help others know him as well.

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  • Case For Christ Student Edition


    There’s little question that he actually lived. But miracles? Rising from the dead? Some of the stories you hear about him sound like just that—stories. A reasonable person would never believe them, let alone the claim that he’s the only way to God! But a reasonable person would also make sure that he or she understood the facts before jumping to conclusions. That’s why Lee Strobel—an award-winning legal journalist with a knack for asking tough questions—decided to investigate Jesus for himself. An atheist, Strobel felt certain his findings would bring Christianity’s claims about Jesus tumbling down like a house of cards. He was in for the surprise of his life. Join him as he retraces his journey from skepticism to faith. You’ll consult expert testimony as you sift through the truths that history, science, psychiatry, literature, and religion reveal. Like Strobel, you’ll be amazed at the evidence—how much there is, how strong it is, and what it says. The facts are in. What will your verdict be in The Case for Christ?

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  • Case For A Creator Student Edition


    Has Science Discovered God? When Lee Strobel was a high school freshman, science convinced him that God didn’t exist. Since then, however, incredible scientific discoveries have not only helped restore Lee’s faith, but have strengthened it. Lee is not alone. More and more scientists, confronted with startling, cutting-edge evidence from many areas of research, no longer believe the universe just ‘happened’ or that life arose by mere chance. Behind a universe of staggering complexity, they are seeing signs of a Master Designer. Are your science textbooks still telling you the same ‘facts’ that Lee’s did years ago? Prepare to be astonished by what some of today’s most respected experts have to say about:
    The birth of the universe
    Darwinism and the origin of life
    The astounding fine-tuning of the cosmos
    Amazing molecular machines and DNA research

    Weigh the evidence for yourself. Then consider this question: Could it be that the universe looks designed … because it is?

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  • Faith Is Like Skydiving


    16 Chapters

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    It can be hard to explain why you believe in God. But images and analogies can provide concrete handles for making the Christian faith more plausible. If someone claims that Christians make a “blind leap of faith,” you can respond, “No, it’s not a blind leap. Faith is like skydiving. You check out your parachute beforehand and make sure it’s secure. You follow the safety instructions. And then you jump. It’s a leap, but it’s not a blind leap. It’s an informed leap.” Experienced evangelist and apologist Rick Mattson has collected dozens of easy-to-use images for explaining Christianity. God’s amazing design of the world? It’s like getting dealt a royal flush over and over again. Why is there evil and suffering in the world? Because it’s a broken world, and things are not how they’re supposed to be. With practical tips on how to interact with your skeptical friends, this book provides a handy toolkit of memorable and instantly usable images for conversation. Find yourself better equipped to give an answer to anyone who asks you about your faith.

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  • Test : A Seekers Journey To The Meaning Of Life


    This book is a fresh exploration and defense of the biblical worldview. As the title indicates, it primarily targets seekers: spiritually hungry souls who can’t quite shake the feeling that there may be something to the God of the Bible after all. However, it also targets Christians, endeavoring to help them better understand what they believe, why they believe it, and how to communicate their faith skillfully to friends and loved ones. Here author Dean Davis advances a fresh paradigm on the meaning of life, arguing that human existence is not the pointless “mess” spoken of by our postmodern friends in high places, but rather a God-given test of our love of the truth; of our willingness to seek and find the one true worldview. It also defends the philosophical trustworthiness of Christ and the Bible, demonstrating how God has dramatically placed his seal of approval upon these two, marking them out as the true religious and philosophical Teachers of the human race. Davis surveys the biblical worldview in considerable depth, responds to common objections, and carefully explores the implications of Christ’s teachings for seekers. He also compares and contrasts the biblical worldview with others that modern seekers are likely to encounter, devoting special attention to atheistic naturalism, Eastern and New Age pantheism, and Islam. Along the way, he is faithful to share various episodes in own difficult search for truth, thus placing biographical flesh and blood upon the philosophical skeleton of the book. This long, challenging book will not appeal to the casual or faint-hearted. It will, however, supply both hope and help to spiritually hungry souls, souls eager to make and complete the ultimate journey to the ultimate destination: the meaning of life.

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  • Knowing Christ Today


    A Compelling Defense of the Faith for Our Time

    Addressing the central question facing the church today-Is the Gospel true?-Dallas Willard offers an impassioned argument that Christian spiritual ideals are a reliable source of wisdom that should be granted the same authority as other intellectual disciplines such as science or philosophy. He shows how faith and reason are complementary and confronts the difficult issues of Christian pluralism (the challenge of other faiths) and how we can know God exists.

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  • Passionate Intellect : Christian Faith And The Discipleship Of The Mind


    Part 1: The Purpose, Place And Relevance Of Christian Theology
    1 Mere Theology: The Landscape Of Faith (1)
    2 Mere Theology: The Landscape Of Faith (2)
    3 The Gospel And The Transformation Of Reality: George Herbert’s “Elixir”
    4 The Cross, Suffering And Theological Bewilderment: Reflections On Martin Luther And C. S. Lewis
    5 The Theatre Of The Glory Of God: A Christian View Of Nature
    6 The Tapestry Of Faith: Theology And Apologetics

    Part 2: Engaging With Our Culture
    7 The Natural Sciences: Friends Or Foes Of Faith?
    8 Religious And Scientific Faith: The Case Of Charles Darwin’s Origin Of Species
    9 Augustine Of Hippo On Creation And Evolution
    10 Does Religion Poison Everything? The New Atheism And Religious Belief
    11 Atheism And The Enlightenment: Reflections On The Intellectual Roots Of The New Atheism

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    2011 Christianity Today Book Award winner! Alister McGrath, one of the most prominent theologians and public intellectuals of our day, explains how Christian thinking can and must have a positive role in shaping, nourishing and safeguarding the Christian vision of reality. With this in our grasp, we have the capacity for robust intellectual and cultural engagement, confidently entering the public sphere of ideas where atheism, postmodernism and science come into play. This book explores how the great tradition of Christian theological reflection enriches faith. It deepens our appreciation of the gospel’s ability to engage with the complexities of the natural world on the one hand and human experience on the other.

