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    Jeanne Guyon

    • Song Of The Bride


      The greatest love story ever written, the Song of Songs describes the emotional, unfolding story of the Bridegroom and His bride. Jeanne Guyon shows how the song of a young maiden, fervently in love with her suitor, becomes a powerful allegory of every believer’s relationship with Christ. You will be drawn to God’s heart as you read this book.

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    • Complete Madame Guyon


      Guyon’s theology and spiritual writing opened new doors to people from all walks of life who yearned for spiritual joy and wisdom. These new translations include her popular A Short and Easy Method of Prayer, as well as her biblical commentary on the Song of Songs, where poetic imagery comes to life with its refreshing sense of God’s desire to join with all humanity. Guyon always writes of the pure love of God, like a human kiss, that leads to the fulfilling union with the divine. The Complete Madame Guyon also presents examples of her passionate poetry, some of which has never before been translated into English. Guyon expresses the range of feelings involved with living in a relationship with God and her ideas about the real involvement of the divine within the human heart. Nancy James’s historical introduction explains the events of Guyon’s life first as an aristocratic wife and mother of five, and later as a widow traveling around Europe as an author, who ended up incarcerated in the Bastille by the direct order of Louis XIV. Guyon suffered ten years of incarceration, along with accusations of heresy. Cleared of all of charges at the end of her life, in all of her writing Madame Guyon testified to the goodness and holiness of God.

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    • Experiencing God Through Prayer


      1. Thirsting For God
      2. Scriptural Meditation
      3. Beginning The Journey
      4. The Reward Of Silence
      5. Surviving Dry Periods
      6. The Road To Perfection
      7. The Bitter And The Sweet
      8. Transforming Love
      9. Put Off The Old
      10. The Central Force
      11. Entering Into Effortless Prayer
      12. Remaining Quiet In God’s Presence
      13. Examine Yourself
      14. Distractions
      15. The Formal Prayer
      16. Sacrificial Praying
      17. How To Be Led By The Spirit
      18. Divine Dependence
      19. The Holy Spirit In Prayer
      20. Matters Of The Heart
      21. The Ultimate Goal
      22. Press On To Know God
      About The Author

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      In this upbeat, abridged edition of the classic, Jeanne Guyon explains the great difference between praying to God and experiencing God through prayer. She shares secrets of this higher plane of fellowship with God. In addition, she shows you how to enjoy God’s presence, grow in your knowledge of the Word, experience rest from worry, and gain wisdom and understanding. You will discover the joy of a quiet heart and mind, learn how to survive your “dry” periods of prayer, and become content where God has placed you.

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    • Genesis Commentary


      SKU (ISBN): 9780940232877ISBN10: 0940232871Jeanne GuyonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2002Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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    • Song Of Songs Commentary


      Here is the story of a young maiden fervently in love with her suitor. Guyon reveals this as the relationship of the believer to the Lord, and opens new vistas for understanding the Lord’s ways in bringing the believer to love Him.

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    • Final Steps In Christian Maturity


      The King of France ordered Jeanne Guyon to appear before Archbishop Bossuet for interrogation. This would be a fateful event for her, for the results of that interrogation would decided whether or not she would be imprisoned.

      Jeanne Guyon made the decision to present to Bossuet a clear statement – and defense – of her teachings. The result was a massive three-volume work entitled Justifications.

      This work was later printed in French, probably appearing in only one printing. Justifications has never appeared in English, and has been virtually forgotten. Final Steps In Christian Maturity is a careful selection of some of the very best material found in that original three-volume work.

      Here, then, is some of the finest literature ever penned on the deeper Christian life.

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    • Experiencing The Depths Of Jesus Christ (Reprinted)


      1. From The Shallows To The Depths
      2. Launching Out
      3. The Depths–Even For The Unlearned
      4. The Second Of Dryness
      6. Abandonment
      7. Abandonment And Suffering
      8. Abandonment And Revelation
      9. Abandonment And A Holy Life
      10. Living Indoors
      11. Toward The Center
      12. Continual Prayer
      13. Abundance
      14. Silence
      15. A New Look At Confession Of Sin
      16. The Scripture
      17. Prayer Requests?
      18. Distractions
      19. Temptation
      20. Consumed
      21. Silence-In The Depths
      22. The Constant State
      23. To Christian Workers
      24. The Ultimate Christian Attainment
      25. From Prison

      160 Pages

      Additional Info

      One of the most influential spiritual books ever penned, even secular historians acknowledge the great impact Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ has had in Christian history. Madame Guyon is generally credited, even by her enemies, as being one of best-known women in church history. Will Durant, in his 11-volume Story of Civilization, recounts the impact of Jeanne Guyon’s life and writings on French history.

      At one time this book was publicly burned in France, and yet it has also been received by seeking Christians as one of the most helpful and powerful Christian books ever written. Penned by one of Christianity’s most famous saints, Jeanne Guyon, it has played a major part in the lives of more famous Christians than perhaps any other Christian book. Here is the very first edition written in modern English.

      Watchman Nee saw that this book was translated into Chinese, and made available to every new convert of The Little Flock. Fenelon, Count Zinzendorf, John Wesley, the early Quakers, Jessie Penn-Lewis and Hudson Taylor all highly recommended it to the believers of their day.

      This book will introduce you to a whole new – and deeper – relationship to Jesus Christ.

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    • Spiritual Torrents


      120 Pages/17 Chapters

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      This book is a spiritual autobiography in which Jeanne Guyon likens her life to a torrent making its way out of the high mountains down into the canyons and chasms of life, passing through many experiences until finally coming to the spiritual experience of death. From there the torrent experiences resurrection and a life lived in concert with the will of God while still going through many stages of refinement. At last the torrent finds its way into the vast, unlimited sea. Even here the torrent does not totally come to be one with the vast ocean until it has once more passed through final dealings by the Lord.

      The reader will find this book to be the saga of one believer’s journey with Christ. It does not serve as a pattern for any other life, but simply allows the reader to see how Guyon viewed the Lord’s work in her life. Nevertheless, this is one of the greatest books ever written on the subject of the cross as it works in the life of the believer.

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    • Union With God


      SKU (ISBN): 9780940232051ISBN10: 0940232057Jeanne GuyonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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    • Intimacy With Christ


      Within the pages of this book you will find spiritual insight and Christian counseling from church history’s best-known woman. These letters contain her advice as shared with common people, famous people and clergy who sought her guidance.

      You will receive from her, help in such areas as discouragement, failure, self-conciousness, poor self-esteem, emotional ups and downs, sorrow, embarrassment, and persecution.

      She will counsel you concerning decision making, your search for God’s will in your life, and following Him and uncertainties.

      You will come away from this book with more understanding of accepting others, even your opposites and responding to Christians who are at odds with you. You will gain a new perspective on peoples’ faults, as well as the church’s short-comings.

      Guyon lights up the precious and powerful value of Christian fellowship. She offers advice and encouragement for Christian workers. Guyon will meet you where you are in your walk with Christ.

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