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    • Pastoral Theology : A Black Church Perspective


      Pastoral theology is liberation theology because it is grouned in paxis. Its focus is comprehensive and specific. It deals with developing and implementing policies and programs in the church and community that convey the meaning of Christianity in practical life situations.

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    • Handbook Of Themes For Preaching


      So you want to preach on stewardship. Or on the Ten Commandments. Or on jealousy, education, war, abortion, the incarnation, decision-making, or any of 90 other topics. Turn first to this Handbook! You’ll find concise definitions, analyses, and discussions of every topic, all ably presented by experts. Contributors include Glenn Asquith, Reginald Fuller, E. Glenn Hinson, Basil Pennington, Timothy George, Wayne Oates, and many others.

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    • Unplug The Christmas Machine


      1. “A Christmas Carol” Revisited
      2. Women: The Christmas Magicians
      3. Men: The Christmas Stagehands
      4. The Four Things Children Really Want For Christmas
      5. The Homecoming
      6. Inside The Christmas Machine
      7. The Gift Of Joy
      8. A Simple Christmas
      9. Christmas Revival

      Appendix: Resources For A Simple Christmas

      Additional Info
      Nine years and thriteen printings later, Unplug The Christmas Machine is still the undisputed guide to creating a joyful, stress-free holiday season. Revised and filled with new material, this book will enjoy even greater popularity in the years to come.

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    • Truth To Tell A Print On Demand Title


      An important book for all who are concerned with the impact of Christianity on today’s world, Truth to Tell affirms the gospel as the truth – not only for personal life but also for life at the public, societal level.

      In emphasizing the Christian gospel as the truth that calls for radical conversion, Lesslie Newbigin runs counter to the prevailing subjectivism and skepticism in our society regarding the possibility of knowing ultimate truth. Societies like ours that have undergone “modernization” tend to regard the world’s religions as agencies for the cultivation of privately held religious opinions – agencies that can be studied with the tools of sociology, psychology, and other secular disciplines.

      But, says Newbigin, the Christian church is not simply an agency that stands for good personal values. In three pointed chapters – “Believing and Knowing the Truth,” “Affirming the Truth in the Church,” and “Speaking the Truth to Caesar” – Newbigin develops the argument that the Christian gospel is a statement of objective, historical truth, and all other modes of thought are to be evaluated in the light of the gospel truth.

      Directed especially to ministers and concerned laypeople, Truth to Tell consists of the Osterhaven lectures delivered by Newbigin at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan.

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    • Gospel And Spirit (Reprinted)


      For those who believe the Scriptures are the inspired word of God with a message relevant for living today, nothing is more crucial than understanding sound principles of interpretation. Disagreement arises when people and groups differ over how one gets at that message and what that message is. In this collection of essays and lectures, Dr. Gordon Fee offers hermeneutical insights that will more effectively allow the New Testament to speak on its own terms to our situation today.

      This is not a collection of subjective, theoretical essays on the science of interpretation; rather, these essays target issues of practical, and sometimes critical, concern to Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and anyone interested in letting the Bible speak to today’s situation. Fee brings to the task what he himself advocates: common sense and dedication to Scripture. Readers already familiar with some of these essays, like “Hermeneutics and Common Sense: An Exploratory Essay on the Hermeneutics of the Epistles,” will welcome its reappearance. Others will appreciate the challenge of essays such as “The Great Watershed: Intentionality and Particularity/Eternality: 1 Timothy 2:8-15 as a Test Case,”an essay defending the role of women in ministry, or “Hermeneutics and Historical Precedent: A Major Issue in Pentecostal Hermeneutics.” Anyone wanting to wrestle with key issues in New Testament interpretation will want to read this book.

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    • Called And Empowered


      After some spectacular missionary successes, pentecostals have now begun to analyze their missiological, theological, political, and ecumenical implications. This collection of essays by scholars from the USA, Latin America, Africa, and Europe presents an unprecedented mix of pentecostal theology and mission practice. Russell P. Spittler calls the book ”virtually a manifesto for pentecostal missions in the nineties . . . the fullest and finest missiological treatise originating within classical pentecostalism to date.”

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    • Goodnight Moon


      In this classic of modern children’s literature, beloved by generations of readers and listeners, the quiet poetry of the words and the gentle, lulling illustrations combine to make a perfect book for the end of the day.

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    • After Christendom : How The Church Is To Behave If Freedom Justice, And A C


      Liberal/conservative and modern/postmodern concepts define contemporary theological debate. Yet what if these categories are grounded in a set of assumptions about what it means to be the church in the world, presuming we must live as though God’s existence does not matter? What if our theological discussion distracts us from the fact that the church is no longer able to shape the desires and habits of Christians? Hauerwas wrestles with these and similar questions constructing a theological politics necessary for the church to be the church in the world. In so doing, he challenges liberal notions of justice and freedom.

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    • Clergy Ethics In A Changing Society


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251611ISBN10: 0664251617Editor: Russell Burck | Editor: James Wind | Editor: Paul ComenischBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Yearning To Know Gods Will (Workbook)


      A desire to know the will of God is, as it should be, the top priority of any serious Christian. But how are you to find out what God’s will is? Who hasn’t agonized, questioned, and then doubted and questioned again? But here is Danny Morris to the rescue with an eight-week workbook on knowing God’s will. Each weeks’ exercise begins with an account of a personal experience of the author from which he brings forth biblical, theological, and historical principles to help you in your search. As you respond, God’s will is certain to become clearer. During the first five weeks, you will learn about the nature of spiritual discernment, discernment for the individual, spiritual intuition, ways in which God communicates with believers, and discernment as a spiritual gift. In the second part, the author shifts his focus to corporate discernment; that is, discernment within and for the church, the body of Christ. At issue here is consensus: how consensus is possible, why it is difficult, and how it works in church boards and committees. Danny Morris insists that consensus is not only biblical but practical, despite skepticism on the part of those whose experience would lead them to believe that disagreement is a way of life in church. Some maintain that consensus would never work in their congregation. But the author points the way to diminish and eventually eliminate such conflict. The third part of the workbook details a workable plan for church retreat, a time away from phones and schedules, where your group will learn how to make decisions by consensus, by group discernment of the will of God for the congregation. What better way to help move forward the work of God?

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    • 1-2 Kings Everymans Bible Commentary


      Designed for laypeople, these commentaries deal seriously with the biblical text without being overly technical. Introductory information, doctrinal themes, problem passages, and practical applications are examined.