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  • Grand Central Question


    Foreword By Josh McDowell
    Prologue: What Truth Costs – What Truth Is Worth
    Chapter One: Grand Central Questions

    Part I – Secular Humanism Or The Gospel — Which Provides Us With Intrinsic Value And Objective Purpose?
    Chapter Two: Secular Humanism – The Secular Search
    Chapter Three: Saying Nothing As Loud As We Can
    Chapter Four: Will The Real Humanism Please Stand Up?

    Part II – Eastern & Western Spirituality Or The Gospel — Which Gives Real Answers To Suffering?
    Chapter Five: Pantheism And Pain
    Chapter Six: Escaping The Escapism

    Part III – Islam Or The Gospel — Which Tells Us About God’s Greatness?
    Chapter Seven: From Whence Comes God’s Greatness?
    Chapter Eight: God’s Greatness And The Preservation Of The Gospel
    Chapter Nine: God’s Triune Greatness
    Chapter Ten: Greatness Incarnate

    Epilogue: A Worldview That Views The Whole World

    Read More: Http://

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    All religions and worldviews seek to answer the fundamental questions of human existence: Why am I here? What does it mean to be human? Why is there evil in the world and how do we deal with it? But not every worldview places equal emphasis on each issue. The main worldviews each tend to stress a different central question. Secular humanism focuses on: What is the inherent value of human beings? Pantheism emphasizes: How do we escape suffering? Islam’s main concern is: How is God great? Abdu Murray digs deeply into these three representatives of major worldviews of our day: atheism, pantheism and theism. This lawyer and former Muslim brings compassion, understanding and clarity to his analysis, comparing the answers of each view to the central message of Christianity.

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  • Urban Apologetics : Why The Gospel Is Good News For The City


    Much of the New Testament was written in urban settings, in which the Christian communities had to deal head-on with issues such as race, equality, justice, sexuality, money, and economics. But much of today’s apologetics (engagement with the questions that people are asking about Christianity) come from suburban churches and academic studies. Urban believers-those who live and minister in America’s inner cities-often face unique issues, not often addressed by the larger Christian community. These questions aren’t neat or easy to answer but need to be addressed by applying biblical truth in the culture and challenges of urban life.

    Author Chris Brooks has ministered for years in the urban environment as well as received extensive theological training. In Urban Apologetics, he seeks to connect the riches of the Christian apologetic tradition with the issues facing cities-such as poverty, violence, and broken families. He brings an urban rhythm and sensitivity to the task of demonstrating the relevance of faith and the healing truth that Christ provides.

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  • Is Our Gospel The Gospel


    Pastor-first, theologian-second Dr. Prince Parker is more plainspoken than any scholar has any right to be-what he writes, readers can actually comprehend! In Is OUR Gospel THE Gospel?, he follows the same teaching method he does with his students-easy-to-understand concepts followed by increasingly complex ideas that challenge and expand understanding-and the very same syntactical style he unashamedly proclaims in his Author’s Notes: In the same fashion, the vocabulary…swings between humorously colloquial Californian American English and polysyllabic academia.

    In this extraordinarily comprehensive text, the author examines three fundamental questions every Christian must answer with utmost clarity and understanding:

    The person of Christ-who is he?
    The Word of God and the doctrine of salvation-exactly how can we be saved?
    How should we present this incalculably valuable message to the world?

    To find answers, Dr. Parker shares stimulating and thought-provoking insights into biblical stories-from all corners of the Word-in minute detail, all the while encouraging believers to pay attention in order to more fully understand what Scripture has to say.

    As friendly and readable as his voice may be, Dr. Parker is unflinching in his presentation of Scriptural truth: I know there are some who profess to have an exact theology of evangelism but are doing very little to actually win sinners for Christ…The glories of the Savior are hidden even from His servants because those preaching have not given the deserved attention to the gospel they are announcing…The truth to impart life has been hidden behind the smokescreen of human inventions.

    Is OUR Gospel THE Gospel? is an intelligent theological discourse equally suitable for personal edification or small or large group study-not only educational, but fun to read. How many scholarly texts can make such a claim?

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  • Jesus Quest : The Danger From Within


    This work examines the historical and philosophical strengths and/or weaknesses of current evangelical approaches espousing some forms of post-modernistic historiography and its resultant search for the “historical Jesus.” It demonstrates the marked undermining impact these efforts have had on the biblical text, especially the Gospels, as well inerrancy issues. It compares the Jesus Seminar’s approach with current evangelical practices of searching in terms of their evidential apologetic impact on the trustworthiness of the Gospels. A number of well-known, contemporary evangelical scholars are involved in the so-called “Third Quest” for the historical Jesus. This book raises serious questions about such an endeavor.

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  • Reading Richard Dawkins



    1. A Distinct Methodological Framework

    2. Encountering Evolution: The Dawkins Perspective

    3. Beyond Biology: An Evolutionary Weltanschauung

    4. Religion: An Evolutionary View

    5. Evil, Evolution, And God: Dawkins And Theology In Dialogue




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    Theological reactions to the rise of the new atheist movement have largely been critically hostile or defensively deployed apologetics to shore up the faith against attack. Gary Keogh contends that focusing on scholarly material that is inherently agreeable to theology will not suffice in the context of modern academia. Theology, he says, needs to test its boundaries.

    Reading Richard Dawkins illustrates how dialogue with antithetical viewpoints offers new perspectives on classical theological problems. Keogh demonstrates how a dialogical paradigm may take shape-one which is up to the task of facing its critics in the context of modern academia.

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  • Case For A Creator


    A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God ‘My road to atheism was paved by science…but, ironically, so was my later journey to God.’—Lee Strobel

    During his academic years, Lee Strobel became convinced that God was outmoded, a belief that colored his ensuing career as an award-winning journalist at the Chicago Tribune. Science had made the idea of a Creator irrelevant—or so Strobel thought. But today science is pointing in a different direction. In recent years, a diverse and impressive body of research has increasingly supported the conclusion that the universe was intelligently designed. At the same time, Darwinism has faltered in the face of concrete facts and hard reason. Has science discovered God? At the very least, it’s giving faith an immense boost as new findings emerge about the incredible complexity of our universe. Join Strobel as he reexamines the theories that once led him away from God. Through his compelling and highly readable account, you’ll encounter the mind-stretching discoveries from cosmology, cellular biology, DNA research, astronomy, physics, and human consciousness that present astonishing evidence in The Case for a Creator.

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  • King Secularism 1


    “In this truly extraordinary book John Ludlum has given us a powerful treatise in apologetics. He has done so, moreover, with prodigious learning, unflinching courage, wit, penetrating analysis, and a trenchant style. In King Secularism he has looked the enemy in the face and utterly demolished his pretensions. He aims at reestablishing Natural Theology as a handmaiden to Revealed Theology in a manner so convincing as to command respect even on the part of those who have chosen another path. Dr. Ludlum has painted on a large canvas with a very fine brush. His grasp of theological and philosophical thought is amazingly broad and deep. It is also remarkably surefooted. His massive intellectual attainments are at every point pressed into the service of the Lord God whom he adored and to whom all his life he dedicated his mind and heart. The arguments of his book seem to me unanswerable. Though his is a voice crying in the wilderness, the book with which he has gifted us will, I believe, have a drawing, encouraging power for those willing to heed what he has to say. In this survey of the havoc wrought in the churches and throughout the Western World by malign men in the service of Satan (he does not hesitate to accept for true the teaching of the Bible regarding the devil), Dr. Ludlum is irrepressibly optimistic in his view of what is yet to be. It is both a privilege and a joy to commend King Secularism with unqualified enthusiasm. Those who read it will undoubtedly profit from the experience.”

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  • Is Reality Secular


    What is the nature of reality? How do we best understand and explain the world around us? What does it mean to be human? And how do we account for ethics and morality? Mary Poplin argues that the ultimate test of a worldview, philosophy or ideology is whether it corresponds with reality. Since different perspectives conflict with each other, how do we make sense of the differences? And if a worldview system accurately reflects reality, what implications does that have for our thinking and living? In this wide-ranging and perceptive study, Poplin examines four major worldviews: naturalism, humanism, pantheism and Judeo-Christian theism. She explores the fundamental assumptions of each, pressing for limitations. Ultimately she puts each perspective to the test, asking, what if this worldview is true? And what does it matter? If reality is secular, that means something for how we orient our lives. But if reality is not best explained by secular perspectives, that would mean something quite different. Consider for yourself what best makes sense of reality.

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  • Christ In Conflict (Revised)


    Opening our eyes to the persistance of the controversies that followed Jesus throughout his public ministry, John Stott explains why the tension-filled social exchanges depicted in the Gospels provide us with a key to the heart of Christian doctrine.

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  • Case For Faith Study Guide Revised Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    Does believing in Christ mean refusing to ask hard questions in the midst of doubt? Doubt is familiar territory for Lee Strobel, the former atheist and award-winning author of books for skeptics and Christians. But he believes that faith and reason go hand in hand, and that Christianity is a defensible religion. In this six-session revised small group Bible study, Strobel explores the most common emotional obstacles to faith in Christ. These include the natural inclination to wrestle with faith and doubt, the troubling presence of evil and suffering in the world, and the exclusivity of the Christian gospel. They also include this compelling question: Can I doubt and be a Christian? Through compelling personal stories and experts testimony combined with reflection and interaction, Christians and spiritual seekers will learn how to overcome these obstacles, deepen their spiritual convictions, and find new confidence that Christianity is a reasonable faith. Designed for use with The Case for Faith Revised: A DVD Study (sold separately).

    Sessions include:
    The Challenge of Faith
    Dealing with Doubt
    Evil and Suffering, Part 1
    Evil and Suffering, Part 2
    Why Is Jesus the Only Way to God?
    The Power of Faith

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  • Benefit Of The Doubt (Reprinted)


    In Benefit of the Doubt, influential theologian, pastor, and bestselling author Gregory Boyd invites readers to embrace a faith that doesn’t strive for certainty, but rather for commitment in the midst of uncertainty. Boyd rejects the idea that a person’s faith is as strong as it is certain. In fact, he makes the case that doubt can enhance faith and that seeking certainty is harming many in today’s church. Readers who wrestle with their faith will welcome Boyd’s message that experiencing a life-transforming relationship with Christ is possible, even with unresolved questions about the Bible, theology, and ethics. Boyd shares stories of his own painful journey, and stories of those to whom he has ministered, with a poignant honesty that will resonate with readers of all ages.

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  • Hardwired


    There is a vast Christian audience that longs for clear explanations in their “case for God” that gives them reason, confidence, and the language to effectively communicate their belief. Hardwired is that book, that confidence, that accessible wisdom and that language! Christian apologetics remains a popular and widely-read genre, with works like The Case for Christ selling millions of copies and Craig’s Reasonable Faith making inroads into professional academic discussion. However, those works require readers to have a certain degree of academic curiosity or to defer to credible scholars-even to have an existing faith. Hardwired is altogether different. Rather than mounting an academic case for faith, Hardwired explores the many surprising levels of faith and “inherent” facts that the casual observer has inadvertently picked up as a latent knowledge of God. Miller begins with the language of our own lives: seekers/questioners/”Nones” and “Somes” needs only to examine their lives, their human existence, to find God. Like a baseball player who has delved into physics while simply trying to get on base, humanity has inferred God’s existence from daily life. Building on the biblical principle that God’s existence is plain in what He has made, Hardwired explores fascinating and common presuppositions that we necessarily take for granted-that imply the existence of God-and Hardwired builds the case for our natural lives speaking of God with humor, metaphor, and whimsy. Hardwired will empower the layperson to find God without a Ph.D. It’s readable and even fun, even as it rests on a credible, scholarly foundation.

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  • End Of Apologetics


    The modern apologetic enterprise, according to Myron Penner, is no longer valid. It tends toward an unbiblical and unchristian form of Christian witness and does not have the ability to attest truthfully to Christ in our postmodern context. In fact, Christians need an entirely new way of conceiving the apologetic task.