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    • Gottingen Dogmatics Volume 1


      One of the greatest theologians of the twentieth century, Karl Barth is best known for his monumental Church Dogmatics, a work that changed the modern theological landscape.It is less well known that Barth taught three distinct cycles of courses in dogmatics during his lifetime. His first effort consisted of a series of lectures at the University of Göttingen in 1924-25. These provocative lectures are now available in English for the first time in The Göttingen Dogmatics: Instruction in the Christian Religion, a work that is at once accessible and profoundly pastoral.

      Representing the only larger dogmatics ever completed by Barth, the Göttingen Dogmaticsprefigures the unfinished Christian Dogmatics of Munster and the Church Dogmatics of Bonn and Basel. This translation by Geoffrey W. Bromiley, the premier translator of Barth, offers in two volumes the full text of Barth’s Göttingen lectures according to the excellent three-volume Swiss edition in the Gesamtausgabe (Collected Words).

      In this first volume Barth defines dogmatics as “scientific reflection on the Word of God” – the Word that is (1) spoken by God in revelation, (2) recorded in holy scripture, and (3) proclaimed and heard in Christian preaching. After his lengthy prolegomena on the threefold form of the Word of God, Barth discusses in depth the doctrine of God. His treatment of the other major doctrinal loci in his preaching-oriented dogmatics – anthropology, reconciliation, and redemption (eschatology) – will appear in Volume Two.

      Daniel L. Migliore, professor of systematic theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, has written a superb, substantive introduction that highlights the theological and historical significance of theGöttingen Dogmatics and compares this work with Barth’s Church Dogmatics. Migliore points out, among other things, the intimate bond for Barth between dogmatics and preaching: in the Göttingen lectures we see a Barth “who tenaciously does theology – indeed defines theology – in relation to preaching and pastoral praxis.”

      Ministers, seminary students, scholars, and theologically minded general readers will all appreciate and benefit from the Göttingen Dogmatics. As Migliore writes, “These lectures not only provide exceedingly rich new material for understanding the development of Barth’s thought but also offer a remarkably original, lively, and ‘reader-friendly’ summary of Barth’s earthly theology. . . . The clarity, pas

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    • 5 Minute Devotional


      Let’s face it. More often than not, in today’s hurried-up society, many of us have devotions quickly or not at all. Jan Silvious has written The 5-Minute Devotional for all of us busy women. This five-minute-a-day devotional will inspire and encourage all of us who struggle with too many commitments and too little quiet time.

      For each workday of the week, all 52 weeks of the year, you will find spiritual and emotional refreshment in these beautifully written meditations. Marriage, forgiveness, trust, communication, love, and relationships are only a sampling of the themes featured in the devotions and listed in the topical index.

      You will carry the truths you gain from each devotion through your day. So take five minutes to focus on the Lord – and see what a difference it can make in your workday.

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    • Narrative Unity Of Luke-Acts Volume 1


      Tannehill shows how the narrative contributes to the impact of Luke’s literary whole. The study further shows that Luke’s use of recurring words, patterns of repetition and contrast, irony, pathos, and many other features of this narrative contribute to the total fabric of Luke’s masterpiece.

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    • Old Fashioned Thanksgiving


      This story of an 1820s Thanksgiving is filled with the warmth of character and family life that has made Louisa May Alcott a favorite for more than 100 years.

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    • Gods Gift Cycle C


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556733123ISBN10: 1556733127James GarrettBinding: Mass MarketPublished: September 1991Publisher: CSS Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Caring Church : A Guide For Lay Pastoral Care


      This is a practical book in which this book of the author’s seminars can be an aid in achieving what many pastors speak much about doing…getting the laity active in the ministry of the church.

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    • Toward Old Testament Ethics


      Biblical ethics is a subject that has been almost totally neglected in this century. Only six men have written a major work on Old Testament ethics in the last hundred years, and only two of these works, both written before 1900, are in English. This lack of materials on Old Testament ethics serves to underscore the significance of Walter Kaiser’s Toward Old Testament Ethics. Dr. Kaiser has no illusions about providing a simple solution to questions of Old Testament ethics. He is familiar with the complexities of this subject and begins his work in Part I by addressing such questions as: How can ethics be defined? Is there an overarching structure to ethics as presented in the Old Testament, or is there only an unrelated series of laws? Do ethics of the Old Testament have any relevance for us today? What are the exegetical principles to be used in a study of Old Testament ethics? Part II examines the moral texts of the Old Testament, in particular the Decalogue, the book of the covenant (Exodus 20:22–23:33), and the law of holiness (Leviticus 18–20). Dr. Kaiser unfolds the intention of these various laws, showing how they relate to each other and form a framework for ethics. Part III explores the content of Old Testament ethics, namely, how holiness relates to worship, work, relationship, social justice, the sanctity of life, marriage and sex, wealth, use of the truth, and motives for action. Moral difficulties in the Old Testament present stumbling blocks to many who read these books. How are we to relate to a God who, at times, seems fickle, deceptive, and hateful? How are we to champion the offensive view of women and slaves, the particulars of God choosing Israel, and the imprecations that appear from time to time in the biblical texts? Reponses to these and other difficulties from Part IV. The book concludes with a discussion of Old Testament law and New Testament believers. Dr. Kaiser shows how these laws, written thousands of years ago, still challenge God’s people to live holy lives.

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    • Holy Spirit : Comprehensive Study Of The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit


      This book on the Holy Spirit is the outgrowth of lectures on the topic given in Dr. Walvoord’s classes at Dallas Theological Seminary. Over the years, this book has aroused considerable interest and gone through 23 printings in hardcover before prompting this new paperback edition. The Holy Spirit is an extensive treatment of the entire doctrine of pneumatology, using some 1500 Scripture citations, and is designed for theological students and pastors as well as for laypeople desiring to get a complete presentation of the third person of the Trinity who indwells all Christians.

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    • Skilled Pastor : Counseling As The Practice Of Theology



      Introduction: Becoming A Skilled Pastor




      4.Theological Assessment
      6.Resources For Change

      Conclusion: The Metanoia Model


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      A splendid volume detailing the specific skills necessary for sound pastoral guidance in various situations. The author integrates theological reflection with practice, while incorporating religious resources with counseling technique.

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    • Far More Precious Than Jewels


      One of the best ways to grasp the contours of an idea is to look at it from a perspective not your own. Darr concisely introduces interpretive models from three ”different” traditions—rabbinical, critical, and feminist—to give Christians new ways of understanding Old Testament women. She focuses particularly on Ruth, Sarah, Hagar, and Esther. This is the first volume in Westminster’s new series, Gender and the Biblical Tradition

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    • Friedrich Schleiermacher : Pioneer Of Modern Theology


      Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834), a German theologian, is considered to be one of the founders of ‘liberal theology,’ with its emphasis on inner experience and the knowledge of God as mediated through history. This volume is a collection of edited texts illustrating his thought on the following themes: religion as feeling and relationship; the distinctiveness of Christianity; the nature of theology as reflection and communication; hermeneutics; God and the world; the person and work of Christ; nation, church and state; Christianity and the religions.
      An introductory article and notes by Keith Clements set Schleiermacher in his historical context, chart the development of his thought, and indicate the significance of his theology on the broader spectrum of theological thought. This volume is designed both for students of theology and for the general reader.