    This provocative text critiques modern apologetic efforts and offers a concept of faithful Christian witness that is characterized by love and grounded in God’s revelation. Penner seeks to reorient the discussion of Christian belief, change a well-entrenched vocabulary that no longer works, and contextualize the enterprise of apologetics for a postmodern generation.

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  • C S Lewis Vs The New Atheists


    The book will counter the ‘new atheist’ movement using the arguments of C.S. Lewis, thereby appealing to readers interested in both loci and showing that there is nothing especially ‘new’ about the new atheism.

    How might C.S. Lewis, the greatest Christian apologist of the twentieth century, respond to the twenty-first century ‘new atheism’ of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and company? Might Lewis’ own journey from atheism to Christian belief illuminate and undercut the objections of the new atheists? Christian philosopher Peter S. Williams takes us on an intellectual journey through Lewis’ conversion in conversation with today’s anti-theists.

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  • Christian Apologetics (Reprinted)


    World-famous apologist Norman Geisler offers a new edition of his bestselling apologetics text, which has sold consistently for over thirty years (over 125,000 copies sold). This edition has been updated throughout and includes three new chapters. It offers readers a systematic approach that presents both the reasons and the methods for defending the claims of Christianity. Topics covered include deism, theism, Christ’s authority, and the inspiration of the Bible.

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  • When Skeptics Ask (Revised)


    When skeptics ask tough questions, believers can turn to this helpful, user-friendly guide for thoughtful, up-to-date answers. Readers will also learn to identify and respond to the misuse of Scripture by nonbelievers and help detractors see the fullness, beauty, and truth of Christianity.

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  • Church Under Fire


    Janice Fountaine trumpets a powerful word to the Christian Church. It is a riveting account of the condition of the church during the 2012 election cycle and a beseeching exhortation for them to examine themselves in the midst of changing times; irrespective of politics, interest groups, public sentiment, public opinion and peer pressure, but instead for the sake of America and the cause of Christ.

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  • God And Evil


    If God is good, why is there suffering? The question is as timeless as it is urgent. In this volume, Chad Meister and James K. Dew, leading thinkers in Christian philosophy and apologetics, take on the problem of suffering from all angles. They seriously engage contemporary critiques leveled against the faith and offer readers new confidence and hope in the God who suffered and died and rose again.

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  • Reasons For Belief (Reprinted)


    Seminary professor and bestselling author teams with a seminary-trained apologist and teacher to give readers basic, solid evidence for the Christian faith. This book is ideal for both teens and adults. Lay leaders and teachers as well as students will be equipped to explain the basics of Christianity to unbelievers and new believers. The accessible and topically organized book is easy to understand and use.

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  • Bible : Intellligent Design Or Chance


    “The Bible: Intelligent Design or Chance? is a brilliantly written book on the supernatural order and structure of the Bible (that consists of 66 books or scrolls) that was not the result of chance nor was there a council that convened to determine the order of the scrolls in the canon, but rather the result of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe who sovereignly determined the order of the scrolls in canon we call the Bible. Dr. Morey’s scholarship and dedication for over 50 years to the King of kings and Lord of lords, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, has produced a book that will be etched in stone for generations to come.” Didymus, President, New Jersey Institute for the Advancement of Truth (NJIAT) Dr. Robert A. Morey Ph.D., D.Min., D.D. Faith Defenders Dr. Robert A. Morey’s ministry is recommended by some of best-known Christian leaders in this generation: D. James Kennedy, John Ankerberg, Gordon Clark, John Frame, Cornelius Van Til, Walter Martin, Gleason Archer, Stephen Olford, Francis A. Schaeffer and many others. He is the author of over 58 books. It should be noted that Dr. Robert A. Morey as a young protege with an IQ of 185 was selected by Yale University in the tenth grade of high school to become part of the School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG). Dr. Morey is also a Greek and Hebrew scholar and has debated some of the top scholars in the world who are against Christianity-see some of his free video debates on Faith Defenders website.

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  • Cold Case Christianity


    Over 2,000 years ago a man lived, was executed, and rose from the dead, but there is almost no forensic evidence to prove it. A vocal atheist-turned-apologist, Wallace uses his skills as a homicide detective to investigate Jesus’ life—and death. Relating stories from his career to the Gospels, he artistically validates Christianity’s claims.

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  • Science And Religion In The 21st Century


    Despite the upsurge in public interest in science-and-religion provoked by the so-called “new atheist” attacks on religion, there has been surprisingly little publically accessible informed discussion of the central issues at stake in contemporary work at the interface of science and religion. This book fills this gap by providing a snapshot of what is really at stake in contemporary interactions and debates between scientists and theologians. What the collection shows, above all, is the vibrant complexity of discussions in science-and-religion. Old models of conflict between the two disciplines no longer hold; but neither do the alternative comprehensive models of independence, dialogue or integration. What emerges instead is a complex set of relations between science and religion in the twenty-first century.

    Contributors include Keith Ward, Jurgen Moltmann, John Hedley Brooke, Celia Deane-Drummond and John Polkinghorne.

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  • Christian Confidence : An Introduction To Defending The Faith


    1. Apology For Apologetics
    2. Apologetics And Philosophy
    3. Christian Persuaders
    4. The Right Way To Reason
    5. Apologetics Through The Ages
    6. Brave New World
    7. Digging Up The Bible
    8. Science Friction
    9. Jesus And The Many Roads
    10. Suffering And The Cross

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    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Philosophy, archaeology and science are hot topics in Christian circles, perplexing many believers about how these issues relate to faith. Fortunately for us, Chris Sinkinson has investigated these areas and gathered historical Christian perspective. The result is this accessible introduction to apologetics, which enlightens minds and inspires confidence. Christian Confidence is a one-stop shop for anyone desiring to engage thoughtfully and persuasively in the difficult conversations surrounding faith in the twenty-first century. This book will deepen your understanding of Christianity and empower you to present the case for faith convincingly, credibly and cleverly.

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  • Inerrancy And Worldview


    Though the Bible presents a personal and relational God, popular modern worldviews portray an impersonal divine force in a purely material world. Readers influenced by this competing worldview hold assumptions about fundamental issues-like the nature of humanity, evil, and the purpose of life-that present profound obstacles to understanding the Bible.

    In Inerrancy and Worldview, Dr. Vern Poythress offers the first worldview-based defense of scriptural inerrancy, showing how worldview differences create or aggravate most perceived difficulties with the Bible. His positive case for biblical inerrancy implicitly critiques the worldview of theologians like Enns, Sparks, Allert, and McGowan. Poythress, who has researched and published in a variety of fields- including science, linguistics, and sociology-deals skillfully with the challenges presented in each of these disciplines. By directly addressing key examples in each field, Poythress shows that many difficulties can be resolved simply by exposing the influence of modern materialism.

    Inerrancy and Worldview’s positive response to current attempts to abandon or redefine inerrancy will enable Christians to respond well to modern challenges by employing a worldview that allows the Bible to speak on its own terms.

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  • Real Kosher Jesus


    Jesus-Yeshua.The most influential Jew who ever lived. The most controversial Jew who ever lived.

    He has been called a rabbi, a rebel, a reformer, a religious teacher, a reprobate sinner, a revolutionary, a redeemer. Some have claimed he was a magician, others the Messiah. Some say he was a deceiver; others say he was divine. Who is this Jesus-Yeshua, and why are we still talking about him two thousand years later?

    Recently a prominent Orthodox Jewish rabbi presented a new version of Jesus, a “Kosher Jesus” that Jews can accept. By reclaiming Yeshua as a fellow Jew and rabbi, he has taken a very major and truly wonderful step in the right direction, but by re-creating Jesus, he has also robbed him of his uniqueness.

    The Real Kosher Jesus takes you on a journey to uncover the truth. It is a journey filled with amazing discoveries and delightful surprises, a journey that is sometimes painful but that ends with joy, a journey through which you will learn the real story of this man named Yeshua: the most famous Jew of all time, the Jewish nation’s greatest prophet, the most illustrious rabbi ever, the light of the nations-and Israel’s hidden Messiah.

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  • Do Historical Matters Matter To Faith


    Equips Christians to defend the doctrine of inerrancy against a culture and academy ever skeptical of the Bible’s historical claims.

    Is historical accuracy an indispensable part of the Bible’s storyline, or is Scripture only concerned with theological truths? As progressive evangelicals threaten to reduce the Bible’s jurisdiction by undermining its historical claims, every Christian who cares about the integrity of Scripture must be prepared to answer this question.

    Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? offers a firm defense of Scripture’s legitimacy and the theological implications of modern and postmodern approaches that teach otherwise. In this timely and timeless collection of essays, scholars from diverse areas of expertise lend strong arguments in support of the doctrine of inerrancy. Contributors explore how the specific challenges of history, authenticity, and authority are answered in the text of the Old and New Testaments as well as how the Bible is corroborated by philosophy and archaeology.

    With contributions from respected scholars-including Allan Millard, Craig Blomberg, Graham Cole, Michael Haykin, Robert Yarbrough, and Darrell Bock-Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? arms Christians with fresh insight, arguments, and language with which to defend Scripture’s historical accuracy against a culture and academy skeptical of those claims.

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  • Defending Inerrancy : Affirming The Accuracy Of Scripture For A New Generat


    The doctrine of inerrancy has been taught for a millennium. Now, it’s at risk.

    Leading apologist and bestselling author Norman L. Geisler, who was one of the original drafters of the “Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy,” and his coauthor, William C. Roach, present here a defense of the traditional understanding of inerrancy for a new generation of Christians who are being assaulted with challenges to the nature of God, truth, and language.

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  • Thinking About Christian Apologetics


    Most introductions to apologetics begin with the “how to” of defending the faith, diving headlong into the major apologetic arguments and the body of evidence. For those who want a more foundational look at this contested theological discipline, this book examines Christian apologetics in its nature, history, approaches, objections and practice.

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  • Mind Your Faith


    Part 1: Mind
    Part 2: Faith
    Part 3: Character

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    At its best, the culture of suspicion so characteristic of today’s universities is intended to challenge half-baked values and easy belief. But since this culture can also undermine legitimate values and belief, a thoughtful Christian will bring a healthy suspicion of easy relativism as well.

    For young Christians about to embark on the collegiate experience, David Horner provides a guide to thinking as a Christian. Carefully exploring how ideas work, he gives students essential tools for thinking critically, contextually and coherently, unpacking worldviews and discerning truth. He addresses faith and reason and how to handle doubts, with an eye toward not just thinking clearly but also living faithfully and morally.

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  • Beyond Bumper Sticker Ethics (Expanded)


    Preface And Acknowledgments
    1. Bumper Stickers And Ethical Systems
    2. When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do: Cultural Relativism
    3. Look Out For Number One: Ethical Egoism
    4. I Couldn’t Help Myself: Behaviorism
    5. Survival Of The (Ethical) Fittest: Evolutionary Ethics
    6. The Greatest Happiness: Utilitarianism
    7. It’s Your Duty: Kantian Ethics
    8. Be Good: Virtue Ethics
    9. The Moral Of The Story Is . . . : Narrative Ethics
    10. All You Need Is Love: Situation Ethics
    11. Doing What Comes Naturally: Natural Law Ethics
    12. God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It: Divine Command Theory
    13. Unraveling The Options

    Additional Info
    Ideas have consequences. And sometimes those ideas can be squeezed in to slogans, slapped on bumper stickers and tweeted into cyberspace. These compact messages coming at us from all directions often compress in a few words entire ethical systems. It turns out that there’s a lot more to the ideas behind these slogans–ideas that need to be sorted out before we make important moral decisions as individuals or as societies.

    In this revised and expanded edition of Steve Wilkens’s widely-used text, the author has updated his introductions to basic ethical systems:

    cultural relativism
    ethical egoism
    situation ethics
    Kantian ethics
    virtue ethics
    natural law ethics
    divine command theory

    He has also added two new chapters:

    evolutionary ethics
    narrative ethics

    With clarity and wit Wilkens unpacks the complicated ideas behind the slogans and offers Christian evaluations of each.