      About the Author:
      Keith Clements is a Baptist minister and Co-ordinating Secretary for International Affairs, Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland.

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    • God And Nothing Else


      Do you know God? Have you started your relationship with Him? Is your relationship with God growing to the extent that He is the priority in all your cares and feelings? This book deals with these issues from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

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    • Case For Christian Humanism A Print On Demand Title


      Franklin and Shaw make a convincing case – historical, biblical, liturgical, and theological in focus – for the essential compatibility of humanism and the Christian faith. Long neglected and often misunderstood, the rich tradition of Christian humanism offers much potential for greater personal and societal wholeness.

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    • Divine Dramatist : George Whitefield And The Rise Of Modern Evangelism


      Commonly acknowledged as Anglo-America’s most popular eighteenth-century preacher, George Whitefield commanded mass audiences across two continents through his personal charisma. Harry Stout draws on a number of sources, including the newspapers of Whitefield’s day, to outline his subject’s spectacular career as a public figure. Although Whitefield here emerges as very much a modern figures, given to shameless self-promotion and extravagant theatricality, Stout also shows that he was from first to last a Calvinist, earnest in his support of orthodox theological tenets and sincere in his concern for the spiritual welfare of the thousands to whom he preached.

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    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer : Witness To Jesus Christ


      Bonhoeffer’s theological brilliance, committed discipleship ecumenical insight and courageous participation in the struggle against Nazism have profoundly shaped contemporary Christian understanding and action. Although his early death at the hands of the Gestapo prevented him from providing us with a full and systematic theology, his writings are remarkably extensive and have become increasingly influential. This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Bonhoeffer’s thought. It presents the essential Bonhoeffer for students and the general reader.

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    • Reformation And Liberation Theology


      Using sound theology, Richard Shaull helps all Christians seek a deeper understanding of liberation theology and the Reformation. This volume will be a welcome contribution to the seminary classroom.

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    • Soul Under Siege


      What happens when a pastor becomes seriously depressed? Some continue working, since ”the show must go on.” Gaddy didn’t. In his intensely personal book, he tells how he ”stopped the show,” entered a modern psychiatric hospital, and discovered there a more honest and vulnerable community than he’d ever known in the church. Along the way, Gaddy looks realistically at aspects of pastoral ministry that promote depression and other destructive behaviors.

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    • Now And Then


      Spiritual and autobiographical reflections on the author’s seminary days, early ministry, and writing career.

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    • Preaching Old Testament


      Preaching Old Testament meets the need for more direction in how to preach from the Hebrew Bible. You will learn particularly helpful techniques for preaching the narrative portions of the Bible and why preaching from the Old Testament is theologically important.

      After exploring theological reasons for preaching in the narrative mode, Holbert introduces a narrative homiletics and discusses its definition, problems, and possibilities. He then introduces some of the methods and techniques of a literary analysis of the narrative portions of the Hebrew Bible, which includes such elements as plot, actions and speech, contrasting characters, and point of view.

      Two sample narrative sermons with brief comments inside the bodies of the sermons and extensive comments at the ends of the sermons illustrate how the pastor can read and interpret the Old Testament story.

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    • Creative Ministry


      According to Henri Nouwen, the bestselling spiritual writer, every Christian is a minister-trying to live his life in the light of the Gospel. Creative Ministry is a thoughtful examination of the various complex tasks that are part of that way of life.Separate chapters treat each of the five areas that Nouwen considers the primary responsibilities of the minister: teaching, preaching, counseling, organizing, and celebrating. He shows how these main functions are inextricably tied to the minister’s spiritual life and why they must be directed toward a creative dialogue with other Christians if they are to be rewarding. It is also essential, he maintains, that the minister leave himself open, take risks, and “lay down his life for his friends” in order to give new life.”There is today a great hunger for a new spirituality,” observes Nouwen, a hunger that requires new and creative forms of ministry. Citing numerous examples from his rich experience, the author offers practical advice for infusing daily pastoral work with meaning. The result is an insightful presentation and a resonant spiritual guide for every man and woman who wants to be of service.

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    • Destinys Bride


      Even while Randall was speaking, it was Pietro I saw, the tenderness in his dark eyes looking at me, the caress in his soft voice. In Randall’s voice there was not a shred of emotion; nor was there any in his expression. How should I respond? What should I say? I knew this was the hardest decision I would ever have to make. Either choice would demand a different price. Was I prepared to pay it? Was love enough in the one to bridge all the other differences of nationality, religion, and heritage? Was family loyalty, future security enough to decide for the other? What was my destiny? The heroine of Destiny’s Bride is Druscilla Montrose, who first meets Randall Bondurant when she is a bridesmaid at his wedding to her cousin Alair Chance. Eight years later, after Alair’s mysterious death, they meet again in a chance encounter. This leads to a strange series of events in which Druscilla debates, then accepts the position offered her by Alair’s widower. Against all advice, Dru becomes governess to her two motherless little cousins, a difficult decision because of the suspicions and accusations of family and friends that Randall might have been responsible for his wife’s death. She travels with the family to Italy. Here against the romantic background of nineteenth-century Europe, Druscilla receives two unexpected offers: One is a love that will mean giving up her heritage; the other requires a decision more important than any she has ever had to make before. Dru’s choices bring her into conflicts of loyalty, challenges of faith and duty, and threatened danger, as well as romance

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    • Vida En El Redil – (Spanish)


      El salmo 23 esta lleno de terminos y descripciones cuyos verdaderos y profundos significados a veces escapan de quien jamas ha sido pastor de ovejas. Que verdades mas profundas hay tras esas imagenes que apenas comprendemos a medias? Cual es el alcance y los limites de las promesas de Dios? Dejemos que sea precisamente un pastor de ovejas quien nos vaya senalando los tesoros escondidos en este amado salmo.

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    • David Wilkerson Exhorta A La I – (Spanish)


      In this book the well-known speaker and writer David Wilkerson exposes the diverse aspects of the church. This is a call to search for the presence of God, for forgiveness and for humility. This is a message for all believers that find themselves in a dying church to seek new pastures and stop following false pastors.

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    • Philippians


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802444745ISBN10: 0802444741Irving JensenBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1991Jensen Bible Self Study GuidesPublisher: Moody Publishers Print On Demand Product

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    • Planning The Church Year


      This guide for clergy, parish musicians, lay readers, and congregational representatives covers all the stages of organizing worship services for the entire year. Using The Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal 1982 as primary resources, it explores the rich variety of options-both time-honored traditions and accepted innovations. Times and seasons covered in depth include Advent, the Twelve Days of Christmas, Lent and Holy Week, Easter and the Great Fifty Days, and the Sundays after Epiphany and Pentecost. Planning the Church Year explains the preparations that make for meaningful holy days and special occasions, such as Lesser Feasts, Thanksgiving Day, Vigils, Michaelmas, All Saints’ Day, the bishop’s visitation, the Patronal and Dedication Festivals. Even summer Sundays can become “liturgical opportunities.” Details such as liturgical colors, music, and church decorations for each season and occasion make this the most complete handbook for those called to be at the heart of parish life and worship. Leonel L. Mitchell is an Episcopal priest and retired professor of Liturgics at Seabury-Western Seminary. He is the author of several books including Praying Shapes Believing, and The Meaning of Ritual, both available from Morehouse Publishing.

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    • Nahum-Zephaniah


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664219376ISBN10: 0664219373J. J. M. Roberts | Editor: James MaysBinding: Cloth TextPublished: August 1991Old Testament LibraryPublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • 1-2 Samuel (Student/Study Guide)


      Designed for laypeople, this commentary deals seriously with the biblical text on First and Second Peter without being overly technical. Introductory information, doctrinal themes, problem passages, and practical applications are examined.

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    • Up From The Rubble


      During and after the second world war Menonites came “up from the Rubble” with fresh determination, with God’s aid, to start over, even in the bleak Chaco of Paraguay. Join with the Dycks in a faithbuilding experience that fosters worldwide Mennonite peoplehood. Affirm with them and Jonah that “deliverence belongs to the Lord.” Elfrieda Klassen Dyck is a graduate of St. Boniface Hospital in 1939. Peter J. Dyck attended Rosthern Junior, the University of Saskatchewan, (Goshen Indiana) and Bethel (North Newon, Kansas) colleges, and Mennonite Biblical and Behany Theological seminaries (Chicago). In 1944 Peter and Elfrieda were married and together they continued working for the Mennonite Central Committee service in England during world war two.

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    • Shadow Bride


      Trying to build a new life in England with her young son, Blythe finds contentment, security, and the love of a good man. But her hopes of beginning again with the proposal of a prestigious marriage seems impossible when a chance meeting reveals that she is still imprisoned by her old forbidden love.

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    • Toward Rediscovering The Old Testament


      Understanding the Old Testament is the crucial problem for the Christian. The three parts of this book (the Old Testamentand scholarship, the Old Testament and theology, and The Old Testament and life) present issues rarely discussed by Christians, as well as models and solutions for age-old dilemmas.

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    • Joshua : A Self Study Guide


      Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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    • 1-2 Thessalonians : A Self Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Although the apostle Paul was in Thessalonica only a short time, his teachings had an enormous effect on the young believers living there. His first letter was both a reminder of what he had taught them and a call for each believer to be prepared for the imminent return of Christ. In his second letter you will see how Paul handled misunderstanding and anxiety regarding the Day of the Lord. This Self-Study Guide will be an indispensable aid as you study Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians.

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    • 1-2 Peter (Student/Study Guide)




      1. The Man Peter

      1 PETER
      2. Background And Survey Of 1 Peter
      3. Suffering And Salvation
      4. The Christian Pilgrimage
      5. God’s Chosen People
      6. Life Of Subjection
      7. A Christian’s Attitudes In Suffering
      8. Suffering And Glory

      2 PETER
      9. Background And Survey Of 2 Peter
      10. The Man Who Knows God
      11. True And False Prophecy
      12. A Final Exhortation
      Geography Of 1 And 2 Peter
      Bibliography P. 99

      Additional Info
      1 & 2 PETER

      If you’re experiencing trials you will find encouragement and comfort in the epistles of Peter. Writing to believers who were being persecuted for their faith, Peter shows how trials are an important part of spiritual development in the individual. This self-study guide will also help you explore Peter’s practical guidelines for handling everyday responsibilities relating to the church, the home, and the world. In his second letter Peter reveals God’s design for the future, including a graphic description of the destruction of the earth.

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    • Seasons Of Your Heart (Revised)


      1. Taking Off Your Shoes: The Season Of Wonder
      2. Standing On Tiptoe: The Season Of Hope
      3. Washing Feet: The Season Of Love
      4. Racing To The Tomb: The Season Of Mystery
      5. Walking With Strangers: The Season Of Faith

      Additional Info
      In this masterpiece of simplicity, Macrina Wiederkehr offers a series of meditations to bring us closer to a “God for all seasons,” revised and expanded into this new edition.

      Designed for daily use as well as for retreats, Seasons of Your Heart is an eloquent and lyrical invitation to journey through the spiritual seasons of wonder, hope love, mystery, and faith.

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    • God Creation And Revelation A Print On Demand Title


      A theology that is real, readable, and relevant – such is Paul Jewett’s God, Creation, and Redemption. Writing from a distinctively evangelical and Reformed viewpoint, Jewett offers a general, systematic introduction to these doctrines of the Christian church: how we know God (revelation and Scripture); who God is (the divine nature); what God is like (the divine attributes); and what God has done (creation).

      While upholding the historic Christian faith, Jewett’s approach to Christian teaching is uniquely “neo-evangelical” in that he seeks to expound and clarify orthodox Christianity for Christians today: Jewett purposely sets forth his systematic theology in light of scientific and social issues that confront the church in the contemporary world. Throughout the book Jewett also refers to literary masterpieces and to the church’s hymns, giving the reader a greater appreciation for the theological treasures in our literature and our hymnody.

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    • Matthew : Believers Church Bible Commentary


      Richard B. Gardner invites readers to explore the dramatic story of Jesus which Matthew tells. He connects that story to the first-century world of its author and early readers. The commentary then shows how Matthew has shaped the church and still speaks to the life of the Christian community. Much of this presentation of Matthew was developed and tested in Christian education settings. The book helps readers wrestle with Jesus’ gospel and mission, starting small, but for all nations. This highly readable series of commentaries is for all who seek to understand the original message of the Scripture and its meaning for today.