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  • Truth Considered And Applied


    For philosophy and theology students, Truth Considered and Applied examines the leading theories of truth in relation to postmodernism, history, and the Christian faith. Author Stewart E. Kelly defends Christianity in the face of postmodernist challenges that would label such religious faith as merely one version of truth among many in a pluralistic world. Likewise, in looking at Christianity as a historical faith, Kelly supports the need for Christians to develop a hermeneutic that does justice to the biblical texts and our informed understanding of the past in general; because if a genuine past cannot be recovered in some meaningful sense, the claims of Jesus being incarnate and risen from the dead are seriously jeopardized.

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  • And Man Created God


    This book addresses one of the oldest questions posed to religious believers: If God made everything, who made God? Most recently raised again by the New Atheists, this question was asked centuries ago in ancient Greece and has fascinated theologians, philosophers, and skeptics ever since. Theologian Robert Banks explores the history of the objection–from its earliest vocalization in the ancient world to its most famous supporters, Freud, Marx, and others. Ideal for anyone with an interest in issues related to the New Atheism, for those studying religion, or for believers wanting to sort out what (if any) elements of their ideas of God are man-made.

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  • Quran Revealed : A Christian Critique Surah By Surah Verse By Verse


    Some call the Qur’an a peace loving document. Others use it as a call to war. How can you understand it if you never read it? For the first time, Qur’an Revealed provides an English translation of the Qur’an, with its 114 surahs arranged in chronological order, and accompanied by interpretive notes from mainstream Islamic scholars, making its text understandable to any interested reader. More importantly, for the Christian reader, Greer’s explanatory essays, surah-by-surah and verse-by-verse annotations, use historical-critical research to clarify the occasional similarities and the many differences between the Qur’an and the Bible. In one volume, these questions are clearly and authoritatively answered: What does the Qur’an actually say? How do mainstream Islamic scholars interpret it? How does it line up with historical-critical analysis? How does it square with the Bible? In this day and age, where Islam has made important inroads into the West and is challenging a number of Western values and cultural norms. An annotated Qur’an should be a vital resource not only for interested Christians, but for people in general.

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  • Why God Wont Go Away


    An accessible discourse written by a trusted expert and scholar critiquing the new atheism on its own merits and claims. The rise of the new atheism, which includes the manifestos of Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, has created a public willingness in today’s marketplace to talk about God and religion. Yet the debate up to this point has focused largely on rebutting the new atheist critique of Christianity. Why God Won’t God Away moves into new territory by challenging the new atheism on its own grounds. Chapters include discussion on:
    What is the new atheism
    The problem of religion
    The problem of human nature
    Believing only what can be proved
    Dealing with imagined worlds and myths
    The new humanism and the new enlightenment
    Violence and dogmatism

    This book is written by a theology professor and Christian apologist who not only has a best-selling book rebutting the new atheist critique of Christianity but has debated Richard Dawkins in Oxford, Christopher Hitchens in Washington, and Daniel Dennett in London.

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  • More Than Matter


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802866608ISBN10: 0802866603Keith WardBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2011Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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  • No Argument For God


    Countless apologetists over the centuries have labored to show that Christianity is not unreasonable. But, as John Wilkinson contends, neither is faith a matter of mere reason. In No Argument for God Wilkinson calls Christians to reserve for God’s wisdom–which often looks, to the human brain, like foolishness–the role of vindicating and authenticating faith. Read this book and break through the gridlock of apologetic arguments to a life-giving encounter with the God who satisfies our minds and seeks our good.

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  • Reliability Of The New Testament


    Introduction: Why New Testament Textual Criticism Matters: A Non-Critic’s Perspective

    1. The Textual Reliability Of The New Testament: A Dialogue
    2. Text And Transmission In The Second Century
    3. The Necessity Of A Theology Of Scripture
    4. What Is The Text Of The New Testament?
    5. Who Changed The Text And Why? Probable, Possible, And Unlikely Explanations
    6. Assessing The Stability Of The Transmitted Texts Of The New Testament And The Shepherd Of Hermas
    7. Textual Criticism And Textual Confidence: How Reliable Is Scripture?
    8. Authors Or Preservers? Scribal Culture And The Theology Of Scriptures

    Subject Index
    Scripture Index

    Additional Info
    This volume highlights points of agreement and disagreement between two leading scholars on the subject of the textual reliability of the New Testament: Bart Ehrman, James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and author of the best-selling book Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, and Daniel Wallace, Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and Executive Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts.

    This conversation between Ehrman and Wallace allows the reader to see in print how each presents his position in light of the other’s. Contributions follow from an interdisciplinary team featuring specialists in biblical studies, philosophy, and theology. The textual reliability of the New Testament is logically prior to its interpretation and thus important for the Christian religion. This book provides interested readers a fair and balanced case for both sides and allows them to decide for themselves: What does it mean for a text to be textually reliable? How reliable is the New Testament? How reliable is reliable enough?

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  • Is God A Moral Monster (Reprinted)


    A recent string of popular-level books written by the New Atheists have leveled the accusation that the God of the Old Testament is nothing but a bully, a murderer, and a cosmic child abuser. This viewpoint is even making inroads into the church. How are Christians to respond to such accusations? And how are we to reconcile the seemingly disconnected natures of God portrayed in the two testaments?

    In this timely and readable book, apologist Paul Copan takes on some of the most vexing accusations of our time, including:
    God is arrogant and jealous
    God punishes people too harshly
    God is guilty of ethnic cleansing
    God oppresses women
    God endorses slavery
    Christianity causes violence
    and more

    Copan not only answers God’s critics, he also shows how to read both the Old and New Testaments faithfully, seeing an unchanging, righteous, and loving God in both.

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  • Heresy : A History Of Defending The Truth


    A leading religion and church history expert reveals the surprising history of heresy and rival Christianities, arguing that the church must continue to defend what is true about Jesus.