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    • Transitions Through Adult Life


      26 Chapters

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      Transitions Through Adult Life is a summary of what is known about adults and how they develop. More than a book describing life’ crises, it portrays the potential of life’s transitions. It seeks to offer answers to the problems it analyzes. This book provides an overview of the various stages of adult life, what is typical in those stages, and how the church needs to be responsive to adults as they traverse the stages. The twenty-six chapters deal with young adulthood, middle adulthood, and older adulthood and most of the major events and challenges that one may encounter in those stages. Some of the specific topics include courtship, singleness, faith development, career, child-rearing, loss of loved ones, divorce, physical decline, etc. The chapters are succinct summaries of the significant dimensions of the topic calling upon existing research and the author’s own keen powers of synthesis.

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    • Handbook For Christian Philosophy


      This handbook acquaints readers with philosophy in an introductory and nontechnical way. These materials, first developed for use in classes as a supplement to other formal textbooks, are designed to gain the confidence of students who have no technical level of expertise in the field of philosophy. There is a very useful glossary at the end that will be of help to all readers, listing more than just simple definitions. Often the glossary explanations are like brief essays in themselves. This handbook acquaints readers with philosophy in an introductory and nontechnical way. These materials, first developed for use in classes as a supplement to other formal textbooks, are designed to gain the confidence of students who have no technical level of expertise in the field of philosophy. There is a very useful glossary at the end that will be of help to all readers, listing more than just simple definitions. Often the glossary explanations are like brief essays in themselves. Many significant issues arise in the field, but this book treats three in particular: theistic proofs, evil, and creation. A Handbook for Christian Philosophy offers several contributions that make it unique. First, there is a section on logic that relates the subject of logic to biblical exegesis. Second, the treatment of evil puts special emphasis on the biblical themes that provide practical and theoretical help for people who are experiencing evil and going through suffering. Third, the chapter on creation includes an up-to-date critique of naturalistic evolution and a review of the recurrent Christian principles on this topic. The author provides an excellent worldview evaluation, something that is desperately needed today by all Christians. The chapters include: What is philosophy?; How to study philosophy; Learning to think logically; Recognizing worldviews; Testing worldviews; The existence of God; Creation, the reasonable alternative; and a final chapter on God and evil.

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    • Until The King Comes Cycle C


      “Over and over again Christ comes to our hiding places and our living spaces to offer us the gift of salvation. He calls the “treetop followers,” the “grandstand Christians,” and the cowering outcasts alike to accept his visit into their places. Life has its ways of driving us all up trees. Christ offers us a way to come down.”
      — from the sermon on Zacchaeus
      Using Pentecost season lectionary texts, Schneider speaks directly to Christians today. The author takes the stories of Luke and John and develops contemporary illustrations understood by all modern-day believers.
      These thirteen sermons follow Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries.
      Sermon titles include:
      – A Lesson from Prayers Overheard — Luke 18:9-14
      – Captive to the Word of God — John 8:31-36
      &full; Our Living Hope — Luke 20:27-35
      – The Potentate of Time — Luke 23:35-43

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    • Simple Gospel


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251710ISBN10: 0664251714Hugh KerrBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Committed Communities


      This is a brilliantly written exploration of the community’s role in worldwide mission, reviewing the history of how the church has functioned in fulfilling the Great Commission for the last two thousand years.

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    • Tener Hijos No Es Para Cobarde – (Spanish)


      Raising children isn’t as easy as it was for your parents. In this authoritative book on parenting in the Twentieth Century, Dr. Dobson deals with winning the contest of wills between generations, facing down the perils of adolescence and avoiding burnout.

      There is a better and more effective way to manage our responsibilities in the raising of children. This book without a doubt will become a classic to thousands of families in the years to come.

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • John Wesleys Message Today


      Explains major aspects of Wesley’s theology; assists groups or individuals with study questions.
      With its plain, easy-to-understand language, this Pocket Guide will help you understand the major aspects of John Wesley’s theology.
      You will discover what Wesley believed about…

      The image of God and original sin
      Justification by faith
      The witness of the Spirit
      Social holiness
      …and more. This 96 page booklet also offers study questions that will help you or your group discuss the importance of Wesley’s ideas for Christians today.

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • Tis The Night Before Jesus


      ‘Tis the night before Jesus when all through the earth,

      Every creature is stirring for a new baby’s birth.

      Here is a Christmas Eve service that persons of all ages will enjoy. It may easily be presented by the younger members of your congregation.

      It includes a complete order of service with:

      ? Suggested music for children’s choir

      ? Hymns for the entire congregation

      ? Parts for a speaking choir

      ? A brief monolgue by Mary

      ? One page listing additional hymns that could be used with the service

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    • Stony The Road We Trod


      Using postmodern hermeneutical theorization and basing its findings upon the social scientific study of the Hebrew Bible, this singular volume marks the emergence of a critical mass of black biblical scholars. Together they are reshaping and redefining the questions, concerns and scholarship that determine how the Bible is appropriated by church, academy, and the larger society today in relation to liberation theology.

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    • Manual For Acolytes


      This manual is designed to describe those duties expected of one as the server. Server means one who assists-the terms acolyte, crucifer, and thurifer (as used in this manual) apply to specific responsibilities. No manual can be complete, inasmuch as the custom or use of each parish church varies.

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    • Prophets Pioneers And Possibilities


      “We have been called to travel lightly. We are on a journey of faith. None of us has arrived. We may remember a thrilling moment of decision when we first responded to the awakening of God’s love for us… We never know in advance where submission to the kingship of Christ will lead us.”
      — from the sermon for Christ the King Sunday
      Richard A. Hasler draws upon countless incidents from contemporary settings to bring the words of the Minor Prophets and 2 Samuel to contemporary Christian believers.
      Using scriptures from nine texts on the Old Testament, this book provides as many sermons for use in the Common Lectionary.
      Sermon titles include:
      – The Dreamer Within You — Joel 2:23-30
      – When God’s “No” Means “Yes” — Habakkuk 1:1-3; 2:1-10
      – Leaping for Joy — Malachi 4:1-6
      – No One Enters into the Kingdom… Save with Empty Hands — 2 Samuel 5:1-5

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    • Blow The Silver Trumpets


      “Larry Powell breathes life into scripture with a preacher’s imagination, a poet’s turn of the phrase, and a writer’s craftsmanship. He gathers vibrant illustrations from everywhere… but most of all, as you ponder these pages, you will look at Jesus Christ. You will listen to him, meditate on his messages, watch him in action.”
      — Bishop Richard B. Wilke
      The United Methodist Church
      The Arkansas Area
      Here are eleven sermons from John and Luke offering close inspection of texts and providing many modern illustrations. This book offers sermons for use in the Common, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries.
      Sermon titles include:
      Show Us the Holy Father (John 14:8-17, 25-27)
      Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23)
      Just Speak the Word (Luke 7:1-10)
      Fleshing Out the Word (Luke 10:1-12)