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  • Holiness And Mission


    Mission is one of the key subjects for the church today. What does it mean to live the Christian faith in a world of many faiths and none? In this book, two leading scholars explore what mission and discipleship meant for some of the earliest Christian communities. Morna Hooker and Frances Young outline the nature of mission for the earliest Christian communities (in the New Testament and beyond) and relate this to the context of the mission and discipleship today, thereby engaging with and challenging some common assumptions made about mission today.Originally presented as the Hugh Price Hughes Lectures in the West London Mission, the book will be of interest not only to students of theology but to all interested in the life and ministry of the church today.

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  • Place For Truth



    1 Is There Life After Truth?
    Richard John Neuhaus
    2 Time For Truth
    Os Guinness
    3 Reason For God: The Exclusivity Of Truth
    Timothy J. Keller

    Faith And Science
    4 The Language Of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence For Belief
    Francis S. Collins
    5 The New Atheists And The Meaning Of Life
    Alister McGrath And David J. Helfand
    6 A Scientist Who Looked And Was Found
    Hugh Ross

    7 The Psychology Of Atheism
    Paul C. Vitz
    8 Nietzsche Versus Jesus Christ
    Dallas Willard

    Meaning And Humanity
    9 Moral Mammals: Does Atheism Or Theism Provide The Best Foundation For Human Worth And Morality?
    Peter Singer And John Hare
    10 Living Machines: Can Robots Become Human?
    Rodney Brooks And Rosalind Picard
    11 The Sense Of An Ending
    Jeremy S. Begbie

    Christian Worldview
    12 Simply Christian
    N. T. Wright

    Social Justice
    13 Why Human Rights Are Impossible Without Religion
    John Warwick Montgomery
    15 Radical Marxist, Radical Womanist, Radical Love: What Mother Teresa Taught Me About Social Justice
    Mary Poplin
    15 The Whole Gospel For The Whole Person
    Ronald J. Sider

    About The Veritas Forum

    Additional Info
    Many today pursue knowledge and even wisdom. But what about truth? In an age that disputes whether truth can be universalized beyond one’s own personal experience, it seems quaint to speak of finding truth. But whether in the ivory towers of the academy or in the midst of our everyday lives, we continue to seek after the true, the beautiful and the good. Since its founding at Harvard in 1992, The Veritas Forum has provided a place for the university world to explore the deepest questions of truth and life. What does it mean to be human? Does history have a purpose? Is life meaningful? Can rational people believe in God? Now gathered in one volume are some of The Veritas Forum’s most notable presentations, with contributions from Francis Collins, Tim Keller, N. T. Wright, Mary Poplin, Ravi Zacharias and more. Volume editor Dallas Willard introduces each presentation, highlighting its significance and putting it in context for us today. Also included are selected question and answer sessions with the speakers from the original forum experiences. Come eavesdrop on some of today’s leading Christian thinkers and their dialogue partners. And consider how truth might find a place in your own life.

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  • Evidence For God (Reprinted)


    There have always been challenges to belief in God as he is revealed in the Bible and each new year seems to add more questions to the doubter’s arsenal. In Evidence for God, leading apologists provide compelling arguments that address the most pressing questions of the day about God, science, Jesus, the Bible, and more, including

    Is Intelligent Design really a credible explanation of the origins of our world?
    Did Jesus really exist?
    Is Jesus really the only way to God?
    What about those who have never heard the gospel?
    Is the Bible today what was originally written?
    What about recently publicized gospels that aren’t in the Bible?
    and much more

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  • Dawkins Delusion : Atheist Fundamentalism And The Denial Of The Divine


    1. Deluded About God?
    2. Has Science Disproved God?
    3. What Are The Origins Of Religion?
    4. Is Religion Evil?

    For Further Reading
    About The Authors

    Additional Info
    2008 Christian Bookseller’s Covention Book of the Year Award winner! World-renowned scientist Richard Dawkins writes in The God Delusion: “If this book works as I intend, religious readers who open it will be atheists when they put it down.” The volume has received wide coverage, fueled much passionate debate and caused not a little confusion. Alister McGrath, along with his wife, Joanna, are ideal to evaluate Dawkins’s ideas. Once an atheist himself, he gained a doctorate in molecular biophysics before going on to become a leading Christian theologian. He wonders how two people, who have reflected at length on substantially the same world, could possibly have come to such different conclusions about God. McGrath subjects Dawkins’s critique of faith to rigorous scrutiny. His exhilarating, meticulously argued response deals with questions such as Is faith intellectual nonsense?Are science and religion locked in a battle to the death?Can the roots of Christianity be explained away scientifically?Is Christianity simply a force for evil? This book will be warmly received by those looking for a reliable assessment of The God Delusion and the many questions it raises–including, above all, the relevance of faith and the quest for meaning.

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  • Prepared To Answer


    Follow the personal odyssey of a man of science as he journeys from skepticism to faith. Logic, science, and history become bridges instead of barriers, as doubt is transformed into confidence. Scrutinize the evidence that compels the verdict that Christian faith rests upon truth and fact, not legend and myth.

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  • Case For A Creator For Kids (Expanded)


    Lee Strobel’s bestselling books on creation is adapted for a new generation.

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  • Against All Gods


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    In this book Phillip E. Johnson and John Mark Reynolds welcome the debate the New Atheists are stirring up and castigates our universities for squashing public debate about the place of faith in all knowing in the name of a false science. They argue for the reasonableness of Christian claims to take a place at the table of public debate and evaluate the strengths of arguments for atheism or naturalism. Ultimately they encourage us to ask the right questions and follow the evidence where it leads.

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  • God As Author


    God as Author takes a thoughtful literary approach to understanding the Gospel. Gene Fant writes in the preface:

    “Most of us have heard that Christ is ‘the Author and Finisher of our faith’ (Hebrews 12:2), so it makes sense that the Gospel would be God’s story. As many a church message board has noted so succinctly, ‘History is His Story.’ In our easy discussions of special revelation, I cannot help but wonder if we
    have missed something awe-inspiring that may be revealed by a reversal of the lens that we turn toward narrative. Perhaps the Gospel is not just like a story; perhaps story, narrative in general, is like the Gospel. My clear conviction is that something stands behind the power of narrative. In fact, I believe that Someone stands behind it. There is an Author whose skill and grace imbues the broad range of the stories that we tell. There is a Father who gave us a story to help us understand our place in this world, a story that points back to Him. His story is, in many ways, the only story that we know. When we use that realization as a foundation for interpreting and generating narrative, it changes everything, including ourselves.”