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    • 12 Steps To Destruction


      Eastgate Publishers Title

      12 STEPS TO DESTRUCTION: CODEPENDENCY RECOVERY HERESIES is written for those who are suffering from the trials of life and for those who want to help. It is for those who are thinking about joining a recovery group or entering a treatment center for codependency or addiction. It is for those who have tried Twelve-Step programs and recovery treatment centers and found them lacking. It is also for those who are currently in such programs. And, finally, it is to encourage Christians who offer such programs to return to the faith once delivered to the saints. Martin Bobgan holds four college degrees, including a doctorate from the University of Colorado, and is Vice President for Continuing Education at Santa Barbara City College. Deidre holds an M. A. in English form the University of California at Santa Barbara and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Other books they have written are: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL WAY/THE SPIRITUAL WAY and HYPNOSIS AND THE CHRISTIAN (Bethany House), HOW TO COUNSEL FROM SCRIPTURE (Moody Press), LORD OF THE DANCE, PSYCHOHERESY, PROPHETS OF PSYCHOHERESY I, and PROPHETS OF PSYCHOHERESY II

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    • Genesis And Apocalypse


      Genesis and Apocalypse engages a theological history of Western culture through the works of Augustine, Luther, Barth, and other important figures in theology, as well as critical theorists such as Hegel and Nietzsche, to ultimately offer a Christology for our modern times.

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    • Judges And Ruth (Student/Study Guide)


      Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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    • Theology Of The Second Letter To The Corinthians


      The resonances in the dialogue of Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians are difficult to detect unless the reader has some knowledge of the social, religious, and economic situation of the community to which the apostle was writing. In this lucid and clear survey, Father Murphy-O’Connor attempts to provide such background information, which he integrates skillfully into a flowing exposition of Paul’s thought. St. Paul’s theology thus comes to life as the complex interplay of factors that prompted him to write as he did to the Corinthians are examined and explored. In addition to providing a particularly accessible picture of the distinctive theological contribution made by 2 Corinthians, the author’s book prompts new insights into the relation of Christ to the ministry of the Church.

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    • Nahum-Zephaniah : A Commentary


      This new volume in Westminster’s acclaimed Old Testament Library will be welcomed by devotees of the thorough OTL format. Roberts (professor of Old Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary) builds on the work of previous commentators as he ably sifts questions of textual criticism, philology, history, and literary conventions in the prophetic books. He also addresses contemporary issues in his attempt to hear the modern message of the ancient prophets.

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    • 2 Corinthians : A Self Study Guide


      Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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    • 1 Kings And 1 Chronicles


      Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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    • Book Of Letters (Anniversary)


      Folktales about and exploration of the mystical meanings of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Weaving talmudic commentary, Hasidic folktales, and kabbalistic mysteries around the letters, each letter is illuminated and is presented in the author’s original calligraphy.

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    • Minor Prophets Of Judah (Student/Study Guide)


      Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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    • To Pray And To Love


      Drawing on the vast riches of early monastic writers, Roberta Bondi’s book on prayer is real, salty, loving and wise. She invites us to keep such company with early Christian sources as to illuminate a way of praying, living, and thinking about life in mutuality with God. Amid the welter of books on prayer and Christian sprituality, this one shines like Epiphany and will empower like Pentecost.

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    • Communicating Christ Cross Culturally Second Edition (Reprinted)


      45 Chapters

      Additional Info
      This revised edition of Dr. David Hesselgrave’s great work Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally updates the original edition and interacts with the most recent literature on this increasingly important topic. The original edition went through fifteen printings and, very deservedly, has come to be one of the most widely used textbooks on Christian cross-cultural communications. The revisions in this new edition are extensive and carry on the high level of discussion maintained throughout the original edition, taking into account, for example, the current discussion on the relationship between form and function and the enormous body of literature that has sprung up recently on contextualization. To enhance the volume’s usefulness for students, Dr. Hesselgrave has added an extensive bibliography of twenty-five pages on various aspects of cross-cultural communications. This revision of Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally is superb. It raises a great book into a unique category, undoubtedly the finest book on this topic available today.

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    • Ezra Nehemiah And Esther (Student/Study Guide)


      Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.

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    • Called To Care


      Treating the whole of Scripture, Robert Kysar forges the connections between the practice of social ministry and the biblical images undergirding and motivating that ministry. Social ministry is more than charity: It wrestles with the very structures and systems that deprive and oppress. This book examines not only the usual “justice” texts but also those that seem to counter this position and shows how the Bible addresses practical, contemporary concerns and fears.

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    • Thus Says The Lord


      This is a comprehensive and astute interpretive study of the prophetic tradition of ancient Israel. Ward interprets the whole of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Prophets, placing the religious/theological message of these prophets into its most probable historical context. But he also deals with the socioeconomic world of Israael’s prophets, so that readers are able to confront the message, the ideas, of the prophets in relation to the larger realities through which the people and the prophets were living.

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    • Disinheriting The Jews


      Disinheriting the Jews is a scholarly work of great interest and significance for both Christians and Jews. Jeffery Siker shows how strongly the figure of Abraham has shaped our religious identities. He also uses the portrayals of Abraham by early Christians as a new means of understanding the dynamics involved in the church’s separation and estrangement from Judaism. Siker argues that the separation was precipitated by historical contingencies more so than by Christian identity, and in so doing suggests self-corrections that could mend the rift between Christianity and Judaism.

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    • Witness For Peace


      In this graphic, thought-provoking book, Ed Griffin-Nolan depicts the experiences of Witness for Peace (WFP), a group of Americans who bore witness to the war in Nicaragua–an event that resulted in the killing and wounding of many innocent Central American civilians. Griffin-Nolan explains how WFP participants spent weeks in the war zones in order to understand the impact of U.S. policy on simple people living, as one member of the group phrased it, “at the end of a gun barrel.” He describes how WFP participants labored to bring stories of war back to the United States, and how many of them lost their jobs and even their marriages in the process. He concludes by showing that the efforts of WFP saved lives and possibly prevented “another Vietnam” from developing in Central America.

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    • Women In The Earliest Churches (Reprinted)


      This book examines the roles and functions that women assumed in the early Christian communities from AD 33 to the Council of Nicaea. It surveys, too, the views about women held by various New Testament authors including Paul and the Evangelists.

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    • Theology Of The Second Letter To The Corinthians


      The resonances in the dialogue of Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians are difficult to detect unless the reader has some knowledge of the social, religious, and economic situation of the community to which the apostle was writing. In this lucid and clear survey, Father Murphy-O’Connor attempts to provide such background information, which he integrates skillfully into a flowing exposition of Paul’s thought. St. Paul’s theology thus comes to life as the complex interplay of factors that prompted him to write as he did to the Corinthians are examined and explored. In addition to providing a particularly accessible picture of the distinctive theological contribution made by 2 Corinthians, the author’s book prompts new insights into the relation of Christ to the ministry of the Church.

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    • Theology Of The Johannine Epistles


      The Johannine Epistles have long been recognized as contributing a vital element to the theology of the New Testament. Usually it is to the Gospel that the reader turns first in order to explore that contribution; the First Epistle is treated as a supplement, while 2 and 3 John–because of their brevity–receive little attention. This book allows the Epistles to speak for themselves, and shows that they sound a distinctive note within Johannine theology, in particular, and the thought of the New Testament, in general. Dr. Lieu carefully outlines their most important theological themes which, when understood in their original setting, are seen to have rich potential for the continuing theology of the Church.

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    • Ezekiel : A New Heart


      The prophet Ezekiel speaks passionately of God’s fidelity even in the face of his people’s infidelity, defending the destruction of Jerusalem as God’s judgment while promising a new experience of the divine presence that will bring with it “a new heart” for God’s people. Bruce Vawter and Leslie J. Hoppe illuminate the profound theological themes of Ezekiel, making him accessible to people today by stressing his proclamations of judgment and salvation as vital words for the people of God in every age.

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    • Aging Comes Of Age


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251888ISBN10: 0664251889Frank HutchinsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Matters Of Life And Death


      Using a bioethical approach, John Cobb Jr. tackles some of the most controversial issues facing society and the church today–something theologians have often failed to do in the past. His four major topics are animal well-being, death with dignity, the moral status of the fetus, and sexual activity outside of marriage.

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    • Abiding Astonishment : Psalms Modernity And The Making Of History


      This examination of the “Psalms of Historical Recital” reviews this portion of Scripture’s social-political intention and function. Focusing on Psalms 78, 105, 106, and 136, Walter Brueggemann considers these psalms on their own terms and then takes up two issues that move in opposite interpretive directions: the Psalms in relation to the historical writing of modernity and the Psalms in relation to the voices of marginality. Brueggemann attempts to enter Israel’s past as that past is experienced, voiced, and advocated in the Psalms both as liberating affirmation and as controlling censure. Contains notes, bibliography and indices. Walter Brueggemann is Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia.

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    • Christian Faith


      Preface To The Translation
      Introduction To The English Edition By Garrett E. Paul
      Foreword By Marta Troeltsch
      Prefatory Remarks By Gertrud Von Le Fort

      1.The Concept Of Glaubenslehre And The Task Of The Dogmatic System In Relation To The Principles Of The Philosophy Of Religion
      2.The Sources Of The System
      3.Revelation And Faith
      4.Faith And Knowledge, Theology And Philosophy
      5.The Christian Principle And The Organization Of Glaubenslehre

      6.Faith And History
      7.The Religious Significance Of The History Of Israelite Prophetism
      8.The Significance Of Jesus For Faith
      9.The Religious Significance Of The History Of Christianity As The Development Of Revelation
      10.The Doctrine Of The Trinity As The Link Between The Historical And The Religious Elements In Christianity

      PART TWO

      1. The Christian Concept Of God

      11.The Place Of The Concept Of God In The System
      12.God As Will And Essence
      13.The Holiness Of God
      14.God As Love

      2. The Christian Concept Of The World

      15.The Place Of The Concept Of The World In The System
      16.The Concept Of Creation
      17.The Divine World-Governance
      18.The Inner Life Of God, Or Miracle

      3. The Christian Concept Of The Soul

      19.The Place Of Anthropology In The System
      20.The Infinite Value Of The Soul
      21.The Image Of God
      22.Original Sin
      23.The Religious Vision Of History: The Struggle Between The Good And Evil Principles In The History Of The Human Race

      4. The Christian Concept Of Redemption

      24.The Place Of The Concept Of Redemption In The System
      25.Development And Redemption
      26.Redemption From Sin, Guilt, And Moral Impotence
      27.The Character Of Redemption As A Whole: Grace And Rebirth
      28.The Connection Between Redemption And The Historical Personality Of Jesus Christ, And The Accomplishment Of Redemption Through The Work Of The Holy Spirit

      5. The Christian Doctrine Of Religious Community (Fragment)

      29.Religious Community, Or The Kingdom Of God
      30.The Church
      31.The Word As The Means Of Grace
      32.The Sacraments And The Cultus
      33.The Task Of Missions

      6. The Consummation (Fragment)

      34.The Place Of Eschatology In The System
      35.The Essence Of The Consummation
      36.The Universality And Particularity Of Grace


      Additional Info
      The first English translation of Troeltsch’s Glaubenslehre. The first attempt to do systematic theology from a deep Christian commitment with full awareness of Christianity’s social and historical relativity.

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    • Reformed And Feminist


      Can one be a feminist and still remain true to the Reformer’s cry of “sola Scriptura” and Calvin’s Institutes? Part autobiography, part exposition, part theology, this title challenges the church to be more inclusive of women and find roles and functions to take advantage of their newly won equality.

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    • Jesus Christ In Modern Thought


      ‘An important and significant book, which provides a clear, critical and comprehensive analysis of the history of Christology and a balanced and compelling argument for one approach which should help make the classical creeds more intelligible and the idea of the incarnation more probable in a secular culture.

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    • God With Us A Print On Demand Title


      “God’s dynamic initiative” is the main theme of biblical testimony, says Christoph Barth. Here he expounds the message of the Old Testament in a manner that is faithful to the Old Testament itself – as an account of the mighty acts of God rather than a series of abstract doctrines.

      A theology of the Old Testament is not simply a study of God, however. Old Testament theology also encompasses teaching about the world and humanity, about life and death, about origin, nature, and destiny. And Old Testament theology must also take into account the New Testament, which confirms what is announced in Israel’s Scripture and thus is part of it.

      Barth elucidates the importance of the Old Testament for the New Testament and hence for Christians, surveys God’s redemptive acts as recorded in the confessional summaries of history in the Old and New Testaments, and offers contemporary applications of these biblical themes.

      Working his way through the Old Testament, Barth treats nine key topics, each of which deals with one of the divine acts that are the essential subject matter of Israel’s Scripture: creation, election of the patriarchs, exodus, wilderness wandering, Sinai revelation, gift of Canaan, election of David (kingship), election of Jerusalem and sending of prophets. He has divided each of the nine chapters into sections on one main aspect of the topic, considering theological, anthropological, soteriological, and eschatological points as well. Throughout his examination of each theme Barth pays special attention to its scriptural context.