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  • Case For Christ For Kids (Expanded)


    With clear facts and answers to the questions kids eight to twelve ask most, this adaptation of Lee Strobel’s New York Times bestselling and award-winning The Case for Christ uses kid-friendly language to explore the research, eyewitness accounts, and evidence behind the question of whether Jesus really was the savior the Bible promised, and what that answer means for our lives today.

    Whether they’ve grown up in the church or are encountering faith for the first time, The Case for Christ for Kids is the perfect resource to answer the questions about Jesus kids 8-12 ask most. Inside, readers will discover:

    *Historical evidence, expert testimonies, extensive research, and scientific proof that back up what the Bible says
    *Answers for why Christians believe what they do
    *Kid-friendly stories that make the facts easy to understand
    *Ways to talk to other people about Jesus and share what they know

    The Case for Christ for Kids:

    *Is a solid source of information that looks at all sides of the issue to present solid evidence behind each conclusion and fact about the Christian faith
    *Has illustrations and callout graphics to make the topics memorable for kids eight and up
    *Is an excellent resource for Sunday schools, church libraries, and homeschooling
    *Pairs with Case for Christ for Kids 90-Day Devotional, which expands on the themes of The

    Case for Christ for Kids to apply those truths to late elementary and middle school kids’ everyday lives

    This book can be used on its own or alongside The Case for a Creator for Kids, The Case for Faith for Kids, and The Case for Miracles for Kids to help children with faith development and answer questions they wonder about most.

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  • On Guard : Defending Your Faith With Reason And Precision


    An excellent training manual for defending the Christian faith! Equipping believers to stand their ground, Craig offers four arguments for God’s existence, defends the historicity of Jesus’ personal claims and resurrection, addresses the problem of suffering, and shows why religious relativism isn’t viable. Discover not only what you believe but why!

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  • Know The Truth (Reprinted)


    This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Bruce Milne’s excellent handbook expounds the great themes of God’s Word and how they fit together. Each chapter deals with one aspect of biblical truth, and the main sections conclude with practical reflection.

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  • Abusing Memory : The Healing Theology Of Agnes Sanford (Revised)


    1. Mother Of Inner Healing
    2. A Free Spirit
    3. Motives For Healing
    4. New Thought, New Age, And Agnes
    5. Agnes And God
    6. A Blurred Picture Of Jesus
    7. Flirting With Spiritism
    8. Prayer Of Faith
    9. Turning God On
    10. Laying On Of Hands
    11. Failure Of The Prayer Of Faith
    12. “Healing Of The Soul Never Fails”
    13. Inner Healing And Memories
    14. The Inner Child
    15. The Source Of The Unconscious
    16. The Collective Unconscious
    17. Agnes’s Legacy: The Ministry Of John Sandford
    18. What Then Shall We Say?

    Additional Info
    Agnes Sanford has long been hailed as the mother of the Inner Healing/Healing of Memories movement. Though her methods are popular in various segments of the Church, they are anything but Christian.

    Dr. Gumprecht explores the beginnings of this religious arm of the New Age movement, focusing on Agnes Sanford’s rebellion against the orthodox church, her understanding of God’s will in connection with suffering, her involvement with New Age leader Emmet Fox, and more.

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  • Communicating Christ In A Religious World (Revised)


    You hear a knock at your door, and you notice through the window two bicycles parked in your driveway. Two clean-cut young men who appear to be conservative salesman or Christian seminary students dressed in white shirts, ties, and dress slacks wait outside. They inform you that they are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons. What do you say? The fact is that religious people are everywhere from the next door neighbor to the person sitting next to you on the plane. They follow multiple systems of beliefs, and some of them have very different living practices. Not all belong to cults. Some come from common, acceptable religious systems, while others appear extreme. How do you talk to these people and share the message of Christ? How do you even begin to prepare when so many different groups teach so many different doctrines? This book will help you prepare for these conversations. It is not about the teachings of religious groups; plenty of other books outline those teachings. This book explains how to communicate to those in religious systems the love of Christ without a heated debate. You will find Communicating Christ in a Religious World to be a powerful tool which will prepare you to share biblical truth with religious people!

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  • Creation Under Fire From Within The Church


    This book picks up where the Creation vs. Evolution debate leaves off for the Christian. Without rehashing the debates, this book moves forward with what the Bible says and what it does not say about the subject of creation! This book will equip you in answering today’s pressing questions, with the simplicity of God’s Word. This book also sounds the alarm to the Body of Christ on one of Satan’s most successful lies ever perpetrated on humanity by exposing a dreadful theory called “uniformitarianism” and how it has infected the Body of Christ. Why does what we believe about origins matter? This book brings answers to tons of tough questions and sets the story straight. We invite you to see these answers uncovered from the Bible alone!

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  • When Athens Met Jerusalem


    Table Of Contents
    Introduction: Athens And Jerusalem
    1 Building Athens: Philosophy Before Socrates
    2 The Death Of A Good Man
    3 The Ideal Philosopher: Plato And His Teachings
    4 Follow The Logos Wherever It Leads
    5 In Love With The Good
    6 The City In Words: On Justice
    7 The Likely Story: The Timaeus
    8 Breaking With The Master: Aristotle And The “Other” Path
    9 The Middle Way: Aristotle’s Ethics
    10 Preparing The Way For Christ: Hellenistic Philosophy
    11 A Postscript: Where Do We Go From Here?

    Additional Info
    John Mark Reynolds’s book When Athens Met Jerusalem provides students a well-informed introduction to the intellectual underpinnings of Western civilization and highlights how certain intellectual trends are eroding those very foundations.

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