      God With Us is an excellent textbook for introductory or survey courses in the Old Testament: each section begins with a thesis statement, summarizing its contents, and details are treated in small-print sections.

      Barth originally wrote his Old Testament theology in Indonesian and later rewrote the entire book in English; Geoffrey Bromiley has condensed the original four volumes in this edition.

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    • Buffalo Bill : Frontier Daredevil


      Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Wild West showman Buffalo Bill Cody.

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    • Pinches Of Salt


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664251598ISBN10: 0664251595Peggy Shriver | William CoffinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1991Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Behind The Masks


      A leading pastoral counselor describes in everyday language eight common personality disorders that result in destructive religious behavior. Dr. Oates discusses how the Christian faith can ”unmask” disorders so the real person can emerge. Recommended for pastoral counselors.

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    • Hungry For More Of Jesus (Reprinted)


      A passionate call to a deeper walk of daily communion with Jesus. It is for those who know Christ and are hungry to know him better . . . and for others who want to know him as they may never have.

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    • City Of God City Of Satan


      Why is the city a battleground of hostile principalities and powers? What is the mission of the church in the city? How can the church be supported in accomplishing that mission? These are the questions that Robert Linthicum treats in his comprehensive and probing biblical theology of the city. In the Bible the city is depicted both as a dwelling place of God and his people and as a center of power for Satan and his minions. The city is one primary stage on which the drama of salvation is played out. And that is no less the case at the end of this pivotal century as megacities become the focal point of most human activity and aspirations around the world. This is a timely theology of the city that weaves the theological images of the Bible and the social realities of the contemporary world into a revealing tapestry of truths about the urban experience. Its purpose is to define clearly the mission of the church in the midst of the urban realities and to support well the work of the church in the urban world.

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    • Conflict In Luke


      Intertwined with Luke’s story of Jesus are two other story lines – the story of the authorities, who come into conflict with Jesus over the crucial issue of whom God has chosen to rule Israel, and the story of the disciples, who are both loyal and uncomprehending. Kingsbury leads the reader into the dramatic narrative of Luke’s Gospel by tracing and interpreting all three stories. An introductory chapter provides orientation to basic features of literary analysis.

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    • Works Of John Wesley 20


      This is the third volume of Wesley’s Journal to appear in the critical edition from the period of The Works of John Wesley. Covering the period from late 1743 through 1754, it contains four “Extracts” from Wesley’s Journal (6-9) which documents in Wesley’s own words, an important period of expansion and organization in the Wesleyan revival.

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    • From Father To Son


      The family narratives in the book of Genesis are important in understanding the meaning of the book and are fundamental to the unfolding story of the birth of the Israelite nation. Devora Steinmetz sees kinship in ancient narratives as a symbolic structure representing the ability of the emerging culture to survive despite conflict that threatened society’s existence. The family narratives in Genesis reflect a culture’s capacity to survive as a united people.

      The Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation series explores current trends within the discipline of biblical interpretation by dealing with the literary qualities of the Bible: the play of its language, the coherence of its final form, and the relationships between text and readers. Biblical interpreters are being challenged to take responsibility for the theological, social, and ethical implications of their readings. This series encourages original readings that breach the confines of traditional biblical criticism.

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    • Guide To Prayer For Ministers And Other Servants


      A bestseller for nearly two decades! You’ll like the way this classic devotional and prayer book arranges material thematically for each week of the year. Stay grounded in the Lord through daily invocations, Scripture readings, reflections, prayers, hymns, benedictions, and psalms. Includes themes and schedules for 12 personal retreats.

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    • Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechisms (Revised)


      22 Chapters

      Additional Info
      THINK – how much Our Lord must have loved me to
      suffer those nails, those thorns, those bleeding wounds,
      such humiliations, such heartbreak. Think about this for
      at least a minute.
      New and modern format and design
      Explains Catholic doctrine with the aid of many exclusive features.
      Combines modern outlook and language with a solid time-tested exposition of the teaching of the Church.

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    • Continuing Voice Of Jesus


      Here, M. Eugene Boring traces the role that early Christian prophets played in the transmission of sayings of Jesus and in the way these sayings were taken up into the canonical Gospels. He also examines Jesus’ sayings to uncover the imprint that any might bear of having been handed on by early Christian prophets. Convincingly, he shows that early Christian prophets re-presented authentic sayings of Jesus, or modified Jesus’ sayings, or even uttered new sayings in the name of the exalted Jesus. Clearly written and closely reasoned, this book sheds light on a much neglected area of Gospel research.

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    • Conflict At Rome


      Utilizing archeological evidence and an analysis of two early Christian texts related to the church at Rome, James S. Jeffers offers a penetrating glimpse into the economic, social, and theological tensions of early Roman Christianity. Clement and the Shepherd of Hermas are shown to represent two decidedly conflicting conceptions of Christianity and hierarchy: Clement represents the social elite and a more structured approach to church organization, and Hermas displays a tendency toward sectarianism. Photographs and line drawings illustrate archeological evidence.

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    • Secret Communion With God


      Introduction By Sherwood Wirt
      Note To The Reader
      Discourse I. How To Begin Every Day With God
      Discourse II. How To Spend The Day With God
      Discourse III. How To CLose The Day With God P. 81

      Additional Info
      As Matthew Henry himself says,”Great is the mystery of serious godliness”; and it is the cultivation of godliness that makes up the burden of this book. The person who reads Matthew Henry without seeking to seriously examine his personal devotional life would be hard to find.
      As the reader persuses the pages of this classic look at what is involved in a daily walk with God, he will encounter such pity thoughts as these: “If ever we be good for anything, it is in the morning.”
      “The conclusion of every day should put us in mind of the conclusion of all our days.” “God is more willing to be prayed to, and more ready to hear prayer, than we are to pray.” “Those that touch the top of the golden scepter must be ready to tell what is their petition and what is their request.”
      “God understands the language of the heart.” “Let us lie down in peace with all men.” In the secret of Communion with God, Henry tells us how to: Begin the Day with God, Spend the Day with God, Close the Day with God.

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    • Exodus : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


      This new volume in the helpful Interpretation series competently steers preachers and teachers through theological and literary difficulties in the second book of Moses. Fretheim begins by reviewing issues of faith and history, drawing out ways in which the Hebrew story of redemption can be applied to modern Christian experience. In his commentary, he pays special attention to the significance of the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, the relationship between law and narrative, and the shaping of literature by liturgy.

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